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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Kim K the secret agent? This has to be the weirdest news I've heard about Kim, and for once Kris had nothing to do with it: the Iranian government is accusing Kim of being part of an international  conspiracy to use Instagram to corrupt Iranian women. *rolling eyes*

http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0,,20981907_21006927,00.html "Iranian Officials Accuse Kim Kardashian West of Being a Secret Agent Working to Corrupt Young People and Women: Report" May 17, 2016

... The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp – an organization tasked with protecting the country's Islamic system and preventing foreign interference – has reportedly accused Kardashian West, 35, of working with Instagram as part of a complicated ploy to corrupt the Islamic republic's lifestyle, targeting "young people and women" with provocative photos depicting a lifestyle at odds with Islam... "Ms. Kim Kardashian is a popular fashion model so Instagram's CEO tells her, 'Make this native,' " a spokesman for the unit, Mostafa Alizadeh, reportedly said. "There is no doubt that financial support is involved as well. We are taking this very seriously." ... According to the report, Alizadeh claimed the aim of Instagram's CEO Kevin Systrom is to make fashion modeling native to Iran and that Kardashian West is implementing his scheme for him... While talking to PEOPLE in Cannes, Kardashian said the accusations were news to her, as well: "What? For who?" she said of the claims. "I just landed and came here [from the airport]. I have not heard that one. Thanks for the heads-up." ...



I ran across this article from 2012 about Sketchers having to pay a $40 million fine for "unfounded claims that Shape-ups would help people lose weight, and strengthen and tone their buttocks, legs and abdominal muscles." Guess who was in their commercial? Yep, it's Kimmie, sporting a much smaller butt that she does today. The commercial is in the video.

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It looks like Kim doesn't have very much of her natural hair left, certainly not enough for those long cornrow braids she's been wearing. I think she must have really damaged her hair with all the extensions and bleaching (when she goes blonde temporarily).

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3595595/Kim-Kardashian-looks-immaculate-chainmail-gown-steals-Cannes-jewellery-bash.html "All that glitters: Kim Kardashian looks immaculate in floor-length chainmail gown with flesh-coloured sheath as she steals the show at lavish star-studded Cannes jewellery bash." May 17, 2016

Scroll down to the picture where a man is crouched on the floor adjusting the train of her dress. Her head is in profile as she looks down at him. You can see her tiny little bun of hair.  Hardly enough hair to be shoulder length.

2 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

It looks like Kim doesn't have very much of her natural hair left, certainly not enough for those long cornrow braids she's been wearing. I think she must have really damaged her hair with all the extensions and bleaching (when she goes blonde temporarily).

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3595595/Kim-Kardashian-looks-immaculate-chainmail-gown-steals-Cannes-jewellery-bash.html "All that glitters: Kim Kardashian looks immaculate in floor-length chainmail gown with flesh-coloured sheath as she steals the show at lavish star-studded Cannes jewellery bash." May 17, 2016

Scroll down to the picture where a man is crouched on the floor adjusting the train of her dress. Her head is in profile as she looks down at him. You can see her tiny little bun of hair.  Hardly enough hair to be shoulder length.

LOL, the article is acting like it's complimentary to her, but sentences like this "Kim's make-up was naturally preened to perfection, given her candid love of all things cosmetic. Giving a nod to the wildly popular love of contouring, Kim's face was mapped out with an array of shades creating the perfect foundation for flawless bone structure." sounds a little too snide to be complimentary, I'm getting a strong mocking undertone to the whole thing.

Her dress isn't bad, her boobs are actually covered, but I think it would look a lot better on someone whose ass was wasn't so large it had it's own time zone.


Edited by GaT
Because I'm so happy to have a strikethrough tool now
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1 hour ago, GaT said:

LOL, the article is acting like it's complimentary to her, but sentences like this "Kim's make-up was naturally preened to perfection, given her candid love of all things cosmetic. Giving a nod to the wildly popular love of contouring, Kim's face was mapped out with an array of shades creating the perfect foundation for flawless bone structure." sounds a little too snide to be complimentary, I'm getting a strong mocking undertone to the whole thing.

Her dress isn't bad, her boobs are actually covered, but I think it would look a lot better on someone whose ass was so large it had it's own time zone.


GAT, this little caption had me rolling.

"The biggest she's ever seen: Kim visibly gasped when Fawaz pulled out his massive rock"

I particularly liked the fellow whose job it was to adjust her train, he was wearing her signature "coat over the shoulders" and was clearly ogling  her ass.

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The whole article is funny, just the tone of it makes me laugh. Kris doesn't look bad either, did someone send the Koven a memo that all boobs must be covered up? Better question, why are they at Cannes to begin with? I know Kendall is working, & I can see Kris going along for support or maybe business, but what is Kim doing there? Are Kourtney, Khloe, or Kylie there?

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, GaT said:

The whole article is funny, just the tone of it makes me laugh. Kris doesn't look bad either, did someone send the Koven a memo that all boobs must be covered up? Better question, why are they at Cannes to begin with? I know Kendall is working, & I can see Kris going along for support or maybe business, but what is Kim doing there? Are Kourtney, Khloe, or Kylie there?

Showing off her loss of "the baby weight"  

She hasn't lost all of it yet, I spied plenty of excess squeezing out thru the underarms and she could barely sit her spanx were so tight. She had her hand in front of her belly just in case of a blowout. 

Rumor has it she did a round of lipo behind Kanye's back.  I wouldn't put it past her.

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On May 12, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Veronique Bette said:

Kim's outfit for her lunch with Scott yesterday.


Maybe this is how the story that Scott was dating a hooker got started?

What I would give to see her fall off her shoes and have everyone just walk past while she struggled to get up.  The only thing that beat that is the time Kanye and Kim were walking towards a restaurant and  he was bitching at the paps, and he walked head first into a street sign. You could hear it hit!! I used to watch that clip over and over. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Kim's a little old to be working the escort scene in Cannes, but judging by the Daily Fail pics, it's pretty obvious what was going on at that party with that sleazy old man hanging all over her. I wonder what Kris' percentage came out to be.

Shades of the Vienna Ball? Where Kris had her stuff stolen and where Kim  was humiliated and embarrassed. But not enough to return the check. 

  • Love 4

That sleazy old man was the one who hosted the party, it's his jewelry company. Like most people, he probably invited her for the attention it would bring, and it seemed to work. Interesting that Paris Hilton was there, too, I wonder if the bumped into each other.

Of course, from the pics, there were other celebrities and "celebrities" there, quite a few who looked better than Kim, but this is the Daily Mail, so of course she "stole the show". 

  • Love 4

It looks like she took out her extensions, that's why the bun is so small. And good lord, her face is so full of fillers it's unreal. Ain't nothing wrong with fillers (I've got some under my eyes to fill out the hollows I've had since birth) but a face shouldn't look so puffy and smooth that it seems like it's blown up like a balloon.

  • Love 2

Does anyone know why Kim was putting cabbage leaves on her tits? Is it supposed to stop them from making milk?

She recently said she had to stop breast feeding because North was so jealous of Saint that she cried and screamed and tried to pull him away from her. SHe added some BS anecdote about how North put a straw in her bra and tried to get a drink. That wasn't mentioned in the show, she just told Kourt and Khloe that she was stopping breast feeding. You would think if she was having issues with jealousy, she'd ask Kourtney how she dealt with it, it Mason had been acting like that.  

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, iwasish said:

Does anyone know why Kim was putting cabbage leaves on her tits? Is it supposed to stop them from making milk?

It's supposed to. I had to unexpectedly quit breastfeeding with my recent and I did the cabbage leaves method. It's awkward and smells and you feel odd but it works.

its possible that North was jealous of the attention, but To seriously stop feeding bc of that? Nope don't buy it. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, GaT said:

Ha ha ha ha ha HA HA. From TMZ


Their caption "It really is the happiest place on Earth."


Aside from the obvious, did anyone notice how bald-headed Kim is without extensions? Look at how thin her bun is.

Judging by the expressions on North's face, I wonder if she isn't getting sick of Disneyland. I remember going for a week as a kid and by Day Three, I was over it and just wanted to swim at the hotel pool. North seems to get cranky between the ridiculous entourage Kim requires and all the paparazzi attention. The reason I mention it is because she's always cute and bubbly on Snapchat, so I don't think she's a dour kid by nature.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, GaT said:

Think how many years she's been wearing extensions, they pull your hair out & eventually you go bald. That's what happened to Naomi Campbell.

Yowza on the hairline, but damn her body is crazy. I'd kill to have that shape at 42.

Between the hair, over-filled face and baggy ass-covering coat, Kim just looks sad and aged to me. I don't understand how someone who was already blessed with beauty goes ahead and ruins it with plastic surgery. 

  • Love 6

I think its mainly the paparazzi North hates (notes how many times she's yelled 'no pictures' to them) and Disney parks can be annoyingly crowded but there are pics floating around from this Disney trip where she is smiling, most notably the adorable pic Kim just posted of her and Penelope's "princess makeovers". Really adorable.

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I thought this idiot had trouble getting pregnant. Now suddenly she has a "scare" while flying and just happens to have 8 pregnancy tests with her. And of course she has to share this all with her fans, so we get to see her "not pregnant" results.

Just trying her best to keep the attention on her instead of on Rob and Blac Chyna.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, iwasish said:

I thought this idiot had trouble getting pregnant. Now suddenly she has a "scare" while flying and just happens to have 8 pregnancy tests with her. And of course she has to share this all with her fans, so we get to see her "not pregnant" results.

Just trying her best to keep the attention on her instead of on Rob and Blac Chyna.

Just saw an article about that. Gahhhhhh! Kim makes $1 million to endorse a product on her social media! I know life isn't fair, but that's just TOO unfair. A person like her, with no talent except to take her clothes off, can make that kind of money for doing next to nothing, while regular people work their butts off 40+ hours a week and barely make enough to survive.

http://www.tmz.com/2016/05/20/kim-kardashian-clearblue-pregnancy-test/ "Kim Kardashian Peed on Pregnancy Stick For Free!" 5/20/2016 12:25 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Kim Kardashian doesn't usually endorse things for free so Clearblue scored a HUGE free promotion when Kim endorsed their pregnancy test on social media. 

Reps for the brand tell us Kim's no brand ambassador and wasn't paid a single penny to rep their digital pregnancy test when she shared her baby #3 scare with the world. Kim's usual starting rate for repping a brand is reportedly a cool $1 million, so that should put things in perspective.

Kim bought 2 other brands, but Clearblue's digital test was the lucky one to make the final cut in her Snapchat ... and apparently it was on the house.

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And made herself look like a fool. What about her big drama over maybe having to have her uterus removed right after the second baby was born? The fact that her life could be in danger if she had a third baby. The whole placenta being peeled out of her insides? Kanye is willing to risk losing his awesome wife by knocking her up  a third time after 2 miserable and life threatening  pregnancies. 

They can't even "keep up with the Kardashian" lies that they tell.

Kim reading the riot act to Rob about disrespecting Kris and Kylie ? Wasn't that bitch calling Kris stupid and a bad mother just last season? Kim and her sisters disrespect Kris all the time. And Kylie was doing plenty of shit stirring with BC on her own. I didn't see Kim telling her to knock it off. Sanctimonious idiot.

  • Love 6

All these "stars" are making a shitload of money off pimping products on social media. I think its ludicrous that Kim can command such a huge amount. And the hilarious thing is today Scott of all people today made such a stupid mistake by not only posting a picture of himself with the shake he shills for but he actually copies and pasted the instructions that the company sent him right down to the exact time they told him to post. I thought it was interesting that these companies go as far as telling you word for word what to write.

I have no clue if Kim was bullshitting about thinking she was pregnant but if she really did think she might have been its entirely possible the dangers of getting pregnant a 3rd time is why she called it a "scare". No clue. I'm sure there are enough people out there though detest her enough to hope she does get pregnant again and hope she really is in danger. 


. A person like her, with no talent except to take her clothes off, can make that kind of money for doing next to nothing, while regular people work their butts off 40+ hours a week and barely make enough to survive.

She gives hope to porn stars and nude selfie enthusiasts all over the world that they can be rich and famous one day. Maybe she is an empowering role model after all.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, howmanywords said:

All these "stars" are making a shitload of money off pimping products on social media. I think its ludicrous that Kim can command such a huge amount. And the hilarious thing is today Scott of all people today made such a stupid mistake by not only posting a picture of himself with the shake he shills for but he actually copies and pasted the instructions that the company sent him right down to the exact time they told him to post. I thought it was interesting that these companies go as far as telling you word for word what to write.

I have no clue if Kim was bullshitting about thinking she was pregnant but if she really did think she might have been its entirely possible the dangers of getting pregnant a 3rd time is why she called it a "scare". No clue. I'm sure there are enough people out there though detest her enough to hope she does get pregnant again and hope she really is in danger. 

And she couldn't wait til she got home to take a test? If indeed she was pregnant and "scared" that a third pregnancy could kill her, she's an idiot for not getting herself (or her husband) fixed to make sure it didn't happen. I don't believe for 1 minute that she thought she was , or that she is in any danger if she has a third kid and I doubt she had half the complications she's  talked about. Any scare is probably about gaining the weight again. Mostly though, it's all about attention. I'll bet she's worried that Kris is going to start fawning over BC and Rob and their bundle of joy. After all he is her only son and he's carrying on the Kardashian bloodline.

If there was ANY chance she was actually pregnant, what did she think she was going to do about it while she was flying? Tell the pilot to stop while she arranged the People photo shoot to set up on the runway? I can't wait till it comes out the whole thing was staged and she either got paid by Clearblue or just expected them to pay because she pimped their product. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Maire said:

Kim's pregnancy "scare" is as phony as her butt. Didn't she have IVF last time?   I'm shocked that she and Kanye sleep in the same bed. I don't believe they really have sex though.

I don't either. Their marriage is a business arrangement. There's no chemistry or genuine affection between them. Just look at pictures of Kim/Kanye versus Kim/Reggie. I will say that despite Kim's issues, Kanye seems like an absolute nightmare behind closed doors. It would be like dealing with a petulant, bratty toddler 24/7. 

I also don't think Kim wants another pregnancy. They don't even acknowledge or bother with Saint, it would just be one more kid for the Nanny-moms to raise.

  • Love 5

Kanye only wants Kim because she's what he considers "hot". If you can stomach it, find a video of Khloe's last "Kocktails with Khloe" that had Kim, Kanye, & Chrissy & John Legend on. At one point they're sitting around talking & (paraphrasing, some of this is visual with no words) Kanye tells John that he's proud of him for having a hot wife, & he's proud of himself for having a hot wife because imagine having all this success & having a wife that everyone looks at like (he makes a face) basically implying that a man who is successful has to have a wife who is considered "hot" by everyone. It's going to be a rude awakening to Kim when she stops being "hot" to Kanye, because he doesn't care about personality (not that she has one), or brains (that either), or whether she's a good person or kind or even if they're compatible (well, they're both famewhores who want to be worshipped, so 'll give him that), he only cares about what other people think of her looks & how she looks on his arm.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 11
21 minutes ago, GaT said:

 Kanye tells John that he's proud of him for having a hot wife, & he's proud of himself for having a hot wife because imagine having all this success & having a wife that everyone looks at like (he makes a face) basically implying that a man who is successful has to have a wife who is considered "hot" by everyone. 

How very Trump-like of him.  

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, GaT said:

Kanye only wants Kim because she's what he considers "hot" If you can stomach it, find a video of Khloe's last "Kocktails with Khloe" that had Kim, Kanye, & Chrissy & John Legend on. At one point they're sitting around talking & (paraphrasing, some of this is visual with no words) Kanye tells John that he's proud of him for having a hot wife, & he's proud of himself for having a hot wife because imagine having all this success & having a wife that everyone looks at like (he makes a face) basically implying that a man who is successful has to have a wife who is considered "hot" by everyone. It's going to be a rude awakening to Kim when she stops being "hot" to Kanye, because he doesn't care about personality (not that she has one), or brains (that either), or whether she's a good person or kind or even if they're compatible (well, they're both famewhores who want to be worshipped, so 'll give him that), he only cares about what other people think of her looks & how she looks on his arm.

Goes to show that Kanye is full of himself and he only thinks about how a person looks on the outside. Like he is some prize himself lol. As you said, Kimmy is going to be heartbroken when he is finished finding her "hot" using his standards of "hot" and "successful"  To think he has two kids who is going to grow up learning from him and his wisdoms, what a scary thought indeed!

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There have been pictures of Kim and Kanye out with Saint in the past few weeks, except for when he was carrying him in Cuba , Kanye can often be seen carrying him in a car seat that has a cover on it. I think the most recent time was when they were in NYC for the Met gala. Not very different than how they kept North hidden the first year she was born (and why her thread here was dubbed "is there a baby under that blanket"?. And after seeing some of the comments about his looks when those Cuba pics surfaced, I'm not all that shocked why we dont see him more. Some were downright cruel.

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