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22 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Given the QB, if this were Cowboys/Packers there would likely be an equal amount of disdain.

I could hold my nose and root for the Packers if it would knock the Cowboys out of the playoffs in the first round as nature intended.  But, nope, not even to make Jerry Jones miserable can I actually bring myself to root for having to hear about Tom Fucking Brady for another week.

I literally cannot root for either team in this game, and since my desired meteor scenario shall not come to pass, I just have to decide to either skip the game and read who won tonight, or pour drinks and watch, hoping both teams play like shit and whichever one ekes out a win loses next weekend in spectacular fashion.  (I don't like the 49ers, but them I can root for - and how - against either team.)  I'm still deciding -- it will be a game-time call.

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I strongly prefer a Tampa victory. 

  1. As a Giants fan, best case scenario would be beat Philadelphia and go to Tampa for the championship game. That can’t happen if Dallas wins. 
  2. Tom Brady is more afraid of the Giants in the playoffs than the Giants are of him. 
  3. I actually have no dislike of Brady whatsoever. (See #2) But the Cowboys can lose horribly every week and I’d drink the tears of their fans while watching the highlights. 
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Thinking back a day or two on Al Michaels call vs Mike Tirico 24 hours later.  Of course Tirico's energy toppled Al's energy, but I do have to give him credit overall for a great career.  I can't say someone's wrong with his call in the 1980 Olympics being the best call ever.  Furthermore, I occasionally watch the games for the game, not for the announcers.

Finally, to be fair, say what you will about Tirico's call on that 98-yard TD.  It was so great.  However, in preparation for tonight's game, I tuned into a clip of an Al Michaels call featuring Tony Romo as part of a play that was an attempt to give Dallas a 23-21 lead if not final score.  Now that was exciting!

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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

I'll choke on it but I'm Team Brady tonight.  It's a cold day in hell but not cold enough to want Dall-ass to win.

As I've said many times, I didn't use to be a Brady fan, but when he decided to play for the Bucs, well, you can learn to like/tolerate him!! 

As a fellow "meowmommy" of 3 cats, maybe you can think of me while watching the game and it will help you stomach the game if we win!!  Speaking of cats, ours aren't too fond of football games because we're usually yelling at the Bucs as they miss catches, blocks and tackles!  Our cats run the other way when football is on.  

FWIW, if the Bucs win, they're going to need a miracle to beat San Francisco.  Just keepin' it real! 

6 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I decided to to ahead and at least have it on, and the way they both played like utter shit on their first drives cracked me up.

I'm not where I can watch the game, but I'm keeping up through ESPN updates. I'll have to rely on you all for the play-by-play analysis!  The Bucs looked like shit?  On Monday Night Football?  Knock me over with a feather!  C'mon, Bucs!  Pull it together! 

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