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S03.E01: For the Next Millenium

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Months following their violent and deadly showdown with the powerful witch Dahlia, a rift continues to divide brothers Klaus and Elijah, while Freya searches for a way to heal their fractured bond and return their family to the way they once were. Meanwhile, Klaus' suspicion piques when he learns that an old vampire friend named Lucien has arrived to New Orleans with a mysterious agenda involving the Mikaelsons' remaining sire lines. Elsewhere, Elijah questions whether he can truly forgive his brother for his mounting offenses, while Hayley struggles with being cursed to her wolf form in the bayou. In the French Quarter, Vincent and Cami assist Detective Kinney after a series of gruesome discoveries are made, leading them to believe they may have a serial killer on the loose. Finally, Marcel, who has regained control of the French Quarter once again, tries a new strategy to recruit vampires, while Davina, who is now Regent to the New Orleans witches, makes a decision that will find her and Marcel on opposite sides of an escalating conflict.

Wow, did no one else watch the premiere? I liked it, the horrible hair in the oldest flashbacks always entertains and hey, we got to see delectable OG Kol and OG Finn again and of course CH again. Elijah and Marcel sparring (fans self). Someone ragging on Klaus' artistic talents (hee!). Davina continuing her anti-Klaus/vampire stance. Vincent still looking foine.


I'm sure there's more but I am really dragging today.

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Honestly, I forget why Elijah and Klaus are on the outs.


I like pretty much every episode of this show, and I enjoyed this one, too. But it did kind of drag. Probably because Camille got so much screentime. I want to like her, but she's just so boring and I NEVER believe her as a psychologist.


With the way they kept trying to introduce new plotlines, it seems like the season will gather steam over the next few episodes, though, and it'll probably get better as it does. 

So far I like the set-up for this Season. Last two years, they went against their parents and aunt and everyone was bigger and badder than before, focusing on the "kids" this year seem like a nice change of pace. Yes, by all accounts they should pose no threat but the prophecy was pretty chilling. Though in the end, I predict what Marcel once said still holds true: when it comes down to it, Mikaelson will always stand with Mikaelson. 


Lucien seems pretty unhinged and not in the way we`ve seen other vampires. 


Loved the flashbacks, wigs and all. Them voting with a show of hands was hilarious for some reason. Equally when Lucien brought them into the castle and all the siblings kept staring around. His exasperated little "for God`s sakes, stop looking up" and five - or four really, Elijah kept his cool - heads snapped down in unison with guilty looks on their faces. Awww.


Davina doesn`t have the slightest idea about leadership. 


Elijah hunting the hunters was great.


I thought Freya was a witch of great powers. Yet she can`t find a way to break the altered wolf-curse?

Edited by Aeryn13

Enjoyable premier, it lagged at parts but that's acceptable to me since new storylines and characters are being introduced.  I will always be glad when CH visits.  I also thought they did a good job with her witch-body replacement last season. Bex is just a great character that should be a part of this show and if they showrunners can work with the actress' schedules, then I'm all for it.


I'm happy Freya is still in the mix, and hopefully Kol will reenter the present day tapestry this season.  I liked that the sire lines storyline is coming into play, it always felt odd that there were no larger fallouts when Finn and Kol first died.


Divina has been a child throwing tantrums, I hope we see something stronger from her this outing.  Nice to have Vincent still around, great actor.


Hilarious that Cami is now being used as a consulting detective. She didn't grate so much so I must kind of like that for her.  She can be a kind of bartender kind of therapist kind of detective and hopefully a kind of okay character.


Lucien had a nice introduction.  It was delighfully creepy to see him slice his mouth open after being shown to be behind the whole Kingmaker thing. I take it that woman in the Tibet-like setting was also the woman introduced in the flashback that he had a fallout with (did he say Rora? Aurora? Not sure.)  Anyway - very interested for that whole storyline to unfold.


Silliest thing was Marcel opening up a vampire fight club in the church.  Eyes were rolled.


And my last unorganized thought in this messy post is that although I miss cute gay wolf man Aiden dearly, Josh can stay gone.

Oh, I missed this show!  I enjoyed the faction pieces of where our witch, vamp and wolf friends are.  


I'm not a hunting for sport fan, so I thoroughly enjoyed Elijah giving it to those hunters with the GIANT GUNS.  I feel so bad for the wolves and for Haley.  Poor dear.


I love the tension right now and see the main thread of this portion of the season as needing the family to be back together or it will mark their doom.  I also like the idea of the sire wars.    The flashbacks with OrginalFlavor Finn, Rebecca and Kol was fun!  I too loved the democracy vote in place with the fam and those amazingly horrid wigs.  Love!


I'm actually liking Freya.  Between her going to a club and getting drunk and her telling Elijah and Klaus to take their shit away from the baby, she felt like a refreshed character. 


Lucien is quite terrifying. Shudder.  I'm sure that's going to heat up nicely.  I don't know how I feel about the Count's daughter.


I laughed and laughed at Klaus (did JM get better looking over the summer?!) and his art show.  I liked the callbacks in the paintings (e.g. the redhead in Klaus's bed, the horse, the pic of Cami in NOLA, etc), but they are just so bad. LOL.  I'm okay-ish with the Klaus/Cami stuff, but any of the gains they had last season, seemed wiped away this season.  I don't even know why she bothers with him.  She knows exactly where it is going to lead.  


So, no one in NOLA is more qualified to write up a psych profile?  I have a M.S. in Industrial/Org Psych (basically, study of behavior in business) and I think I'm more qualified than Cami.   


Storylines I'm less excited about:  Fight Club de Marcel (I mean, really....how do these writers have no idea what to do with pretty, pretty Marcel?!) and Witchy Regent (a bit boring...where is Ester??).  

Edited by TrininisaScorp

oh how I missed badass Elijah.

I'm curious about Lucien, there's some delicious freak potential there. 

Also it will be fun to find out how they learned cool vampire tricks. I'm assuming since they had no idea how to compel people, they didn't know how to turn them either. And judging by the apparent age of Lucien and Aurora, Miakelsons figured it out pretty quickly after arriving into the castle.

Bring on the new season!

Divina has been a child throwing tantrums, I hope we see something stronger from her this outing.

I doubt it. Davina has been little more than a child throwing tantrums the entire show, and naturally that doesn't go well with the ability to set people on fire at will. Davina expects to get her way all the time and then whines and pouts the whole time when she doesn't or tries to magic it away, and becoming leader of the covens hasn't seemed to change that in the least. She became the leader of the covens for the power she needed but now that she needs to actually be, you know, a LEADER she caves. Even a 10 year old could figure out that the way you get people to listen to you isn't to bark orders left and right and then just expect people to do what you say.



Hilarious that Cami is now being used as a consulting detective. She didn't grate so much so I must kind of like that for her.  She can be a kind of bartender kind of therapist kind of detective and hopefully a kind of okay character.

I think it helps a great deal that she simply actually has something to do this episode besides get in the way and whine about how much Klaus and her life sucks. Cami's entire character has had little to no purpose the entire run of the show besides to be someone for Klaus to whine about his problems and his general psychopathy to that doesn't have the guts to call him on his B.S. The fact that she's a weak pathetic human and not even a newbie vamp or a witch and thus isn't able to do anything but get in the way doesn't help either. It would help her character a LOT if she was turned or at least given some combat training and that they give Cami an actual role now aside from being a wall with a face for Klaus to talk to.


Lucien had a nice introduction.  It was delighfully creepy to see him slice his mouth open after being shown to be behind the whole Kingmaker thing.


Creepy yes, but it also seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere. I hope they are planning to explain why he would just randomly slice his own mouth open for no apparent reason.




Silliest thing was Marcel opening up a vampire fight club in the church.  Eyes were rolled.


I'd say that was just an excuse to have Davis shirtless for a good part of the episode, it brings in the fangirls.

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 1

Honestly, I forget why Elijah and Klaus are on the outs.


I like pretty much every episode of this show, and I enjoyed this one, too. But it did kind of drag. Probably because Camille got so much screentime. I want to like her, but she's just so boring and I NEVER believe her as a psychologist.


With the way they kept trying to introduce new plotlines, it seems like the season will gather steam over the next few episodes, though, and it'll probably get better as it does. 



 Ultimately, I honestly think because Klaus turned Hayley into a Wolf all the time + killing Gia.


twas a good episode :) I binged over the last month to get caught up, and it's like oooh. that last bit, I'm assuming that was the daughter that Klaus was told "stay away from".she just broke the monk's neck with one flick of the wrist, but I wonder if she's the "darkness"? 

I liked the Lucien character a lot, from when they first met to him now.  The character of Cami would be better played by another actress who could take on that role.  I don't believe the actress, she's too weak in her skills (for me and I liked her appearance on the Sarah Chronicles too). But they'll keep her  and she'll be the one weak spot (for me) on the show.  I just don't want her to have the time she's had on the first episode.  If they do then I hope she's a goner during the season.



One thing that bugs, I don't get how Marcel and Cami thinks Klaus could do that type of killing.  This one didn't seem like a Klaus type of killing and yet Marcel thought it was?  Why would Klaus do the joker type face.  Nothing they showed would lead us to think he's do that.

I will never tire of the elegant efficiency of Elijah's brutality.


Switching it up from it being the family against their elders to them against their progeny is brilliant. I'm eager to see where it goes.


Jason Dohring! This show really does knock it out of the park with their casting.


I really shouldn't have giggled so hard at Klaus' eviscerating the guy who criticized his work, but I did. Lord help me, did I ever.


I was so hoping that one of those wolf bodies would be marble mouthed Jackson's, but it looks like I'll be disappointed.

Enjoyed this episode. It was so nice to see all the siblings together in the flashback. Too bad it wasn't present day.

Can anyone explain the significance of kingmaker? Was that the paper in Lucien's apartment?

Enjoyed this episode. It was so nice to see all the siblings together in the flashback. Too bad it wasn't present day.

Can anyone explain the significance of kingmaster?

Edited by TheHappinessHotel

Not a bad season premiere, way better than TVD, which I'm thinking of dropping.


Did Lucien explain *why* the descendants of Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah were at war with each other? 


Same old same old with Klaus, blustering how he trusts no one and is the king, and then gets his feelings hurt when Cami yells at him.  Still Joseph Morgan is so good in this role, I will watch him no matter how tiresome Klaus' character is.

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Did Lucien explain *why* the descendants of Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah were at war with each other?

I don't remember all the details, but I think it had something to do with vampire population control. Killing one original vampire would cause a big reduction in vampire population because it would kill their entire sire line. I guess the vampires are worried that the vampire population is growing too big and it would turn into a Daybreakers scenario.

Hahaha, so Cami just finished school and now they are bringing her in as a profiler on police cases? And on her very first case she says, "I'm no forensic psychologist but whoever did this took their time. He bled a lot." She's no forensic psychologist but now she's playing coroner too! But at least they found a way to keep Vincent around. Cami usually bores/annoys me but I like her scenes with Vincent - probably because she isn't just sitting around listening to Klaus whine about the same old crap for the millionth time. And I'll never say no to some Logan Echolls, even if that means more scenes with Cami.


So glad that we are getting original Kol and Rebekah in flashbacks! Hilarious that even Lucien thought Finn was a big fat bore. What is it with vampire shows and hilariously bad flashback wigs? These are like Angel level bad (but at least we aren't getting any bad Irish accents).


I go back and forth on Davina's storylines. I think that being regent has the potential for a lot of interesting conflict. As much as she knows that she can't be shown siding with the vampires, I love that after she was attacked she went straight to Marcel for advice and a little comfort. Whatever has happened between them, she still trusts him and looks up to him, even if she can't publicly be buddies with him. And I love that even though she flat out rejected his earlier request, he still gave her sincere advice.


Watching Elijah stroll around the bayou in a suit never gets old. I totally cracked up when he offered that guard a finger sandwich.


Man, I got through almost the entire episode without seeing Hayley and as soon as she showed up, she annoyed me. I hate when she uses her growly voice.


When Klaus said he painted something just for Cami, I was really hoping it would be another pony or snowflake. I hate that Cami finally told Klaus off and then immediately apologized. She is obviously part of the family now since all the Mikaelsons always end up apologizing to Klaus after they remind him what a jerk he's been. LOVED the art critic's assessment of Klaus's painting.


Freya annoyed me last season but she seemed pretty awesome in this episode so hopefully this is the beginning of me liking her. I loved when she told Elijah and Klaus to quit fighting in front of Hope. I'm not sure how safe it is her for to be a drunk babysitter in the bayou, but at least she was trying to be a good aunt/sister and not leave Elijah in a lurch.


Lucien is nuts so he should be fun to have around. And Cami figured out that the killing coincided with him coming to town so maybe she isn't a complete dummy. Is it wrong that I hope Lucien kills her? I don't care whether it's because she knows he's the killer or if he kills her just to spite Klaus.

I love pretty much anything having to do with Klaus's painting. First of all, the painting themselves tend to crack me up. And I love how bizarrely realistic it is that he's always so clammily proud-yet-terrified whenever he's showing his work. My favorite scene of that is still Klaus lurking around that terrible snowflake painting of his, at that Mystic Falls fundraiser way back in the day.


His hopeless devotion to painting, despite despite the entire world's utter indifference to the portfolio he's been working on for a *millennia,* has got to be the most relatable and endearing thing about him. I loved the look on his face as he was eavesdropping on that critic at his show.


The only thing I didn't like about the art show storyline was his "little talk" with Cami. Of course he was nervous about the turnout, but that's not some kind of ~deep thought.~ I mean, practically the first time Cami met him was when she did some ridiculous Freudian analysis of a street painter's work and he was so touched that he started crying and ran off. He's always super emotional when it comes to...well, pretty much anything, but especially when it comes to painting. It's inane ~insights~ like that that make Cami look like a dumbass imo.


Honestly, I wish that they would just let Cami be a bartender. No need for her to be a therapist or profiler or whatever -- all of that stuff feels forced and extraneous imo. Klaus or Marcel or whoever could just hang out at her bar and she could interact with them there. I'd like Cami so much more if she had her own life, and just had to interact with them as a condition of her job. Right now, she comes off to me like a Manson Family groupie a lot of the time, and like a pointless writing contrivance the rest.


This wasn't a bad opener, but last season, I really enjoyed new!Rebekkah and new!Kol and new!Finn, and the threat of Esther and Mikael also being around, so all throughout this episode, I really felt the lack of those characters and that threat. I also am not big on season-long Big Bad thing -- I'd rather watch each of the characters play politics to try and get along with the rest of the family and to get a toehold within NOLA's Monster Society -- so that cliffhanger with the psychic didn't do much for me. But YMMV, and I'm honestly trying to withhold my judgment since this was only the very first episode of the season.

I forgot to comment on the episode last week, so I'll quickly recap my thoughts now.


I liked the flashbacks and I liked seeing all the siblings, Original!Finn included. That was nice; I love family scenes. We need more of them. And at least we know Finn was with them for a time.


I like Cami alright, I like when she tells off Klaus, and I like her with Vincent. Other than that...eh. I'm more annoyed with Hayley.


Davina is still a child, but yeah, someone needs to get her reigned in, because she clearly has no idea how to be a leader. She is barely eighteen, after all, so I'm not surprised. I wish her and Marcel still had a father/daughter dynamic. The show seems to have forgotten about it, even this episode to an extent.


I like Freya a lot and I like her relationship with Elijah.


Elijah being badass never gets old. 


Klaus' painting are always hilarious.


I like Lucien a lot and I like new detective a little bit, but I know I'll be bored by the SK storyline.

Same old same old with Klaus, blustering how he trusts no one and is the king, and then gets his feelings hurt when Cami yells at him.  Still Joseph Morgan is so good in this role, I will watch him no matter how tiresome Klaus' character is.

I am sure I am in the minority but I wanted to smack Cami and then hug Klaus. She will be an awful therapist. Klaus has been my fav since the beginning.

Thanks for reminding me why Klaus and Elijah were fighting.

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