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S02.E05: Design a Date/S02.E06: 5K Run

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Go Whit! With your awesome friends and family and unfortunate looking boyfriend. I love ya'all!

I am Snarky McSnark Monster...but I admit it..these people make me smile!

Sorry...but its true...and honestly.....I usually hate everybody, and am quick to judge and point out the shortcomings of any and all reality show peeps. But gotta admit, this crew, along with The Arnolds on The Little Couple are my feel good "happy place"

Edited by Christi
  • Love 5

I put this in the Whitney thread, but it happened a lot in this episode too... So I'll say it again, but does the "boo bear" drive anyone else crazy? The nick name isn't even necessarily what bothers me, but the sheer volume of the number of times she says it makes me a little stabby.


I kept wondering why she was calling him boo bear when they are just friends.  That's the kind of nickname I would think you would have for your significant other.  Annoying just the same.  I kind of like Whitney but she tries way too hard to be cutesie sometimes.   

  • Love 2

I have no doubt that the 5K organizers encouraged people to dress up like penguins or birds or in black-and-white, but there was clearly no requirement that people *had* to dress up like a penguin.  Is the penguin costume drama really the most interesting thing that they can script for her to do on this show?  It's a boring plot point to begin with (will her Dad dress up like a penguin? Gee, I wonder!) and then they completely undermine it by showing us the rest of the racers.  My four-year-old nephew tells long, rambling "jokes" that are better written than this show.

  • Love 3

Okay, I may be slightly biased because in my walking career, I have done 5 full marathons (not including one I had to quit at mile 19 due to heatstroke) and dozens of halfs, and lots of races of all distances. I have done every distance in varying degrees of being in shape, including two full marathons on NO training whatsoever. I have been in lots of pain, particularly when untrained and unprepared. I have finished races and had, literally, the entire bottom of both feet be giant blisters. That being said, I have never seen ANYONE be SO DAMN DRAMATIC about finishing a race in my entire life. I wanted to slap her! She was crying hysterically in an interview probably done months after the fact, as if finishing this 5K was the most insanely difficult trial anyone has ever had to do. Lady, get over yourself. 


It's not about 5K being a "short distance," because I know for her it is far and I am not scoffing at that aspect. Everyone has to start somewhere and the distance was 3x farther than she had ever gone, and good for her for finishing it! But the DRAMA. God, the damn DRAMA. She was talking about it like it was the Bataan Death March. Her arches have never hurt so badly in her life, after literally 5 minutes of walking?! How the flying fuck does she get through a dance class? That's what really baffled me about the whole thing, she dances all the time and surely is used to being on her feet, so why be so dramatic about being on your feet for an hour? 


Again, she should definitely be proud of herself for her accomplishment, as a first 5K is not a minor thing. But the hysterical crying and speaking of it in the most poetic, dramatic language is just insufferable...and typical Whitney. 


Also, I hate when people walk with traffic, especially in the middle of the road, like she did in her training walk with her dad. You're asking to get hit by a car, doing that.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 7

Okay, I may be slightly biased because in my walking career, I have done 5 full marathons (not including one I had to quit at mile 19 due to heatstroke) and dozens of halfs, and lots of races of all distances. I have done every distance in varying degrees of being in shape, including two full marathons on NO training whatsoever. I have been in lots of pain, particularly when untrained and unprepared. I have finished races and had, literally, the entire bottom of both feet be giant blisters. That being said, I have never seen ANYONE be SO DAMN DRAMATIC about finishing a race in my entire life. I wanted to slap her! She was crying hysterically in an interview probably done months after the fact, as if finishing this 5K was the most insanely difficult trial anyone has ever had to do. Lady, get over yourself. 


It's not about 5K being a "short distance," because I know for her it is far and I am not scoffing at that aspect. Everyone has to start somewhere and the distance was 3x farther than she had ever gone, and good for her for finishing it! But the DRAMA. God, the damn DRAMA. She was talking about it like it was the Bataan Death March. Her arches have never hurt so badly in her life, after literally 5 minutes of walking?! How the flying fuck does she get through a dance class? That's what really baffled me about the whole thing, she dances all the time and surely is used to being on her feet, so why be so dramatic about being on your feet for an hour? 


Again, she should definitely be proud of herself for her accomplishment, as a first 5K is not a minor thing. But the hysterical crying and speaking of it in the most poetic, dramatic language is just insufferable...and typical Whitney. 


Also, I hate when people walk with traffic, especially in the middle of the road, like she did in her training walk with her dad. You're asking to get hit by a car, doing that.

Preach it loud and clear!!!  You hit the nail right on the head. That whole part of the episode was bugging me and you just expressed how I feel.

Personally I think the fact that Whitney calls Buddy boo bear is that he is her backup plan.  

Maybe I am just a skeptic but I find it hard to believe Dad was diagnosed with pre-diabetes as well.  

  • Love 4

Diabetes used to be considered an "old persons disease", so I have no problem believing that Glen has been diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  I saw Whitney on the show Home and Family and I believe she said her mom had T2D, too.  My tiny, healthy grandmother, mother in law, brother in law, two cousins...all diabetic (and not fat.)  


Drama is her shtick.  I don't mind that it comes out.  It was weird (to me) that she decided to do this without any training (especially since she knew it would be televised).  It was strange that she was hurting after only a mile; this says (to me) that she doesn't spend a lot of her dance classes dancing (which is honestly typical for most dance classes I've taken; the instructor teaches steps and combos, but then tends to watch run throughs).  Even though it was a huge surprise to see that she struggled with it, I think the fact that she did struggle and pushed herself beyond what she thought she could do means she earned her tears. 


Good thing about TV -- if you don't like it, stop watching and it all goes away.  

PS -- Love, love, love ALL THINGS Babs! 

  • Love 5

I have no problem with you disagreeing with my stated opinion, I will not argue with you about that. She certainly is dramatic and that certainly is her schtick, take it or leave it. But telling me "if you don't like it, don't watch" is not respectful of the fact that other people think differently than you. I have the right to my opinion and I just stated it without arguing with anyone else. For the record, I enjoyed the first episode of the two much more, but I thought my post was a bit long so I didn't bother mentioning that.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 7

I have no doubt Whitney was in pain doing that 5K.  A 5K is pretty easy for just about anyone to walk, but I think Whitney may have started off with a little running and with her weight, I'm sure it was more than her arches aching.  I've done many runs, 5K to full marathon, and any finish line is an accomplishment and emotional high.  I had tears for her finish and could definitely relate to her journey of starting off being excited quickly morphing into "what have I gotten myself into".  All her supporters were so wonderful and sweet.  I'm really rooting for her to lose more weight and turn her health around. 


My heart broke for Babs having to leave that kitty.  You could tell she was really sad and clearly more upset about the cat leaving than about Whitney leaving, LOL. 


$1,200 rent is pretty good for a house like that, at least where I live.  Have they ever mentioned what Buddy does for a living?  I remember early in the series they said he delivered pizzas but surely he does more than that?  I appreciate Whitney's hustle to get more dancing classes, despite the fact that she's probably earning enough from the series to buy that house outright.


Gotta love some of the fakeness of "reality" tv!

  • Love 3

Enh I didn't mind the drama over the 5K that much.  It was probably hyped up for T.V. but if it encourages someone at home to give it a try then wail on sister, wail on!  Plus we don't know how hilly that route was or what the circumstances are leading into that.  As a runner/walker myself I can speak from experience on entering a race with the intentions of simply walking at your own pace BUT when you see everyone else around you running and you are swept up in the excitement of the race you do have a tendency to go a little faster than you normally would.  *shrug*  So it might have put a little extra strain on her body *shrug*


As far as dressing up like a penguin.  Cute fun.  I've been in these types of races where you are encourage (but not required) to dress up some sort of way.  Fun for the cameras and yay to her dad for doing it with her.


$1,200 rent is pretty good for a house like that, at least where I live.  Have they ever mentioned what Buddy does for a living?  I remember early in the series they said he delivered pizzas but surely he does more than that?  I appreciate Whitney's hustle to get more dancing classes, despite the fact that she's probably earning enough from the series to buy that house outright.

That's what I was wondering as well.  Plus how much did they pay for that couch?  $3K??  Ouch.  And all that other furniture?  FYI--I agree with Buddy the carousel horse was kinda meh to me.  But yeah that's a pretty nice looking house and $1200 is low where I live as well for monthly rent.  It looks like it's in a good neighborhood.  But yeah the show must be forking out some money for this because there is no way they could afford all that on a dancer's salary and whatever it is that Buddy does. 

  • Love 2

I don't really care if she wanted to dress up as a penguin.  I just find this whole silliness about it being required, when it clearly wasn't, to be annoying.


And given the scandal on The Biggest Loser with the fake marathon running, the costume nonsense makes me wonder if she did actually finish the 5K.  If they're going to make up the costume requirements, why not just go full out and make up her finishing the 5K as well?

  • Love 1

Yeah, "you have to dress up like a penguin" is just inaccurate, as long as you are covering your privates you can be barefoot if you want ;) That being said, I did like dad's penguin hat in particular. Adorable. I would buy that for my son. It is also nice that the dad so readily agreed to do the 5K with Whitney and talked about how he was happy to motivate her, but of course Whitney thought SHE was the one motivating HIM, heh heh.


The first episode was nice, it was good to see Whitney go on a date with a decent dude and his epic beard. Whitney can't be too upset about attracting men with a "fat fetish" since she clearly has a beard fetish. Have to wonder along with the rest of you guys if he would be cool with his girlfriend calling her best male friend "Boo Bear." You don't have to be too jealous of a guy to let that bother ya, but I suppose they'll cross that bridge if they get to it. It's only been one date after all!

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 2
The first episode was nice, it was good to see Whitney go on a date with a decent dude and his epic beard. Whitney can't be too upset about attracting men with a "fat fetish" since she clearly has a beard fetish. Have to wonder along with the rest of you guys if he would be cool with his girlfriend calling her best male friend "Boo Bear." You don't have to be too jealous of a guy to let that bother ya, but I suppose they'll cross that bridge if they get to it. It's only been one date after all!

From a woman's POV if I was interested in Buddy and perhaps began seeing him I would be jealous about a female roommate calling him boo bear.  It just seems to be an affectionate nickname so that added to the fact that they are living together, no I don't think I could deal.


Yeah I guess I like Whitney's new beau.  I'm not a fan of the ZZ Top type facial hair but she obviously is so good for her I guess.  The cynical side of me does have to side eye the idea that is he really interested in her or the fact that dating her means he gets to be on a reality tv show (and promote his art). 

  • Love 3

I really liked these two episodes. But I agree on the assessment of Whitney's new beau - I would have a hard time trusting that relationship given it's a main storyline on a reality show. That said, I HOPE it's real, for her!


Loved the 5K episode. Good for her. And I loved seeing her friends and family cheering her on. I know a 5K is nothing to people who are marathon runners, etc., but for some it seems so out of reach and I LOVED that she completed it.

  • Love 5

How many freaking episodes do they need to show in one week on TLC?  I can't keep up with everything on the boards because I'm always struggling to catch up!  I've seen the first episode of this thread but have yet to see the second.  I think the house she's renting with Buddy is very nice but I'm not quite comfortable with her ambiguous relationship with him while also dating other people.  If I were a guy looking to meet a woman I would turn a side eye to her situation with Buddy.  being friends is one thing but she clearly has a past with him and that alone would make most guys a little uncomfortable, especially with the "boo bear" comments and moving in with him.  But these days I'm sure she can find a guy who'd be down for anything, but what would that say about him if so?  I hate to say I think she's clueless about men and dating.  Even if she sold it to a guy as part of the script with the show it's still going to cause issues in the future.  And she really needs to stop trying to be crass and over the top to supposedly match her large figure or whatever it is she's trying to do.  Babs is totally right about her braying like a pig being unattractive - And if a guy does find it attractive, again, what does that say about him?  She doesn't get it, I'm sure.

  • Love 1

Boo Bear would bug me if it didnt appear authentic. It looks to me like they have been friends for a long time, and thats just what she calls him, on or off the show.

Kinda like the Babs thing

I agree that it's does seem like an authentic nickname/term of endearment (although I do give a little side eye, I feel like there may be some residual feelings, but I don't think we'll know until Buddy dates somebody) for me the annoyance was more in the number of times she was saying it, for a whole it felt like she was starting and ending every sentence with it... Even if she were using his given name like that, it would have felt excessive to me.

  • Love 1

Being from the south I do know that nicknames like Boo Bear & Baps is common place down here.  It is a sign of affection but not romantic love.  HOWEVER she has stated many times that her & Buddy (I wonder if that's his real name) have had a past so that fact along with the nicknames, etc. would make me a bit nervous.  I wonder if they will show a female companion for Buddy & how Whitney would feel about that because so far he seems to be single with zero love interests. 

  • Love 1

I did not appreciate the beauty of Lenny's beard at all, and when Whitney said she had "caught a whiff of that beard" I nearly gagged. You can SMELL that thing? I think he said something about putting some kind of cream in it, so I hope that's all she was smelling. Ew. 


I enjoyed the 5K episode. Yeah, she was overly dramatic, but it was inspiring to see her push through it. I thought her time was pretty impressive considering how much weight she had to carry. 

  • Love 3

I did not appreciate the beauty of Lenny's beard at all, and when Whitney said she had "caught a whiff of that beard" I nearly gagged. You can SMELL that thing? I think he said something about putting some kind of cream in it, so I hope that's all she was smelling. Ew. 


I enjoyed the 5K episode. Yeah, she was overly dramatic, but it was inspiring to see her push through it. I thought her time was pretty impressive considering how much weight she had to carry. 

Didn't Buddy say she got kicked out of a pet store for smelling the kittens?

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 2

Does anyone think that Whitney moving out of the house and with Buddy is a terrible, terrible idea that is going to cause her to gain more weight? Whitney complained about the food that was accessible in her parents house so she wasn't buying her own food apparently, her parents were scrutinizing her food intake on the show and now she moves in with another really obese person and they are going to be jointly responsible for buying the food in the house.


We've seen Whitney grocery shop, they house is going to be full to the brim with junk and now she lives with the guy that just shows up with pizza randomly. Do you really think her parents would be OK with her ordering pizza delivery all the time at home? Also there have been a few hints that Whitney might struggle with alcohol (e.g. the fact that her trashy room is littered with wine and spirit bottles), mommy and daddy are surely not ok with her just getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon at home but I have a feeling that buddy would crack open a beer and join her. 

  • Love 5

I put this in the Whitney thread, but it happened a lot in this episode too... So I'll say it again, but does the "boo bear" drive anyone else crazy? The nick name isn't even necessarily what bothers me, but the sheer volume of the number of times she says it makes me a little stabby.

honestly, most everything about her makes me stabby, but yes, "boo bear" in this episode, and every other is over the top and affected, just like her.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with my stated opinion, I will not argue with you about that. She certainly is dramatic and that certainly is her schtick, take it or leave it. But telling me "if you don't like it, don't watch" is not respectful of the fact that other people think differently than you. I have the right to my opinion and I just stated it without arguing with anyone else. For the record, I enjoyed the first episode of the two much more, but I thought my post was a bit long so I didn't bother mentioning that.

Plenty of people "hate watch" TV shows so they can snark.  I'm sure TLC isn't going to complain about your viewership whether you love watch it, or hate watch it.

Does anyone think that Whitney moving out of the house and with Buddy is a terrible, terrible idea that is going to cause her to gain more weight? Whitney complained about the food that was accessible in her parents house so she wasn't buying her own food apparently, her parents were scrutinizing her food intake on the show and now she moves in with another really obese person and they are going to be jointly responsible for buying the food in the house.


We've seen Whitney grocery shop, they house is going to be full to the brim with junk and now she lives with the guy that just shows up with pizza randomly. Do you really think her parents would be OK with her ordering pizza delivery all the time at home? Also there have been a few hints that Whitney might struggle with alcohol (e.g. the fact that her trashy room is littered with wine and spirit bottles), mommy and daddy are surely not ok with her just getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon at home but I have a feeling that buddy would crack open a beer and join her. 

I truly think Whitney just secret eats living with her parents.  I think it would be interesting to see how her weight goes living with Buddy.  There is a chance she no longer feels she needs to hide and eat so she eats less because she is less stressed.  Or, she realizes that there is someone around who is also a little plump and accepts her for who she is, and has likely enabled her and she starts eating all the time.

Edited by RCharter
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I just think Whitney is always "ON" for the cameras. I don't know whether she's like that (or would be like that) in real life without cameras around.  But I believe that she is very conscious about keeping this show going by giving the producers what she thinks they want.


And I think that was a big part of her behavior during the 5K.  Her pace was about 3 mph, which isn't terrible.  There are some full marathons that permit paces of 4 mph.  


Also, I though Whitney was sort of dick during her Dad's visit with the Nutritionist.


(As an aside, I thought I heard Whitney say in a previous episode that she's trying to deal with her condition without medicine.  Did I hear that correctly?  I wasn't sure whether she was talking strictly about trying to avoid insulin, or whether she isn't even taking anything for her PCOS symptoms.)

  • Love 1

I just think Whitney is always "ON" for the cameras. I don't know whether she's like that (or would be like that) in real life without cameras around.  But I believe that she is very conscious about keeping this show going by giving the producers what she thinks they want.


And I think that was a big part of her behavior during the 5K.  Her pace was about 3 mph, which isn't terrible.  There are some full marathons that permit paces of 4 mph.  


Also, I though Whitney was sort of dick during her Dad's visit with the Nutritionist.


(As an aside, I thought I heard Whitney say in a previous episode that she's trying to deal with her condition without medicine.  Did I hear that correctly?  I wasn't sure whether she was talking strictly about trying to avoid insulin, or whether she isn't even taking anything for her PCOS symptoms.)


If she has pre-diabetes she could likely control the condition with diet/exercise and by losing weight.  Not sure about the PCOS

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