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S04.E02: The Candidate

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Laurel...oh Laurel, Laurel, Laurel...


Your sister is at peace. PEACE DAMMIT!!! She has been to hell and back several times over, and you think it's a great idea to dig up her rotting corpse and magic her back to life?!?!? Where you know that she will be fucking crazy?!?!?

What the fuck Laurel? WHAT. THE. FUCK?

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LOL I knew you guys would be brutal on Laurel, but I am giving her a total pass because I think she does legitimately care about Thea and in the hands of better writers even resurrecting Sara could have been about Thea (helping her do something about that she was mind raped to kill Sara to begin with). But since the writers are a wee bit lazy and are using their creative juices to give me LOTS of other things I like - I will give them a pass on resurrecting Sara the quickest and easiest way possible.  Besides, it's not like Thea couldn't say "no" if she wanted to - she could kill Laurel if she wanted to lol. 


I just think this whole thing could have been written better. In the end I suppose it doesn't matter because Sara's coming back and that's all people will remember really - oh look, we should thank Laurel for bringing back Sara let's praise her! But it came across as very selfish, IMO. And like you said, I can't see this being something Thea would feel she could say no to, which crosses the line into manipulation in a way. Like, Laurel basically said they were going to a spa and had already decided before even giving Thea an option.


I just think this could have been handled better. That's all I'm saying about it.

Edited by Guest
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God Bless Stephen Amell doing his own stunts. That leap over the railing after saving Danforth was something.


Felicity was awesome as always. I'm glad she was the one that pushed for code names. I also really enjoyed Curtis. He has great friend chemistry with Felicity.


I go into to every episode open to the idea of liking Laurel, but I honestly cannot with her after this episode. After seeing the full effects of the Lazarus Pits on Thea, she decides that it makes sense to put her sister, who has been dead and at peace for a YEAR, through the same. I get that Laurel would want Sara back more than anything, but to try and bring her back knowing that she would become a potential murdering rage monster is ridiculous. Why would you ever want that for her? Loving someone means you want the best for them, even at your own expense. And to top it all off, they actually show Laurel digging up Sara's grave and her mummified corpse. That's when I started to laugh.

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Laurel. She wasn't written as awfully as everyone else thinks she was in my opinion. I actually got everything she thought and all her actions. I'd want to bring my sister back as well. I get it. Plus the writers had to come up with a reason as to why Sara comes back. This works.


I have to disagree. It works only if she didn't have proof positive right in front of her that the Pit leaves people not right. And if she'd actually tried to have a conversation with Thea about how she was feeling instead of using that convo as a door opener to ask about the Pit. 


I guess maybe we're supposed to think that she doesn't think Thea's that bad and is willing for Sara to be a little off in order to be alive, but...nah, they should've come up with a better reason than "just because." 


God, I really wish they'd just had Rip Hunter do it for some plot reason. Bleh. 

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Also, we should talk about Felicity's face when Oliver said he was gonna run for Mayor. Bae wasn't that happy. She's probably worried he'll die. Again.

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First, I would like to thank the Blue Jays for wrapping up the game in time for me to catch the start of Arrow. Even with a 7th inning that was 53 minutes long.


I really liked this episode.  I liked how what Quentin and Jessica said inspired to make Oliver run for mayor because now it makes sense, he needs to do something in the light to inspire people and I prefer that to coming clean about who the Green Arrow is.


I liked Felicity as a CEO. She didn't want to fire people and so she jumped without a net. Very Team Arrow.


Willa did a good job of crazy/not crazy.  I can believe her when she says that she's going to be okay and then she's not.


Oh, Diggle. I still love you but you are going to be so screwed if you don't come clean.


I even get Quentin's conflict although he's being stupid too by not telling Laurel and Oliver that DD threatened to go after her.


I'm looking forward to next week, and I didn't think I would say that.


I think the Curtis/Felicity scenes could be really good. Like Ray but without the terrible need for UST hanging over them.  Good for you, writers, for clearly establishing that not only is Curtis gay, he's married.

And i love how people dig up graves with shovels and produce perfectly straight sides and right angles.... And dig out way more dirt than they need to...and WTH did i just watch

I think there must be a service you can call.  Laurel and Thea didn't even get dirty.

Edited by statsgirl
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And i love how people dig up graves with shovels and produce perfectly straight sides and right angles.... And dig out way more dirt than they need to...and WTH did i just watch??


Look, that's the one thing I enjoyed about that scene. If you're gonna dig up a grave, by god, be super neat about it!

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On the plus side, all of Team Arrow has their own storyline this season.  And the flashbacks totaled about three minutes of screen time.  And the fern!  



Sugar Mama Felicity and Happy Boyfriend Oliver are adorable, but take some getting used to.  I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not watching a pod person.


I could buy Laurel wanting to resurrect Sara if she hadn't watched Thea slowly lose her mind for six months.  I can hand wave Oliver, because he really didn't know what he was getting into when he resurrected Thea.  A vague "She will be different" warning is a far cry from actually watching Thea set someone on fire.  Having seen firsthand just how much the Lazarus Pit changes a person, Laurel is downright sociopathic.  No one that truly "loves" her sister would knowingly do to Sara what Oliver did to Thea. 




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Oh FUCK RIGHT OFF LAUREL. I am so done with her.  But at least I know she's actually batcrap crazy like I always thought she was.


No Laurel, you keep Thea out of your shit, you jerk.


Of course, all I could think was "Thea, SALT AND BURN THE BONES!!! "

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I just need next week's episode to start with Laurel and Thea carrying Mummy!Sara through customs.

But will they actually fly there or just go via the wormhole express between Nanda Parbat and Starling like everyone did last year?

Edited by lemotomato
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Now that I've calmed down a bit (thank you SPN for bringing the funny in a dark episode).

The Thea stuff was really good, her cray cray, anger issues and the broken girl sitting on the couch were all very well done. I also enjoyed the Thea/Oliver scenes.

DD is an excellent villain.

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But will they actually fly there or just go via the wormhole express between Nanda Parbat and Starling like everyone did last year?


Nanda Parbat Express. For all your Lazarus Pit needs.

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No but outside my disgust for the Laurel storyline, I liked this episode. It wasn't the best and it was more set-up than anything else, establishing arcs and stuff, but I wasn't bored at all. 


Jeri Ryan's character made me miss Moira though. :(

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But hey, I love that behind the "do something in the light" aww shucks motivation for Oliver to want to run for Mayor, there's also the fact that it's a high risk to be assassinated position, and that's like, Wednesday for Oliver. Well done on layering narrative hooks, show.

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I have to disagree. It works only if she didn't have proof positive right in front of her that the Pit leaves people not right. And if she'd actually tried to have a conversation with Thea about how she was feeling instead of using that convo as a door opener to ask about the Pit.

I guess maybe we're supposed to think that she doesn't think Thea's that bad and is willing for Sara to be a little off in order to be alive, but...nah, they should've come up with a better reason than "just because."

God, I really wish they'd just had Rip Hunter do it for some plot reason. Bleh.

Totally okay to disagree. :)

I'm just moving into a place of acceptance. Laurel is here. Fine. I've never outright hated her, so I imagine it's easier for me. I wish she had actually talked to Thea. But I didn't see it as her probing her.

To me it looked like she was just realizing that she could save Sara whIle listening to Thea. But she still should have asked Thea if she was okay with what she was planning.

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I have to disagree. It works only if she didn't have proof positive right in front of her that the Pit leaves people not right. And if she'd actually tried to have a conversation with Thea about how she was feeling instead of using that convo as a door opener to ask about the Pit. 

Seriously, there are at least three much, much more sensible ways to LP her: Rip Hunter, Damien Darhk, and Malcolm Merlyn.  Rip Hunter has legit good guy reasons to do it, and DD and MM have excellent bad guy reasons.  Laurel, on the other hand, has shit good guy reasons and shit bad guy reasons.  Laurel is the actual worst of the four obvious ways to bring her back.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I think we are supposed to think that Laurel doesn't think that Thea is all that bad- I mean Sara was already an assassin anyway, so who cares? It's not like anyone is telling her that Sara will be worse than Thea because she's been dead longer (I think that is a comic book thing - and yea ok, I've seen the previews for LoA and I have to say Sara probably goes and meditates with Katana in the mountains for awhile and is fine). 


And I don't think they are making Thea crazy enough for Laurel to see the downside - I mean come on, Dark Oliver did way worse than Thea and he wasn't ever dipped in a pit.


Laurel gets a total pass for me and we're getting Sara back so yea!  I mean no offense, but I honestly think you guys are predisposed to be pissed about this.  Yes, it could have been done better but whatever - it could have been worse too.

Edited by nksarmi
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I'm glad that they really slowed down the episode apart from the beginning of the episode. Thea's storyline is definitely the most interesting and the part I enjoyed the most. I'm both happy and surprised that they are moving it on so quickly.


I liked getting more personal scenes between Laurel/Diggle and Laurel/Thea. Though I hate that we are already back to secrets! Especially with Laurel. Of course it won't be kept  a secret for long but still. I'm glad that they acknowledged her not knowing what happened with Thea last season but I just hate that they have Laurel doing this after she has seen Thea go all crazy on Oliver and not really consult with Thea though I am surprised that she is down for it as well. The scene of them at Saras grave was eerie which was good and it was a good scene but I would've much rather Laurel open the box and Sara not be in there.


Damien should've been the one to force Sara back to life to use against Quentin but of course the writers have to force Laurel do this. Of course it is a good question of "would you bring back a loved one if you had the chance to" but  I can't really get that behind it since there are a thousand ways to do it better.


Felicitys storyline was ok but I found it weird that she was able to waltz in there after never being there and just take over. I wish they would have her see that there aren't always happy endings and ways around everything but I can already tell that they most likely won't be going that route.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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"Ma'am, what is in that suitcase?" 


"Just...some really strong cheese. I'm on my way home from France." 


Customs: But Ma'am, you're departing from America

Laurel: *Sweats nervously*

Felicitys storyline was ok but I found it weird that she was able to waltz in there after never being there and just take over. I wish they would have her see that there aren't always happy endings and ways around everything but I can already tell that they most likely won't be going that route.


But Felicity is CEO... It's hers to take over?

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Well, I talk about this on the Laurel thread but she's my favorite character and I was...not happy with tonight. They could have written that A LOT better, but now I have to accept this as Laurel's characterization.


Do I buy it? Eh, I guess? I wanted more self-doubt, I wanted her to actually talk to Thea about it instead of just going full steam ahead. I buy that she genuinely loves Thea and wants to help her and Thea totally could have said no at any time. I buy that she kept it from Oliver because its really not Oliver's business. I hate that she didn't even broach the topic with her dad. 


Just a tiny moment of being like "Well, let's measure what I'm gaining against what I'm losing. Let's measure what Sara would have wanted. Having my sister back possibly crazy or leaving her dead?" WAS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? Apparently it was. Maybe next week. Ergh. The writing for Laurel is so sloppy sometimes, but I never blame things on the writing when it comes to a character, or I try not to. They are as who they are presented to me on the show.

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In Laurel's defense, she did say that the people who know how to fix Thea are in Nanda Parbat.  How much of her desire to go there is for Thea's sake and how much about Sara and herself, I guess we'll find out.


On the other hand, she was there when Ra's tried to kill them all and I presume she knows that Malcolm is running the League now (I hope Thea told her at least that much) so maybe seeing their advice isn't the best idea.


Yeah, I think it was about 6am because Thea said that they were having them over for breakfast at 9am and she only had time for a shower.

Also Felicity was dressed for her "it's my first day as CEO" day.


Also, the next board meeting is in SIX MONTHS. DAMN YOU, SHOW.

I noticed that, just in time for....


On the other hand, could this board be any more incompetent?  They excuse the company failing as "everyone is", they haven't a clue how to fix it other than fire lower paid people, and then they ignore everything for the next six months.


I did love Felicity assuming that Curtis had a brilliant idea that would get them out of the hole and assuming right.


Felicitys storyline was ok but I found it weird that she was able to waltz in there after never being there and just take over.

Well she had been working at the company for the last six years, the last year as a VP, which is probably a damn sight more than any of the board members had.

Edited by statsgirl
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I think we are supposed to think that Laurel doesn't think that Thea is all that bad- I mean Sara was already an assassin anyway, so who cares? It's not like anyone is telling her that Sara will be worse than Thea because she's been dead longer (I think that is a comic book thing - and yea ok, I've seen the previews for LoA and I have to say Sara probably goes and meditates with Katana in the mountains for awhile and is fine).

And I don't think they are making Thea crazy enough for Laurel to see the downside - I mean come on, Dark Oliver did way worse than Thea and he wasn't ever dipped in a pit.

Laurel gets a total pass for me and we're getting Sara back so yea! I mean no offense, but I honestly think you guys are predisposed to be pissed about this. Yes, it could have been done better but whatever - it could have been worse too.

Thea set someone on fire. Literally set a dude on fire. AND ENJOYED IT. Laurel saw her attack Oliver too. I refuse to let it slide with "she doesn't really know". Sorry, I can't

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Customs: But Ma'am, you're departing from America

Laurel: *Sweats nervously*


But Felicity is CEO... It's hers to take over?

She may be CEO but to not be there running the company for 6 months, it shouldn't be easy for her to just waltz in and try to run everything, especially so easily apart from firing people. I wanted to see more push back.

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In Laurel's defense, she did say that the people who know how to fix Thea are in Nanda Parbat.  How much of her desire to go there is for Thea's sake and how much about Sara and herself, I guess we'll find out.


I wish we didn't have to guess. I would've preferred if they'd had Laurel take Thea to NP and then had her get the idea about Sara. The way they wrote the interaction between them, IMO, made it seem like Laurel's "concern" about Thea was only because she wanted more information about the LP. I also would've preferred to see the conversation between her and Thea, because Thea did technically kill Sara, and she's not really in a position to tell Laurel no because of that. 

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LOL I knew you guys would be brutal on Laurel, but I am giving her a total pass because I think she does legitimately care about Thea and in the hands of better writers even resurrecting Sara could have been about Thea (helping her do something about that she was mind raped to kill Sara to begin with). But since the writers are a wee bit lazy and are using their creative juices to give me LOTS of other things I like - I will give them a pass on resurrecting Sara the quickest and easiest way possible.  Besides, it's not like Thea couldn't say "no" if she wanted to - she could kill Laurel if she wanted to lol. 

Sorry, I might have given a pass to Laurel if going to NP was about fixing Thea. But its not, you could see the wheels turning in LL's head the minute she found out about what the pit can do. It's really a bizarre angle they chose for LL, they are destroying her character to bring back SL. It was nothing but absolute insanity to bring SL back from the beyond dead dead with a pit. Thea is just her cover and free ride to NP.


The writers I do not believe are being lazy, I think they are intentionally bringing LL's character to the crazy side. We as a collective group here on this forum came up with so many other ways they could bring SL back from the dead, some where really creative, some were basic - but all were way better than this if you wanted to preserve the integrity of the characters. There are a million other easier ways to bring SL back from the dead. They didn't have to use LL and they didn't have to make her seem very selfish and not quite sane to do it.

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She may be CEO but to not be there running the company for 6 months, it shouldn't be easy for her to just waltz in and try to run everything, especially so easily apart from firing people. I wanted to see more push back.

She needed to assert her dominance because the board didn't believe in her as a figure of authority. What was she supposed to do? Walk in meekly? That wouldn't be the Felicity I know... *shrugs*

Edited by wonderwall
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Ugh, Laurel. I can't believe they actually went there.


My dad and brother who were neutral to her pretty much want her dead now. I really don't understand what the writers are doing with this character.

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This was an interesting episode. I am enjoying this season more already than last season.


Felicity as boss works. Also she brings up a good point about her and Diggle needing codenames.


See this is why you don't tell Laurel things. Yes I like Sara and all but this is a bad idea.


As bad as it was with Laurel digging up Sara, I think I am more bothered by Diggle just telling Laurel about HIVE after all this time not telling Oliver or Felicity. Interesting that Laurel says that they don't keep secrets when that is all they do.

Edited by ybrik
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In Laurel's defense, she did say that the people who know how to fix Thea are in Nanda Parbat.  How much of her desire to go there is for Thea's sake and how much about Sara and herself, I guess we'll find out.


On the other hand, she was there when Ra's tried to kill them all and I presume she knows that Malcolm is running the League now (I hope Thea told her at least that much) so maybe seeing their advice isn't the best idea.


I think Laurel totally cares about Thea and wants to make her better and is trying to use it as a double whammy. She thinks Malcolm will know how to "cure" Thea and because of that thinking, she is thinking she will be able to bring back Sara and since they will be in Nanda Parbat that they will also be able to make Sara better easier.

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I liked Laurel in the scene with Diggle- and I thought to myself, she was only slightly less blank stare than usual, aaaand than she went and gone more cray-er cray-er (craier?) than someone who has just been resurrected via the pit. Words can not describe it.


I need a little while to work on not throwing up my dinner, so i'll be back later.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I think we are supposed to think that Laurel doesn't think that Thea is all that bad- I mean Sara was already an assassin anyway, so who cares? It's not like anyone is telling her that Sara will be worse than Thea because she's been dead longer (I think that is a comic book thing - and yea ok, I've seen the previews for LoA and I have to say Sara probably goes and meditates with Katana in the mountains for awhile and is fine). 


And I don't think they are making Thea crazy enough for Laurel to see the downside - I mean come on, Dark Oliver did way worse than Thea and he wasn't ever dipped in a pit.


Laurel gets a total pass for me and we're getting Sara back so yea!  I mean no offense, but I honestly think you guys are predisposed to be pissed about this.  Yes, it could have been done better but whatever - it could have been worse too.


Here's the thing that bugs me: it doesn't look like Laurel's even thinking about the consequences of bringing her sister back after a year of being dead. Actually, more than a year! I think it's half to do with the writing here. She may see Thea and think she's not that bad. Her and Diggle thought like this ever since Thea started acting strange. Whenever Thea started displaying side effects, both of them dismissed Oliver's worries as nothing, but guess what? He just proved to them that his concerns were legitimate. Thea recognized, after almost killing her brother, that there's something wrong with her. She was barely dead when she was LP'd. She was brought back on the brink of death, and it's starting to affect her.


Now, it seems Laurel hasn't thought about what it would do to Sara after being dead for so long. She knows absolutely nothing about LP. She knows it brought Thea back and it's getting to Thea's head. She doesn't know what's wrong with her, but she seems to be on survival mode, or fight mode, or on a mode to kill. The fact that Laurel hasn't stopped to think about it is ridiculous. I get her wanting her sister back. I get that now there's a chance she can come back, and why not take it? 


Now, I do think Laurel cares about Thea. She has taken her in and because I rewatched season 1 and saw their scenes, I know she does have concern for Thea to an extent. However, I will have to see if Laurel goes through with it right away, even after listening to Malcolm in Nanda Parbat. All I can hope is that she wants to know that there's a chance and she wouldn't take it if the consequences are too great. Most of us should know how this turns out, but I know withholding some judgement is in order until next episode. But it doesn't mean the move still isn't dumb and the episode did paint Laurel in a stupid and reckless light.


So, if we can get a scene of Laurel/Thea on the plane next episode, with Laurel explaining that she realizes the chances are slim, but she has to know that it's possible and she wants to take the risk if it is, then I'll be a little less frustrated. But I have a strong feeling there will either be no scene, or it's ended up cut for timing purposes. 

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Thea set someone on fire. Literally set a dude on fire. AND ENJOYED IT. Laurel saw her attack Oliver too. I refuse to let it slide with "she doesn't really know". Sorry, I can't

Ok Laurel didn't see her set someone on fire - she was gone when that happened.  And Thea attacking Oliver?  Who hasn't wanted to do that on this show at some point or another?  Oliver used to put arrows in people as an interrogation tactic and per Amanda Waller what he did to the army guy took cruel and unusual to a new level (and this is a woman who specializes in cruel and unusual).  Like I said, they aren't making Thea crazy ENOUGH if they want me to believe Laurel is making a mistake.

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As bad as it was with Laurel digging up Sara, I think I am more bothered by Diggle just telling Laurel about HIVE after all this time not telling Oliver or Felicity. Interesting that Laurel says that they don't keep secrets when that is all they do.

I took at is "This (new) team doesn't keep secrets" but of course that was already kind of sort of thrown out of the window.

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I think we are supposed to think that Laurel doesn't think that Thea is all that bad- I mean Sara was already an assassin anyway, so who cares? It's not like anyone is telling her that Sara will be worse than Thea because she's been dead longer (I think that is a comic book thing - and yea ok, I've seen the previews for LoA and I have to say Sara probably goes and meditates with Katana in the mountains for awhile and is fine). 

She saw her try to murder her brother.  And if she hasn't noticed something wrong with Thea in five months, when Oliver isn't even living with her and noticed it in five minutes, it just shows how incredibly self-involved Laurel is.

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I liked that more than last week's episode which, although I loved the Oliver/Felicity stuff, kind of fell flat for me. The storyline worked better for me and I really liked how the events in the episode led to Oliver deciding to run for mayor. That was a nice moment and understanding why Oliver was choosing to help the city was, I thought, lacking in last week's episode.

Felicity taking charge at Palmer was cool to see and I'm looking forward to seeing her work more with Curtis.

The Oliver and Thea stuff really resonated. I actually thought they were not going to go further than Thea just kind of being a super brat, but when she set Anarky on fire my jaw dropped. I like that it went that far though, it makes the consequences of being in the LP more real. It sort of makes the possibility of Sara's resurrection scarier, if that makes sense?

And I really cannot believe they had LL dig up Sara's corpse. How are they going to transport a dead, dried up body to NP? Is LP madness contagious?

Quentin can take a seat. I've gone from being fine with him dying at the end of last week to genuinely hoping it's him after this episode.

ETA- I thought the action scenes were a lot better this time. Especially liked Oliver chasing Anarky after Danforth's speech. I've been missing those kinds of sequences.

Edited by GirlvsTV
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Like I said, they aren't making Thea crazy ENOUGH if they want me to believe Laurel is making a mistake.


I know this is Arrow and crazy shit happens, but the minute she put that shovel in the ground to DIG UP SARA'S BODY should've given her a moment of pause to think, "the fuck am I doing?" 

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