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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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When I'm speaking (very) quickly, that's how I pronounce Birkenstocks as well.

And I was shouting (JOSH! style) "Birks!" from across the room, since that's what I call them. I wonder if I would be told BMS? Birks are my fav.


I knew Isle Royale because I'm a nature student, and wolves have been reintroduced there. It's the kind of place I'd love to visit, and maybe even stay. Being an island, it's got its own ecosystem and natural balance going.

Edited by saber5055
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I knew Isle Royale because one of my coworkers has hiked and camped there (very rustic and isolated). I think it's one of the least visited national parks, if not the least visited

It sounded beautiful from what I've read about it, but a little difficult to get to.  Love to see it one day.

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I looked up Zelda and she's a former actress who appeared on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.  I really wanted her to win.

Oh wow, that is so cool. I've been muting the interviews recently, but I assume this wasn't her story (well, the one Alex picked to ask her about). Here's a page on her main character on the show, and Zelda's name links to other episodes she appeared in. I searched for some on Youtube. She sings here!


Are Nevada Barr's books "cozy" mysteries?

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Hi! First time poster here ...


I was at the audition with JOSH! and ignoring my bias against him because he got the call and I didn't, I want to kinda defend him.


In the audition, he was the exact same as he was on the show.  He was incredibly loud, he was the only male contestant wearing a golf shirt, and he was pretty obnoxious.  He was also probably the least impressive player in the room, though he played quite well on the actual show so kudos to JOSH! for that.


Anyways, Maggie Speak, the main contestant coordinator, just ate it up.  She loved him.  She commented how he was the only one she has met that's even louder than she is.  Since his loud, obnoxious, under-dressed shtick is what got him on the show, you really can't blame him for sticking with it.  This one is on Maggie.

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Uh-oh.  Maggie better keep an eye out for an angry mob with pitchforks.


Josh didn't bother me except for his first episode, and even that wasn't too bad once I managed to make some sort of mental adjustment for his volume.  (I don't watch the interviews, which probably helps).  But it's disappointing that a contestant coordinator for this show would be so taken with someone based on behavior easily described as obnoxious.  Go work for Wheel of Fortune or The Price is Right.

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Hi Inigo. Welcome to this thread. And feel free to express your biases ... we all do! Thanks for the insight into josh? (I'm typing him as Bizarro JOSH!). I'm glad he only went two days, he already is pretty much out of my memory bank.


Is it sexist of me to be tired of women NOT winning? If so, call me one great big gigantic SEXIST.

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Sad to see Dean succumb to the sophomore jinx, but the new champ seems pleasant enough. Sorry to hear that Maggie Speak enjoyed JOSH! I guess we can look forward to more like him in the future. Still, it's amazing that there have been so few people like that through the years.


All the players today performed nicely, although I was surprised that nobody recognized Hillary Clinton's birth date and birthplace. Also that nobody got The Heidi Chronicles, even when "Heidi" was in the clue! I knew The Front Page and Lucy Hayes."Lemonade Lucy," it is said, gave parties where the water flowed like wine.

I felt dumb about not coming up with FJ, though.

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I nearly missed the Jackie Kennedy answer because I was so busy trying to figure out what on earth Bellamy Young was doing in the clue.

FJ was an instaget for me! I love Wicked.


I don't mind the new guy, but I am sad to see Dean go.

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Modulated speaking voices! Well-dressed contestants! Starting categories in order!

Go to hell, Maggie, THIS is what I love about Jeopardy!

CHiPs was way too highly valued at $2000.

I didn't get FJ, probably because I am so not a fan of the author's work.

Edited by mojoween
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I knew Bill Withers but couldn't drag his name out of my brain in time.  Had no problem with FJ, though; Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz will create unbelievably beautiful babies.


Sayonara JOSH!!!!!!!!

I just kept yelling "Bill - I know his last name!" louder and louder at the TV. I think they'd have given it to me.

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I didn't get FJ, probably because I am so not a fan of the author's work.

Well, there's also the musical, and all of the TV commercials and posters that go along with it, showing a woman with green skin :P

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Well, there's also the musical, and all of the TV commercials and posters that go along with it, showing a woman with green skin :P

Fair enough, but the musical has become so popular it's easy to forget it was based on a book.

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I just kept yelling "Bill - I know his last name!" louder and louder at the TV. I think they'd have given it to me.

Ha! If they accept last names half the time, if you come up with the first name you should be ruled correct.

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Dean had a lovely speaking voice and a slight accent. Do we know what it was, or where she was (originally) from? I don't pay much attention to the intros or interviews.


I didn't have a clue Wicked was a book. If the category had been "Broadway," I woulda gotten it, easy peasy.

Let's hear it for nice, normal folks! Louder. Louder!


This made me laugh. Thanks, prin.

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Dean had a lovely speaking voice and a slight accent. Do we know what it was, or where she was (originally) from? I don't pay much attention to the intros or interviews.


I didn't have a clue Wicked was a book. If the category had been "Broadway," I woulda gotten it, easy peasy.

I kept trying to place Dean's accent, but I couldn't figure it out. I enjoyed listening to her speak though, and I also liked that she was so calm! A nice change of pace.

Wicked is a prequel to the Wizard of Oz, which is a musical based on a book, so it's not such a stretch. I bet that's what they were relying on though, in making it an FJ question - that people wouldn't realize Wicked was originally a book.

However, given the category, I would have bet exactly $0.

Edited by secnarf
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I'm sure Michelle Obama is thrilled Dean thinks she's 68 years old. I feel sorry for Dean's husband. Dude had cancer and his cat tried to kill him.

Robert seems like a pleasant fellow. No yelling, dancing and he was nicely dressed.

I wish when there's a category like today's "Jeopardy on the Movie Marquee" that only needs a one word answer, that Alex would reinforce that so they don't all say the whole damned movie title. It wastes time and annoys me.

I was disappointed they didn't finish that 12 word category or find the DD in the first round.

I was slapping myself over FJ saying, "I should know this!" And I should have - I love Wicked. *face palm*

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Gosh.  Three normal people.  Maggie must have been off that day.  It was so pleasant.  I do wish we had found out what Dean's accent is.  FJ came down to whoever was ahead at the end.  Nice game.

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I feel sorry for Dean's husband. Dude had cancer and his cat tried to kill him.

You shouldn't have made me laugh, but you did.



Dean had a lovely speaking voice and a slight accent. Do we know what it was, or where she was (originally) from? I don't pay much attention to the intros or interviews.


I said to my sister, "Now we'll never know what her accent is."


I should have figured out Wicked, what with the "emerald green" in the clue. My guess, which was just a placeholder until I came up with something better, was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I wasn't sure it came out in 1995, and I really didn't think the baby Harry was described as being green. 


I got all the 70's TV clues, but then that wasn't too challenging. I nearly got all the stage clues. I missed The Front Page. I said Our Girl Friday. I think Alex said My Girl Friday was an alternate title.


There were a few TS's that I got, but I can't remember them now.

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I got many of the TS (Hillary Rodham Clinton, Apollo, bonobo, The Heidi Chronicles [this one was quite surprising, since her name was in the clue], The Front Page, and butte [also surprising]) but I had no clue on FJ.  I tried to think of books released around that time that featured a green character, and came up with nothing -- it might have helped had I known Wicked was a book.  (I know it's a prequel to Wizard of Oz, and Kristin Chenowith - whose voice annoys the snot out of me - was in it, but that's it).


I don't know why Alex ever credited "ambidextrious" as a correct response when he knew very well she added a syllable, since he corrected her pronunciation.  No one should have needed to tell him that was wrong.  That was an easy clue, too, so one of the other contestants could have easily rung in and picked up the money had he ruled her incorrect.


I hate when contestants repeat superfluous information rather than just supplying the word being sought (e.g. "What are kaleidoscope eyes?" when the clue sought "these eyes"), and they all did for the movie titles category.  It drove me nuts! 

Edited by Bastet
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I'm sure Michelle Obama is thrilled Dean thinks she's 68 years old.

This was baffling. I understand the kneejerk reaction to "Chicago," I guess, but the other two players didn't get the rebound?! And McKinley in 1800?!

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I loved the Hymns category and ran it. It may be the first time I ever mentally thanked my parents for dragging me to church every Sunday. I still have "Old Rugged Cross" playing in my head.

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This was baffling. I understand the kneejerk reaction to "Chicago," I guess, but the other two players didn't get the rebound?! And McKinley in 1800?!

I assumed it was Mrs. Obama as well. Had no clue that Mrs. Clinton was from Chicago. I also erroneously thought Mrs. Grant for the temperance thing  since USS had been an alcoholic. (I also think it's likely that Abraham Lincoln WAS a vampire slayer, so my view of history might be off.)

  "Wicked" was easy. It was all about the wagering at the end. Sorry to see Dean go. I don't know where her name came from (some maiden name in the family tree?), but her whole demeanor and accent reminded me of Joan Hackett, an actress from my youth.

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I don't know why Alex ever credited "ambidextrious" as a correct response when he knew very well she added a syllable, since he corrected her pronunciation.  No one should have needed to tell him that was wrong.  That was an easy clue, too, so one of the other contestants could have easily rung in and picked up the money had he ruled her incorrect.

I noticed that too and wondered why the score wasn't adjusted.



This was baffling. I understand the kneejerk reaction to "Chicago," I guess, but the other two players didn't get the rebound?! And McKinley in 1800?!

I knew that was too early for Michelle Obama.  McKinley was guessed twice in that category, both in very wrong time frames  I thought his assassination was pretty well known to have been in 1901.


Add me to those who wondered what Dean's accent is; I really wanted to know.


The only TS I remember getting is Dryads but I really wasn't on my game last night.  I am another one who didn't know Wicked was a book.

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Oh wow, that is so cool. I've been muting the interviews recently, but I assume this wasn't her story (well, the one Alex picked to ask her about). Here's a page on her main character on the show, and Zelda's name links to other episodes she appeared in. I searched for some on Youtube. She sings here!


Are Nevada Barr's books "cozy" mysteries?

If you mean cozy like Miss Marple or Jessica Fletcher, most definitely not.  They feature a main character who is a park ranger and definitely has a checkered past.  They're pretty modern, sometimes graphically violent and feature strong language.  But if you're cool with that, they are really good.

I kept dozing on and off last night, and missed most of Double Jeopary and the clue for Final Jeopardy.  Didn't know FJ - never read the book or saw the play; I know of it, but wasn't interested in the idea when the book came out so it didn't fix itself in my brain.  I would've done pretty well in Double Jeopardy.  Did okay in the first round - hey, I knew Lemonade Lucy Hayes, the only First Lady to ban alcohol from the White House, but screwed up a lot of the other first ladies.


Looking on J! Archive, I see that Robert won.  I liked Dean, but from what I saw of Robert, he was okay.  He wasn't JOSH!!!!!!, at least.

I just kept yelling "Bill - I know his last name!" louder and louder at the TV. I think they'd have given it to me.

Well, apparently if Maggie Speak had anything to do with it.

Well, there's also the musical, and all of the TV commercials and posters that go along with it, showing a woman with green skin :P

Nope, wouldn't have helped me at all.  I don't pay much attention to commercials about shows which don't interest me, I guess.  Plus, Kristin Chenowith annoys me enough that I usually changed the channel whenever ads for Wicked came on.

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I hate when contestants repeat superfluous information rather than just supplying the word being sought (e.g. "What are kaleidoscope eyes?" when the clue sought "these eyes"), and they all did for the movie titles category.  It drove me nuts! 

Oh man. This was driving me nuts too. It just went on and on in that category. Grrrr.


I got many of the TS (Hillary Rodham Clinton, Apollo, bonobo, The Heidi Chronicles [this one was quite surprising, since her name was in the clue], The Front Page, and butte [also surprising]) but I had no clue on FJ. 


I didn't get Hillary for some reason, but I knew Michelle Obama was wrong. I also got Apollo. Instead of 'bonobo' my sister was yelling "Coco! COCO!" I was laughing inside. I also got The Heidi Chronicles, though it always surprises me when part of the answer is in the clue. Oh, and I thought butte was an easy one, too.

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In fairness to your sister, Koko was recently in the news for having received a box of kittens for her 44th birthday.  Of course, when the clue was written, show taped, they weren't paying attention to the Crazy Cat Lady Gorilla. 


I kept waiting for Kosovo to be in that category.  They could've shown it on a map!

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I misspelled it, but I realized my sister was referring to the gorilla. (Every once in a while we do the sign for 'dirty' that we saw Koko do in a documentary from many years ago.) Still, I think it was clear from the clue that they weren't asking for a proper name. Plus, my sister yelling "Koko! Koko!" with such conviction was funny.

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I'm so old school, I have many of the Oz books, or most of them, inherited from my mother, who read them when she was a child. I have Ozma of Oz, The Patchwork Girl of Oz, Tik-Tok of Oz and Rinkitink in Oz. L. Frank Baum wrote 14 of them, Wicked not being one. Was there a year mentioned in FJ? I could have named any of the Baum books, all published in the 1910s, but present day book ... obviously that's a no.

I hate when contestants repeat superfluous information rather than just supplying the word being sought (e.g. "What are kaleidoscope eyes?" when the clue sought "these eyes"), and they all did for the movie titles category.  It drove me nuts!

This is one reason I appreciated Matt. He would have just answered "Kaleidoscope" and gone on to the next clue. And not left an entire category (and a DD!) on the board.

I kept waiting for Kosovo to be in that category.  They could've shown it on a map!

Yes! And I was waiting for Conoco. Does anyone remember those old gas stations? "Trust your car to the man who wears the star."

Edited by saber5055
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I missed The Front Page. I said Our Girl Friday. I think Alex said My Girl Friday was an alternate title.


His Girl Friday.  That was what I had said, knowing that was the film version (Cary Grant/Rosalind Russell).  When Alex mentioned The Front Page, I thought he was being a bit ambidextr-ious and counting an answer he shouldn't have, since the category was specifically about plays.  Turns out, however, that someone re-adapted the movie back into a play, and still called it His Girl Friday.  Since the character names remained the same, it was a legitimate answer.

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I thought that was Texaco - "You can trust your car to the man who wears the star, the big, bright Texaco star."



Oh, thanks Trey. Obviously, I would have answered Conoco if that jingle had been a clue. Me = LOSER!

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I assumed it was Mrs. Obama as well. Had no clue that Mrs. Clinton was from Chicago.


Oh yes. A very big deal was made here when she ran for the Senate from New York and was shown wearing a combo Mets/Yankees hat, since she apparently talked a lot about being a diehard Cubs fan. (A real Cubs fan would never wear a Mets hat!)  She was born at Edgewater Hospital, not far from where I live.  She attended Maine East High School in the burbs and was one of the graduates of Maine South, so both schools claim her.


My friend was in the same graduating class at Maine South as one of her brothers, and said when Hillary was FLOTUS, Secret Service agents accompanied the brother to their class reunion. At the last one, he attended, but minus SS. We were giggling about what would happen at the next reunion if Mrs. Clinton is elected POTUS.

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It was, right before the interviews. I missed it, too, because I was too slow to unmute.

I totally missed that.  Thank you for the information.


Albert Schweitzer must have been a pretty good man to become ambidextrous just so as not to disturb a cat.  I love my cats but i'm sure I wouldn't go that far:)

Edited by Trey
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Surprised Dennis bet $2000 in the final Daily Double.  If he had lost, he would have gone into Final Jeopardy in a tie with Robert.  It's always best to be in first place going to FJ, even if only by a dollar.


On FJ, I guessed Ivory Coast.

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Dennis seems like an okay guy, but I had to overlook his sideline as a host of a Wayne's World type show. I had visions of him and Josh! trying to be funny in his mom's basement.

I got Oxfam.

Since when is a song from 2001 considered old? I was expecting songs from the 30s, 40s and maybe 50s in that category.

I guessed Andorra for FJ.

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Alex's description of that first category was incomprehensible to me, but once we got to it, it was easy. I have a gripe with him on FJ when he said Angola was nowhere near Algeria, since proximity of countries to each other wasn't the point. It wasn't a horrible guess, but Alex made it seem way off.


The cow with a window in it blew my mind. I did not see that episode of Dirty Jobs, obviously.

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I guessed Algeria before Alex even finished reading the clue.  Why did Alex keep emphasizing geography for FJ (both before and after the commercial break) ? The clue could have been about the origins of the Prime Meridian or something else entirely.  I thought that was annoying.


Universal donor as a DD was way too easy for the DJ round.

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The cow with a window in it blew my mind.


It's not the only one. It's kinda common, at least in vet schools. I kept looking at the ground/background and thinking how everything had to be swept and scrubbed, then that clip filmed asap. Cows are rather spontaneous mess makers. (I ran the vet category, obviously.)

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Please tell me I was not the only one singing the preamble a la School House Rock.

I was right there with you. It's also where I learned how bills become laws.



Universal donor as a DD was way too easy for the DJ round.

Agreed, in fact other than the cow with the window, I didn't need the vet hospital setting to guess any of those clues. Cataracts? Radiation? No video necessary.

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