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...I need EBR to go to this as well. It's been a while since DR SA and EBR have gone to a con together (not including SDCC because it would be stupid if they didn't go there). 


'Need' may be a strong word... But I really need her to go. For science, of course.

I've got tickets so I definately need her to go! They seem to staggering the information release about guests (they've said they changed the dates of the con specifically to accommodate 4 of the currently announced guests and that was a while back now) so who knows? Maybe they already have her or are negotiating. I think there's a fairly good chance they've got Katie Cassidy as someone tweeted to ask her a few weeks back and she was kind of 'watch this space' about it. Rogue don't allow filming so she should feel at home there.

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I've got tickets so I definately need her to go! They seem to staggering the information release about guests (they've said they changed the dates of the con specifically to accommodate 4 of the currently announced guests and that was a while back now) so who knows? Maybe they already have her or are negotiating. I think there's a fairly good chance they've got Katie Cassidy as someone tweeted to ask her a few weeks back and she was kind of 'watch this space' about it. Rogue don't allow filming so she should feel at home there.

Ohhh could you please do us the honor and tell us what happens at the con? :) If Katie goes I would LOVE to hear her answers (because I'm evil and I know her answers won't be good). 

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Ohhh could you please do us the honor and tell us what happens at the con? :)


Seconding this, Tallis. Please and thank you. I love hearing about con stuff and how the actors interact with the audience. If EBR does attend that con, you should totally go, Morrigan2575. Make a vacation out of it--prance around the UK, eat scones, and drink tea with the Queen or something. :)


That Suzanne lady has a fantastic job. Although, if I were her, I would smash that Wonder Woman and Superman statue to bits and throw it in the trash, first chance I get. Sorry. I still hate that New52 mandate to pair them together. Anyway, that scene looks like when

Felicity meets Iris (and Iris' boyfriend) in Central City

. Can it please be October now?

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Oh don't worry - you won't be able to shut me up about it! It's been years since I went to a show-specific convention and I'm really ridiculously excited about it.

Edited by Tallis
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NYCC has posted their photo ops and autograph sessions - SA is not listed for any panels yet. I'm still crossing my fingers, though.

The UK con sounds great!  A few people I follow on Twitter are very excited about it, too - Morrigan2575, I hope you can go.  Tallis, so excited for you!

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If EBR does attend that con, you should totally go, Morrigan2575. Make a vacation out of it--prance around the UK, eat scones, and drink tea with the Queen or something. :)


Naturally, that is what we all do here, also ensure you have your pinky finger up in the air as you sip and say "cucumber sandwiches what, what!" repeatedly too ;)

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Naturally, that is what we all do here, also ensure you have your pinky finger up in the air as you sip and say "cucumber sandwiches what, what!" repeatedly too ;)

Oh totally, every time I'm in London I take Tea with the Queen :)

Speaking of Cucumber...only place I've ever visited that puts cucumber on tuna sandwiches..surprisingly, yummy.

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I wish EBR did cons, she didn't even get to go to the Arrow Comic-Con panel. Colton Haynes is more popular from Teen Wolf than Arrow, I think. David Ramsey doesn't really do any either. It seems like if you have a costume on Arrow, you're more likely to do cons.

Edited by drspaceman10
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EBR and David Ramsey did the Walker Stalker con here in Chicago in March, that's where I met them. So they do Cons just not a lot of them. SA is the star of the show and seems to love interacting with fans that's why he does so many. Manu Bennett, Katrina Law and Caity Lotz are not regulars so they have more time to show up at cons. 

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look if you Brits are not eating scones and drinking tea then I'll be sorely disappointed. Let me have fantasies of Colin Salmon and John Simm doing that together thank you very much.

Scones, clotted cream, and jam with afternoon tea. Best thing ever. Also you tend to hear someone say 'bloody hell' every few seconds. :p

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Did you get a picture with them? It's so cool that you got to meet them :)


Yep, I took pic with Team Arrow, SA, DR and EBR, I got a separate one with Manu Bennett because he joined after I already got my ticket. I was happy it was a smaller con because about a half hour before they were closing EBR was sitting in her autograph booth with no line, so I got to talk to her a little awhile. We were geeking out about Game of Thrones and Orphan Black. This her autograph, I was wearing a shirt with the sigil of House Targaryen.




As for the tuna salad discussion. I have never put a cucumber on my tuna sandwich, but I think I'm going to have to try that I love cucumbers. If I had money I'd definitely go back to England.

Edited by Sakura12
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Man the CW is cheap!!!


Ad buys for TV


Arrow: $49,799 (2nd highest for CW, behind Vampire diaries)

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: $154,374

Gotham: $192,111


Arrow and the CW deserve more…they have proved me with entertaining programming for Years.

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I don't think his numbers are right, they don't seem to match up with the other list and I find it odd that TVD would jump up 20K from last year.

Also, The Flash makes more money than Arrow, on both lists. Add rates are based on ratings, 18-49A or if the CW got the same deals as CBS it's based on 18-49A L+7 (for this season), it doesn't matter how entertaining you find Arrow or The CW, they simply do not have the audience to warrant more money.

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These are just projections based on negotiations at upfronts. They can change during the season. One also has to remember VD has a high 18-34 women demo. Last year it ranged from 1.4 -1.8. VD also started last season pretty good, and then it kind of plummeted. A specific demo group usually can get prize up.


I dont think advertisers are actually paying what the chart say for  Fox's Utopia, it as 150k/30 s spot and its basically doing 0.9. That is CW numbers territory. 

Edited by Velocity23
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Right, I know they're projections and it's adjustable based on performance. However, compare the two different numbers, the chart posted in the other thread say TVD gets 59K, last year it got 55K and this guy's info is saying 79K. Now, which sounds more accurate, a 4K increase or a 24k increase?

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The CW network isn't broadcast throughout the U.S. - in some locations it's cable only. In other locations it's on a weaker broadcast signal.  That automatically lowers the rates, not to mention that historically the CW's ratings have been well below the ratings for the other four networks, and because the CW doesn't have the same marketing resources as the other four networks, it's kinda difficult for anyone to argue that the network's ratings are going to zoom up this year.


Ad rates for Thursday shows, regardless of the network, have historically been somewhat higher since that's the night Hollywood studios choose to go full blast with movie ads. An ABC person told me that's shifting now that several big budget films are getting midnight Wednesday or midnight Thursday releases, but that might be just ABC. 


Also what Velocity23 said. 


The ad rates/ratings do help determine Arrow's current budget, but since the show is reportedly making most of its revenue elsewhere, the low rates hopefully won't impact renewal chances. (fingers crossed.)

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The 4k one lol. I been thinking about Supernatural numbers, because i would have thought they would be more similar to Arrows. Spring numbers were really good for SPN. The only thing i can think of is that they will be going against Shield this year. Shield wins the male demo (18-34. 18-49) regularly on Tuesdays, so i am guessing they think SPN will shed some of its (male) viewers to Shield. They had the test last year when Shield run at 9 PM one Tuesday. 

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And that's all I was pointing out, I don't know where that link got it's numbers from but they're off from the other chart, in some cases it's minor, SPN says 40k on the chart, this guy says 42k, same with Arrow off by 2k. However, with TVD it's 71k vs 59k, that's extremely questionable, I'd almost say it's a typo. Same for Flash, the chart says 50k vs this guys 56k.. that's a questionable jump, IMO...

What's surprising is that it's Variety and they're usually pretty accurate...so maybe that TVD is just a mistake/typo because 71k up from 55k is a huge jump.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Does anyone know anything about the potential of The CW being canceled? I read a few months ago that the owner (Tribune Broadcasting) of some of the CW affiliates was unhappy with its performance and I'm pretty sure that their contracts expire in 2016. It seems possible that the entire network being canceled might be more likely than Arrow being canceled. 

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Cancellation Bear (Zap2It's predictions) says "Arrow" is "certain to be renewed for a fourth season at the end of the 2014-15 season. Arrow is produced by CW co-owner Warner Brothers. At the end of this season, it will be within one more full season (or less) of the 88 episodes which currently seems to be the minimum for extra profitable stripped syndication. For that reason, the show's fans can rest easily, syndication economics now demand a fourth season."

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I'm not too worried, shows get canceled on one network only to find a home on a different one. there are many examples through the years. and i can't remember any right now, i think there was one show who literally shifted through three networks by the time it was canceled for good. besides the networks and cable channels, there is streaming website. if Arrow does well on Netflix and the CW does actually ends up dead and gone, it is possible Netflix may become interested in producing it for streaming on their website- although we'll probably see a decrease in the number of episodes.


personally i'll be pretty pissed if we won't at least get a 5th season.

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They have a 5 year plan and I would like it to come to fruition. I personally would be very happy with 5 seasons, it don't want it to be dragged to 10th season like SPN and Bones, it is not a case of the week kind of show and if done well, 5 seasons are enough, but we should get those 5 seasons.

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J Michael Strazynski had a five year plan for Bablyon 5 and at the end of five years, the station shut down. (There was a spin-off but it got cancelled after half a season.) 


All the subsequent Star Trek shows were planned to go seven seasons, and they did except for the last one which was pretty bad.


I would hate to say goodbye to Oliver, Felicity, Diggle and everyone else at the end of five seasons, but I also don't want the show to be drawn out till it's not fun any more, like Bones or NCIS.  But I too really want at least five seasons.l

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IDK, I considered putting it in the spoiler section but it doesn't seem spoilerish to me? The image doesn't really say much other than Cisco goes to Starling which I'm sure everyone already would've guessed... IDK It's up to the mods to decide that. 

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Well it's obvious he's choosing Batman because he is essentially Batman-lite and he's choosing Felicity. :). But oh Amell you are such a troll about Laurel.

Edited by catrox14
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Twitter has been a bit frenzied since his #AskAmell Superman/Batman comment. I don't know if any of it is all that obvious at this point - I've seen a solid split on who he prefers between the superheroes AND the 2 women.


In other news, Stephen Amell will be a special guest at the NYCC Lego Batman 3 panel, along with Kevin Smith and Geoff Johns (it's a Sat Oct 11 panel):



it's not the Arrow panel I was hoping for but it could still be a bit fun.  My young son's head nearly burst when I told him we put it on our schedule for that day.

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