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Green Arrow In Comics


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From the DC Rebirth press event at WonderCon on Mar. 26...


Sat, March 26th, 2016 at 9:34am PST | Updated: March 26th, 2016 at 2:07pm

Julie Benson & Shawna Benson, writers on The CW's "The 100," are newcomers to comics. In "Batgirl and the Birds of Prey," Barbara Gordon will enlist Black Canary's help to investigate an Oracle impersonator, plus deal with a new "mafia boss in Gotham."
*  *  *
The presentation started to wrap with host Tiffany Smith and Johns quickly announcing a few more creative teams: "Green Arrow:" will be from writer Ben Percy and artists Otto Schmidt and Juan Ferreyra ("Green Arrow and Black Canary finally meet," Johns said); "Red Hood & The Outlaws" from writer Scott Lobdell and artist Dexter Soy (Red Hood will recruit Bizarro and Artemis to the Outlaws), "Hellblazer" from writer Simon Oliver and artist Moritat (Swamp Thing and John Constantine on a mission), "Deathstroke" from writer Christopher Priest and artists Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino and Felipe Watanabe ("the most character-driven, nuanced, but still shooting-people book I've ever read," Johns said), "Batman Beyond" from writer Dan Jurgens and artist Bernard Chang ("the return of Terry McGinnis"), "Blue Beetle" from writer Keith Giffen and artist Scott Kolins (Johns confirmed the return of Ted Kord, saying the book is "Jaime Reyes, with his mentor, Ted Kord") and "Teen Titans" from writer Ben Percy and artist Jonboy Meyers ("Damian Wayne decides he's going to lead the new Teen Titans, and nobody wants him to, so it's Robin versus the Teen Titans," Johns teased).

GARebirth-93de2.jpg   RebirthCanary-99521.jpg


#DCRebirth – Green Arrow By Ben Percy And Otto Schmidt
Posted March 26, 2016 by Rich Johnston



Watch The DC Comics Rebirth Announcements At Wondercon Here. Updating Live… (DELAYED)
Posted March 26, 2016 by Rich Johnston

Geoff Johns states that the New 52 is not – was not a reboot – but one chapter of the DC Universe.
*  *  *
... Geoff explains that he loves comics, comics are the first love he has. He talked about when Dan Didio saying that he’d end the books at 52, and relaunch with #1. Johns was skeptical, Rebirth is not a rebirth, the New 52 was the chapter of the ongoing saga of the DC Universe starting at Action Comics #1, Rebirth is the next chapter of that saga...
*  *  *
... New character designs are being shown. Superman in a new outfit with a Red Belt. Batman’s new costume. New female GL. A very cute Supergirl!  Which gets applause. A new Chinese superhero. Black Canary. A young Superboy. A Green Arrow with the goatee. Geoff pointed out that every good GA story has him with a goatee...
Edited by tv echo

From the DC Rebirth press event at WonderCon on Mar. 26...



Sat, March 26th, 2016 at 9:34am PST | Updated: March 26th, 2016 at 2:07pm


GARebirth-93de2.jpg   RebirthCanary-99521.jpg


#DCRebirth – Green Arrow By Ben Percy And Otto Schmidt

Posted March 26, 2016 by Rich Johnston




Watch The DC Comics Rebirth Announcements At Wondercon Here. Updating Live… (DELAYED)

Posted March 26, 2016 by Rich Johnston


You can really see Stephen Amell in those sketches of GA.  Not seeing any show influence in the BC at all.  Sara or Laurel.  Maybe Felicity's ass? 

  • Love 3

Young WWII Felicity Smoak makes another appearance in the new DC Comics: Bombshells #37...

tumblr_o4zjurOp6R1tphqoao1_250.jpg tumblr_o4zjurOp6R1tphqoao2_250.jpg

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Twitter exchange with writer Marguerite Bennett regarding the young Felicity character in DC Comics: Bombshells:

Marguerite Bennett ‏@EvilMarguerite
She's not "Firestorm's stepmother"; she's an 11yo Jewish heroine fighting for human/civil rights on the home front.
Marguerite Bennett ‏@EvilMarguerite
BOMBSHELLS is an alternate history WWII and our cast moves around and has some of their backstory altered accordingly.
Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

I'm super excited for Rebirth.


I'm a little sad Black Canary isn't getting her own run; with GOOD WRITERS. With the show and more women reading comics than ever, I think a run would be awesome. I don't believe they're rebooting BoP, so they could have BC take on that kind of storyline. Sigh.


And Juan Ferreyra drawing GA? I LOVE him.

Edited by ArrowFan

Watched the vid re the rebirth and heard them at least twice say a character will die.  They also said that the dying character would wear black and blue, but not be Nightwing.  BC was the one character in black and blue from the new artwork promos.


Maybe it is time for someone new to pick up the BC mantle.  If there is a new Oracle (as they indicate), use this is a chance to make BC a great 2016 and beyond female force.

I have been 'educated' on the fact she was co-founder of JLA and has been around for over decades. Just a load of nonsense like that. I am always like don't come into my mentions. So, to get news like this surprises me when it really shouldn't. 


You don't need to be "educated" by anyone. I hate that, its so patronizing.


Green Arrow, and by extension, BC, has always been one of the lesser superheroes. GA doesn't have any powers, and the comic sales for GA are pretty low.

  • Love 5

You don't need to be "educated" by anyone. I hate that, its so patronizing.


Green Arrow, and by extension, BC, has always been one of the lesser superheroes. GA doesn't have any powers, and the comic sales for GA are pretty low.


I hate that word too which is why I always end up blocking those people. I am always like not today satan. Not. Today. 


I guess some people don't know BC's status/sale figures based on they way they jump on others who say otherwise. 

  • Love 2

I have been 'educated' on the fact she was co-founder of JLA and has been around for over decades. Just a load of nonsense like that. I am always like don't come into my mentions. So, to get news like this surprises me when it really shouldn't.

It's not nonsense if it's the truth, from what you've said, there were no lies. BC isn't a high grossing charecter but she is still one of DCs top female charecters, we can't act as if DC has huge female selling charecters in general. WW doesn't even sell as big as she should, Harley is currently the top grossing female. But BC is their top female fighter after WW and is respected in the universe which is widely known by a lot of comic fans.

It's not nonsense if it's the truth, from what you've said, there were no lies. BC isn't a high grossing charecter but she is still one of DCs top female charecters, we can't act as if DC has huge female selling charecters in general. WW doesn't even sell as big as she should, Harley is currently the top grossing female. But BC is their top female fighter after WW and is respected in the universe which is widely known by a lot of comic fans.

The comic history of BC may be accurate but her prominence with comic readers I think has been misleading. She has though seemed to be one of the emerging popular secondary characters in the animated platforms.  BC was a handy character to use when it came to training or stealth missions since she is supposed to be a top tier hand to hand combat fighter.  Currently though in the comics isn't she the lead signer of a broke band?  I did not understand where they were trying to take the character in the comics at all.  Just looking at the covers I experienced second hand embarrassment.  Lot of wasted potential there, IMO. 


Oh yesss, I CRINGED looking at the new Black Canary run. It's unfortunate because the poor storyline means less people were interested in buying it, and then they use that to support not giving her a run for Rebirth.


Instead she's going to be a secondary character in the new GA comics. And I've never really liked the GA comics. Sigh.

Edited by ArrowFan

It's not nonsense if it's the truth, from what you've said, there were no lies. BC isn't a high grossing charecter but she is still one of DCs top female charecters, we can't act as if DC has huge female selling charecters in general. WW doesn't even sell as big as she should, Harley is currently the top grossing female. But BC is their top female fighter after WW and is respected in the universe which is widely known by a lot of comic fans.


No, it is nonsense when her fans come into my mentions acting like she is as big and iconic as WM, Catwoman, or Lois Lane. She is not and I say as much to them. Hearing she is not even in the freaking title of her most iconic group just proves my point. 

  • Love 1

I don't read comics... but I really don't understand the werewolf. I mean if this was like 8 years ago when Vampires & Werewolves were pop-culture cool with Twilight, True Blood, TVD in its hay day I could understand. But in the past few years, its been all about Zombies not Werewolves. For me its just a very odd choice. But hey to each their own. :/

  • Love 1

Go to Photo Gallery link in this article to see 6 comic preview panels...


Exclusive DC Comics Preview: Black Canary #10
Russ Burlingame- 04/06/16

This week saw Black Canary make a guest appearance in Batgirl #50 -- and next week, Barbara Gordon will return the favor, popping over to visit Dinah Lance in Black Canary #10.

All of this, we assume, is setting up for Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, coming out of the DC Rebirth publishing initiative.
*  *  *
Black Canary barely escaped the army of martial artists who abducted her to a mysterious battleground! Unfortunately, they've followed her right back to Gotham City…but Batgirl owes her a favor or two!

Edited by tv echo

If Geoff Johns and DC didn't have a binding voice in the fate of BC on the TV show Arrow, they need new lawyers.  I say that because I doubt the show killed BC without the comics powers that be signing off and complaints that just put it on the show or the network are missing that bit.  Comics BC has several representations.  This is one more BC storyline.

  • Love 2

If Geoff Johns and DC didn't have a binding voice in the fate of BC on the TV show Arrow, they need new lawyers.  I say that because I doubt the show killed BC without the comics powers that be signing off and complaints that just put it on the show or the network are missing that bit.  Comics BC has several representations.  This is one more BC storyline.


I also can never understand why this idea persists that the comic book house has more power than the Hollywood conglomerate that bought it.

Also also? Because television >>>> because comics. The business of TV will trump the original material every single time if the people making television sees it as the best way TO MAKE MONEY. It's really that simple.

  • Love 12


I also can never understand why this idea persists that the comic book house has more power than the Hollywood conglomerate that bought it.

Also also? Because television >>>> because comics. The business of TV will trump the original material every single time if the people making television sees it as the best way TO MAKE MONEY. It's really that simple.

Or to save money, in this case. They had an actor at KC's pay grade when her stunt double had more screentime than she did. 

Edited by lemotomato
  • Love 3

In connection with the release of Arrow: The Dark Archer Chapter # 8 on Wednesday, April 20...


Blair Marnell   Apr 19th, 2016

In flashbacks, a much younger Malcolm Merlyn and his companion, Lourdes are under attack from the League of Assassins at an archaeological dig. But in the present, Lourdes is out for Malcolm's blood, and she's brought along her son, Saracon, who just may be Malcolm's child as well.
*  *  *
Where do the two timelines in the story fall in Arrow continuity?

John Barrowman: Ok. So the present day storyline takes place between season 3 and 4 and the flashbacks are set in 1985, a few months before Malcolm meets Rebecca, his wife, and Tommy’s mother. In the present day storyline, he is still Ra’s al Ghul.
*  *  *
Who came up with the idea of Malcolm's real name and backstory?

John Barrowman: We found a reference to Malcolm’s given name, Arthur King, in a back issue of a DC comic from ages ago when we were doing our homework. I keep a copy of the DC Encyclopedia on my bedside table and used it a lot for research while we were planning. We loved… and this is a tease for chapter 8… that his given name explains something about Malcolm’s character.

Carole E. Barrowman: The idea that Malcolm is a member of a group of “ethical” tomb raiders called The Hidden developed out of us binge watching random Malcolm episodes last fall and realizing in the TV show, ARROW, Malcolm owns lots of art.
*  *  *
Is Saracon Malcolm's son?

John Barrowman: You’ll just have to keep reading…
*  *  *
Will any of these elements appear in Arrow?

John Barrowman: You’ll just have to keep reading and keep watching. (grins)
*  *  *
Last time, you left us on a cliffhanger with some leopards. Is it safe to assume they are not illusions?

John Barrowman: It may be safe to assume that… for now…
*  *  *
Will Oliver Queen appear in this story at some point?

John & Carole: Keep reading… (laughing)

In connection with the release of Arrow: The Dark Archer Chapter # 8 on Wednesday, April 20...



Blair Marnell   Apr 19th, 2016



Where do the two timelines in the story fall in Arrow continuity?

John Barrowman: Ok. So the present day storyline takes place between season 3 and 4 and the flashbacks are set in 1985, a few months before Malcolm meets Rebecca, his wife, and Tommy’s mother. In the present day storyline, he is still Ra’s al Ghul.

*  *  *

Who came up with the idea of Malcolm's real name and backstory?

John Barrowman: We found a reference to Malcolm’s given name, Arthur King, in a back issue of a DC comic from ages ago when we were doing our homework. I keep a copy of the DC Encyclopedia on my bedside table and used it a lot for research while we were planning. We loved… and this is a tease for chapter 8… that his given name explains something about Malcolm’s character.


Too bad he doesn't keep copies of the show on hand as well, since it's on record that Tommy was born in February 1985, as he celebrated his 28th birthday in February 2013. I guess he can take remedial maths with the show's writers. Or what do I know, maybe it turns out Tommy wasn't his bio kid at all.

  • Love 3

Ha ha ha ha ha, what a dumbass! So Merlyn hasn't even MET the mother of his child yet in 1985, and yet his child is born in EARLY 1985?!?


I guess ERRYBODY on the show sucks at continuity!!!

He probably didn't do intense Arrow research-probably just some basic comic skimming and relying on his memory of the show :p  As for the year, we'll see. Will 1985 actually be mentioned in the comics (which I will read over the summer)? 

The preview up above says "Hindu Kush Mountains. The Hidden's Base Camp. 1985."

  • Love 2

I get that it's comics, not the great American novel, but "tossed us...cough...like rag dolls." What hackneyed clichéd crap.


(In general, he seems to adore interjecting "...cough..." That was all over the last posted panels, too.)


Plus I will NEVER STOP pointing out that twin snow leopards are not THAT rare and being bitten by them DOES NOT TURN A PERSON INTO AN ANIMAL TELEPATH JFC! Why not just make it a mythical animal, you frigging goon?

Since there's a conversation going in the hopes and fears thread about the 2.5 comics - I realized now that I stopped reading them after the Suicide Squad arc. My laptop had abandoned me and then when I got it back I forgot about them, I just saw some panel here and there. I've been meaning to catch up but I can't remember the software I used to read them. Can you recommend me some?

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