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17 Good
  1. I am just too excited to see Colin there to even pay attention to anything else! Please bring on the Lazarus Pit so we can have Tommy back!
  2. Oh that's right, statsgirl. I had totally blocked all that out of my mind....lol.
  3. It seems to me that Laurel has had more storyline than Oliver at times. She was everywhere in Season 1 then we got a blessed break in the first half of Season 2 and then she was back and everywhere in the second half. Now I also thought there was too much Lance family stuff in the second half of Season 2 since the show is called Arrow and not Lance but YMMV. My feelings on Laurel as Black Canary and Laurel in general.
  4. Two days later. Still bitter. I truly hated that they killed Moira because I enjoyed her and Malcolm playing off one another and I think that would have really added to the tension with Thea and her journey. "Who am I? Am I a Queen? Am I a Merlyn?" With Moira gone, it's kind of meh as far as that goes. Oliver has no family to speak of now (unless he and Thea work things out and who knows where that's going). I get that it had to do with Slade's revenge for the death of a woman that didn't even love him and was killed by someone who wasn't Oliver (seriously wtf?) but it got rid of an awesome character who added a lot to the show. If the EPs wanted Laurel to be a superhero so badly, she could be someone else. She doesn't have to be The Canary. Make up a hero just for the show...imaginaton, creativity, there's a concept! Do that and let Sara live because while I didn't like her as Oliver's love interest (I thought their chemistry was more friends than romantic) she was a great addition to Team Arrow. So I'm really curious to see if the EPs can find a way to make me care about Laurel avenging her sister's death. Somehow I doubt it.
  5. I would love to see see Nyssa bitch slap Laurel. That's not going to happen though. I'm sure Laurel will give Nyssa some really pompous speech about what she did to Sara. I'm sorry but if I remember correctly, no one forced Sara to get on that boat and go back. Plus Laurel was damn happy to see her go judging from her expression. And seriously? Merlyn as a suspect? If he'd wanted Sara dead, he could have taken care of that when they were both in the LoA.
  6. Oh sweet baby Jesus....please no Laurel in fishnets. Just...no. Although I'm not convinced she'd look any better in Sara's Canary outfits but please not the fishnets from the comics. I have no desire to go from Badass Canary to Hooker Canary.
  7. To me, the worst thing is that Sara didn't even get to go down fighting. Which is what she would do. She just stood there. And then the mask fell at Laurel's feet and the anvil hit my head.....as if I needed one. I'm sorry EPs but killing Sara off still doesn't make Laurel relevant. I don't care and you can't make me. Bleh.
  8. Oh Colin Donnell, how I love you. You too were sacrificed on the altar of Laurel for no good reason.
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