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Small Talk: How Not To Get Caught Dead With Dirty Underwear

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54 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

I hope the FBI doesn't monitor these boards.  I don't want to wind up on the news...

I hear ya!! :). My fiance does the same thing.... sees someone using a credit card, on surveillance cameras.... says "what a dumbass, they must not watch this show..." HAHA

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Three more things crime shows have taught me: 


1. If you are on drugs stay on them! As soon as you clean up and get your life organized you're toast. 


2. Should your restraint-ordered ex call and want to meet you behind the jiffy store at midnight at the edge of town DO NOT GO. He/she is up to no good. They do not want to suddenly discuss a reconciliation or how they can help raise the children. You will be killed, chopped up, and scattered around the county possibly never to be found. 

3. If you are a person who "lights up the room" when you enter brace yourself; you're life is going to end suddenly and violently. Every second counts from now on so enjoy them! Or become a grinch and you'll die peacefully in your sleep at 99.

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I was reading that Paulie from Hell's Kitchen was found dead.  I was wondering what he died of.  My hubby said that Paulie didn't light up a room so he probably wasn't murdered.  It was not nice but I laughed. 

It sounds like it was a drug overdose. 

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Can we attempt to discuss Cosby?  It's a HIGHLY charged issue, but I'm talking more about the legal proceedings themselves.  What's happening reminds me of what we often say here about various Dateline cases.  Do I think he did it?  Yes.  Do I think that can be proven after this amount of time?  I think it's very unlikely.

I understand the jury's verdict.  We'll see what the second trial holds.

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Everybody knows Cosby, men love him. If they could get a jury of equal numbers women & men, we might see a guilty verdict. There were only 2 women on that jury. I'd love to know who the holdouts were. His prior deposition alone told me he did it. There cannot be reasonable doubt with 60+ women accusing him of the same thing, but I understand why their testimony isn't allowed.

No matter what the ultimate verdict is, his career is over. And I cannot imagine his wife staying, if she has a brain left.

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Mrs. Cosby is living the high life being married to a multi-billionaire. She can do whatever she wants, wherever and whenever -- she is filthy rich from Cosby's $. Emphasis on "filthy." So why should she look that gift horse in the mouth? She had to know about his "proclivities" (TM Teabag), but maybe part of their deal was, he stays "off" her and she keeps her mouth shut. Yes, that says a lot about her, but what does she care what anyone thinks? JMHO, of course. But money talks BIG. We know this because Dateline "regular people" murderers kill people they "love" for it. As for Cosby himself, he disgusts me. But famous people just don't go to prison *coughOJcough* for crimes, especially a crime against women (who are considered second-class citizens by so many men. Sorry, but it's true.). My money is on Cosby never seeing the inside of a jail cell, and never being convicted of anything.

And IMO, he's guilty as hell.

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I watch CBS This Morning each morning.  Today, Rikki Klieman, a CBS legal analyst was asked if any additional cases could be brought against Cosby if he is acquitted in the Andrea Constandt case.  Klieman said no because the statute of limitations has run out on all of the other possible claims.  I understand why the prosecutor wants to try the case again, but I don't think they are going to get much further than they did in the first trial. Klieman said the same judge will be hearing the case, and he already ruled that only one other accuser can testify besides Constandt.  This person also testified in the first trial as well, and Klieman thinks it's unlikely that the judge will change his mind about allowing testimony from additional accusers.  It seems it will all come down to the jury (which makes me think of TV's Bull.)

One other tidbit.  CBS also interviewed an alternate juror who heard the evidence but did not have a jury vote.  He said he would have voted to convict.

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4 hours ago, Court said:

Thanks for that information. I've avoided the coverage because it just makes me so angry.


So does the statute of limitations junk.

I am highly in favor of statues of limitation.  There is none for murder.  If something so egregious and criminal happened to you, it should be reported to the authorities.  Having a busload of accusers pile up on someone for generally the same offense after years and decades is ridiculous, IMHO.  Any forensic evidence is gone.

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There has been a lot of cover up of the Cosby rapist acts through the years. Comedians who traveled the same circuits were aware of his proclivities. If it were not for Hannibal Buress speaking up -- and putting his career in jeopardy -- we still wouldn't know about Cosby the Rapist. Just because someone PORTRAYS a beloved sweater-wearing father on tv doesn't mean he isn't a creepy perv in real life. Cosby has a lot of power and could make/break anyone who supported/did not support him. There are many layers to why women couldn't or would not come forward. From what I've been told by a professional comedian who worked with Cosby, he was NOT a nice person and pretty self-important. But stand up to or talk back to him and you are finished in show business. Period.

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15 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If it were not for Hannibal Buress speaking up -- and putting his career in jeopardy -- we still wouldn't know about Cosby the Rapist.

That isn't exactly accurate various allegations had been covered over the years. As early as 2005/6 there were several mainstream media outlets from The Today Show to People reporting on some of the allegations, Philadelphia Daily News ran several stories but most people simply didn't care or thought the women were lying.

Someone illegally recorded that Hannibal bit and for whatever reason it went viral and caused a ripple effect but Hannibal has said he never expected it to land that way and he most certainly didn't think he was putting his career in jeopardy when he went on an unfilmed riff in a Philly comedy club. 

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GMA had an interview with one of the jurors, who said in a straw poll everyone was voting to acquit. Then, discussion began, someone put a fist into a wall, and it came down to 10-2 for guity on 2 of the counts. The main ones, that he gave her drugs without her knowledge and had sex without her consent. The other two people wouldn't budge no matter what. Dan Abrams said that the defense can yell jury tampering or that the initial vote to acquit should be enough, but that the judge would just order a new trial. Which the prosecution is already planning. Same judge, same jurisdiction.

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The male juror who gave an interview made me sick. He said "If I was injured, I'd go to a doctor right away." No, bozo, I bet if you were raped you'd hide it from everyone and suffer in silence.

He said that Cosby just didn't look guilty, he couldn't be, he was Bill Cosby. I really wish to hell they'd have a change of venue. Same courthouse, same judge, similar jurors.

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On 6/24/2017 at 7:39 PM, cooksdelight said:

The male juror who gave an interview made me sick. He said "If I was injured, I'd go to a doctor right away." No, bozo, I bet if you were raped you'd hide it from everyone and suffer in silence.

He said that Cosby just didn't look guilty, he couldn't be, he was Bill Cosby. I really wish to hell they'd have a change of venue. Same courthouse, same judge, similar jurors.

Maybe this will help prosecutors understand what they have to do better in the next trial - correct some outdated prejudices and beliefs. We can hope.   

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2 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

Maybe this will help prosecutors understand what they have to do better in the next trial - correct some outdated prejudices and beliefs. We can hope.   

If the DA needed a juror to tell him that the two greatest obstacles of this case were Cosby being Cosby and the credibility of the victim because 1. When she reported and 2. That she took a settlement than the case is doomed and he should be fired.

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I’ve got a Dateline story in the making....

The neighbors who live across the road are a retired couple from Florida. Last week, they were arguing on their deck, him telling her to “shut up and just listen!!” He wanted to move the deck furniture off and do something to treat the wood, I think. I didn’t see them the rest of the evening. 

The next morning, I get up very early and have coffee on the front porch with Mr. Cooks. We noticed their back porch light was on and the car was gone. They never get up that early. I heard their little dog barking inside the house. Later that morning around 11:30, the husband comes back home and briefly walks the dog in the yard. Then he leaves. I don’t see him back until dusk, and didn’t see the wife. I heard him messing around with something in the back yard but couldn’t see what because their carport blocks my view.

We don’t see the wife until the next afternoon, and just briefly out on their deck. Then yesterday, Mr. Cooks said, “Her arm’s in a sling.”

They are sleeping in separate rooms, the guest room light which is on this side of the house is on at night, and then early in the morning. They never used that room before. We’re moving in a couple of weeks so I may not ever know what happened. We don’t know them that well, other than to say hi in passing. 

I’m worried for her.

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I still haven’t seen her. I talked to a friend with the sheriff’s office and he told me unless she or he calls them, they can’t do anything. They can’t even go knock on the door and ask if things are OK. I or my husband have to have witnessed any abuse, etc. 

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Cooks, there is something you can do: Call police for a wellness check. In August a county sheriff knocked on my door, told me "someone" was worried about me and he was doing a wellness check. He then called the ambulance, and I was forced to get in and be taken to a hospital 50 miles away so they could evaluate my "wellness." I was told if I did not comply, they would get a petition from a judge and be forced to go. Long story short, there was/is nothing wrong with me, no one did anything for me after talking with six different medical professionals. All this happened because of some "anonymous do-gooder" made a phone call. I ended up losing nine hours of work (plus lost plans for that evening). Then I got an invoice for almost $1,000 medical charges/ambulance/etc. that now I am responsible for. So, just call the county police and tell them the wife needs a wellness check as the husband has threatened her harm, you overheard it. Hey, it worked for the jackass who ruined my life. And I was/am just fine.

p.s. You can also just go see that woman yourself. Knock on the front door with a cake or pie or cookies or something. Or invite her over for coffee. Be proactive. Think how you would feel if she were murdered.

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I agree,  ask for a welfare check. I did once on my elderly neighbor. He works on his yard every day and get his newspaper like clockwork. One week I noticed there was 5 papers in his yard so I was worried about him. I knocked but no one answered. No one took him anywhere though! They just made sure he was alive . 

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We were shopping yesterday.  We were looking at some knives.  After I looked at one I found myself wiping it off before I put it back on the shelf.  MrLake asked why I was cleaning the knife.  I told him I didn't want someone to come along after me and get the knife.  My fingerprints/DNA would be on the knife and they could kill someone with it.  I would be suspect.  This is what watching these shows has done to me.  Imagine how our fingerprints/DNA are in complete strangers houses because they bought an item after we touched it in a store.  Scary.

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2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Imagine how our fingerprints/DNA are in complete strangers houses because they bought an item after we touched it in a store.  Scary.

Particularly after all the times we've seen the dumb killers go to Walmart ten minutes before the murder to pick up a weapon, a shovel and some rope.  Our fingerprints wouldn't have had time to rub off.

Just don't get one of those knife sets that sit on the counter in a wooden block, LakeGal.  According to Dateline and the movies, having one of those things is just asking for trouble. ;)

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28 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Just don't get one of those knife sets that sit on the counter in a wooden block, LakeGal.  According to Dateline and the movies, having one of those things is just asking for trouble. ;)

If you DO have one, you should be sure to remove the entire block as you exit the house after the murder.  It's those darned empty slots that attract the cops' attention!

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The house we bought, a deputy sheriff used to own it. He left a lot of stuff behind....furniture upstairs, sofa in the basement.... and a shitload of knives. One kitchen drawer filled with nothing but knives. I don’t know what I’m going to do with them, donate them to our humane society’s thrift store, I guess.

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Many years ago when I was dating my alcoholic now ex-boyfriend, he got staggering drunk at a bar (as usual) and while attempting to exit my vehicle inside my garage, he toppled into a set of big wooden shelves, bounced back into the car, and then back into the wooden shelves before finally slamming into the cement floor (honestly, it was like watching a human pinball!) before I could get around the car to help him into the house (as usual). He split his forehead open and blood was all over the shelf, the cement and his face. I will spare you the details of trying to get his semi-conscious, drunk 200+lb body into the house and get him cleaned up, but I ended up with blood all across my kitchen floor, smeared up the bottom cupboard to the kitchen sink. The next morning (after being up all night to make sure he didn't have a concussion, which I'm pretty sure he did) I was scrubbing up the mess and telling my daughter "Goddammit, if he goes missing and found dead anytime in the future, I'm SCREWED!" That blue-light thing would have made my garage and kitchen look like I dragged him through it after I bludgeoned him to death! 

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Wow GG. Yikes.

I dont know why these folks do that Ancestry thing where they send their DNA to strangers. I have never committed a crime and don't plan to, but no way am I doing that so they can give it /sell it to whoever for whatever database. 

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I just learned about a great Dateline podcast: A Date with Dateline. Two girls recap the episodes and it is legitimately funny. They comment on all the little details you comment on while watching an episode. It's snarky, but good-hearted.

I've listened to The Carrolton Plot ("We were the Cleavers!",)  The Charleston Affair (banker husband puts a hit on his wife, who's annoying and becomes a stand-up comic at the end) and 12 min on Elm Street (crazy old man waits in the basement with a gun and shoots the teens robbing his house, recording it all on tape.) All are hilarious.

Give it a shot. Very entertaining.


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Well, my fellow crime show buds, it's been a crappy week here in Central Ohio.

Two Westerville officers shot and killed in line of duty

Westerville is not that far from me.  It's not a place where cops get shot.  In fact, these men are the first officers from the Westerville Police Department to ever be killed in the line of duty.

The younger officer has 3 daughters, the oldest of whom is probably 12 tops, based on a family picture released by local news media.

The older officer's daughter is due to be married this summer, but her father will now no longer be there.

It's not a Dateline case.  A suspect has already been arrested, along with the guy who bought the gun for him by straw purchase.

Just a sad thing around these parts, whether you knew the officers personally or not.  Makes me think of all of the cops that are often interviewed on Dateline.

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3 hours ago, Ohmo said:

Well, my fellow crime show buds, it's been a crappy week here in Central Ohio.

Two Westerville officers shot and killed in line of duty

Westerville is not that far from me.  It's not a place where cops get shot.  In fact, these men are the first officers from the Westerville Police Department to ever be killed in the line of duty.

The younger officer has 3 daughters, the oldest of whom is probably 12 tops, based on a family picture released by local news media.

The older officer's daughter is due to be married this summer, but her father will now no longer be there.

It's not a Dateline case.  A suspect has already been arrested, along with the guy who bought the gun for him by straw purchase.

Just a sad thing around these parts, whether you knew the officers personally or not.  Makes me think of all of the cops that are often interviewed on Dateline.


This is all over the news for days. While it’s so tragic and the family has my deepest sympathy, I’m not sure why it’s such big news. Is it due to the normally safe location?

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4 hours ago, bubbls said:

This is all over the news for days. While it’s so tragic and the family has my deepest sympathy, I’m not sure why it’s such big news. Is it due to the normally safe location?

I'm not sure where you are, bubbls.  I admit, I was shocked to see it on NBC News, but I think it may be because several cops have been killed this year.  Two or three cops were killed in Colorado earlier this year as well.  From an Ohio point of view, yes, it's kind of shocking.  Westerville is a suburb of Columbus.  There are sections of Columbus where shootings are a frequent occurrence.  However, Westerville is normally not one of them.

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