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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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Different people have different views regardind IBC. Personally I liked what Charlie Sheen did, pouring the money that he will be donating, on himself instead of water. 

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I like Caity but that meme rubbed me the wrong way. She could have just done a video saying she wasn't doing the challenge due to drought conditions, etc. and stressed the donation part as I've seen other celebrities doing. In other words, get creative instead of negative if you don't agree with something because you have more impact that way. The meme just seems like it's putting people down in a public way for doing something that most probably have good intentions about doing.



Caity's message has rubbed me the wrong way as well, it was condescending to everyone who did take part in it.


Yeah, I'm not sure that Caity's post was entirely necessary.  Yes, the challenge is wasteful, but I'm pretty sure most people, including Caity, go about their daily lives wasting a hell of a lot of resources.  I highly doubt that most people are taking five minute showers, recycling, drinking from reusable water bottles, using cloth grocery bags, etc.  I'm not about to scold others for wasting resources when I do it myself.  I guess she could have done the challenge and then just taken one less bath or shower that week and called it square.  Her post doesn't really tick me off or anything and I'm certainly not going to go and post mean things on her account, but I'm being realistic here.  Pretty much all of us are wasteful at one time or another.

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Yeah, I'm not sure that Caity's post was entirely necessary.  Yes, the challenge is wasteful, but I'm pretty sure most people, including Caity, go about their daily lives wasting a hell of a lot of resources.  I highly doubt that most people are taking five minute showers, recycling, drinking from reusable water bottles, using cloth grocery bags, etc.  I'm not about to scold others for wasting resources when I do it myself.  I guess she could have done the challenge and then just taken one less bath or shower that week and called it square.  Her post doesn't really tick me off or anything and I'm certainly not going to go and post mean things on her account, but I'm being realistic here.  Pretty much all of us are wasteful at one time or another.

The thing is that it did occur to me water was being wasted when watching the videos, so it's not that I disagree with that part. I live in the ME right now so I'm careful with water. I travel so much and have lived (and worked) in areas of the world where wastefulness is something people are very conscious of, so I recognize a lot of wastefulness when I'm home visiting in the States. I took my reusable canvas bags to the grocery store when I was home visiting at Christmas and people actually stared at me (of course this is small town AL, pop. 4000 or so - I do a lot of things now that they find strange lol.) When I lived in Korea, you could be charged an extra fee for leaving food on the table, so restaurant wastefulness kills me now.

Still, I prefer when people highlight issues in a positive manner. That being said I certainly hope people aren't being hateful jerks on her account. I doubt she meant for it to be hateful since she doesn't strike me as that kind of person from what I've seen in her public appearances. Also, Charlie Sheen - yeah, good idea but I find him so unbelievably douchey and just downright creepy that I just... don't like him even when he's doing a good thing. Unfortunate, but true.

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Can we all gosh over those funny faces Stephen is doing behind the scripts? I swear each one is funnier than the previous one. (or maybe i'm just that exhausted)

I chuckled. What is wrong with him?lol

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I'm from a country, in some areas of which, drinking water is not easily available so I'm all for water conservation. Having said that, one bucket or ten buckets or even a hundred buckets of water cannot help us...but they can help the people suffering from ALS. So I say anything that creates awareness and raises money for ALS is a good thing.

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There are a lot of attention-seeking, PR stunt-doing celebrities - BUT there are also a lot of celebrities who use their fame to do good things for other people and to raise money and awareness for good causes.  Yes, the ice bucket challenge is a waste of water, but the water aspect is what makes the stunt funny and what gets more people to watch those videos, so I guess it's a balance.  If it wasn't so funny (famous people getting soaked - ha, ha), then the videos probably wouldn't be as viral and they probably wouldn't be raising as much money for the charity.  (It's like the dunking booth at the state fair - people like to dunk other people in water.)  If it was the money bucket challenge, do we really want to watch a bunch of celebrities dumping cash on themselves?  We know they have plenty of money - dumping it just seems like they're showing off that they have money.  The important thing is that they donate the money.  Anyway, just my opinion.

Edited by tv echo
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I think for horrible people like myself, the most it did was make me go, Oh, ALS. I've heard of that before, but had forgotten about it. Made me want find out more about it. Where as before I would have probably never have thought about ever again. Its not really high profile.



Colton wants you to subscribe to his youtube channel



I'm not falling for your cute sad puppy dog face. I will be swayed by your adorableness Arsenal.

Edited by icandigit
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I realized this week that Colton has twice as many Twitter followers as Stephen. Actually, it looks like you could add SA, KC and EBR's followers together and still have less than his number. I didn't realize he was that popular even though I know he was on a show before Arrow. Teen Wolf? I have a feeling he'll manage to get a few YT subscribers.

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I think what bothered me about what Caity posted is that it just strikes me as not really a good idea to be so publicly critical of something her castmates and friends have been so openly supporting. I mean, let's face it, if Katie Cassidy had posted something like that, everyone would have been up in arms about her dissing Stephen and Emily (and Colton and JB, etc). So...yeah. I still like Caity, don't get me wrong, but I don't think maybe this was the best move. But whatever. Moving on. :)

Edited by Starfish35
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I realized this week that Colton has twice as many Twitter followers as Stephen. Actually, it looks like you could add SA, KC and EBR's followers together and still have less than his number. I didn't realize he was that popular even though I know he was on a show before Arrow. Teen Wolf? I have a feeling he'll manage to get a few YT subscribers.

Yeah teen wolf is a really popular show among teen girls who are the ones who use twitter the most. I can definitely see why he has so many followers.

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Colton has fans in millions on both Facebook and instagram which is insane considering he was never a lead actor - had a supporting role in Teenwolf for two seasons and the poor guy is barely there in Arrow most of the time yet still has this insane fan following. Speaks volumes about his peoples' skill and ability to reel in new fans.

And I subscribed to his channel because I know that he will not only be posting stuff about himself but about all his famous friends as well.

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Yeah a lot of people don't even like Roy (I have no problem with the character, his storyline in season 2 was just very lacking and mirakuru-Roy was kinda annoying at times) and he still has such a huge twitter and Facebook following. It's crazy.

Edited by ban1o
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Yes, I knew that he had cancelled.  I thought it was because he had found a role and had to be elsewhere.  Now it seems like he cancelled Fan Expo to attend Dragon Con and while I know Dragon Con is a bigger deal, it leaves a bitter taste.

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Colton has fans in millions on both Facebook and instagram which is insane considering he was never a lead actor - had a supporting role in Teenwolf for two seasons and the poor guy is barely there in Arrow most of the time yet still has this insane fan following. Speaks volumes about his peoples' skill and ability to reel in new fans.


It's akin to Grant Gustin having tons of followers on twitter himself. Only 6 or so eps on Glee, 2 eps on Arrow and a leaked Flash pilot. He has more than anyone on Arrow not named Stephen or Colton. The larger the general fanbase for a show is (online or not).. 


Speaking of Grant 


willaaaahh:Hey @grantgust I challenge you to run with pants at your ankle… in a harness…on tight…really tight


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Okay, the cynic in me was rolling my eyes at all of these crossover cast interactions as cross-promotion, but even I have to admit that the Arrow/Flash mutual admiration society the casts have going is kind of adorable.

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I am always side-eying Taylor Swift. 

Another reason to do so.


Grant gave up his sweater to cover up Willa's pert behind, he is a real life hero and shall always be special.


It's a noble gesture...but it deprived the world. :P 

Edited by wingster55
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I found it hilarious since they both referenced the Taylor Swift song:


But the players gonna play, play, play, play, play and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. Shake it off, shake it off

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The two of them are so funny together I find it kind of adorable. Also, that song is everywhere. I didn't even like it when I first heard it but now I've got it stuck in my head. What kind of voodoo does Taylor Swift practice? lol :P

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I think most tweets from pretty much anyone can be hit or miss, she seems to be enjoying life and having fun. I like how most of them are constantly posting to each other, I love when coworkers get along. Most of them are silly, don't think age has anything to do with it as John Barrowman for example tends to get really silly and that man is a riot. 

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I agree, @poetgirl925.  Twitter is entertainment for me.  I'd rather actors post funny stuff and banter back and forth like this than preach at me about [insert random political/social/economic cause].  I find Colton and Emily's posts rather charming and completely harmless (and I don't even like Taylor Swift's music).

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I actually love it that EBR doesn't seem to be tweeting to an audience, like so many celebs do. To me it looks like she uses Twitter to talk to her RL friends first and foremost. And they have a whole bunch of injokes between them that I obviously don't get, but that's ok -- I'm not the targeted audience anyway. I find that refreshing. She never seems to be performing on social media. She's posting what she'd be posting if only her friends were following her. I mean, I don't even follow Colton, so I only saw this tweet of hers here. Her posting something @ him is clearly not for everyone else's entertainment but the 2 of them. I'm pretty ok with that, it rings *real* to me.

Edited by dancingnancy
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I heard "Shake It Off" for the first time this morning. I can't stand Swifty, and yet, I couldn't stop singing that song in my head 15 minutes later (it was pissing me off so much, TBH). Colton and Emily's tweets crack me up, since that's the part of the song that kept repeating in my head. Now I wish even more that we could see the video they made to that song.

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She never seems to be performing on social media. She's posting what she'd be posting if only her friends were following her.


I think that's why I enjoy Emily's tweets. They're not really for PR. They're not "managed." She actually had a funny convo with the Arrow writers earlier about Felicity Smoak's "secrets." ;)


OK, apparently I can't do embed tweet and I don't know how to do a screencap on a PC. So here's the link

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I heard "Shake It Off" for the first time this morning. I can't stand Swifty, and yet, I couldn't stop singing that song in my head 15 minutes later (it was pissing me off so much, TBH). Colton and Emily's tweets crack me up, since that's the part of the song that kept repeating in my head. Now I wish even more that we could see the video they made to that song.

Ah, so now it makes sense. I thought it was some sort of inside joke or hip new slang/chat speak, that I was too old for...kids these days.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Certainly it's Emily's right to tweet what she wants..but I still find them annoying at times and a bit immature.

Of course I feel this way of Jennifer Lawrence's interviews and public appearances so I'm clearly in a minority. 

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Well... Emily is only 23 and she's having fun, I remember how I was when I was 23 :p Who's to say what she can and can't post on her own account? I think it's nice that she speaks her mind. Great thing about twitter is, is that you don't have to follow anyone you don't like! I quite like that she still remains true to herself. No filter whatsoever lol


At least her tweets aren't offensive or fake sounding. Bear in mind that I hate twitter and am not much of a social media user. So I don't really care about these things anyways :p

Edited by wonderwall
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I pretty much gave up on twitter because it's exhausting with the tweet overload. And for too many people, it's really obvious that they're tweeting to the crowd and phony as anything. I find EBR refreshing because she's not trying to be anything she isn't.


And I loved CH overseeing the date from the on-line couple. So realistic, I cringed and then laughed.

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I think part of what makes the show so enjoyable is knowing that the cast gets along and hangs out together. Without those interactions on twitter or instagram when they do interviews and promotional things their closeness could also come across as less real? Emily isn't acting unprofessional, her tweets while could be seen as annoying, aren't offensive or rude. Twitter is a great way for actors/actresses to interact with their fanbase, Emily tweeting like she normally would have if she never made it big makes her seem more real, and more "accessible" to her fans imo.

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lol I know! But again, I don't see a lot of immaturity in her posts. I just see a girl having fun conversing with her friends. Most 23 year olds I've met talk like her or maybe even worse. 


Obviously I think she has a filter as I haven't come across anything of hers where she is disrespectful/offensive/mean-spirited... I think that's what truly matters. 


To each their own I suppose! To me, Katie Cassidy is immature. Especially with the way she talks about her character and her little anecdotes (ones like where she puts on CLs mask in her trailer) and her borderline offensive jokes about reading the comics etc. 

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I don't see why Katie needed to be brought into this particular convo but ok. 


Obviously I think she has a filter as I haven't come across anything of hers where she is disrespectful/offensive/mean-spirited... I think that's what truly matters.


Good point. 

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EBR is like one of the least offensive celebrities I think I've ever followed on Twitter. For the most part, she's using it the way most non-celebrities would. She's communicating with her friends, so her tweets obviously aren't always going to be amusing to all of us. She doesn't need to entertain the masses just because we follow her on social media.

Edited by AnyoneButYou
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@wingster55, I was just using KC as a reference for people to understand what I feel is immature and what I feel isn't. :) Hopefully it didn't look like I was blindly hating on her. I actually quite don't care about KC anymore which is unfortunate because I remember I LOVED her before and was one of the reasons I started watching this show. 

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