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S02.E02: White Light

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Episode Description:


The heroes are reunited, but soon find themselves navigating an unexpected tragedy as they engage in fierce fighting with both zombies and bounty hunters who are eager to capture Murphy, dead or alive. Meanwhile, Vasquez makes a strategic decision.


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This one should have been called "Run". Damn.


Just as I was thinking that all those near death experiences were leading up to someone dying for real Mack died. I guess the actor wasn't available anymore or something and that's why he was so non-existent in these last two eps. But this is a zombie show, so they can get away with killing people randomly.


Okay, so everyone turns in this show, too? Was that actually in season one?


Poor Cassandra. At least the actress probably has more downtime because she doesn't have to learn lines.


What was the deal with the new guy saving Roberta and then joining them? Did I miss a memo where he was supposed to be a good guy? Wasn't he a baddie in episode one?


All in all I spent the episode caring more about Citizen Z than about all the running around the others were doing, seemingly finding Murphy by miracle.

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So, Murphy and Cassandra were not in that mini-van at the end of the last episode.  I'm a little confused, because that was the implication, but it turns out they just ran around the corner. Strange.


Noooooooo !!!!! Not 10K.  I hope his deafness is only temporary.


I can't believe that this entire town seems to be made up only of folks who want this bounty for Murphy -- and more are arriving all the time.  What could the bounty be ?  Because money is completely worthless.  Even the mom in the van was packing a shotgun with beanbags to disable Murphy.


And the guy in the suit with the rocket launcher -- those type of bazooka weapons are single shot only, so where did he get more rounds from.  And what was with the smudge of blood on his sleeve -- and why did he try to hide it ?  Who would notice ?


Zombies with hats just make me laugh -- unless the hat is bolted to their heads, that is the first thing that falls off after they turn.  No different than the Amish zombies that were still wearing straw hats last season two years into the Zombie Apocalypse.


10K can hear again !!


I love it when Doc spotted that letter opener during his out of body experience as he nearly died.  And looks like Doc's untreated gunshot wound to the shoulder is completely healed based on how he was able to use his arm defending himself.


Cassandra gets shot by Vasquez and basically shrugs it off -- some sort of zombie super-healing power much like Murphy has (though Murphy did land in a swimming pool chock full of Zs and walked away).


The stuff with Citizen Z was kind of boring.  I'm curious where these rundown buildings were on the base -- because that damage looked to be caused by longterm neglect and not the explosion by the missile.  And the NSA would never let a secret base fall into disrepair.


What was with all the weird flashbacks -- Citizen Z being picked on and saved by his mom, Roberta underwater in a swimming pool, Murphy getting stoned with a woman -- followed by Mack seeing the light at the end of the tunnel before turning.


What was the deal with the new guy saving Roberta and then joining them? Did I miss a memo where he was supposed to be a good guy? Wasn't he a baddie in episode one?


Agreed, I'm not sure why Vasquez suddenly turned to help Roberta.  It seemed to come out of nowhere.  Vasquez had no problem killing any of the other guys after Murphy.


Just as I was thinking that all those near death experiences were leading up to someone dying for real Mack died. I guess the actor wasn't available anymore or something and that's why he was so non-existent in these last two eps. But this is a zombie show, so they can get away with killing people randomly.


What was the point of bringing Mack back only to kill him off in the 2nd episode of the season ?  Mack and Addie worked well together.  I get it -- they killed off Mack only to add Vasquez to the cast.  Why ?  Did the actor playing Mack just want off the show ?  Plus, they did kill off Harold Perrineau's character in the first episode.  But I liked Mack and I was glad he was back on the show.


I'm glad Addie beat the shit out of Murphy for causing Mack's death -- he deserved it.


Where did Murphy get the keys to that van let alone knew where it was parked ?  Or that it had gas -- it has been 3 years since the start of the Zombie Apocalypse.


They really need to get the actress that plays Roberta a better bra for her running scenes.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I can't believe that this entire town seems to be made up only of folks who want this bounty for Murphy -- and more are arriving all the time.  What could the bounty be ?  Because money is completely worthless.  Even the mom in the van was packing a shotgun with beanbags to disable Murphy.


The bounty is a fake bounty that Citizen Z mentioned on the radio. It was them getting the cure first and other goodies from the government, or something like that.


Where did Murphy get the keys to that van let alone knew where it was parked ?  Or that it had gas -- it has been 3 years since the start of the Zombie Apocalypse.


None of those randomly parked cars should work anymore. The batteries would be deaaaad from lack of use.


What was with all the weird flashbacks -- Citizen Z being picked on and saved by his mom, Roberta underwater in a swimming pool, Murphy getting stoned with a woman -- followed by Mack seeing the light at the end of the tunnel before turning.



I think they were supposed to be near death experiences. A memory their minds flashed back to when they thought they were finished.

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The bounty is a fake bounty that Citizen Z mentioned on the radio. It was them getting the cure first and other goodies from the government, or something like that.


Totally agree that it is a fake bounty, but I can't imagine what all these bounty hunters 'think' that the reward could possibly be that it would be worth the effort ?  


I'm curious how Vasquez knows about the fallout zones.  Unless he was nearby when the nukes exploded in that area, how could he find out ?  Much like the father in the cabin last episode having all the up to date fallout zone info.

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RIP Mack. Your hotness will be remembered fondly. I hope I see him in something else soon.

This episode was a bit darker than usual. I liked it, but I don't want it to be the norm. I watch this show for the camp and the humor.  Roberta and the Doctor were amazing, I liked Addy kicking  Murphys ass. It all worked in this episode

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Plot holes aside, that was a pretty exciting episode.


But, 10K....  Look, I keep telling you to not talk.  Just shoot Z's and look pretty.  And now, not only are you talking, but you're talking even louder?  No, just no.


And the guy in the suit with the rocket launcher -- those type of bazooka weapons are single shot only, so where did he get more rounds from.  And what was with the smudge of blood on his sleeve -- and why did he try to hide it ?  Who would notice ?


Just because it's a Zombie Apocalypse, there's no reason not to look your best.  Now, that's a bounty hunter who takes pride in his work.  :P

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Mack! So bummed that he's gone. I don't trust this show with anyone -- which is kind of the point, I guess -- but still. Was worried about him when everyone else got their near-death experiences and it was getting late in the ep. Urgh. Freakin' Murphy getting him killed with his idiocy. And Addy giving him mercy. The episode itself was extremely solid -- great direction, good suspense -- even if I don't like the outcome.


The bounty stuff makes absolutely no sense to me -- the dangers associated with suddenly killing everyone with a pulse seem inherently riskier than any potential reward that possibly could be left (who is alive to issue said reward, for starters?). But I don't pretend to understand the logic of this show. But then again, I also can't comprehend the toll this world would take on anyone left alive 3+ years after the zombie apocolypse, so I'll go with it.

And then there's Cassandra. So...Zombie? Looked that way when she attacked soccer mom. But still maybe logical when she wants to be? Her behavior at the end, especially with new guy, was waaaay different than earlier in the ep, when she attacked him.

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RIP Mack. Your hotness will be remembered fondly. I hope I see him in something else soon.

This is the Mack that will remain in my memory:


Checking his IMDb page, it looks like Michael Welch already has several projects completed or in post-production, so hopefully he'll show up elsewhere before long. In the meantime, I'm hoping Matt Cedeño will step up and show some skin to fill the void - he's got the right background, with his time on Days Of Our Lives, Devious Maids and the telenovela episode of Psych.


Not sure what Cassandra's deal is - I hope the show clarifies that at some point. I did like that they're giving Citizen Z more to do this season than find improbable ways to deliver messages/verbally connect with the Murphy Delivery Squad.

Edited by giovannif7
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What was the deal with the new guy saving Roberta and then joining them? Did I miss a memo where he was supposed to be a good guy? Wasn't he a baddie in episode one?


Yeah, that came out of nowhere. Wasn't he trying to kill 'em in the last episode? I know we're not supposed to think to deeply with this show, but dammit, some things should make sense. A quick throwaway line at the end would've been nice. But I won't complain too much since new guy is easy on the eyes. :-)


Mack's death was brutal. They've teased his death several times already, that I was expecting him to get out of that room alive. Can't say I'll miss him though. The actor looks too much like James Van Der Beek for my liking. I hope Addy doesn't mope the rest of the season. Speaking of Addy, while I'm glad she got rid of the dreads, it's annoying how the actress constantly swivels her head so her hair flings dramatically from side to side.


So Murphy can't be killed at all now?? I can hand-wave the ridiculousness of surviving the jump into the zombie pool but he was shot in the gut FFS. (ETA: on re-watch, I see he was hit with a beanbag). And that blue skin...still gross. Cassandra's situation still skeeves me out. I thought she and 10K were cute together but I guess that's not happening. Glad 10K is still with us. If that cutie dies, I riot. (Not really).



They really need to get the actress that plays Roberta a better bra for her running scenes.


They sure do. I mean, I'm envious that the actress has fantastic boobs, but I could not look at anything else as the gang was running around.

Edited by bunnyblue
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Anyone else notice that the sharp-dressed man with the rocket launcher had a 'Z' scar or tattoo on his left hand as he adjusted his sleeve ?


Maybe a cult or something that's not out for the bounty for Murphy.


Because using a rocket launcher is probably not the best way to keep Murphy alive at all costs.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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They really need to get the actress that plays Roberta a better bra for her running scenes.


Well, in Roberta's defense, she probably hasn't thought to pull the straps up over the past few years.  Plus, it's probably more comfortable for her now to just let those puppies hang lower.


Considering the fact that none of the main characters are exempt from dying, I really thought Doc was a goner.  I'm glad he survived but sad for poor Mack.  I hope to see the actor in something else soon.


Cassandra running around in her ho outfit just cracks me up.


I hope they explain Vasquez's change of heart next episode, because right now it doesn't make sense.


Edited by Ohwell
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I think Cassandra is killing it with her new role, lol.  I also think it's hilarious watching her run flat out in that coat and those boots.  I loved it when Murphy stopped for her when he almost escaped.  He is so awful, and yet... there's that odd kernel of lovable in there.  I just love this show.  I know he didn't help out Doc, but he still had to say hi when he popped out of the closet and ran away.  lol  And I felt sorry for him when he wanted to jump off the building.


This episode was intense.  I felt like I was in a Call of Duty game.  I said halfway through they were surely going to off a character in this episode.  I was still kinda disappointed that they did, but one out, one in, I guess.

It amazes me how much they pack in one episode of this show compared to TWD.  After this one, my husband said he thinks he's done with TWD because it's so boring.  (Which is crazy talk, because if he's in this house, he's watching it.)

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Anyone else notice that the sharp-dressed man with the rocket launcher had a 'Z' scar or tattoo on his left hand as he adjusted his sleeve?

I thought it was a tattoo. Does the blood mean he was bitten? And does the fact that he's Hispanic mean he's related to Vasquez?

I was already calling the head bounty hunter "not Merle" because he sounds like Michael Rooker from The Walking Dead. Then he started talking smack to Roberta.

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Agreed, I'm not sure why Vasquez suddenly turned to help Roberta.  It seemed to come out of nowhere.  Vasquez had no problem killing any of the other guys after Murphy.


I just assume Vasquez realized that this team is full of hardcore survivors and figured he'd have better luck getting the bounty if he threw in his black hat in with our heroes. That or he saved Roberta for the same reason that woman with the big rifle saved 10 k, saving someone from rape, death or zombification is like the post apocalyptic version of giving your love interest flowers.


I really want Addie dead now. I find the character so flimsy most of the time. Oh well maybe without Mack around she'll show some sort of interesting personality.

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Mack was boring, and having him around made Addie boring.

Nothing against the actor, but this character sucks. Good riddance.

Citizen Z was great back when he was Citizen Z.

But watching him do nothing except fight zombies is duller then a sack of extremely blunt turds. 

I don't like New Guy, because he seemed like he just walked over and said "Hi, I'm the replacement character. "

Murphy and Hombie are nailing it in their roles, but just didn't have as much to do as last week.

Is Bazooka Joe going to turn, but hold onto his bazooka, and become Murphy's personal artillery zombie?

If not, why on earth should I care if he was bitten? 

There were, however, three really outstandingly great things about this episode. 

The first one was Doc's fight scene. Not only did it have me on the edge of my seat fearing for his life...

but it continued throughout the entire scene to both impress and surprise me.

That alone made the episode worth watching.

And the other two things... involved Roberta running.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I think Vasquez saw Roberta running and was all, "damn, I need to join this group."  I mean, I'm a straight woman who watches this show mostly for 10K, and all I could stare at in that scene were her magnificent boobs.  


I can't believe they killed Mack.  I mean, I can, but I didn't see it coming. (I didn't read the teaser before I watched it.)  

I wonder if all these groups have radio communication.  We've seen Citizen Z contact people, so maybe there's some ham radio operators out there?  Would those still work?  Not that it matters, of course, since cars that haven't run in three years start right up...

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I think Vasquez saw Roberta running and was all, "damn, I need to join this group."  I mean, I'm a straight woman who watches this show mostly for 10K, and all I could stare at in that scene were her magnificent boobs.


Yeah, I know the Emmys are tonight but next year Roberta's boobs ought to be nominated for best actresses.  

Edited by Ohwell
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Poor Mack.  He was dull and boring but I still felt a little sad he got eaten.  I could certainly feel Addy's frustration and panic trying to bust open that door, the actress sold the hell out of that scene.  


I really hope that Vasquez stays a good guy, I like him and I'd be disappointed if it were just a ruse.


Good on Citizen Z for taking care of business.  I'm glad the nerd has some solid z-killing chops.

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I mean, I'm a straight woman who watches this show mostly for 10K, and all I could stare at in that scene were her magnificent boobs.


As a woman who went through Jr High & High School with large real boobs...my only thought at watching her run was, "there must be sports bras in the z-apocalypse - run into a sporting store and steal a few sport bras for your go bag."  But if the running free boobs bring the eyes to the z-nation screens....I'll support that.  (pun intended)

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As one, long continuous gun fight, this episode left me exhausted, However, the slower Citizen Z parts still leave me wanting "mercy". If it wasn't for the dog, I'd rather he freeze to death up there than listen to another Zombie radio soliloquy.


With the near deaths from guns, explosions, and fist fights, I was disappointed that Mack went out with a Zombie bite. It didn't help that it looked more like the zombies were making out with him more than actually munching on him. It looked like he was being dry humped to death. However, I am sad to see him go since he and 10K were my favorites.


While I didn't notice Roberta's bouncing boobs, I really hope Cassandra changes into some different clothes soon. The site of her running around dressed in hooker white booty shorts and fur coat is making me nauseous.


I was also surprised by the sudden shift in Vasquez to Team Murphy. Guess he's the new male lead and love interest for Roberta. While he's pretty, I'm just not feeling it.

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I was also surprised by the sudden shift in Vasquez to Team Murphy. Guess he's the new male lead and love interest for Roberta. While he's pretty, I'm just not feeling it.

I'm worried for Roberta now.  Yes, he's purty but I don't want her to forget that he left her in that bar to get chomped.   She needs to keep an eye on him.

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So...bye Mack.  You were hot.  I don't know why Addie just watched you getting munched on and waited until you turned to shoot you.  I know they were going with "oh he's seeing the light" or something, but it seemed more like suffering.


And that was all that happened.  Pretty boring ep for me.  Lots of running around and chasing Murphy.  Well OK.  Is Murphy indestructible?  Ugh, I hope he's not going to be the Sylar of this show.  Him having a zombie posse is not as interesting as it used to be.  I hope there's more coming with all this.



The site of her running around dressed in hooker white booty shorts and fur coat is making me nauseous.

While I'm not nauseous, if they're going with her being sentient, I hope she changes soon.  It doesn't fit who she was/is, IMO.



The first one was Doc's fight scene. Not only did it have me on the edge of my seat fearing for his life...

That was pretty good, I was worried about Doc.  "Hey, get that thing, that thing on the top of the shelf!"  LOL.  He's pretty spry for recently getting shot, but if it keeps him around, I'm all for it, he's a fun character.

Edited by raven
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Cassandra running around in hooker clothes and obeying Murphy like a trained guard dog is really off putting for me and I hate they've done this to the character.  I don't find it amusing at all.  I do enjoy the rest of the cheese fest, though, and the insane, unbelievable situations Roberta, Doc, and 10K get involved in.  They're sort of like the Scooby gang with guns and zombies and Murphy is the villain whose antics always get foiled by those meddling kids.


I liked Mack and wished they had kept him.  I would much rather watch Addie get eaten.

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Noooooooo! Not Mack. I liked him. To be fair, I like all the characters, even Murphy, but still Mack was awesome and his death was sad. They suckered me in with everyone having near death experiences. I figured Mack would also be saved at the last minute.


This episode could be called "Why we don't deserve to survive a zombie apocalypse." All the living people being killed more by other living people than zombies was too sad for me. I think the bounty everyone thinks is worth killing for is the cure. Citizen Z promised who ever brought Murphy to California would be 1st in line for the vaccine. Bites aren't normally fatal. It's the zombie virus that is. With the vaccine, people can survive most zombie attacks. If Mack had been vaccinated, Addie might have been able to save him. He would've lost some blood and muscle and skin, but he could've lived through it. But without the vaccine, you know the second you get bit, it's all over. Also, it appears that most of the survivors view turning into a zombie as worse than death. They refer to killing zombies as giving mercy. So with the vaccine, even you can't survive the bites, or other illnesses or whatever, you won't have to become your worst nightmare.

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