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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I like Olivia but she should be strictly used as an Amy Vining type.




I'd wager that she really wouldn't be given much to do, since she has no current love interest on screen anyway or baby for that matter, so she'll probably end up being a character witness put on the stand to "sing" Sonny's praises as a good and loving father before she weeps and wails over Ava being the "evil bitch" who killed her beloved cousin Connie before Scott jumps up to start screaming "Objection!" at the top of his lungs.


Though it might be fun if they would have Scott question her about the whole Sonny shooting her unarmed son, a cop, in the chest and the like and how does that make him a "fit" parent in any capacity. 

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I do wonder if Ava is supposed to be just like Sonny. She's selfish to the point of narcissism in regards to the child she has (Kiki) but will start a mob war to take possession of her newest infant possession

This is true, but I still prefer Ava to Sonny for the simple reason that at least she mostly owns who she is.  She makes no bones about the things she's done.  Sonny does nothing of the sort.  Also, Ava is at least treated like a pariah in Port Charles.  Sonny should be, but isn't.

  • Love 11

I'd wager that she really wouldn't be given much to do, since she has no current love interest on screen anyway or baby for that matter, so she'll probably end up being a character witness put on the stand to "sing" Sonny's praises as a good and loving father before she weeps and wails over Ava being the "evil bitch" who killed her beloved cousin Connie before Scott jumps up to start screaming "Objection!" at the top of his lungs.


Though it might be fun if they would have Scott question her about the whole Sonny shooting her unarmed son, a cop, in the chest and the like and how does that make him a "fit" parent in any capacity. 


I'd love it if Scott questioned her about how long it was between the time that Connie died and the time that she crawled into bed again with Sonny. Didn't she do it with him in the office where Connie died? 

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 3

I'd love it if Scott questioned her about how long it was between the time that Connie died and the time that she crawled into bed again with Sonny. Didn't she do it with him in the office where Connie died? 




"He soothed my PAIN your honour!"


And you know Sonny would jump up and call Scott a "bastard" of some sort for daring to, you know, state facts and the like which show him to be a slime-ball of an opportunist and Olivia one of his "ride or die" brainless wimmins. 

  • Love 4

I don't like Ava.


However, I do enjoy her giving no fucks about Carly's and Sonny's feelings. How many times did these people kick a person when they were down to get what they want or for shits and giggles? How Sonny kidnapped AJ, hang him on a meat hook and was planning on using his alcoholism to escape murder charges, and the subsequent years the Qs had little to no access to Michael. How Carly threaten to out Kristina's paternity if Alexis didn't represent her in her custody hearing against Sonny. How he berated Alexis outside of Kristina's hospital room when he found out he was her father, because Carly wouldn't allow Alexis to tell Sonny herself, since Carly conveniently forgot that time she blackmailed Alexis. Or that other time he berated his other baby mama, Olivia, after he shot their son in the chest, intentionally.When he had Jax drugged and framed for attempted rape and then ran around town with a gun when Jax tried to take back Josslyn and accidentally shoot Robin. Or when he waltz in and took Avery out her playpen without so much as a phone when Kiki was her guardian. Or those times Sonny mocked Scotty for inability to protect his daughter Karen  from Sonny because Scotty had no idea that Karen was his!  Well now the tables have been turned and someone that is as ruthless as those two assholes is taking the baby that is 50% hers as putting in as much consideration for their feeling as they did for anyone else's feelings, which is none, unless you count the almost euphoric joy they had in watching various people suffering.


Long, slow clap for this post.  Carly and Sonny act like simply saying "I've done some things I'm not proud of" exonerates them from any responsibility.  Whereas everyone else?  Couldn't possibly regret anything and even if they did, too bad.  The absolute entitlement these two have is enough for me to root against them every single time.  I'd root for Faison over them.  


On a different note, since Dante and Valerie slept together on 4th of July and it's still not known is this pregnancy going to be the opposite of Olivia's 4 month "preemie" and she's going to have an 11-month pregnancy, a la Robin with Emma?  Just what the show needs...

  • Love 8

Are we supposed to like Paul Hornsby since he shot Sonny but is now a crime lord? I hate the mob on GH but Paul did shoot Sonny (or had someone shoot him) and, that not neccesarly a bad thing, right?


I have no problem with Paul at the moment. I applaud him for shooting Sonny and want to make out with him for offing Sloane (also because Richard Burgi is just really attractive). I don't even have a problem with him blackmailing Ava for now, I like their rapport and it's nice to see her in scenes with someone else.


What I do have a problem with is if he crosses Anna. Then he goes on my bad list.

  • Love 13

I'm finding everything about Dillon's movie and the Dillon/Lulu/Dante/Valerie quad sooo annoying.  The way Dillon and Valerie extremely lamely were able to walk back their overhead statements.  Dillon creepily imagining Lulu while filming a sex scene with his former sister-in-law.  The stupid intern, who you just know is going to record someone in this story doing or saying something they wouldn't want made public. 


Michael and Morgan were insufferable today.  In comparison, I was shocked at Carly's relative calm and sanity during the custody handoff.

  • Love 2

I'm finding everything about Dillon's movie and the Dillon/Lulu/Dante/Valerie quad sooo annoying. The way Dillon and Valerie extremely lamely were able to walk back their overhead statements. Dillon creepily imagining Lulu while filming a sex scene with his former sister-in-law. The stupid intern, who you just know is going to record someone in this story doing or saying something they wouldn't want made public.

It's sad that a story that should have been about Dante and Lulu isn't really about them at all.

It's sad that a story that should have been about Dante and Lulu isn't really about them at all.


They finally have a decent group of characters in this age group, but the story's just a dog.

So Ava has Avery?  Ric didn't come running in at the last minute with an order from a judge giving custody to Carly because "she's braveandstrongandloveswithherwholeheart?"  


If I was Ric, given Morgan got on the phone with him and threatened to beat him bloody, I would have told the collective Corinthii to go fuck themselves.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Sam's red top was pretty much only topped by Avery blithely eating a chip, Dillon's sexual dyslexia--the greatest soap term ever, thank you Days--and Morgan once again in desperate need of a tranquilizer dart.  The rest of it was largely by the numbers, if mostly inoffensively so (for this show).  Though why we're just now apparently getting to Valerie and Dillon finally having distraction sex boggles the mind...you couldn't have done this weeks ago, show?


As for Sonny's "devastating" embolism...could we be looking at a Happy Fun Victor (Y&R fans will get that) situation here, or are they just going to go straight to his being crippled or so on?  I was holding on for paralysis, but anything more than that probably ups the sympathy scale and...bizarrely...I'm not sure I want that.

"I was hoping to pick your brain for a moment." Oh, Paul, you're not going to get very far with Nathan.


Color me shocked Ava was smart enough to bring a cop with her. LOL at how happily the baby went into the cop's arms. Not that I blame Avery for wanting a change from Carly's arms. And Avery playing peekaboo with her blankie was beyond adorable. I don't know how anyone got through that scene in character.


Dillon, if you're going to close the set, how about you shut the door to the stateroom in which you're filming a love scene? This show is so stupid with those details.

  • Love 5

I'm finding everything about Dillon's movie and the Dillon/Lulu/Dante/Valerie quad sooo annoying.  The way Dillon and Valerie extremely lamely were able to walk back their overhead statements.  Dillon creepily imagining Lulu while filming a sex scene with his former sister-in-law.  The stupid intern, who you just know is going to record someone in this story doing or saying something they wouldn't want made public. 


Michael and Morgan were insufferable today.  In comparison, I was shocked at Carly's relative calm and sanity during the custody handoff.


Those scenes were cringeworthy. The Dillon/Maxie film scenes, that is. Second-hand embarrassment ahoy. 


I did like when Maxie said, "uh, yeah, what changed about her is she has a husband and a son". 


I would ask if Valerie is delusional when she said Dante was opening up to her about his father (did he even say two words about his relationship with Sonny yesterday?) but the continuity is so flimsy it's hard to tell whether delusion is the case or it's just aforesaid flimsiness. 


I think Dante cares he cheated, he just a) wants to forget it and b) is too busy as teevee joked, worrying about Sonny and also trying to figure out who shot him (and that's what all the scenes of him are at work about - he's trying to get his mind off of Lulu as much as find the shooter.) At this point though if he doesn't think there's a chance Valerie might say something whether on purpose or not, he's delusional too.


Carly saying that Avery needed her father while the walking should-have-been-an-abortion and the entitled rich kid stand behind her is one of the choicest nuggets from her today, and she had a lot of them.


Sam (to Anna): When did you get so wise?


Say what? Like Anna was some crazy wild child known for her stupidity? And like she and Sam have known each other for years? Eh? And it doesn't matter if Anna thinks Sam is amazing, it would/should still be awkward as hell for anyone who loves their kid to talk about the ex-husband marrying another woman.


I liked Ava saying "what about those two thugs you call sons!" Seriously, why isn't anyone offering Morgan a fucking sedative?? It's been weeks of him threatening people at this point.


oh, lol forever at Carly saying Sonny has such incredible children. Funnily enough she directed this comment to the only two she gave birth to and at this point I'm thinking there are literally only 5 people left who like Morgan.


This idea that we have to care about how Dillon and Valerie "feel" is what's killing me. 


I have no idea what's going on with Valerie at this point. Given spoilers that didn't pan out, I'm thinking they cut/changed stuff Ron had planned for her.


Oh, Nina and Franco tomorrow. As much as Our Lady Carly of Port Charles has irritated me the past couple of weeks, I'd still rather see her than them.

  • Love 7

And it doesn't matter if Anna thinks Sam is amazing, it would/should still be awkward as hell for anyone who loves their kid to talk about the ex-husband marrying another woman.

Anna was too busy drawing up the adoption papers so Sam can be Emma's forever mommy.

It's just SO insulting. Not only in terms of how the storyline is being twisted to make Patrick the victim (Uh, Anna, Patrick was the one who divorced Robin after she begged him to give her more time and then she told you she was broken), but the fact that Robin is about as important as Silas Clay. Maybe even less so.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Anna was too busy drawing up the adoption papers so Sam can be Emma's forever mommy.

It's just SO insulting. Not only in terms of how the storyline is being twisted to make Patrick the victim (Uh, Anna, Patrick was the one who divorced Robin after she begged him to give her more time and then she told you she was broken), but the fact that Robin is about as important as Silas Clay. Maybe even less so.


Is Robin Kiki's dad or fake-serial killing dad? Then no, she is not as important.


Did Maxie and Dillon mention Georgie at all? I missed some of the dialogue in their scenes.

  • Love 2

Oh, Nina and Franco tomorrow. As much as Our Lady Carly of Port Charles has irritated me the past couple of weeks, I'd still rather see her than them.


Is Carly in the previews for tomorrow?


Dreeeading the return of Francs and Neens, especially since the spoiled scenes of Nina

finding peace, making a new start, blah blah blah

sound horrible.

  • Love 1
Sam (to Anna): When did you get so wise?


Say what? Like Anna was some crazy wild child known for her stupidity? And like she and Sam have known each other for years? Eh? And it doesn't matter if Anna thinks Sam is amazing, it would/should still be awkward as hell for anyone who loves their kid to talk about the ex-husband marrying another woman.


Word. Yet another episode I'll be skipping.


I'm completely bummed at what they've done to Anna. She's no longer a well-rounded character with a point of view. She a walking quivering marsh mellow and an unfeeling robot when it comes to her daughter's family.


Fuck this show.

  • Love 3

Word. Yet another episode I'll be skipping.


I'm completely bummed at what they've done to Anna. She's no longer a well-rounded character with a point of view. She a walking quivering marsh mellow and an unfeeling robot when it comes to her daughter's family.


Fuck this show.


can you help me twist Nathan saying "the two people I trust to have my six are Dante and Anna" into something dirty though? I actually have no idea what a "six" is in this instance so it should be easy! (Is it a gun?)

  • Love 2

As much as I don't like Franco and Nina, I will crack up briefly if they move into Silas' place (Franco was telling her they should move in together).


Blargh, I could actually totally see them moving in to Silas' and forming a "family" with the despondent That Girl.  Passsssssss.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

On a different note, since Dante and Valerie slept together on 4th of July and it's still not known is this pregnancy going to be the opposite of Olivia's 4 month "preemie" and she's going to have an 11-month pregnancy, a la Robin with Emma?  Just what the show needs...


I don't think she's pregnant. Unless Dillon knocks her up at the beginning of tomorrow's episode.

Today's show had so much mindless Sonny-propping. Carly orchestrated a lot of it, appearing to stay calm during the baby turnover but actually weighing each word and manufactured emotion to hurt and insult Ava, stir up the loyalty of Morgan and Michael to bond the Corinthii together, and whitewash Sonny's reputation. Even Patrick was all moopey about not being able to return Sonny to Carly safe and sound, perfectly healthy, flashing a big orange grin. Sam had to promise Patty distracting sexytime before he could lope off to the showers, full of sadz and somber about the sacred Life he was trying to save.


And then Anna took over, propping Samtrick and approving their next step, thanking Sam for being there for Patrick and Emma, helping them make it through Robin's perfidy...where's my barfbag? A newbie would swear that Robin had died. Anna, that was a nauseating display.


Isn't it ironic that the Corinthii and Jeromes are fighting over mob territory and the custody of a tiny baby girl at the same time? Seems to me that Sonny is fighting for Avery because she arouses his property instinct, and it's a way to keep Carly on his side. And the two bond more securely if they can dream up a perceived battle and win it together.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

If someone made a movie like Dylan's in real life; I don't think that it would make it as a Lifetime or go directly to video DVD. It seems like it is going to be a pompous autobiographical slice of his life. The dialogue is god awful. I would have to be paid big bucks just to watch it.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 1

Michael and Morgan were insufferable today.  In comparison, I was shocked at Carly's relative calm and sanity during the custody handoff.

I didn't find Michael insufferable at all.  In fact, Morgan was the one out of control.  Michael had to tell him to not grab Ava, to honor the court order, to let her take Avery and they would fight it in court.  Ava brought up Michael killing Claudia, and MIchael answered her.  She is the one that stoked that fire.  Morgan needs to tone it down because he is ALWAYS confrontational.  


I agree that Carly was amazingly calm, and I love Carly when she's like this because she's right.  They have to lose a few battles to win the war.  She knows a thing or two about getting and keeping custody of a baby.


I do hate that the writers seem to have completely erased any remnants of AJ Quartermaine.  I mean does anyone even mention his name? Before the Michael/Sonny reset, Michael and other characters always mentioned AJ's name, and now, his name is never mentioned.  Are the writers just going to behave like AJ never died or was killed?  I can't hate Michael because the writers have just totally erased AJ from the storyline.  Dumb!

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2

I didn't find Michael insufferable at all.


He snarled that Ava would pay for her crimes, one way or another, in the defense of the custody rights of a man who has never paid for his crimes.  Plus, I found his "Actually, it's up to me!" line at the end pretty douchey.


But yes, of course, Morgan is in a league of his own right now.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

I loved the Anna/Sam scenes until Anna mentioned Sam gaining a daughter....I wouldn't call myself a Robin fan, I can take her or leave her, but that was BEYOND insulting.  Emma already has a fucking mother Anna.  You know, YOUR DAUGHTER.  It's just so stupid that this fucking dangling plotline of nobody giving a shit about Robin being MIA is STILL going on. 


And the fact that Michael can stand there and call Ava a murderer, while defending dear old dad makes me want to break my tv.  Fuck you show.

  • Love 11

I loved the Anna/Sam scenes until Anna mentioned Sam gaining a daughter....I wouldn't call myself a Robin fan, I can take her or leave her, but that was BEYOND insulting.  Emma already has a fucking mother Anna.  You know, YOUR DAUGHTER.


Yes, same here. So bizarre! no one in Anna's position (unless they hate their own daughter I suppose or knew their daughter was a bad drug addict mom or something) would say "and you'll be gaining a beautiful daughter?" What? That's just not how humans speak!


And the fact that Michael can stand there and call Ava a murderer, while defending dear old dad makes me want to break my tv.  Fuck you show.



Literally everyone on this show has to fly the Sonny flag, so I don't hold that against Michael. I do hold him responsible for not tying Morgan the hell up already.


And shut up Morgan. Why does anyone have to defend Sonny's territory if he's dead? He'd be dead! You can live in the attic in Carly's house.

  • Love 3

Yes, same here. So bizarre! no one in Anna's position (unless they hate their own daughter I suppose or knew their daughter was a bad drug addict mom or something) would say "and you'll be gaining a beautiful daughter?"

Didn't she also say "beautiful husband"? The same perfect husband that cheated on her daughter with a lunatic.

Yes, same here. So bizarre! no one in Anna's position (unless they hate their own daughter I suppose or knew their daughter was a bad drug addict mom or something) would say "and you'll be gaining a beautiful daughter?" What? That's just not how humans speak!


Note to self:  Just delete the rest of today's show without watching it. 

  • Love 2

I barely lasted through the credits before I was crying for a drink. I guess at least Carly's hypocrisy is consistent. The words she was spouting about Ava murdering an innocent and walking around free, does she not hear what she's saying or does she just choose to ignore that Sonny is the exact same? I mean, she seriously made it look like Sonny was some choir boy and the big bad wolf had come to snatch the baby away. Never mind the fact that it's her child.


And Morgan can fuck off and die any time now. I'm so sick of his whiny, bratty overgrown child ways. He should have gotten shot too. At the very least, I need someone to punch him out so I don't have to hear him be an asshole.


Dante and Lulu have become painful to watch, and not because of the Valerie situation. To hear them espouse Sonny as the poor little woobie is just insulting. I hate them both.


Michael actually was the only one I could stomach out of that crowd, but I'm apparently feeling way too magnanimous.


The rest was pretty meh.

  • Love 4

Dante and Lulu have become painful to watch, and not because of the Valerie situation. To hear them espouse Sonny as the poor little woobie is just insulting. I hate them both.


Sadly, it could be so much worse. I mean, Olivia could be there with them telling them they have to start a prayer circle. I'm surprised no one got that in actually. Ron was throwing around prayer circles left and right the first year or so on the show.


Speaking of them, I had an idle thought that it would be awesome if, when Julian finds out about the baby, and he's telling off Olivia and Dante in public, how could you do this, etc etc and Dante snapped that growing up with Sonny was the best thing for him and it was best for the baby too, and Ava was there to hear it and/or got in on type or made sure to ask the witnesses in court to testify that they heard that statement. Maybe I can pretend that will happen on Off-Screen-GH.

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