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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The story was that Olivia didn't want Jake at the MetroCourt because he will scare the guests and that's why needs to work for Julian.  According to the story, Olivia doesn't want him living or working at the MetroCourt.  So he is living with Carly and going to work for Julian.


Oh, yes, I do understand the Olivia cover story, but that's not the real reason he's not staying there.  I just wondered what lame excuse they came up with for that so we could have...


I honestly think this contrivance was created so that Jason was left alone in Carly's house when Sonny decided to visit her, It was all to build up to the moment when Sonny and Jason see each other for the first time since Jason was presumed dead.


And, as an extension, cause jealously in Sonny with Jake living there.  Nothing like plot contrivance to liven up an ep!

  • Love 2
Too bad they couldn't have had her stare at his crotch and ask  "did you just get out of a cold shower?"

She did have a comment about something being small, and later, when Sloane asked her how the search went and dangled his bits at her, she said it was "disappointing."


Michael isn't just keeping her from Sonny he is cutting her off from all her other family.

Only for the time being. I think if Lauren hadn't been so combative, she could have had more access to Avery. And if Morgan would stop being such a stubborn douche, he might get to see his daughter before that news becomes official. The Corinthos/Jerome sides of Avery's family aren't exactly making it easy for themselves.

  • Love 6
I freely admit that Michael sticking it to Sonny is certainly part of his custody battle for Avery.  But, I don't think he's been shown to say "now that I have you, I'm outta here.  Later."  He didn't get home and hand her to the staff at the Quartermaines.  He has been working from home, in his words "to be there while she gets acclimated".  That's hardly uncaring or heartless.  As for hiring a nanny, that was always going to happen unless he was going to quit his job.  And don't kid yourself that Sonny wouldn't have handed her over to a nanny.  We used to joke that Mercedes and Leticia spent more time with Michael and Morgan than Sonny and Carly.  I also don't think its a case of Michael being whitewashed because of his opinion about Sabrina.  As far as giving Sabrina the benefit of the doubt about whether or not she would harm Avery, if you lined up all of the characters in Port Charles (with the exception of those that think Sonny should have custody), none of them would think she is a danger.  If you asked those same characters if being around Sonny was potentially dangerous to Avery, they would all say, "Sonny loves his kids."


I agree with all of this.  Michael showed that he was willing to immediately change his life to accommodate little Avery.  He said he would be working from home for a while until Avery got settled when he could have just as easily passed her off to Alice or hired a nanny immediately.  Michael also said that HE wanted to be the one feeding and taking care of Avery and not a nanny right away.  That tells me that Michael's priority IS about Avery.  Sure it hurts Sonny, which is an extra bonus, but he genuinely loves his sister and wants what is best for her.  Sonny just wants his property back, and as soon as Avery is back in his home, he will pass her off to the nannies, and get right back to running the mob.  Heck, he's plotting the murder of a cop WHILE he's appealing the loss of Avery due to the fact that he's too dangerous. 


Or that his beloved Emma Drake is too?  Everyone he knows is a "townie".  It's such a ridiculous put down.


I've never had a problem with Spencer's put down because he is a rich, entitled, spoiled child.  I'm not saying that it's right, but it's certainly plausible that he would think of people that way, and let's face it, Spencer doesn't like Cameron, and so he's going to find ways to be rude.  Also, Helena DOES look down her nose at those she considers beneath her and the Cassadine blood line.  She still hates Laura and Lulu and Courtney.  I know Victor felt that way about those beneath the Cassadine blood line (perhaps not Laura and the others specifically), and so Spencer has been exposed to that snobbery.


Michael giving Avery the nickname AJ is extremely unsettling to me. Does he not think that maybe she wouldn't want to be named after the man her degenerate parents destroyed? That maybe it might be a bit humiliating to be constantly reminded of how she was conceived? One day she will learn the circumstances surrounding her birth and will probably be disgusted that he gave her that name as a way to hurt her father. Yuck.

Michael isn't changing Avery's name.  Her name is still Avery Jerome, but her nickname is AJ.  I don't like the nickname but only because I always picture the real AJ when Michael says the name and not the cute little baby girl he is holding.  Also, I don't see Michael or anyone else ever telling Avery how she was conceived.  Why would he?  I think Michael would tell Avery why he fought for her custody, and he will tell her that her parents are murderers.  He won't lie to her about that fact because it's something she can verify, but the way she was conceived is only known to a handful of people.  Michael would never hurt her that way, imo.


Or when she's eventually raised by her dad, Morgan, she'll be happy Uncle Micheal gave her a name Daddy can spell. Avery was too hard. Or hell, maybe Morgan will change it to Waffles.

LOL, you guys are so mean - but true.  Does Morgan have a job?  That's the debate with some posters on another site.  I know that Lulu offered him a job at the Haunted Starr, but Michael didn't want him to be the bartender at the clinic fundraiser.  Morgan left in a huff.  We have never seen Morgan actually leave for work, mention work, and he seems to have plenty of time to hang out with Kiki.  He's also still living with Carly, and so my instincts tell me he is still unemployed, but I could be wrong.


Despite what Michael sees as danger Avery may see all she missed by being kept from her family's love.


I don't see Michael denying Avery access to her blood family.  He's not going to do to her what was done to him.  However, he will let that happen only when she is old enough to make her own decisions.  Michael is a lot like Jason.  Jason always told Michael the truth and let Michael make his own decisions when he was old enough.  I see Michael raising Avery the same way.  We all know that Michael won't have Avery long term, but if he did, I could see Michael keeping Avery away from her family for a while until she was able to fully understand, and then he would tell her the truth if she asked.  After that, he would allow supervised visits if that is what she wanted.  I don't see Avery being overjoyed having Ava and Sonny as parents, especially when she finds out what they did, their lack of remorse, and the fact that neither one every changed their lives (which I doubt they would by the time Avery was a teenager).

Edited by Bishop
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Add to that he knows Luke is loose and could come anytime and cause who knows what disaster at the Q house and doesn't seem concerned or add any kind of guard or anything.


Well, they do have a security team at the Q manse.  We've seen them before when Ned had them escort Julian off the property several months back.  Perhaps Michael should beef up security in light of Luke's escape, and maybe Ron C. will tell us he has on Twitter.  Regardless, they'll only be allowed to be as effective as any other law enforcement or security force on this show, i.e. the PCPD or Shadybrooke's guards, which is to say not at all, because this is the show where the bad guys are the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys.  In other words, Bizarro World.

Edited by Fellaway
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I feel like I remember a dig about 'small' or something though. But maybe I was making up my own dialogue to get through those scenes.






This is too good.



Anna said something about hanging chads when Sloane dropped his towel and then said something about them being small.


Michael said to Sobby that he remembered overhearing conversations in Sonny's house about taking people out.

Too bad they couldn't have had her stare at his crotch and ask  "did you just get out of a cold shower?" Not sure daytime censors would have let that get by but flinching made me think that Anna is a teenage girl rather than a grown up WSB agent.



Oh I loved the look of disgust Anna flashed when apprising Sloan's junque as he wiggled himself and talked about a "hanging chad", and she said something about "they really are quite small, aren't they".  I thought that was an indirect put-down of his size. Then a few minutes later when she was patrolling his hall she was darting looks at his backside like it was a guilty pleasure.


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I think they were trying to go for "sexual tension" (and it's certainly what poor Grayson McCouch was trying for) but apparently the writers did not know what Grayson McCouch's bare naked legs actually looked like.




Seriously! was it just me or were they kinda bowlegged?


I've never had a problem with Spencer's put down because he is a rich, entitled, spoiled child.  I'm not saying that it's right, but it's certainly plausible that he would think of people that way, and let's face it, Spencer doesn't like Cameron, and so he's going to find ways to be rude.  Also, Helena DOES look down her nose at those she considers beneath her and the Cassadine blood line.  She still hates Laura and Lulu and Courtney.  I know Victor felt that way about those beneath the Cassadine blood line (perhaps not Laura and the others specifically), and so Spencer has been exposed to that snobbery.


But he's never meant Helena or Victor before last year. I guess the kids at whatever school he went to in Europe could have exposed him to some of this stuff, but it wouldn't be a snobbery that was so . . . new money.

don't bring up Vincent Izzary....too painful! .... if the Prospect Park lawsuit would just get settled, he could join the show as Dr. Hayward and he Anna could get together (was it Anna or her twin sister that Dr. Hayward hooked up with? I'm forgetting my AMC history). Because Dr. Hayward seems like just the kind of person that Dr. O would hire (for many reasons including the whole "raise from the dead" thing he had going towards the end of the show).


I think the whole character of Sloane was just ill conceived (like Kiki, Franco, Rosalie and a few others) and I don't think he brings much to the canvas. I don't think it matters who plays him, it's just not a role that makes sense (why would a WSB agent not understand why Anna would lock up Faison? Doesn't make a lick of sense).


I heard the hanging chad comment and was fixating on how tired that reference was (didn't all the hanging chad jokes wear out in late 2000?) so I missed Anna's comment about it being small, but I still think it's a pretty lame and convoluted way to work a small penis reference in.


BTW no one's talking about the shirtless Dante and Nathan scene in the locker room. I thought that it was a great series of scenes although all I could fixate on was how plump Nathan's chest was and how sexy Dante looked with that chain hanging around his neck. Apparently I am Ron's target demo for these types of scenes. :)

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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If this isn't enough it also bothers me that Tracy is all buddies with him now like another mother figure when he stole running ELQ from her. Edward would be really disappointed in her just letting go of running the company like that.


I guess in the end his smugness in thinking just having her at the Q house with him will keep her safe and not actually being proactive in trying to keep her safe makes me wish something would happen to her and I don't like wishing harm on a baby. <grrrrrrr>



Edward would have applauded Tracy instead of being really disappointed, he felt that Michael was the future of ELQ.  IAnyone who had watched the show back then knows that.


If you perceive Michael as smug then how can you miss both Carly and Sonny's vast smugness and not call them out on it?

Children are rarely rational about their parents. Just like if AJ had never come back Michael would continue to be fine with Sonny and Morgan is fine with him. Even when our parents do bad things they are still our parents. Children in foster care due to abuse would still rather be with their parents 9 times out of 10. Heap onto that teenagers live to buck their caregivers. I think if anything like how Michael feels now towards Sonny may be how Avery will feel towards Michael one day if he keeps her from her whole family her whole life. Michael isn't just keeping her from Sonny he is cutting her off from all her other family. In a very smug and condesending way. Plus to teenagers the grass is always greener on the otherside. Despite what Michael sees as danger Avery my see all she missed by being kept from her family's love. It isn't all guns and murder....there are also board games and pizza sometimes;)



Michael was an abused child, tho that abuse was emotional.  Keep in mind that Michael’s real formative years essentially didn’t exist, since he was shot in the head and went into a coma when he was about 10, emerging a year later having aged to 17 with anger issues. While he was still Sonny’s redheaded stepchild, and a true juvenile horror show, all he ever knew about AJ – whom everyone believed had died when Michael was about 8 or 9 – was what Sonny, Carly, and Jason told him, which was all negative. The Qs did fight for him after Carly divorced AJ and Sonny forced AJ to relinquish his parental rights so that the adoption could go through, but at the time Sonny was still living in Fortress Penthouse and never let anyone named Quartermaine through the door, with the exception of Emily, and that really was because she was always such a Jason cheerleader that she’d side with him about anything against the rest of the family.   Jason did go to the Quartermaine mansion on occasion to see Lila, and he eventually softened towards Monica, but he was the first one to refuse any of them (except Emily) access to Michael on any but the rarest of occasions. Michael spent half his early years on Sonny’s island with his nanny Letecia (who by the way was murdered because she was mistaken for Carly) so that Sonny, Carly, and Jason could make sure there was no way any Quartermaine could get access to him, and that included several occasions that were in direct violation of a court order. When Sonny shot Carly in the head, he sat Michael down at the hospital and cried that it was all a terrible accident, basically convinced Michael that it wasn’t his fault, and because Michael had by then essentially been brainwashed into believing that Sonny was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  It didn’t hurt any that Lorenzo Alcazar was also involved in the incident, since Michael hated him and his relationship with Carly, to the point that when Michael found out that his mother was involved with the enemy he dragged Carly’s suitcase down the stairs, threw it at her, and told her to get out of Sonny’s penthouse because he heard Sonny tell her the same damn thing many times.  Emotional child abuse.

Once Michael was retrieved from the kidnapping, Sonny, Carly, and Jason again trashed AJ to the point where Michael smothered him in his hospital bed – and I know that was later retconned to say that Michael’s psychiatrist did it, but the fact remains that the kid was so screwed up by that point that the damage was already done.  Although later on Jason regretted taking Michael from AJ and keeping him from AJ and his family.

The difference between Michael now and Michael then is the difference between looking at a person/situation with the eyes of a child and the eyes of a much more jaded adult. Also Michael is like someone who was in a cult or Stockholm sSyndrome and once he found out that Sonny killed AJ and that the ones he loved covered it up it was like an intervention had occurred and he woke up from his la la land and saw the true Sonny, Carly, and Kiki and a lesser extent Morgan. Even after he came out of his coma, Michael was willing to repeatedly give Sonny the benefit of the doubt and do as he was told, even when something in him was saying that it was the wrong thing to do (i.e., covering up Claudia’s death instead of telling the truth like Sonny and Carly wanted then Michael paid the ultimate price for Sonny and Carly's lies). It wasn’t until AJ came back into his life and essentially filled in a few of the blanks with some of the truths that Sonny, Carly, and Jason kept from him,( and when confronted by Michael Carly had to admit to those truths)  that he started to think for himself and realize that while AJ was a deeply flawed person, so are Sonny and Carly – and AJ at least had the guts to admit his many mistakes and own up to them, while Sonny can’t do anything except try and point the finger at someone else.  If Kiki and Morgan didn't go on rants continuously they would already be spending time with Avery.  If they would SFTU the situation would be very different. Michael isn't Sonny, he doesn't believe Avery is his possession. 


There were NEVER any scenes nor mention of playing board games in the Corinthos household EVER.


  • Love 24

BTW no one's talking about the shirtless Dante and Nathan scene in the locker room. I thought that it was a great series of scenes although all I could fixate on was how plump Nathan's chest was and how sexy Dante looked with that chain hanging around his neck. Apparently I am Ron's target demo for these types of scenes. :)


Oh, no we were talking about it. :) Go back a couple of pages and I was gushing at how nice Dante looked. And of course Nathan looked good too.  


I think the whole character of Sloane was just ill conceived (like Kiki, Franco, Rosalie and a few others) and I don't think he brings much to the canvas. I don't think it matters who plays him, it's just not a role that makes sense (why would a WSB agent not understand why Anna would lock up Faison? Doesn't make a lick of sense).


I agree. He's corrupt but he genuinely wants to bring the Jeromes down. He thinks Anna was wrong for locking up Faison but he wants to team up with her. Hopefully they can see/they saw that Finola and Grayson have no chemistry and will just wrap this up. I suppose they can try again with another recast but at this point it just may be a lost cause though. 


Because Dr. Hayward seems like just the kind of person that Dr. O would hire (for many reasons including the whole "raise from the dead" thing he had going towards the end of the show).


Speaking of Dr O, I am wondering if they are seriously just going to leave her as benign chief of staff who only periodically appears. I guess that's better than having her not chief of staff and having her appear fairly often like she used to, but the thought of her as long term chief of staff really bugs.


I have a feeling this long absence though is just them saving up her appearances for the Nurses Ball. bleh. Gotta love that the woman who helped torture Robin is now a main feature of the Nurses Ball.


I was searching for an old post, and I came across an old post of mine where I was responding to this post


I agree.  I know that pretty soon Sonny will skip on all the bad shit he did and Morgan will forgive him and they'll be swell with each other (see:  "What's a bullit to the chest between father and son?")

My reply:


Morgan will probably throw it a lot in Sonny's face though, since he is way pettier than Dante is (not that Sonny sleeping with his girlfriend is a petty complaint).


Whoo, boy, was I wrong. So wrong it's embarrassing. The way Morgan is acting right now, Avery was conceived by immaculate conception.

Edited by ulkis
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Poor old McCooch was really trying hard to make some sparks with Finola. I loved how Anna was utterly unimpressed. And I would give a lot to see her kick one of the smug douches of Port Charles in the face. Hell, I'll settle for it being Dante or Nathan cause they didn't bring her her coffee fast enough. I just want to see Anna do a high kick!


Also Anna needs to take her own advice about Sloane getting a permanent residence.

Sloane definitely had a creeper vibe going. 


I laughed at the permanent residence crack.  Anna and Scotty live separately in the Metro-Court.  Jordan lives in a flea bag motel.  Duke might be living in Sonny's garden shed (where is he now?).  Where does Rosalie live?  Where does Olivia live?  Where does Carlos live?  The Brownstone is available.  As is Michael's old apartment.


Does anyone really care??


What the hell is Julian doing with his hair?

I care about Rosalie.  Not about her dumb dropped secret.  Or her Helena connection (how does that work now that Helena is exiled?).  But she has a little sass and some chemistry with Michael.  Better than Sabrina.


And I do not like Julian's fluffy 'do at all!  It's chia pet like.  He's much hotter with shorter hair.



I don't think all these things will necessarily ask the audience to root for Michael to completely raise Avery, but will swing to a reveal that Morgan is the child, and that neither of these two men should have Avery.

Well, that's true.  How old is Morgan supposed to be?  Is he drink legal?

  • Love 2

Speaking of Dr O, I am wondering if they are seriously just going to leave her as benign chief of staff who only periodically appears. I guess that's better than having her not chief of staff and having her appear fairly often like she used to, but the thought of her as long term chief of staff really bugs.


I have a feeling this long absence though is just them saving up her appearances for the Nurses Ball. bleh. Gotta love that the woman who helped torture Robin is now a main feature of the Nurses Ball.


I guess there's still the question of Nathan's paternity to be answered.  Me, I'm still sad Helena and Dr. O never got together for brunch.

  • Love 1
I don't think all these things will necessarily ask the audience to root for Michael to completely raise Avery, but will swing to a reveal that Morgan is the child, and that neither of these two men should have Avery.


Alright ya jokesters, I edited my post.  You know what I meant! :p


Well, that's true.  How old is Morgan supposed to be?  Is he drink legal?


He was 19 when he came on, and his birthday is in October, so he should be 21 now.

  • Love 4

Sloane definitely had a creeper vibe going. 


I get deeply uncomfortable skeevy-Trivago-guy vibes from watching him (particularly yesterday when he was all up in Anna's personal space, eew).  He was trying really hard to be sexy, but...  no.  Plus his acting is just plain bad.  I don't see what the point of the recast was.

  • Love 4

I guess there's still the question of Nathan's paternity to be answered.


shhhhh. Don't bring that up. Poor Nathan will be so sad not to be related to Spencer anymore. He's crazy about him!

I get deeply uncomfortable skeevy-Trivago-guy vibes from watching him (particularly yesterday when he was all up in Anna's personal space, eew).  He was trying really hard to be sexy, but...  no.  Plus his acting is just plain bad.  I don't see what the point of the recast was.


I think they thought he was going to be good. I thought he was going to be good so I am sadly disappointed. I mean, I at least thought he wouldn't be this bad and that he wouldn't look this freaking bad. I mean can you imagine if Levi with long hair was still around? The combo hair badness would be overwhelming. 


Maybe Silas can leave and this can be Easton's third role lol. At least we know he and Finola have a bit of chemistry.


(Oh, and of course there was also a recast because GH needs 60 characters, silly!)

Edited by ulkis
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I don't think all these things will necessarily ask the audience to root for Michael to completely raise Avery, but will swing to a reveal that Morgan is the child, and that neither of these two men should have Avery.




Alright ya jokesters, I edited my post.  You know what I meant! :p

I know, Ulkis, but no matter what I still love your original post.  Somewhere here, from a smarter poster than I, is some fabulous snark about Morgan that would include that old saying, The Child Is Father to the Man.  

Which in his case would involve the stomping of feet and being burped - something I think was part of his and Kiki's lovemaking back in the day....

  • Love 2

Regarding ages: Michael Quartermaine was born in 97, went to prison in 2010, shown drinking around 2012, made executive in ELQ in 2012-ongoing. I'll guess he was 18 at the time of Pentonville and will be 23 or 24 on his birthday this December and the 21 on the name change form was a fuck up. Morgan was born in 2003 (fun fact, Cameron was born a year after and should be 11. Morgan should be 12.) Since Morgan was seen actually drinking at Floating Rib, failed wedding, and with Ava, I'll say he was 19 SORAS'D to 19, but then to 21 when put with Ava. So Micheal is either 22-23 going on 23-24 and Morgan is 21, Kiki is 22, as they always said in the beginning she was older than Morgan. One further, I'll guess Dante at like 28-29 just because Ron wants him in his twenties.

I think I remember talk about Michael being 18 when he went to jail; Sonny and Carly and Jason were (fake?) distraught that he was going to "adult jail."  But his age has been shift since he was SORAS'd.  Morgan's pos-SORAS age has always been super ambiguous at times it even seemed like he was older than Michael.  I think most soap characters' ages are undefined and ambiguous (and I don't mind it), but they've really made a mess of Morgan's age.  And of Morgan in general.  


I don't really care that Spencer and Molly were born within a few months of each other (is that right?) and now are several years apart in age, because the show never brings up their ages relative to each other.  They still know each other and are cousins, but no stories depend on their relationship to each other.  Unlike Michael and Morgan, where (to me) the ambiguous ages matter.  If Michael is 20, it's a different story (to me) than if Michael is 24 or older; same if Morgan is 19 or 21 or 23; we just don't know!!!  I'm willing to hand wave some of it, I guess, but somehow the ambiguous ages work better with SORAS'd kids or with people we know are over 25.  The teen-to-25 age group is the only time I even think about ages on a soap.  


Just for fun, wasn't Michael around 11 when Morgan was born?  That would be a fun story to watch - teenage brother struggling between young adult brother and parents who have put them both through hell but whose attention he still craves?  So much better than what they've been doing with Morgan, who now might be 19, but also might be 35. 


/This post brought to you by what is probably too much wine.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 5


The difference between Michael now and Michael then is the difference between looking at a person/situation with the eyes of a child and the eyes of a much more jaded adult.


LINSAV - Thanks for the Michael Quartermaine recap.  How anyone could have watched 'General Hospital' during the 'Sonny' years is beyond me.  Many thanks to viewers like you who were able to bear watching a soap opera that glorified sleazy characters like the violent thug Sonny Corinthos and his chief enabler Carly (and old Jason), I am grateful that at least RC/FV have diminished their preeminence on this show - albeit a tad too slowly.  Loading up on better actors for the mob (Julian or Ava vs. Sabrina or the new Port Charles Police Chief) and bringing back Jason and Spinelli - while leaving the hospital as a place where main characters of PC come for either gun shot treatment or cancer treatment makes my optimism somewhat muted.  I won't even type out that the return of Dr. Steven Lars and Dr. Matt have not even been mentioned. 

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Well, I agree that Sonny/Carly/Jason prominence had been diminished- while Ron gave preference to the OLTL3. Sonny and Jason were barely around during the poisoned water story, neither were the big hero-- which was great. And, of course, Jason was positively jerk-like during Sam's pregnancy story and *gasp* she was even attracted to McBain while still married to Jason. (all serious departures from the Guza-led days)


But the PP lawsuit changed all that. Ron was trying to insert three brand new characters in the slots vacated by the OLTL3 (ME with Sam, KA with Michael, and RH with Carly) and this time around, it was all pretty much a disaster. (the only good thing to come out of any of that was the current 'Michael turns his back on all things Corinthos" story- which I do give Ron full credit for.) 


Now KA is gone (thankfully!) ME is off with Ava on a completely different show(doing medical stuff at a hospital that is not GH), and RH is with theNina, also pretty much isolated from the rest of the cast.) and Ron seems to be cribbing from the Guza playbook, where Sonny is the much beloved mobster and anyone who goes up against him stands alone.


Personally, I'm pulling for Kiki getting caught in some Jerome/Corinthos crossfire. Maybe that would be enough to get Morgan off the Sonny is awesome bandwagon (Sonny's callous disregard for making Morgan a kidnapper so Sonny could 'win' his custody battle apparently wasn't enough to show Morgan that Sonny is all about Sonny-first) 


But (as always) the word of Jasus will show us the way. Once Jake remembers who he is-- whether he sides with Sonny (and the show reverts totally back to Guza-ville) or he turns his back on his criminal past (maybe even aligning with Michael and the Qs) will tell me at least, the direction of the show. 

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Personally, I was shocked how skinny Grayson McCouch got. When he was on ATWT he was built more like Ryan Paevey. Of course, McCouch was a lot younger then too. I think he's around 46 now. Although, he "acted" like that on ATWT as well it's not working her on GH and with Finola Hughes. When she opened the door and walked in he was making this mugging face with his lips. I was like WTF are you doing? McCouch can only play (or chooses to) a mob thug guy which Port Charles has too many as it is. I think this was a poor casting choice and I don't see any chemestry with Hughes. I will give him credit though becasue he was trying his hardest with and without his shirt on. Note to McCouch....please gain some muscle. Way too skinny in the chest area. LOL!!!!

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I think so many red herrings a'la Bill is Fluke have been dropped for Jason to be Jason Morgan that Ron thinks we've forgotten or overlooked the Jason Quartermaine herrings.

As I just watched the Jodi Arias trial for 7 years ,I'll list what I've seen:

Jason Morgan herrings :

-the outfit Thursday /Friday

-the friendship with Carly/Carly feels so comfortable with him

-using the name Jake

-having the mob/hitman skills

-memories of Sam

-memories of Liz

-took the toy

-slammed Carlos down

-choked Patrick

Jason Quartermaine herrings:

-Monica, Tracy, Ned have never been face to face or shared any scenes solo

-Monica has never had a scene at all with Jake

-Micheal has only had 2 superficial scenes with Jake

-he's never really seen AJ's picture, except the one time Micheal showed him

-he recognized Alan, Edward, and Lila as people he knew

-wanted to take the name Quartermaine, but didn't feel he could take their dead son's name

-the dead son was Jason

-Sonny doesn't like him

-Robin is his conscious, Robin was Jason Q's friend first

-numerous mentions have been made about Jason being taken away/hurt by Sonny and Carly, loving Micheal

-Micheal just went against Sonny and made an enemy out of him

I'd rather see Jason rant against the violence of his old lifestyle rather than against Sonny and Carly specifically - that would make more sense to me.


regarding Grayson - For a middle aged man, I think he's in pretty great shape (I have never seen him on a soap before so I don't have anything to compare against). If he wants to appeal to Anna, he should stop being so skeevy.


After Fridays show I think that the AJ clinic will go the way of Lucy's spa - a plot point that goes away and never mentioned again. I find it difficult to believe that the old Spencer house on Elm St. is the only option for a clinic. Which reminds me - so Luke is really Luke (albeit with a split personality) but he bought his old childhood home under Bill Eckert's name? Or are we not supposed to remember the two or three days that were devoted to endless conversations about that. What I have found most annoying about the Fluke storyline (although there is a lot to be annoyed about) is that the show set us up for weeks to believe that Fluke was Bill and then spent days chastising us for being such idiots for believing what the show set us up to believe..... sigh.  **But, Ron, just for the record, with all the Michael/Avery-AJ stuff happening, I have not missed Luke/Fluke/whatever. Not at Tall.**

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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I think so many red herrings a'la Bill is Fluke have been dropped for Jason to be Jason Morgan that Ron thinks we've forgotten or overlooked the Jason Quartermaine herrings.

As I just watched the Jodi Arias trial for 7 years ,I'll list what I've seen:

Jason Morgan herrings :

-the outfit Thursday /Friday

-the friendship with Carly/Carly feels so comfortable with him

-using the name Jake

-having the mob/hitman skills

-memories of Sam

-memories of Liz

-took the toy

-slammed Carlos down

-choked Patrick

Jason Quartermaine herrings:

-Monica, Tracy, Ned have never been face to face or shared any scenes solo

-Monica has never had a scene at all with Jake

-Micheal has only had 2 superficial scenes with Jake

-he's never really seen AJ's picture, except the one time Micheal showed him

-he recognized Alan, Edward, and Lila as people he knew

-wanted to take the name Quartermaine, but didn't feel he could take their dead son's name

-the dead son was Jason

-Sonny doesn't like him

-Robin is his conscious, Robin was Jason Q's friend first

-numerous mentions have been made about Jason being taken away/hurt by Sonny and Carly, loving Micheal

-Micheal just went against Sonny and made an enemy out of him


These are all great points - especially given that he didn't recognize Carly as someone he knew but did recognize Edward, Alan and Lila, I think it's possible that he'll lean more towards being a Q.


On the other hand, if we talk too much about Jason being a Q, Ron will reverse it just to serve a crazy plot twist (see also: Luke/Fluke/Bill Eckert).

  • Love 2

don't bring up Vincent Izzary....too painful! .... if the Prospect Park lawsuit would just get settled, he could join the show as Dr. Hayward and he Anna could get together (was it Anna or her twin sister that Dr. Hayward hooked up with? I'm forgetting my AMC history). Because Dr. Hayward seems like just the kind of person that Dr. O would hire (for many reasons including the whole "raise from the dead" thing he had going towards the end of the show).

It was Anna. Anna saying on GH she lost "a baby" drives me crazy because I loved Anna/David so much even though they gave their daughter that God awful name Leora (don't get me wrong I love Leo but there were much better options), it bothers me that it can't be touched upon especially when other references to shows that's only connection to GH is employing the same actor gets mentioned. I said from the beginning of bringing on the OLTL3 it should have been David since he has actual ties to GH. Dr. O kissing David's ass for his crazy achievements while David's plotting to make her pay fiercely for making Anna believe her other daughter was dead could have been epic.

  • Love 11

sonny....the show set us up for weeks to believe that Fluke was Bill and then spent days chastising us for being such idiots for believing what the show set us up to believe..... sigh.  **But, Ron, just for the record, with all the Michael/Avery-AJ stuff happening, I have not missed Luke/Fluke/whatever. Not at Tall.**


So Luke is on the lam, and probably will be until May sweeps? I wonder if TG needed more bed rest for his back or a follow-up operation?


Likewise, Spencer-Krispie  has also been MIA in the burn hospital. GH is like one of those mobile stages that rotates 180 degrees to reveal an entirely new world--this time, All Mob All the Time. Even Michael and Avery are fading in memory, compared to the intense focus on the mob wars. Watch how fast Sonny will drop his interest in the baby to fight for his mob supremacy. Michael should be getting instant support for his insistence of Avery's danger if she is left within Sonny's vicinity.


  • Love 1

So Luke is on the lam, and probably will be until May sweeps? I wonder if TG needed more bed rest for his back or a follow-up operation?


Likewise, Spencer-Krispie  has also been MIA in the burn hospital. GH is like one of those mobile stages that rotates 180 degrees to reveal an entirely new world--this time, All Mob All the Time. Even Michael and Avery are fading in memory, compared to the intense focus on the mob wars. Watch how fast Sonny will drop his interest in the baby to fight for his mob supremacy. Michael should be getting instant support for his insistence of Avery's danger if she is left within Sonny's vicinity.


Spencer's in the spoilers for next week, Luke the week after that.

Dante shouldn't be older than 30 because his mother is pregnant with a sibling. It might be interesting if TPTB addressed the issues that older mother face when pregnant over 40.


I always assumed Olivia was closer to 50, not because she looks it, but because is she is suppose to be similarly aged to Sonny? I cannot imagine Dante is that much younger than 30. So saying he is 28/9, Olivia is than 43/44... they should definitely be doing a late in life pregnancy story. 

I just have a hard time believing Sonny is only 45.

Edited by NewRadical
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Likewise, Spencer-Krispie  has also been MIA in the burn hospital. GH is like one of those mobile stages that rotates 180 degrees to reveal an entirely new world--this time, All Mob All the Time.


Gonna use this as an excuse to segueway in, I really need Carlos, Duke, or Julian to die. I would include Sonny in there, but we know that's not gonna happen, and Shawn can stay, because if Sonny actually has to have a hitman on screen (why? Why can't he just have same nameless off-screen minion doing it) I'm fine with it being him. Sorry Shawn! Because someone should die in these mob wars and also all three of them suck. I am really thinking it might be Duke, between him practically showing off to Sonny that no, he really is the mobby and bad ass about being fine with killing a cop and also this week

telling Michael off about getting custody, like, what the heck, how is that any of your business??

. Or at least in a coma or something, cause I'd feel bad for his fans about him getting killed off again. 


I think it really needs to be Carlos though. Sorry buddy! I've enjoyed him in the past but he's way past his expiration date and he's the most expendable.


If none of these assholes bite it though I'm just gonna shake my head in wonder. 

  • Love 1

I know the show thinks that GMc is the better choice for the role because he's a "name" soap actor and all, but the original actor had way more chemistry with Finola.  (Not that I wanted to see them as a pairing anyway, but there is just nothing there with GMc and FH).  


Or at least in a coma or something, cause I'd feel bad for his fans about him getting killed off again.



Don't feel too bad for wishing him dead. I mean, by my calculations, if he bites it now, he'd still have 6 more lives left. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 6

I really need Carlos, Duke, or Julian to die.


Same. Somebody better fucking die during this mob war, dammit!


I know the show thinks that GMc is the better choice for the role because he's a "name" soap actor and all, but the original actor had way more chemistry with Finola.


I so agree. GMc and FH have no chemistry at all and it makes the whole thing really gross.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I know the show thinks that GMc is the better choice for the role because he's a "name" soap actor and all, but the original actor had way more chemistry with Finola.  (Not that I wanted to see them as a pairing anyway, but there is just nothing there with GMc and FH).  


That guy was terrible too though. I agree this has pretty much been like jumping from the frying pan into the fire but that frying pan hot as heck too. 


They should just get rid of him. Maybe not even kill him, just something like he tries to show off for Anna again and Anna just kicks the shit out of him and tells him to leave town and he crawls out. It's an ignominious end a super douche like him deserves.


Of course, I would take being a casualty in the mob wars. Oh, and I forgot to say, if I can't get Julian, Duke, or Carlos, at least NuKiki. At least, give me Kiki! Or take away Kiki, I should say.


I gotta say, it's nice that I can say "kill Kiki off!" and I know it's a dream that could be achieved, unlike when Kristen was playing the role.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7


I guess there's still the question of Nathan's paternity to be answered.

shhhhh. Don't bring that up. Poor Nathan will be so sad not to be related to Spencer anymore. He's crazy about him!


That probably should have annoyed me, but it was just so blatant I had to laugh. That was nearly Sabrina-level character propping. I'm surprised we didn't have dayplayer GH employees down on their knees praying for Spencer as Nik took him away.


If he wants to appeal to Anna, he should stop being so skeevy.


I'm so sick of Ron and his rapey ways. That scene was not sexy or seductive or anything positive. At least FH is a strong enough actor to show us that Anna won't be intimidated by that shit.

Edited by dubbel zout
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That guy was terrible too though. I agree this has pretty much been like jumping from the frying pan into the fire but that frying pan hot as heck too. 


They should just get rid of him. Maybe not even kill him, just something like he tries to show off for Anna again and Anna just kicks the shit out of me and tells him to leave town and he crawls out. It's an ignominious end a super douche like him deserves.


Of course, I would take being a casualty in the mob wars. Oh, and I forgot to say, if I can't get Julian, Duke, or Carlos, at least NuKiki. At least, give me Kiki! Or take away Kiki, I should say.


I gotta say, it's nice that I can say "kill Kiki off!" and I know it's a dream that could be achieved, unlike when Kristen was playing the role.


Oh, agreed.  Old actor sucked but had chemistry.  GMc sucks with no chemistry.  And the character just sucks period.  Ideally, one of Shawn's errant shots would manage to go through both him and Duke.  

  • Love 7

Sad to say, Duke may have outlived his usefulness.. and there's now a ticking clock since he is continuing to stay head of the Corinthos organization. I'm assuming that the death of Duke would cause Sonny to take back control of his organization forcing him to choose between getting custody of his daughter and the business. Since it's Sonny, it'll be all about his paaaaiiiiin but ultimately he'll choose the business and his loyal fans will sob that such a great dad had to give up his baby (to which I'd say 'well, he has a couple of others that he doesn't even pay attention to,.."). And really, what will Duke do once Sonny inevitably regains control of his business?


Naturally, I'd like to see a better future for the character, but I'm not expecting it.


However, I do want to bring up the point that I have liked how Ron has brought up Duke's frustration about finding work. It's kind of unheard of in soaps - either people are super wealthy, they have a career they never seem to be at or they are tacitly unemployed (morgan, kiki, for example). No one on shows I've seen expresses what it's like for a 50 something man to be starting from scratch. Of course that makes AJ's offer of employment to him all the more wonderful and it makes Duke's betrayal all that worse. I digress but I think I've just talked myself into wishing for Duke's departure. :)

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 11
Of course that makes AJ's offer of employment to him all the more wonderful and it makes Duke's betrayal all that worse. I digress but I think I've just talked myself into wishing for Duke's departure. :)


I always hated how AJ gave Duke a chance and a job, which really started out promising -- and then the ingrate ended up attaching his lips firmly to Sonny's ass and didn't even blink when AJ was killed at Sonny's hands, even offering to serve as Sonny's alibi.  Just awful.


I really enjoyed it when Duke first returned, but the character has sunk so far into gross Sonny worship at this point, I think it would be a mercy killing to get rid of him.

  • Love 21

However, I do want to bring up the point that I have liked how Ron has brought up Duke's frustration about finding work. It's kind of unheard of in soaps - either people are super wealthy, they have a career they never seem to be at or they are tacitly unemployed (morgan, kiki, for example). No one on shows I've seen expresses what it's like for a 50 something man to be starting from scratch. Of course that makes AJ's offer of employment to him all the more wonderful and it makes Duke's betrayal all that worse. I digress but I think I've just talked myself into wishing for Duke's departure. :)


They really could have done so much more with Duke starting his life from scratch, being dropped back into the modern world after over twenty years in captivity.  But really, Ron's only interest in bringing back Duke was the Faison mask story.


And yes, the writing completely forgetting his friendship with AJ, having Duke not even hesitate in covering for Sonny, was disgusting.

Edited by TeeVee329
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