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S02.E03: Family Of Rogues

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I think it's odd that the writers seem to want to forget Barry/Iris ever happened. They have to keep some romantic tension there if they're going to get together eventually.


I just have the horrible Oliver/Laurel scenario stuck in the back of my mind where I can't help suspecting these people are actually going to throw out the comics canon couple the way they did on that show. But they wouldn't do that here, would they? It's not like there's a Felicity replacement ready to go instead, and WestAllen is an even bigger comics thing than GA/BC.


But it is strange how there's zero acknowledgment of that at all. I don't really see how it could come up again if they don't keep some underlying hints in there.

Agree on the classic superhero couple scene. I loved that scene. And Barry's very casual "what's going on? and could you be a little more careful in the future?" attitude toward her putting herself in danger. I said earlier that I loved this scene although it felt disconnected from the rest of the ep, but I'm wondering if the "Do you trust me?" part related to her scene with her dad when he told the truth. She trusts her dad, so she's willing to forgive him.


But, man, show, you had to put the Joe reveal in an episode where the role of worst father goes to the dad putting bombs in his daughter's neck to make Joe not look so bad. And have Jesse L. Martin cry. (Which, damn, this show has good criers.)

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Again, had the show been set in the police department with Iris as a reporter with sources, we might actually get to see her do stuff like this, or give her a plot where she's investigating something on a regular basis. I can't help but feel that the writers really aren't interested in her for some reason. Just the one scene and her important emotional one with Barry was cut? Really?

Re: reporters, yeah, there's probably less fighting for truth, justice and the American way as there might have been 75 years ago. But just as the science geniuses can basically whip up any device or cure-all within an hour, reporting gets romanticized too.


Here, Iris was reporting on some sort of housing scam that apparently was so deep rooted that there were two gunmen sent to take her out.


It's a long way from a season ago, when she was dipping her toe in journalism and was like, "I'll just make a quote up" when Simon Stagg blew her off.


It's seemingly a pretty unearned evolution, but I don't really care. I'd much rather have her as a top-notch reporter, and I would love to see the focus on her getting a a story as a B- or even an A- plot rather than just a cold open.

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It's seemingly a pretty unearned evolution, but I don't really care. I'd much rather have her as a top-notch reporter, and I would love to see the focus on her getting a a story as a B- or even an A- plot rather than just a cold open.

Yeah, I don't think this is going to happen while Patty's there. I knew the second I heard Barry was getting a new love interest that Iris was probably going to be marginalized, at least for now. I really think they don't know how to use her outside the love interest role (especially because she has no tech function), which means that while she's not even that, she gets sidelined. Sigh. Frankly, the sooner Patty's gone, the better, because I don't like her taking screentime from any of the regulars, but Iris struggles enough for time as it is.

When it comes to Catilyn, I too cringed a little when she begged Jay to stick around. Not that I think it's too soon because at this point I think she's done grieving and just wants to move on, but because it was written so badly etc. It came across as desperate for some reason instead of funny which is what I think they were going for.

As for Catliyn age and degree, perhaps they are mirroring the actresses real life schooling? Panabaker graduated HS at 14, so 4 yrs of college or less if she was a super genius and same with med school blazing through that.Still puts her around 26-28 years old. And Thawn/Wells only recruited the best. Now if only we got to see that on the show. I'm also curious what kind of med school she got because she seems either to be a med doctor or science doc.

Cisco + Golden Glider = the best couples chemistry I've seen yet on The Flash or Arrow.   Best to leave it at the flirtation stage though.   That's what makes it such fun.


I suspect Michael Ironsides will still be turning up as the nemesis of the week on sci-fi series 20 years from now.


I don't like Patty Spigot.    The character and the actress are both trying too hard.

Edited by millennium
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...As for Catliyn age and degree, perhaps they are mirroring the actresses real life schooling? Panabaker graduated HS at 14, so 4 yrs of college or less if she was a super genius and same with med school blazing through that.Still puts her around 26-28 years old. And Thawn/Wells only recruited the best. Now if only we got to see that on the show. I'm also curious what kind of med school she got because she seems either to be a med doctor or science doc.

It would still probably be on the very upper end of your range since I would doubt there is a way to accelerate the hands on residency portion which is at least three years and could be much longer depending on the specialty. Also, I think Caitlin is supposed to have an extra doctorate in another science field. (I could be wrong, but I thought I read that and it would make sense considering she doesn't just do medical stuff at Star Labs.) I'm more inclined to think that Caitlin is closer to thirty.

ETA: I just read an article about a genius prodigy that graduated high school at nine. Like Caitlin, he now has a PhD and an MD at the youngest age ever at U of Chicago and is on track to finish his residency at 26. Add at least three years (and that's assuming that she wasn't there for even a year before the particle explosion which seems unlikely) of working at Star Labs would put her at 29.

Edited by cynic


Caitlin, with her thirsty ass. It was embarrassing. I thought she'd try to sit on Jay's face at some time during the show. It's been only six months since losing Ronnie. Slow down.

I agree. She's like a cartoon character, eyes shooting out or hearts floating by her face. It's too much. I know it's been several months since Ronnie died, but damn girl!


I enjoyed this episode. I don't like Patty. I know it's ridiculous, but I hate how the writers had her repeating her name in the first episode. Patty. Patty Spivot. I think they were trying to hypnotize us.


This show will lose my business if they try to end the Barry/Iris love thing. I didn't even like it in the first season. But we had to sit through endless scenes of that crap. Instead of dropping it, they need to write it better!


I'm officially worried about Joe. There is no lie that is too big for this man to tell. It really makes me wonder about his police work. Do any of us really feel confident about his testimony in court?


Jay's barber is on point. I was indifferent to him until this episode. That actor needs to demand that haircut for every role. He was 72% hotter this episode.

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Well, we've at long last found someone Barry has hot chemistry with: Captain Cold! Meanwhile, Cisco and Lisa were loads of chemistry-laden fun. I don't necessarily need to see them as a couple, because it would only end in tears, but the flirting needs to continue. Every good superhero needs a sexy villain/villainess to flirt with; Flash has Cold (until the spin off, that is), and Cisco has Golden Glider.


Chemistry is a funny thing; it turns up in the damnedest places.


Speaking of chemistry, or the lack thereof, Barry and Patty are coming off as so ridiculously forced, it's not even funny. You can't manufacturing this kind of thing; it has to flow naturally from the actors themselves. Look at Peyton List and Carlos Valdes. On paper, they don't seem  like they'd work together: she's a bombshell, and while he's certainly cute, he's not a leading  man hunk. Yet, put them together and all kinds of sparks happen. Put GG and SVS together and you get two actors awkwardly playing out meet cute scenes (over and over again). Stop trying to make Batty happen.


The guy playing Jay is not a very good actor.

Edited by Lokiberry
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I think the Barry/Patty stuff HAS to be forced, precisely because the actors don't have chemistry. The sooner it moves along, the sooner they can end it, hopefully.


The stalling romances on Arrow never lasted too long- Oliver/Sara were about eight episodes total, Ray/Felicity were a grand total of five, believe it or not. They seem to be getting B/P together really quickly compared to those other two (which didn't even start until the second half of the seasons), so I can only hope that means it will end faster too.


If this thing really goes on ALL season, like Iris/Eddie did...I mean, c'mon, that can't happen, right? My guess is they're screwed up by 2x15 (which would still mean that relationship would inexplicably last longer than O/S or R/F).

Since there isn't a thread for guest stars, and because I'm playing catch up, I just have to state how tweenishly I was excited when I saw Michael Ironside! IF this show ever brings in Darkseid (yeah, yeah, he's a Supes villain, but I don't see that stopping Arrow or this show from bringing in non-Flash villains, so there's still hope!) I want him to do the voice, because he did it so deliciously in Superman: TAS, JLU.


And then another squee, because Petyon List (Lisa) played his daughter on Smallville too! She was Lucy Lane, younger sister of Lois, and Ironside was General Sam Lane.

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Hi, I loved this episode. I liked seeing a more human side of Snart. His worry for his sister's safety, and his remorse when he thought Barry was dead. I loved the way the had Daddy Snart "Michael Iornside" blowing that one guys head off. Which is funny Michael Iornside was in a move called Scaners where he did just that in the very first seen hes in . 

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