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12 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm having a hard time reading the plan, is it (alternating) 500 situps and 500 push ups in 24 min?

Yeah 500 EACH!  But I think her time was 29min and the record for the challenge is 24.  I think.

Edited by BkWurm1
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12 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah 500 EACH!  But I think her time was 29min and the record for the challenge is 24.  I think.

Ah, OK. I thought the World Record comment was tongue in cheek. For some reason i thought he created the challenge so World Record meant his Arrowverse peeps.

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28 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is everyone's head canon for why Felicity looks the way she does? Genetics?

Because she only does 5 sit ups a day! Although she did punching practice in S5!

My head cannon is she probably works in some cardio off screen and often forgets to eat when she's working on her own and when she was with Oliver and he was feeding her all the time, she was burning it all off with lots and lots of really athletic and bendy sex.  

19 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Ah, OK. I thought the World Record comment was tongue in cheek. For some reason i thought he created the challenge so World Record meant his Arrowverse peeps.

You might be right. I just don't know for sure.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is everyone's head canon for why Felicity looks the way she does? Genetics?

Because she only does 5 sit ups a day! Although she did punching practice in S5!

Haha she's the opposite of the standard Hollywood waif-fu. She looks super athletic but is a desk jockey. 

I hope she gets to do an action role one day. 

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From SA's facebook yesterday (warning: he might or might not have teased the mega crossover, I couldn't tell)...

-- Because of his shooting schedule, SA will not be available for the Saturday of HVFF-NY next weekend, but he'll be available for the Nocking Point Party on Saturday night. He'll also have a revised schedule for the Sunday of HVFF-NY. 

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Audio of "Arrow: What Has the Arrow Cost Us?" panel at Dragon Con 2017 on Saturday, Sep. 2...

Episode 220 | Author Stories at Dragon Con – Arrow Panel – Willa Holland, Echo Kellum, Josh Sega
Published on Sep 8, 2017, by Hank Garner

-- They joked that although JS's character was dead, no one stays dead forever in the Arrowverse.

-- Fan said that, although Arrow's pretty dark, they throw a good party from time to time. Then she asked if there will be any good celebrations this season, like maybe a wedding or baby shower. EK: "I mean, there's always a couple celebrations going on throughout the season of Arrow, just to balance out the darkness. Um, I can't be too specific on what's happening because I have no idea, 'cause they don't tell us. We just get the scripts like a day before it comes up. They're like, 'learn your lines!' Like, okay. And then you're like, just kinda deal with it. Uh, but there will be a lot of surprises and celebrations coming up for the new season, for sure." When WH was asked, she had passed the answer to EK because she thought he would have more information than she did, but unfortunately, her answer would be the same. (tv echo: It's interesting that WH thought that EK would know more than she did.)

-- When fan asked where was the rest of the Arrow cast, EK and WH said that they were working or sleeping (because of late shoots). Mod said that SA has been at Dragon Con before. WH noted that JB was there and that KC was there, but she was at another panel earlier that morning and would also be at a panel the next day. (tv echo: That day, there were LoT and Flash panels prior to this Arrow panel, but it's curious that KC didn't attend the Arrow panel.)

-- EK once again answered the question of how Curtis braids his hair so fast to become Mr. Terrific.

-- When fan asked WH if she wanted Thea to continue being Speedy (assuming she's still alive) or if she wanted to hang up the Speedy mantle, WH said that she wanted to continue being Speedy (that was her "favorite part about the show") and that hanging up the mantle would not be her choice, but she didn't have much of an answer for what was going to happen to Thea next season.

-- Fan asked which other character in the Arrowverse they would want to play. JS said his pick would be Mr. Terrific because he wants to see how the braids are done. EK and WH both picked the Flash for his super speed. 

-- EK and WH talked about how they enjoyed working on the crossovers (in response to fan question). WH said that you only get parts of the scripts unless you're in throughout all of the crossover episodes, so you have to try to figure out what's going on in the crossovers and where your scenes fit.

-- Fan asked if they were stuck on an island with an Arrow character, which character would they pick. EK, WH and JS all picked John Barrowman because he would keep you entertained.

-- Fan asked for their fave scene to shoot. JS said his fave scene was when a blood-spattered Chase was driving off in his car after killing his police guards. EK's fave scene was when he and PB were being chased by robotic bees last season. WH's fave scene was Bamford's first directing episode when Thea fought some guy in an elevator in one long shoot. JS then mentioned another scene when Chase fights Curtis. 

-- Fan asked how long they thought the Arrowverse shows would last. EK said that as long as fans liked them. Mod thought that they were "solid" for 10 years.

-- Fan asked WH about Thea's growth and development over the course of the show. WH said that it's been 6 years and that the first year was the most growth for her. She thought that both she and Thea have matured a lot over the past 5-6 years.

-- Fan asked where the Vigilante was for most of last season. EK jokingly took credit for the Vigilante's absence, because Curtis hit him with a T-sphere. JS then took credit because of Prometheus.

-- Fan asked JS that, if he hadn't killed himself, would Chase fight Team Arrow again or would he take on another team. JS thought that he would've gone off and taken on a different team ("cause a ruckus" elsewhere).

-- Fan noted that Diggle and the new BC have gotten close this past season. He then asked if Diggle was going to "divorce his wife and get with her." EK joked that Arrow was now on at 9 o' clock and "anything's possible." JS joked that that was "a different show, man." EK said that was Desperate Housewives.

-- Fan asked about their martial arts preparation. EK said that they had to train last year ("boxing, krav maga, a lot of UFC stuff"). He said that "Rick, myself, Emily and Stephen were all kinda training." WH said that Thea wasn't doing as much Speedy stuff last season, so she wasn't in the gym as much as the others. Before that, she did some krav maga and archery traiining. JS said that one of the best parts of being on the show was being able to do some martial arts stuff and work with different weaponry. He added that when he got the ninja stars, he felt like his "8-year-old self."

-- Fan asked when Nightwing would be brought into the mix. EK said that was a producer question. However, he then added:


"I will say that, um, there could be a Gotham City-esh, -esque type thing that happens this season." WH joked that "Echo doesn't make it from the island, so he doesn't know what he's talking about." EK then tried to backtrack: "I don't know if it's true or not, but I know it could happen. ... You know, Ra's al Ghul was a Gotham-esque type - ... Nothing is like - I think it might just be the possibility that some aspect [some unintelligible words due to audience noise]."

-- Fan asked EK if his mask was painted on. EK said that it's a prosthetic that's glued on, but it's been an evolution and is now partially a silicone piece and then painted.

-- Fan asked how long it takes for them to get into their superhero costumes. WH said that she has it "down to a science" and that it takes her exactly 7-and-a-half minutes to throw on some makeup and change into her Speedy suit. EK said that last year it took about 3 hours but now they've got it down to about 35 minutes. WH then said that on average days, it's about 35 minutes, but all she has to do is "throw some black stuff between my eyes, my mask, and my hair is covered by a hood, so that doesn't need to be touched." JS said that he gets partly dressed and then goes on set and their prop guy opens his character's case, which has a couple masks, and then he gets "propped up." He joked that he "forced three people to dress me every day."

-- Fan asked WH whether there will be any development in the relationship between Thea and Wild Dog (same fan who asked about Diggle and BC). Awkward pause. WH joked that they're all dead.

-- Fan asked how much research they did for their roles. JS told the story about how he thought, when he got cast as Chase, that he was going to play the Vigilante and researched that role, but was then told he was playing Prometheus. EK jokingly asked if he had to return his Vigilante comics. EK said that, when he was cast, he went out and bought all of the Mr. Terrific comics. He was aware of the character before because he keeps aware of all black superheroes. JS said that Echo was the guy they went to for comics question.

-- Fan asked what kind of "emotional headspace" they have to be in to play their character. JS thought of a can and a pot of boiling water and that he wanted "everything to be simmering all the time" because he knew that at some point, they would pop the top off the can. He referenced the scene between Chase and Oliver (Oliver: "She went home with the better man,." Chase: "No, she went home with you... Don't worry about it, I don't hold grudges."). EK talked about the scene where Paul leaves Curtis and he had to "access those sad, dark parts" of himself, and that he "housed those feelings for weeks." JS said that they rely on the people in their real life to help them get out of that mindspace. WH noted that she's had a lot of emotional scenes on the show (like Moira's death scene), but that, even in between takes, there's an "uplifting thing" going on set, even with the sad stuff. She also said that you learn to deal with it and that she's done a pretty good job of not letting it get into her personal life.

-- Fan asked what was the most interesting skill set they've learned while doing Arrow. JS and WH both mentioned archery. EK mentioned MMA and boxing. He now feels "more badass in life" and "more confident."

-- Fan asked which character from the DC comics they would want to put on Arrow. EK and JS both said Batman. Then everyone teased EK about his earlier spoilery hint. Then EK said that Batman was more likely to appear on Gotham (the TV show) than on Arrow. WH said that EK has no idea what he's talking about and that's why she kept going "Shhh!"

-- Fan asked if ARGUS was broke, because it's supposed to be this huge organization like SHIELD, but whenever Lyla calls on ARGUS, only three people show up. Everyone laughed.

-- Fan asked about Kord Industries and Ted Kord. EK thought it was just one of those things that's "up in the air." 

-- Fan asked how intimidating it was to train with SA. EK and JS both answered: "Very." JS calls SA "the monster" in the gym. JS gave an example: when they had to do "burn-outs" together (100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, with the goal to do as many as you can before stopping and letting the other guy go), SA went first and would do 30 pull-ups, then JS would do 12 or 13 pull-ups before giving up, and SA then would do 20. JS said that SA would always get about 70 of the pull-ups and JS would hit 30. Then on the push-ups, SA would do about 60 while JS would do about 40. JS said that SA really cares that if you watch his character on the show, you have to believe that he can really do that.

-- Fan asked which other Arrow character would they want to be better friends with and have "nice, not killing scenes" with. EK: "Well, I love Curtis' relationship with Felicity," but he'd like the friendship between Curtis and Rene to develop more because he likes their banter with each other and finds them like an odd couple. WH: "Emily and I have always been massive advocates for more of Thea and Felicity time, so we always hope for that." JS: "Honestly, my dream - and it still might happen - is to see a little Prometheus-Deathstroke action. You know. Uh, have them either fight each other or fight side-by-side. Man, that would be cool."

Edited by tv echo
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Damn! EBR's finally attending a con stateside?! BRB... Heading over to the HVFF page and immediately getting tickets!

ETA: Got the tickets. :) Not that they're prone to cancelling once they've committed but I hope no one from OTA cancels 'cause the guest list for Atlanta isn't super awesome yet. I do like the Gotham peeps and Ming-Na, though. So, now, I gotta make plans for hotels/transpo for November 18 and 19... Is it cold in Atlanta around that time? Also, will have to convince my sister to come with 'cause I got her a ticket, too (she went with me to SJ before so I figured she wouldn't mind my crazy this time around). Lol.

When do they post the photo op scheds usually? I want in on all the OTA ones!

Edited by SleepDeprived
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1 hour ago, SleepDeprived said:

Damn! EBR's finally attending a con stateside?! BRB... Heading over to the HVFF page and immediately getting tickets!

ETA: Got the tickets. :) Not that they're prone to cancelling once they've committed but I hope no one from OTA cancels 'cause the guest list for Atlanta isn't super awesome yet. I do like the Gotham peeps and Ming-Na, though. So, now, I gotta make plans for hotels/transpo for November 18 and 19... Is it cold in Atlanta around that time? Also, will have to convince my sister to come with 'cause I got her a ticket, too (she went with me to SJ before so I figured she wouldn't mind my crazy this time around). Lol.

When do they post the photo op scheds usually? I want in on all the OTA ones!

Yay! I'm gonna be there too. The timing was really perfect for me because that coincided w/ my vacation in the States!!! 

I'm so happy but this was my most impulsive buy lol

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It's been kind of amazing and wonderful watching the Olicity (Twitter) fandom work together to get each other to the HVFF con EBR's attending, with everything from helping to pay for one another's tickets or air fares to offering up couches and places to stay. 

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Well, SA certainly knows how to bump up ticket sales for HVFF. I wonder how much talking he had to do to get EBR to attend.

I'm happy for those of you who are going to HVFF-Atlanta. I can't wait to hear what you report back.

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3 hours ago, Soulfire said:

It's been kind of amazing and wonderful watching the Olicity (Twitter) fandom work together to get each other to the HVFF con EBR's attending, with everything from helping to pay for one another's tickets or air fares to offering up couches and places to stay. 

This is lovely.

Also, if this means Mini Felicity is going, Atlanta con just got even better. Haha. Can't wait for the pics! ?

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40 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Did I get this right, Supergirl features Supergirl, The Flash features Flash, and Arrow features Green Arrow, Back Canary and Black Siren? That's ridiculous.

Yeah that was odd.  And they didn't really fit in with the others.

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That's the CW for you. While they have one motto they don' really have 1 coherent theme visually as opposed to TheWB whose theme was family and everyone filmed together in one space.

Loved seeing BS/BC included though weird that they didn't include Echo. Interesting that they put both Kara/Supergirl in it. But weird that they took out Kid Flash, Cisco and added no one else from SG. 

Maybe they are planning another one. 

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I doubt they are planning another one.

Yet again, I don't understand why a villian is included in promo shots for the new season. If Echo and Juliana filmed for that promo, only they should've been included and not KC who is playing a villain and isnt apart of the team.

But I guess whatever contract she signed with them made sure they pimped her real hard.

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I know this type of promo is typical WB/CW, but I think it's useless. I don't think Dinah's cry should've been included - it always looks dumb regardless, but especially so here. And I think it's beyond stupid that they don't tell anyone which shows any of these people are in. Even if I was interested in one that I hadn't seen before, I couldn't be bothered to do the work to look it up - if they want you to tune in, they should make it easy.

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All those action shots -- it looks like for the Arrow they're appealing to the comics base and not the people who regularly watch the show.  It's stupid because for the other shows like Riverdale, it's about the on-going themes and characters the audience is attached to.

They're really pushing Black Siren.  They'd better come through otherwise that are going to be a lot of angry people who tune in thinking she's going to be a major player this season.

They should have put in Deathstroke if the comics is what they're going for.

Edited by statsgirl
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I miss the old WB promos where the actors are sort of interacting while laughing and dancing inside the club/on sets. I knew it was all fake but it was entertaining pretending that my fave characters were having fun during these pretend "crossovers." I used to watch those commercials all the time. Now, I hardly ever look at any of the CW promos.

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They really must not want me to watch if all they're putting in these promos is Dinah and BS with a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot of Oliver. That's a no from me, Suzanne. 

In general though, these CW promos are awful. It's beyond time to do something new already.

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I always get the feeling that the people at the CW love to promote the same thing even though it rarely fits with the actual show. Maybe they like the character or the actor or dislike something else. 

36 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

In general though, these CW promos are awful. It's beyond time to do something new already.


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2 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

I doubt they are planning another one.

Yet again, I don't understand why a villian is included in promo shots for the new season. If Echo and Juliana filmed for that promo, only they should've been included and not KC who is playing a villain and isnt apart of the team.

But I guess whatever contract she signed with them made sure they pimped her real hard.

It doesn't matter that she is a villain. She's a series regular, thats the thing that matters just like when Manu was included back in the 2012 campaign. 

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

All those action shots -- it looks like for the Arrow they're appealing to the comics base and not the people who regularly watch the show.  It's stupid because for the other shows like Riverdale, it's about the on-going themes and characters the audience is attached to.

They're really pushing Black Siren.  They'd better come through otherwise that are going to be a lot of angry people who tune in thinking she's going to be a major player this season.

They should have put in Deathstroke if the comics is what they're going for.

I wouldn't mind if they did regular shots of the cast but since The Flash came along they've wanted to distinct the Flarrow-verse as superheroes. Probably since the team ups get the biggest audience and they keep adding more heroes every year.

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21 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I always get the feeling that the people at the CW love to promote the same thing even though it rarely fits with the actual show. Maybe they like the character or the actor or dislike something else. 

58 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I think it might mostly come down to people who have enough seniority/clout to be able to tell them that they don't want to take time out of their own time to do promo, and TPTB being kind enough to go along with it. New promos are fun for us, but I don't think DR and EBR like doing them very much (maybe not WH and PB, but I don't recall ever seeing them in one). SA for sure doesn't - he's said as much.

In this case though, I think it's just because they had to add SOME new promo and it seems like they thought people would more likely tune in to see if the long-time cast members were alive, vs the newbies/resurrected folk, so they were put in the promo.

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The CW is terrible at promo.  I keep trying to figure out if its some sort of genius I don't understand, but nope, they're just bad.  Last month, the CW Riverdale account tweeted a terrible Season 2 graphic of all the cast members, and Cole Sprouse commented "I'm willing to help finance the necessary Photoshop lessons for whoever keeps making these. HMU."  

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45 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

In this case though, I think it's just because they had to add SOME new promo and it seems like they thought people would more likely tune in to see if the long-time cast members were alive, vs the newbies/resurrected folk, so they were put in the promo.

I guess that's true, that they're still not "officially" acknowledging that anyone but Oliver, Myson, Dinah, and BS made it off the island.  But still....

They only had Kara/Supergirl for Supergirl.  They only had Flash for Flash.  I have nothing against Dinah but I would have just left it at Green Arrow personally.  Or maybe add Oliver like they did with Supergirl.  

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15 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I guess that's true, that they're still not "officially" acknowledging that anyone but Oliver, Myson, Dinah, and BS made it off the island.  But still....

They only had Kara/Supergirl for Supergirl.  They only had Flash for Flash.  I have nothing against Dinah but I would have just left it at Green Arrow personally.  Or maybe add Oliver like they did with Supergirl.  

They seem to think there's a market out there for drumming up interest in BC vs. BS, which I suppose is kinda true. From what I've seen it gets a lot of people going for various reasons. Is it dumb to focus mostly on that? Yes. But 95% of Chico's marketing efforts are dumb. 

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8 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

The CW is terrible at promo.  I keep trying to figure out if its some sort of genius I don't understand, but nope, they're just bad.  Last month, the CW Riverdale account tweeted a terrible Season 2 graphic of all the cast members, and Cole Sprouse commented "I'm willing to help finance the necessary Photoshop lessons for whoever keeps making these. HMU."  

This makes me really like Sprouse. 

7 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

They seem to think there's a market out there for drumming up interest in BC vs. BS, which I suppose is kinda true. From what I've seen it gets a lot of people going for various reasons. Is it dumb to focus mostly on that? Yes. But 95% of Chico's marketing efforts are dumb. 

Well, it's kind of funny for them to go the extra mile to make sure everybody knows BS is there for a face off with Dinah/BC and so not the GA or Oliver, lol.

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17 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

It doesn't matter that she is a villain. She's a series regular, thats the thing that matters just like when Manu was included back in the 2012 campaign. 


Manu was part of the cast for two seasons and had a major role in the flashbacks...please dont put BS in the same level, that's disrespectful.

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