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S31: Ciera Eastin

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Meet Ciera Eastin from Survivor: Blood vs. Water (Season 27), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


Ciera placed fifth on Survivor: Blood vs. Water and was the first player to ever vote against their own family member. (Consequently, her mother, Laura Morett, was voted out.)


The 26-year-old decided to risk her game in a rock-draw tiebreaker, which hadn't happened since Survivor: Marquesas, and was ultimately responsible for sending her closest ally, Katie Collins, packing.



Here is your Ciera Eastin thopic.

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I find Ciera to be overrated, but I hope her and Kelley actually deliver.  They both said they couldn't really play their own game last time because of their family members, so now is their chance.  Out of all the female contestants, I think Probst is the biggest cheerleader for Ciera.  Her mom was getting voted out anyway, so I don't really think that was as big of a deal as drawing rocks.  That's way more of a gamble.  Don't really care if Ciera makes it far, as she's just there for me right now.  She's kind of in that category of I want her to last over certain people, then she can go home.

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I love the revisionist history and embellishments in her CBS bio. Ciera aligned with Katie 5 minutes before they drew rocks and her vote against Laura was not a deciding vote.

I technically agree that Ciera is "overrated", but that's only because the praise she gets is out of pace with her actual strength. That said, I DO think she played pretty damn well, especially against Returning Players. Even experienced players against n00bs wouldn't make such bold moves. She was a convincing liar, made solid pitches to Monica, and is technically good at puzzles... She only looked bad because she was always facing Laura who is a puzzle beast.

I would love to see her do well and justify her inflated reputation with more solid play.

Edited by Oholibamah
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I really never liked her.  I think she, as well as Probst,  has a very inflated view of herself.  Voting out her own mother didn't really do much but make her mother cry and she brags a lot about having a child a seventeen as though that required a lot of amazing skills.  I also think her bold moves are just bids for attention and not well thought out. Who knows? Maybe  I'll see what Jeff sees in her this time.

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I'm not a an either. That said, being willing to write your own mother's name down, to vote her out of something she loves, shows a streak of ruthlessness that should scare most players.

She didn't have to write her Moms name down, that's what makes it ruthless. Tyson told her she didn't have to, she only did it to show loyalty.

Look at it this way, Tyson would never have written down Rachel. Katie would never have written down Tina when it was completely unnecessary.

Also, Laura was right about her desire to get back with the pair s. Turning on Aras was a mistake for them. Ciera isn't that smart.

Edited by rose711
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I liked her.  I don't recall why but it had nothing to do with writing her mom's name down.  Maybe because she was a young, pretty woman but she showed some cunning and game.  A lot of the young, pretty women, it seems it takes all their mental energy just to survive out there. Ciera had a toughness or something.  I was glad to see her voted back.  

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I liked her.  I don't recall why but it had nothing to do with writing her mom's name down.  Maybe because she was a young, pretty woman but she showed some cunning and game.  A lot of the young, pretty women, it seems it takes all their mental energy just to survive out there. Ciera had a toughness or something.  I was glad to see her voted back.

This is an excellent point. She is tough. That goes along with my point about her ruthlessness.

I just don't know if her pre game alliance will hold together and protect her.

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I don't know Ciera from a hole in the ground, but of course I've heard of her BvW experience.  I sort of like the hype in this case.  You know how they now say you should praise children for their active efforts, rather than innate qualities?  Like, not "very good getting an A in math, you're so smart!" but rather "very good getting an A in math, I can see you worked hard!" with the idea that this will avoid the problem of "smart" kids like me who have no clue what to do when they reach a subject or lesson they struggle with, and have an "I'm not smart after all" breakdown, but rather thinking, "well, I worked hard before, I'll work hard again to figure this out."  (No idea if that's right or wrong but it's what I've heard.)  Anyway, by that principle, praising Ciera for being ruthless and playing fearlessly will hopefully encourage her to do so "again", even if she didn't actually do it the first time.  If that makes sense?


But then I have always been a fan of a reckless and spectacular game, over a boring but smart one...

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Ciera got a confessional!  And it wasn't that ominous confessional like Monica where you knew she was on a sinking ship.  I will be happy to admit that I underestimated this girl if she keeps this up.  I know she's Probst's pick to win and a huge favorite of his (even if I think some of the reasoning is overrated).  But good for her not wanting to be the pawn.  And that she didn't immediately bark back and ask why her, why not Andrew, why not someone else that looks to be a bigger threat than her.  I really thought she was going to end up getting the redemption during the IC, but I can't blame her for not being able to choke down whatever the hell they fed her.


Also, she got into a tiff with Max on Twitter over his Survivor Power Rankings that he and Jenn do for EW.  Anyone that can call Max out and say he's bitter and making a mockery of the show definitely earns points with me.

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good for her not wanting to be the pawn.


No kidding, Savage's constant reassurance she wasn't going anywhere would annoy me too, what if Spencer whips out an idol just to be safe? I'm rooting for Wentworth to win, but I'm liking Ciera too.

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Well, they are daughters & played with their mothers. Other than that, I don't think they are alike at all. I like Ciera 100% more. She's such a scrappy player & I was glad to hear & see her more.

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Also, she got into a tiff with Max on Twitter over his Survivor Power Rankings that he and Jenn do for EW.  Anyone that can call Max out and say he's bitter and making a mockery of the show definitely earns points with me.



I am liking Ciera now. Her tweets to Max was really on point and I thought it was funny. Max ranking doesn't make sense at all. 

Edited by yamashinaryu
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Also, she got into a tiff with Max on Twitter over his Survivor Power Rankings that he and Jenn do for EW.  Anyone that can call Max out and say he's bitter and making a mockery of the show definitely earns points with me.


Oh nice, more reasons for me to like her!


I'm rooting for Wentworth to win, but I'm liking Ciera too.


Yea, I'm kind of all in with Kelley, but Ciera is probably my #2. I'd love to see them come together at merge. Can't really see it happening though.

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When Ciera said that she wasn't thrilled about Savage using her in his master plan, I mentally jumped off my couch and high-fived her.  I love when the quiet ones decide they're not going to fade into the scenery.

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I finally jump on the Ciera bandwagon and people are jumping off.  I'm glad she stirred the pot.  Too often people just stand by, and while that is sound strategy, I'm glad Ciera ruffled feathers.  There may have been more leading up to it.  But good for her for making it interesting.  I thought her TC soapbox speech made good sense.  I took it as she was trying to get people to work with her, but maybe also realize that in that large of a group, people are going to be on the bottom and that they may want to listen and think before automatically going with the majority every time.  It will probably cost her if she keeps it up, but at least she won't go out silently.  She's on the bottom, what does she have to lose.

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So, what she said that Savage said was a lie, right? I'm not really sure she needed to do that but it sure fired him up. He's a little self righteous so I'm ok with her starting trouble. That said, I don't think it helps her game long term though. With the the votes being split this week with her & Kass she could be a goner next week.

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Ciera's 'big move' last week only served to screw herself and her closest ally.  The merge put Savage right back with his Bayon strong alliance; he pulled in several more players who had been on the fence, leaving Ciera and Kass in a huge minority. 


Then Ciera painted an even bigger target on her back, by lying in front of everyone about Savage.  Another huge, unforced error that makes everyone aware that Ciera cannot be trusted; and will lie about anything, to anyone.  Her lectures at tribal were comical. 


I believe she got a big head from her first season, even though she was a marginal player at best, who made no strategic moves on her own.  She is not very sneaky.  I really hope she gets booted soon. 

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I am totally in the dark about what benefit Ciera saw in her Savage-shit-stirring at camp this latest episode; IMHO it was a horrible move, strategically speaking.


It's immediate post-merge - a time when all agreements and alliances are at their most pliable and vulnerable - and Kass and Tasha are going at it hammer and tongs in the middle of camp.  For anybody else, this is a dream come true; two people arguing loudly in the center of camp are two people volunteering to put a ten-foot target on each of their backs.  With each angry word they draw a line deeper and deeper in the sand, creating sides for others to choose, freely offering up reasons why out of everybody else in this newly unsettled post-merge horde, one or the other of THEM would be the easiest choice to vote out.  For anybody NOT named Kass or Tasha, what's the sanest thing to do at this point...?  That's right - nothing.  Keep your head down, stay out of it (unless it shows signs of dying down, in which case the adventurous might choose the opportunity for the occasional comment to get things riled up again) and let them keep going at it back and forth for as long as possible.  Sooner or later everybody will get sick and tired of hearing it, and the person everybody will be irritated with - and focused on - is NOT you.


So why, when Kass and Tasha are doing such a good job of drawing everybody else's attention, did Ciera think jumping into the middle of the fray with a bunch of unsubstantiated and distracting allegations against Savage was a good thing?

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I don't think Ciera, or anyone, anticipated the merge happening so soon.  So blindsiding Savage, even though he took it like a baby, probably was something she thought she could recover from.  Obviously to him, it's only "Bayon Strong" if you're either an alpha male or didn't foil his genius blindside.  And actually, I thought I read somewhere Kass was the one who wanted to go after Woo.  I'd have to go check and see if I can find that.


I don't know what possessed Ciera to stir up some drama, but she might have correctly assumed she was in the minority or perhaps knew Andrew would be coming for her, so why not try and turn the target on him.  She also might have been trying to shift some focus off of Kass, since people were less likely to want to align with her.  She was just an easy vote, no strategy to it.  I think more people would have been willing to flip, if they thought they could hold the majority.  After last season with people being too scared to flip and willing to settle for 6th place so they weren't called a flipper, I'm ready for some drama this season and people getting called out for being carried.  I found Ciera's game in BvsW overrated, especially the mom vote (without that, I think she'd be as memorable as Tina's daughter).  Jeff acknowledges that move more than her forcing a rock draw.  I'm not in the game for the million, but from a viewer perspective, I like an entertaining show.  If I was playing for the million, I'd totally be a sheep and get why people use that as a strategy.  But I hate watching it.  I hope Ciera causes a little more drama and calls out the Ta'Keo 5 alliance that she formed with Kelley/Keith/Joe.


This is one of many, many reasons why I'd be a crappy Survivor player.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't think Ciera, or anyone, anticipated the merge happening so soon.  So blindsiding Savage, even though he took it like a baby, probably was something she thought she could recover from.  Obviously to him, it's only "Bayon Strong" if you're either an alpha male or didn't foil his genius blindside.  And actually, I thought I read somewhere Kass was the one who wanted to go after Woo.  I'd have to go check and see if I can find that.


I don't know what possessed Ciera to stir up some drama, but she might have correctly assumed she was in the minority or perhaps knew Andrew would be coming for her, so why not try and turn the target on him.  She also might have been trying to shift some focus off of Kass, since people were less likely to want to align with her.  She was just an easy vote, no strategy to it. 


I don't question Ciera wanting to take a shot at Savage; if she's set on him as a target, fine and dandy.

What I do question - long and loudly - was the stupidest godawful timing AND execution in all Creation:


- Ciera interrupted an ongoing fight between two other players, which immediately diluted the impact of anything she had to say because everybody is already focused on processing what's going on between Kass and Tasha.  Ciera's jump into the ring gets downgraded to a distraction from the Main Event.


- Ciera's interruption was a weak and largely ineffective attack on Savage:

  • Weak because it consisted solely of her mouthing allegations against Savage with (a) no proof to back them up, and (b) nobody prepped to back up her allegations.  (a) was a minor misstep - what "proof" are you going to have in Survivor besides word-of-mouth, anyway?  (b), however, was a significant bungle.  Without having already coordinated some sort of "witness" to back up what she's saying about Savage, Ciera merely comes off like she's just spinning tales.
  • Ineffective because she spouted off her spiel-without-backup in front of everyone in camp at once, including Savage - which immediately afforded him the opportunity to strongly rebut and deny her charges.  If your story's weak, you don't throw it out in front of everyone and let them communally dissect the story's flaws - you pull people off to the side individually - tell them the story individually - plant the seeds of suspicion and give them a chance to take root - and for God's sake, don't let your target HEAR your charges before you've had a chance to taint at least a bare voting majority of the camp against your target.


As it was, Ciera simply served to distract for a bit before attention returned to the Kass/Tasha fray.

A few hours later, most folks probably barely remembered Ciera's gambit.

Except for Savage, of course, who is now well and truly aware Ciera is gunning for him personally. 


Oh, and almost forgot - one thing folks WILL remember is, Ciera came in on Kass's side.

You know - Kass?  The person they just voted out?


Good job, Felicia - excuse me, Ciera.

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Smug. A poster described Ciera as smug and that is an apt description. I have disliked Ciera since her first season but never could put my finger on the right word that fits her. I found her to be a bit bratty and snotty. She landed in a good tribe swap and was protected by her Mommy. I don't think she should have been rewarded a spot on this season. Smug is perfect for her. Her rant at tribal council just left me shaking my head. Idiot.

Edited by cincivic
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Ciera's 'big move' last week only served to screw herself and her closest ally. The merge put Savage right back with his Bayon strong alliance; he pulled in several more players who had been on the fence, leaving Ciera and Kass in a huge minority.

Then Ciera painted an even bigger target on her back, by lying in front of everyone about Savage. Another huge, unforced error that makes everyone aware that Ciera cannot be trusted; and will lie about anything, to anyone. Her lectures at tribal were comical.

I believe she got a big head from her first season, even though she was a marginal player at best, who made no strategic moves on her own. She is not very sneaky. I really hope she gets booted soon.

This times two.

Ciera's like the person you play basketball with who keeps hogging the ball, just to shoot wild misses, and periodically brags about how much harder she's playing than anyone else. If you can't play well, maybe you shouldn't play quite so hard. She would be better off playing a Keith game, but she likes being the center of attention too much.

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The voting-out-her-mom move is hyped because that was the whole and only point of Blood VS Water in the first place: THE DRAMAZ of someone voting out their loved one!  And I imagine her big speech this episode was inspired by Hayden's tribal council arguments, yeah?  (I haven't seen BvW but I understand he famously made a "You're number four!  Don't play for four!  You can't win unless you flip!" pitch?)


I really get her sentiment and believe that it wasn't really about "you're not playing how I want you to play" at all.  But I think it was the wrong speech at the wrong time.

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And I imagine her big speech this episode was inspired by Hayden's tribal council arguments, yeah?  (I haven't seen BvW but I understand he famously made a "You're number four!  Don't play for four!  You can't win unless you flip!" pitch?)

Indeed, players are often inspired by the game the person who won their season played and other stuff that from their season that translate into them sometimes seeming like they are wearing blinders and are not able to really look at what's there because they so much want to see what they were expecting to see. These players usually don't do well.


So, if she makes it to family visit, her mom will be her loved one, right? I couldn't help thinking that Laura would have performed very well in that IC.

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I like Ciera.  Or is it Baylor?  No, Ciera. So that just makes it sadder for me when she torpedoed her own game for reasons never made clear.  It's one thing to go for broke if you're on the chopping block, but it's another to put your own head on the block and tell the executioner that he doesn't have the guts to swing.

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According to Kass, herself/Ciera/Abi were all ostracized the second the tribes merged. Compounded with the fact that Andrew was willing to put her in jeopardy last TC I think Ciera had plenty of evidence to suggest she was low man on the totem pole and therefore she needed to do something to change that. What she did might not have worked, but I appreciate that she tried instead of just sitting around and waiting to be voted out.

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It sounds like this season players are being really open about who's going next.   Kass knew she was next so why not play hard her last days?  Ciera must know her number is about up, too, the way she's playing.  I can respect that.  


(I was posting while peach was, not really copying what she said, just thinking alike!)

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I'm not quite ready to take Kass' word on her own booting, especially after she's had a few months to revise her history in her head.

While Kass may have gotten screwed because of her own nickname/persona, I do not believe that losing Woo was such a tragedy for everyone that Ciera couldn't have escaped blame. She just needed to be cool for more than a minute. But no, she decides to mix it up for some ill-defined reason.


And Abi was just being Abi.  No one has been inclined to vote her out before for the same thing, and no one seems to be grumbling about it now.


Blindsiding Woo was survivable for at least two of them, probably all three, even in the cold wind of Savage's affronted honor. 

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According to Kass, herself/Ciera/Abi were all ostracized the second the tribes merged. Compounded with the fact that Andrew was willing to put her in jeopardy last TC I think Ciera had plenty of evidence to suggest she was low man on the totem pole and therefore she needed to do something to change that. What she did might not have worked, but I appreciate that she tried instead of just sitting around and waiting to be voted out.

If they were ostracized, that shows how much influence Savage has.  The second the tribes merged, he flipped Ciera and Kass from top to bottom. 


This also shows, at least IMO, how poor Ciera's/Kass' play the week before was.  If they could have booted Savage then, maybe a different story.  Maybe.  But they couldn't.  So they took out someone of little consequence, letting Savage live to fight another day.  As it turned out, that was all he needed. 


My beef with Ciera's play this week is that it wasn't just ineffective.  She dug her hole even deeper.  A smooth operator would work behind the scenes.  (See Kelley Wentworth.)  I think Ciera made herself even more toxic.  i.e. she is again doing the exact wrong thing to bring people to her side. 

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What makes you think Andrew's calling the shots?  I just don't see signs of him having much influence but who knows.  It looks to me like Jeremy and Joe are taking charge.  

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The second the merge feast ended, Andrew huddled with Jeremy and told him how Ciera and Kass booted Woo and turned on him.  IIRC Andrew and Jeremy then pulled in the rest of their alliance, who immediately took Andrew at his word, and targeted Kass, with Ciera the backup in case of an idol.  Andrew was the source/force behind the entire move.  

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If they were ostracized, that shows how much influence Savage has.  The second the tribes merged, he flipped Ciera and Kass from top to bottom


According to Kass, it was Tasha, not Savage that was the cause of them beig ostracized and if Ciera wouldn't have told that dumb ass lie then the ostracization (probably not a word, but I'm using it)  probably wouldn't have been a group thing.

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Kass and Ciera were on the bottom of Original Bayon. We know that the Alpha alliance was Andrew, Jeremy, Joe, Keith and Tasha. It looks like Kimmi might have been their sixth person. Kass and Ciera were not shown in any alliance.


The theme of this season is to vote out the people causing trouble.


Vytas was the first boot because of pregame alliances. The next three votes were trouble makers.


Shirin was targeting Jeff to keep Spencer safe.


Peih Gee targeted Abi because Abi flipped on them and Abi was happy to make Peih Gee leave because the two did not get along.


Jeff was targeted because he stirred up crap and was a threat to Tasha and Andrew and he had the busted toe.


Woo was booted because Ciera and Kass knew that they were on the bottom of the Bayon tribe and needed to weaken Andrew. Woo was a vote in the pocket for Andrew so they got rid of Woo.


Kass was stirring up crap and was at the bottom of her alliance.


Ciera was at the bottom with Kass.


I don't think that there is much that Kass or Ciera could have done to change things up. Tasha clearly was not willing to work with Kass. No one trusted Abi so you cannot count her as a number in any alliance. Kelley Wentworth and Spencer needed to know that there was a solid alliance for them to play with. There was no point in them taking out an Andrew or a Jeremy, enlarging the targets on their backs and not have an alliance to shield them from the next bunch of votes. Kass and Ciera are not enough votes to provide the cover Kelley and Spencer needed.


So I am not sure how Kass and Ciera were suppose to play the early merge. I don't think Ciera's actions are going to help her. I think that she is dead in the water. All she can hope for is someone else to stir the pot and take the target off of her for three days.

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Kass and Ciera were on the bottom of Original Bayon. We know that the Alpha alliance was Andrew, Jeremy, Joe, Keith and Tasha. It looks like Kimmi might have been their sixth person. Kass and Ciera were not shown in any alliance.


The theme of this season is to vote out the people causing trouble.


Vytas was the first boot because of pregame alliances. The next three votes were trouble makers.


Shirin was targeting Jeff to keep Spencer safe.


Peih Gee targeted Abi because Abi flipped on them and Abi was happy to make Peih Gee leave because the two did not get along.


Jeff was targeted because he stirred up crap and was a threat to Tasha and Andrew and he had the busted toe.


Woo was booted because Ciera and Kass knew that they were on the bottom of the Bayon tribe and needed to weaken Andrew. Woo was a vote in the pocket for Andrew so they got rid of Woo.


Kass was stirring up crap and was at the bottom of her alliance.


Ciera was at the bottom with Kass.


I don't think that there is much that Kass or Ciera could have done to change things up. Tasha clearly was not willing to work with Kass. No one trusted Abi so you cannot count her as a number in any alliance. Kelley Wentworth and Spencer needed to know that there was a solid alliance for them to play with. There was no point in them taking out an Andrew or a Jeremy, enlarging the targets on their backs and not have an alliance to shield them from the next bunch of votes. Kass and Ciera are not enough votes to provide the cover Kelley and Spencer needed.


So I am not sure how Kass and Ciera were suppose to play the early merge. I don't think Ciera's actions are going to help her. I think that she is dead in the water. All she can hope for is someone else to stir the pot and take the target off of her for three days.


Everybody including Stephen has said that Kimmi and Monica were ALWAYS on the bottom and were the first two to go on Bayon if they lost. Monica because she was playing too hard and Kimmi because she was really annoying apparently. Keith was also NOT part of the bro alliance. They were lying to him and telling him false information to keep him from causing problems, according to the information that Savage told Varner on Angkor. I believe the core six were Jeremy/Joe/Savage/Tasha/Ciera and Stephen with Kass, Keith, Kimmi, and Monica on the bottom. Ciera is only in trouble now because she swapped to Ta Keo and found new loyalties with Kass/Abi/Kelley etc.... Otherwise if she stayed on Bayon for any of the swaps, she likely would be in a good position. 

Edited by bdestroyer88
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Who knows if what Savage told Varner was really true or the full picture. Kimmi/Monica being the choices for initial boots seems to be confirmed by multiple players, but everything else was never tested at Tribal Council for anyone to really know which alliance was real. Apparently, most people at Bayon were in multiple alliances (Stephen/Ciera/Kass/Tasha/Jeremy were in an alliance together, for example). I'll believe Ciera was part of the Brolliance if she says so, but otherwise, it's hard to believe that particular group would add Ciera.

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I think that there was a firm four, Andrew, Jeremy, Joe, and Tasha. I think Jeremy and Andrew had different people in mind for the fifth and sixth spots. I think Jeremy had Kimmi and Keith there. I think Andrew was ok with Keith but I don't know if he saw Stephen as the sixth.


I don't think that Stephen was in the Alpha alliance. He was not trusted by Andrew . Andrew even called out how Stephen did not have any honor and was not a good person.


I cannot remember anyone discussing Ciera in an alliance. Kass said that Ciera was really sick at the beginning of the game and that the two bonded while Kass was helping Ciera.


Monica thought she was aligned with Kimmi and probably saw herself as a member of that alliance. I would not be surprised to find that Monica thought that there was a woman's alliance at Bayon and I could see Kass and Ciera going along with that.

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I think that there was a firm four, Andrew, Jeremy, Joe, and Tasha. I think Jeremy and Andrew had different people in mind for the fifth and sixth spots. I think Jeremy had Kimmi and Keith there. I think Andrew was ok with Keith but I don't know if he saw Stephen as the sixth.


I don't think that Stephen was in the Alpha alliance. He was not trusted by Andrew . Andrew even called out how Stephen did not have any honor and was not a good person.


I cannot remember anyone discussing Ciera in an alliance. Kass said that Ciera was really sick at the beginning of the game and that the two bonded while Kass was helping Ciera.


Monica thought she was aligned with Kimmi and probably saw herself as a member of that alliance. I would not be surprised to find that Monica thought that there was a woman's alliance at Bayon and I could see Kass and Ciera going along with that.

No one had Kimmi in mind as an alliance member in the beginning. It was either her or Monica going out first if they lost, most likely Kimmi. Jeremy, Stephen, Kass have all confirmed on social media/exit interviews that Kimmi and Monica were the first two targets on Bayon. 


There was also no female alliance on Bayon. Monica said her allegiances were with Kimmi, Keith, and Stephen. In fact, she was openly targeting Kass, telling everyone she needed to go. 

Edited by bdestroyer88
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Monica thought she was aligned with Kimmi and probably saw herself as a member of that alliance. I would not be surprised to find that Monica thought that there was a woman's alliance at Bayon and I could see Kass and Ciera going along with that.



Kass said she would have been all for a women's alliance.  But Monica was targeting her the minute they hit the beach.  Then she did an about face and wanted to do the girls thing, but obviously Kass didn't trust her.


I don't know why they didn't just target Savage last week over Woo, unless they were trying to keep Bayon strong.  It might have gained them allies with Woo and Wigles.  And whatever happened to the Ta'Keo final 5 deal Ciera/Joe/Wentworth/Keith/Kass had?  Also, if they are being open about who is getting voted off, I wonder if that's both to possibly keep people from flipping and as a way to plead their case at the FTC that they didn't blindside anyone and were open about voting them off.  As for Ciera, I still think she was trying to shift the target from Kass thanks to Tasha's grudge, and possibly flip any other bottom feeders to their side.  Not everyone seemed okay with wanting to go along with the Kass vote.  Hopefully this isn't a season where people act too little, too late and a dominant alliance predictably Pagongs the rest.

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As for Ciera, I still think she was trying to shift the target from Kass thanks to Tasha's grudge, and possibly flip any other bottom feeders to their side.  Not everyone seemed okay with wanting to go along with the Kass vote.


I completely agree. And I get that. I respect it. It didn't work, but at least she tried.

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I don't think Ciera's actions are going to help her. I think that she is dead in the water. All she can hope for is someone else to stir the pot and take the target off of her for three days.

Reading this, I couldn't help thinking that Cierra should start whispering sweet nothings into Abi's ear.

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I think Ciera could be a very good player and possibly a winner. She just wastes her talents on stupid shit. I mean that lie to Jeremy was stupid and a waste of time but I could see where it could work. That stuff with Katie was brilliant but it wound up getting her nothing. Give her a few more years and have her land in the right alliance and she could probably wind up winning. I know you can say that about most. But I do think if she gets to the end, she'd have a better then average chance of convincing the jury to give her the money.

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I think Ciera could be a very good player and possibly a winner. She just wastes her talents on stupid shit. I mean that lie to Jeremy was stupid and a waste of time but I could see where it could work. That stuff with Katie was brilliant but it wound up getting her nothing. Give her a few more years and have her land in the right alliance and she could probably wind up winning. I know you can say that about most. But I do think if she gets to the end, she'd have a better then average chance of convincing the jury to give her the money.

She's surprisingly a very good speaker.

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Once of the best moments at Tribal Council was Spencer & Jeremy's reaction. They were so surprised that Ciera didn't know about the idol. Great episode. That said, Ciera over did it a little (a lot) with the eye rolling. Less is more.

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