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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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22 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Not that I disagree with you, lol, but this just reminded me of something I've always wondered. What's an example of a longtime GH pairing where the characters both treated each other extremely well or in the way they deserved? My mind is legit blank. 

Would Cooper and Maxie qualify?  I miss Cooper Barrett. Where is his twin?

  • Love 2

I was surprised to learn that Liv had abandoned Ava at the condo and presumably left. When she finds out that Griffin stayed in the building with a patient, will she rush back in? I don't see how  they can afford to have a bomb explosion at GH, since they'd have to rebuild sets. If they move the bomb up to the roof and out of the elevator, maybe the explosion can be somewhat controlled or contained by the bomb squad, saving the lower floors.   

On 3/3/2017 at 1:54 PM, Vella said:

Designated winners are the WORST. 

And this show has way too many of them - Sonny, Carly, Jason, Sam... and Franco is very quickly achieving that status.  It sucks all the drama out of the stories.

On 3/3/2017 at 7:03 PM, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I'm not ready to stick a fork in Nelle's reveal and declare it done. There's still some gravy and white meat to savor. Carly's world is just beginning to fall apart. She's found out about the betrayals of Nelle and Sonny, but the feast is not over. We have the delicious prospect of adored Jason being lying Sonny's confidant but not spilling the beans or dropping a hint to her. (t's true that Jason has been very occupied by his own troubles, but still...). Carly may go running to Jason for solace, only to discover he's known all along.

And then there is Jax. Carly seems to have a good relationship with Jax, respecting and trusting him. When she discovers his part in getting the kidney for Joss, getting mixed up with Frank and Nelle, and keeping the secret for all these years,  Carly is going to feel that every man she's been close to has stabbed her in the back and betrayed her trust. (It wasn't too long ago that Franco also made a debacle of their wedding by humiliating her in public.) Sonny, Jax, Jason, Franco, Nelle. If Joss too takes her adored Jax's side, Carly might be left only with Bobbie as a close trusted relationship. Is Carly strong enough to take all those blows?   She could crack in a number of interesting ways.

All this sounds like a very interesting way to keep the fallout of the Nelle reveal (such as it was) going... Too bad that, with these writers, it will never happen.

On 3/4/2017 at 2:27 AM, ulkis said:

God, I'm being deeply nostalgic for Ethan. Someone wet my fevered brow.

Ethan was an interesting character played by a very talented actor.  I think the show lost something when Nathan Parsons left.  That being said, I wouldn't want the character or actor anywhere near GH as currently constituted.  He'd just be completely wasted and the character wrecked.

On 3/4/2017 at 4:14 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

Cheesy, OOC dialogue isn't Jasam's biggest problem. Their biggest problem is that they've been played out and stale for years now. Yet the show seems intent on treating them like a flagship super couple.

Exactly.  They should have been given a HEA and sent off-canvas as soon as the stupid lie story was wrapped up.  At the very least, they should be kept firmly on the back burner, along with Sonny and Carly.

On 3/7/2017 at 0:13 PM, TeeVee329 said:

OMG, Olivia J. twisting a knob on one of those old computers and a hologram Helena a la "Star Wars" appearing would be hilar-balls.

I kept thinking about the one scene with Zola in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER.  Having it turn out that Helena uploaded her consciousness onto the internet (or better yet - onto General Hospital's computer system, where she has been amusing herself by fucking up paternity tests) would be a great twist and could pave the way for a recast.

You know, as I was watching CA:TWS for the five mozillinth time on FX (it's been on heavy rotation there for months), I kept comparing and contrasting how will that movie did the Bucky reveal with how badly GH botched the same thing with Jason.  How is it that a superhero movie can carry off emotional beats with ease while soap opera - for whom emotional beats are their bread and butter - just bollixes it up at every turn?  It's mind-boggling.

On 3/7/2017 at 6:09 PM, peachmangosteen said:

People have pointed out all the dumbness, but I don't care, I loved every single one of the scenes relating to the Liv situation. The scenes with Liv and Griffin were my shit!

Yeah, it was good, old school soap.  And shirtless Griffin was a bonus!

Maybe this experience will make Griffin decide he wasn't cut out to be a priest and we'll be able to see him put aside the collar and start doing some interesting soapy stuff.

On 3/7/2017 at 7:57 PM, TVbitch said:


On 3/8/2017 at 11:45 AM, HeatLifer said:

Do you think Ron still watches this show, cackling at the longlasting damage he inflicted?

This is one of the things I find absolutely mindboggling about Jelly.  They KNOW their predecessor drove ratings into the ditch and got his ass fired because of these awful stories.  And instead of trying to find ways to reverse* or fix or even abort them, they double down on them instead!  WTF?!?!?!

* - Except for the one story that was actually good - Sonny and Carly losing Michael because of A.J.'s murder.  They made sure to reverse that one as quickly as possible.

On 3/8/2017 at 1:54 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I've beat this drum before, but I find it crazy there is no next generation of WSB agents.  It just can't be Anna and off-screen Robert and Frisco forever.  Anna having a protégé would be so awesome.

This is why I think GH letting the character of Ethan go was a mistake.  He would be perfect as Anna's protege.

Griffin wouldn't be a bad idea for this - it would give him something to do - but they would have to a big character revamp. 

Also GH's writers would have to a.) have the desire to write an espionage story instead of the 8,573,820,060,35th go-round of Sam-In-Danger-Jason-To-The-Rescue, or Carson on the Rocks, or the Mob War That Will Change Everything, or You-Will-All-Love-Franco-Or-Else, which they clearly don't, and b.) have the capability of writing a halfway interesting spy story, which they clearly can't.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm tired of Jason saving the day. Why couldn't Robin have figured something out? It's so aggravating that the wimmins are always helpless and in need of someone coming to their rescue. Even Anna gets constantly undercut.

Anna is supposed to be an explosives expert. She has diffused bombs before on this show. The writers seem to have forgotten that or they just don't care. 

I hope they let Anna save Jason because that 'I owe you' to him bothers me. Anna does not owe Jason crap. This was Jason's debt to Robin repaid. But I don't trust the writers to remember that. 

I mean I think we were lucky that the writers even let Anna figure out where Robin was instead of Jason and didn't have her in bed the whole time.

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Robin is a special problem because of this. My main beef is that the men are always the ones who save the day. 

And I get that, totally. But with Robin...she has saved the man. Many times. Too many times, if you ask me. And now they showed that the same man would die for her. It needed to be portrayed like that.

Edited by HeatLifer
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36 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

And now they showed that the same man would die for her. It needed to be portrayed like that.

But I don't know if that's the way it came across.  It didn't for me, until after I came here and read other people's perspective on the scene.  

To me, the scene played out that Jason, again the saviour, traded places with Robin, because this show always wants Jason (or Sonny or Franco nowadays) to be the hero(es).  Jordan was sidelined by stupidity and a crack to the head, Anna was sidelined by a disease she was given five minutes ago for the sole purpose of keeping her away from helping, Robin is pregnant and strapped to the bomb, even Sam is recently recovering from a difficult delivery and post surgery.  Dante the cop, only job was to call the bomb squad, Nathan's MIA and Valerie has girl parts so she's not helping.  So Saint Jasus to the rescue, again.  

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Perkie said:

So Saint Jasus to the rescue, again.  

If Robin was a random person, sure. But by thinking this, it completely diminishes who these characters are and the history that they have together, specifically what has happened between the years of 2012 and 2016.

But, hey, if the show wants to ignore actual material they created which would create genuine emotions by basically saying Jason would blow himself up for anything or anyone on any given day just to play hero, they can do that. Sucks for Sam.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Vera said:

Anna is supposed to be an explosives expert. She has diffused bombs before on this show. The writers seem to have forgotten that or they just don't care. 

Hey, they had Anna say, "I used to be able to do this." History! What more do you want?!

1 hour ago, Perkie said:

But I don't know if that's the way it came across.  It didn't for me, until after I came here and read other people's perspective on the scene.  

To me, the scene played out that Jason, again the saviour, traded places with Robin, because this show always wants Jason (or Sonny or Franco nowadays) to be the hero(es).  Jordan was sidelined by stupidity and a crack to the head, Anna was sidelined by a disease she was given five minutes ago for the sole purpose of keeping her away from helping, Robin is pregnant and strapped to the bomb, even Sam is recently recovering from a difficult delivery and post surgery.  Dante the cop, only job was to call the bomb squad, Nathan's MIA and Valerie has girl parts so she's not helping.  So Saint Jasus to the rescue, again.  

Exactly. That's how it was because that's how it always is. Jason is the fucking hero, as always. Maybe it would've helped if they'd had Jason bring up how he owed Robin, but they didn't. And, in fact, they had Anna say she owes him. Fuck that noise!

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason bring up how he owed Robin, but they didn't.

What was the dialogue supposed to be? "Well, you saved me, so move over so we can be even!" Jason doesn't owe Robin. She made those choices. She never did it to be repaid. The characters genuinely care and love each other and DO these things. This has been shown on-screen for years. Jason being showcased as a "hero" just to be a "hero" was not the point. Every time Robin did something for Jason was it to show she is a "hero?" No other reason?

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason being showcased as a "hero" just to be a "hero" was not the point.

Wasn't it though?  Who found Sam?  Who, with Curtis's help, figured out who planted the bomb?  It was just one more moment of Jason being the only one to figure stuff out and everyone around him being stupid or inefectual.  Everyone can say it's a mutual thing between Robin and Jason, but to me, that's not how the scene played out, because it was just one more time where the show went to the Jason well instead of elsewhere.  Why couldn't Dante have been the one to find Robin and switch places?  Nathan?  Griffin? Curtis?  Jordan?  Julian (to make amends)?  Nope, had to be Jason.  And considering these writers, I don't beleive that they were playing the Robin/Jason history beat.  Not when they can't even play the beat of "Nina kidnapped a baby from a womb so how can she possilby testify in a custody hearing".  That's giving these writers way too much credit.  

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Why couldn't Dante have been the one to find Robin and switch places?  Nathan?  Griffin? Curtis?  Jordan?  Julian (to make amends)?  Nope, had to be Jason.

Because they don't have any emotional connection to Robin. Jason does. 

The writers don't have to play a history beat with Jason and Robin. It's always there if you're a viewer who has watched the show for whatever amount of years. A viewer doesn't forget what Robin did for Jason. That's why most people are referring to it now and making that connection.

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4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

The writers don't have to play a history beat with Jason and Robin.

Maybe they don't have to, but I think they should have. Especially since this show has suffered for years because Jason is the de facto hero and saves everyone all the time no matter what.

But, much like how I'm sure Jason/Sam fans loved all the stuff with the birth of the baby/aftermath of the birth, I'm sure Jason/Robin fans loved this. It just didn't really fully work (again like the Jason/Sam fans) for people who aren't long term fans of those couples.

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4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Because they don't have any emotional connection to Robin. Jason does. 

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree because I don't beleive these writers wrote Jason being the one to change places because of his emotional connection to Robin.  In fact I don't beleive the writers know about the connection between Robin and Jason (maybe I'm just jaded).  Maybe it's my hate of all things Jason clouding my judgement, but I for one, would have been more emotionally connected to the scene if anyone else (though mainly Dante!) would have been the one to the rescue.  Having Jason to the rescue, maybe because of my intense dislike of the character (I'm willing to admit that) made me roll  my eyes and think "here we go again".  I also thought "hey idiot, your wife just had a baby and you're going to put yourself in danger this way, idiot".  But again, my feelings for that character may cloud my judgement a wee bit.  

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I also thought "hey idiot, your wife just had a baby and you're going to put yourself in danger this way, idiot". 

I thought about that, too. I thought the same thing when Robin saved Jason too though, but at least she was being forced lol.

ETA: I think the writers definitely know about the Jason/Robin connection and were using it, and it alone, to make those scenes work. They didn't even try, they just hoped Jason/Robin's connection was enough. And it just wasn't imo. At least not for people who aren't hardcore Jason/Robin fans.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason/Robin fans

You don't have to be a fan to know what their relationship is and how they interact, though.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I thought about that, too. I thought the same thing when Robin saved Jason too though, but at least she was being forced lol.

Because that's what Jason and Robin do for each other. Again, that's not fanwank. It's what the show has told us for many, many years.

15 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Not when they can't even play the beat of "Nina kidnapped a baby from a womb so how can she possilby testify in a custody hearing".

Nina's marriage to Valentin was the issue of the moment—were they solid? Obviously her treatment of Ava should be brought up, but it doesn't have anything to do with her marriage.

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Especially since this show has suffered for years because Jason is the de facto hero and saves everyone all the time no matter what.

This.  If it's Alexis on the bomb, or Diane, or Liz or Hayden or Epiphany, Jason changes places and gets to be the hero once again.  J&R fans will see it as he took her place because of their long history together.  As a Jason disliker (what is the word for the opposite of fan?!!), I don't see that connection, even though I'm fully aware of the history.  

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Meh. The Jason/Robin connection alone wasn't enough imo. And it certainly wasn't enough to overcome the fact that fucking Jason always gets to be the hero and that him being the hero in this particular instance required like 5 other characters to be unnecessarily and stupidly sidelined for it to work.

It would be more ridiculous if Jason did nothing when Robin was in trouble and Curtis did.

1 minute ago, Perkie said:

This.  If it's Alexis on the bomb, or Diane, or Liz or Hayden or Epiphany, Jason changes places and gets to be the hero once again.  J&R fans will see it as he took her place because of their long history together.  As a Jason disliker (what is the word for the opposite of fan?!!), I don't see that connection, even though I'm fully aware of the history.  

I'm not a Jason and Robin fan, btw. And it's not only them who saw the scene in that way.

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10 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Obviously her treatment of Ava should be brought up, but it doesn't have anything to do with her marriage.

But in a way, it does.  It begs the question, why would Valentin, father of a young child, marry a woman who put a young child in danger?  It makes it very clear that the marriage was of convenience for the purpose of the custody hearing.  

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Perkie said:

But in a way, it does.  It begs the question, why would Valentin, father of a young child, marry a woman who put a young child in danger?  It makes it very clear that the marriage was of convenience for the purpose of the custody hearing.  

It also makes it clear that Valentin doesn't put his child's safety first, if he marries a woman that at one point was so desperate for a child she stole one from a pregnant woman and has been thus blackballed from every adoption agency that is legitimate.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe they don't have to, but I think they should have. Especially since this show has suffered for years because Jason is the de facto hero and saves everyone all the time no matter what.

But, much like how I'm sure Jason/Sam fans loved all the stuff with the birth of the baby/aftermath of the birth, I'm sure Jason/Robin fans loved this. It just didn't really fully work (again like the Jason/Sam fans) for people who aren't long term fans of those couples.


54 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

It would be more ridiculous if Jason did nothing when Robin was in trouble and Curtis did.

But what if Jason wasn't there?  What if, this one time, there is a crisis and Sonny, Jason and Franco are all sitting at home, watching football and drinking beer.  Then someone else can be the hero for a change.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think the writers definitely know about the Jason/Robin connection and were using it,

Ok, so then maybe the problem for me is Billy Miller.  I don't think of him as Jason (somehow he's always been Jake Doe to me), so there was no connection for me.  Just like having the actor (who's name escapes me now) replacing BA as Spinelli at Naxie's wedding.  He wasn't Spinelli to me, he was some random guy.  

So here, it was Jake Doe, who again gets to be the hero instead of Dante, Jordan, valerie, ANY OTHER HUMAN PERSON, for Robin.  

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Perkie said:

But what if Jason wasn't there?  What if, this one time, there is a crisis and Sonny, Jason and Franco are all sitting at home, watching football and drinking beer.  Then someone else can be the hero for a change.  

Soaps are about connections, relationships, friendships, romance, grudges. So if that "someone else" was the hero, hopefully it's for a character they know and have an established bond with. It's way more interesting than saving Random Extra #2 or someone they never interact with.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Soaps are about connections, relationships, friendships, romance, grudges. So if that "someone else" was the hero, hopefully it's for a character they know and have an established bond with.

Ok, I'll give you that.  Then what about Jordan (instead of Curtis, whom I mentioned before).  How about, for once, the PCPD aren't complete morons, that are so stupid their leader tells her officers to stand down, while she goes to find an armed and dangerous man on her own, leading to her being knocked out and needing to be rescued by Curtis.  

How about, Jordan is intelligently written for once, she doesn't get knocked out, (Rudge escapes some other way) and she finds Anna, her friend, in distress, over Robin's disapearance.  Why not have Jordan find Robin and make the decision to save her, for Anna's sake.  Does that not have the connection we would want without resorting to Saint Jasus of the Million Saves striking again?

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Ok, so then maybe the problem for me is Billy Miller. 

He is part of the problem for me, but less because he doesn't feel like Jason and more because I just don't like his acting. He's so smug. But then Jason is smug, so maybe he's actually doing a good job!

I think Anna should've saved Robin. That would've worked on every level IMO and you wouldn't have the tiredness of Jason always getting to be the hero. But they've made her sick for whatever reason. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Soaps are about connections, relationships, friendships, romance, grudges. So if that "someone else" was the hero, hopefully it's for a character they know and have an established bond with. It's way more interesting than saving Random Extra #2 or someone they never interact with.

Not trying to pick an argument.  But the same sort of "connection" nonsense happened in 2007 when Elizabeth saved Jason's life after he'd been shot.  At the time Liason fans saw it has harkening back to when Jason was shot in the snow and Elizabeth nursed him back to health.  I gather that many non Liason fans didn't see it that way and there was history on the characters side then too.

Jason being this hero  to the women he's been sexually involved with will always cause the perception of scenes like the J&R one to be viewed with a different perspective than other viewers.  Blame Guza and SB for starting that trend years ago.  

10 minutes ago, Perkie said:

How about, Jordan is intelligently written for once, she doesn't get knocked out, (Rudge escapes some other way) and she finds Anna, her friend, in distress, over Robin's disapearance.  Why not have Jordan find Robin and make the decision to save her, for Anna's sake.  Does that not have the connection we would want without resorting to Saint Jasus of the Million Saves striking again?

If they wanted to showcase a connection between Anna and Jordan and make their friendship stronger, sure. But it would not be a connection between Robin and Jordan, as they don't have any type of interaction or bond to precede this scene.

8 minutes ago, coffee drinker said:

cause the perception of scenes like the J&R one to be viewed with a different perspective than other viewers.

I've always viewed Jason and Robin by what the show itself has shown me.

Edited by HeatLifer
4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Anna should've saved Robin

ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY.  You want to give Anna a disease, ok fine. Finola will act the crap out of that thing.    But they did it now, in the middle of the OJ story, which she should have been more front and center in, rather than Julian.  so she'd be side lined in this story and rendered inefectual.  That's not how I want to see MY Anna and MY Robin.  (I'm a ginormous Scorpio fan!!)

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

ouch. From MW's son:


Hard for Ava and #GH fans to watch writers handicap the baddest bitch on the show (Ava J) to make another (OJ) look good. Cheap. Repetitive.

He didn't tag anyone though so maybe they won't notice.

Yeah, but Ava was actually an OJ knock-off - let's be real. OJ came first by over 20 years. And I love MW. #ATWTsincebirth

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Ava is hardly a "bad bitch".  She's Sonny in a skirt, and just like Sonny, Ava has never paid for anything ever.

And considering that she has now had a hand in the deaths of AJ Quartermaine and Morgan Corinthos and is going to get away with it again because somebody else pulled the actual trigger, complaining about the person taking the fall is bullshit

Edited by Oracle42
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I don't think it's wrong for her 15 year old son to say that or knock the show for it. He wasn't alive when Olivia was around the first time. And of course he's going to support his MOTHER. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They have changed Ava's character from what it used to be, and there are plenty of us who don't like it and wish she was more like she was in the beginning. That's all this was saying, and I fully support it.

A lot to unpack in Friday's episode. There were some good moments, I really liked the Anna/Robin stuff. I loved Alexis being bossy and pulling rank on Sam. It was just very believable and real.

Finn's addiction is tired and boring. Wrap it up and move on, Show. Give him and Hayden another challenge. Anything, but something other than this. And like Ava, Hayden's been softened a little too much from that sexpot she was when she first showed up. Bored now, as Willow would say.

I don't care what anyone says, Dante and Anna's chemistry was off the damn freaking charts. Hook these two up already.

Curtis, while predictable at being ride or die for Jason, was kind of sweet. And his comedic reaction at seeing Jason on the platform was awesome.

I'm annoyed that Ava didn't blast a hole in OJ. I can't reconcile that this is the same character. Although that leads in to my major complaint: Olivia Jerome's non-believability factor. So she kidnapped or overpowered the following people: Julian, Ava, Sam, Griffin, Anna, Robin, and who else am I missing? No, she's not Helena's age, but someone needs to just smack her the fuck across the face. She's way overstayed her welcome, she's unwanted, and she needs to get the fuck off my screen.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

 She's way overstayed her welcome, she's unwanted, and she needs to get the fuck off my screen.

I love this sentence so much, I want to marry it, then shoot it in the head while it's giving birth to my bipolar son, who will grow up to be a douchebag, not because of the bipolarism, but just because.  

  • Love 13

Anna, above all, should have been the hero.  What was the point of ALL those Olivia/Anna flashbacks? The feuding over Duke? The bemoaning of having no child? The fact that Anna miscarried her and Duke's child after Olivia shoved her into an elevator shaft? The fact that Robin, Anna's only living child, carrying HER child, is kidnapped, put into an elevator with a bomb? Anna talking about the loss of Leora?  Olivia getting immediately obsessed with Griff?  For such a shitty ass show, that is a pretty damn good and soapy build up. One drawing on ACTUAL history of GH with the original actresses reprising their roles 30 years later.  That is GOLD in the soap world.

Where does Jason fit in ANY of this? Nowhere. He's a tertiary character AT BEST.  All of that Anna vs Olivia Jerome build up to what effect? Struggling for 15 seconds in the basement?  Giving Anna a ridiculous condition 5 minutes before the big event that just HAPPENS to make Anna totally weak and fainty? So she weeps and stands around and flutters her hands while Jason is the hero. Fucking BULLSHIT.  It does not even RATE to watching Anna save her child from Olivia's madness.  They blew it. For Jason fucking Morgan.  All that buildup on history of Anna/Olivia, there must be someone on the writing staff who banged their head on the desk when Jason's name flew into the script.

  • Love 13
51 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I don't think it's wrong for her 15 year old son to say that or knock the show for it. He wasn't alive when Olivia was around the first time. And of course he's going to support his MOTHER. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They have changed Ava's character from what it used to be, and there are plenty of us who don't like it and wish she was more like she was in the beginning. That's all this was saying, and I fully support it.

A lot to unpack in Friday's episode. There were some good moments, I really liked the Anna/Robin stuff. I loved Alexis being bossy and pulling rank on Sam. It was just very believable and real.

Finn's addiction is tired and boring. Wrap it up and move on, Show. Give him and Hayden another challenge. Anything, but something other than this. And like Ava, Hayden's been softened a little too much from that sexpot she was when she first showed up. Bored now, as Willow would say.

I don't care what anyone says, Dante and Anna's chemistry was off the damn freaking charts. Hook these two up already.

Curtis, while predictable at being ride or die for Jason, was kind of sweet. And his comedic reaction at seeing Jason on the platform was awesome.

I'm annoyed that Ava didn't blast a hole in OJ. I can't reconcile that this is the same character. Although that leads in to my major complaint: Olivia Jerome's non-believability factor. So she kidnapped or overpowered the following people: Julian, Ava, Sam, Griffin, Anna, Robin, and who else am I missing? No, she's not Helena's age, but someone needs to just smack her the fuck across the face. She's way overstayed her welcome, she's unwanted, and she needs to get the fuck off my screen.


Get back to me while your fav is treated like garbage for over a decade. Too bad BH's oldest wasn't able to go on twitter when they put her character through the wringer with Jackson's reveal and his mom's job was on the line AGAIN. Maybe Maura West should be begging to be paired back with Franco like Liz. He committed the same heinous act that he committed against his current girlfriend and at least it would be less believable if Kiki set Franco on fire than Cam did. They wrote her into a corner when they had her commit actual murder against an annoying but salvage character and unlike Sonny, didn't have 15+ years to (theoretically) justify keeping her on board. 

Ava has never been a consist character and FV and guess Jelly are more interested in doing Perils of Pauline with Franco than with Ava. Her son asking be the same "badass" as she was introduced is akin to John York's family asking if he can be the same badly accented shiftless brother of Robert Scorpio or RH's kids asking Liz be the same firecracker she was pre rape. Maybe she should be asking RC for a job on DOOL.

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