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That person seriously needs to look at their life and their choices. There are characters and actors I don't like, and while I may criticize them in respect to their shows, I'm not going to search them out on social media to be a dick. Weird. 

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This idiot is fucking high EBR is smoking hot. Sexy legs, a booty ill stop before drooling lol. This idiot probably likes sticks like KC

So it's only wrong to criticise the nobody of women you find attractive? Body shaming others is okay in your book?

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He does. Quite often. And I'd take him more seriously if his appearances on Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Myers (two of his stated personal goals for 2015) weren't the direct result of Twitter campaigns.

In actuality, he didn't need the Twitter campaigns to get on those shows. It's not like he's some random actor on some obscure cable channel. He was on Leno last year without any help from fans. He's the lead on a hit network show produced by Warner Bros., a studio with a lot of clout (and full disclosure, my former employer). In addition, the CW is jointly owned by Warner Bros. and CBS, so he could easily go on Letterman or The Late Late Show if he wanted. The daytime and late night talk shows are easy. Shows like SNL, Charlie Rose and Inside the Actors Studio are the tough gets.

Did he actually post his resolutions on Twitter? I was only aware of his FB posts, which I'm guessing were intended to be a fun way to engage his fans.

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Dude, don't respond to body shaming with body shaming.

Ooops my bad I realize my mistake

So it's only wrong to criticise the nobody of women you find attractive? Body shaming others is okay in your book?

No it's not. Ugh again my mistake.

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In actuality, he didn't need the Twitter campaigns to get on those shows.

Maybe not entirely, but when he was on the show Seth Meyers did say that they were inundated with tweets to get him on and that they contacted SA  with dates to get the tweets to stop.


Daniel Fienberg (Hitfix) interview with EBR at the Paley, and his obsession with Felicity's jewishness.


Edited by statsgirl
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Maybe not entirely, but when he was on the show Seth Meyers did say that they were inundated with tweets to get him on and that they contacted SA with dates to get the tweets to stop.

Yes, but my point is that the twitter barrage wasn't necessary to get him booked on the show. He could've just asked Warner Bros. to get him on. The twitter campaign sure made for a better story, though.

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This twitter acount that produces hate messages against EBR while tagging other cast members is terrible! It really should be reported to twitter. (BTW, I don't have an account on twitter. Could I report an account to the company nonetheless? I don't know if/ how that works.)

In general, SA does an outstanding job with regard to social media. He puts so much effort in keeping in touch with the fans. I appreciate that very much. What bothers me about his twitter rant (apart from the fact that he keeps using it nonetheless, presumably because it serves him well) is the style of some of his own tweets: Especially when it comes to football or other kinds of sports he spills personal opinions about athletes or coaches that are "not very nice"... If you don't want hate on social media, don't contribute to it yourself. - I have to add, that nowadays I notice fewer angry sports tweets from SA's part than I used to some months ago.

Edited by Kordi
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In actuality, he didn't need the Twitter campaigns to get on those shows. It's not like he's some random actor on some obscure cable channel. He was on Leno last year without any help from fans. He's the lead on a hit network show produced by Warner Bros., a studio with a lot of clout (and full disclosure, my former employer). In addition, the CW is jointly owned by Warner Bros. and CBS, so he could easily go on Letterman or The Late Late Show if he wanted. The daytime and late night talk shows are easy. Shows like SNL, Charlie Rose and Inside the Actors Studio are the tough gets.

Did he actually post his resolutions on Twitter? I was only aware of his FB posts, which I'm guessing were intended to be a fun way to engage his fans.


I never said the Twitter campaigns were necessary, I said they were what got him on there. And they were - both hosts mentioned it, which also indicates he has a pretty enthusiastic fanbase on Twitter. To continuously harp on how useless it is is unnecessary. 

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This twitter acount that produces hate messages against EBR while tagging other cast members is terrible! It really should be reported to twitter. (BTW, I don't have an account on twitter. Could I report an account to the company nonetheless? I don't know if/ how that works.)

To report someone just click the gear icon that is next to the "follow" button. Then select the "they are abusive/harmful" option. There's a few more clicks/selections from there (I think something about "they are engaging in harassment" and "targeting someone else"). They will then be reported. 


Amell's hate for Twitter is.. strange. He really seems to dislike it because of the abuse that can happen on it.. but then he engages in some himself (like others have mentioned the tweets towards athletes). I mean he's a grown man so he can do whatever he wants, but it's also a bit hypocritical of him? But only having 140 characters to get a thought across can lead to thoughts being misinterpreted I guess. 

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The CW not-so-gently advises their contracted actors to keep a Twitter presence, mainly because it's Twitter that matter to Nielsen's online tracking. Plus, there is a super close relationship between watching TV and posting on Twitter. Even more so than any other social media. That's probably why Stephen keeps his. He does delete it every so often, and then I bet someone from PR calls him and nopes him into going back.

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This twitter acount that produces hate messages against EBR while tagging other cast members is terrible! It really should be reported to twitter. (BTW, I don't have an account on twitter. Could I report an account to the company nonetheless? I don't know if/ how that works.)

I reported it a couple of hours ago.  Hopefully other people did too.

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Twitter will likely do nothing about this. While I may disagree that FB handles things much better, Stephen's certainly not wrong that Twitter is absolutely abhorrent about handling abuse, spam, etc. They know they're terrible about it, and have taken no steps to improve the situation. But, maybe since this guy's targeting a verified user, they will suspend this one account. Then he'll start a new one because that's what trolls do.


(Weirdly, his complaint today seemed to be more about follower inflation because of spam accounts, which...who cares???)

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Do you think it's in response to this asshat who owns this twitter account essentially fat shaming EBR and tagging everyone?



Wow, that guy's views on what is unhealthy is deeply disturbing.  That anyone could legitimately think these thoughts is completely messed up and makes me want to block him from any twitter account belonging to a female under the age of 40.  Yeah, it might not do anything but I'm going to report it as abuse.  It's not just the content but the frequency of his comments. 

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I don't get the impression that the person running that Twitter account believes the stuff they are posting. It comes off as Trolling 101 to me because anyone with half a brain would see those photos of Emily and the very last thought they would have is that the woman is in any way obese. Clearly its sole purpose is to rile up Felicity/EBR fans and it seems to be working as intended.

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So apparently Brian Ford Sullivan is on these boards.  haha  No wonder we like what he writes!





is he one of the writers for 3x16?


Kudos Brian, Major kudos. now... Can we do something about Buckle Canary? like ship her to a different city for the rest of the show life span? it will be greatly appreciated. 

just a suggestion.

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I don't get the impression that the person running that Twitter account believes the stuff they are posting. It comes off as Trolling 101 to me because anyone with half a brain would see those photos of Emily and the very last thought they would have is that the woman is in any way obese. Clearly its sole purpose is to rile up Felicity/EBR fans and it seems to be working as intended.

I think it's working because that person is tagging EBR/SA/WH/KC as well... In doing so he's not actually trolling, he's bullying which is /so very wrong/. 

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I think it's working because that person is tagging EBR/SA/WH/KC as well... In doing so he's not actually trolling, he's bullying which is /so very wrong/.

Honestly, can it really be bullying when no one believes a word of what's posted and the troll only winds up looking like a total dumbass? Also, I obviously don't know EBR personally but my impression of her is that she's the type of person who wouldn't give two shits about this. She never responds to fan tweets and the fans are the ones responding to the troll.

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Honestly, can it really be bullying when no one believes a word of what's posted and the troll only winds up looking like a total dumbass? Also, I obviously don't know EBR personally but my impression of her is that she's the type of person who wouldn't give two shits about this. She never responds to fan tweets and the fans are the ones responding to the troll.


Compromise: Maybe the intent was being trollish, but it comes off as bullying. Unsuccessful bullying, but bullying nonetheless. :)

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Honestly, can it really be bullying when no one believes a word of what's posted and the troll only winds up looking like a total dumbass?



I'm not going to get into it too much, but yes- it is still bullying. Even if it's just trolling, it is still cyber bullying. 

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Honestly, can it really be bullying when no one believes a word of what's posted and the troll only winds up looking like a total dumbass? Also, I obviously don't know EBR personally but my impression of her is that she's the type of person who wouldn't give two shits about this. She never responds to fan tweets and the fans are the ones responding to the troll.

The thing is I've never known actresses to be the super secure in their skin type- though EBR seems an exception.  I remember Allison Mack over on Smallville getting targeted by fans for putting on weight and then next thing you know the actress was IMO scary skinny.  Maybe a coincidence but everybody looks at themselves and obsesses on flaws and that guy got very specific in what he saw as proof of being fat There are enough unhealthy body image messages out there in general but to have something specifically targeted at you?  I sincerely hope EBR never clicks on any of his tweets.

Edited by BkWurm1
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The way I look at it is, we don't really know whether or not EBR is secure about her weight. She seems pretty secure with herself, but I'm not her so I'm not going to assume she is. We don't know how she reacted to seeing those tweets. I don't think it really matters if they were "successful" or not. A bully is a bully, in my opinion. Some random stranger tweeting things so publicly about her weight not only to her but also to her castmates and her bosses could potentially be humiliating for her or make her insecure. That makes this person a bully. If the intent is to hurt someone's feelings, and I absolutely believe that is this person's intent since EBR and her castmates are being tagged, then it is bullying.

Edited by AnyoneButYou
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Non-spoilery MG responses at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/

everything-castle asked:
Will you be at wondercon for any arrow promotion or signings for Overwatch?

Unfortunately, no.  I love Wondercon, but straight up, I have the opportunity to visit ILM — Industrial Light & Magic — that weekend and that’s always been on my bucket list.  Next year!

itsdoctorreid asked:
I just gotta say, something Barrowman said at Paleyfest really stuck with me. The whole thing about people hating Malcolm but loving him at the same time. I kind of realized this is the same kind of feeling you and the other writers, especially this season. There have been many Wednesday evenings where I have yelled at my television, or at whatever poor soul is watching with me. But in the end, you and your team are my Malcolm Merlyn and I mean that in the best way possible. Keep it up! (:

Thanks!  We all aspire to be Malcolm Merlyn.

loloblove asked:
There's a fan theory floating around about colors on the show and their ties to certain people (ie Felicity wearing red for Oliver, blue for Ray). Any truth to this?

It’s not intentional on our part, but I can’t deny the pattern.


MG also posted a lot of fan praise for "The Offer" episode, mostly from Oliver and Felicity fans.

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allthingsfilmandtv asked:

I think that the writing room process is so fascinating and would love to know more about it! 1) Do the writers get assigned their episodes at the start of the season so its all planed out or do you have a specific system to choose who writes what episode? 2) If the Arrow writers ever do a take your kid to work day please accept this as my official application to be your kid for a day! Note that I'm not actually a kid but really a 26 year old Film and TV nerd.

1) No, that’s not worked out in advance.  Assignments are done on an ad hoc basis and usually based around writer availability.  We try very hard to make sure that everyone has an equal number of scripts.

2) Hah!  Duly noted — on both counts.


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Question: if and when a character is being written off a show, how do they communicate it to the actor? Do they tell them in person? 

Mostly, (and it's unrelated to the previous question), I'm very intrigued by this meeting that took place some time ago with WH, KC, SA and MG. Do the showrunners periodically meet with the actors? I mean, I seem to understand they do with Stephen, but I wasn't aware of the others. I recall EBR saying she never really had the chance to talk about Felicity until she happened to be travelling with one of the EPs and took advantage of it :) 

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Question: if and when a character is being written off a show, how do they communicate it to the actor? Do they tell them in person? 

Mostly, (and it's unrelated to the previous question), I'm very intrigued by this meeting that took place some time ago with WH, KC, SA and MG. Do the showrunners periodically meet with the actors? I mean, I seem to understand they do with Stephen, but I wasn't aware of the others. I recall EBR saying she never really had the chance to talk about Felicity until she happened to be travelling with one of the EPs and took advantage of it :) 


I think they tell the actor as soon as they decide the character will be killed off, and I would imagine if the person was a regular, yes, they would probably do that in person.


As for the actors meeting with the writers, I think it could be for any number of reasons. I think the writers do respect the actors' opinions on their characters, and might appreciate their input on some things. And maybe since the time EBR said that (possibly when she wasn't a regular yet?), the EPs have made it more of a standard practice to have check-ins to help guide the actors on where things are going, and get feedback on other stuff. Who knows? Could also just be for team-building/morale purposes, because if I were writing for Arrow, a visit from Stephen Amell would probably do wonders for my mood. :)

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If I remember correctly, EBR said it in one of her interviews during her summer tour with Colton. You're probably right, though, and maybe they have these meetings whenever they can. Probably it's just that the actors were in LA and decided to stop by. 

I can't help it, my immagination runs wild- and I wish I knew how the behind the scenes stuff works. :)

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I think those 3 went in for a Table Read, they were all in LA at the time, while everyone else was up in Vancouver.


As for letting people know when they're being killed off.  IIRC they informed Colin as soon as they finalized their decision, when they were writing 118, I believe it was in February.  Colin mentioned in an interview that they did it in person, while both MG and AJK were up in Vancouver.


For Susanne I remember reading an interview where she mentioned finding out 3 weeks before they started filming 220.  That might be the norm, since they use the same 3 week rule on The Walking Dead (according to Chad Coleman).


And maybe since the time EBR said that (possibly when she wasn't a regular yet?)


She said it in S2 when she was in LA doing press for 208.  It was during the Pop Sugar interview, she talked about having a chance to talk with MG while they were stuck in the Vancouver airport flying to LA. That's when MG apparently told her some of the plans for Felicity in the back-half of S2 (including, I'm assuming, her role in the finale). I don't really remember her answer being, I never talk to these guys, they ignore me all the time but now I had him trapped.  Seemed more like, yeah we don't get to talk to them too often because they're in LA and we're in Vancouver but I we were both on the same flight to LA and sat down for a couple of hours to talk about Felicity.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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For Susanne I remember reading an interview where she mentioned finding out 3 weeks before they started filming 220.  That might be the norm, since they use the same 3 week rule on The Walking Dead (according to Chad Coleman).


If that's true, and if they had decided this was happening earlier than that, then I don't blame her at all for declining invitations to return. Common decency would be to tell the actor as soon as possible so they can get to work finding their next project and not miss any opportunities. But...maybe they weren't entirely sure until then? I mean, I'm just trying to think of a reason they wouldn't tell her sooner because I just don't see the point.

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I think those 3 went in for a Table Read, they were all in LA at the time, while everyone else was up in Vancouver.

Here goes my theory! :( I had a nice thing going in my mind of how they'd summoned them to tell KC:"See, you've transitioned to Black Canary. We're shipping you off now, though.Bye!" and to WH:" You've been through your crucible, so you're now the newest addition to Team Arrow!". 




I don't really remember her answer being, I never talk to these guys, they ignore me all the time but now I had him trapped.  Seemed more like, yeah we don't get to talk to them too often because they're in LA and we're in Vancouver but I we were both on the same flight to LA and sat down for a couple of hours to talk about Felicity.

I wasn't really trying to imply that. From the interview I remember-I don't know if it's the same you're referring to, they often state the same things several different times- she did joke the person in question had no escape, but I surely didn't take her seriously :)

Edited by looptab
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If that's true, and if they had decided this was happening earlier than that, then I don't blame her at all for declining invitations to return. Common decency would be to tell the actor as soon as possible so they can get to work finding their next project and not miss any opportunities. But...maybe they weren't entirely sure until then? I mean, I'm just trying to think of a reason they wouldn't tell her sooner because I just don't see the point.

I don't know, I don't work in Hollywood.  I only know that Chad Coleman said on Talking Dead that the producers normally tell them 3 weeks in advance and I'm fairly sure that's what Sussana said in an interview.  


ETA: I take that back, I just found an article where ST said AJK told her at the end of January and they filmed 220 in early March...so at least 4-5 weeks.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think it's working because that person is tagging EBR/SA/WH/KC as well... In doing so he's not actually trolling, he's bullying which is /so very wrong/.


Its comes of as trolling to me albeit still cyberbullying, but unfortunately  this user wouldn't be the first person to tag nasty messages to the actors/crew. It happens a lot in fandom especially on Twitter, KC has been on the  receiving end of it more than any other Arrow actor and for 3 years now. Nothing really has been done to discipline those users, so why would this one troll be any different.  I think if the actress/Emily has a problem with it, she could always report to twitter. They are performers though, they deal with this stuff a lot of the time. If the troll start saying that they will stalk and kill Emily, then I think that could be a call for major intervention. 


Emily and the other cast/crew  also  have the power to block this user if they don't want to entertain their messages anymore.

Edited by Conell
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I'm not a fan of KC which means I'm not going to follow her around the internet to insult her. Who has that kind of time? I'd rather spend the time I do have following people I like. 


I'm also not a huge fan of social media, I don't have a Facebook and I rarely post anything on my Twitter. The only one I do use is Tumblr but I never put anything hateful on it, I just post pics and gifs of things I like. 

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I am torn about MG responding. I'm happy he stood up for EBR or at least said something? But he gave the account the attention he/she wanted. And now I do believe it's just going to escalate.

I don't care if it's just trolling, it is cyber bullying. And it would be if it was a troll account set up to body shame KC or WH too. It's amazing what can actually get to someone emotionally even when it's not supposed to be taken seriously. And since Marc responded I'm guessing EBR and the rest of the cast have seen at least some of the tweets.

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I work in communications for athletes and have had the distinct pleasure of having to deal with Twitter harassers. Unfortunately, Twitter makes it very difficult to get them to step in to shut down troll accounts completely. Unless they're issuing threats or breaking the law, all they can do is encourage the person to mute or block them.


Also, if you think calling someone 'fat' is the worst insult you can give them, that says more about you then the person you're supposedly insulting.

Edited by Tangerine
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The account was suspended.  Thank you Twitter.  I, too was bothered by the proAna talk as someone whose daughter was effected by that in the past.  You just don't know what people who see stuff like that are going to self-project. 

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