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^ Yes..the same way people who aren't EBR/Felicity fans suffered.


I think Stephen was excited for realsies...his opinion of Katie most likely doesn't match the majority here. 


I think very few people here actually believe that he doesn't like Katie as a person.

Edited by apinknightmare
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^ Yes..the same way people who aren't EBR/Felicity fans suffered.

I've always felt that Felicity non-fans are severely in the minority because I've barely ever read anything negative about her character :p So I don't think it's that big of a deal... Regardless, non-felicity fans usually complain that she's a flat character so they honestly have no right to complain about her role being expanded. 


I must watch this. It'd make sense to see Stephen be excited. I mean he knows what will happen on the show, so maybe Laurel will be great? And I think he'd be happy for Katie. They're friends. 

Edited by wonderwall

Nope but why would EP & Stephen word it like that? Why not say people will love her arc. Why put such importance on LL/KC fans that will love the storyline. And i am sorry but Felicity was actually sidelined to put importance on the LAnce family saga so there wasnt much suffering.

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Nope but why would EP & Stephen word it like that? Why not say people will love her arc. Why put such importance on LL/KC fans that will love the storyline. And i am sorry but Felicity was actually sidelined to put importance on the LAnce family saga so there wasnt much suffering.


It is odd that they do that - I've noticed it on several occasions. Do they word things like that for anyone else? Honestly asking, I can't recall.

^ Yes..the same way people who aren't EBR/Felicity fans suffered.

I think Stephen was excited for realsies...his opinion of Katie most likely doesn't match the majority here.



The difference is that they usually don't say "Those who love Felicity will love what's happening". The "KC/LL fans will love what we are doing" is usually said before they bring up anything about her character. 


And I'm sure Amell is excited, I don't think he could ever not be excited about the show. And I don't think anyone has ever assumed that Amell (or other members of the cast) wouldn't be excited for his co-star and their character. 

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It is odd that they do that - I've noticed it on several occasions. Do they word things like that for anyone else? Honestly asking, I can't recall.

I obviously can't speak for every interview/panel ever, but I intantly remember 3 different times they singled out KC/LL fans and addressed them instead of the whole fanbase. Kreisberg talking about Laurel's reaction to learning Oliver's secret, Guggenheim in his post 3x01 interview, and Amell today.

Also, Amell looking down and away when answering the second Laurel question just showed me awkwardness, and not excitement.

Also also, I really do love a mean crowd that cheers a "I wish she died" shade. Thank you, NYCC! You have not failed this city!

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 6

^ Yes..the same way people who aren't EBR/Felicity fans suffered.


I think Stephen was excited for realsies...his opinion of Katie most likely doesn't match the majority here. 


Not to attack you personally but often times when someone makes what you view as a negative post about Laurel you bring EBR/Felicity into the conversation. I often feel it's very unhelpful because it gives the general sense that these two women are being pitted against each other.  Almost like because people are being negative about a character you enjoy you have to bring down those people's favorite character. Laurel's flaws are not Felicity fault and Felicity's flaws are not Laurel's fault. I just think it would be better, in order to keep things civil in this forum, if we limited the amount of choosing sides and making comments about one characters fans or anothers.

  • Love 17

But whenever people attack Laurel here they often bring Felicity/EBR or Sara/CAity into the conversation lol. What's the difference? Just because Laurel haters are the majority doesn't make what wingster   did any different then what 80% of the people here do, just the other way around lol. 

Edited by ban1o
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I think very few people here actually believe that he doesn't like Katie as a person.

And that very few (none here, IIRC) confuse K.Cassidy and the character she plays (and "project" their dislike on the other actors, I mean). Or confuse criticizing her acting, and criticizing her as a human being.


I know that in Hollywood you're paid to pretend that everything is always OK and ideal on set, and that you enjoy PR. But it does sound like S.Amell does enjoy the cons -or he's an even better actor than I credit him for- and I'm very glad for it, because the energy he puts in promoting the show counts imo for a lot in keeping it "buzzy". And I'm glad if the whole cast gets along, because it can only benefit the show.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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It is odd that they do that - I've noticed it on several occasions. Do they word things like that for anyone else? Honestly asking, I can't recall.

Not really, most (all?) Other characters/plots are caged in the form of general fans, with Laurel it's always Katie or Laurel fans will be happy. No idea why they do it, I first noticed it with AJK last season where he talked about how Laurel fans would love her even more and maybe fans who don't love Laurel will start to like her. From that point on they repeat the comment, in fact they've recently started using Katie fans before it was Laurel fans.

As to why? Who knows but it happens in most interviews.

I don't think him saying LL/KC fans will love the story such a huge conspiracy theory... I wouldn't put much importance into what they say... Not everything is meant to be analyzed I suppose :p

Other than the fact that both of SAs answers just parroted EPs talking points? No, not a conspiracy just not a genuine answer (IMO) he's toeing the company line. Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 5

And that very few (none here, IIRC) confuse K.Cassidy and the character she plays (and "project" their dislike on the other actors, I mean). Or confuse criticizing her acting, and criticizing her as a human being.


I know that in Hollywood you're paid to pretend that everything is always OK and ideal on set, and that you enjoy PR. But it does sound like S.Amell does enjoy the cons -or he's an even better actor than I credit him for- and I'm very glad for it, because the energy he puts in promoting the show counts imo for a lot in keeping it "buzzy". And I'm glad if the whole cast gets along, because it can only benefit the show.


Eh, there are a few who do that. :)


And yeah, they all seem to get along and genuinely like each other. It's nice that they seem to make time to hang out together outside of work at least a few times (based on what pictures we've seen on Instagram and such), and it does benefit the show. And even though I personally don't care about Laurel and I hate what it seems like her upcoming arc is going to be, it's nice that KC is excited. I wish I could be excited too. Hopefully that excitement will translate on screen and make me at least not tune out during her scenes.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I think people should just say whatever they want to say. I've seen people bring up Laurel whilst talking about Felicity and vice versa. Regardless of who does it, it doesn't make any argument stronger, so it shouldn't matter. 


Regardless, I think that we should all just calm down... 

I think people should just say whatever they want to say. I've seen people bring up Laurel whilst talking about Felicity and vice versa. Regardless of who does it, it doesn't make any argument stronger, so it shouldn't matter. 



lol yeah I don't think it makes it right, necessarily, just a little bit hypocritical. Like how many times since Sara died have people said how much better of a character she is than Laurel? But that just my opinion :) 

  • Love 1

lol yeah I don't think it makes it right, necessarily, just a little bit hypocritical. Like how many times since Sara died have people said how much better of a character she is than Laurel? But that just my opinion :) 

I think there's a difference between comparing characters (like comparing sara as BC and Laurel) and bringing in character, like Sara, to justify why Laurel sucks or is awesome or whatever. The former is totally cool, the latter doesn't help bolster ones argument whatsoever. Does that make sense? :/ 

  • Love 1

It's not hard to criticise Katie Cassidy's acting. It is very bad. Is she a bad human being? Probably not, but I don't really care about that, because she's supposed to be playing a character.


As for the producers, writers and actors have to add qualifiers when talking about Laurel, it sums up so much of what mystifies me about the whole thing. They know that large parts of the audience hate her, they know that she has been rejected as a leading lady on this show, and they even know that part of it is their fault (hence them admitting to screwing up her character and then... proceeding to screw it up further). Yet they persist in forcing her into roles that much of the audience does not want her in, and that she has shown little sign of being suited for.


And as for comparing Laurel and Sara? Unavoidable, given that Sara was brought in to be the Canary, setting her directly opposite Laurel in the minds of fans. Many of whom accepted her in that role. And now she's been discarded so that Laurel can become the Canary. The writers essentially asked fans to compare the two, then went with the one that was rejected by many, many viewers (not just on here. Take a look around the internet and Arrow fandom seems to split in two: Those who love Katie Cassidy and everyone else).

  • Love 17

 Especially since earlier in the panel someone asked a Laurel question and followed it with "I wish she had died" and the crowd cheered loudly.

Damn! even i don't wish that on her. and i hate the character. i'm gonna have to go watch the panel when i get home from work, i am dying to see his facial reaction to that. awk-ward!

I mean i'm the first person to agree though questions about Fakanary storyline are needed, but between that and.. "I wish she had died" is.. damn.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I don't think saying they wish Laurel had died is a bad thing to say. Many reviewers said they killed the wrong Lance sister.

As for Stephen being excited for Laurel, that is part of his job. He'll never say he hates anything about the show even if he does. The most he can do is make suggestions on his storylines, but not on anyone elses.

  • Love 3

And as for comparing Laurel and Sara? Unavoidable, given that Sara was brought in to be the Canary, setting her directly opposite Laurel in the minds of fans. Many of whom accepted her in that role. And now she's been discarded so that Laurel can become the Canary. The writers essentially asked fans to compare the two, then went with the one that was rejected by many, many viewers (not just on here. Take a look around the internet and Arrow fandom seems to split in two: Those who love Katie Cassidy and everyone else).

The EPs said that the original incarnation of a character may not be the final one. Yao Fei was the first to wear the hood but he wasn't the Arrow, he was a dissident trying to survive with archery skills. Shado wore it next but she also was trying to get off the island.  The Oliver who took the hood was different from them both, and today's Oliver is even more apart from Yao Fei and Shado.


The first Deathstroke was Billy Wintergreen, who worked for Fyers as a torturer. Slade was nothing like him.


But Sara was the perfect Canary/Black Canary. She was physical and a good fighter, she fought on behalf of those who were being attacked, especially women, and she had a sonic cry, she was scarred and strong and still vulnerable. Other than in terms of her name, she was the perfect Black Canary. What are they going to do when Laurel puts on the mask?  There's no where else to take the character.


So yes, it was the EPs who asked fans to compare Sara and Laurel as Black Canary. Guggenheim even called Sara the Black Canary at one point.  I believe that's known as shooting yourself in the foot.  Or higher.

  • Love 15

Do they word things like that for anyone else?


I've seen other shows do this on occasion.  It tends to be the phrasing of choice when talking about a character or story that is polarizing with the audience.  It doesn't necessarily mean that the speaker is or isn't in favor of said character or story but that they're trying to not feed the fire and move on to other things.

Apparently, I started watching Stephen's Q&A after the audience cheered for Laurel's death. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it amusing, but I'm kind of glad I didn't see it. I have terrible second-hand embarrassment issues, and that must have been awk.ward.


On another note, I was sad to hear Stephen discuss how much TPTB love the flashbacks and think the show doesn't work without them. The flashbacks are, by far, my least favorite aspect of the show. There have been so many times, especially last season, when I would rather have stayed in present time with characters I actually care about than cut away to island flashbacks. Hopefully Hong Kong (and eventually Russia) will be more interesting, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Love 2

I think part of the problem in bringing up another character in response to a post is that it's so often something like


OP:  Laurel chews her gum so loudly!  I hate that.

NP:  Well that one time, Felicity was chewing hers loudly too.


It's all so nanny nanny boo boo to me.  In other words...childish. 


I admit that I laughed when the crowd cheered the wrong sister dead comment.  Normally I am against bad sportsmanship, but occasionally I just find things like that funny.  There's a cheer in baseball that goes "What's the matter with Hol-land?  He's a bum!" and I see people get so offended.  Players just laugh it off and know it's part of the game. 

  • Love 2

I admit that I laughed when the crowd cheered the wrong sister dead comment.  Normally I am against bad sportsmanship, but occasionally I just find things like that funny.  There's a cheer in baseball that goes "What's the matter with Hol-land?  He's a bum!" and I see people get so offended.  Players just laugh it off and know it's part of the game.

I just really really love spontaneous crowd reactions in con panels. I doubt anyone expected a dude to say he wished Laurel had died instead, but the entire audience loudly agreeing with the sentiment? It's the kind of feedback that is more telling -- and truthful -- than any other forum can give a television show.

  • Love 8

Can anyone figure out what the guy is saying at the 8:34 second?

I can't hear him well. and whatever it was, Stephen reaction to it is.. interesting. and the very clipped "thank you" was that the "i wish she were dead" line?

Edited by foreverevolving

Can anyone figure out what the guy is saying at the 8:34 second?

I can't hear him well. and whatever it was, Stephen reaction to it is.. interesting. and the very clipped "thank you" was that the "i wish she were dead" line?


It almost sounded like "but where am I gonna go with it?" or "(something) gonna go with it."

Can anyone figure out what the guy is saying at the 8:34 second?

I can't hear him well. and whatever it was, Stephen reaction to it is.. interesting. and the very clipped "thank you" was that the "i wish she were dead" line?

Could be wrong but I thought he said "I want to marry that girl one day".

If anything, I think Stephen is more passionate about Diggle and David Ramsey :p He soooo has a crush on him lmao

I think it's equal parts Diggle, equal parts Felicity. It kills me that every once i a few minutes when talking about Felicity he would use "i" instead of Oliver- Felicity and I.. it's amusing. so yea the guy has a total crush on Felicity Smoak.

and in all honesty, can we blame him?!

Cut off right at the best part. 

I think it's equal parts Diggle, equal parts Felicity.


I'd say it's at best (worst?) 60-40. Honestly I get the sense that DIGGLE! is his favorite character (and, forgive me for assuming this, that he's closest to David..at least since Colin was fired)

  • Love 1

I definitely think Diggle is his favorite!


I watched these 2 videos.  I also caught the live stream from about the last 5 minutes of the 2nd video until the end.  No where did I hear anyone say they killed the wrong sister and the crowd cheer.  I think that was someone's misinterpretation of the 8:34 section that we were trying to figure out here in the first video.  It's all over social media now though.  One of the individuals I know who attended tweeted one or two other things slightly out of context.  Don't know if that was intentional or the problem with being in a large room with people talking all around you.

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