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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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According to tweets this morning, EBR was taken down by a toddler. I don't know if it was during an interview or just wandering around London.

Colton Haynes (@ColtonLHaynes) tweeted at 9:03 AM on Sat, Jun 07, 2014:

Crackin up right now cause a toddler straight up kicked @EmilyBett in the face

Edited by Morrigan2575

This week Katie Cassidy was on The Fashion Police (that E! show with Joan Rivers, where they look at what celebrities wore the past week and either praise or make fun of them).  She looked quite healthy and happy.


Does this count as a public appearance? She seems to be popping up everywhere lately



Did she promote Arrow?

If not, I'd say 'yes' as a public appearance, and 'no' to promoting the show.


I almost never watch that show but by random happenstance I tuned in just as Katie Cassidy came on.  Most of the interview was about KC dad and her blog and then a best and worst outfit pic (of her)  BUT...at the top of the interview Arrow was mentioned briefly by Joan Rivers.  I posted this over in the fitness thread here.

I happened to accidently flip the channel to Fashion Police today just as Katie Cassidy came on.  Mostly it stuck to her dad and fashion, but  Joan Rivers mentioned that everybody on Arrow looks amazing and KC said they have trainers and it's part of their job to stay in shape.  I guess the show pays for their trainers.  (Kelly Osborn and the rest of the talking heads got all envious about that).


So I guess the fact that we hear stuff about EBR training doesn't have to mean much of anything (though it's a very nice perk) and it also makes me wonder if all of KC's talk about her upping her training is all stuff she's initiated rather than it being a mandate from the show.


Edited by BkWurm1

The first time Oliver turned on the lights in the Arrow lair, all the lighting was green.  Not subtle, but a nice effect.


I was watching in City of Blood the scene by the docks where Oliver is soliliquizing at the harbour, waiting to hand himself over to Slade and I noticed how golden the light was.  It reminded me of a few weeks ago when they were shooting a scene for a new movie with Ethan Hawke on the porch of the house next door.  They started setting up early afternoon but they weren't going to shoot till 7 p.m.  I got into a conversation with one of the crew and asked why so late, and he explained that that was The Golden Hour, when the sun was at the right height over the horizon that its rays through the atmosphere made the light look golden and better to film in.

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That's cool statsgirl, thanks for the info. Now I'm trying to recall other possible Golden Hour moments on the show.

I know I really enjoyed the lighting in the first Huntress episode, particularly the restaurant scenes between Helena and Oliver and Tommy and Laurel. I think the lighting was softer, warmer during those scenes, possibly that whole episode. I'm smitten with the last scene between Oliver and Helena as well. The red in her kimono against the candles in the bathtub and the dark in the , I recall it being very moody which I felt suited the personality of the episode quite well.

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Some contracts are just that, contracts for the length of time. But if the actor got a good lawyer to draw up the contract (and the Cassidy family would know some really good entertainment lawyers), the contract might include a penalty clause such as the show would owe her a lot of money if they dropped her before the end of the contract. With Arrow's budget always a problem, maybe they decided it was a better decision to keep her on for the length of the contract.

Or maybe they really do want her to stay on the show.

Maybe if they could release her from the weight of the expectation of the BC role, the superhero stuff and Oliver's OTP part, they might be able to write her better. For all the other characters Oliver excluded, the show runners have a freedom to move beyond the comic books -- the creation of John Diggle and Sara, Thea as Speedy, Felicity as young and part of the team, Malcolm Merlyn as the Dark Archer, Roy, Quentin -- and they've done a good job with them. If they could do the same with Laurel and see how she fit in naturally, it might be possible to save her.

I think all the problem with Laurel would be made worse if she becomes the Black Canary, people wouldn't accept her, and not just those who like Sara, and the whole relationship with Oliver is the most dysfunctional he has in a show of dysfunctional relationships. The harder they try to put her into that role, the more ill-suited they make her for it.


Maybe it's just that none of the interviewers are asking about her. Or the fans at convention KC doesn't attend. At Phoenix, SA was asked two questions about Felicity and none about Laurel.

KC is coming to Boston Comic Con.



There's chatter on Twitter about some comments KC made about working on the salmon ladder.

Mirakuru could explain it in terms of the show, but in real life....... I'm not buying it. Even Caity Lotz said she could do only two rungs. (I wish I could get rid of the impression that KC is delusional about her function on this show.)

Edited by statsgirl

it's not reliable at all though, just Twitter chatter and 1 photo.  I was looking for details from the that took place (none found so far).


the same Twitter chatter said that MB was asked about the salmon ladder and he replied that he didn't do it, it was SA's 'thing.'  And KC said that she'd done one.


No clue if she did a pull up or if she actually move the bar one rung.

Edited by writersblock51

I went into the ticket lottery for SDCC and wasn't successful. Ah well.


I am going to San Antonio Wizard World a week later though (first weekend in August). Manu Bennett and John Barrowman will be there, so if anyone else is going feel free to PM me and we can meet up for a beer - I've already spotted a Belgian pub not far from the convention centre.


Apperently caity was on the phone with Emily during the con. I love those two 

"@GirlsofGeek12: @caitylotz is on the phone with @EmilyBett !!! #DCC2014 #dccprogramming @DenverComicCon pic.twitter.com/HwGPicGxz2"looooveee!!!




Short video of the phone call with Emily and Caity



Edited by Velocity23
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I don't know who decides which Arrow cast members attend these comic cons. but I find it curious that Katie Cassidy and Caity Lotz are the female cast members going to all of these comic cons, and not Emily Bett Rickards - arguably the most popular female cast member.


Is EBR tied up in a project, or are the show producers purposely keeping her out of the limelight while they promote KC and CL?  I can't imagine EBR refusing to attend a comic con if she was asked to attend.


EBR and Colton Haynes attended WB promo in London and then meeting with Spanish media and fans in Madrid. 


Caity and Katie seem to be battling out for the Canary role. And i am really impressed how good Caity is doing. Katie is an old pro with ties in the business and she almost seems off putting and not female lead material. And i think all she is doing is making EBR and Caity look so much more likable. 

Edited by Velocity23


I guess they think EBR is popular enough in the U.S. and are sending her overseas to do promotion.

That's my theory for the recent European promotion, too.  Other than Stephen Amell and John Barrowman, I'm not sure who else besides EBR is as recognizable and attached to the show.


I'd even consider that, ahem, Leading Female status...


I suspect that CH is a familiar face, too, because of his Teen Wolf role.  And, from what I've seen coming out of their trip, the 2 of them are very engaging and strong ambassadors for the show, while also appealing to the ever-coveted younger audience.


And Manu Bennett is helping KC and JB handle things in Australia - I think they're at another con this weekend there?  That makes a lot of sense as well.


Good use of the Divide and Conquer before they possibly get back to together at SDCC - maybe Paul Blackthorne and Willa Holland will be there, too?  I haven't heard if they've been at any cons in the past month.

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Paul Blackthorne will be with with  Caity Lotz for the Inv4sion convention in London from 20-22 June.

Thanks!  That sounds like it will be a fun & interesting panel, too.  I love their father-daughter relationship on screen very much, it's truly been one of the reasons I think Quentin has become an even more compelling character for me.  I doubt they'll spoil his status for S3 but it'll still be an enjoyable panel.


I found these YouTube videos from EBR & CH's promo trip to Madrid (some interesting stuff said):


Colton Haynes y Emily Bett Rickards: "Oliver Queen estaria perdido sin nosotros"
Published June 9, 2014


The 100 / Arrow - Press & Fans Meeting (Madrid, Junio 2014)
Published June 9, 2014


Arrow - Colton Haynes & Emily Bett Rickards Paneldeki Komik Anlan
Published June 11, 2014


Colton Haynes & Emily Bett with fans in Madrid
Published June 9, 2014


EBR and CH are so funny together.  I may not like Roy as a character, but CH is really likeable in his interviews.  He makes me want to keep Roy on the show.

Edited by tv echo
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What I'm getting from these comic con panels is Cassidy is only interested in promoting herself while everyone else is interested in promoting the show and it's characters. SA, CL, EBR, CH, JB and MB are always taking about their fellow cast members and the fun stuff they do between takes or funny things that happened during filming. 


Apperently caity was on the phone with Emily during the con. I love those two

"@GirlsofGeek12: @caitylotz is on the phone with @EmilyBett !!! #DCC2014 #dccprogramming @DenverComicCon pic.twitter.com/HwGPicGxz2"looooveee!!!


I think it's nice that CL and EBR get along so well.  From EBR's twitter page (https://twitter.com/EmilyBett):

Emily Bett Rickards @EmilyBett  ·  Jun 14

“I Don’t Know” - our new rap single  @caitylotz and I will premier it when we can mingle.


I used to think that EBR and KC didn't hang out together because of their age difference - KC is 27 and EBR is 22 (a month younger than WH, believe it or not).  But CL is also 27.

Edited by tv echo

I don't know them but from I can see from twitter and public appearances, Caity and EBR seem to be a friendly, outgoing people, while Cassidy is like Laurel, someone that gives off the don't talk to me until I talk to you vibe. I can't imagine Katie "I'm a method actor" Cassidy would be making up rap songs to memorize her lines with them.

I don't know who decides which Arrow cast members attend these comic cons. but I find it curious that Katie Cassidy and Caity Lotz are the female cast members going to all of these comic cons, and not Emily Bett Rickards - arguably the most popular female cast member.


None of this is decided by the Studio/Network, these public appearances are personal and done to make $.  This isn't an Organized event like SDCC or the show's appearance at NYCC where the studio sets them up for media support and fan interest.  You have to pay $ (good $) to get autographs/photographs...CL was changing 40/40 per and SA was charging 50/50 per.  


The WB International Press Tour/Event that EBR and CH did was major media representation set up by the Studio (WB), Nina Debrov and Julie Plec were in London too, promoting TVD.  Also from the Spain interviews you can see the lead actress and one of the lead actors from The 100 at the same press event as CH/EBR.


Last year, SA did this tour on his own, so I think it's actually interesting that they sent EBR (along with CH) as the S2 representation instead of KC.  It's also makes sense in a way since SA, EBR, & CH were the only Arrow actors invited to the 2013 WB Mondo Press Event, the studio obviously knows/feels that these 3 actors are very popular overseas.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I don't know the inner details about how these appearances are organized. But, if it was solely on personal discretion, then why did Barrowman and Cassidy appear on a morning show together or why would Amell and Lotz have a single panel when it was obvious that the panel was fully packed and they could have arranged different panels on different days and earned twice the amount? Or Caity Lotz going to chile and not any other con in the USA in the middle of her filming a new film. 

And when Boston comic con announced on Twitter that Cassidy would be appearing , she made a point to include CW_Arrow in her thank you note.


I really have no insider info, but these instances make me think that network does nudge the actors to attend these cons or they might have a bit of say in it.

I don't know the inner details about how these appearances are organized. But, if it was solely on personal discretion, then why did Barrowman and Cassidy appear on a morning show together or why would Amell and Lotz have a single panel when it was obvious that the panel was fully packed and they could have arranged different panels on different days and earned twice the amount? Or Caity Lotz going to chile and not any other con in the USA in the middle of her filming a new film.


The panels are organized by the convention not by the studio.  It was the DCC Presents track it wouldn't matter who from Arrow showed up they would have all been on the same panel.  You can find information online, it's amazing how much money actors make off of conventions.




Sci-fi convention organizer/promoter here. Basically each celebrity agrees to come for either an appearance fee or guarantee. With the appearance fee you pay them x amount of dollars up front to come to the con. With the guarantee you agree on a dollar amount that their autograph/photo op sales must meet. If they don't make that dollar amount by the end of the weekend, the promoter pays the difference.

These appearance fees and guarantees can run pretty high. The lower end actors will come for $1500 or $3000 for the weekend. Mid range people will be between $4000-$8000 and the bigger stars cost $10,000+

For example William Shatner is about $35,000 for the weekend. So yes you can make a great living doing cons. You get flown to the con city, get to stay in a suite, have all your meals paid for, you sign some autographs and take some pictures for a few days. Then you go home with $35k in your pocket. There are tons of actors that pretty much make their living from the convention circuit.

Someone like Nathan Fillion, Mark Hamil or Richard Dean Anderson go for about $80,000 for the weekend.



As for why KC/Barrowman appeared on a morning news program together if not for the Studio/Network involvement?  I don't know, could be the studio, could be their publicists getting them extra attention for the convention.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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But, if it was solely on personal discretion, then why did Barrowman and Cassidy appear on a morning show together or why would Amell and Lotz have a single panel when it was obvious that the panel was fully packed and they could have arranged different panels on different days and earned twice the amount?



From what I understand, the panels are usually set show panels instead of individual actor panels. Picture opportunities are separate. I'm not sure who sets the prices for pics, but actors can make a decent amount for a day's work for pics/autographs and the panel appearance. 


I'm sure the studio has some say in what the actors are allowed to say, but I believe it's the actor's representation who sets up the appearances. I doubt the studio is complaining about free publicity though.


Or what Morrigan just posted. :)

Edited by calliope1975
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I'm sure the studio has some say in what the actors are allowed to say, but I believe it's the actor's representation who sets up the appearances. I doubt the studio is complaining about free publicity though.


And we've seen this, in Chile Caity was asked about S3 and she said she couldn't say anything, it was a secret.  She's obviously under a contractual obligation not to reveal her status for S3.

Edited by Morrigan2575

What Morrigan2575 said is what I have always heard. The majority of these are personal appearances.

I know of one actor who attends a ton of these conventions and all the fans want to talk about are his B movie days. No one ever really asks him much about his current projects. He loves interacting with the fans.

Cassidy thanking the CW_Arrow could mean she needed their help in getting (booked)invited/accepted to the Boston-Con. Not everyone(this has nothing to do with KC)gets an invite. Also, in the video I saw from Calgary Fan Expo most fans wanted to talk about her fashion stuff or her prior roles such as Ruby in Supernatural not LL/BC/Arrow.

There are only so many panels. It's also probably more fun to do a panel with someone than alone. It makes sense if you have CL & SA together that you are talking Arrow. I don't think all of Caity's con appearances (most of which have been solo) have just been about promoting Arrow. She has a film career in the same/similar genre so she is promoting them/herself too. She goes according to her schedule.

From what I understand, the panels are usually set show panels instead of individual actor panels. Picture opportunities are separate. I'm not sure who sets the prices for pics, but actors can make a decent amount for a day's work for pics/autographs and the panel appearance.


As far as I know, the prices for pics/autographs are set by the actors or their agents. And yes, actors who have worked on the same show are usually put on a panel together for organizational reasons. Why do 3 separate panels for the same show when you can have 1 big one? It's a lot less time consuming.


There have also been cases where actors were paired off for a panel just because they have appeared in the same franchise. For example, I once watched a panel with Dean Cain and Laura Vandervoort. They never worked together, but he played Superman and she played Supergirl, so the con organizers decided to do a big Superman panel with the both of them.

Edited by strikera0

The actors and/or their agents set up the price of their photo or autograph. Most cons besides the big ones in NY and San Diego are set up individually, meaning the actors decides to attend on their own to promote their show/movie. Usually if they have two or more actors from the same show or similar genre they put them in panels together to make room for other panels. They'll even make up panels on the fly if something comes up, at the Walker Stalker con the EP panel was cancelled because he had to go back to do something for the Walking Dead, so they made a Dead panel with the actors they had whose characters died on the show. 


EBR, David and Manu charge $40 for autographs too, which is the usual price for a secondary or newer actor, rarely have I seen anyone under $30.  A lead actor usually charges anywhere between $50-$70, and the actors that think they are really special charge over $100. My $40 for Emily was totally worth it since I got to talk to her for awhile. It was towards the end, I don't think anyone knew she was still there. Manu was talking and signing things for people without taking their money after the con ended. So imo it's kind of worth it to stay until the very end hanging around the autograph areas at the smaller cons. 


SDCC is free for autographs but it's first come first serve. When me and my sister went we were the cut off for Jensen Ackles, the people right behind us didn't get it. (we did get their Dean action figure signed for them). 

Edited by Sakura12

To me, regardless of how the actor is being paid, or whether it's a network sponsored thing, the truly savvy actor is going to not only promote themselves, but the project they are currently most associated with and will speak of it and their fellow actors in a generous manner.


Amell mentions that he's talked to Barrowman  a lot about how  to deal with the fans and being the lead in a genre show and what that means for his entire life, etc. Watching Amell's panels, I can see him being a leader and propping his character but moreso the entire show. If Cassidy is the co-lead, she needs to act like it and prop up the show, not just her character regardless if it's a personal appearance or not.

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