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Hee, @rue721, no, no fanfic based on snorkeling. I don't think I could... though in my head there is a scene that would include it. But I doubt that will ever see actual fruition... maybe much later. (It's part of what I think of as my "friends with benefits" variation on my current fanfic. It's pretty much what it sounds like except more so.)

But as for an underwater monster, I don't think I could let monsters mix with snorkeling. Snorkeling is my happy place. I don't think I could go there. I imagine an underwater monster would be in some creepy, cold, and dark underwater place anyway. Which is the opposite of what snorkeling where we go is like. And I couldn't imagine an underwater fight in a snorkeling scenario either - eek. Snorkeling is something you do slowly for a reason... touching anything is a bad idea, and fighting a creature near coral* would result in nasty injuries... and the poor critters and potentially killed coral... just a big nope. Heh.

Now if they decided to do the more traditional siren story - like a mermaid type subspecies - that would be cool, but I still couldn't imagine the boys winning in a tropical scenario in the mermaid's element. They'd have to lure her out somehow.

* And in most snorkeling scenarios, there would be no way to avoid it. Critters live in and around the coral, and to see the critters, you're usually right there. Being cautious and going slow is a must. Imagine accidentally kicking your leg and hitting a sharp, jagged, coral covered surface with the potential to sting your skin and/or give you a nasty infection... Imagining that is one reason I've never had an accident - I'm careful. I'm also fully covered now - sunscreen is bad for the reef, so my swimwear is full coverage to avoid a sunburn. But even being careful, I've been stung by jellyfish or ctenophore swarms at least twice, and hydrazines(?) another time (Those little guys are nasty).

5 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

I don't think I could let monsters mix with snorkeling. Snorkeling is my happy place. I don't think I could go there. I imagine an underwater monster would be in some creepy, cold, and dark underwater place anyway.

OK, fair enough :)

What about scuba diving instead of snorkling?

Ooooh what about a monster they have to investigate in an underwater cave?! Underwater caves are so terrifying just on their own -- and then if one were to be like the Labyrinth, with a "Minotaur" kind of monster hiding out in there....?

There's a famous (real life) missing persons story about a guy who scuba-ed into an underwater cave and never came out. Nobody can find him in the cave, but the cave is also so dangerous that it's difficult to investigate fully. They did find some of his stuff in there.

What if Sam and Dean had to investigate a creepy place like that? *shudder*

I think that idea would make for a better fanfic story than as an actual episode, though, because I would imagine filming would be really difficult and the visuals wouldn't look great. But underwater spelunking -- doesn't get much scarier and more dangerous than that!

Also, there are so many bizarre and fascinating animals underwater. Have you seen Planet Earth:  Ocean Deep? That doc is still one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I can completely believe in there being some kind of monster down there -- some of the animals that we KNOW exist are so strange, they might already qualify as monsters! Or cryptids at least.

Ooooh like what if they have to go in a cave to flush out a kraken? ;)

OK I'm starting to want to write this story now ;)

4 hours ago, rue721 said:

OK I'm starting to want to write this story now ;)

Oh, definitely. And go for it!

But you would need to write in some down time. Scuba diving means they need to take a course to get registered to do it, and cave diving requires even more registration and sometimes specialized equipment. It is dangerous. Where hubby and I went to college was near a major cave diving area (High Springs has a lot of springs, and people dive the caves in them.) Getting lost or miscalculating and running out of air is always a consideration. Multiple people have died that way.

As for weird underwater critters, where hubby and I vacation in Roatan, there is a guy with his own submarine, and he'll take people deep down to see the animals and such down there. Hubby and I have considered it. One day we might shell out the money to go (obviously an expensive proposition), but the prospect is also kind of scary also! Here's a link to information on the submarine tours:  http://www.stanleysubmarines.com/ . (You're probably gonna want to go. It really looks amazing.)

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2 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Here's a link to information on the submarine tours:  http://www.stanleysubmarines.com/ . (You're probably gonna want to go. It really looks amazing.)

That looks amazing! Of course I DO want to do it now. You're right that it's expensive, but it's also probably an unforgettable experience -- so IMO it's worth it if you can swing it.

I dunno about writing an undersea fanfic myself, though. I can't even swim! Even if I got all the kraken/supernatural stuff "right," all the real life stuff would probably be dead wrong ;)

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I don't ship Cas and Mary, but this really weird prompt came to my mind! 

Basically Sam Dean and Cas are at a karaoke bar and they're all really drunk! Cas must be human again to be so intoxicated! 

So Cas gets on stage and starts singing along to Katy Perry and changes the lyrics to "I kissed your mum and I liked it" cue horrified looking Sam and Dean. 

I should reiterate the fact this is not at all a scene I'd actually want in the show just a weird as hell thought that crossed  my mind haha

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Hey, guys!

I've got a SPN story that I'm transferring from one site to the link inserted in this post. SYNPOSIS: This will be a retelling of the show with OCs inserted for love interests for the boys.

Join the Winchesters and their best friends, the Sweeneys as they discover that the greatest adventure is not only saving the world, but that true love is the real adventure. (This story will go along with the show---Chapter titles will be titles from show episodes. But I will have my own chapters inserted)

Link to story: The Road So Far.....A Supernatural Retelling.....

Side Note: Sweeneys are: Katherine and Jennifer Sweeney. They are sisters who are the same age as the guys. From the beginning of the story to....whenever, Dean's with Katherine Sweeney. They married in the beginning of the story and they stay married. Sam and Jennifer are dating at the beginning but as story continues to Dean and Katie's marriage, they are breaking up. They get back together as the story goes.

Edited by RoseRedSPN

I have a couple of fics, both "Gen" and only rated for swearing. Be warned, I am an angst-ho.

My Empire of Dirt - A 'what if' story, based on an a/u to S10. Interestingly, I had a chance to ask Jensen if he would do what Dean does in this story, given the opportunity. His answer was no. :)  (no, I did not tell him it was a fanfic, just a premise ::)

Three Strikes Post-episode S2x16, Road Kill. It was a challenge to write Dean & Sam as we knew them then, without 10 more seasons of baggage.

  • Love 2

Hey hey.

So while angsting about the world, I did dip into writing now and then.

Mary, Interrupted - One moment, she was burning to death on the ceiling of Sammy's room; the next she was standing in a park, still in her nightgown, facing a stranger who claimed he was her son.  Season 12 from the POV of Mary.

Sparrow, Falling - Liriel was one of the least of the angels, spending her time judging the lives of a remote alien species. When the road to the Apocalypse starts, she is yanked into a world of humans, demons, schemes, and spying. She has doubts. Then she meets Crowley, and everything changes. One-shot.

In Chains - As Sam's search for a cure to the Mark of Cain leads him to hiding the Book of the Damned and chaining Rowena, things go from bad to worse, ending with Charlie's death. Can Rowena drag him out of his guilt with an ass-kicking and a wee distraction?

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WTF??? This is a painting. This is not a photograph.  How is this possible??? 

Correction: It's a drawing. A hand drawing with colored pencils. WTF???

Blown away by this artist's work.









watercolor pencils(dry),pastels,colored pencils

more works here

#Jensen Ackles#dean winchester#SPN#supernatural#JIBcon#jib#jib5#Fanart#natira

788 notes


Edited by catrox14
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Oh my gods. This is incredible. TrueForm!Cas . Be advised there is some NSFW Destiel art on the linked account but look at this concept. It's incredible.




“Hold on, Cas!”

The Winchesters are racing along the glowing river of grace, to help their hurting friend Castiel, the giant Angel.

Fifth gif of the giant trueform!Cas series.


tumblr_oqslhx2GES1udi612o1_1280.gif#fanart#supernatural#castiel#myart#animation#gif#trueform!castiel#impala#baby#dean winchester#Sam Winchester#huge#angel#grace#river#forest#nature#wound#hurt











That healing spell better fucking works, Sammy!”

Amongst crushed trees, the Winchesters find their giant celestial friend in dire need of help.


Sixth gif of the giant trueform!Cas series and continuation of this. 


I don't know if this is the best place to ask this, but I thought it would be a good start. Before you answer, please remember to spoiler tag your reply for those who haven't read Twist and Shout.


I don't follow twitter, but I saw someone share a tweet Misha made that "Something a bit ... "twisty" and a bit ... "shouty" will happen this season." I am pretty sure he posted that before S12, not before S11 or further back.


Since I don't have cable, I binge watched S12 once it was on Netflix. It was only a little bit before then that I finally braced myself to read Twist and Shout. We just finished S12 and nothing in particular stood out to me as anything that would make me think of Twist and Shout.


What am I missing? 


Is it simply that Cas dies, even though it shares none of the same emotional impact (meaning it's not a slow, drawn out, deathbed kind of death, nor does he die in Dean's arms)?

On 7/10/2017 at 2:16 AM, takalotti said:

I don't follow twitter, but I saw someone share a tweet Misha made that "Something a bit ... "twisty" and a bit ... "shouty" will happen this season." I am pretty sure he posted that before S12, not before S11 or further back.



I've looked on Misha's timeline for that Tweet and can't find it.

If it existed I think it has to do with "Cas died on a Thursday" . Twist and Shout was seen on one of Misha's browser tabs. But who knows.  If he was talking about s12, Cas did next to Dean if not in Dean's arms in the s12 finale...so maybe so.


I just came across this YouTuber who does SPN reviews and parodies with puppets. It's all with love and affection. He loves the show. His Dean is freaking hilarious.  The way his Dean says "Cas" "Sammy" and "family" repeatedly is hilarious.  I think he's doing a variation on Demon!Dean's voice.  LOLOL

Most of his stuff is from s10 but man, I giggled at this one. 

2 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Wow that is stunning! Whoever made it is an incredible artist! 

I updated the post linking the tumblr page.

That makes me want Michael!Dean like ugh...so much.


I keep HOPING we'll get a big surprise in s13 but fat fucking chance. Like maybe Jensen will actually be Michael in the AU. I would just be....PLEASE. Just ONE EPISODE. I would just be so happy.

  • Love 2

Okay, Dean fits PERFECTLY into this. Wow.





apologies to Hopper and his fans… but they finally had a GISHWHES item that was practically made just for me…

Add something anachronistic to a famous painting, but you must do so seamlessly and using the painters own style - and yes you can photoshop…

I love Nighthawks at the Diner… 

#fan art#Edward Hopper#pimentogirlcreations#GISHWHES



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