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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't even get into the nitty gritty of the writing because there's just no way Bobbie would not have been there, helping her out. They could have at least mentioned them bonding on #offscreengh.


Absolutely Bobbie would have been doing anything and everything she could have to help Val. 


Lucas too would have made an effort, given how we've seen him be receptive to his new relatives on the Jerome side. 


And Carly....HAHAHA, never mind.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

Maybe it's more along the lines of, she didn't roll into town intending to sleep with Dante but she latched onto him pretty damn quick. She's the one who told him that Lulu was lying to him


To be fair to her, he prodded her into telling him. But again, it's difficult to tell what was going on there cause she did it in her "oh well something was . . . nevermind" style. It went something like this.


Dante: So did you clear the air with Lulu?

Valerie: (uneasy) Yup.

Dante: Was something wrong.

Valerie: Oh I'm sure it was nothing.

Dante: What was it?

Valerie: (nervous) You should ask her.

Dante: what was iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

Valerie: Rosalie has a secret! Also your wife has one too.

  • Love 4

Seriously, the only cousin Val has is LuLu, right? I totally forgot that Lucas is related (sort of) and, that Bobbi was a part of the whole storyline that introduced Valerie. RC has serious problems with continuity in his writing. I don't know if it's because of budget issues, story preference (Sonny et al) or who he hates at the moment (Alexis & Julian) or who bores him (Brad & Lucas) but he really drags the show down with the lack of beginning, middle & end of a story. No wonder Geary isn't that thrilled with him.

  • Love 5

Bonding Valerie more closely to Bobbie, Lucas and Brad would've been an excellent way to embed her into the canvas organically, with those characters all having a similar outsider cast to them, either now or at one point in their lives. You could've even put 'em up in that Puzzle Pieces brownstone set! But RC does not have time to play any of those characters substantively.

  • Love 8

Seriously, the only cousin Val has is LuLu, right? I totally forgot that Lucas is related (sort of) and, that Bobbi was a part of the whole storyline that introduced Valerie. RC has serious problems with continuity in his writing. I don't know if it's because of budget issues, story preference (Sonny et al) or who he hates at the moment (Alexis & Julian) or who bores him (Brad & Lucas) but he really drags the show down with the lack of beginning, middle & end of a story. No wonder Geary isn't that thrilled with him.


no, Carly and Lucas are her first cousins as well. Carly biologically, Lucas adoptive. And so Bobbie's her aunt and Michael and Morgan and Joss (and Rocco and Lucky's kids) are her first cousins once removed. I look forward to the wacky episode where Morgan asks her to make out with him to distract him from wanting Denise so he doesn't hurt Kiki.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Of course Dante was the only person who was nice to Valerie. They were setting them up to fuck. Lol. It was Day 2 and Valerie was telling Lulu how amazing and hot her husband is.


Exactly! If they were remotely interested in establishing Valerie as an actual character they would have had her bonding with various other Spencers. They would have had more than one person express sympathy for the death of her mother. The fact that they made it Dante doesn't equal 'oh, he's the only one who cared, of course she would respond to that' it's more 'she's going to be the one he cheats with so he's going to be the only one who's nice to her.'

  • Love 6

Exactly! If they were remotely interested in establishing Valerie as an actual character they would have had her bonding with various other Spencers. They would have had more than one person express sympathy for the death of her mother. The fact that they made it Dante doesn't equal 'oh, he's the only one who cared, of course she would respond to that' it's more 'she's going to be the one he cheats with so he's going to be the only one who's nice to her.'


I'm not denying that the writers' intentions for minute one were to pair up Dante and Val for some cheatin'.  But I still don't see her as having been actively scheming to seduce Dante away from Lulu, not like your Carlys or your Stacy Morascos.

  • Love 2

Seriously, the only cousin Val has is LuLu, right? 

No, her cousins are Lulu and Lucky, and Carly and Lucas (yes he's adopted, but he's always been Bobbie's son). Bobbie hasn't bonded with Val on-screen because she's supposed to lean on/fall for Dante instead. But Bobbie never made an appearance for the Jake-Josslyn lame redux of the BJ-Maxie transplant story even though she's Lucky's aunt and has great history working with JJ, Becky, and Geary. Speaking of, I'm disappointed JJ didn't get a scene with Jackie Z for TG's retirement.  

  • Love 2

To be fair to her, he prodded her into telling him. But again, it's difficult to tell what was going on there cause she did it in her "oh well something was . . . nevermind" style. It went something like this.


Dante: So did you clear the air with Lulu?

Valerie: (uneasy) Yup.

Dante: Was something wrong.

Valerie: Oh I'm sure it was nothing.

Dante: What was it?

Valerie: (nervous) You should ask her.

Dante: what was iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

Valerie: Rosalie has a secret! Also your wife has one too.


I'm having a hard time following.  Your dialogue needs more stage direction. Also, is Dante shirtless? I think that should always be specified at the beginning of any script excerpt.

I look forward to the wacky episode where Morgan asks her to make out with him to distract him from wanting Denise so he doesn't hurt Kiki.


Oddly enough, I do follow this.  It's so something Ron would do.

  • Love 4

Relatedly, has Morgan ever mentioned to anybody about kissing Olivia that time?  I'd love if he just blurted it out at the most random, inopportune time.


No and it drives me crazy! That would be classic.


I'm having a hard time following.  Your dialogue needs more stage direction. Also, is Dante shirtless? I think that should always be specified at the beginning of any script excerpt.


I apologize. Here, I've re-written it


VALERIE walks into the room. She takes a step forward, a step back, a step to the left and to the right. She sees DANTE, who has pants and a shirt on. Socks, and shoes.


Dante: So did you clear the air with Lulu? (DANTE sniffs, shuffles through his papers)

Valerie: (uneasy) Yup. (She closes her eyes, opens them)

Dante: Was something wrong. (Crosses his arms and shoves his hands under his armpits like Mary Catherine Gallagher from that SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE skit)*

Valerie: Oh I'm sure it was nothing.

Dante: What was it?


SILAS comes in, walks behind them, leaves. DANTE and VALERIE resume their conversation. VALERIE is even more nervous.


Valerie: (super nervous) You should ask her.

Dante: (throws his hands up) what was iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

Valerie: Rosalie has a secret! Also your wife has one too.


DANTE sighs and shakes his head. VALERIE shuffles. Cut scene.


*He really does this! It makes me want to cry.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 12

Exactly! If they were remotely interested in establishing Valerie as an actual character they would have had her bonding with various other Spencers. They would have had more than one person express sympathy for the death of her mother. The fact that they made it Dante doesn't equal 'oh, he's the only one who cared, of course she would respond to that' it's more 'she's going to be the one he cheats with so he's going to be the only one who's nice to her.'

Pretty much. And the fact is, Valerie started falling for Dante way before they slept together and then took advantage of the fact that "Lulu cheated" and Dante was drunk and slept with him. The character is a homewrecker and Dante is a douchecanon.

  • Love 1

No and it drives me crazy! That would be classic.



I apologize. Here, I've re-written it


VALERIE walks into the room. She takes a step forward, a step back, a step to the left and to the right. She sees DANTE, who has pants and a shirt on. Socks, and shoes.


Dante: So did you clear the air with Lulu? (DANTE sniffs, shuffles through his papers)

Valerie: (uneasy) Yup. (She closes her eyes, opens them)

Dante: Was something wrong. (Crosses his arms and shoves his hands under his armpits like Mary Catherine Gallagher from that SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SKIT)*

Valerie: Oh I'm sure it was nothing.

Dante: What was it?


SILAS comes in, walks behind them, leaves. DANTE and VALERIE resume their conversation. VALERIE is even more nervous.


Valerie: (super nervous) You should ask her.

Dante: (throws his hands up) what was iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

Valerie: Rosalie has a secret! Also your wife has one too.


DANTE sighs and shakes his head. VALERIE shuffles. Cut scene.


*He really does this! It makes me want to cry.

It's like my birthday and Christmas rolled into one! I love you forever for this! But especially for this:


Dante: Was something wrong. (Crosses his arms and shoves his hands under his armpits like Mary Catherine Gallagher from that SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SKIT)*


I think I've totally seen him do that on other occasions.

  • Love 4

I still think any inquiry about the kidney Joss got will end with Carly making a medical discovery that makes her realize Avery is really Morgan's.


I remain convinced that Carly already knows this, and is the one who messed with the DNA test. She needed that baby to be Sonny's so she could use her to work her way back into Sonny's life after he shut her out in some lame effort to get Michael to forgive her. 

  • Love 6
I'm disappointed JJ didn't get a scene with Jackie Z for TG's retirement.

Will she get a scene with TG before he goes?


I still think any inquiry about the kidney Joss got will end with Carly making a medical discovery that makes her realize Avery is really Morgan's.

I remain convinced that Carly already knows this, and is the one who messed with the DNA test. She needed that baby to be Sonny's so she could use her to work her way back into Sonny's life after he shut her out in some lame effort to get Michael to forgive her.


I think Carly already knows, too. But I think Avery will be the one who gets sick, not Joss. There've been a few anvils about that. I think Joss will be a scare only.

Exactly. It made sense. The problem is the Dante link is literally the only thing they did with her.



Frankly he's the only thing she's done so far.


She is not a real character to me, she's a stand-in where purpose is supposed to go.


They stuck her between Lulu and Dante because "reasons!". Why have a young couple with a child face marital issues without one of them opening their legs? And who better to take to bed than some newly-found family member with nothing better to do when she isn't sobbing into her Eggs' Benedict about her Mummy's passing and how she oh so misses the trips they took on an Alpaca crossing the Himalayas.


Imho, Val is just another character jotted down on quite a list that Ron has manufactured without any clarity about who they are or are meant to be, or why we should give two shinny shimmy shakes about them and wait around long enough for them to develop sort of personality or soul before this show finally manages to eat itself alive.

  • Love 4

Lulu was kinda making it sound like she never would have had to answer for lying to Dante if Valerie hadn't gotten involved.  First off, didn't Lesley call while she was gone, blowing up her spot anyone?  And two, her not trusting Dante was so dumb and I still would have wanted him to call her out on that.


Bless Tracy for pointing out that Luke really can't expect to be totes cured from a decades-long struggle with DID...I mean, a psychotic break...after like two months.


Why won't the writers let Alexis actually speak to Nikolas instead of talking about his newfound evilness with Sam and Julian?


What was the point of Maxie and Nathan today?


Shut up, Sonny.

  • Love 6

The Val-Lulu stuff...wow Val. She really resents Lulu. This somewhat reminds me of SJB's Carly wanting Jason and acting like Robin doesn't deserve him. Although, LOL at Dante's boss point-blank telling him she knows she and Valerie had sex + Dante's reactionary face. It's also Carly-like behavior to be confronted about kissing another woman's husband and be all "my life is so hard" blah blah. 


Tues. July 21 is a truly grand Jane Elliot day. Wow. Wonderful acting, no screaming/rage. Bravo. Oddly, TG looks like he's aging as they speak. I will admit their tears and "I'll love you forever" to each other got to me. Obviously real tears that they will miss working together.


Nathan, no one else being like Maxie is a good thing. It's sad that you don't get you deserve better. But who cares about anything else when you can have a sexfest in her apartment,right.


Shut up Sonny re: Julian and Alexis, esp. considering you are a pathetic excuse for a Mobster and quite possibly the least manly man on this show. It's nice to see Sam with her mother, instead of being all about Jason/Jake or fawning about Patrick...even if I don't really care what they're discussing. I'd rather see her take on Nikolas face-to-face.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3

I  would have liked to see a friendship blossom between Valerie and Michael. They could have bonded because they both lost parents.



In Ron's hands he probably would have tried something "edgy" with them considering that they're second cousins and he could do a whole "kissing cousins" nonsense storyline.


So Sam was given the role of the day as the character who suddenly brings up "issues" randomly with a family member/friend/acquaintance for "reasons!".


The last time she really shared scenes with Julian she was curled up beside him on his couch calling him "Dad", and yet now being chatty twith Alexis she's "suspicious" of whether he's dipping his toes back into the mob cesspool. I just can't.


Why couldn't she have played loving and nosy big sister going to see Lucas and inquiring into how things are going with he and Brad? If she is going to get stuck with mostly pointless nonsense can it at least involve one of her family members who barely appears onscreen once every three months.


I want all traces of the "mob" gone from this show some way, somehow. And any and all involved can be dropped off a short pier into a vat of acid.


Jane was nearly in tears from the start, it's a wonder she held it together so well. Despite how much Ron really wrecked and ruined their characters' relationship beyond repair, imho, Tony and Jane really did have a close and sweet connection and it was oozing out of their scenes today, so I can say that I did enjoy them.


But really, this all better be the build up between he and Jackie getting the very best farewell at the end because that should really be a whole episode all its own. Nothing but them and flashbacks over the years, that's a clip show I would be fully behind wholeheartedly.

  • Love 3

I have real problems with Jordan, of all people, lecturing anyone on inappropriate relationships in the workplace.  But, if she must, perhaps she might ought to also consider the inappropriateness of assigning Dante to investigate Sonny.


Dante, you, better than most, know that people can be injured in Sonny's house.


So, Luke's gonna trickle off into the sunset to reconcile his darkness, that's how they're gonna write him off?  That's kind of anti-climactic, but I do agree with Tracy's points regarding their relationship.  Luke does tend to swallow his partners whole and make it all about him.  And, no, in spite of what his quack doctors may have said, after a few short weeks of therapy, Luke cannot possibly be himself again, ready to take on life again like nothing happened.  I like the way they left this relationship.  I just wish we could get some Luke and Laura feelz before he leaves, and, no, that stupid adventure they went on doesn't cut it.


Tracy has been dressed very well the last couple days.  I hope they keep that up.  And JE killed it in those scenes, but she always does.  I just wish I could like the character.

  • Love 1

Luke and Tracy scenes were by far the best of the show, although, really, if Luke really wanted to win Tracy over maybe starting to yell at her as soon as she said she didn't want to get married wasn't the best idea.


Their final scene was touching but it was intermingled with annoyance that Luke and Laura had such a non-last scene together. Maybe I'm wrong and they'll have another scene together but I doubt it.


did not pay attention to Lulu/Valerie. They both looked catty, and then Valerie looked earnest, from what I could tell. Also still pretty!


Jordan: Valerie doesn't confide easily.


Is Jordan supposed to be an idiot or am I supposed to take that as fact? Valerie said first that she and Dante had become more than friends! That's what made Jordan inquire in the first place. And am I supposed to feel overly bad for this chick? She slept with a married dude! Yes, he totally led her on, but even then, that makes her even stupider, because then you can tell he's a giant skeeveball. I feel bad that she's so dumb, apparently.


Why is Maxie dying her hair such a light blonde? It doesn't look good, imo. And what is up with the bizarre love scenes lately? First Morgan humps the mattress, then we get the camera spinning around Nathan and Maxie's heads for 2 seconds, then a shot of their legs for another 2 seconds, and then back and forth in the space of about 15 seconds total and it all made me feel dizzy.


That said, credit where credit is due, Paevey/Nathan managed some cute flirtiness in the last scene. I still think he should be recurring, but I'll give him credit for that.


Do you think MB wants to stick a spork in his eye every time Sonny says "then who hijacked my shipment?" 


Wow, Sam's dress. Holy trashy looking, batman.

  • Love 2

Maxie and Nathan (and others) are a prime example of what's wrong with RC's writing for couples. He slaps them together without us ever seeing the journey of how they came to "love" one another, and then when they are together, they disappear for weeks (Brad/Lucas). When they come back onscreen they have nonstop, boring ass sex with generic pornoesque dialogue (Samtrick/Julexis). After that, they spend the rest of their time on-screen talking about OTHER couples instead of us, the audience, getting to know them as a couple and growing to care about them. There are no sexy adventure stories anymore, no date nights, no real conflict from within the characters themselves that advances their stories and journeys as people. Every thing is about a damn threesome from some rando third party interloper we don't give a shit about because they were just introduced five seconds ago (Lante/Valerie).

  • Love 9

I think Maxie and Nathan had a long road to getting together, actually. And they have had some date nights, some talks, etc. I just think 90% of it was either boring or dumb as fuck (Peter Harrell/Levi!), and everything since (Maxie's flighty reunion with Spinelli, their endless sex) has been unbearable. In order to prop up yet another pairing of Maxie + Dumb Sweet Hunk, which Guza and Frons tried and failed with many times in the 2000s, you'd need Patrick Mulcahey to still be writing for this show.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

did not pay attention to Lulu/Valerie. They both looked catty, and then Valerie looked earnest, from what I could tell. Also still pretty!

Why is Maxie dying her hair such a light blonde? It doesn't look good, imo.

Wow, Sam's dress. Holy trashy looking, batman.

Lulu has every right to be catty. Valerie does not.

KSt tweeted one day that she wanted to dye her hair and Ron replied that he would write it in. True story.

Sam dressing like a teen has annoyed me for ages. She's a nearly 40 yo woman.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Lulu has every right to be catty. Valerie does not.

KSt tweeted one day that she wanted to dye her hair and Ron replied that he would write it in. True story.

Sam dressing like a teen has annoyed me for ages. She's a nearly 40 yo woman.


Usually I forgive Sam's wardrobe because at the very least it's practical and I could understand someone just slipping on a tank top and some jeans. But today's dress that looked like it was slipping off and she would have to hold it up? No, I don't get that.

  • Love 2

Maxie and Nathan (and others) are a prime example of what's wrong with RC's writing for couples. He slaps them together without us ever seeing the journey of how they came to "love" one another, and then when they are together, they disappear for weeks (Brad/Lucas). When they come back onscreen they have nonstop, boring ass sex with generic pornoesque dialogue (Samtrick/Julexis). After that, they spend the rest of their time on-screen talking about OTHER couples instead of us, the audience, getting to know them as a couple and growing to care about them. There are no sexy adventure stories anymore, no date nights, no real conflict from within the characters themselves that advances their stories and journeys as people. Every thing is about a damn threesome from some rando third party interloper we don't give a shit about because they were just introduced five seconds ago (Lante/Valerie).

They were handcuffed together! For an entire night!


If being handcuffed together doesn't = great love, then we all just might as well give up on the world!

  • Love 3

Usually I forgive Sam's wardrobe because at the very least it's practical and I could understand someone just slipping on a tank top and some jeans. But today's dress that looked like it was slipping off and she would have to hold it up? No, I don't get that.

It looks like they are trying too hard to make her young and hip and hot and, weirdly, it makes her look even older to me.

Edited by HeatLifer

I mean, I find it difficult to root for her marginal ass after the year's waste of time with her and Shawn. Now she's bragging that she'll be the one to "take Sonny Corinthos down" - who gives a fuck? Who is invested in Jordan over Anna or anyone else? How many times has Scott vowed to do this and failed miserably?


We literally just did this story with Anna and Jordan, for over a year. Now I'm supposed to be more invested because it's Jordan and Scott, a budget-conscious retread of the exact same story that went nowhere, starring a woman who can't buy a consistent personality and a guy who was long ago reduced to Foghorn Leghorn?


You want to interest me? Have someone assassinate Jordan mid-press conference about her crime initiative. Blame falls on Sonny and Julian. Who did it? More bodies start droppin'. Go for it. 

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

Kelly Monaco standard wardrobe is a wife beater (black or white) and black tight leggings/jeggings/jeans. Granted, I doubt she has a say but I think the wardrobe department thinks that's Sam's look. I'm not really sure what she wore on Port Charles but I doubt she was wearing white dresses with flowers. LOL!!!! I do agree she's getting a little long in the tooth with the look. She's got a nice skinny body for her age but she ain't 20 anymore, either.

  • Love 2

Lulu was kinda making it sound like she never would have had to answer for lying to Dante if Valerie hadn't gotten involved.  First off, didn't Lesley call while she was gone, blowing up her spot anyone?  And two, her not trusting Dante was so dumb and I still would have wanted him to call her out on that.


I went back and read a recap and it seems like they were both like "you lied you lied you lied!" and "you tattled you tattled you tattled!" Related!


Also I'm on Lulu's side in this but please, she made Valerie feel welcome for about two seconds. 


And Dante is just standing off to the side like a giant asshole letting them heave all the blame on each other.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
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