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9 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Is this Arrow related? Chicago Med? Is he joining Frozen on Broadway? 

I choose to believe, until otherwise, that Colin's leaving Chicago Med to rejoin Arrow as a season 7 regular. Nobody can tell me otherwise until then! 

Though, I will say, the way he worded his tweet, it did sound very Stephen-esque. 

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But why?!?! Why would Colin leave a show on one of the Big Three networks, where he is the romantic lead, to come back to a show on The CW?!?! Leave a show where he is presumably getting more money than he ever would on a CW show? I mean, man's got a wife and dogs to feed, LOL!

Also, the idea of Tommy coming back gives me agita because it likely means Arrow is keeping Cassidy and ... just blech!

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2 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

But why?!?! Why would Colin leave a show on one of the Big Three networks, where he is the romantic lead, to come back to a show on The CW?!?! Leave a show where he is presumably getting more money than he ever would on a CW show? I mean, man's got a wife and dogs to feed, LOL!

He gets killed off all the time - maybe he doesn’t have a choice, haha. 

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26 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

But why?!?! Why would Colin leave a show on one of the Big Three networks, where he is the romantic lead, to come back to a show on The CW?!?! Leave a show where he is presumably getting more money than he ever would on a CW show? I mean, man's got a wife and dogs to feed, LOL!

Chicago Med is definitely the safer show because it's a Dick Wolf production and will probably run forever.

But the writing on Med makes Arrow seem like Shakespeare.  CD, who could make Tommy/Laurel work, is being dragged to the bottom of the river by Rhodes/Bekker.

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16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Chicago Med is definitely the safer show because it's a Dick Wolf production and will probably run forever.

Tell that to Original Recipe Law & Order!

Yes, still bitter bitter bitter that Original is gone, while that crapfuckertastic SVU is still on and will never go away.

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29 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Chicago Med is definitely the safer show because it's a Dick Wolf production and will probably run forever.

But the writing on Med makes Arrow seem like Shakespeare.  CD, who could make Tommy/Laurel work, is being dragged to the bottom of the river by Rhodes/Bekker.

Yikes, really? The only Chicago show I watched was Chicago Justice and that disappeared in like 2 seconds. 

@GHScorpiosRule, I'm actually watching SVU again just because Philip Winchester moved from Chicago to Manhattan :P

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15 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:


@GHScorpiosRule, I'm actually watching SVU again just because Philip Winchester moved from Chicago to Manhattan :P

He plays Ben Stone’s* son, right?

EADA BEN STONE: BEST ADA EVAH! On Mothership Law & Order.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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What's with the official CW Account not retweeting EBR's tweet? They retweeted everyone but EBR's.

EBR for all intents and purposes seems like a darling and adored by everyone who meets her (I've seen so many random people who take pics with her and then act all smitten) so WTF is up with the offical account? Is there like one evil person who has it in for her? A  bunch of evil elves? Or is it that ONE evil woman you guys sometimes talk about who runs the Arrow stuff?

If so what is her problem? Did EBR burn down her house? Her Granny's house? Because the grudge is ffing obvious!

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26 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What's with the official CW Account not retweeting EBR's tweet? They retweeted everyone but EBR's.

EBR for all intents and purposes seems like a darling and adored by everyone who meets her (I've seen so many random people who take pics with her and then act all smitten) so WTF is up with the offical account? Is there like one evil person who has it in for her? A  bunch of evil elves? Or is it that ONE evil woman you guys sometimes talk about who runs the Arrow stuff?

If so what is her problem? Did EBR burn down her house? Her Granny's house? Because the grudge is ffing obvious!

Oh, that's been happening for ages now. They RT everyone but EBR. The bias is so obvious they won't even RT a picture with her in it. I blame Chico. 

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4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

They just rewteeted it.

LOL. Only because people were questioning it. Her tweet has been up since yesterday. The timing is suspicious, IMO.

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Yeah, I don't get why they seem to avoid promoting her. If there's a crossover, she's front and center (I think she's crossed over to the other shows more times than even SA IIRC), and if there's a new character that needs introducing/spinning off, they use her. It's odd. 

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I still find it aggravating because she's been there since almost the beginning. 

I wouldn't be surprised though if there's some envy going on from certain bts people. Who love and show favouritism towards other characters/actors.

They probably think "oh she gets enough love from most fans, don't need to add to it." ??

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KC panel at Dutch Comic Con on April 1...

Dutch Comic Con 2018- Katie Cassidy (Arrow, The Flash) panel Sunday
Published on Apr 3, 2018, by Conmose

-- On working on Arrow and the Arrowverse, KC: "It's been pretty amazing, ever since the pilot. our writers, producers, they've been pretty awesome. They, um - for me, specifically, you know, they've written my character very well. Then they have - by the way, spoiler alert - uh, not written my character very well. Season 4. Episode 19? Is it 419? (Pauses) Nobody knows. Okay, good, we'll keep it like that. And then they bring the character back. (Laughs) And they start writing for you again. So it's awesome."

-- Mod: "The first part from Arrow, it was more of an evil character that you played?" KC: "The first part was a pure, nice, driven, good-hearted, big-hearted, warm, loving Laurel, who then hit rock bottom, who then came back out on top, became a superhero, and got stabbed by Damian Darhk, and then came back as Laurel Earth-2 Black Siren - the evil Laurel."

-- On another DC character she'd like to play, KC: It'd be cool to be Superman. I'd love to fly... It'd be kinda cool to be Penguin."

-- On whether Sara and Earth-2 Laurel will ever meet, KC: "Interesting. I've actually brought this up to our showrunner, Marc Guggenheim, because when I was doing research and back story for Black Siren, I specifically asked, 'Is there a world on which Black Siren will meet Sara and/or Laurel Earth-1? And if so, what does that look like?' And he just said, 'Interesting.' Dot, dot, dot. So, I feel like that's more like, stay tuned, and we'll see how that turns out. (Laughs) So I definitely think there's a world in which they play that out, and we'll see what happens. It'd be pretty crazy."

-- On how the BC/BS Canary Cry is shot, KC: "In silence, atually. I'm not kidding. When I first started doing the Canary Cry and they had me bring it to screen, I was really stressed out about the fact that I would be screaming a - like, probably quite loud. And also in the middle of the night in downtown Vancouver, shooting outside. People, I don't know, they may not realize we're shooting a TV show and I'm playing the character whose scream could kill someone. Or at least damage their ear drums. So I just literally did it without a sound. So imagine just a 'haah' sound. And that's been sort of the way whoever's come after me has sort of handled the whole situation. Because we would also really love to continue having a voice to be able to work days after. Uh, and if you're screaming at the top of your lungs, chances are - yeah, I would not have been able to speak or shoot other scenes. So - it's kinda in silence. It's fun, though. It's awesome. She's amazing."

-- On whether she prefers to play BC or BS, KC: "I like my job. (Laughs) I can't answer that... I love playing both characters. They've been really fun. Very challenging, very different, although obviously similar. So it's been tricky, but I'm having a blast and I'm very grateful."

-- Fan then asked about Shethority, and KC talked about it.

-- On how she felt when she found out about Laurel's death, KC: "Well, I cried, to be honest with you. I was, you know, obviously sad... It's so funny, we start the season, Season 4, and I'd been roommates with Danielle Panabaker and Caity Lotz - not at the same time, different times - Danielle, then Caity, and now Danielle again - and at the time, I was roommates with Danielle. And it was the beginning of Season 4 and I remember her asking me - and I think I mentioned this yesterday - and she had said, 'ooh, what if you're in the grave?' I remember looking at her and being like, 'I don't even know if anybody's in the grave. This is television. Maybe there's no one in the grave. Who knows?' No. And then yes, cut to February and getting a phone call that Marc and Wendy wanted to have lunch to discuss things. And I'm like, 'oh crap, I'm in the grave.' ... It sucked, but it happens. I understood from a writing perspective, you know, producer's perspective, because it's a platform for all the other main characters, the storyline, driving them in different directions. And I'm really glad they brought me back. I'm having fun."

-- On what she would change about E1 Laurel's death, if she could change one thing, KC: "Well, it was (makes frustrated noise) too simple! In my opinion, at least. She just got - out of nowhere, just like got stabbed and then what. And I also - she was alive and then all of a sudden had a seizure and wasn't.... Just that it would make a little bit more sense, I think. Or have a little bit more merit to it. Um, however, having said that, I still - I think they've done a good job so far and hopefully they continue to do so."

-- (Fan question was not in video) KC: "I think it would be kinda cool to be Spartan. John Diggle. Yeah, I'd love that! He's got his back. Arrow's gotta take it. A little bit of that Batman and Robin thing."

-- When asked in what way she relates most to Laurel, KC: "Laurel is very dedicated, and she's a fighter. I think that also comes along with being stubborn. I think those are some qualities that I definitely can relate to."

-- On what it's like to work alongside Caity Lotz, KC: "She is awesome. She's awesome. We were actually - we're so lucky. You know, I started with the pilot and then learning that they were bringing my sister back was great. But, you know, as an actor, you never really know, you know, where, who you're going to end up having to spend 90% of your time with. But we were really, really fortunate. Our cast - not only are they really good actors, but they are incredibly good people. And Caity Lotz is a huge testament to that. So is Danielle Panabaker. Everyone has been - you know, especially for the females - like I said, Shethority, that's where it all comes from. We support one another and stand up for one another, and I think that's really important. And she's a badass chick... and I'm proud of her, honestly."

-- (Fan question was not in video) KC: "I wish that I had had a little more of that, um, Million Dollar Baby moment. Of transitioning from, you know, Laurel into - she hits rock bottom - into the superhero... I just remember that I was just very much looking forward to that whole transition, and I put so much effort in it, time and dedication to it, physically. I do wish they would've played that out a little more.  But I'm still very fortunate and very happy with the way they went with everything."

-- On whether PB feels like a dad to her, KC said that he feels more like a friend than a dad. He's someone she can ask advice from and they talk about their scenes.

-- KC said that she used to be a "huge *NSYNC fan" and talked about having a big crush on Justin Timberlake.

-- KC mentioned JB when asked about funny stories on set.

-- On whether it was difficult to switch to evil E2 Laurel, KC: "I'm going to be very clear, very upfront about this question. Actually, no. It wasn't hard to. I was kinda mad. They killed my character off. So it was like, 'Okay, you want me to come back? And you want me to be mean? [Unintelligible words], you guys? Okay. That's no problem.' ... It was easy for me to channel that, you know, frustration. As I'm sure, we all can relate. You know, it's a job, a job, a job happens and sometimes - whether it be they decide to let go of the character or position or whatever it might be, it kinda sucks to be on the other end. But it's reality and you just have to rise above it... By the way, thank you to everyone who supported me throughout this whole getting killed off, being brought back - cause I actually do, I think it's been - I think you guys have a huge influence... Uh, I certainly owe a lot - most of it to you. The support was pretty unbelievable and you guys have been pretty unbelievable. So thank you. And thank you for continuing to support me."

-- On how it is shooting the crossover episodes, KC said it was "chaotic, stressful, exhausting"

-- On whether Black Siren will join Team Arrow, KC: "Ooh, I hope so. I feel like that would sort of - you know, she's a bit of a loose cannon. It would sort of mix things up a bit. But who knows? You gotta keep watching."

-- On what she thinks is the best part of playing BC, KC: "I think the journey that she's been through... Well, obviously Laurel. But whether it be Caity, myself, Juliana, I think we all have a certain interpretation. For me, it was - she's a fighter. And she rises above. Uh, she shall overcome is sort of what innately comes to me. And that's strength and female empowerment, uh, equality, you know, all these things come to my mind when I - as my interpretation of Black Canary. And I'm sure Caity Lotz and Juliana - they probably have other things that, you know, what it means to them. For each of us, it's probably different. But - a hero, you know."

-- On whether she'd ever want to travel with the Legends, KC: "Yeah! That sounds awesome... I want to travel the world. In all times."

-- When asked about the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her, KC talked about starting S3 of Arrow after training for several months and people were commenting on her muscles. Then when they started shooting, they had stunt doubles for insurance reasons. One night Atlin was telling her how to sell this "hook... cross" because they were shooting one of the first times BC is out fighting in the field. But when they went to shoot the scene, KC put so much into throwing this hook, that she belly flopped and face planted on the asphalt.

-- KC talked about shooting the remake of A Nightmare in Elm Street. She then talked getting into acting and being from a family "in entertainment."

-- On new projects, KC: "I did two films over the last year. One called Grace, uh, with Tate Donovan, is a bit of more of a drama. And one called Cover Versions with Sony... Yes, Coachella, whole murder mystery, yeah... which was really fun to do... Uh, so that will be out soon."

-- (Fan question was not in video) KC: "I took fighting and kick-boxing, so whenever there's like actual physical fighting, they let me do it, I try and do it. I didn't go train for nothing. Guys, come on! You guys can do it, why can't I? (Laughs) Um, when it's appropriate, they let me."

-- On whether she read about BC in the comics, KC: "I did start reading 'em when my character, from Season 2 to Season 3, uh, was transitioning, but I didn't read - a lot of people asked me if I read them ahead of time. But it's actually very difficult for me as an individual to even do that when it comes to our episodes and our scripts. I wait until we finish shooting the episode we're currently on. Um, just for me, storywise, and a person, it's better to live in the moment and not take on too much, before I'm ready. So it wasn't until my character actually transitioned that I started doing research on the actual comic books and the actual comic book character in depth."

-- On whether she watches back the episodes that she's in, KC: "It's like a love-hate relationship." She said that it's "beneficial" as an actor to watch your performance because sometimes it's a good learning experience. However, she also said that it "gets you in your head," so sometimes she chooses not to do it. She also mentioned that she "had this weird thing with my tongue" that she used to do, which she was unaware of, until she started watching episodes back. 

-- When asked about her favorite things about E1 Laurel and E2 Laurel, KC: "I like Earth-1 Laurel - well, I think all of it, all in all, I feel like, the fighting aspect. I think she's a fighter. Heart of gold. And I find that to be the similarity between Earth-1 and Earth-2... I think they are both fighters. In different ways. They've had different lives. On different Earths... They're survivors. And they've both been through a lot. And again it's that the same aspect of she shall - we shall overcome."

-- Mod: "In what kind of movie do you see yourself doing in like 10 years or so? What would youj like to do?" KC: "Many things. But being a Bond girl would be awesome. Just putting it out there. Catwoman would be awesome too. Just going to put that out there."

-- On what it was like auditioning for Supernatural, KC: "It was so stressful." She said that she had decided to wear these thigh-high boots that had six-inch heels, but they were "classy, not trashy" and were the nicest boots she had at the time. She was "scared to death" but had an adrenaline rush. She said that it was the first time she didn't let her fears get into her head. While working with her acting coach on another audition, she got the phone call that she got the job.

Edited by tv echo
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-- On what she would change about E1 Laurel's death, if she could change one thing, KC: "Well, it was (makes frustrated noise) too simple! In my opinion, at least. She just got - out of nowhere, just like got stabbed and then what. And I also - she was alive and then all of a sudden had a seizure and wasn't.... Just that it would make a little bit more sense, I think. Or have a little bit more merit to it. Um, however, having said that, I still - I think they've done a good job so far and hopefully they continue to do so."

This made me laugh. Generally these two things are pretty unexpected!

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42 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm actually surprised by how honest she was. It was refreshing and of course I agree with a lot of what she said.

Me too. And she didn't find out she was the one in the grave in season 4 until February? Damn, that's cold. Between her talking about channeling her anger about how they treated her into her BS performance, to Barrowman's recent interview about learning Malcolm was dying, it seems like MG and WM need some sensitivity training when it comes to letting cast members go.

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1 minute ago, Trisha said:

Me too. And she didn't find out she was the one in the grave in season 4 until February? Damn, that's cold. Between her talking about channeling her anger about how they treated her into her BS performance, to Barrowman's recent interview about learning Malcolm was dying, it seems like MG and WM need some sensitivity training when it comes to letting cast members go.

To be fair, KC found out while filming/right before 416 and she dies at the end of 418 and still films a good bit in 419, that's a good month/month and a half before she actually leaves vs JB saying that he didn't know until they were filming it (while already having filmed 522), and the cast were at least aware that someone might be leaving since the beginning of the season.

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23 minutes ago, Trisha said:

And she didn't find out she was the one in the grave in season 4 until February? Damn, that's cold.

She's changed her story about when/how it happened a couple times. I remember one version where she said she found out in the middle of HVFF NYC early Janurary 2016 (the one with the big snowstorm) and one where she found out "right before" she had to shoot a long courtroom scene during filming of 4.16, which was right after HVFF NYC, but still in January. Both of these accounts she portrayed herself as a trooper, that she bravely put on a good face and went to the con acting normal and that she put her feelings aside to bravely film her scenes despite being ambushed by the news.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

KC: "I'm going to be very clear, very upfront about this question. Actually, no. It wasn't hard to. I was kinda mad. They killed my character off. So it was like, 'Okay, you want me to come back? And you want me to be mean? [Unintelligible words], you guys? Okay. That's no problem.'

She's mad that the show asked her to come back and gave her a job? Why did she come back, then? Also, the exit is right there, KC. Feel free to leave and go back to advertising for kitty litter.

Thanks @tv echo for the transcription. 

Edited by lemotomato
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I guess they did try to wine and dine her lol. I feel bad for all actors find out so close to their last episodes, especially when it's those mystery deaths that they claim not to know until they write it.

Candice P. Wasn't even told she was safe during s3 of Flash right? Grant had to be the one to tell Her? Mess.

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If I were that mad about how I'd been treated, I would've said no on the spot when asked back. Didn't MG say something about Susanna Thompson telling them no when they asked her back after they killed her off? That if they had more story for her they shouldn't have done it in the first place? Or am I misremembering?

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

I guess they did try to wine and dine her lol

Considering that she also told yet another variation of how she found out Laurel was getting killed off, I find her account of BTS stuff highly suspect. 

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:


She's mad that the show asked her to come back and gave her a job? Why did she come back, then? Also, the exit is right there, KC. Feel free to leave and go back to advertising for kitty litter.

Sounds like She was mad that they killed her off so it was easy to play evil when coming back. Though I'm sure the emotional stress isn't fun. 

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Sounds like She was mad that they killed her off so it was easy to play evil when coming back. Though I'm sure the emotional stress isn't fun. 

If it stressed her out so badly getting fired the first time, not sure why she'd subject herself to the whims of those people again, haha. 

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Considering that she also told yet another variation of how she found out Laurel was getting killed off, I find her account of BTS stuff highly suspect. 

Not as if there is a huge inconsistency. She got a message they wanted to talk, she didn't want to wait and contacted MG. I imagine he still came down and talked to her in person. 

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If I were that mad about how I'd been treated, I would've said no on the spot when asked back. Didn't MG say something about Susanna Thompson telling them no when they asked her back after they killed her off? That if they had more story for her they shouldn't have done it in the first place? Or am I misremembering?

If you're misremembering, so am I. I know that's why ST coming back for the 100th was such a surprise. 

If she's back to sharing an apartment with DP, where is DP's husband? 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

If it stressed her out so badly getting fired the first time, not sure why she'd subject herself to the whims of those people again, haha. 

She still obviously enjoys the cast and crew and doesn't hold any huge grudges. Coming back having no expectations is a lot easier to deal with. Not as if she signed another 6/7 yr contract. She probably knows what to expect. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Not as if there is a huge inconsistency. She got a message they wanted to talk, she didn't want to wait and contacted MG. I imagine he still came down and talked to her in person. 

All of which happened in January. But I guess she figured if she pushed the notification date later to February she'd get more sympathy. 

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

If she's back to sharing an apartment with DP, where is DP's husband? 

I don't watch Flash anymore so I'm not sure how much Caitlin is in it, but maybe she only films a few days a week so it's more like a crash pad for her while she keeps her home in LA (or wherever). 

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IMO, Susannah had a much more reasonable argument for not coming back because  killing Moira was just stupid. Killing Laurel made sense IM and no it's not  jusbecuaee I liked Moira and disliked Laurel. Moira worked as a character and had a lot more story potential. Laurel ascension  to BC was completely inorganic and she was no longer a love interest for Oliver.IMO Laurel never made sense as a character in the show. Moira did. IMO. Giving KC the chance play a character more suited to her acting skills is kind of a gift to her.

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

All of which happened in January. But I guess she figured if she pushed the notification date later to February she'd get more sympathy. 

Which was at the end of January if I'm not mistaken. Wow getting it off by a week..huge.

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Props to @tv echo for sitting through that and transcribing. Rather you than me! ?

46 minutes ago, Trisha said:

EBR is so cute here, aw!

But when was Diggle in a hospital gown? I've totally blanked!

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

In the Thanksgiving ep.

Doh! Thank you. I just have trouble remembering 6a tbh. ??

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3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Which was at the end of January if I'm not mistaken. Wow getting it off by a week..huge.

Since you remember it so well, I'd think KC would too, since it happened to her. Getting stuck in a snowstorm and finding out you're getting fired is pretty memorable, IMO.

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Just now, Velocity23 said:

Doesnt KC usually just jet out after she is finished filming? 

Yeah but I can imagine when she shoots episodes back2back she stays in Vancouver.

Probably easier to have a stable place to keep some personal belongings then doing a hotel every 2-3 weeks 

5 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Since you remember it so well, I'd think KC would too, since it happened to her. Getting stuck in a snowstorm and finding out you're getting fired is pretty memorable, IMO.

Oh please. Fans pay more attention to actors then they do to themselves. We could all probably school majority of the cast on anything Arrow or where they were last week.

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Yeah but I can imagine when she shoots episodes back2back she stays in Vancouver.

Probably easier to have a stable place to keep some personal belongings then doing a hotel every 2-3 weeks 

But how does that work? Because outside episode 12ish -15is  she barely filmed for more then 2-3 days a piece. 

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