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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Who brought up Ramona?  Who said Ramona was ok doing what she did?


All I said, and all Anna cosigned was that Heather was overacting and putting on for the cameras.

If Heather amped it up for filming, then she was doing her job and no need for LuAnn to be mad at her. Viewers can't have it both ways, if production has the HWs amp something up, it is on production, not the HW because it is their job and if Heather's reaction was real/honest, then she had every right to her feelings. Bottom line for me is that Ramona started this with taking a stranger into that bedroom without giving Heather/Carole a heads up and she was also at fault by denying any knowledge about that guy and sending them to LuAnn. AND, for once,  LuAnn had the perfect reason to go after Ramona for doing that to her, Heather and Carole but LuAnn instead decided, with her BFF Dorinda's help, to make it an issue with Heather and Carole after everyone made up. Dorinda needs to watch her back, LuAnn will throw her under the bus in a heartbeat just to keep the cameras on herself and that Apple firmly in her claws! LOL

  • Love 3

And what about Carole?  Was she so upset about any of this or was she merely acting as Heather's "puppet"?


Word on the street is 'puppet'. 


Lots of sources are saying that.  This is one reason I hate to see Heather go.  Sooner or later Carole's going to hit puberty and rebel against the establishment. Would be fun to watch.

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Who brought up Ramona?  Who said Ramona was ok doing what she did?


All I said, and all Anna cosigned was that Heather was overacting and putting on for the cameras.

No, but it sounded like Heather's dramatic reaction to the horrible thing was more horrible than the actual horrible thing being done. Both things were very dramatic, of course, in their own way. 

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GoodnessGracious! WomenofColor! Am I in the right thread?

And is that Jill Zarin? Is that a Pucci? Looks more like a pouchy. Unfortunate print placement, methinks.

I'm pretty sure that the woman on the left at the end is the obnoxious one from the new Bravo show Mother Funders (I'm like one of 5 people that's actually watching it. Don't bother, it's terrible). And, is the woman next to her Cynthia from RHOA?

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I don't understand why Carole was expected to go retrieve Anthony's ashes. It's a costly and time consuming trip that some would find difficult. Why couldn't the ashes be shipped to NYC? For heaven's sake, actual bodies are shipped when necessary.

I came across a pic of Kristen somewhere and she looked absolutely amazing. She's standing at a podium and addressing the room about the jean auction charity. She's wearing a pale colored sleeveless fitted dress, and nice jewelry. Her dress looks like something John-John's mom would wear, and I took the time to admire it for a minute.

  • Love 6

Has LuAnn ever said fucking married strangers wasn't "classy"?


Not to be overly flip but in what society is fucking married strangers ever considered classy?


I mean, sure, I didn't write a book called "Class with the Countess" so maybe I missed something, but does Luann have to expressly state it out loud in order to be expected to know basic societal behavioral standards? I mean, sure, elegance is learned but really, at her age, I would like to think "fucking married strangers isn't classy" is at least understood...

  • Love 12

I don't understand why Carole was expected to go retrieve Anthony's ashes. It's a costly and time consuming trip that some would find difficult. Why couldn't the ashes be shipped to NYC? For heaven's sake, actual bodies are shipped when necessary.

I came across a pic of Kristen somewhere and she looked absolutely amazing. She's standing at a podium and addressing the room about the jean auction charity. She's wearing a pale colored sleeveless fitted dress, and nice jewelry. Her dress looks like something John-John's mom would wear, and I took the time to admire it for a minute.

The subject of Anthony's remains have been in the court for about four or five years.  Scattering ashes seems like a better idea.

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The bedroom was on the other side of a shared bathroom. Heather had the right to go in there as she was a guest in the house. The drunken man, on the other hand, had no business there at all.

Well he was  guest of Ramona's and Ramona offered him the empty bed.  He was not a trespasser.    Heather thought the room empty and was most likely using it as an exit so as not to disturb a sleeping Carole. 

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I certainly never said it was more horrible. I'll definitely go on record saying it was more annoying TO ME.


Me too. I found Heather's completely over the top drama tiresome.


I personally think Luann and Ramona are a little mature (age wise) to be pulling these drunken one night stand shenanigans (and I say this as a single 51 year old because I personally think I'm too old for such shenanigans). Ramona should have sent her dude out the door just like Luann did with her guy. Absolutely agree.


But Heather? Give me a break. Now I am perfectly aware they all exaggerate and build up the drama for the cameras, but her nonsense just gave me a headache. 'i found a naked man in the room next to us ... no wait that isn't dramatic enough ... he was naked in my room ... oh wait not quite there yet ... he was naked in my bed!'


I will agree that after apologies and all of that Dorinda and Luann should have let it alone.

  • Love 6

I understand what you're saying.  But I was responding to someone who said she thought it was suspicious that the guy was naked, and she thought he most  likely had jerked off while watching Heather & Carol sleep.  Not that he might have - that he actually had.  My point was that it was a huge leap to jump to that conclusion.  


My response was simply that lots of men sleep naked, and I thought it was far more likely that he probably just got into that bed (after having sex with Ramona or not) and went to sleep.  Of course lots of things could have happened.  And they could have happened even if he had stayed in Ramona's room.  Or even if hadn't stayed over at all.  But the post I was responding to wasn't about "what ifs".  It was about something she was pretty sure had actually happened, and IMO there was no reason to think that it had.


I rewatched the show today because I started thinking maybe I got that impression out of thin air.  Here is the exact quote from Heather after LuAnn finally told her that Ramona took the guy upstairs:  "If she sent him up with his blue balls he could have spanked his monkey looking at us."  And when Carole was telling Bethenny about it, Bethenny asked why Ramona took the guy upstairs and Carole said, "She didn't want to sleep with him I guess."  What I said when I expressed the same sentiment as Heather was just me being cheeky and snarky, which is pretty much the atmosphere here. :-)

Edited by swankie

The bedroom was on the other side of a shared bathroom. Heather had the right to go in there as she was a guest in the house. The drunken man, on the other hand, had no business there at all.

Weeeeeeeeell, he was told he could sleep there by someone staying in the house. I like to keep the blame pretty squarely on Ramona. Honestly I probably would have taped a note inside their door saying something like "drunk Scott in Bethanny's room

  • Love 6

So what are thoughts about the reunion? What does Carole say to Lu that makes her lunge at her? Lu does reunions well. She makes her point, and she is a cool customer. She was the MVP at the last one, IMO. It's hard for me to picture her so angry. How about Beth? Will she take sides? Will she act as co-host to Andy?

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Do you really think so?


I'm on the fence.  Bethenny seemed to want to be Switzerland which I think is a smart move.

It was that she mentioned Heather's reaction but not Carole's and that she says that Dorinda MUST be mad at Heather as if Heather did something, not that Dorinda is a nasty drunk. In her blog, Bethenny called out Dorinda's paranoid aggressive drunk behavior but I don't think we will hear her say that on the show. Not that I think the producers would edit it out but that Bethenny would rather blame Heather instead. JMO

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Duh. The Kristen outfit I described appeared on the first look. I loved it more when I thought it was a knee length dress, but I still like it. I also loved Kristen's hair and makeup. The only time I don't like her makeup is in her THs.

It looks like Carole goes to a psychic. She's the last person I would imagine doing that. Please don't imply that Antthony returns from the dead to beg her forgiveness. His mother would surely flip.

  • Love 2

So what are thoughts about the reunion? What does Carole say to Lu that makes her lunge at her? Lu does reunions well. She makes her point, and she is a cool customer. She was the MVP at the last one, IMO. It's hard for me to picture her so angry. How about Beth? Will she take sides? Will she act as co-host to Andy?

I thought she lunges at Heather and "reveals" the name of the GW Aviva accused Carole of using last season! No matter who she lunges at, whatever was said hit home IMO! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

So what are thoughts about the reunion? What does Carole say to Lu that makes her lunge at her? Lu does reunions well. She makes her point, and she is a cool customer. She was the MVP at the last one, IMO. It's hard for me to picture her so angry. How about Beth? Will she take sides? Will she act as co-host to Andy?

I think Carole probably makes a comment about Luann's fidelity or lack thereof.  I am more curious where Dorinda will come down.  She is the wild card. I don't think crybaby Bethenny can go after Dorinda for her incoherent babble at the F-you dinner but I think Dorinda will be the pivotal player.  Heather is already on record for going directly after her kid with her your daughter uses the word all the time which is a far cry from, "do you want Ella to use the word"  I don't think Dorinda will have the stones with these ladies to keep up.  Bethenny once a gain being the co-host should give Heather the right to knock Andy and Bethenny's heads together. 


Seeing Dorinda, Jill, LuAnn, Patty Stanger, Cynthia Bailey hanging together makes me think there may be an agreement for Jill to return this year. 

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It was that she mentioned Heather's reaction but not Carole's and that she says that Dorinda MUST be mad at Heather as if Heather did something, not that Dorinda is a nasty drunk. In her blog, Bethenny called out Dorinda's paranoid aggressive drunk behavior but I don't think we will hear her say that on the show. Not that I think the producers would edit it out but that Bethenny would rather blame Heather instead. JMO


This just reinforces my belief that it's all orchestrated (if not scripted).   Bethenny's comments were carefully worded.  Dorinda is probably coming back for another season while Heather is not.  Minimizing the criticism of Dorinda is most likely so that they're not at odds next season.  


ETA:  Then again, since I just found out that Dorinda is friends with Jill Zarin, tension between Dorinda and Bethenny is understandable.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

I thought she lunges at Heather and "reveals" the name of the GW Aviva accused Carole of using last season! No matter who she lunges at, whatever was said hit home IMO! LOL

Carole said on WWHL that she lunged at her. Andy confirmed it.

I have heard that she reveals the name of the supposed Ghostwriter, and that she completely goes all Dog Day Afternoon on Ramona. I believe it was said that she throws things at her that it seemed like she had been waiting years to say to her. As much as I want to see someone tear into Ramona, I hate it when someone goes off at the reunion, when they acted differently during the season. Lu didn't really have any issues with Ramona this year. They seemed to have worked past a lot of their stuff, so for Lu to go off on her now won't ring true, but more like she is trying to hold firm to that apple.

  • Love 2

So what are thoughts about the reunion? What does Carole say to Lu that makes her lunge at her? Lu does reunions well. She makes her point, and she is a cool customer. She was the MVP at the last one, IMO. It's hard for me to picture her so angry. How about Beth? Will she take sides? Will she act as co-host to Andy?

If I had to guess: its implying she's a bad example for her daughter. Carole has done that before. At times I think Carole can have a bit of a grass is greener double standard about motherhood and marriage. I get it, as a childless woman approaching middle age I often have to remind myself how much of a grind actual parenthood must be. Nobody does it right, really. I think she does a bit the same with marriage. Don't get me wrong, I think what Carole went through is much tougher than a divorce, but she had a brief (tragic) marriage that never had time to hit a 17 year itch. It's probably easy for her to project how happy and great they would have been if he'd lived. And maybe they would have, but you never know for sure what would have happened. It's easy to think you would have done it better.

  • Love 6

Seeing Dorinda, Jill, LuAnn, Patty Stanger, Cynthia Bailey hanging together makes me think there may be an agreement for Jill to return this year.

Yeah - the picture made me question that too. Although, Jill was on Matchmaker so maybe it doesn't go beyond that. I don't watch that show so don't what she was like on it - plus it's off topic anyway (just like the rest of my post).

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Seeing Dorinda, Jill, LuAnn, Patty Stanger, Cynthia Bailey hanging together makes me think there may be an agreement for Jill to return this year. 


I live on Long Island and the local news station showed Jill's charity event in the Hamptons this weekend.  I saw LuAnn but didn't notice the others there.


I have a hard time believing Andy/Bravo would even consider bringing Jilly back.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 1

Well he was  guest of Ramona's and Ramona offered him the empty bed.  He was not a trespasser.    Heather thought the room empty and was most likely using it as an exit so as not to disturb a sleeping Carole.

I don't know, when my girlfriends and I rent a vacation house, no one brings back strangers to sleep over. It's just stupid to let a drunken man sleep in a house full of women who are vulnerable.

  • Love 8

I live on Long Island and the local news station showed Jill's charity event in the Hamptons this weekend.  I saw LuAnn but didn't notice the others there.


I have a hard time believing Andy/Bravo would even consider bringing Jilly back.

Last year Andy said that he had hoped it would be possible, but thought he would have a revolt on his hands from the other ladies. I always thought she would help the ratings, and didn't understand who in last year's cast would have been that upset, save for Ramona and maybe Sonja. Lu has remained close to Jill and surely the others wouldn't care? They are going to need to shake things up. The ratings for this episode were pretty good, but since this was the "uncool" episode we had all been waiting for, that is no surprise. It's still not close to the ratings in S5 with the pirate. I just wonder if they wouldn't be willing to take a chance on her at this point. I have to think there are going to be some changes. Surely Kristen won't be back, and it sounds like Heather is out.

I don't know, when my girlfriends and I rent a vacation house, no one brings back strangers to sleep over. It's just stupid to let a drunken man sleep in a house full of women who are vulnerable.

It wouldn't happen with me any any of my girlfriends, and we are about the same age. I cannot imagine even in my own home having anyone spend the night without making sure everyone in the house was aware there was someone spending the night that was unexpected. Even if it were my brother, I would let the house know that Uncle MotorCity was in the house for the night so no one was surprised should they run into him on their way to the bathroom. Maybe we just do things differently around here.

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Ahhh, I heart you Deeply Shallow. I knew Cynthia, and knew I knew the MF'er lady but could not place her! I watched the first two episodes and quit it. I feel for you watching. haha Hmm. I wonder if she is going to be on Atlanta?

I haven't watched Atlanta in years, but I don't think that she'd survive that crew, lol. I think I keep watching MF because I'm trying to figure out if any of it is close to real.

Re: the discussion about Jill returning- I would be surprised if she did return. She'd be good for ratings, yes, but I believe that she was such a horror behind the scenes that the EPs wouldn't even consider it. My guess is, she put the final nail in her coffin when she recorded her WWHL appearance to keep as evidence, just in case.

And, regarding this episode- I still want to hear what people's theories are on the reason for the ice pick request. I'm not coming up with anything.

  • Love 1

I mean, sure, I didn't write a book called "Class with the Countess" so maybe I missed something, but does Luann have to expressly state it out loud in order to be expected to know basic societal behavioral standards? I mean, sure, elegance is learned but really, at her age, I would like to think "fucking married strangers isn't classy" is at least understood...


What pains me is knowing that using 'fucking' to describe everything is apparently no longer a travesty according to basic societal behavioral standards. I weep for our grandchildren's vocabularies.  The word 'fucking' and 'classy' do not belong in the same sentence.  In my opinion, of course. :-) 


Last year Andy said that he had hoped it would be possible, but thought he would have a revolt on his hands from the other ladies.


Whoaaaa.  I always thought Andy would bring back Jill, Teresa, Danielle....anyone regardless of their infractions if it meant further lining Bravo's pockets.  But I really doubted Jill only because he seemed like he really disliked her.

  • Love 2

And, regarding this episode- I still want to hear what people's theories are on the reason for the ice pick request. I'm not coming up with anything.

I think what Kris was actually looking for was an awl.  It's a craft tool used for piercing holes.  I actually have one for crafting.  I guess in a pinch you could use an ice pick.


So why does someone want to pierce holes you ask?   You use it to make rivets.  There's all sorts of cool rivets you can buy for crafting - not just the ones that are already there on most jeans.

  • Love 8

And, regarding this episode- I still want to hear what people's theories are on the reason for the ice pick request. I'm not coming up with anything.


I'll take a stab at it.


When attaching metal studs or rivets to fabric, you use a special hole punch.  If you don't have one of those, an awl and a hammer work.  If you don't have an awl, an ice pick is the next best thing.  That's awl I can think of.  (Okay, I'll stop now.  But maybe they were going to bedazzle with studs and Kristen didn't want to buck up for the fabric hole punch?)


ETA:  Breezy beat me to the (hole) punch.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 3

I've only seen it reported as LuAnne lunging at Carole - not Heather.

Ok, Thanks!


Carole said on WWHL that she lunged at her. Andy confirmed it.

I have heard that she reveals the name of the supposed Ghostwriter, and that she completely goes all Dog Day Afternoon on Ramona. I believe it was said that she throws things at her that it seemed like she had been waiting years to say to her. As much as I want to see someone tear into Ramona, I hate it when someone goes off at the reunion, when they acted differently during the season. Lu didn't really have any issues with Ramona this year. They seemed to have worked past a lot of their stuff, so for Lu to go off on her now won't ring true, but more like she is trying to hold firm to that apple.

Thanks! As I said, whoever she lunges at said something that hit home/is true! LOL

Edited by WireWrap

Thanks! As I said, whoever she lunges at said something that hit home/is true! LOL


This could explain Carole grabbing Veev's face...Just sayin'.


Maybe Lu saw how much mileage Lisa Rinna got for lunging at Kim over the table in Amsterdam, and figured she could work it, too.


Plausible.  Reminds me that I caught a part of 'Married to Medicine' the other day where two of the wives come to blows at an outdoor café.  One throws a pitcher of water in the other's face.  A wine glass gets broken and almost used as a shiv. (Or a shank.  I'm not sure of the difference.  But it was sharp and not classy at all.)


That's one thing I hope RHONY never devolves into.  Well, Moaner threw the glass at Kristen's face.  But per usual, she skated on that.  I don't really see any of the others resorting to physical violence so we'll just have to see this 'lunge' to see how gasp-worthy it is.

  • Love 2

What pains me is knowing that using 'fucking' to describe everything is apparently no longer a travesty according to basic societal behavioral standards. I weep for our grandchildren's vocabularies.  The word 'fucking' and 'classy' do not belong in the same sentence.  In my opinion, of course. :-) 



Whoaaaa.  I always thought Andy would bring back Jill, Teresa, Danielle....anyone regardless of their infractions if it meant further lining Bravo's pockets.  But I really doubted Jill only because he seemed like he really disliked her.

Fortunately, the young adults that I know aren't using 'fucking' to describe everything.  And it's not because they feel they have to be guarded around me because they talk about so many things that I'm feeling TMI in my brain but I appreciate that they feel they 'can' talk about stuff to me and not be judged.  There is hope.


Funny though when young people talk about having a one night stand, they don't call it that.  They call it 'hooking up'.  Note to Lu - since she's now all 'cool'.


I wouldn't be surprised if Andy did, in fact, bring back Jill.  I agree with you that it seemed he really did dislike her and wouldn't bring her back but my opinion on Andy has changed.  He's as much a famewhore as most of the housewives.  He'll do just about anything for ratings.  Sad.

  • Love 4

This could explain Carole grabbing Veev's face...Just sayin'.



Plausible.  Reminds me that I caught a part of 'Married to Medicine' the other day where two of the wives come to blows at an outdoor café.  One throws a pitcher of water in the other's face.  A wine glass gets broken and almost used as a shiv. (Or a shank.  I'm not sure of the difference.  But it was sharp and not classy at all.)


That's one thing I hope RHONY never devolves into.  Well, Moaner threw the glass at Kristen's face.  But per usual, she skated on that.  I don't really see any of the others resorting to physical violence so we'll just have to see this 'lunge' to see how gasp-worthy it is.

That would explain Carole "grabbing or lunging" at LuAnn's face but not LuAnn "lunging" at Carole. LOL


Don't forget that Ramona first threw the wine at Kristen, then threw the glass/hard plastic wine goblet thingy and then proceeded to attempt to throw the boat oar at Kristen! Thank Heavens Ramona is physically weak! LOL

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Didn't the original "broke the girl code" BS we read about have LuAnn accusing Carole of breaking the code? I remember all the speculation about Carole filming the group. At some point LuAnn had to decide it was smarter for her to be mad at Heather,


Yes, LuAnn said all season long that "Carole broke the girl code"! Much like Brandi said that she and Kim would be vindicated last season on the BH and IMO, BOTH Brandi AND LuAnn are full of it! LOL Talk about grasping at straws! LOL



I think that in the case of Brandi and LuAnn, they were hoping the editing of the show would go in the direction they were hoping for.  Too bad for them the editors didn't feel the need to lead the story their way.  Maybe if they didn't act like snotty assholes they would get a softer edit.  lol

Looks like evil Veevs.  I think I spot the fake leg.


So could Jillzy be comin' back?  I wouldn't mind, but I thought Satan Andy pretty much banished her forever.  Well, with Heather gone & Kristen probably gettin' the boot, there will be some open spots & Satan Andy is notoriously lazy with casting his shows.  He frequently brings cast-offs back, so ya never know.  Except Jillzy's ego is just so freakin' outta control now, I have a hard time believing this would actually happen.

  • Love 4

Looks like evil Veevs.  I think I spot the fake leg.


So could Jillzy be comin' back?  I wouldn't mind, but I thought Satan Andy pretty much banished her forever.  Well, with Heather gone & Kristen probably gettin' the boot, there will be some open spots & Satan Andy is notoriously lazy with casting his shows.  He frequently brings cast-offs back, so ya never know.  Except Jillzy's ego is just so freakin' outta control now, I have a hard time believing this would actually happen.

Found this article about the JIllZ event:



Weeeeeeeeell, he was told he could sleep there by someone staying in the house. I like to keep the blame pretty squarely on Ramona. Honestly I probably would have taped a note inside their door saying something like "drunk Scott in Bethanny's room . Turns out the really are naked under the kilt. God save the Queen!! Also, I threw up in your hat. XOXO Ramonacoster"

I love Ramona cause she is such an asshole.

The above would never happen - she doesn't have the considerate gene floating any where in her Noodle body


However I absolutely love your scenario!

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 3

If I had to guess: its implying she's a bad example for her daughter. Carole has done that before. At times I think Carole can have a bit of a grass is greener double standard about motherhood and marriage. I get it, as a childless woman approaching middle age I often have to remind myself how much of a grind actual parenthood must be. Nobody does it right, really. I think she does a bit the same with marriage. Don't get me wrong, I think what Carole went through is much tougher than a divorce, but she had a brief (tragic) marriage that never had time to hit a 17 year itch. It's probably easy for her to project how happy and great they would have been if he'd lived. And maybe they would have, but you never know for sure what would have happened. It's easy to think you would have done it better.

I don't think Carole has truly gotten past the first season she was on and making cracks about the Countess.  It seems Carole could be friends with Luann as long as Luann came down squarely against Aviva.  LuAnn was late to the party last season and wasn't involved in the Aviva hate.  I think the only true bonding moment she had with Luann was the facialist and the gossip and the anger towards Sonja.


Luann plain and simple got dumped for a younger more exotic model.  So there should be the same level of sympathy Ramona is extended over the end of a marriage.  LuAnn had it worse as she had two children still at home and had to forego some if their previous lifestyle.

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