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Leverage Classic - Past Seasons Discussion

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I've been doing a full series rewatch and damn if this show doesn't get better with more viewings. Last night was the Rundown Job, with the three "kids" trying to stop an outbreak of Spanish influenza from overtaking Washington DC. Even though it's still fun, it has such a different feel from the rest of the series - last night I finally realized that it's like a cross between 24 and Scooby Doo, if the Mystery Machine were an NSA van, lol.

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On 21.5.2014 at 11:08 PM, Rinaldo said:

Eliot acquires a flock of screaming fangirls the morning after he played in a Memphis bar?


On 22.5.2014 at 10:26 PM, Rinaldo said:

OK, I know what you're saying here, and I know Kane has devoted fans in real life. I'm not saying he couldn't attract them. But just practically speaking: how did he? He sings one evening in a bar to which none of these girls could be admitted, and then by 10 the next morning they've all cut school to follow him around the streets of Memphis? On the basis of what? :) If he'd made a TV appearance, sure.

I worked in the music industry for nearly a decade, starting in the mid 90s when we didn't even have email accounts yet, let alone youtube. Let me tell you, this part of the storyline was scarily believable to me.

Also, it was established twice in the episode that young girls actually were present in the bar (I would get someone who kills people to steal their songs wouldn't be too strict on other legalities either) and I had to carry girls out of backstage areas often enough to know how cunning, tenatious and sometimes dangerously deluded they can be at a certain age.

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17 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I may have downloaded the song from iTunes. I just wanted to see if it was there and I accidentally bought it. I’m sticking with that story.

No judgement here; I own the whole CD (though “Thinking of You” is one of my least favorite songs). Have you seen the video for “The House Rules,” directed by Timothy and featuring an Aldis cameo?

Like, I’m no fan of bro country (or any country, really) and actively hate the use of women as wallpaper, and yet . . .

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11 hours ago, jenrising said:

The show probably  won't last because I can't have nice things since the article also lists my beloved Kevin Chapman in the series with Aldis. Chapman was actually the O'Hare mob guy in Beantown Bailout Job, but he'll always be Dective Fusco to me. Two of my tv favorites together!

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23 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

The show probably  won't last because I can't have nice things since the article also lists my beloved Kevin Chapman in the series with Aldis. Chapman was actually the O'Hare mob guy in Beantown Bailout Job, but he'll always be Dective Fusco to me. Two of my tv favorites together!

Probably not but the idea of Hardison, Fusco, and Jordan Cavanaugh on the same team could have potential. 

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The DVD commentaries do mention this, and they kind of hand-wave it with "prison escapees so often do return to their old neighborhoods" and all but say "it may be kind of a stretch, but just go with it." I get the impression that they really didn't want to build another "home" set (or had no budget to do it) for a new season and decided to live with the unlikelihood. There are a handful of lines that refer to the situation. 

3 hours ago, anniebird said:

Later in the season, references are made to it -- yes it's a stretch but this show is so much fun I can forgive it. I just watched The Rashomon Job and I'm in a forgiving mood. The shtick about Sophie's accent was hilarious! 

That was the best part! In Eliot's she's staying stuff like "Call blamey Governor that stuff is loaded with zero juice! Or Parker's where she's saying complete gibberish and Parker say "Oh, you said shrimp. That didn't sound like shrimp." When it didn't sound like anything. I love the part with the knife and how they each saw each other. Sophie having Eliot saying that death won't claim him this night. Hardison's version of him being the hit of the party, Eliot and Sophie apparently dirty dancing, and Eliot being creepy with the knife. I also love Sophie after hearing Eliot's version of her accent does back and redoes hers giving him a hick and pipe. 

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On 7/8/2018 at 8:45 AM, anniebird said:

I'm rewatching the whole series - at the beginning of season 3, Nate escapes from jail and then nothing more is ever said about it. I can enjoy suspension of belief up to a point but I think this was the point. Did I miss something?

I always thought he got some kind of reprieve for taking down the crooked warden and the judges that were taking kickbacks.  Bonano strikes me as the kind who could look away from Robin Hood felonies but I can't see him being okay with knowing an escaped con was back living in his nice condo and hanging at the bar.  Then again, Nate was in jail for taking down the guy that put the hit on him, so maybe that made him extra blind.  But I also remember Shelley asking him 'shouldn't that bother you?' and Bonano said 'you get used to it' so....now this is gonna bug me.  Darn you Anniebird!!

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53 minutes ago, lizzyp said:

I always thought he got some kind of reprieve for taking down the crooked warden and the judges that were taking kickbacks.  Bonano strikes me as the kind who could look away from Robin Hood felonies but I can't see him being okay with knowing an escaped con was back living in his nice condo and hanging at the bar.  Then again, Nate was in jail for taking down the guy that put the hit on him, so maybe that made him extra blind.  But I also remember Shelley asking him 'shouldn't that bother you?' and Bonano said 'you get used to it' so....now this is gonna bug me.  Darn you Anniebird!!

That's a really good point! Nate went to jail nabbing the person who shot Bonano. Now that would make a difference.  

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I really love how they handled the character of Maggie. So many other shows probably would have made her bitter or a shrew or horrible if only to prop up Nate and Sophie or so Sophie looks better. Its so easy to go in that direction. But I love that Leverage didn't. She was really nice. You could see why she and Nate were together and you could see why the divorce. And why they won't get back together. You could see a couple who loved each other but experienced the worse thing possible losing their son and their marriage fell apart. That such a huge thing to over come.  Sophie started off jealous of her but dropped it completely in the Second David and really liked Maggie. It really made sense Sophie didn't know her and was jealous while also wondering why Nate's ex was still working with Blackpoole. It was really nice seeing everyone drop everything to go help Maggie when she was framed in Kiev. Parker packing things Maggie will need on the run. I liked that she recognized the button camera Eliot was wearing. Or when their is getting on Nate about having no outside friends they ask Nate to name one person he talks to outside his crew and they all immediately say "besides Maggie." I also liked how Maggie didn't come off bothered or jealous by Sophie. When Nate's tripping over himself to explain that he and Sophie never she wasn't bothered at all. She knew nothing happened and she hadn't needed to worry.

Edited by andromeda331
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Doing another rewatch, because why not. Currently in mid season 3. I think season 2 is the weakest, they have some really good episodes, but I did skip over quite a few of them (Fairy God Parents, Three days of the Hunter, The Top Hat, The Ice Man, and The Runway). I liked Tara/Jeri Ryan, that character/actress never bothered me. It was funny in the S2 E1 when Eliot says "She is going on a con", and Nate replies, "Of she is, she's dressed like a nun." and Eliot says, "It's Parker." The way Nate gives it a little thought and then nods like you have a point is great. I really liked how S3 opens with the con being played out and then you find out it's Sophie telling Nate in prison how they planned to spring him. Also how the episode ends with Bonano coming in with the cane (from being shot last season) and helping Nate clean up. Then during The Inside Job, when the crew arrives at Parkers "house", Sophie and Alec are in awe and Nate and Eliot are like , yea this is what I expected. One thing I don't think I ever noticed was the bunny on the bed, which is the bunny from the S1 flashback of young Parker when the dad is yelling at her about stealing the bunny and becoming a better thief because she was caught. I think the only episode I have skipped in S3 is The Underground job.

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18 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Doing another rewatch, because why not. Currently in mid season 3. I think season 2 is the weakest, they have some really good episodes, but I did skip over quite a few of them (Fairy God Parents, Three days of the Hunter, The Top Hat, The Ice Man, and The Runway). I liked Tara/Jeri Ryan, that character/actress never bothered me. It was funny in the S2 E1 when Eliot says "She is going on a con", and Nate replies, "Of she is, she's dressed like a nun." and Eliot says, "It's Parker." The way Nate gives it a little thought and then nods like you have a point is great. I really liked how S3 opens with the con being played out and then you find out it's Sophie telling Nate in prison how they planned to spring him. Also how the episode ends with Bonano coming in with the cane (from being shot last season) and helping Nate clean up. Then during The Inside Job, when the crew arrives at Parkers "house", Sophie and Alec are in awe and Nate and Eliot are like , yea this is what I expected. One thing I don't think I ever noticed was the bunny on the bed, which is the bunny from the S1 flashback of young Parker when the dad is yelling at her about stealing the bunny and becoming a better thief because she was caught. I think the only episode I have skipped in S3 is The Underground job.

Fairy God Parents isn't my favorite although I do love Eliot teaching the classroom of girls to fight and always happy to see the FBI guys. I do like Three Days of Hunter seeing Sophie running the con this time and Hardison turning the tables on his interrogator. I love when the two men leave the interviews and he remarks that his is freaking him out while the other guy says his appears to be insane. The Ice Man was just okay although I do like everyone secretly calling Sophie and Hardison pretending to call his girl when he calls Sophie after being kidnapped by the Russians Sophie's remarked that it should be okay as long as its not the Russian and poor Hardison's remark "Bit of a problem". I love that part with Nate's reaction to Eliot's remark about Parker dressed a Nun. With Parker who really knows she would do it just cause. I didn't like the Runaway either except Parker wondering about reindeer games and wondering how would they even keep score. I love the opening of season three for the same reason ending with Nate saying no because nothing timed out right. But Sophie is right it would be great with her driving the getaway car. Parker tasering the guards and Nate's only reaction is she could have just taken the keys. Parker's house is so Parker, I love everyone's reaction to it too and yes the bunny is on the bed. My least favorite is the horse one (except for Parker's story about seeing a horse kill a guy and it being a man dressed up as a horse!), the boxing one (except for Parker beating up Hardison), the Underground (except Parker learning to grift) and hockey one. Which are your favorite episodes?

Edited by andromeda331
7 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

Which are your favorite episodes?

I don't think that is easily answered. There is so much to love about the whole series, and as you mention (about episodes I skipped) there are still nuggets in each episodes that ring true. Nate's consistent "Let's go steal a...", and how in S4 E1 it's "mountain" and everyone is like, didn't we already steal a mountain. His drive that comes out whenever a child is somehow hurt or involved, Like the Cross My Heart Job, the extreme menace he exudes at the end of the episode is chilling. Alec and his wide eyed shake of his head with the slight "Uh uh" whenever he is asked to do something uncomfortable or out of his wheelhouse, plus all of his geek references. His always losing to Eliot during rock paper scissors because "He has a tell". His excitement when they pull off the impossible, like landing the plane in Mile High Job, or doing The Bottle Job in under an hour and a half, or how he hacked history in King George Job. Eliot and his frustration at most of what Alec does, but then secretly smiling after, like the commercial "aired" in Japan when he was the baseball player (and he wanted Hardison to play it again), the same with Mr Punchy. Eliot's using the words "very distinctive" all the time. It's a very distinctive fighting style, it has a very distinctive sound. Everything about Parker is just gold. In the Juror #6 how everyone had to keep telling her "You are Alice". In the Studio Job how it takes her all episode and then off screen you hear "Oh Eliot's the fiddle!" and the Hot Potato Job where she doesn't understand the potato is what they were after. When she rattles off all the different bank security systems in Three Card Monte job and then is all "What do you guys do on the weekend?" Beth is so expressive with Parker. She hits all the comedic and emotional beats. Her distress in The Stork Job and how she didn't want the kid to "turn out like her". In the Boost Job how she tried to look out for Josie, and the aforementioned Down Hill Job when she breaks down telling Eliot she "wants to do the right thing" in trying to bring the body back to the wife.

It is the one series that I will rewatch at least once year, because even after multiple viewings it will still hold up better than most of what is on TV today.

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On 5/5/2018 at 6:54 PM, andromeda331 said:

Sophie and Nate must have been on the case! 

I just have started re-watching the show as ION has been running Season 5 this past week and enjoyed seeing The Frame Up Job again.  One question that never occurred to me before:  Sterling is continually saying to Nate and Sophie:  "Be Seeing You..."  Did he always say that, because it seems like a deliberate quote from The Prisoner?

Edited by roseha
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3 hours ago, roseha said:

I just have started re-watching the show as ION has been running Season 5 this past week and enjoyed seeing The Frame Up Job again.  One question that never occurred to me before:  Sterling is continually saying to Nate and Sophie:  "Be Seeing You..."  Did he always say that, because it seems like a deliberate quote from The Prisoner?

It probably was a deliberate quote because Sterling never said that in the other episodes.  Given the distrust and animosity between him and the crew I can't imagine why he would. They usually worked with him when they no choice and always parted planning never to work together again. Eliot beat him up in season two and Nate promised Sterling he'd make sure Eliot didn't find Sterling after betraying the team and poisoning Eliot in the Queen's Gambit Job to get his daughter. 

On 3.8.2018 at 7:40 AM, andromeda331 said:

I really love how they handled the character of Maggie.

Couldn't agree more. It would have been so easy to paint her in an unsympathetic light, but they went the (sadly) unexpected way and made her part of the family without overusing the character.

On 5.10.2018 at 5:08 AM, andromeda331 said:

Fairy God Parents isn't my favorite although I do love Eliot teaching the classroom of girls to fight and always happy to see the FBI guys. I do like Three Days of Hunter seeing Sophie running the con this time and Hardison turning the tables on his interrogator. I love when the two men leave the interviews and he remarks that his is freaking him out while the other guy says his appears to be insane. The Ice Man was just okay although I do like everyone secretly calling Sophie and Hardison pretending to call his girl when he calls Sophie after being kidnapped by the Russians Sophie's remarked that it should be okay as long as its not the Russian and poor Hardison's remark "Bit of a problem". I love that part with Nate's reaction to Eliot's remark about Parker dressed a Nun. With Parker who really knows she would do it just cause. I didn't like the Runaway either except Parker wondering about reindeer games and wondering how would they even keep score. I love the opening of season three for the same reason ending with Nate saying no because nothing timed out right. But Sophie is right it would be great with her driving the getaway car. Parker tasering the guards and Nate's only reaction is she could have just taken the keys. Parker's house is so Parker, I love everyone's reaction to it too and yes the bunny is on the bed. My least favorite is the horse one (except for Parker's story about seeing a horse kill a guy and it being a man dressed up as a horse!), the boxing one (except for Parker beating up Hardison), the Underground (except Parker learning to grift) and hockey one. Which are your favorite episodes?

Eliot with the girls, Sophie shushing the big fight and Parker inspecting the apartment Parker-style made Fairy God Parents for me.
I'm very meh on Runway too. There were some good scenes, but overall it was lacking something.

My favourite is probably The Big Bang Job. Not just because of the insane action scenes (which I'm a sucker for), but because there was some really good acting in there. There are so many good eps though. I like The Studio Job (I can put names to some of the archetypes in that one thanks to my professional past) The Bank Shot Job; Reunion & D.B. Cooper for being fun, Queen's Gambit (contrasts the funny Eliot/Sterling and Nate/chess players scenes nicely with Parker and Hardison's more serious/emotional ones), Experimental was good as well. The arrogant yuppie was really well cast, I just wanted to punch him. Also, the Last Goodbye Job because it wasn't one of the countless last episodes of a series that made me angry, but actually kept up the show's quality until the end and bookended it nicely with the ep 1 references without overdoing it. Timothy Hutton absolutely killed it in that one.
I'm still not sure if I liked the White Rabbit or not. Using Hamlet is usually a good way to get me, but I've been on the fence about this ep for years.

On 5.10.2018 at 12:19 PM, Spaceman Spiff said:

I don't think that is easily answered. There is so much to love about the whole series, and as you mention (about episodes I skipped) there are still nuggets in each episodes that ring true. Nate's consistent "Let's go steal a...", and how in S4 E1 it's "mountain" and everyone is like, didn't we already steal a mountain. His drive that comes out whenever a child is somehow hurt or involved, Like the Cross My Heart Job, the extreme menace he exudes at the end of the episode is chilling. Alec and his wide eyed shake of his head with the slight "Uh uh" whenever he is asked to do something uncomfortable or out of his wheelhouse, plus all of his geek references. His always losing to Eliot during rock paper scissors because "He has a tell". His excitement when they pull off the impossible, like landing the plane in Mile High Job, or doing The Bottle Job in under an hour and a half, or how he hacked history in King George Job. Eliot and his frustration at most of what Alec does, but then secretly smiling after, like the commercial "aired" in Japan when he was the baseball player (and he wanted Hardison to play it again), the same with Mr Punchy. Eliot's using the words "very distinctive" all the time. It's a very distinctive fighting style, it has a very distinctive sound. Everything about Parker is just gold. In the Juror #6 how everyone had to keep telling her "You are Alice". In the Studio Job how it takes her all episode and then off screen you hear "Oh Eliot's the fiddle!" and the Hot Potato Job where she doesn't understand the potato is what they were after. When she rattles off all the different bank security systems in Three Card Monte job and then is all "What do you guys do on the weekend?" Beth is so expressive with Parker. She hits all the comedic and emotional beats. Her distress in The Stork Job and how she didn't want the kid to "turn out like her". In the Boost Job how she tried to look out for Josie, and the aforementioned Down Hill Job when she breaks down telling Eliot she "wants to do the right thing" in trying to bring the body back to the wife.

It is the one series that I will rewatch at least once year, because even after multiple viewings it will still hold up better than most of what is on TV today.

Amen to all of this. There are more series out there right now than ever before. I have to watch a lot of them for my job (I know, the hardship) but on a personal level, I either don't want the people on the screen in my living room or the writing isn't up to par (or taking the audience for fools), the direction or camera work shoddy and let's not get started on the 'acting' in a lot of them. I'd rather re-watch a bunch of criminals being immensely entertaining while taking out human garbage. Until John Rogers tweets something current related to an ep and scares me back to the real world ;-)

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I've been re-watching Leverage in recent weeks, first on ION and then by adding more episodes via Amazon Prime.  By the way, when Amazon saw how many eps I had of Seasons 2 and 4, they let me buy the rest at a discounted rate!

One of the many things I love about this show is the way it can pull off completely different types of episodes so well.  There is the near total comedy of The Office Job.  On the other hand there's the episode that really introduced me to the show originally, and which I still find so dark and disturbing, The Long Way Down Job.   (I had seen The Ho Ho Ho Job previously but didn't really know who anyone was then).

There's something about The Long Way Down Job, with the video appearance of the victim opening and closing the show, and the extended sequence where Parker and Eliot are down underground with the frozen body and realize they can't take it back, that is dramatic, strange and just so heartbreaking.  In a way it sets a tone for the show although many of the episodes won't be so serious, it gives you a clue about the dramatic range Leverage could deliver.

The whole cast is great and so believable in their roles, but I agree that Beth did a great job with Parker.  In a way she's the one character who on paper shouldn't work but somehow does, whether not understanding about the potato in The Hot Potato Job (one of my favs) or crying out "Who the hell is Patience?" in The White Rabbit Job.  That said I think all the regulars are fabulous.  It's fun to re-watch The Girls Night Out and Boys Night Out eps and revisit Hardison and Parker figuring out their relationship.

Maybe it's too much to ask, but does anyone here have a recommendation for a similar show to watch?  I wonder if there's any new show out there with a similar spirit.

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We love Parker and Hardison in our house too... even my husband who is kind of conservative about some stuff. The fact that this (sweet) old, white guy totally ships them says a lot. 

I would love to find a newer series comparable to Leverage myself. Right now we rotate Leverage, White Collar, Numb3rs and Castle.  We used to also have Burn Notice in the mix but eventually we soured on the violence. Both Burn Notice and White Collar do have that caper/con job on the side of the angels feeling if you haven't seen them before. 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, tessaray said:

We love Parker and Hardison in our house too... even my husband who is kind of conservative about some stuff. The fact that this (sweet) old, white guy totally ships them says a lot. 

I would love to find a newer series comparable to Leverage myself. Right now we rotate Leverage, White Collar, Numb3rs and Castle.  We used to also have Burn Notice in the mix but eventually we soured on the violence. Both Burn Notice and White Collar do have that caper/con job on the side of the angels feeling if you haven't seen them before. 

Thanks, tessaray, I will keep those shows in mind.  I don't like too much violence either; that's why I almost never see modern (dramatic) movies; there's too much for me.  It's been really worth it to have episodes of Leverage to stream when I'm in the mood, needless to say.  I think the show is going to be one of those that holds up well in the future overall.

Edited by roseha
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@roseha - The first few seasons of Burn Notice are fun (Michael, Sam and Fiona - plus Maddie and eventually Jesse - make for a great team) but the show ends up taking a darker turn probably after season 4?  There's even a Reddit page for the body count. 

I ended up buying the Leverage dvds after it disappeared from Netflix last year.  (They were pretty cheap except for the last season.)  We do stream a lot but the dvds do help us stay under our data cap.

I don't have a favorite episode but if I did, it would probably be The Last Dam Job.

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On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 2:47 PM, tessaray said:

@roseha - The first few seasons of Burn Notice are fun (Michael, Sam and Fiona - plus Maddie and eventually Jesse - make for a great team) but the show ends up taking a darker turn probably after season 4?  There's even a Reddit page for the body count. 

I ended up buying the Leverage dvds after it disappeared from Netflix last year.  (They were pretty cheap except for the last season.)  We do stream a lot but the dvds do help us stay under our data cap.

I don't have a favorite episode but if I did, it would probably be The Last Dam Job.

Yeah, after season four Burn Notice went down hill. I always watch until right before Anson shows up in season five then starting over again.

I really miss both shows. While season five is probably my least favorite of Leverage all seasons were great. Season five with the Fake Car I love Hardison dressed up as an artist telling the mark about his previous creations pieces taken from a couple cars he bought at a government auction and the Mark's reaction he almost collapses at the idea that someone cut up his cars. I love the warehouse scene with Nate getting punched by the marshall, then the two fight it out over the car the mark just bought, I love Nate telling him he got a great deal, the two deciding to kill Nate, while Sophie and Eliot are being chased by police and just went it seems like it can't get any worse the Mob shows up. Early when Sophie and Eliot were trying to be creepy to creep out the Marshall. 

I love Parker ends up helping Charlie in the White Rabbit. It makes since that she could since she went through the same thing after losing her brother. 

I miss this show so much. I wish we had new episodes or even movies.    

Edited by andromeda331
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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 10:21 AM, tessaray said:

I don't follow individual actors so I have no idea if the cast could/would even do one, but a movie would be great.  Surely Nate and Sophie are getting a little bored by now?  🙂

I don't know either but I keep hoping for one. I can't see Nate and Sophie making it to their honeymoon without getting bored or seeing something to get involved in.

Poor Sophie in the Frame-Up Job she keeps insisting she's an ex-art thief and can't understand why no one takes that seriously. Not Nate and certainly not Sterling. 

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