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S02.E06: Why Her?

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Oh look everyone continues to be stupid.


Tommy when a girl says she's thinking of informing on your best friend to save your ass while you're handcuffed that is not the time to call her names. These people are all idiots.


When grandmama was all like who would change the nappies I was thinking "Um tasha? A nanny? Shawn? Basically anyone who isn't disrespecting her in her house."


Seriously if someone kept having a go at me all the time about everything they'd be gone.

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wayne67, I have to agree. Shawn now has plenty of competition for dumbest character on the show.

Holly, in particular was incredibly stupid with the way she ransacked Tommy's place every time he wasn't around. Plus, something about the Holly actress bugs me, though I can't put my finger on exactly what.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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wayne67, I have to agree. Shawn now has plenty of competition for dumbest character on the show.

Holly, in particular was incredibly stupid with the way she ransacked Tommy's place every time he wasn't around. Plus, something about the Holly actress bugs me, though I can't put my finger on exactly what.


I was kind of curious why she was tearing up the place when I would have been where's a metal detector cop lady so I can find you this smoking gun.


Also why did Greg let Angela go to the hospital to see James instead of doing it himself. Angela is so useless. Even if she gets a gun from Holly there is no chain of custody so there is no likelihood it can be used against anyone. For a lawyer she seems DUMB.


I can give most of the other characters a pass on their stupidity because drug dealers don't need that much in the way of smarts but a LAWYER should have some BRAINS. Ugh. Holly is strange while Angela is just super frustrating for me.


Ghost isn't much better when he said "I've thought of everything I just need to figure out my next move." I was like what the what now ? You either have thought things through and have a plan or you're making up shit as you go along. PICK ONE!


Am I supposed to want all the characters to die in a gangland shooting style warfare? I don't like any of these characters, it's getting to the point where their stupidity isn't even amusing it's just dull and repetitive and makes them look like naive wannabe playa's .

Edited by wayne67
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Slightly contrarian here, but it was really smart of Holly to number one cuff Tommy before she told him the truth of his situation, but two, to steal the key to the cuffs he knew about.  She still had her get-out-of-jail-free stash she got from Ghost, new name, enough money to get away, so way to go, Holly.  


I enjoyed Tasha getting her thing on with Shawn.  Good on her.  

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Holly was like NOPE and GOODBYE!

Tommy hit her with the B and C word.

And I couldn't help but feel sorry for Tommy when he hit her with those words as she is escaping out of the apartment with him helpless after her.  

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Holly has the best interaction with Angela. First, "You dumb bitch." Now, "Give it the fuck back." and "Be real: who wants to fuck a good guy."


Love how they made something lethal like practicing firing a gun feel like a romantic date idea.


Tommy was proposing and they would have been engaged but it's cute how he had no idea the official terms to use.


Oh god, my own mother would probably give me the same soul-sucking yet practical advice Tasha's mother gave her.


That ending was The Sopranos' Adriana's revenge on Christopher for me. The way Holly did it is what Ade (R.I.P.) should have done.

Edited by anonymiss
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Angela continues to be a fucking idiot. First, trying to keep the gun Holly brought her even though it wasn't the right one and continuing to call Holly over and over again on her personal cell phone. Then showing up at the precinct for Jamie, unannounced, then running to him and demanding to know where Holly was. If he didn't already know you were investigating him, he would now. How in the hell did she make it up the career ladder? She's an idiot!

Still can't stand Holly, but at least she smartened up. But I don't know why she thought Tommy would choose her over Jamie. He's never chosen her over Jamie. Plus, she's living in a fantasy world if she thinks once the feds get Ghost, that they'll just let everybody else go. Angela doesn't have the authority to make any sort of deal while she's doing all this off the book, and by that I mean illegal and unethical, shit. The rest of her team isn't that incompetent. They are going to try to take down the entire organization, and Tommy is front and center, side - by - side with Ghost; Tommy would be the next to fall, especially since they already have a lot of shit on him.

And I don't know what the hell Tasha is doing with ole dum - dum Shawn. Especially without a condom....She better watch out she doesn't get pregnant with a big - headed, dumb baby. That's the last thing she needs. And who thinks Shawn is gonna open his big ass mouth and get himself in a shit world of trouble. Idiots all around.

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Ghost isn't much better when he said "I've thought of everything I just need to figure out my next move."


Yes - this is one of my peeves with this show. Ghost is supposed to be this big time drug kingpin, yet they have made him as stupid as Angela.


Tasha, at least, is thinking of ways to make the Ghost and Angela's horniness work to her advantage.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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It was a shock to see Debbi Morgan again. I think that's the first time she's appeared this season and I figured she was no longer on the show.

Well, the contest is apparently settled: Holly's cooch does not have as much magical power as James' dick.

Unless she successfully disappears, Holly for sure is going to get dead. Now it's just a matter of who'll be the one to kill her, James or Tommy. Or if they really wanted to get ugly about it they'd simply hand her over to those eastern European psychos.

I hope the show isn't going to be negatively affected by 50 Cent's money troubles.

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I hope the show isn't going to be negatively affected by 50 Cent's money troubles.

It wont and there are no money troubles. He's just doing this so he doesn't have to pay up for that sex tape lawsuit. He was in the club making it rain the day he filed. Anyway, he produces the show with other people. It doesn't mess with anything.


Holly put on some damn pants with your skanky ass. No one wants to see that except Tommy.

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Well, the contest is apparently settled: Holly's cooch does not have as much magical power as James' dick.

Lol!  He uses that thing to suck all the intelligence out of women.  Explains why Tasha and Angie do they shit they do.  If James were smart, he's used those magical powers on Spy Daddy's wife.

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It wont and there are no money troubles. He's just doing this so he doesn't have to pay up for that sex tape lawsuit. He was in the club making it rain the day he filed. Anyway, he produces the show with other people. It doesn't mess with anything.


Holly put on some damn pants with your skanky ass. No one wants to see that except Tommy.

Seriously! Does Holly not own a full length shirt? We get it, you have a flat stomach. And no Tommy isn't going to choose Holly over Ghost. Have we seen these two do anything but screw? The writers need to try harder to convince me of their Bonnie and Clyde romance cause I don't see it.

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That was really ugly, hateful language Tommy was spewing at Holly.

When grandmama was all like who would change the nappies I was thinking "Um tasha? A nanny? Shawn? Basically anyone who isn't disrespecting her in her house."

I had the same thought. Also the two older kids are old enough to get themselves off to school and/or help with the baby. I remember the younger girl is in 5th or 6th grade (they said her age last season when Tasha bribed the school to get her the lead in the play ) and the boy is older than that, I think. Like, what help do they need? They can get themselves dressed and pour some cereal.


Plus, she's living in a fantasy world if she thinks once the feds get Ghost, that they'll just let everybody else go. Angela doesn't have the authority to make any sort of deal while she's doing all this off the book, and by that I mean illegal and unethical, shit. The rest of her team isn't that incompetent. They are going to try to take down the entire organization, and Tommy is front and center, side - by - side with Ghost; Tommy would be the next to fall, especially since they already have a lot of shit on him.


No way they let Tommy walk. Maybe they (meaning Angela's boss, because Angela clearly doesn't have any pull) let Holly walk, but not Tommy. They'd been building a case against Tommy first; as you say they have a ton of shit on him. He might do less time if he rolled on Jamie, but he'd still do time (and he wouldn't roll on Jamie).


Shawn's going to catch feelings - he already has feelings - and I kind of don't care about that, but Tasha deserves to have a side piece.

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I felt for Tasha after she picked James up from the precinct. To see your husband, the father of your two (3?) kids making goo goo eyes at his side piece has to hurt. And then for that Mofo to say he's always been in love with her? She should have put him out of the truck and then backed it over him.

She was right. She was just a placeholder, second best, a love the one you're with. Asshole.

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I had the same thought. Also the two older kids are old enough to get themselves off to school and/or help with the baby. I remember the younger girl is in 5th or 6th grade (they said her age last season when Tasha bribed the school to get her the lead in the play ) and the boy is older than that, I think. Like, what help do they need? They can get themselves dressed and pour some cereal.

Apparently, they're twins? I don't know if my caption messed up, but didn't Big Momma say "while you make breakfast for the twins?" And yeah, they're definitely old enough to get themselves ready for school.


I'm surprised the baby was mentioned.  Since she hasn't been seen at all so far, I thought the show Judy Winslow'd her.

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When Jamie dropped the two older kids off, I asked where the baby was these days or if they had decided to pretend that it had never existed.  Then lo and behold grandma mentions changing a baby's diaper.  Have we even seen the baby since season one when there was the keychain choking issue?


Talk about timing of Angela showing up at the precinct when she did.  How would she explain not having talked to him?  I'm guessing the paperwork would show he hadn't left yet if her boss decides to look into it.


The ONE TIME I find Holly doing something right - when she handcuffs Tommy.  She was smart in that moment. And it gave her the opportunity to get away if she needed to - which obviously she does.  The question now, since Tommy's loyalty obviously lies with Ghost, but he's been stupid around Kanan by opening his big fat mouth about their business - does he end up saying something to Kanan, which starts a hit on Angela?  Not that I would mind if her baby voice crap stopped, but I am curious to see where this all goes. 

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Run Holly Run.  The Feds want to use her, Ghost wants her gone and now Tommy is gonna kill her.   Wonder how Tommy is going to explain this to Ghost who already paid her to leave town.

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I just keep wondering how Tommy's going to get out of those handcuffs. I know, I know - I fixate on the dumbest minutiae

But really what killed me was how Tommy was hollering like he was in one of Jigsaw's lairs. STFU and grab your cellphone dummy. I'm assuming the bed is sent bolted to the damn floor because the co-op board would probably disapprove.

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Angela continues to be a fucking idiot. First, trying to keep the gun Holly brought her even though it wasn't the right one and continuing to call Holly over and over again on her personal cell phone. Then showing up at the precinct for Jamie, unannounced, then running to him and demanding to know where Holly was. If he didn't already know you were investigating him, he would now. How in the hell did she make it up the career ladder? She's an idiot!

Still can't stand Holly, but at least she smartened up. But I don't know why she thought Tommy would choose her over Jamie. He's never chosen her over Jamie. Plus, she's living in a fantasy world if she thinks once the feds get Ghost, that they'll just let everybody else go. Angela doesn't have the authority to make any sort of deal while she's doing all this off the book, and by that I mean illegal and unethical, shit. The rest of her team isn't that incompetent. They are going to try to take down the entire organization, and Tommy is front and center, side - by - side with Ghost; Tommy would be the next to fall, especially since they already have a lot of shit on him.

And I don't know what the hell Tasha is doing with ole dum - dum Shawn. Especially without a condom....She better watch out she doesn't get pregnant with a big - headed, dumb baby. That's the last thing she needs. And who thinks Shawn is gonna open his big ass mouth and get himself in a shit world of trouble. Idiots all around.

So true, the entire episode had me like WTF!!!

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Run Holly Run.  The Feds want to use her, Ghost wants her gone and now Tommy is gonna kill her.   Wonder how Tommy is going to explain this to Ghost who already paid her to leave town.

Tommy doesn't have to explain, he doesn't know Ghost told Holly to get gone.. Ghost was trying to get rid of her behind Tommy's back.


Cannot wait for all this to blow up in their faces.

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I just keep wondering how Tommy's going to get out of those handcuffs. I know, I know - I fixate on the dumbest minutiae

lol. You're not the only one. At the end of the scene with the Serbs, all I could think of was which subway they got that rat from. I've only seen rats that big in/near the subway.

Tommy really is an idiot. He should have been sweet talking Holly, not calling her bitch, cunt, and whatever else he could think of. He played that all wrong, and now probably had to break the pipe off the wall or somehow move the whole bed to wherever his phone is so he can call someone. I wonder if he's going to even tell Ghost what Holly told him, or if he's going to try to handle Holly himself. My guess is the latter. Tommy will kill Holly, Ghost will think Holly just took the money and left town (like he told Angela), and that is going to be another storyline.

Im wondering how Greg is going to factor in this. Surely he's not going to risk HIS career for Ghost? Him seeing Angela with Ghost and then again with Holly is not a good look, for any of them.

Shawn is one dumb motherfucker. I cant wait for Ghost to go all Mr. Biggs on his ass. Not saying Tasha doesnt deserve to have a little action on the side since Ghost obviously is, but Shawn? An employee, who Ghost is supposed to trust? Naw son. It would be much better (although less messy) if Tasha went and found herself someone outside their circle.

I really have no sympathy or respect for mama Tasha. She's telling her daughter to stay with a man who's been cheating on her, and oh by the way, is the biggest drug dealer in NYC? She should be helping Tasha figure out a way to get the fuck out of that marriage relatively unscathed.

And I too didnt get the idea of Tasha not being able to handle the kids on her own. Two of them are big enough to fix their own breakfast, and Shawn can drive them to school. So basically Tasha would only be caring for the baby. Mama Tasha can go back to wherever the hell she came from.

That scene between Ghost and Tasha in the car was gold. Naturi is really on her shit as Tasha.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I don't think Tommy is supposed to be my favorite character, but given my choices...

Can't stand Angela. I actually like Holly more than her. Lela Loren's acting is so flat, and it doesn't help that the character is pretty one-dimensional and boring.

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On 7/20/2015 at 1:28 PM, vmcd88 said:

Run Holly Run.  The Feds want to use her, Ghost wants her gone and now Tommy is gonna kill her.   Wonder how Tommy is going to explain this to Ghost who already paid her to leave town.

I know I'm super late to this show, but I've been cracking up at all these posts and absolutely agree. 

I know my TVWoP / previously tv fam would be good for letting me know I'm not crazy for being annoyed by/hating Ghost/Angie.  

ANYWAYS, no one cares anymore, but I thought holly was going to insist that she and tommy get married so she wouldn't have to testify against him.  I know it applies in most states and I also thought it applies in federal cases.  Why else would tommy give her the grandmother's ring and she switch it to her left hand?

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