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S31: Previews and Speculation

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I agree.  I don't point racism fingers but I wonder if part of Stephen's underestimating Jeremy's threat level (if he in fact does) is partly racial?  It just seems so odd he sees big, buff, likable, pretty Joe as the JT-level threat and seems to not notice the other JT-like guy right in front of him.


Probably has more to do with the fact that Jeremy is the only alpha out there not treating him like a piece of shit because he sucks at challenges. He listens to Stephen and at least pretends to respect his opinions. Kindness goes a long way.


A thing of interest in Stephen's most recent article was that he said his most trusted allies was Jeremy and Tasha. He even referred to them as his JT and Tasha.  He apparently thinks that booting Joe will get him cred with the jury. I don't think they would give him that but it'll be interesting to see if that plan works ( provided that he gets to the finals).


They don't need Stephen or Joe to get Jeremy, they could get Kelly, Keith and Spencer and still have the needed majority.


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I don't know why he thinks booting Joe will give him cred with the jury. Joe is an easy vote, all you have to do is wait for him to lose. Unless there's some massive blindside and chain of events that lead to his ouster. Also I think Joe would have more allies in the jury that probably wouldn't think of voting for Stephen for that reason. In addition, I don't know that Jeremy's been kind in regards to his challenge ability. He sort of insulted him but disguised it as a pep talk when he bombed in the slip n slide, and there was a bonus video where Jeremy talked about Stephen being the worst athlete. All that aside, I still think he's waiting to carve out his big second chance legacy, but whatever happens, I think Stephen will be disappointed and come up short. If Jeremy wins or outlasts Stephen, I can't believe Probst won't harp on him at the reunion show about focusing too much onJoe, not bough on Jeremy.

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I don't know why he thinks booting Joe will give him cred with the jury. Joe is an easy vote, all you have to do is wait for him to lose.
Yeah, I don't get why he thinks that will be some brilliant move. If he persuades Joe to give away his immunity necklace and then blindsides him a la Eric in FvF, yes, that would give him credit. But organizing people to vote out someone everyone wants to vote out eventually seems unlikely to get him votes. 
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I saw a new promo today. All about the idol search with Jeremy, Joe, and Stephen (and brief cameo from Abi). Caps/transcript here.


I'm gonna assume the idol will get found since I don't see them devoting so much time to the search if it doesn't. I just hope the promo is a huge misdirect and Kelley/Ciera finds it!

Yeah, I don't get why he thinks that will be some brilliant move. If he persuades Joe to give away his immunity necklace and then blindsides him a la Eric in FvF, yes, that would give him credit. But organizing people to vote out someone everyone wants to vote out eventually seems unlikely to get him votes. 


If Stephen had been smart, he would have read the room a little better and not made his intent of getting Joe so obvious.  Since you brought up FvsF, I'll bring up another move that worked well in that season: Parvati's blindside of Ozzy.  She waited until she had the numbers and knew she had loyalty going forward.  Her BFF Amanda and snuggle muffin James were as in the dark as Ozzy was.  Stephen's made his intent on getting rid of Joe clear, and probably thought it would be just as easy as last time.  And that in turn made Joe realize he was after him, so there's no chance he has of making Joe feel secure in his alliance.  If Joe gave II without having an HII in his hand, he's an idiot and deserves to go.  But I can't see him doing that.  I don't see what move Stephen himself could pull that would really pull one over on Joe.  Unless he idols him out or something.  Based on the above promo  peach posted, Stephen says he wants to make and move and he doesn't care how it happens.


I also think the idol will be found this week.  This is what happened last season.  I almost wish they would show it being found, but not by who.

Edited by LadyChatts

I agree.  I don't point racism fingers but I wonder if part of Stephen's underestimating Jeremy's threat level (if he in fact does) is partly racial?  It just seems so odd he sees big, buff, likable, pretty Joe as the JT-level threat and seems to not notice the other JT-like guy right in front of him.  

In a million years this notion would never have crossed my mind.  Minimally, the "golden boy" comparison to JT is fair.  Jeremy wasn't a golden boy in his season - nor is he one this season.  He doesn't win challenges, he doesn't have flowy locks of hair to toss around, he isn't Survivor McGyver.  Stephen's obsession is with he golden boy type. 


I'm guessing he is using Jeremy as a shield in much the same way Jeremy is using Joe as a shield.  And, I think they have legitimately bonded. Kimmit too. I'd say those 3 are pretty tight and I'd be surprised if any turned on the other. 


What is surprising to me, unless I missed it, is that Jeremy does seem to be playing two sides of the fence - one with Stephen and Kimmi, and the other with Tasha, Savage, and Joe.  I'm not sure why Stephen doesn't see this.  Or maybe he does and I don't see him seeing it. Maybe Jeremy reports back to Stephen so to speak.  That might explain why everyone but the Wentworth, Cierra, and Abi voted for the same person, including Stephen.

What is surprising to me, unless I missed it, is that Jeremy does seem to be playing two sides of the fence - one with Stephen and Kimmi, and the other with Tasha, Savage, and Joe.  I'm not sure why Stephen doesn't see this.  Or maybe he does and I don't see him seeing it.


Stephen said his closest two allies were Tasha and Jeremy.   The alpha alliance appears to mostly be a shield type deal for Jeremy and not much else.


Parvati's blindside of Ozzy.  She waited until she had the numbers and knew she had loyalty going forward.  Her BFF Amanda and snuggle muffin James were as in the dark as Ozzy was.



That was Cirie's blindside and she worked it after watching Ozzy be arrogant enough to think that he wasn't going to be a threat despite the fact that everybody knew he had a hii.


I don't think any of the three go this week. Previews/promos/Jeff are starting to focus more and more on Stephen's Joe obsession. It has to play out soon one way or the other. I think it will, this upcoming week.

If Stephen were going to get Joe, I think that would be hyped more.  However, we know there will be the sneak peek (which hopefully isn't of a challenge) and another promo or two.  The only thing we've seen Stephen say this week is his big move is happening this week.  I agree that the Stephen/Joe story line likely is coming up, just not sure if it'll be this week.

You guys, and the show, and the lack of baseball (and Project Runway sucking this season, etc.) have made me such a geek anticipating this show every Wednesday.  


I admit, while this season doesn't completely bore me, I have more fun coming on here after each episode to read what people have said than I do watching most times.  I look more forward to Wednesday's just to get the episode over just to see the new posts start piling up on here.

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Probst's EW tease for next week:


Next week you get a DOUBLE DOSE! Two episodes of Two amazing episodes. Episode 10 continues our theme of rain and forces a major decision. Episode 11 features one of the most daring moves yet. You’ll love it. Make time in your schedule for a great night of Survivor


With them showing 2 eps I was expecting they would be boring, predictable ones, but this has me very excited.


What does everyone think the black/white rocks thing is about? I feel like I remember that happening before, but I can't remember why.

Edited by peachmangosteen

What I believe it is is that the contestants can opt out of immunity in exchange for a feast-which they eat in front of everyone competing.  It's been done in the past, usually by those in the majority who sit and mock those competing for immunity while they chow down.  It'll be interesting who (if anyone) decides to forgo immunity.  I doubt Joe will, he needs it.  Jeremy might, he's got two idols and despite having people attempt to put a target on him, he seems perfectly safe.  Stephen has the advantage and he might if he feels his alliance holds on.  I hope one of those who opts out of competing gets the boot.  My feeling is, we'll get a somewhat predictable boot and then a surprising boot.  It almost sounds like Stephen may use his advantage.


Ep 10 is called "Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil" and Ep 11 is "My Wheels Are Spinning".



Behind the scenes of one of the challenges this week.  This one wasn't in the previews, I don't believe, as it is being done at night (unless they change the IC in episode 10 to the daytime due to the rain).  Also, this doesn't look like the set up for the IC where they are drawing rocks.  But finally a non Cagayan challenges, this one is Folklore which was done the first 3 seasons (this only shows clips from Outback and Africa, though).  For those who remember, they did this variation in Borneo during the day time where the contestants had to run through the woods with video cameras and record their answers at each clue for Jeff to play back.  This was where Rudy, knowing he was safe, was seen saying over and over again "I don't know...I don't know".  I also remember during that tale that Jeff mentioned snakes bringing good luck and that Joel's ouster may have been karma for chasing a snake away from the Pagong beach.

Edited by LadyChatts

Family visit next week!  Curious who it is that gets hurt, and if its the RC or IC.  Here are the screen shots from Survivor Fever (also would love to know whose bright idea this challenge was-whatever happened to the good old days of just standing there with your hand on a pole and rotating between wooden steps every hour?)




Tasha's got the orange statue that we see falling-




However, medical is seen standing at the light green podium, which is Joe's color:



And here is the hand:



Keith is absent from those photos, which I'm thinking is the IC (since Kimmi is on the sidelines-and would they do an endurance challenge for the loved ones visit if it is the reward?)


I don't know if this is a case where Joe/Keith get hit or if they pass out.


Yep.  Keith or Joe.  As to danger, I think all of the challenges have an element of danger...too soon to weigh in on the risk related to this challenge.


This injury seems like a finger....maybe it got caught inbetween posts or something - or maybe one of the statues fell on it.  Either way, seems like low risk relative to many of the other challenges.


If one of the statutes were to fall on someone's head, then that's a problem....maybe position the players further apart next time.

I think Keith gets injured: it's definitely a guy, and the other three men do not have orange colors.  I suppose a loved one is possible, but seems unlikely to me. 


Past time for Survivor to retire these dangerous challenges, especially ones with falling objects.



Yep.  Keith or Joe.  As to danger, I think all of the challenges have an element of danger...too soon to weigh in on the risk related to this challenge.


This injury seems like a finger....maybe it got caught inbetween posts or something - or maybe one of the statues fell on it.  Either way, seems like low risk relative to many of the other challenges.


If one of the statutes were to fall on someone's head, then that's a problem....maybe position the players further apart next time.


  1. I doubt it's Keith, solely because the hands look too soft and unscarred to be those of a 50-plus-year-old fireman.
  2. The white thing isn't a bandage or splint; it's a pulse-ox monitor - a device to measure a patient's pulse and O2 tissue saturation levels.  The device is always used on a finger, and doesn't indicate any specific injury to the digit.
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From what Jeff said, it seems obvious someone just passes out.  The falling statue is likely just a red herring for dramatic effect.  Tbh, I'm surprised they revealed that it can only be 1 of 3 people (Spencer/Keith/Joe) in the previews.  Usually they try and milk the mystery a little more.  I agree that the hand looks like it is too young for Keith, though I've never paid much attention to his hands.  Given where the medic is standing, that is the color platform Joe is at.  We don't see what color Keith has, but I suppose it is possible Keith could pass out and fall onto Joe's side.  Considering Joe is likely getting booted if he loses immunity, it may really bring the stress and pressure on him.    

  • Love 1

I do agree with you that they need to retire dangerous challenges. Will it take someone being permanently injured/scarred for them to do so? I kind of am doubting those statues are made of anything too heavy that could cause a serious head injury, but maybe heavy enough to cause harm. Those poles alone look like they could give someone a nasty bump. think to balance something heavy on a pole for a long period would be hard even for the likes of even the strongest guy. I notice in one of the pics Joe is looking directly up; wondering if he stares straight up for a long period before quickly looking dow or something that could cause him to get dizzy.

Edited by LadyChatts

I don't know how to do screen shots, but you really have to look.  I could be wrong; watching it now, it looks like it could be part of a coconut or part of the statue that might be white lol  Anyway, I know Joe wears bracelets which is what I was looking for.  I don't know if we'll get anymore up close pics, even if they already pretty much gave it away.  The hand is young looking, and since it is one of the guys the only other person it could be would be Spencer.  But like I said, I've never paid attention to Keith's hands so I may be wrong there, too.  

How far along would Val have been?  This would have been late June/early July, I believe.  Anyway, he may not have thought the visit would be as early as it was, but maybe that was his fall back plan-bring the pregnant wife out, talk about your kids, guilt trip people into keeping you around.  For the average person, that would make them a target.  But for whatever reason, Jeremy has some kind of power to stop people from voting for him.  People would probably vote for themselves over the father of (almost) 3 at this point.


I agree about the hand, I hope it wasn't anything too serious and they were able to get them back on their feet.  Jeff seemed different when talking to the person, almost more worried than I feel like I've seen him before in this circumstances.  I wonder if it is similar to what happened with Russell Swan or Erik during Caramoan?

How far along would Val have been?  This would have been late June/early July, I believe.  Anyway, he may not have thought the visit would be as early as it was, but maybe that was his fall back plan-bring the pregnant wife out, talk about your kids, guilt trip people into keeping you around.  For the average person, that would make them a target.  But for whatever reason, Jeremy has some kind of power to stop people from voting for him.  People would probably vote for themselves over the father of (almost) 3 at this point.


It is pretty amazing, isn't it?! 


I read on twitter she's due late December.  It looked obvious to me she was pregnant in the preview, but that could be because of knowing that she's pregnant. 

From what Jeff said, it seems obvious someone just passes out.  The falling statue is likely just a red herring for dramatic effect.  Tbh, I'm surprised they revealed that it can only be 1 of 3 people (Spencer/Keith/Joe) in the previews.  Usually they try and milk the mystery a little more.  I agree that the hand looks like it is too young for Keith, though I've never paid much attention to his hands.  Given where the medic is standing, that is the color platform Joe is at.  We don't see what color Keith has, but I suppose it is possible Keith could pass out and fall onto Joe's side.  Considering Joe is likely getting booted if he loses immunity, it may really bring the stress and pressure on him.    


People on other sites are speculating the hand is Spencer's.  THis would jive with younger hands so to speak, but Spencer has long gangly limbs and fingers.  I think those in this shot are too short to be his.  I am guessing it's Joe....who probably gives everything thing he has plus then some to stay in the game.  I'm glad he makes family visits since it was important for him that his dad visit since they are the 2 in his family that love the show and watch it together.

The only reason I'm going with it not being Spencer is the color platform the medic is on.  Spencer's is purple:




And the medic is on the teal one, which is Joe's color:




However, is it possible this happens after the challenge is over?  The way Kelley, Tasha, and Abi are standing around makes me wonder if that is the case:



Kelley would have been to the right of Joe, as she isn't in any of the challenge pics themselves, except when the person passes out and the girls are huddled.


In going along with the Spencer theory, Tasha does look visibly upset.  I'm not saying she'd be heartless and not be upset if it were Joe, but maybe the bond and history with Spencer made it a little more emotional for her:





Kelley and Abi look concerned and upset, but Tasha looks close to tears.  That was with the original theory that her statue fell and hit someone, causing the injury.  Though I'm sticking with the scene being a dramatic red herring.  I also won't 100% rule out Keith.  If he's next to Joe's platform, it is possible he passes out and crashes into Joe's side.


In regards to Val, her and Jeremy were at Jon/Jaclyn's wedding over the summer.  I think she was visibly pregnant then, so it is possible she was showing here.  Like you said, knowing she's pregnant it might be hard to ignore the obvious.

Edited by LadyChatts

Spencer's hand (not a great shot, but shows the shape of his fingers): http://www.survivorfever.net/vc_s31/vc_s31_web_promo_ep7/vc_s31_web_promo_ep7_0016.jpg

Joe's hand: http://www.survivorfever.net/vc_s31/vc_s31_web_promo_ep8/vc_s31_web_promo_ep8_0018.jpg

I think, based on that, the hand in the promo is almost certainly Joe's, although I kind of feel like based on the edit of the promo and his edit so far this season he doesn't get medivaced, but who knows. 

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I feel like I'm developing a hand fetish trying to figure this out.  Can't wait for the promo pics, I hope they are a tad more telling.  I am sticking with Joe as well.  Which makes me wonder, if this happens during the challenge, and it isn't completed, will they start over, minus Joe if he can't participate (assuming he isn't medevaced or they don't do a double boot?)  Or will no one win immunity?

Val is about 4.5 months at the FV. I think. There is a secret scene where Jeremy talks about how he didnt even know the sex of the baby when he left bc they had just found out about the pregnancy.



Does anyone know if we have a confirmed finale date yet? Futon Critic has December 16th. If that's the case I believe we need one more double episode or double boot episode to get to the right amount of people. 


It Dec 16 and no double boot ep. Finale starts with 6 ppl. 

A finale with 6 people will suck unless they make the show longer. They always seem to cut the speeches and jury questions down to much (they need to stop editing out so much)


Ugh really. They've already done away with closing statements, if the finale starts with 6 people they'll probably cut the opening statements, too.

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