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6 minutes ago, EmilyBettFan said:

I hope they aren't trying to have Dinah have more screentime then Felicity. 

After Felicity got 25+ minutes in 604? She also filmed Flash 405 and Arrow 605 at the same time.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Welp. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt too but yikes. He's just an asshole by the sounds of it, suffering with an acute case of ego-itis. 

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17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

That's what I get for trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, haha. His wife is even liking the get-rid-of-Felicity comments, yikes.

Is she? On Twitter? I  just looked and I dont see any anti Felicity liking on her likes.

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3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Is she? On Twitter? I  just looked and I dont see any anti Felicity liking on her likes.

She liked a comment saying "all you have to do is "Reverse-Flash" Felicity." Which to be fair she might not know what that means if she doesn't watch the show. 

Edited by WindofChange
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3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Is she? On Twitter? I  just looked and I dont see any anti Felicity liking on her likes.

Yes, and yes. It was just one I saw that was included in a screenshot someone posted on reddit. I just looked - it's still in her likes (although to be fair to her it talks about "Reverse-Flashing" Felicity and unless she's an avid watcher of Arrow and The Flash, she probably wouldn't know what that means). 

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I actually don't care if he likes anti-Felicity tweets tbh. The neck snapping one was over the line and says a lot about the grossness we have in this fandom but I'm not even surprised anymore. But that response was just...nasty and arrogant and just unnecessary, IMO.

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Before seeing that his wife liked the Reverse Flash tweet I didn't anything that big with him liking the tweet he liked since he could've just been liking it since his character is so badass but it is suspicious for them both to be liking tweets referencing Felicity. 

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The thing is, he didn't have to like that tweet. I'm sure there are plenty of tweets praising his character/looking forward to him appearing that he could like instead. That's what bothers me. How did part of him not go, "hmm, maybe I shouldn't like this tweet"?

... And his likes aren't getting any better. 

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I don't care if he watches and personally dislikes Felicity, but I'm glad Emily isn't on Twitter very much and doesn't seem like the type would would care, but can you imagine how awful it would be if she saw all those likes and still had to work with him? Yuck. 

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Going by what he's liking now, he just doesn't like Felicity which, okay. Each to their own. But he sounds like a dick. That one response said all I needed to know about him as a person tbh. Bye!

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Maybe he's a method actor?  So since his character is bad, he's also trying to play the part as well?

I think that could be why he was liking tweets that encouraged his character to kill characters but now he is being clueless about why people are upset. It's a good time for him to learn that cheering the violent deaths of even fictional women is not cool.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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2 hours ago, EmilyBettFan said:

I hope they aren't trying to have Dinah have more screentime then Felicity. 

Well, they definitely want to give her more screen time because they're trying to sell BC. I'm not sure she'll have more screen time than Felicity but it's definitely noticeable that this has become "Arrow with a side of BC 3.0" show.

As for Acevedo, man, I've enjoyed in the past. But that was arrogant and dickish AF. But he fits right in with the likes of Guggenheim and Manu.

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2 hours ago, EmilyBettFan said:

I hope they aren't trying to have Dinah have more screentime then Felicity. 

Because of one episode? Felicity will be prominently featured in eps 7-9 and probably after the break as well. 

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8 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Because of one episode? Felicity will be prominently featured in eps 7-9 and probably after the break as well. 

To be fair, she's had more screen time than Felicity in 601-603. And now 605. So it's not just one episode. But hopefully Felicity will be featured more in 607-609 so it might even out.

20 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Maybe he's a method actor?  So since his character is bad, he's also trying to play the part as well?

I think that could be why he was liking tweets that encouraged his character to kill characters but now he is being clueless about why people are upset. It's a good time for him to learn that cheering the violent deaths of even fictional women is not cool.  

My first thought was he's a method actor. But now I'm not so sure. It's really not a good look and he's digging himself deeper. Yikes. At least reddit will be happy. Bless them.

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I wouldn't be surprised if right now Felicity and DInah are close to the same in screen time, but I would be very surprised if she (Felicity) didn't pull significantly ahead in the future.  Dinah seems to be getting the Mad Dog treatment where Rene was in EVERYTHING in the first half of the show.  

7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

If he's doing a method actor thing, shouldn't he have liked a tweet about killing Oliver too?

I would have thought so.  Right now, the dude is super defensive.  Maybe in a day or two he'll get a clue.  Right now he's claiming he can't be such a terrible guy, he has a daughter you know.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Dinah has yet to surpass Oliver compared to Felicity greatly surpassing him in 6x04. And I doubt Dinah will be featured that much in the crossover where Felicity will definitely make up any missed time she had in 6x01-6x03/6x05 plus she was in The Flash. I dont think there is anything to be worried about.

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Dinah has yet to surpass Oliver compared to Felicity greatly surpassing him in 6x04. And I doubt Dinah will be featured that much in the crossover where Felicity will definitely make up any missed time she had in 6x01-6x03/6x05 plus she was in The Flash. I dont think there is anything to be worried about.

Well Slade blew past Oliver in 605 as well.  Oddly, no one has been complaining about Slade and Son or the ongoing saga of Dinah's Dilemmas over on the anti-Felicity locations.  So I really don't think Felicity's screen time compared to Oliver's is the main driving force behind those complaints, lol.  To some, one minute on air is too much.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Well Slade blew past Oliver in 605 as well.  

And unless he comes back again, he will probably come in last when everything is said and done in regards to screentime. I think Dinah will definitely be getting 3rd or 4th, I'd be surprised if she manages to usurp Felicity.

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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

To be fair, she's had more screen time than Felicity in 601-603. And now 605. So it's not just one episode. But hopefully Felicity will be featured more in 607-609 so it might even out.

My first thought was he's a method actor. But now I'm not so sure. It's really not a good look and he's digging himself deeper. Yikes. At least reddit will be happy. Bless them.

6x02 Dinah had more but they were virtually even and the order for 6x03 was OTA in 1-2-3. It wouldn't surprise me if they were even in acreentime or Felicity was actually ahead. 

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Even without counting her Flash crossover, Felicity's ahead of Dinah so far this season.  And I think it's a safe bet that Felicity will be a pretty big part of the crossovers - probably not as big as Oliver, Kara, Barry, or Cisco, but big.  Dinah will presumably have a much smaller role - it's even possible that she'll only be in the Arrow part of the crossover.

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6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

And unless he comes back again, he will probably come in last when everything is said and done in regards to screentime. I think Dinah will definitely be getting 3rd or 4th, I'd be surprised if she manages to usurp Felicity.

Oliver, Felicity and Diggle will make out the top 3 when all is said and done. Dinah will probably come in fourth. Rene/Curtis is going to be a coin-toss, but I wouldn't be surprised if Curtis ultimately comes out on top because he's so deeply entwined with Felicity's storyline. 

Edited by strikera0
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17 minutes ago, Chaser said:

6x02 Dinah had more but they were virtually even and the order for 6x03 was OTA in 1-2-3. It wouldn't surprise me if they were even in acreentime or Felicity was actually ahead. 

Felicity is #2, with Diggle #3. BTW I'd bet good money that will be the season total order (as it has been since S3)

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

The thing that makes KA's twitter spree all the more idiotic is that he's egging on one group of fans and pissing off another about something that's not going to happen anyway. The show is not going to kill another female character, period. 

Not to mention, Felicity is an integral part of the show and he's a disposable guest star. His strategy is baffling, but whatever. Hope he enjoys the attention while it lasts.

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I just checked and it seems he's liking every single tweet now so I'm gonna go with he's just enjoying the attention, whatever it is. 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I would have thought so.  Right now, the dude is super defensive.  Maybe in a day or two he'll get a clue.  Right now he's claiming he can't be such a terrible guy, he has a daughter you know.  

I'm getting flashbacks to RG last year.  There is a fortune to be made giving social media lessons to dude bros.

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3 hours ago, lemotomato said:

The thing that makes KA's twitter spree all the more idiotic is that he's egging on one group of fans and pissing off another about something that's not going to happen anyway. The show is not going to kill another female character, period. 

I wonder if big tough boy would say anything like that to Emily's face.

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4 hours ago, Chaser said:

I'm so disappointed. I'm a Fringe fan and was excited when he was cast. This sucks.

I enjoyed him on 12 Monkeys, too, and kind of peeked at his Twitter account, but it seemed pretty angry all the time to me and then


when he got killed off of 12 Monkeys (though of course who knows with that show), and I didn't see the rest of the case say anything about it on social media, I kind of wondered if he wasn't a nice person in real life.


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Now he’s replying to tweets that are like fandom drama’s greatest hits, and I have immense secondhand embarrassment. I can’t imagine coming onto a show and getting that deep into it LOL. Yikes, and now his wife is calling people crazy. What a ride.

Edited by apinknightmare
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5 hours ago, Angel12d said:

To be fair, she's had more screen time than Felicity in 601-603. And now 605. So it's not just one episode. But hopefully Felicity will be featured more in 607-609 so it might even out.

My first thought was he's a method actor. But now I'm not so sure. It's really not a good look and he's digging himself deeper. Yikes. At least reddit will be happy. Bless them.

The top part is what I mean. She might have had an episode to herself so far but Dinah seems to be everywhere is what I'm getting at. It's just annoying for someone I find dull. 

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