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S17.E14: Episode 14

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The fact that Britney thinks this us such a stellar season with such interesting people should tell you she's not really clued in...unless she's just giving lip service to appease TPTB!

I find it unusual that no one who went to school with or grew up with Audrey/Adam hasn't produced a photo.

So Audrey's family said Audrey did everything they set out to do in the game, but then Audrey said the exact opposite. All-rightly then.

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On a shallow note, I love Jackie's outfit.

Ha, I think I must have been traumatized by being the unpopular kid in school during the early 80's cause I thought the acid-washed elastic-waist harem jeans and stilleto combo was absolutely awful and trashy. I just moved recently to a very trendy hipster city and have to deal with people wearing various period getups all the time and it just make my eyes involuntarily roll back in my head, sorry.

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Johnny Mac is odd, but I think he would be a pretty cool pediatric dentist.  He's certainly not intimidating, and I think young children would think he's funny.


Absolutely! And how serious he got about the prospect of jack-o-lanterns being smashed? I think he would relate really well to children. That could be a perfect niche for him. 


Okay, but if this turns into some Patch Adams bullcrap, I'm blaming both of you.


Wil Hesuer thinks he's a muppet, so you both may be on to something.

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A day late…and if I'd known what this ep would be like, I would have been later.


So what happened to a different twist every week?  This is the third week without one.


Only the second week without a "Takeover", actually.  I think you've forgotten Gronk.  (I wish I could!  Tell me your secret…please?)


Seriously, I don't know what the heck happened.  I mean, they must have had all the twists pre-planned in advance, right? So why scrap all of the ideas?  And I can't believe the pool of "celebrities" is running that dry, what with all the available ex-BB players, other CBS reality people, CBS actors with new shows coming on (if they can banner-ad Jane Lynch's comedy every episode, she can put in an appearance) and even regular celebs, some of whom must watch BB.  Maybe Arianna Grande could do a donut-licking takeover or something…


So why was it scrapped?  I didn't think Kathy Griffin Week sucked that badly.  Very strange.


Personally, I just feel badly for whomever composed that "Get ready for a taaaaakeover" theme music.  Hope he or she hadn't already bought a house expecting to get an income from 30+ episodes of royalties.


Glad to see Audrey out for her own good.  She'll be happier out of that environment.  Steve gave her a sweet good-bye speech. Jason was just mean.


Yeah, yeah, Jason, you love Da'Vonne, we get it.  Try and show some class, though.  Maybe jumping all over the woman who's been having a visible breakdown isn't exactly the image you want to put out there?  Just a thought.


Ugh I never grew to like Britney so I don't CARE what she has to say about this season or any season. 


My thoughts exactly.  I guess the good news is that she had exactly nothing to say, so I could spend my time scrutinizing her face and wondering if she's had work done.  (And she's only 27, right?)  I think it was just Botox on the forehead, though.  Maybe she stopped in at Dr. Will's office on the way to the studio.  (Now if only there was a procedure to fix that wonky eye…)


I hate Brittany so much. Of course she loves Jason.


I know.  I'm afraid she's in for a disappointment, though; Jason may be catty, but as we've seen, he liked Da'Vonne and likes Meg!  Can Britney stand to be around somebody who doesn't hate women?  Poor thing must have had it badly enough with two women winning HoH in the episode; thank Grod that Julie is pushing this misogynistic "Jackie's a floater and doesn't deserve to be here" line, so Britney can be back on solid girl-bashing ground. 


Why are they even doing have-nots? There's no have-not competition, we're not voting for extra food, and we're not even told who the have-nots are anymore. I think today was the first time Julie mentioned "have-nots" during the show. What's the point of doing this if it isn't even a factor for the show?


I haven't a clue about this, either.  The Have-Nots are definitely affecting the game, even before it was a spur to Audrey's downward cycle and a vote against her.  Why keep this in the dark?  And since when doesn't CBS/Big Brother want the text-message $$$ that the "America's Vote" brings in?  Poor Clayton (Announcer Guy) must feel so neglected, not getting to say "Text 1 for Okra and Oreos, text 2 for Frittatas and French Toast, or text 3 for Bratwurst and Bernaise Sauce".  Take care of the voice talent, guys!


And just as with the Takeover, they started the season doing Have-Nots the usual way, and then just let it wither and die after Week 2.  I mean, I like this season, darn it!  The house decor is good, the cast is better than the last two years, and even though BotB (not "BOB", Julie…articles exist for a reason!) still makes straight-up gameplay more difficult, we've seen much more complexity than last year's "Do what Derrick says" borefest.  I mean, I was praying to the BB gods that Vanessa would pull out that HoH because I want to see the twins full-time (no, I'm not talking about Meg's t-shirt here…although…[/James]) and I was really scared of what a Jason/Jackie HoH might mean for the Nolan sisters, but it's really looking as if TPTB gave up two weeks ago, for whatever reason.  Weird.


I liked seeing Audrey's family. They seem like extremely nice, supporting people which is awesome. 


It would have been more awesome if they'd owned up to, yes, having had poor confused Adam kidnapped in the middle of the night because they hated his sexuality so much, back their pre-"accepting" days.  I mean, given that the show went to the trouble to give us a DR where St. Da'Vonne cast doubt on Audrey's "story", I would have preferred it if rather than talk about what wonderful loving parents they were "and by the way I helped Audrey pick her name", Mama Middleton could have made it clear that her daughter was not, in fact, lying about what she went through on her "journey", which seemed so empty stripped of all the details.  JMO.


Did Audrey say "Merry Fuckin Xmas" in her speech? I could have sworn she mumbled that "fuckin" in there. 


I believe she went with "frickin'".  Which I'm somewhat surprised CBS allowed, since it's pretty clear what word that's meant to be akin to.


Almost forgot, "Judas" can just suck it.  Another one trying too hard.  Can't wait for the alliance to turn on him.


Seriously.  They're deleting so many angles, they can't tell Austin "the hat ain't working, bro. Let's go easy on 'Judas' until we need him"?  And it would be really nice if they'd tell Clay where to shove the shout-outs.  He must know nobody else gets to do them, why let him be a jerk?


I do like that Julie acknowledged that Becky and John have…something building, game-wise.  I actually see Becky as a dark horse to win the whole thing, but I'm worried for her and Steve this week, since they're rather caught between the loyalties of the respective HoHs.  Any compromise might see them offered up as a sacrifice.  Hope Vanessa can talk Jackie into nominating Jason or something, but I sense a stubborn streak in Jackie.  We'll see, I guess.

Edited by DAngelus
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So either Audrey was totally lying about being shipped off to a Pray The Gay Away camp in the middle of the night to garner sympathy, or they also softballed the family package.


Audrey's dad seemed sincere enough, but Audrey's mom was fighting tears and sounded like she was reading from cue cards.


I wonder if they put in things like the Whackstreet Boys and last week's interminable Gronk parties to bond the houseguests together -- so that it's harder to form cliques outside of in-game alliances and bully people (like BB15). It's annoying, because it means alliances seemingly have the ability to hide in plain sight (a benefit of the "we're all in this together" mentality), but I wonder if people leave the house feeling less isolated (save an extreme case like what happened with Audrey) and healthier.


A more cynical part of me says they do it for the illusion that the houseguests are one big happy family, for the TV shows. "Look, they all have to have a dance party in the middle of the night. Look at them being supportive and watching the boy band shows. Look at how close and bonded they all are -- obviously there would never be any bullying or mean cliques with this group!"


I'm torn, because I think it makes for a more predictable and less entertaining game -- where alliances in plain sight can coast to the end, under the guise of togetherness partially created by the show's antics (including Battle of the Block, which forces collaboration) . On the other hand, I wouldn't wish the feeling of being excluded or bullied or basically the entirety of BB15 on anyone and "at the end of the day" (tm Cody) it really is just a game.


Long story short: More Whackstreet, WOO!

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, and maybe it's just me, but do Liz and Julia's voices GRATE! GRATE! GRATE! on anybody else's nerves?  I can't STAND to hear them talk!  Anybody else? or is it just me?

Not just you.  The perpetual whine and stretching one syllable words into two is not a good look for grown women.  Or anyone, really.

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I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, and maybe it's just me, but do Liz and Julia's voices GRATE! GRATE! GRATE! on anybody else's nerves?  I can't STAND to hear them talk!  Anybody else? or is it just me?

It's just you! We did a nationwide survey!

Hah. Kidding aside, I think how freaking annoying how they speak is has probably been lightly to medium mentioned in the episode topics, but the live threads are filled with scorn for their annoying Uptalking (I think I can mention that since it's not inherently spoilery in any way).

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I am a recent convert to the BB world....my boyfriend LOVES this show and, now that we are living together, I was kind of roped into "just trying it".  I am finding this show immensely funny and, while I previously was horrified that it was on 3 times a week, now it's just not enough!  Audrey and her blanket of doom was pathetic.  I was glad she didn't try to act like she was being ousted because she was trans.  I thought all the housemates were very cool over that bit of information.  During the first episode, I kind of liked Clay but now I want him and Shelly both gone.  I feel like they are Ken and Barbie and this is their dream dictatorship.  Austin won me over when he said something about giving up the game if it meant a real love in his life with Liz (paraphrasing). I am enough of a romantic to find that sweet.  :)

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Believe it or not, I love to hear liz/julia talk. Maybe 'love' is too strong of a word but i really like their voice.

I don't mind it.  I'm amused by the 'Lisa Kudrow doing a Maya Rudolph impression' of it.


Was James throwing it?   Why?  I thought he had a decent strategy with the wild ass guesses, especially if he's not particularly good at playing that sort of game.  

There is a one-vote penalty for eating regular food when you're a Have Not?  Since when?


Did you watch BB8? Jen got a penalty vote too for "performing eating" while on slop. That's the only other time it's been done. Audrey ate normal food all week and broke several other rules too. She gave great feeds and she's a BB icon now, but ultimately she's a disaster and BB won't touch her again with a ten foot pole.

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Yes, that penalty vote is something BB rolls out only when they are truly annoyed with someone. If they were strict about it, we'd see more of them.

Pretty much everything [Jackie] wears is awful and trashy, as far as I'm concerned.

Same here. Is there something in the water in Las Vegas that makes people think they look great in retro looks that were never that great to begin with? Yes, I'm looking at you, Vanessa and Jackie. I wish Stacie and Clinton were still doing What Not to Wear.


I find it unusual that no one who went to school with or grew up with Audrey/Adam hasn't produced a photo.


I was so dying to see a photo of pre-transition Audrey, because I'm convinced she was likely pretty hot as a guy since she's hot as a woman, but no dice. I'm starting to think she likely made her family get rid of any childhood or adolescent photos.

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