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I'm not a fan of (super) long "studio" shows, but I guess you can say they'll have more than enough to fill such extra time.  Might help the Colts as their nonsense might get ignored to some extent more than originally planned

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I so forgot about tonight's matchup which goes to show that I haven't gotten around to picking the game.  I do recall (until I forgot) that the Eagles are getting yet another benefit of playing a team who had fewer days off.  Though like the last time, if the roles were reversed then I'd still pick Philadelphia for the win.  I don't think they'll pay the price, if at all until January when they have to deal with a surge of a team like San Francisco or Seattle.  Maybe even Tampa who could benefit from not having to play Philly right away if one of the lower seeds (lower in placement, higher in number) knocks off one of the higher seeds (higher in placement, lower in number) in the Wild Card round

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I read an article where 5 out of 6 sports guys predicted the Bills to win on Sunday. Hmm. Also someone said it was a revenge match for Stefon Diggs. He wanted to be traded and he's in a better spot than before, so I don't know what he wants vengeance for. I think Vikings can beat the Bills, we'll see what happens.

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It's kind of funny the Browns went through a similar scenario as the Bills last year.  Baker Mayfield was injured and struggling and many fans including myself thought Case Keenum should have been starting.  

Sort of the same thing with the Bills.  I think Keenum should start 2-3 games so as not to re-aggravate Josh's arm.  But it does cause idk a certain amount of quarterback controversy regardless of how the Bills proceed 

The Curse of Case Keenum 

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If it's a revenge game, it'll be one for the Vikings.  I can see it being one for Diggs if the culture there sucked, but it wasn't too bad there during his time there.  Minnesota was playoff bound 3 times, won the division once, won a couple playoff games (and maybe shoulda won a third one), and never had a losing record.  Leaving the team was just trying to get into a better position.  Not much Minnesota could do there, after what they've already done + A-Rod still being in the division.

If anything, it's just a way to be motivated.  Whether one leaves under great or bad terms, they're going to want to be up for the task on hand.

I don't know who'll win the game.  Both of Buffalo's losses were on the road against division opponents in rather close games.  BTW, the AFC East Champions might want to be consistent in terms of being on the winning side of those.  Forget the jokes about playing Dallas or even Philadelphia (if Buffalo even makes it out of the AFC).  Tampa would be that third team and that's a recipe for early grave-digging for a close February football game inside a close Buffalo/Tampa game.  Not a safe bet at all if you're going for another "knockout" punch

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For my predictions for Thursday Night Football, The Falcons/Panthers game ends in a tie.  That's the pick.

So, by default, I'd be going with Carolina & the points as Atlanta is favored by 2.5.  I can't call for a push with a 41.5 over/under so I'll settle for the under.

There will be a new HC outright in Carolina.  I'd say Cincy still beats the Panthers, but maybe not.  How you didn't put in Mayfield turned out to be questionable.  Baker kinda has Cincinnati's number.  At least since Burrow arrived to the Bengals

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Not sure how many times I’ve mentioned this before but I loathe watching Thursday night football on Prime. 
I watched most of the pregame on NFL or ESPN with Steve Smith who I ❤️. Switched over to prime 30 minutes before kickoff and couldn’t even watch five minutes of the pregame before I turned it off. Coverage was just awful IMO. 
The only reason I’m watching tonight is because the Panthers are unfortunately my team and I have to watch them lose (try to win). I wish I could get the game on a local channel since I am in the Carolina’s but no such luck. 
Number one reason Prime sucks is because I can’t flip to something else during commercial breaks and I refuse to watch football on my phone. 
I tested positive for flu on Monday so have been feeling pretty crummy lately. To top it off I  think I ruptured my eardrum tonight so am only able to hear out of one ear at the moment. Relying on one ear means I’m hearing a lot of extra crazy noises I don’t usually hear. Actually I think I’m hallucinating because the Panthers are actually winning. 

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This is a fucking ugly game - the Falcons are back to sucking moose ass. A ton of penalties plus weak defense plus Mariota looking like shit. I’ve had it with Mariota, he simply cannot pass the ball and the Falcons cannot get the most out of the likes of London and Pitts with Mariota at QB. It’s best to find out if Ridder is a possible good QB now, at least he would give some freshness to the Falcons offense. Come on Arthur, bench Mariota!! 

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I just got home during the third quarter and joined the hallucination. Carolina is winning! I forgot who I picked to win this game. It would have been who has the worse record.

ETA: I picked Panthers.

Edited by Lamb18
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Fucking horrid showing from the Falcons - no excuse for getting gashed on the ground by the Panthers rushing attack when the Panthers are starting 4th stringer PJ Walker, and they just can’t play consistent football. I still say Mariota needs to go, the team will never be anything above mediocre with him, see what Ridder’s got. Pretty damn ugly game all around.

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It's Thursday night.  Atlanta was on the road.  TBH, they are not a good team.  However, they could've played better.  That's a tough loss in division football.  At least the Falcons get extra days to recover.

The aftermath of TNF is that the pace of the league's first 12-loss team to win the Superbowl within the same season lives on

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They're showing Jeff Saturday talking about being head coach. Sorry but I have to say it again, gosh he sure looks like Bill Murray. Again, he looked like Bill Murray playing an underdog football delivering an impassioned speech on why he can do the job.

The Nightcap crew are roasting Saturday pretty good.

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These Nightcap guys have to pronounce their words more clearly. It sounded like one guy said "vomit over his head" but I think he was saying "bomb it (the football) over his head."

Edited by Lamb18
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9 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Fucking horrid showing from the Falcons - no excuse for getting gashed on the ground by the Panthers rushing attack when the Panthers are starting 4th stringer PJ Walker, and they just can’t play consistent football. I still say Mariota needs to go, the team will never be anything above mediocre with him, see what Ridder’s got. Pretty damn ugly game all around.

Can we even call PJ a fourth stringer anymore?  The Panthers quarterback situation is in such disarray, I think he may now be their first stringer, maybe.  I think some Panthers fans are conflicted about the win because on the one hand, it’s a win against the division rival Falcons, and on the other hand, not getting a top 2 draft pick won’t help solve the quarterback situation anytime soon.

Both the Panthers and the Falcons are kind of a mess right now.  Amazon must loved having that as their TNF game.

Edited by Peace 47
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3 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

Can we even call PJ a fourth stringer anymore?  The Panthers quarterback situation is in such disarray, I think he may now be their first stringer, maybe.  I think some Panthers fans are conflicted about the win because on the one hand, it’s a win against the division rival Falcons, and on the other hand, not getting a top 2 draft pick won’t help solve the quarterback situation anytime soon.

Both the Panthers and the Falcons are kind of a mess right now.  Amazon must loved having that as their TNF game.

I’m not upset about a win. I watch football to see my team win and last night felt good (minus the aforementioned ear issues which subsequently landed me in Urgent Care this morning. Woke up in a pool of blood. Was right that I ruptured my ear drum. Yay for Me). 

Ive always liked PJ. He’s just a bit too short to get those completed passes I would like to see in a QB. He seems to get swallowed up a lot. I don’t know what the QB answer is in Carolina but as a fan I’d rather watch my team win and lose draft spots than lose for yet another rookie that’s just going to be benched. They need to figure out how to make what they have work for them at this moment. I say this as someone who does not follow college ball at all but am aware enough to know who we should be “tanking” for. 

In other news, I’m glad the Panthers game is out of the way so I can relax and recover on Sunday. Besides fantasy points I don’t really make other NFL games a priority in my house. Like to have football on for background noise but I enjoy having no real rooting interest in other teams.

I bought tickets weeks ago for some animal free circus that’s in town that I have to take my 3 kids to tonight (busted ear drum be damned) and Sunday my husband is taking my 2 boys to their first hockey game. Hockey rules the roost in this house when it comes to the male dna. My husband and two sons play in a local roller hockey league (well one son now as the other was diagnosed with CHD over the summer and can no longer play but he lives vicariously).

Me and the girl will enjoy some crafting time together while I vaguely pay attention to football. 

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15 hours ago, Mountainair said:

Number one reason Prime sucks is because I can’t flip to something else during commercial breaks and I refuse to watch football on my phone. 

Sunday afternoon games are the only ones I watch live, and I toggle among multiple games during commercials.  Used to watch Red Zone but they started charging extra on Sunday Ticket for it, so no more.

Everything else goes on the DVR, with at least an hour or two delay before I watch the recording in order to FF through the commercials.  With Prime games, I watch the replay on Friday morning.  Just finished looking at last night's game (with half an eye).

Please, please don't let Amazon get the Sunday Ticket contract....

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I'm watching the Bills/Jets game. I think the overhead camera received the severest injury in the game as it dangles helplessly a few yards above the ground. In the meantime they switched to the Miami game. They got the camera off the field and into the blue tent. Actually it's sitting on a bench watching the game.

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I know I'm late in talking about Jeff Saturday but I keep reading takes about it so, even though no one asked for it, here is mine.

I'm really starting to feel "Colin Kaepernick" vibes and that's not a good thing.

I don't dispute that the NFL hasn't hired enough minority coaches, let alone minority head coaches. When a majority of players are visible minorities, the dearth of visible minority coaches is a big problem.

...but, like how the media tried to shame teams into signing Kaepernick, there seems to be the same push in the media to shame teams into hiring a coach who's a person of colour.

Which does no one any favours.

First, if a team hires a POC coach, there will be the obvious questions about whether or not the team is hiring the coach because they actually think the coach is qualified for the job or if the move is just a publicity stunt.

Then, let's say this coach performs decently but doesn't meet expectations. Under normal circumstances, there would be questions about whether or not the coach is the right fit for the job. In this circumstance, there would be the inevitable takes that anyone questioning the coach's abilities are "only motivated by racism", even when they aren't.

Which leaves two other scenarios.

If the team keeps the coach on despite the coach not meeting expectations, there will be the inevitable takes suggesting that "wokeism" is the only reason behind the coach's job security, not because the team actually thinks the coach is right for the job.

If the team fires the coach, you will have the obvious cries of "racism" being levied in response.

Given this kind of a circus, I have to wonder how many POC coaches say to themselves "I don't want to be part of that". They have- sadly- already dealt with a lot of other BS throughout their lives and the last thing they would want is more of it.

They would just want to be hired and evaluated on their merits. Like we all do.

Frankly, I don't see why Saturday has to be- specifically- a lightning rod for "all that is wrong with hiring in the NFL". Sure, his hiring is strange given he was merely an ESPN talking head and his only real coaching experience was doing badly at a Georgia high school.

However, the media painted his hiring as if the Indianapolis Colts bypassed all kinds of more qualified POC candidates. They did not. In hiring Saturday- whom Jim Irsay said was "the only one" he offered the job to- the Colts bypassed not just Reggie Wayne but people like Bubba Ventrone and former NFL head coaches Gus Bradley and John Fox.

John freaking Fox. Sure, Fox may not have the most sterling of records (he's 133-123 in his career), but you want to tell me that Saturday is more qualified than him?


If I'm giving Irsay the benefit of the doubt, it really sounds like he knows the rest of the season will be a dumpster fire and that whomever he hires as interim head coach will look bad because the team will keep on losing. Why not just now hire a figurehead who the fans like and then, when the season is over, do a real coaching search and find someone you can start from scratch with.

Think about it. Richard Sherman may have said on TNF that "black head coaches need to be allowed to fail", which is true, but if the Colts went 0-9 or 1-8 in their final stretch of games, would anyone they have at the helm look like someone another NFL team would consider hiring?

I doubt it.

I mean, maybe Fox would be given the benefit of the doubt because of his previous stints as a NFL head coach (and maybe Bradley too for the same reason), but I doubt Vatrone and Wayne would. Their careers would be over before it had a chance to get started.

So I'm not going to say that Irsay was motivated by racism. I think he did Wayne and the other, more qualified, members of the Colts' coaching staff a favour by not subjecting them to having to steer a very poor team and having that record as a stain on their coaching resumes.

Now, if Saturday bottoms out and the Colts still hire him as their head coach, then I'll change my tune and ask some tough questions about their hiring philosophy. Until then, I think we need to pump the breaks on the rhetoric and realize this situation isn't as bad as it looks.

Once the season is finished, then we'll see how things really stand.

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Because brevity is the soul of wit, I'll keep this short: the reason why this particular hire is so galling is that a white guy with absolutely no experience can be hired to be the head coach (interim or otherwise) of an NFL team when that would never, ever, ever, ever happen to a non-white guy with absolutely no experience.  To say nothing of a non-white guy with tons of experience.  That's the problem.

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I grant that the NFL's reputation as a "white boys' club", especially in its coaching and management ranks is well-earned and the league has many, many problems hiring minority coaches in any capacity, let alone the head coach's job.

...and, yes, given the NFL's reputation, the optics surrounding Jeff Saturday's hiring means that the assumption that race was involved may not entirely be meritless. I would grant there's more than a punter's chance being white helped Saturday, given all we know about the NFL.

However, to say for sure that race was the factor or the only factor is very much a stretch. Simply put, we just don't know. Saturday is the only newly hired NFL head coach who had no prior experience at the collegiate or professional level since Norman van Brocklin in 1961, and van Brocklin kind of doesn't count because he jumped in as coach immediately after retiring as a player, unlike Saturday who was retired for a decade.

Given that, out of the hundreds of coaching changes that have occurred since van Brocklin in 1961, only one has been someone of Saturday's stature (or lack thereof), there's no way to make any kind of inference regarding the reason why Saturday was hired because there's no other example to compare Saturday to. The fact that Saturday doesn't comb his hair or has a goatee could also be reasons he got the job and there's no way to say otherwise because there is no "otherwise".

I do believe it's fair to ask why Reggie Wayne wasn't considered for the interim role. It's also fair to wonder if Saturday would get the job if he were a person of colour. Given the NFL's reputation, they cannot escape that line of questioning. Nor should they.

Asserting that race was, for sure the main or only factor in Saturday's hiring and saying that if Saturday were a POC that he wouldn't get hired is over the top. There's just no way to prove that. There's no way to disprove it either and given the NFL's reputation there's likely more truth to that assumption than not.

Ultimately, though, I worry more about creating an environment that is not conducive to hiring minorities in coaching positions. The NFL has shown itself to be incredibly stubborn, thumbing their noses at anyone who dares to tell them "you can't do that". Flying off the handle and making assumptions that aren't there feeds into that.

It's fair to ask Jim Irsay about why Reggie Wayne wasn't considered for the interim role. It's not fair to call him a racist because he didn't give Wayne the interim gig. The former keeps him honest. The latter gets him defensive, and defensive people get defiant. If things are going to change, we need less defiance and way more honesty.

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I wonder if Irsay called Tony Dungy to fill in for the rest of the season.  He's still as beloved in Indy as Peyton and probably moreso than Jeff Saturday.  I can hear Tony politely declining, but inwardly screaming and running for the hills.

(Edited to add that my husband heard an interview with Tony Dungy.  Tony said Jim never called him to discuss the situation or to ask advice.  This really surprised me.)

Edited by Haleth
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I'll get to the Irsay & Colts stuff later.  And no, he's not racist.  To be brief, it's conflicting as to Irsay's personality.  The criticism is fair, but it is also fair enough, at least for me, to respect him in terms of recent stuff.  His voice was the loudest when it came to the move or motion to boot Dan Snyder from the league.  Rather overdue but I do have to tip my cap to him for that.

A rather early post for my predictions.  I tend to wait for Sunday morning.  However, several things have me going for it early.  I want to get it out of the way, I might not be available to do it when I usually do, and Week Ten starts tomorrow at 9:30 AM Eastern.

For the win straight up: Tampa Bay, Minnesota, Chicago, Kansas City, Cleveland, New York, New Orleans, Denver, Vegas, Green Bay, Arizona, San Francisco, Philadelphia


Bucs by 2.5 (O/U 44.5)

Chiefs by 9.5 (O/U 51.5)

Cowboys by 4.5 (O/U 44.5)

Niners by 7.0 (O/U 45.5)

Eagles by 10.5 (O/U 43.5)

I think I go with Seattle and the points.  Geno may not ever come back down to Earth.  I think the Seahawks can still fall short, but I don't know or think Smith will blow it to where the 2013 NFL Champions die and miss out on January.  I can see a close game where a FG either wins it or loses it.  I don't think they get to that 44.5 total.

The Chiefs win big here.  It's November, and the chances of regaining the top spot from Buffalo while holding off Baltimore might be a key motivating factor.  Maybe Jacksonville can get close to within 9 in terms of the point differential in the game, but an easy day for the 2019 NFL Champions.  52 points or more will be scored, maybe by Kansas City alone.

The Cowboys & Packers game is rather tricky.  I have no idea if A-Rod will show his magic as he's been responsible for wrecking Dallas where it counted over the past decade.  I also can't picture the Packers being this damn bad, so I'll pick them to win.  I'm not too confident as Dallas was off the week before.  44.5 O/U total was the number, the game will surpass it.

Believe it or not, if my predictions come true, then Sunday Night Football makes for a nice Superbowl preview.  I don't think the Chargers are there yet; I don't think they'll come out of the AFC.  Kansas City is still great, plus you have Baltimore, Buffalo, and a ton more.  San Francisco had a decent shot, but regardless, they should win and cover.  Over barely hits due to a San Francisco rout or enough offense from Los Angeles.

Despite Monday Night Football being an NFC East division game, Philadelphia wins with ease.  10.5 is super high for a division game, though it is at Lincoln Financial Field with the 2017 NFL Champions having extra rest.  If Washington covers it won't be by much off of that total.  I don't think the Eagles will win by 21 either.  They could, but i think maybe a 2-touchdown margin of victory is good enough

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Just now, mojoween said:

Rich Eisen is such a great studio host and sports highlight reader guy.  He also apparently works in a secondary capacity as a play by play guy.  He is really good in his first capacity.

I was just getting ready to say about the same thing.  Has he ever called a game before?  And *four* guys in the booth???  Really???  Because there are so many fans of three in the booth who think there's always room for one more?

Or it was totally a boondoggle to Germany.

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God Damn I hate Tom Brady & those scummy Buccaneers!


The Cowboys & Packers game is rather tricky.  I have no idea if A-Rod will show his magic as he's been responsible for wrecking Dallas where it counted over the past decade.  I also can't picture the Packers being this damn bad, so I'll pick them to win.  I'm not too confident as Dallas was off the week before.  44.5 O/U total was the number, the game will surpass it.

I don't think it remotely matters because both of these teams suck & Aaron Rodgers suck. Its just another lose-lose game for me. It irritates me that I have to root for Aaron Rodgers today. 

Edited by Magog
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Bucs withstand a Seahawks rally and get the win in Germany, back to back wins for the Bucs, I think they are turning things around and as I’ve said before never count Tom Brady out. They are in good position to win the division now.

Good slate of games coming up.

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Absolutely baffling playcalling after the MIN fumble recovery. 3rd and 1 at the BIlls 30 and they pass twice, both incomplete giving the Bills another possession with almost two minute left? Get the first down, or get the clock running if you don't.

Also, I would have called the Buffalo runner down. I'm rooting against the Bills, but I thought that was a bad call.

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Bills up 24-10 on Vikings at halftime, Allen is playing really well, he’s spreading the ball around nicely to different receivers and he’s made a couple of big rushing plays, Singletary with 2 TD’s also, and the Bills defense has been pretty dominant after allowing a TD on their first drive.

Chiefs up 20-7 on the Jags, Mahomes with 3 TD passes.

Bears and Lions tied at 10, Saints and Steelers also tied at 10.

Dolphins up 17-7 on the Browns. 

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