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10 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

How is Trusova's technique?

I dont know enough to judge. I always thought Alina had nice jumps but have noticed UR and scratchier landings lately. 

Someone on this board pointed out to me that at the Olympics Zhenya was jumping by throwing her body weight and muscling her jumps and I could see that but I'm curious how Trusova's technique is viewed since a lot of Russians seem to think it's game over for everyone when she gets to seniors.

I'm a dance mom and other non figure skating sports mom. So I'm not an expert. I just watch and read skating but It's crazy i know a lot of things. 


Trusova was having issues landing her quads. She grew. She under rotates them a lot. She actually looks like she has some power in her legs but doesn't use it. The only thing she has right now are quads which I hope are called out for UR. She has no artistry at all. Which is why Alena can beat her fair game. I've seen her hunched over a few times. Other elements of her skating are weak. Like most Eteri skaters she depends on her tiny body to rotate jumps. They hardly leave the ice. Don't use their toe pick. Just throw their tiny body around. This is why Alina is having issues right now and Anna. There's a reason why her skaters even Trusova can't do a 3a. You can't just throw you tiny body around for a 3a. 


Quads are dangerous and a hard jump. Even her landings are not good on them in my opinion.

I don't see her keeping her quads. Rika looks good right now. Alena has artistry which the new system rewards. She might make it to 2022 but just like Evegenia she might face injuries and someone else might beat her. 


I also hate seeing poor technique because in dance, it is called out. You won't find professional work with poor technique. For some reason skating rewards poor technique. 


I'll say Trusova has a lot of mental strength. She has nerves of steel. 

Edited by Darknight
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The men’s final was a bit rough to watch. I don’t think any of them did a completely clean program? As much as I was rooting for Brezina because he’s one of the veterans and has had a super solid comeback season, it was awesome to see Cha earn bronze. And as far as Uno vs. Chen, as much as I like a lot of aspects of Uno’s skating—his commitment to choreography, fluidity in the connecting steps—his jump landings are so borderline a lot of the time that I can’t really sit back and enjoy the performance because I never know if he’s going to be able to pull out clean landings. His free leg is so low to the ice! Also, now that it’s been pointed out, I can’t not see how trash his 4-flip take-off is. I wish Nathan would clean up some of his landings too, honestly, but I’m less in doubt about them, watching him. I also like that they’re leaning hard into a modern, less structured aesthetic for his programs this year— I think it works better for him right now. Just—clean up the landings! Also, it’s so weird that this season the triple axel has been one of his most consistent jumps. IDK what he’s been doing to fix that, but props!

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Darknight said:

These skaters are skating around the same amount. I


Y'know what else...did it bother anyone else that Adam Rippon was living in Raf's basement but living on an apple a day or some such back before he managed to get some money together? Am I remembering that right? I read that and thought, wow, for all this talk about Raf's relationships with his skaters, the guy is living in his house and not getting food. There are some serious issues going on here.

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I don’t care for the first half of Samodurova’s program, but she really brought it in th second half, which I admired for the first time ever. I look forward to seeing what she can do in a year or two—if she can improve her performance execution and interpretation. Miyahara was beautiful and fierce, but too bad on the underrotations, I guess? I have an irrational love for Kaori Sakamoto, so I feel she was underscored here. Her deep edges, man! The ride-out on some of those landings! Come on!


As for the medalists, I would have rated Tuktamysheva over Zagitova, just for the fun performance factor. I get that the judges were rewarding Zagitova’s difficulty with all of the cluttered choreography, but it just comes across as rushed to me. Also, all of that hunching and breaking at the waist on jump landings! Everything in this program looks labored and/or rushed. Anyhow...Kihira was lovely, and it’s too bad she had the fall on the opening axel— that is such a perfect LP for her. I was glad to see her rise to the occasion after that opening mistake.


ETA: as much as I still feel their La La Land selections make for a passé program, Guignard and Fabbri’s jubilant reaction to their score in the final was an absolute delight. I really do enjoy watching them perform, even if the styling and music aren’t my fave. Also pleased Hubbell and Donohue did well enough to win. Their performance in the free was better here than in their previous competitions, but I still don’t think this program serves them as well, stylistically, as some of their previous ones. Bummed that Stepanova and Bukin didn’t medal. I really dig their performance energy.

Edited by specialj67
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I'm so happy for Rika and Liz. Liz says written off and now she is top 3 and came back with fire. I feel bad for Alina. She always looks so sad and is  under so much pressure. I think I love how we never know who will win. That's what makes it exciting.  Again, Alina has high PC scores and no calls for UR. Seriously, judging in skating is a damn joke. 

1 hour ago, ML89 said:


Y'know what else...did it bother anyone else that Adam Rippon was living in Raf's basement but living on an apple a day or some such back before he managed to get some money together? Am I remembering that right? I read that and thought, wow, for all this talk about Raf's relationships with his skaters, the guy is living in his house and not getting food. There are some serious issues going on here.

And eating bread only. RAF said he works with what he got. I think Adam said correct me if Kim wrong, he wanted to lose weight because he wanted quads or something like that. I need to look it up. It doesn't shock me if RAF is like this. He did coach and train under the current Russian ladies conditions. He knows what that life is like. He participated in it. He was trained from it. I know many coaches like this. Especially ones from the Soviet Union. 

Edited by Darknight
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People have to remember that in Russia, coaches don't get paid unless their skaters win. This is why Eteri really doesn't care about anything but winning. If her skaters get injuries she can just replace them. She was a factory full of skaters are her hands.  This is why Russia was pissed Evegenia did not win the gold. She had sponsors and interviews already lined up beforehand. All she had to do was win. In Russia, they get paid monthly I believe and it's not a ton of money. So winning is everything. They don't care about injuries or long careers. They care about now. 

  • Love 3

Well, this is dreadful:


I remember when Totmianina and Marinin had their horrible fall at Skate America. Yes, they went on to become world and Olympic champions, but at the time Peggy Fleming, who was one of the commentators, said she thought Totmianina had been killed.

Edited by honeywest
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4 hours ago, honeywest said:

Well, this is dreadful:


I remember when Totmianina and Marinin had their horrible fall at Skate America. Yes, they went on to become world and Olympic champions, but at the time Peggy Fleming, who was one of the commentators, said she thought Totmianina had been killed.

I remember that fall at Skate America.  I was so stunned when it happened that I gasped out loud, put my hand over my mouth, and just sat in shock like that for several minutes.

This was a nasty fall, and I hope Ashley Cain makes a full recovery.  I thought her and Timothy LeDuc's routine was pretty strong, until the wheels started coming off during one of the side-by-side triple/double combinations and when she later fell out of a triple-throw jump (and that was before the fall happened). 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, honeywest said:

Well, this is dreadful:


I remember when Totmianina and Marinin had their horrible fall at Skate America. Yes, they went on to become world and Olympic champions, but at the time Peggy Fleming, who was one of the commentators, said she thought Totmianina had been killed.

That’s awful! They really should have stopped skating. The way her legs hit the ice it looked like she lost consciousness for a second. Tim shouldn’t have pulled her up either. Don’t touch her, just signal for the medics! Concussions are no joke. I really hope she’s okay!

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Whoa Rika dusted herself off pretty quickly to launch into that 3A-2T. Well done!!!!! She's such an exciting skater! Cannot wait to see more of her! 

Watched Trusova's LP. I thought she was decent in the SP and quite enjoyed it but her LP spins seemed slow to me. That fall looked like it hurt so kudos to her for picking herself up!

I still feel like they are not getting dinged enough for falls. They lose about 4 points but the BV is like 8 or 9. Why are they giving them anything at all for a completely botched jump? Is it cuz if they launch themselves and manage to rotate the jump, even if they fall they still get half the points for the rotation?


In the men's: Juuuuuuliiiiieeeeet Lol I cracked up when I heard that during the program! I have watched many versions of R&J but that yelling in this one cracked me up! Loved it though! Cha is cute!!!! Definitely going to keep an eye out on him.

Maybe I'm not experienced enough to appreciate his skating but the Shoma dude looks terrible! I always think his second foot has hit the ice when he lands! He looks like he can barely land! It is tiring watching him jump! Not a fan!

  • Love 3

So happy for Morgan and Cripes they were fantastic! I hope they can skate that way at worlds. If they do they have the potential to win. I still need to watch the other pairs to compare, but based on what I saw from them earlier in the season I suspect there won’t be much that’s comparable to M/C.

Congrats to Nathan on the win, but his program put me to sleep. He has no presence whatsoever IMO. Cha was a little more interesting to watch. I think if his program had more cohesive music cuts it would’ve been quite good. But there seemed to be a change of music every ten seconds, which made it difficult for me to get into and I think for Cha to really interpret the theme. Still he’s a very strong skater who has the potential to make the top of the podium if he keeps improving. Shoma was by far the most interesting to watch IMHO, of the top three. He has a wonderful presence on ice, great spinner and he actually beat Nathan in the free. However, his jumps...most of the time he looks as if he’s underrotating or he’s barely hanging on to his landings. It seems to have gotten worse since the Olympics. 

Alina continues to rush from one element to the next and not giving the choreography the finesse it needs. Also, some of her jumps still looks as if she’s barely getting through them.  The commentators on Eurosport spoke about her not being relaxed and seeming struggle through her jumps that she’s not skating as strong as last year. It’s hard making it to the top but even harder to maintain that spot. Hopefully she can work out the kinks and be better at worlds. Rika’s step sequence early in the program was fantastic. Such a wonderful skater and performance. We were all concerned about the younger Russians overtaking Alina and Evgenia looks like it could be the Japanese ladies. Much deserved win. Tuktamsheva has great jumps and honestly I thought her skate was better than Alina’s. Perhaps she should’ve captured silver instead of Alina. 

Worlds will be interesting with Hanyu added to the list of competitors for the men and hopefully Evegenia and Tuktansheva, competing for Russia along with Alina and of course the Japanese ladies. Lots to look forward to with that competition, especially with the ladies event. 

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It just goes to show the US just doesn’t have much in the way of ladies right now.  Russia continually has new up and comers that replace some from the previous year. Last year there were some that I don’t think I have seen this year or the weren’t noticeable and performed lower than the others. Japan is impressive as well. I just am not aware of any US lady at this level. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, alexa said:

It just goes to show the US just doesn’t have much in the way of ladies right now.  Russia continually has new up and comers that replace some from the previous year. Last year there were some that I don’t think I have seen this year or the weren’t noticeable and performed lower than the others. Japan is impressive as well. I just am not aware of any US lady at this level. 

The only 2 US women even remotely qualified to be in the mix are Bradie Tennell and Mariah Bell. But Bradie’s still somewhat limited PCS scores and Mariah’s competitive inconsistency are what’s keeping them from being championship medal contenders. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, alexa said:

It just goes to show the US just doesn’t have much in the way of ladies right now.  Russia continually has new up and comers that replace some from the previous year. Last year there were some that I don’t think I have seen this year or the weren’t noticeable and performed lower than the others. Japan is impressive as well. I just am not aware of any US lady at this level. 

I miss Michelle Kwan. I wish the USA Fed would develop and support skaters more. One of the reasons why Russia and Japan is so dominate is because they support their skaters and even changed their judging system. Here, skating is too expensive. You have to be upper class or rich to skate at the elite level. USA FED doesn't reallly develop skaters. Also, Japan and Russia have to win at all costs mentality. 


We also have Alyssa Liu who is 13 and doing 3a and quads but we wouldn't know how she really skates until she goes through puberty and is a senior. Star is getting better but she can develop more. I don't really like Mariah or Brandi right now. USA fed is also pushing them because they're the best we got. 


Also, what happened to Karen? 

Edited by Darknight
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I'm so happy for Alena. However, what the heck is it with Eteri skaters and their skaters  music cuts? Alina and Alena music cuts are terrible. The choreography sucks but Alena makes it work. I do love their skaters costumes. They're beautiful. Also Alena K is beautiful too. She is only 13. 


I'm so happy for Alena. I'm happy the judges are rewarding clean skaters instead of skaters just throwing quads and hoping for the best. 


Like I said Rika has my heart. Beautiful skater. At this point it's the Russians vs the Japanese. I heard Rika is training a quad too. 


Liz. I'm so happy for her. I wish she would've had second. 


Trusova and Anna should stop throwing quads. Especially Quad lutz. I don't understand what is wrong with their coaches. Trusova grew and is almost as tall as Alina. Anna I worry for because she has zero muscle strength. She has to push and try to muscle her way through jumps. Both falls looked awful. I don't see their quads holding on. It's sad because with the proper technique and limiting quads, I think they could do quads properly. Right now they both have awful technique. Trusova leans forward too much and Anna just pushes her tiny body around. I worry about these two the most. They aren't even seniors yet. I don't understand why having quads at 14 is so important for ladies. They don't need them. They can do them later. They need to go back to basics. I fear their triples might be affected too. 

Edited by Darknight
  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Enero said:

Shoma was by far the most interesting to watch IMHO, of the top three. He has a wonderful presence on ice, great spinner and he actually beat Nathan in the free. However, his jumps...most of the time he looks as if he’s underrotating or he’s barely hanging on to his landings. It seems to have gotten worse since the Olympics. 

Nathan won both the short and the free.

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Congrats to Nathan for winning the GPF.  I was going to say he's the only bright star as far as American skaters go but then there's Hubbell/Donohue (for some reason, I just don't think of them...maybe because they train in Canada? or because I don't care for their style?)  Anyway, I continue to be impressed with Nathan.  It's hard enough starting college (a whole new way of living) but to keep up his skating at the same time is amazing.  Plus, he's a nice young man.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Congrats to Nathan for winning the GPF.  I was going to say he's the only bright star as far as American skaters go but then there's Hubbell/Donohue (for some reason, I just don't think of them...maybe because they train in Canada? or because I don't care for their style?)  Anyway, I continue to be impressed with Nathan.  It's hard enough starting college (a whole new way of living) but to keep up his skating at the same time is amazing.  Plus, he's a nice young man.

It's not just starting college, but also essentially training on his own 3,000 miles away from his coach. I think it says a lot about his self-motivation and work ethic (and natural talent). I'm sure that wouldn't go nearly as well for a lot of other skaters.

Edited by redpencil
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Early days and all, but Rika really could be an all-timer.  She's got plenty of artistic merit, and she's skating the most technically difficult programs that the senior ladies discipline has ever seen; in the latter regard, she's surpassed both Mao Asada and Elizaveta Tuktamysheva in terms of the non-3A jump content, and she's obviously much more well-rounded artistically than Liza.

Regarding the home team at the Final:

- Keegan didn't perhaps have the skates he wanted, and I thought he looked really dispirited in the short program, not performing in the way he normally does.  Given the big Alaska earthquake that damaged his hometown, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't in a great mood.  But he looked better in the free skate, even if that was also erratic.  He landed the quad Lutz for the first time, even if with negative GOE.  So that's progress.

- Stephen Gogolev gets his big moment, after the rough previous trip to Vancouver, becoming the youngest-ever JGP Final champion (knocking a year off of Hanyu's old record).  Very happy for him.

- Really sad, conversely, for Marjorie and Zach, the only Canadians to qualify for the Final among the top six (rather than as an alternate), missing the podium by 0.03.  The JGP Final remains cursed for Canadian dance teams since Tessa and Scott won.

I was happy to see the Italians get on the senior dance podium.  That free dance is a real charmer.

Junior pairs: my favourites, Mishina and Galliamov, won.

Junior ladies:  Justice!  Trusova totally defeated herself there; if she had done literally any triple jump instead of trying the second quad Lutz, she would have won.

Senior pairs:  James and Cipres have really risen to the occasion this season.  Tarasova and Morozov just look demoralized now -- with Savchenko/Massot and Duhamel/Radford gone and Sui/Han temporarily out of action, this should be their time, and they just can't close the deal.

That really sucks about Johnny. I've given up trying to catch any skating coverage on NBC this year (it's so much easier to go straight to Youtube) and I can't say I've missed listening to Johnny and Tara's bitching and sniping. I really enjoyed their commentary at Sochi but it sure seems their fame (such as it is) has gone to their heads now, and by last year their commentary had become just unbearable.

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57 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Man, Johnny Weir was awful when he talked about Keegan. It was very clear that he had no respect for him, but it’s crass to behave like that on-air.  

He was frustrated. It's hard to work in his overly correct Russian pronunciation of Evgenia Medvedeva's name into his commentary, when she's not even there! Pity poor Johnny!


  • Love 17
9 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

That really sucks about Johnny. I've given up trying to catch any skating coverage on NBC this year (it's so much easier to go straight to Youtube) and I can't say I've missed listening to Johnny and Tara's bitching and sniping. I really enjoyed their commentary at Sochi but it sure seems their fame (such as it is) has gone to their heads now, and by last year their commentary had become just unbearable.

I hate Johnny and Tara's commentary. Just hire Ted please. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Darknight said:

I hate Johnny and Tara's commentary. Just hire Ted please. 

Is Ted the guy who does juniors? 

I really like him if that's the guy! He has a great knack of explaining what went wrong without being nasty about it and still sounding positive.

I used to like the B. Esp people but sometimes I find them quite biased. 

  • Love 2
On 12/11/2018 at 3:43 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

He was frustrated. It's hard to work in his overly correct Russian pronunciation of Evgenia Medvedeva's name into his commentary, when she's not even there! Pity poor Johnny!


I’m fortunate I’m in a position to be able to pony up for NBC’s Sports Gold streaming service. Watching this season on my own time without any commentary whatsoever has been a delight.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is Ted the guy who does juniors? 

I really like him if that's the guy! He has a great knack of explaining what went wrong without being nasty about it and still sounding positive.

I used to like the B. Esp people but sometimes I find them quite biased. 

Yes. I love him. He always has nice things to say. 

I heard Rika is training quads. Between the Russians and Japanese ladies doing quads this should be interesting. From what I've noticed is the Japanese like to go slow and fully develop skaters vs Russia who likes to have it all know and push. 


And poor Rika. She has had so much media attention. They're calling her the next Mao


Also, Liz is sick. She has pneumonia. I'm rooting for her. She is an old lady according to Russian ladies figure skating. I want to se her at Worlds. I'm sorry I don't think Evengia should to worlds over Liz. I think Russia has two world spots.

Edited by Darknight

Also, Liz is sick. She has pneumonia. I'm rooting for her. She is an old lady according to Russian ladies figure skating. I want to se her at Worlds. I'm sorry I don't think Evengia should to worlds over Liz. I think Russia has two world spots.

Russia has three spots. I think Alina and Liz are locks. Will be interesting to see what happens with the 3rd spot, especially if Evgenia struggles at Russian nationals (Sofia Samodurova was more successful this season and made Grand Prix Final).

  • Love 3

Yeah, Alina is pretty much locked in no matter what. I hope Evgenia doesn't go if she doesn't do well. Right now there are other talented skaters who are better than her.  Liz better be there at worlds. Heck, I hope she wins worlds if Rika can't skate clean. 


It's also sad I'm excited for Russian Nationals and not US nationals. I think Alexandra and Alena are pretty much locked in to become seniors next year. I think Anna will be a senior too because she's backup for Alexandra. I think they're trying to see who gets injured last and if one girl can do quads over the other

Edited by Darknight
  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Just as crazy as I remember! She might hate Papadakis/Cizeron as much as she hates Davis/White. And that’s really saying something!

Virtue and Moir have 3 gold and 2 silver Olympic medals. If there was a plan to keep Virtue and Moir down, then the conspirators did a really bad job of it.

  • Love 6
28 minutes ago, ML89 said:

Wow, between the post and the comment thread...I thought I'd been in some crazy fandoms but that's up there.

No, it's "worship at the altar of Sts. Tessa and Scott or die in a vat of acid and burn for all eternity in the hell where the four literal devils of Meryl, Charlie, Gabrielle, and Guillaume preside over all and be punished for your worship of false idols with eternal torture" over there.  Suuuuuuper chill.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

No, it's "worship at the altar of Sts. Tessa and Scott or die in a vat of acid and burn for all eternity in the hell where the four literal devils of Meryl, Charlie, Gabrielle, and Guillaume preside over all and be punished for your worship of false idols with eternal torture" over there.  Suuuuuuper chill.

I don't know but I think many of the commenters are the blogger herself. Don't forget there's a creepy hatred of Scott's family whom they believe is responsible for keeping Scott and Tessa's three kids locked in the basement.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Ashley Wagner started a blog.  She interviewed Meryl Davis.



Sorry, can't stand Ashley. I don't know what's up with her skating but I heard she will be at nationals

Also, Eteri needs a new choreographer because Danii is slacking. Why do they keep reusing old programs? 

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