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The people whose tweets I've seen who have gotten autographs and photos with SA seem happy and pleased, but there have also been tweets like the one below, and more, complaining that he's been nearly two hours late for photo ops --

Of course, he could have been late signing autographs or having a late lunch. I only feel bad for the people there who have bought multiple signings and/or photo ops and have scheduled them and who might now be missing out. I hope that doesn't happen.


Apparently the line of fans waiting to get into the Arrowverse panel (starting in about 10 minutes, or 3 pm, London time) is insane...

ETA: Apparently the room is now packed, they are letting people stand on the sides of the room, and the guests are late.

Edited by tv echo
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This moment actually made me feel bad for SA, and it's not often I feel bad for him. It's one thing to make a joke about Oliver's stoicism, but this becomes a joke about SA's acting ability at his expense.

I'm also tired of people constantly shitting on Oliver (and Arrow) who keeps sacrificing everything, even getting to be there when his daughter grows up, and without whom the Arrowverse wouldn't exist, so that plays into it too, of course. And to give credit where credit is due: throughout the years SA's without a doubt the person who's championed the Arrowverse the most, promoted it more than anyone else, and seen his show suffer because of the expansion of the Arrowverse. Sigh.



(Pic credit: 1 and 2.)

Edited by Soulfire
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Soulfire said:

This moment actually made me feel bad for SA, and it's not often I feel bad for him. It's one thing to make a joke about Oliver's stoicism, but this becomes a joke about SA's acting ability at his expense.

I'm also tired of people constantly shitting on Oliver (and Arrow) who keeps sacrificing everything, even getting to be there when his daughter grows up, and without whom the Arrowverse wouldn't exist, so that plays into it too, of course. And to give credit where credit is due: throughout the years SA's without a doubt the person who's championed the Arrowverse the most, promoted it more than anyone else, and seen his show suffer because of the expansion of the Arrowverse. Sigh.



(Pic credit: 1 and 2.)

This is  so shitty. Asshole move.

  • Love 2

Arrowverse Panel From Sunday At MCM London Comic Con - May 2019
Published on May 26, 2019, by Geektown

-- On how they were feeling at the end of this season, EBR: "We survived, so... feelin' good, feelin' fresh. And limber." Mod: "How about you, Stephen?" SA: "Sad. (Audience reaction)  Well. Sorry. Became best friends with Emily over the past seven years, and I'm gonna miss her. So I was sad. (DR interjected, "It is sad.") And I also thought that it was really cool the way that we, uh - the way that we said good-bye to Felicity. Spoiler. It was sad, though. Sad." Mod: "How about you, David?" DR: "Um, sad, yeah. I can't say any better than that... I mean, sad. It's sad."

-- On whether they knew or anticipated what was going to happen with the Arrowverse when they first joined the show, DR: "No. I have a little funny story about that. there was a scene - I think - first of all, no. No one knew. But there was a moment, when me and Stephen had this scene on the street in the pilot, and it's the time when I'm driving Stephen and he has - he disappears out of the back of the limo, and - (SA interjected that he actually did that) - and our director David Nutter was standing on one of the corners - he set up the shot and he was standing there, and he said - this is exactly what he said - 'This is going to be a huge show, can't you feel it?' And me and the producer were standing right there at the time. We're both like, 'Don't say that, you're going to jinx it.' So somehow or another - if you know David Nutter, he has a huge success rate of directing shows that tend to get on the air and be very successful. I mean, he just had this sixth sense of like, this show is gonna be huge, huge, huge, and maybe that was his mojo he was sprinkling on? I don't know. But he knew. No one else knew."  SA: "One of the cool moments for me with the show, um, in Season 1, trying to be very, very aspirational in terms of the locations we were shooting at and all this stuff, and we would back-end our weeks on Friday, with like 15 pages of script in the Foundry. And before Emily was there - and thank God she showed up when she did (DR interjected, "Thank the Lord God Almighty") - it was just me and David. And I turned to him when I go, 'Hey, man. Can we just get this done today? Can we just do it, but stay on set, let's be ready, let's go for it.' And we fist-bumped. And that wasn't when I knew the show was going to be successful, but that's - I feel like that's when we caught our rhythm." DR: "Yeah, without a doubt. That's also when we fell in love." (Audience laughs)

-- TH answered mod question about joining the Arrowverse. SA asked him to fly Batman into space if he ever shows up.

-- On fans being shocked about EBR's departure from Arrow, whether she was nervous about announcing her exit, and what kind of reaction she's received, EBR: "Yeah, nervous, nervous about it. Nervous sort of about what life were to hold afterwards. I mean, I spent seven years of my 20's on this show and with people - falling in love with this group of people, and falling in love with this character that I now had to say good-bye to, (Looks at SA) and she'll always be such a huge part of my life, (Looks back at mod) as well as all these people and what the show has brought, and really saying good-bye to a family I've been working with for seven years. (SA nods) But it was time, it was time. I feel like we sent her off in a really beautiful way, and she lives on through, you know, most people here's a lot of beautiful stories that you all tell me about Felicity and it warms my heart. And I see her everywhere I go, so it's not totally good-bye."


-- Mod: "So the door - I read that the door's open if it's in the right way, would you come back?" EBR: "It's not completely up to me, but never say never."

-- Mod: "If you could swap roles with one another, who do you think would be the best to play who?" When she suggested that he play Superman, SA: "I would never play Superman because my favorite DC character of all time is General Zod. ... I think that Emily would make the best Diggle. (DR interjected, "Yes.")  I think that Diggle would make the best Moira. (DR interjected, "Yes.") I think that Tyler would make the best Colton. (DR interjected, "Yes," and TH pumped his fist in the air) ... I'm sorry, Roy. I meant Roy. And I think that I would make the best Raisa."

-- On who was the best villain on their show, DR: "That's easy. I mean, for me it's easy with Deathstroke. Manu Bennett." SA: "Prometheus." EBR: "I second that one. Prometheus. Strong, strong villain. And the Huntress." TH: "Um, I would have to say - oh, I'm totally blanking on the name. The doctor on the crossover in Elseworlds... Somebody help me with the name! (Audience shouts) ... Deegan! Yes. Deegan was a favorite because, one, I thought what he did with that character was great to watch in those first two episodes." DR: "What he does with every character, right? I mean, I can't believe I'm blanking on the name. Good actor. Really good actor." SA: "I'll look it up. I'll look it up after this. But David and I were watching him perform for the first time as Deegan and the camera wasn't on us - we're watching him perform, and David literally grabbed my hand and started squeezing it, because we were so fired up about how awesome he was. Jeremy Davies. (Big sigh of relief that he remembered) ... He was fantastic."

-- On what was the most difficult scene for SA, EBR and DR to film during the S7 finale, SA: "For me, it was the last scene in the Bunker, because there's been three or four times during the course of the show where my personal feelings are bordering on getting in the way of the thing that my character should do. That happened with my last scene with Emily. It happened with my last scene with Susannah Thompson. And it happened in our last scene in the Bunker, where I'm going, 'Okay, I'm sad, but let's make sure I'm not being selfish and letting my feelings come through in this moment.' I think it played okay. Maybe I shouldn't have been as sad as I was, but whatever." DR: "Um, first of all, it was played brilliantly and beautifully, Stephen, so - yeah, um, that scene. Easily, that scene for me." EBR: "I think, when we shooting that, too, I mean, James Bamford, who directed that episode, had such this vision for that scene that turned out so well. And this dissonance that was surrounding the set was that, this is really sad, this is really cool, this is really sad, like, back and forth throughout the whole crew. And it was so silent and sort of ominous, but there were tears falling down everyone's faces in it."  SA: "Also, randomly, on my close-up, even though we had done the scene like 19 times at this point, David randomly for the first time on my close-up, like, gave me this nice pat on the chest. It ended up on air. That wasn't fair, was it?" 

-- Mod: "Emily, if you could hack any one of these three guys' computers, who's would you be brave enough to hack?" EBR: "I gotta be totally honest. I don't think I want in there. I believe everyone's computers are their own. But, um, you know, I think David watches the least amount of sports and buys the most sneakers, so I feel like I could maybe find out what shoe companies would be best. I think like that's pretty solid."

-- On whether we'll see Green Lantern, DR: "I have no idea. I really don't know... I don't know. Teasing, teasing, teasing. But there seems to be, um, no more than that at this point."

-- Mod put up some memes of GG/Barry, MB/Kara, SA/Oliver on the big screen, then meme of SA/GreenArrow with "This mask protects my identity." SA joked about Clark's glasses protecting his secret identity. Then memes of TH/Clark with Grumpy Cat. In response to meme of Oliver's stone-face for different emotions, SA: "Sorry that he doesn’t want to show his emotions all the time. He's a stoic individual that clearly cares about other people more than he cares about himself. So I apologize - I apologize that he doesn’t shed a single tear every time something sort of shitty happens... Pardon my language, young lady. I apologize."

-- Male Fan: "I just wanted to ask you, um, what was your favorite, um, Canary that you've worked with over the course of Team Arrow, um, individually primarily?" (Pause while SA and EBR appear to confer)  EBR: "Um, my favorite Canary? That's - I mean, that's really hard to choose. I think, because now I've gotten to work with Katie as Black Siren, I would have to say, um, Juliana's character. Getting to work with Juliana has been an incredible blessing over the past few years. She is dynamite and she works her ass off. Um, she's super fun and she makes an awesome Canary. Awesome Canary." Fan: "What about you, Stephen, as well? And David."  SA: "Um, my favorite Canary that I got a chance to work with? I mean, Caity Lotz and I were like ride-or-die in Season 2 and we're doing all this stuff, the flashback stuff. You really can't overstate, um, Emily and David got to experience it during the first episode of the second season. That island stuff is hard. And Caity Lotz and I had some days where we were just sitting in a tent with rain dripping on us, just being sad, but spending a lot of time together. So I thought I - I'm very, very proud of what Caity has done with the Sara Lance character." (Mod moved to the next fan question before DR got a chance to answer this question.)

-- On how Felicity being in a wheelchair changed their attitudes towards disability, EBR: "Well, it was a true honor for me. I mean, I got to talk to a lot of people with disability and I will never fully understand, but hoping bringing that to light and just more awareness surrounding it, I think, is really important. Um, I think it was a great storyline. I think we didn't have enough time to flesh it out completely. Um, no, I don't think we ever would, and just having more and more of that on media and what we see is really important."

-- On their favorite season of Arrow, EBR: "Season 2."  SA: "My favorite season is Season 1, uh, not necessarily what we - if it were to be about, like, what we created in the storyline, it would probably be Season 5. Really can't overstate doing 23 episodes of a show. Really hard. And I'm just so proud to make it through Season 1."  DR: "2 for me. I think we really kind of came into our own in Season 2. Um, for me. Um, Season 1 was fun, too. They kinda jump back and forth in my mind in terms of which one is my favorite season. But I think, Season 2, we really kind of found it."  SA then brought up the Suicide Squad episode in S2 and getting three days off.

-- On their favorite crossover, SA: "Uh, this past crossover for sure. Loved playing the Flash... By the way, it takes almost three weeks to break in the suit, when you get a new suit. I broke it in on our last day of filming." TH: "My answer's pretty easy. I've got little choice. But, yes, this last crossover was so much fun. Like I said, this whole experience has just been pure fun for me. Uh, the Elseworlds was, um, one of the best experiences that I've ever had on a set." He then talked about working with MB and seeing SA in the Flash outfit and GG in the Green Arrow outfit.

-- Fan, an aspiring actor, asked for audition tips. TH: "I'll give one because it's helped me. Don't look at a scene and ask what you think they want to see. Just see what you see and commit to that. It's always better to get a job knowing they want your version of it than feeling like you fooled them in the audition and that you can fool them every day you show up to work. So, see what you see, commit to that and make that choice." EBR: "Yeah. I think that's awesome. I think that's a really, really good tip too. I think, like, what you're saying is, like, it's not so precious. Like, it's not something you have to hold tightly. It's not breakable. Like, you get to do whatever you want with it and that's the whole point - a story and what you see on the page. You see that, you just go with it. Run as far and as fast and as round as you can." SA: "It's a job interview. That's actually what it is. It's a job interview. Hold the sides in your hands. Be yourself. Be an enthusiastic version of yourself. Think about the way that you walk into the room, look people in the eye, shake their hands. And, if you do an enthusiastic version of yourself, then they'll go, that was awesome, and then they'll tell you how they want you to play the character."

-- On their favorite moment from this convention, SA: "This. I'm having a lot of fun right now." He then mentioned "meeting my buddy, Nicholas." EBR: "We almost left Tyler behind when we were on our way over here. He just waved." TH: "A very sad wave." DR: "Um, this is pretty nice. I like this."

-- On their favorite moment from the past seven years, SA: "I really like the 100th episode. I didn't think that I would be as sort of melancholy and emotional, but when we got to that 100th episode, it was just really cool. Um, you know, we had Susannah Thompson come back and we almost had Colin come back, but then we did the shout-out to him being a doctor in Chicago on the show. The 100th episode for me was really cool. It felt like an accomplishment. It really did." DR: "Um, there was a moment at San Diego Comic Con - I think this was Season 4 - and, uh, we were at the big party - was it the Warner Brothers party? I'm gonna say the memory and you guys will know exactly where we were. And, um, everyone's there, everyone, all the executives, everyone on the Warner Brothers shows, even people that aren't on Warner Brothers shows. And we're at this party and me, you (Points to EBR and SA), and the three of us had this moment where we all kind of hugged each other and we're like, 'really love you,' 'really love you too,' 'we got a great thing,' 'isn't this awesome?' And it was just like - it was just a - I don't know if we really ever said that to each other besides that moment, like - (SA interjected, "Not until that moment.")  - And it was like, 'look what we got?' And it was really - it was really, um - we knew it, but it was - we looked at each other and said it, and it was a special moment for me. So it wasn't at work, it was actually we're all drunk and realized that we had something very special." EBR: "That's up there. Um, we have these walls on set that move (SA starts laughing) if you lean into them too hard, and David gave us a wonderful wrap gift this year where he sits on everything on set and it never breaks sometimes, but the wall just fell right away." (Laughs) DR: "I kinda fell through the wall. It was a nice moment." (SA and EBR are both laughing)

-- They then answered a fan question about the worst prank played by JB on set. Mod also asked TH about the worst prank on the Supergirl set, and he responded that he and MB were clumsy enough in real life that they're more like Clark and Kara than Superman and Supergirl.

-- On the biggest challenges they've come across in playing their roles, TH: "I feel like the biggest challenge is just getting out of your own way. Is usually, probably the biggest one. Again, it comes down, um, to allowing yourself to trust yourself and trust your instincts." SA: "Uh, trying to be a badass when you don't have any super powers. It's tough." 

-- On whether there's anything that they want to say to the fans before leaving, SA: "I would say that the moment David talked about when we were attending a comic con, when we looked at each other and talked about how lucky we are, we really, really are. And there is no world where we have that conversation if it's not for you guys. You guys are the lifeblood of the show and we couldn't do without you. We are so very thankful."


-- On whether we'll be seeing him again, TH: "I don't know. I genuinely don't know. I've got my - I know there's a big crossover coming up, so I've got my fingers crossed that we'll figure something out. So I hope to see these guys again, yeah."

Edited by tv echo
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After transcribing the above Arrowverse panel, I was exhausted, so I only transcribed a few comments from this panel...

Stephen Amell Panel - MCM London Comic Con - 25/05/2019 [AUDIO ONLY]
Published on May 26, 2019, by epoc252

-- On what he's learned from working on Arrow, SA: "How long do we have? ... I used to define success in acting as amount of time spent on set working. And so, by that definition, I've been the most successful actor in the world for the past seven years, because I worked, like, 200 days a year. So what I've learned is, I've learned being on set, I don't think there's a situation now that would intimidate me. I'm not the best actor in the world. Far from it. But I've spent a good amount of time on set that I feel like I could hold my own... (Mod interjected, "You're braver.")  Not braver. Calmer." He talked about how you get a rush of adrenaline when they yell "Action" and he's now calmer when that happens.

-- When asked about working on the crossovers, SA said that the catering and kraft services were better on the Flash set than on the Arrow set.


-- On what he can say about the COIE crossover, SA: "It's five episodes... I will tell you - yes, I can tell you stuff - Uh, Crisis On Infinite Earths begins before the crossover... It begins before the crossover. But that makes sense, right? Think about it for a second. Crisis On Infinite Earths basically began at the end of Season 7 of Arrow. And it's not going to stop until it's over."

-- SA: "I've always gravitated towards characters where there's a little bit of moral ambiguity. I don't care if you think that Oliver's a good guy. I don't care if you think that Oliver's a bad guy. I care if you don't care. That's what bugs me. So I - a lot of times people will get upset, they'll go, 'well, the character development, I feel like there's a regression.' Ehh. He's a flawed guy. And, um, I like [him/it?]. I've said this multiple times. There's a part of me that, you know, reads the scripts for Arrow that, like, wants everything to work out, but there's a bigger part of me that I have coined - and it's weird to talk about myself in the third person - Evil Story Steve. I like the worst things to happen. Like, I really like them. I want Oliver to do terrible things. Sorry. I do. That's me. Because I find that interesting."

-- On performing a scene as an actor, SA: "For me, it's all about not having too firm an idea about what you want to do in a scene. It's one thing if you're doing a stunt sequence and there's moves that you have to make and you have to, like, hit specific points of choreography. But for me, when I'm performing a scene as Oliver or just in general, it's about knowing your lines but not necessarily having a firm idea of what's going to happen. Because if you have a firm idea but you're in a scene with someone else, then you're not paying attention."

Edited by tv echo
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Next weekend's comic cons (updated, with schedules)...

Christchurch Armageddon, June 1-3, 2019 (New Zealand)
Katherine McNamara 
-Sat. (6/1) at 12:00pm - Shadowhunters/Arrow panel with Katherine McNamara
-Mon. (6/3) at 11:00am - Shadowhunters panel (incl. Katherine McNamara)

GalaxyCon Richmond, May 31-June 2, 2019 (VA)
Colin Donnell, John Barrowman and Ernie Hudson (also John Wesley Shipp)
-Fri. (5/31) at 6:00pm - John Wesley Shipp Q&A panel
-Sat. (6/1) at 11:00am - Ernie Hudson Ghostbusters Q&A panel
-Sat. (6/2) at 4:00pm - John Barrowman Q&A panel
(Colin Donnell does not have a panel scheduled.)

The Sword Experience: Bowling Green Fencing Academy, June 1, 2019 (Bowling Green, KY)
Adrian Paul
-Sat. (6/1) at 10:30am - A Highlander Experience: "There can be Only One"

Denver Pop Culture Con, May 31-June 2, 2019 (CO)
Summer Glau (also Neal Adams, DC comics writer/artist)
-Sat. (6/1) at 2:30pm - Firefly panel (incl. Summer Glau)

Edited by tv echo

Ditto what Thad said...

-- SA: "Sorry that he doesn’t want to show his emotions all the time. He's a stoic individual that clearly cares about other people more than he cares about himself. So I apologize - I apologize that he doesn’t shed a single tear every time something sort of shitty happens... Pardon my language, young lady. I apologize."

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 4

The new June 26 event is called "Supa-Friends in Melbourne!"...

Supanova Confirms Epic ‘Arrow’ Fan Experiences
May 14, 2019


If you’ve been looking for ways to prove you’re the ultimate Arrow fan, June is your time to shine, with Stephen Amell’s fast-approaching Supanova appearance now coming with some seriously epic fan opportunities across Sydney, Perth AND Melbourne.

Already slated to appear at Supanova Comic Con & Gaming in Sydney (21–23 June) and Perth (29-30 June), the Arrow lead will now also stop by Melbourne for a special midweek evening convention alongside fellow Arrowverse talent, Robbie Amell and Italia Ricci.

Taking place at The Plenary, Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre on June 26 from 6:30pm, the special event will offer a Q&A session alongside Autograph and Photo-Ops. Tickets available from Moshtix now.

Meanwhile, a lucky group of Sydney fans will get once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take part in a group archery session with Stephen Amell on the Friday night of Supanova (aka Shoot Arrows with Arrow!), with a group photo, drinks and nibblies included in the awesome Legit Nerds package.

It’s clear Amell goes to Supa-lengths for his dedicated fanbase, and the good news is he won’t be straying far from pop culture after Arrow wraps. Fans in Australia can get an exclusive first look at his next project, Code 8, which will receive red carpet screenings in both Sydney and Perth. Tickets available through Indiegogo now.

Edited by tv echo
3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Ha! Now no one can complain about where the fans put their money.

The cost of the billboard was covered last time and some still complained. Never mind that even if it was nothing to do with any charity, fans (any fans not just OTA fans) have the right to put up their own money for a billboard. But since it is, it's awesome in several different ways. There was the same bitching about the bench. And yet no projects for their own choice of celebration/charity. 

  • Love 1

Next weekend's comic cons (updated, with schedules)...

Oz Comic Con Melbourne, June 8-9, 2019 (AU)
Willa Holland, Colton Haynes and Alexander Calvert (also Rick Cosnett and Sam Witwer)
-Sat. (6/8) at 1:30pm - Supernatural panel (incl. Alexander Calvert)
-Sat. (6/8) at 2:00pm - Arrow panel (Colton Haynes, Willa Holland)
-Sat. (6/8) at 2:30pm - Sam Witwer panel
-Sat. (6/8) at 3:00pm - Rick Cosnett panel
-Sun. (6/9) at 10:30am - Sam Witwer panel
-Sun. (6/9) at 11:30am - Arrow panel (Colton Haynes, Willa Holland)
-Sun. (6/9) at 1:00pm - Rick Cosnett panel
-Sun. (6/9) at 1:30pm - Supernatural panel (incl. Alexander Calvert)

Big Slick Celebrity Weekend, June 7-8, 2019 (Kansas City, MO)
Katherine McNamara
-Fri. (6/7) at 5:00pm - Big Slick Celebrity Softball Game
-Sat. (6/8) at 9:00am - Big Slick Block Party
-Sat. (6/8) at 10:30am - Big Slick Celebrity Bowling Tournament
-Sat. (6/8) at 8:00pm - Big Slick Party & Show

Superman Celebration, June 6-9, 2019 (Metropolis, IL)
Katrina Law (also Helen Slater and Erica Durance)
-Sat. (6/8) at 11:30am - Erica Durance and Helen Slater at the Superman Statue
-Sat. (6/8) at 11:45am - Q&A with Erica Durance and Helen Slater
-Sat. (6/8) at 12:45pm - Katrina Law at the Superman Statue
-Sat. (6/8) at 1:00pm - Q&A with Katrina Law
-Sun. (6/9) at 2:00pm - Superman Celebration Closing

Ghostbusters Fan Fest presented by Wizard World, June 7-8, 2019 (Culver City, CA)
Ernie Hudson

Edited by tv echo
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