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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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[...] Eh Rosalie is working for a woman lying about paralysis. I'm sure she can roll with this. [...]


Badum tish



Britt not having a home cracks me up and it should be some kind of running gag, but I suspect it is already.  Most people seem to never want to leave the MetroCourt, but Britt can't stay there, for like, one night?  I'm so ready for the brownstone to be occupied, and not just by dumb and dumber.  I would love to have a lot of the younger crowd living in the same building.  Provides a lot of opportunity for interaction.  And if Rosalie ends up across the hall from, say, Michael, I won't complain. 


Against my better judgment, I am invested in this reveal.  There are so many characters affected, and so much a stake.  So, obviously, it's going to be a clusterfuck of epic stupidness in the end, and I will be completely dissatisfied.  But, as you can see, I'm trying to stay positive about it.



I hate Kiki.  (that's it)

  • Love 2

Also his whole calling in Daddy Sonny to "fix things" wasn't a very adult move imo, it isn't as if Sonny was doing that great of a job already protecting him. If it hasn't been for Jordan tattling to Shawn they would have found his and Rosie's bodies without a clue about who was responsible.



Sonny is the head of the mob.  Michael called him because Sonny gives the orders and cleans up the messes, hence why Michael called it "a situation."  I don't have a problem with him calling Sonny, especially since its his father's business that put Michael on the hit list in the first place.  Sonny SHOULD clean it up.


Sure the PCPD isn't exactly the greatest unit in all the land, but if Michael thinks putting his trust in Sonny, especially considering what happened the last time he did that, and Shawn, the man who couldn't hit a target if it took the shot for him, is the only way to go? He has plenty of growing up to do, and also might want to invest in his own body guards from now on.


It's basically "pick your poison."  Michael's odds of surviving with either group is iffy.  At least he went with the devil he knows (or thinks he knows).


But as I said before, as far as Chad's acting goes there is calm acting and then there is what I feel he is doing, and it's just dull and lifeless to me. I did watch those scenes, I have watched Chad since he first came on the show, he hasn't yet impressed me and I doubt he ever will. He has yet to make me care about anything that has happened to Michael, if anything I've always been rooting for something worse to happen than ever has.He just isn't my taste of actor and it doesn't help that I think Michael should have died at birth. Michael is a character I've loathed since his literal conception, especially since the show decided to wipe out so many great vets and yet I have to see this mob brat rule PC just because of the two subhumans who raised him.


LOL, well that explains it.  You hate the character, and that's fine.  We all have our favorites and the ones we loath.  I HATE Kiki and everything about the character.  I think Chad is good actor, and he broke my heart (and got robbed of an Emmy) during his entire rape reveal scene.  He's got the chops, if and when RC ever gives him the right material.  CD has been horribly, HORRIBLY saddled as an actor and a character since KA arrived.  He's been stuck with the same actress for over two years, and his storylines have been dull and boring.  I did love Michael and AJ's scenes together, and those two had great chemistry.  I also liked Michael and Brenda for that brief time and watching Carly's head explode, but overall, Michael has been stuck in Kiki hell.  That's why I'm so happy about Rosalie.  Even in just two episodes, Michael/CD's persona changed and he got some life back into his face.  


Kiki needs to go.  I have no idea why RC hasn't cut her yet.  He bounces her around the canvas all the time because he has no idea what to do with her.


I think Micheal and Rosalie have more potential and chemistry than stupid Lauren. I want him to calmly turn to her when Reveal happens and say "You knew?" She'll stutter, stammer, make weird faces, snort, babble about truths and shit. But what's even cooler is that he can- and Jasus take the wheel on this- totes mahgotes say that THIS was the secret she was keeping that Rosalie tried to tell him, but Lauren stopped him by lying, Eh Rosalie is working for a woman lying about paralysis. I'm sure she can roll with this.

Oh my. Lauren. You just put the proverbial nail in your relationship's coffin. I also want Micheal to turn to Lauren and Morgan and reclaim his balls and get his angry man Q voice and boom yell answer demands. Then kick their asses out. Ya'll gonna learn Lauren and Morgan. And I liked Morgan, but yesterday, no. You don't hear my dad murdered a man in cold blood who's my brother's dad and I give no fucks. Let's go to the mall. Give the Brownstone to Britt, Micheal. She's a homeless doctor who can pay rent.

I agree with you completely about Michael and Rosalie.  As for Morgan, I credit him for actually caring about his brother.  He's worried about what the truth will do to Michael, not his parents.  He never once mentioned how it would hurt his parents.  Sonny and Carly, otoh, only care about how the truth will impact them.  WE'LL lose Michael.  He'll never forgive US.  it's all about them.  I get why Morgan doesn't want to tell Michael - because it will destroy him - but Michael has a right to know and not continue to live the lie.  I really hope that Kiki doesn't tell Michael because I want him to hate her with the rage of a thousand suns.


I love how Rosalie freaked out. I'm still wondering if Kobe was part of the Asian Mob (and we may see a Brad sighting).

I thought Rosalie's freak out was realistic.  How could she not be freaked out by watching a shooting and having a dead body in the room.  I was glad that she didn't act like "Yeah, it's not a big deal.  This stuff doesn't bother me."  Rosalie was knocked out of her element yesterday, and I think it gives her character a new layer.  She went to Michael's apartment for a specific agenda - to seduce him, and he brushed her off.  Then before she could leave, she ended up in the middle of a mob hit.  I like how she told Michael "You should put a warning on your door."  Lol.  I like them together.  It's funny, in an ironic way, she went to Michael's apartment in an attempt to get closer to him and in an unexpected and roundabout way, that's exactly what happened.  They are now closer than ever.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2

I think this could end up being Lauren's swan song because really, what is left for her character? She's bombed with Micheal, and there's no way they're going to put Morgan with her. Her death would be the thing that would redeem Ava and Franco. So if they want to keep Maura and Roger, I can easily see a Lauren sacrifice.

  • Love 2

If Carrrrlos is serving a life sentence having confessed to AJ's murder, then it's going to be pure horseshit if the truth is revealed and Sonny gets anything less of a sentence seeing as how he will most certainly not confess. Oh how I wish that MB was secretly leaving the show, that would be a far better twist than the surprise returns of 80s villains.


Much as I would love the death of Lauren, I suspect Kristen Alderson has a job on GH as long as she wants while FrankenRon remain in charge. Plus I think Ava and Franco are beyond redeeming (a friendship/romance with fucking Nina is certainly not going to make the SERIAL KILLER viable in my view). I think if anyone on the show is dying, it's one or both of the Jerome siblings.

Edited by dmeets
  • Love 3
Seriously, does Ron even know about this rather major storyline from the not so distant past?  It makes NO sense.

Sonny mentioned Michael's rape when he was railing at Carly for the engagement. It makes Sonny wanting to cover things up yet again even stupider. Gah.


An up and coming politician or the mayor could want to make an example of Sonny's' son and throw the book at him for his second self-defense killing. I guess what I'm saying is that there is no guarantee that Michael would walk or that the police would believe him.  I think another reason for Michael not telling the police is that there IS a hit out on him.  What's to stop another hitman from finding him at the police station while he's being held for questioning.


Michael didn't exactly get off scott-free for killing Claudia. And that death didn't have anything to do with Sonny being in the mob—it had to do with Sonny being a complete asshole of a person. Rosalie's statement that the shooting was self-defense should mean something. She has no ties (that anyone knows of) to anyone connected to the mob, she's a nurse, she has no record (that we know of), etc. Michael doesn't have to say anything about a hit being out on him. He's not a part of Sonny's business—and everyone knows this. Also, Michael is pretty easy to find even when a hit man isn't after him. Going to the cops isn't going to end the hit on him.


Morgan said Sonny has honor and code and keeps his promises?


One could argue that Morgan is desperately trying not to believe Sonny could do something as awful as killing AJ when he expressly told Michael he wouldn't. I am not that one, however.

  • Love 3

I think Michael and Rosalie are embarrassing together. Either the character or the actress is trying so hard, and CD just seems confused. I stopped caring about Rosalie about an hour before the writers realized she was taking off with the audience. It's only a hair removed from the "surprise success" of the even more boring Abby.


I don't want him with Kiki, either - I want the show to go outside the box and pair Michael and Maxie, as some of us have discussed before.

Edited by jsbt

I think this could end up being Lauren's swan song because really, what is left for her character? She's bombed with Micheal, and there's no way they're going to put Morgan with her. Her death would be the thing that would redeem Ava and Franco. So if they want to keep Maura and Roger, I can easily see a Lauren sacrifice.


This would make sense so it will never happen. I really do think that Ron and Frank see KA as their child. In fact she is listed on my Dish descriptions along with MB and BH as the stars of the show (Yeah I know).  I think that ME/Silas is on the chopping black and maybe maybe RH but I think we are stuck with KA for the duration of the FranknRon regime

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 2

I thought Rosalie's freak out was realistic.  How could she not be freaked out by watching a shooting and having a dead body in the room.  I was glad that she didn't act like "Yeah, it's not a big deal.  This stuff doesn't bother me."  Rosalie was knocked out of her element yesterday, and I think it gives her character a new layer.  She went to Michael's apartment for a specific agenda - to seduce him, and he brushed her off.  Then before she could leave, she ended up in the middle of a mob hit.  I like how she told Michael "You should put a warning on your door."  Lol.  I like them together.  It's funny, in an ironic way, she went to Michael's apartment in an attempt to get closer to him and in an unexpected and roundabout way, that's exactly  what happened.  They are now closer than ever.


I liked Rosalie's reaction, as well.  It's nice to have at least a few characters on-screen who aren't used to, and don't like, the mob violence.  Rosalie is used to Nina and her crazy ass, but Nina only has The List, and is pretty ineffectual about actually carrying out tangible revenge.  Now she and Michael have shared an intimate and traumatic experience together, and they are connected by that.   


I guess this also puts to rest the speculation that Rosalie's father/family is in the mob?  She definitely didn't seem like she'd ever been in a situation like that before, even though she was standing her ground with Kobe at the door.    


I am of two minds on Michael's calling Sonny instead of the police.  I get that it was a mob hit, because of his mob father, but I was hoping for maybe some hesitation or reflection about what happened the last time he had Sonny cover up his crime.  I would have preferred him calling Dante and making a different choice this time around.  But like others have said, it was kind of Sonny's mess to clean up, and calling the police would have probably just escalated the situation.  Overall, I'm fine with what he did, because this is just one more example of Sonny's messed up, violent world -- and hopefully Michael will just add almost getting shot to the list of the ways in which Sonny has ruined his life thus far. Michael needs his own list.  Starting with Sonny, and then Carly, and Franco and Kiki.  Rosalie can help with that, she's got practice.

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I'm torn a tad because surely Roger and Maura cost more, but Days or B&B would snatch Maura up and Y&R or any of the two would take Roger. I'm positive fans would follow Roger, especially since KDP who played Blair is on Days. So, in the vein of winning, I can see them keeping at least Roger. Micheal Easton is probably like idgaf and ready to peace out any day now. But again, they don't want another show to snatch him. I don't see any show begging to snatch KA, so they cut her and TeCa, make them mob casualties in the "war", and boom. We have salaries for Billy Miller and maybe even a few sets. If Silas, Shawn, and TJ go (because the actor is too good for this show), we could get more doctors. That we, you know, need. Unless they use those characters in real actual stories.

  • Love 1

Re Michael's second killing/cover-up, this is yet another example of Ron never learning from his many mistakes. Knowing Ron, I wouldn't be surprised if Michael wound up in prison again and got re-raped, just like Marty was when she was held captive by Frodd on OLTL. As for Morgan's saying that telling Michael the truth about AJ's murder would destroy his relationship with Sonny/Carly, I say, "It's! About! Fucking! Time!" Given all that Michael has suffered and/or sacrificed for/because of them, his cutting them out of his life once and for all is long overdue. That goes double for anyone who covers for them, especially Kiki and Morgan. News flash, y'all: Michael's not a big-headed baby anymore. He doesn't need to have his feelings protected at all costs, especially when it comes to his family, which Sonny is not, never was and if/when the truth comes out God willing, never will be again. Michael's rage at those who betrayed him for however long, shouldn't just be epic, it should be biblical.  About Franco's plans to marry Carly despite knowing about her affair with Sonny, of course Franco plans to publically humiliate and destroy Carly and Sonny, which I normally wouldn't have a problem with, but it's Franco, whom I give no more fucks about than I do Sonny or Carly, so an ebola-esque plague on all their glass houses.



It most definitely does apply to Kiki and while Rosalie is concealing the truth about Nina she isn't really lying because no one has asked her the truth. Rosalie and Nina actually did something that most people in PC don't. They helped Franco and Michael learn the truth. Both Rosalie and Nina cared enough about Franco and Michael to tell them the truth. I think Rosalie cares about Nina and that is why she is keeping her secrets and helping herw, while Kiki supposedly cares about Michael and thinks that keeping the truth from him is loving. While Rosalie is no saint, I'd much rather have her on my team than Kiki so Michael is 10329475 times better off with Rosalie than Kiki, who supposedly loves Michael and Franco but is treating them no better than Sonny and Carly do.


  I respectfully disagree, on several fronts. ITA that Kiki is a liar and wrong fro Michael but Rosalie's not much better. In this case, I believe that a lie is a lie, whether it's told to someone's face or not. Just because Rosalie didn't make any promises to Michael or Morgan that doesn't make lying to them right. Rosalie and Nina weren't honest with Michael and Franco out of the goodness of their hearts. The only reason they give a shit about Michael and Franco is because they want to punish Kiki, which I've got no problem with and I don't give any semblance of a fuck about Franco and I never will; it's Michael I'm concerned about. Rosalie may care about Nina on some level, but Nina's money may have something to do with it. Nina's being batshit crazy is also a huge factor.  Rosalie may feel sorry for Nina, but pitying someone is one thing, enabling a dangerous lunatic is another. Michael's risking his life to save himself and Rosalie from Fluke's hit man may give Rosalie a few pangs of conscience, but Nina's not gonna stand for that if it interferes with her revenge against Kiki. Nina's so sick in the head that I wouldn't put it past her to put a hit out on Michael herself. I don't want Kiki on my team either, but anyone who's got no problem knowingly working for a wack job who's so desperate to have a baby by her ex that she's willing to lie, cheat, steal rape and even kill to get it is someone that Michael, a rape survivor, is 20,658,950 times (10,329,475 x 2) better off without, as far as I'm concerned.

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I love the guy as Todd, but no. Nobody has followed Roger Howarth anywhere in any role other than Todd Manning since he went to As the World Turns in 2003. And that was at his height. That select group tuned out very fast, and ATWT was left with a white elephant for their pride for the next seven years. It's 2014 and he's had two massive dud roles, with Franco actually somehow making his turn as Paul Ryan look like a mild success - nobody substantial is following Roger Howarth to another soap unless he has a cheesy scar on his face. It will never happen for him.


It's the same principle as the thinking that led people at CBS to believe Steve Burton would supercharge Y&R - while Burton is far less talented than Howarth IMO, he also is only known for one popular role. And nobody cares about Burton as Dylan McAvoy, whining about his parents and his war buddies and serving coffee. Nor would they care if, as some used to speculate, JFP had snapped up Maurice Benard - who is Maurice going to play at Y&R who is going to stand up against their vets (let alone Eric Braeden) and survive? He might've been able to pull off a new-but-similar character 10-14 years ago, but today's Maurice, who is clearly exhausted? It would have been an even worse debacle than Burton. And I'm sure Maurice knows that, which is why he will never leave GH.


Maura West will do fine anywhere if she so chooses, but if it was me I would keep her going and going on GH like Alex Olanov on OLTL - Ava is lethal, cunning and can protect herself from virtually any crime she has committed for years to come. But as they have since hired Michelle Stafford as one of their new toys, and they already have Ron's perpetual favorite Obrecht getting out of even more egregious crimes than Ava's on a monthly basis, I fear they have no time for Ava anymore. I have seen the train slowly coming for her since sometime late last year when I decided she'd killed Connie, but I hope I am wrong. (Not that Ava killing Connie was a bad choice by the writers, for the record - IMO it was the only choice. You need bad people who do bad things.)


I also think GH is going to dump Michael Easton if they haven't already, but if they do I think DAYS will try to get him. Not because I want him with Melissa Archer, God no (I loved her and hated him with her on OLTL), but I bet they will. Easton is almost as poor a transfer proposition as Roger Howarth at this point too, IMO - the Silas character is almost as big a flop as Franco, and proved that as a performer he cannot travel with a new role, even opposite his very popular old love interest.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6
But again, they don't want another show to snatch him.

It goes both ways. Easton might be ready to be done with soaps altogether, so it wouldn't matter if another show wanted him.


And really? If the thinking behind keeping an actor is solely to prevent him from going to another show, that's completely pathetic. I know Frank and Ron have that in them, but good lord. How about trying to make GH the best it can be, instead of indulging in these petty competitions?

  • Love 6

It goes both ways. Easton might be ready to be done with soaps altogether, so it wouldn't matter if another show wanted him.


If OLTL 2.0 was still around (excuse me while I, the Jew, cross myself) I think GH would probably hold on to Silas and Franco until the Four Horsemen descended from the heavens. Since it's not, I think Easton's job may finally be forfeit despite FV's love for him, and I think Howarth may or may not be far behind. I think they're going to try to use Michelle Stafford to save Roger, not realizing (yet) that she is not going over gangbusters herself. Historically Frank and Ron do not acknowledge a character has begun to tank for at least six months.


Michael Easton has always talked a big game about his poetry and his writing but he's no fool. He knows where he's getting paid and it's not there.

  • Love 5

He's been the dupe since almost the day Nina rolled back into that park. I saw it coming even before Rafe died. He's there to be her dupe, be the unsympathetic clueless heavy opposite the plucky investigators Sam and Patrick, and beyond that he is disposable. This is a role Ron and Frank have done many times, and almost every time it leads the actor off the show. The angst with Sam and Silas is there but is now, between Patrick and Jason, practically nonexistent.


That could change if Uncle Frank has been holding back, who knows, weeks of scenes held back to keep Easton within his guarantee, it's been done before, but I doubt it.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

I agree, but in terms of value I think Maura, ME, and RoHo are players I'd want on my team as opposed to KA, TeCa, and a few others. Howarth can easily have his character DeFranco'd because for one James Franco is about a decade or so younger than him and two they never did any DNA test at all. It's soaps. I've seen orangutan nurses, a son give birth to his father's child, portals to hell, mermaids, people being buried alive, Satanic possesion, a 70 year old man impregnate a woman, a drunk hiding a flask with toast, heads shoved in ovens, latex mask make out sessions, fondue melting masks, rock concerts in Wisconsin, dudes getting hit in the woods, and other stuff I may have blocked out that's worse. (Did James E Reilly have um issues? ) So changing identity is nothing. Hell, reveal the AJ thing and say Roger is now Stephen Lars. Boom. Put Heather in it and say I don't know he wants something. Give her the recording. Tie that shit in.

Silas can be saved by revealing he's really Caleb. You want to camp, be good camp. Be Alan Ball, Ron. Let ME play to his strengths. Have Silas be more Caleb and less duped whiny loser. And stop making Maura play wooby over stupid Morgan.

Ava is a strong bamf. I want strong drinking awesome fuck this shit Ava. Get rid if that useless Corinthos spawn and give Ava her claws and her alcohol back. If we can only have two bad ass bitches here, I'll take Ava and Jordan. Jordan's hat can be grey, but Ava's better be dark like the night. Just sacrifice Lauren and Sabrina. And Felix.

  • Love 4

I think Michael and Rosalie are embarrassing together. Either the character or the actress is trying so hard, and CD just seems confused. I stopped caring about Rosalie about an hour before the writers realized she was taking off with the audience. It's only a hair removed from the "surprise success" of the even more boring Abby.


I don't want him with Kiki, either - I want the show to go outside the box and pair Michael and Maxie, as some of us have discussed before.


Maxie should definitely be sleeping with one of the Corinthos brothers. And I include Dante in that, although that ship has probably sailed. Maybe if Lulu and Nathan went missing for six months, which I am all for.


I think if by some miracle Silas and Franco go we are still stuck with Kiki for a good long while. imo, FV and RC aren't doing that girl any favors by letting her stay. The sooner they let her go and make her realize she should probably find a new career, the better for her.[/mean]

  • Love 3

They're not de-Franco'ing Franco unless celebrity guest James Franco chooses to come back (which he likely won't, with his pal Steve and Jill Farren Phelps both gone). And they'd be doing that for James Franco, not Roger Howarth. It's just not going to happen, IMO. And I have to say that I think 99.9999999% of the GH audience has zero patience for RH at this point, and might actually storm the studio like Dawn of the Plant of the Apes if he was given a third fucking role. That is a recipe for some sort of unheard of triple disaster.


Nothing can save either OLTL actor except their original characters, and neither of those characters are coming back right now and even if they could, IMO the core audience has been pushed to its limit with these OLTL/GH shenanigans over the last year. I don't think even Todd could save Roger on GH right now after Franco. They have to go. It's that simple.


I am with ulkis - I think either Kiki or Franco will be the hill Ron and Frank choose to die on. Maybe Franco because Roger is such a big name in their eyes, but Franco is a complete disaster which is taking the entire show down. Kiki, I can see them rationalizing, though very annoying is far more minor an issue and not nearly as centralized a problem. You could make her a gossipy candy striper, a bartender, a hostess at the Haunted Star and even cut her to (gasp!) one or two days a week and they could triage that.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Making them those characters was the dumbest thing ever.

And Ron has done a lot of dumb things. Musical episode of OLTL, anyone?

You had one job. And you sucked at it. How hard would it have been to make ME a Cassadine since SamTrick was going to happen anyway and RH Stephen Lars since we were going to get Heather visits?

  • Love 1

I actually saw a little bit of a connection between Micheal & Rosalie. During Rosalie's freakout, I saw what you guys are saying that he needs a Maxie type especially with CD's dry approach

I think this could end up being Lauren's swan song because really, what is left for her character? She's bombed with Micheal, and there's no way they're going to put Morgan with her.




I wish but I think they are going to go there because they have no one  else to put her with & nothing else to do with her. They've thrown KA/KAka at everyone & everything & she hasn't stuck. Micheal could barely have a scene without her attached to his ass & now Morgan has that title.The character is absolutely useless. IMO, KA is a horrible actress who uses awful faces & awkward line readings.


Gah, I wanted to knock her ass out yesterday, so Morgan & Ava could have the same without her snotty potato head ass.



 I was thinking of ways to kill Kaka yesterday, bomb. bullet, crane, chandy etc, then I thought of taking apart her head like an actual Ms. Potato Head doll then killing it with fire. Thanks to whoever brought over the Potato Head name.

  • Love 5

I think they are putting Morgan back with Kiki. Kristen has more chemistry with Bryan Craig, at least in this role. They started working on that many months ago. I don't think it will last, but it's something for her to do for now.

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but while Silas and particularly Franco (the SERIAL KILLER) were dud characters from the jump, I haven't seen Michael Easton or Roger Howarth bringing anything particularly interesting to the plate either, mostly defaulting to the same-old, same-old from when they were playing John McBain and Todd.


No, they haven't, I agree. They've been terrible day after day.


They tried here and there - Roger tried to sell some of the romance with LW early on, or some of the emotional scenes, but it was really just echoes of stuff he did in the previous role. And in the new context of Franco the melancholy serial killer it was so tone-deaf, and then he was just very bad for all of it, period. That's not just on the writing, it's on him doing what they asked for. ME, of course, brought it for the occasional crying scene with his bag of tears and his occasional situational dry humor (his best feature in this nothing role as well as most of McBain's, IMO) and that was about it.

Edited by jsbt
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I am with ulkis - I think either Kiki or Franco will be the hill Ron and Frank choose to die on.


I really do think it's going to be Kiki.  Why else isn't there another viable female character in her age range (and stupid Rosalie doesn't count)?  Meanwhile, Franco (and Silas) now both have Billy Miller Jason to worry about and we know Frank and Ron are going to be determined to make him a success no matter what.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I really do think it's going to be Kiki.  Why else isn't there another viable female character in her age range (and stupid Rosalie doesn't count)?


She is also, in their POV, the least objectionable - second or third-tier youth character, not really 'hurting anybody,' removable and variable. I had figured she might be the only survivor since late last year, but I was not convinced then (and am not entirely convinced now) that they would ever give up the ghost on both ME and RH.


Amusingly, while she might be the only survivor for Frank and Ron, she's also the first person any new regime (which is not coming) would cut.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2
Michael Easton has always talked a big game about his poetry and his writing but he's no fool. He knows where he's getting paid and it's not there.


Oh, absolutely. I just meant that the actor has to agree to join another show. It's not a one-way transaction.


rock concerts in Wisconsin


Summerfest, anyone?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

The overall ratings are up and down AFAIK, but the individual reaction to those performers has been, uh, mixed at best from the start. They did focus groups or something on them starting last year, and it wasn't looking good IIRC. It's been a while, but what I recall is that it may have looked half-decent (but not great) for Silas and Sam once upon a time but the rest were a debacle. And of course, Silas and Sam are now kaput.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

Making them those characters was the dumbest thing ever.

And Ron has done a lot of dumb things. Musical episode of OLTL, anyone?

You had one job. And you sucked at it. How hard would it have been to make ME a Cassadine since SamTrick was going to happen anyway and RH Stephen Lars since we were going to get Heather visits?


grrpants, I'm about to mean to Michael Easton so you might not want to read ahead lol. I'm trying to imagine scenes with Michael Easton and Tyler Christopher, and my mind just goes blank because their black hole of boredom has sucked my brain in and it's only in my imagination. .


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but while Silas and particularly Franco (the SERIAL KILLER) were dud characters from the jump, I haven't seen Michael Easton or Roger Howarth bringing anything particularly interesting to the plate either, mostly defaulting to the same-old, same-old from when they were playing John McBain and Todd.


Honestly, I think RH made shit actively worse. There was no excuse for how freaking awful he was in those scenes back in February where he was all "grrr! Heatherrrrrr!!! How did you escape!!!!" And the one where he rescued Carly and Heather shot him and he did the weirdest cat screech howl I ever heard. I mean, they probably weren't the most dignified scenes to act out but they weren't as fundamentally embarrassing like the Stavros/Lulu/Dante scenes last month were, so there was really no excuse to camp it up as badly as he did, unless the director told him to do that. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

I would've been happy with Michael Easton playing some sort of dangerous Cassadine. I have never been a big fan of his by any stretch of the imagination and I didn't think he did a very good job trying to recreate Caleb on GH after a decade away from the character - it was just a lot of weird grinning - but I think he has a certain thing he can do and I would've been willing to give it a shot. But I was laughing at Dr. Silas and his slow neck turn from Day 1. Who casts Michael Easton as a doctor? Who?


I think petulantly recasting the OLTL actors in new roles was an insane, tone-deaf and childish personal pride move by TPTB which crippled GH after the big upswing they'd had starting in the summer of 2012 - the show had no need for them after the heights of the 2013 Nurses' Ball (Sabrina aside) - and I think GH has never recovered from their mistake. But they could've, and in several cases had, better roles in mind for some of these actors that they deliberately chose to move away from in favor of these new characters. That's all water under the bridge, though. I personally would never accept either RH or ME in a third role on this show and I think they both should have been fired over a year ago.

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But I was laughing at Dr. Silas and his slow neck turn from Day 1. Who casts Michael Easton as a doctor? Who?


I remember Michael Easton giving an interview before Silas showed up about the character being so different, having to stretch as an actor, etc.  And then along Silas came, with his dorky glasses and super dumb ponytail, and he was pretty much just John McBain with a stethoscope.

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I think at first they were trying to differentiate ME a little - Silas was so remote regarding Our Human Emotions that he was borderline handicapped. Who can forget him walking in, smelling cancer on Danny and walking out? Even McBain wasn't like that. But I think they quickly dispensed with that and he just became Dr. McBain, albeit a bit more open with his boring emotions. And since Dr. McBain cannot solve crimes and hang out at the cop shop with Anna and Dante, the character soon floundered.


I do wonder if Franco's tumor was always planned, or was a quick adjustment. He went from bleach blond hair - a specific choice by RH and TPTB, IIRC - and hanging out at the Quartermaine mansion sniping at the family in Love Boat suits to going into the hospital and coming out with his real hair color as Gentle Hipster Franco. It reminds me of the way people used to talk about Bill Eckert swapping multiple identities, wardrobes and story venues overnight as GH scrambled to make Tony Geary work in the role.

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It's basically "pick your poison."  Michael's odds of surviving with either group is iffy.  At least he went with the devil he knows (or thinks he knows).




Except that the devil he knows got him put in prison and raped last time, not for killing Claudia, but for going along with their absurd cover up.  This instance is an even more cut and dry self defense case, and he has a non-mob adjacent witness in Rosalie to support that.  Add in that he has a brother on the PCPD, and it's just absurd that he didn't think twice about calling in Sonny to hide things versus calling in Dante to do things the right way.  If anything is going to get him made an example of or treated harsher for the second offense, it would be the second offense of going along with his idiot father's lying and covering, when it was made explicitly clear to him last time that his punishment was for the cover up, not for braining Claudia.  Yes, this is tied to Sonny's business, but it doesn't involve Sonny doing anything illegal until the exact moment that Sonny starts going into cover up mode instead of letting the police handle it.  If the devil you know gets you thrown into prison and raped, then how much worse could the devil you don't know be?  Add in that it's not the devil he doesn't know - it's his brother, and he knows, from last time, exactly how that devil would handle things.  Dante bent over backwards to help Michael while still doing the right thing last time. 


I love the guy as Todd, but no. Nobody has followed Roger Howarth anywhere in any role other than Todd Manning since he went to As the World Turns in 2003. And that was at his height. That select group tuned out very fast, and ATWT was left with a white elephant for their pride for the next seven years. It's 2014 and he's had two massive dud roles, with Franco actually somehow making his turn as Paul Ryan look like a mild success - nobody substantial is following Roger Howarth to another soap unless he has a cheesy scar on his face. It will never happen for him.



I don't know, if Days picked him up and there was the potential to see him reunited with KDP onscreen, I could see a decent number of viewers tuning in over there to see how it works.  Whether they stayed would depend on how it pans out, but people would go check it out, I have zero doubt. 

  • Love 5


I am with ulkis - I think either Kiki or Franco will be the hill Ron and Frank choose to die on. Maybe Franco because Roger is such a big name in their eyes, but Franco is a complete disaster which is taking the entire show down. Kiki, I can see them rationalizing, though very annoying is far more minor an issue and not nearly as centralized a problem.


It will be Franco because Kiki probably doesn't cost as much and I fully expect Howarth needed to be fucking wooed to stay on. Howarth will cost more to keep and so if Ron and Frank fight to hold onto Franco, that's what's going to cost them.


KA seems to have little ambition outside of soaps thus far. Hard to blame her, it's an easy gig for her when all is said and done but you know she doesn't command the dollars that Howarth does.


So, yeah, it will be Howarth's Franco that FrankenRon will make their stand on... presuming they do. It really is a question of how hard they'll fight. It could very well  be that Frank is done crunching numbers to justify Howarth's presence as a blight on the show. Ron is trying to build something for Franco but you can't tell me he was ever interested in Easton. I don't think he was interested in him on OLTL. Easton is Frank's pet project and he seems to have cashed out on that one. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Frank did the same with Howarth no matter that Ron keeps trying to squeeze water from a stone with that one.

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I know FV has always been the one who was big on Easton, and by extension any version of a pairing of ME/KM. To me, the fact that he has been this marginalized while they promote Jason Thompson and Billy Miller with her instead speaks to his future.


I think for RC, RH would be the priority. I just question whether or not FV, who can be pretty ruthlessly pragmatic, has decided to finally cut their losses on him.

  • Love 1

 Ron is trying to build something for Franco but you can't tell me he was ever interested in Easton. I don't think he was interested in him on OLTL.


I'd agree, given the ascent of Natalie/Jared (sigh, loved them) on OLTL when Ron took over as head writer.  It was definitely Frank or Brian Frons who forced him back towards Natalie/John when all of John's pairings and stories flat-lined.


But yes, the focus is definitely on Patrick/Sam and, of course, on The Rise Of Billy Miller Jason.  Silas looks to be shit out of luck.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I blame Brian Frons more for what happened to Jared Banks and John Brotherton, though I would not be surprised if FV didn't mind. I shall consider what has become of Silas on GH #justiceforjared. (Now that Brotherton is making it big in movies and doing the Fast & Furious films, I'm sure Frank would love to have him back any time.)

Edited by jsbt
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I think adding Roger Howarth would tank KDP on that show, and she's been doing well from what I hear.


I'd be torn, I admit. I've been torn about the possibility, all along. KDP's a recast from a much beloved character of 20 years ago which is difficult enough and I think there are some still torn regarding it. That being said, no one but no one can say she isn't giving it her all. The biggest black mark at the moment is that her current story line is absolute shite.


Would I like to see RH and KDP sharing scenes again? I have to say I would... but I followed the person I knew would jump in and give 120% as opposed to the one that I believe skates on rep and also acts out when he's bored so I'm already there.


Selfishly, a part of me kind of digs the idea of RH heading to Days in a last ditch effort to salvage his soap work by being paired up with the person most people dismissed completely for her part in their extremely popular pairing. But I'm funny that way.


RH wouldn't get any better writing there than he is here, in my opinion. soaps all across the board have shoddy writing on a good day and absolute abysmal, cobbled together dreck the rest of the time. I expect it wouldn't take him long to start phoning it in all over again. Besides, if he did go over to Days  he wouldn't be seen until midway through 2015. Their schedule is ridiculous.

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I think they're pretty intent on going the Franco/Nina route once they finish with the Franco/Carly/Sonny and Silas/Nina stuff.  I'd bet anything that Ron and/or Frank think they have a new Todd/Blair in Franco/Nina - the two outcasts who start bonding as friends over their schemes and problems.  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Franco/Nina are worth a pimple on Todd/Blair's ass, but I think that's the show's plan for the immediate future.  And since Sam is moved on over into Jason and Patrick story, that leaves ME out in the cold, once they wrap up Silas/Nina and move MS over to RH.  I just don't see where they've made even a tiny effort to set Silas up with a future beyond his current situation, where I see the effort that has been made to keep Franco going.  Silas has lost his love interest, and his presumed dead ex-wife spends a whole lot of her time bonding with another guy or plotting with her nurse.  And Sam has taken up the mantle of researching Rafe's role in the hit and run, with Patrick by her side.  Silas has nothing to do onscreen unless it's being on the receiving end of a Nina scene here and there.  They may as well have put Silas in a coma and let Nina spout crazy monologues at his bedside in between scenes with Rosalie and Franco. 

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One could argue that Morgan is desperately trying not to believe Sonny could do something as awful as killing AJ when he expressly told Michael he wouldn't. I am not that one, however.


I don't think Morgan is dismayed about the killing AJ part - not that he's like no big deal, but he knows Sonny kills people and he (Morgan) thinks AJ was a bad person - I think he's dismayed that Sonny broke such a huge promise to Michael of all people. He wants to think Sonny has SOME standards.  And of course, he doesn't. (Well, okay, Sonny has some teeny tiny standards, but only compared to say, Franco.)

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We've seen Gary Tomlin and his pet writer give Roger Howarth material before. No thanks.


I think there are roles RH could potentially work in on any show left on the air. But do any of them need him? Absolutely not, especially the beyond-struggling Y&R, which is overloaded with ABC stars which CBS foolishly thought could help revamp their flagship - and just hired Chuck Pratt. And Howarth's range, while interesting with the right writing, is only more limited now than it was twenty years ago. And though I don't pay that much attention, I thought enough people seemed to be responding well to KDP on DAYS despite whatever the crap story is with her kid. I think adding RH and trying to do the "you loved them on another show" thing that all soap fans hate (including on GH with the OLTLers, when it was literally the same show) would sink her.


I do think Franco/Nina is their last hope for RH and I think it's very possible that they will ride it for a while, gambling that their 'crazy love affair' can keep him going despite what he is doing to Carly and Sonny. Or this could all be the setup to finally get rid of him. If this was anyone else I'd be sure it is, given the material onscreen - but here, I think they hope to turn Franco and NIna into a sort of Todd and Blair 'pairing of baddies' thing. It won't work, but good luck.

  • Love 4


I'd bet anything that Ron and/or Frank think they have a new Todd/Blair in Franco/Nina - the two outcasts who start bonding as friends over their schemes and problems.  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think Franco/Nina are worth a pimple on Todd/Blair's ass, but I think that's the show's plan for the immediate future.


Ron and Frank thought they had a new Todd/Blair in Todd/Carly... and then Franco/Carly... now they're trying to do it with Franco/Nina. Again... this is rather the same thing that chaps my ass about their treatment of Robin (did she ever have an unsuccessful pairing? Nope! But who gets the shaft repeatedly?) -- apparently they think if they have the "hot guy" then the woman character is interchangeable. "Let's replace Kassie DePaiva with a troublesome blonde in Laura Wright's Carly! That's totally the same! Everyone will get on board! Oh... we can't use Todd anymore, let's change him to Franco and keep him with Carly and we'll still have that great T&B dynamic! No one's going to notice! Soap opera audiences are sheep and they only care about the hot hot men anyway! Oh, Carly was a little too establishment... we need a REAL outcast to play opposite Character Roger Howarth Plays in order to recapture that T&B vibe! But start casting around for another tall, willowy, preferably blonde woman just in case this doesn't pan out."


Because the problem CLEARLY isn't with Howarth's Franco, is it?

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But yes, the focus is definitely on Patrick/Sam and, of course, on The Rise Of Billy Miller Jason.  Silas looks to be shit out of luck.

This especially ticks me off on the heels of Robin crying and saying tell Emma I love her via Skype, then hanging up on them. Did Patrick really say, "I guess we're going to Amsterdam"? Um, dipshit, your school-age daughter has made it clear she's missing mommy a lot, you don't know  when Emma will see Robin again, but you're ready to jet off to Amsterdam with Sam (because it's fun being adventure guy/you want answers about baby Shamwow)? Emma needs her father. Dante can go to Amsterdam because it's his job to investigate Luke; he has a wife present who shares the responsibility of Rocco.  Nathan or Anna, both cops without young children, can go with him.  I still would have hated that line coming from Sam because she has Danny to think about - but I would have hated it slightly less because she's a PI. 


Silas has been SOL ever since he left his brain behind in the park the day of Danny's b-day party, when he wheeled partycrasher The Nina home to his apartment. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I like Patrick and Sam a lot as a couple, but in terms of the writing I do think it's been too fast. I don't think he is a leering lech who is like "Robin who?" the way some people do, but I do think he's been too overeager for the character and who he is as a man and a husband. He would soul-search this more, he would be slightly less cavalier - more tentative. Part of it is how he comes off from day to day - sometimes you have people writing him, whether it's in the breakdowns or it's the daily scriptwriter, like Patrick is single and ready to mingle, and this was before Robin went on their bootleg Frank Valentini Skype.

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