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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Is anyone else fed up with that dumb fern? Seriously omg, stop this madness already. It's kind of embarrassing now. And when I say 'kind of' I mean completely. 


I like that it was for a good cause though. But I have to admit I laughed when the fern died in 319. *Evil cackle*

Edited by Guest

I do like that this was for a good cause, but I have to admit (and please don't burn me at the stake here), it bothers me that whenever money is needed for something, it is always the Olicity fans that are targeted.  This is not the first time he has asked for money from this particular group of people (could be the first time he's asked for a good cause, though, I'm not sure) and I don't think it will be the last, either.

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When has he asked for money from Olicity fans other than this?


There was that tweet "Olicity fans, this is YOUR chapter.  Please vote with your dollars."  Then he retweeted that comment about "We should all go buy @mguggenheim book #Overwatch to REALLY thank him for the 2x23 #OlicityKiss!!!"  Then when the book sold out, he said something about probably having Olicity fans to thank for that.  He was also contemplating doing some sort of fundraiser to even release the deleted kiss video (when asked if he would release the deleted Olicity mansion kiss, he said "maybe we'll use it to raise money for a good cause or something" ) but obviously he decided against that since he released the video after that twitter trend.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Lmaoooooooo I'm hating the fern too. It's ridiculous how so many people ask about that Damn fern. Like pls ask something relevant. But I have to admit. The evil fern thing was hilarious

The fern mattered to me because as long as it was around, it was a defiant symbol of Oliver and Felicity's relationship still surviving even though it was forced to suffer without love or attention.   I don't buy that MG and the rest never saw it as important.  It was in shot after shot, a constant call back to the first episode when all was hopeful.  It wasn't a love fern to me, it was the hope fern.  So when people were asking about the fern, they were asking for reassurance that they weren't going to shred Olicity without making it better.  

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There was that tweet "Olicity fans, this is YOUR chapter.  Please vote with your dollars."  Then he retweeted that comment about "We should all go buy @mguggenheim book #Overwatch to REALLY thank him for the 2x23 #OlicityKiss!!!"  Then when the book sold out, he said something about probably having Olicity fans to thank for that.  He was also contemplating doing some sort of fundraiser to even release the deleted kiss video (when asked if he would release the deleted Olicity mansion kiss, he said "maybe we'll use it to raise money for a good cause or something" ) but obviously he decided against that since he released the video after that twitter trend.



Ah, I see. I thought you meant that he asked for money in exchange for releasing exclusive content or something. I didn't really like the "vote with your dollars" tweet (I think I'm the one who posted it here, haha), but the others, IDK. I can't fault him for a fan campaign to buy his book. And he never did ask for donations in exchange for the mansion kiss, so...meh. Not judging anyone who is bothered by it though.

Edited by apinknightmare

MG originally tweeted about that campaign when it started about 10 days ago.  I guess he's a friend of Billy Miller.


It seems that since it was nearing the end of the campaign and they still didn't have enough money, MG thought he'd do a favor for a friend and release some footage he had if it would get the extra money.


At least it's for a good cause, as opposed to the self-gratification of the writer. I remember back in the House days, director Greg Yataines said he would release extra footage of the Cuddy pole dance in House's hallucination if he got up to 10,000 twitter followers.  They did.  (Then he said he would ask them to release the cut Wilson/Cameron scene if he got more but then Katie Jacobs refused to release it. #bitter)

Loved "The Fern Rises" video!  Also, "League of Stuff"?  LOL... reading your comments here makes up for the frustration often suffered by being an Arrow fan.


Incidentally, here's the "Fern Power" comments posted by MG in connection with the fern footage:


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I took a look at twitter to see the reaction. Personally, I saw a lot of positivity. The occasional negative Olicity or Felicity tweet but a lot of good responses. I also saw a lot of trend alerts for Arrow and Arrow-related. Seemed really active.


I know that SmoakandArrow organized three Olicity Trends (Before/During/After). I think they all trended but I'm not sure.


I hope its a good sign for the ratings.

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Antonio Negret @antonionegret  ·  9h 9 hours ago

That's actually @JamesBamford doubling @Team_Barrowman here.  Not just choreographing the stunts. That's HIM kicking ass!  #Arrow #TheFallen


Beth Schwartz @SchwartzApprovd  ·  9h 9 hours ago

During rehearsal for this scene #Arrow



Edited by tv echo

Putting in a request.  If anyone goes to a Con that has DR, SA or both on a panel you need to ask them about Diggle carting Oliver around in 320.  I'm positive there is a funny story there, no way one of them didn't mess with the other.

I need the blooper reel from this episode. The potential is there. Thea's spider jump, Diggle lifting Oliver, I think Malcolm's turned on expression was part JB and I need proof. Also, the love scene. Yep. Need something there.

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Yikes... Her resume is not good at all. I got this off of Wikipedia:

"Vertigo" (1.12) (co-written with Sokolowski)

"Salvation" (1.18) (co-written by co-executive producer Drew Z. Greenberg

"Darkness On the Edge of Town" (1.22) (co-written with Greenberg)

"Crucible" (2.04) (co-written by co-developer Andrew Kreisberg)

"Blind Spot" (2.11) (co-written with Beth Schwartz)

"Time of Death" (2.14) (co-written by Schwartz)

"Seeing Red" (2.20) (co-written by Schwartz)

"The Magician" (3.04) (co-written with executive producer Marc Guggenheim)

"Draw Back Your Bow" (3.07) (co-written with executive story editor Schwartz)

"Midnight City" (3.11) (co-written by co-producer Sokolowski)

She did write the Blood Rush episodes, which I enjoyed. But those were also 2 minute long scenes so I can't give her too much credit. She has one "Story by" which was Nanda Parbat. Does anyone know what "story by" means vs "written by"?

Story by means that person had the main story idea, but didn't write the script. On TV, the person who wrote that script gets a Teleplay by credit.

Written by means the same person had the story idea, and wrote the script.

Here's a more detailed explanation:


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