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Magnum P.I. (2018) - General Discussion
Sonja replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Magnum P.I. (2018)
You'd also think MI-6 agents, Marines and Navy Seals might have had decent first aid trianing, but mostly they are exhibiting the triage skills of Max the cat except for the CPR on Higgins bit. -
Magnum P.I. (2018) - General Discussion
Sonja replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Magnum P.I. (2018)
She admits in the last scene that she's actually 'a crap swimmer' and lied to Magnum about Cambridge so he wouldn't worry about her to which he replies he still did. Exactly. Plus Hanna's reasoning for why she sold the guys out instead of asking for help. She endangered them a lot more this way and then kept on causing carnage for years. Those must have been the most patient kidnappers ever. Eric Beaumont from Ransom would have negotiated her father out of there in a minute flat. Plot holes (and inconsitstently covered tattos) drive me nuts. Even when I try to ignore them. Did I hear that wrong or did Magnum say 'once upon a time I was going to ask her to marry me' in this ep? In a past one they had already set a date. I actually loved Rick in this ep and am as intrigued about his comment about not being able to go home as you are. I hope they don't drop that but take the chance of exploring the consequences of the guys' captivity in the next season. Couldn't agree more. I hope that now they know the characters and actors better, they go more into character development. It irks me that they are trying to play this off as cute like in the ep where he gave away the money his dead client sent without having had paid off his debt to his friends first. He's quick to jump to their aid when they need him, but they can't invent storylines like this to cancel out him taking advantage all the time. Although I'm afraid TC's father not making it to the island wasn't just a storyline for that one ep but is probably going to end up as some 'he's in trouble which follows him to Hawaii and the guys need to get him out of it' shitck in the next season. It's the same as McGarret in 5-0 never paying for any rounds or not having his walltet with him. It's not cute or fun, it's bad manners. Same in the ep with the house for the vet. Why didn't they just have him say 'I actually was tied up in a case, the other guys did all the work'? The back and forth of Higgins' behaviour is weird. They seemed to get along and understand each other better and better, then sometimes she goes back to acting as if he wasn't able to tie his shoe laces by himself. Maybe TC bringing her into the family hug changes her perspective somewhat and they don't have her nagging all the time anymore. Higgins taking time off and not telling anyone where she went was dropped very quickly. I'm guessing that is connected to her not giving Magnum a reply regarding a possible partnership. -
Magnum P.I. (2018) - General Discussion
Sonja replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Magnum P.I. (2018)
They even split them up when they were working on their 'personal' cases by TC declaring their friendship over when Magnum handed over the evidence in the ep he asked for help and Rick going to Icepick and whatwashername respectively in the ep he asked Magnum to get the money from the poker game back. It's really bad storytelling if by the end of the hour you've forgotten that this was not a case they were hired for but Magnum helping out his friends instead of the other way around. I think it's the writing and production team, not necessarily the actor's choice. The show suffers from Morbus Lenkov. They are getting shot, knocked out, hit by cars, stabbed, swimming for hours and whatnot and in the next scene, all is good. Same for emotional injuries. Katsumoto doing actual, realistic damage to his hand was needed in order for his boss to declare him too involved, otherwise they would probably have made the tree the losing party in that interaction. Higgins is talking about a triathlon as if she could do it in her sleep, a few eps later she's not a good swimmer. I have several Iron Men and Women among my friends and can only say good luck with that, sister. At least Magnum was allowed to have some naval knowledge in the boat jacking episode. The person being responsible for one and a half years of being in the enemy's hands is back and Rick is the only one with a (initially at least) senisble reaction? Oh, please. I really don't think the showrunners want actual gravitas near their show. I stopped watching Hawaii 5-0 years ago because I couldn't stand the plot holes and there were characters in there that I don't want to see in my living room (*cough*Danny*cough*), but I genuinely like this cast, so I hope they don't screw up the potential the show has. Three of my all-time favourite shows are Due South, Leverage and Psych. All three of them could be insanely funny when they wanted to and punch you in the stomach the next moment. Be more courageous, showrunners, we can handle intelligent and consistent writing and the actors might even have more fun with challenging scripts. Not even her father was really grieving when she was dying. I was actually waiting for him to chew her out for endangering others to free him. How many died in the ep she first popped up in alone and how many dead did she leave in her wake off-screen? If her dad was CIA, he probably would be ashamed of her. -
I wear them because my knees really don't appreciate a lot of kneeling without being covered and there are some changes on the reformer that I can do by just turning when there's fabric, but my skin would stick on the carriage, but I so get what you mean. I had a 'bloody hell, what have I done to you?!' moment with my right knee last summer. We didn't wear any protection gear playing volleyball back in school, so I have a skidmark on it and I fell on a run a few years back and crashed onto the same one. Looks way better in capris - or at least not up close doing the scissors 😉
I love rock, but music has such an effect, I couldn't imagine doing Pilates to it, I'd automatically start doing the excercises in the beat of the music which might be way too fast. That's too bad. We usually team up in the changing room when there's something we don't like and then one of us tries to break it diplomatically to the teacher. We had to do that just a couple of times with new ones (doing Level I stuff with a Level III group or being too scared to correct us), but it has worked so far because everyone present was on the same page. That's funny, one of the very few yoga classes I tried was basically music plus drivel. When he asked if was coming back, I told him I preferred to keep my sports and spirituality seperate. He looked at me as if I'd just grown a second head. I don't think we have such a thing as a rec center (I'm not in the US) and actually setting foot in a gym or a studio of any kind is a big hurdle for a lot of people. It's such a shame that bad experiences, stupid trainers or idiots who think the gym is their runway scare people off something they might actually love. I know a female personal trainer who looks like an amazon and a guy actually walked up and tried to mansplain pull-ups to her and when she talked back, tried to intimidate her. Big mistake. If he did that to an actual newbie though, that person might never try again.
Leverage Classic - Past Seasons Discussion
Sonja replied to fastiller's topic in Leverage: Redemption
Couldn't agree more. It would have been so easy to paint her in an unsympathetic light, but they went the (sadly) unexpected way and made her part of the family without overusing the character. Eliot with the girls, Sophie shushing the big fight and Parker inspecting the apartment Parker-style made Fairy God Parents for me. I'm very meh on Runway too. There were some good scenes, but overall it was lacking something. My favourite is probably The Big Bang Job. Not just because of the insane action scenes (which I'm a sucker for), but because there was some really good acting in there. There are so many good eps though. I like The Studio Job (I can put names to some of the archetypes in that one thanks to my professional past) The Bank Shot Job; Reunion & D.B. Cooper for being fun, Queen's Gambit (contrasts the funny Eliot/Sterling and Nate/chess players scenes nicely with Parker and Hardison's more serious/emotional ones), Experimental was good as well. The arrogant yuppie was really well cast, I just wanted to punch him. Also, the Last Goodbye Job because it wasn't one of the countless last episodes of a series that made me angry, but actually kept up the show's quality until the end and bookended it nicely with the ep 1 references without overdoing it. Timothy Hutton absolutely killed it in that one. I'm still not sure if I liked the White Rabbit or not. Using Hamlet is usually a good way to get me, but I've been on the fence about this ep for years. Amen to all of this. There are more series out there right now than ever before. I have to watch a lot of them for my job (I know, the hardship) but on a personal level, I either don't want the people on the screen in my living room or the writing isn't up to par (or taking the audience for fools), the direction or camera work shoddy and let's not get started on the 'acting' in a lot of them. I'd rather re-watch a bunch of criminals being immensely entertaining while taking out human garbage. Until John Rogers tweets something current related to an ep and scares me back to the real world ;-) -
Ouch, the poor guy. Couldn't she have done one of the countless teaser prep excercises for the 'general public' and told those who wanted to do the full teaser to go ahead with it? We've got a new guy of the tender age of 81 who is shaming half of us on the Cadillac. He does accept his limits, but it's embarassing for those of us half his age. The oldest in the studio is 84 (oldest woman 80), those are some life goals right there. I would probably protest if anyone tried to play music. We did it a couple of times during summer when there were special classes, but she let us choose (Chopin, Bach, Haydn and the likes) and it was very much in the background. I think it's supposed to be the speed of the kick in combination with keeping your upper body in the raised position to maximize the strech without losing form. I really need to research why some of the excercises are supposed to be done slowly and some as quickly as possible in order to be effective. Maybe it was just Pilates being German by experiencing Schadenfreude when everyone in the room was flailing ;-)
The moves themselves should change too though. For example when a beginner would have the strechted leg for the single leg strech at 45°, later on it's parallel to the floor, barely above it. Also, the chest lift gets higher, the swan dive from laying on the mat on your stomach bending upwards to actually rocking back and forth just via tension and breathing, etc. Re single leg kick: glutes and hamstrings. I did 6 months of barre this year. It was great for getting thighs of steel, but extremely bad for my hip joint. We did stuff like push-ups with the hands on the floor and feet up at the barre that I loved but the more ballet-y stuff killed me, so I had to stop. Agreed, it's pure marketing. I've met women who wanted to have arms like Schwarzenegger and started to consider taking supplements because it just does not work that way. On the other hand, I've also met a lot of male trainers who refuse to believe that there are differences between how male and female bodies work and branded the women in the gym as lazy because they were not bulking up the same as the man. Welcome to the 21st century, where education is still underrated and gender marketing reigns supreme.
Ah, got it, thanks. It's the same where I am, but the order and the exercises are never the same. They are mixing it up depending on who is there and how far they can go.
May I ask which Pilates method you're doing? I've never been to a class with an established order (except for the series of 5) and am wondering how you work up to the fun parts if every class is the same.
Sounds like it was the right decision for you then :-) I don't know which kind of exercises you are currently doing, but if there's an issue with your shoulder, try not to do those where you have to lift your arms higher than shoulder-height. For example if you have your arms in the slings and go from a t-shape to bringing down your hands towards your hips and back up, try not to go into a fully horizontal T with the arms, but stop a few cm before. I have a bum shoulder as well and one inch makes all the difference. But it sounds as if you had figured that stuff out already anyway. I hear you on the showers! That sounds great! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is only the beginning and you'll feel better and better :-)
Thank you for this, I had to laugh out loud several times when reading. You know there are actually people still around who were trained by Joseph Pilates? My instructor was at a workshop once where a 97 year old demonstrated stuff hanging from the Cadillac and they had to fight the urge of telling her to get the hell down before she hurt herself. Life goals. I see your PiYo and raise you a Piloxing. I'm still wondering where either the Pilates or the Boxing part were. It was more of a collective flailing with weighted gloves. I did have the urge to knock some sense into the instructor afterwards though. A badly executed crunch does not make Pilates. If she had shouted 'jab!' one more time, I probably would have done just that. Leaning like a ball sounds intriguing. Thanks for the mental image of rolling around, trying to properly get onto the mat ;-) The studio I'm training in actually lets each of us use whatever we need however we need it and they know all of our physical issues/limitations. And would NEVER hike up someone's pelvis. I only have one properly working hip joint, so there are things I can't do (especially on the mat, the slings of the reformer can actually force that stupid bone into the right direction when all spings are loaded) or have to do differently and they tell me beforehand when we do something new that might result in injury. By now I can actually almost get into a full split on the reformer despite this. I couldn't agree more: the number of people thinking Pilates (or Yoga or other forms of exercise) is bull because of bad experiences that showed a completely wrong picture must be legion. If you learn that stuff properly, it bleeds into all aspects of your life though. I'd never do a hollow back when reaching for something anymore. Not a fan of any 'miracle' equipment to be honest. Two questions, the first one relating closely to what @StatisticalOutlier and I were going on about in our previous posts: - would you actually know how to use it properly from previous work out experience or is there a possibility you would get exercises wrong and hurt yourself more than benefit from it? - do you think you'd actually use it for anything other than hanging your laundry long-term? I've had some experience with that myself ;-) If you don't want to encounter too many people at a gym, is there a place with small groups of people training anywhere in your vicinity that you could stomach? Do you have a friend who'd be interested to come with? Starting with someone you know and trust might help to get things up and running. I can only speak for the Pilates studio I work out in, but we are more functioning like a family where the 20 year olds are joking with the 80 year olds and no one cares about others' disabilities - which there are quite a few of. It can actually get quite difficult to do abs-related stuff because someone is always throwing out a one-liner.
Thank you! I think I might break out my old protection gear from inline skating when I first get back onto the board. Better be embarrassed for a few minutes than in a cast for weeks ;-) Don't get me started on those things, I hate them with a passion...
I recently bought a skateboard to shorten ways from the car to meetings (there have been a lot of no-go zones for cars implemented where I live in recent years and I happen to have meetings in one of those regularly), but then I remembered that the last time I was on one was in my teens and I'm now over 40. It has been staring at me accusingly from its space in the hallway since then, waiting for me to try and break a limb or two. Congrats! Assuming you're still alive that is ;-)
That's another thing I don't get. The decision about there being table reads or not should never be one actors, but the producers. Agreeing to this was a mistake. Crawford's behaviour was definitely inexcusable and I tend to side-eye everyone who uses the word pussy as a put down. I have no issue with them providing food for him every 2.5 hours, but I can't get over 'takes nap time very seriously'. Whoever wrote this either didn't let anyone proof-read or doesn't like the guy much.