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Aww. Who arranged that? It's such a nice gesture. This is the kind of thing I like to see!

From the twitter comments, it sounds like B @ brattyb2 arranged for the delivery of the Felicity Hershey bar to Yoko McCann at Funko. That's the fan who created some fan art pieces using Funko POPs of Batman and GA, and most recently, Captain America, all admiring a pic of the new Felicity Funko POP (see Clock Tower thread).  Some fans are crazy talented and creative.

Edited by tv echo
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His arms seem to be getting so much bigger. Not sure how I feel about that. :-\

I prefer Arms to Abs...no complaints from me. I loved how screwed up his body/form looked in slow-mo. Shows just how difficult it is and that he struggled. Makes it more impressive/realistic

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He has to get even greater arms because he has to compete with David's look in his Salomon ladder ;) But really probably because the Arrow suit is sleeveless so impressive arms will seal the look.

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I met him yesterday, and they sure look nice in person, I'll tell you that.


Oh I appreciate all the work he is putting in. Its impressive. Ive just never been just a one body area girl. I love a balanced & proportional physique. I also enjoy when guys can look good in & out of clothes. They got me all excited for OQ in suits again! I just want his arms to fit...no hulk impressions needed.

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I'm amused and (pleasantly) surprised at how many EBR/Felicity questions were asked during SA's panel  at Wizard World Chicago.


And mostly asked by men! It was funny, I was there, and someone stood up and asked about SA saying that Felicity was the only woman in Oliver's life at Comic Con last year, and SA said that's no longer the case this year. I swear, my entire section let out a collective gasp, and then someone yelled out, "FLASHBACKS!" and you could practically hear the sigh of relief, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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And mostly asked by men! It was funny, I was there, and someone stood up and asked about SA saying that Felicity was the only woman in Oliver's life at Comic Con last year, and SA said that's no longer the case this year. I swear, my entire section let out a collective gasp, and then someone yelled out, "FLASHBACKS!" and you could practically hear the sigh of relief, haha.

lol... I hope the guy that asked the question finds out that SA meant flashbacks, because on the live feed I was watching, he looked kind of stunned at SA's answer.

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Did someone really talk about asking out EBR?


Was there anything on Diggle or Felicity's story?


SA talked about Diggle's costume, but wouldn't come clean on the code name. No one asked about Diggle's story or Felicity's. One guy asked if EBR was single, and then another one asked if what his chances were regarding getting a date with Felicity (although SA responded to that question by talking about EBR, not Felicity). 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Stardust and WWE are so nice with all the promotion of Arrow and Olicity.


I.just learned that these two WWE Stars are married in real life. I guess that's why they did the "Olicity" mocking picture instead of using a blonde WWE Entertainer.

They've also raised a ton of money for charity.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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From Spoilers thread pg 578 Morrigan2575 said -

They already made the Sorkin/West Wing comparison back in S2 (Two Cathedrals, IIRC). They also compared the Suicide Squad episode to The Avengers movie

I could see the first SS episode as Avenger-like. Its why I have hopes for LoT that they will pull off that group dynamic again on that show.


Was there a specific reference or comparison to "Two Cathedrals" & an Arrow episode? That is still one of the most amazing hours of TV drama from West Wing, I highly recommend it to anyone & everyone. It changed the way shows were allowed to film in the National Cathedral as another legacy. I can still quote lines & see scenes in my head from it. I don't recall any reference in s2, perhaps "Three Ghosts", but even that it pales in comparison. No offense, but even with some of the more memorable ARROW episodes, none of them have the dramatic flair & lasting impressions that "TC" had for WW. It's just comparing apples & oranges as the genres & story-telling techniques are completely different from each other.


To give the Arrow Writers credit, the one way I think they are Sorkin-esque is that that are inspired by music & characters. You can see MG's obsession with Billy Joel songs helps him express his thoughts on his characters. Sorkin is the same way with some of his characters. Both showrunners are also bold & let the characters/stories take them places even if it is against where they were anticipated to go. That being said, they have completely different writing styles and skill sets. Honestly, I would love to see EBR tackle a Sorkin word overload script. I love SA but some of his acting is strongest when he is not speaking (his non-verbal acting is truly stellar, I'm not being snarky here). So seeing him respond to & with Sorkin-esque dialogue would be interesting. Problem is I just don't see the ARROW writers being able to get the right rhythm or balance. There attempts at screwball comedy was laughable for all the wrong reasons last season.

I can't & don't want to imagine how they would bumble through a politics based drama with its overload of policies & words.


Sidenote - Don't quite know which thread this should go in :/ It wasn't a spoiler. Its about Arrow, so its not really Small Talk. It's not about any particular episode or character. I really feel like we need a general "catch all" thread for previous episodes/season for general discussion on ARROW.

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These were comments made by The EPs in interviews basically saying they were as good as. Which, I'm sorry nothing on this show has ever come close to The West Wing (even the shitty years) nor The Avengers. I'm not a Whedon fan, in fact I think he's massively over rated but he made a damn good movie.

ETA: It was the Suicide Squad episode, he compared that to both The Avengers and Two Cathedrals (in terms of quality).


Edited by Morrigan2575
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Okay, I had no idea this had happened. First of all: LOL. And second: I know Guggie's ego is the size of the universe, but he didn't really compare SS to Two Cathedrals. He stole a line of dialog from Leo. That's more his style.

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From watching the above-posted video of SA's panel at Wizard World's Chicago Comic-Con on Aug. 22...


-- SA has not yet shot a scene with JB.
-- SA is "very excited" about his upcoming match at WWE SummerSlam.
-- "Being employed" is what drew SA to the role in ArrowArrow is SA's 10th American job.  He was only available to do it because his previous show got cancelled.  It was his first audition during pilot season in 2012.
-- If SA had Firestorm's powers, he'd probably warm up Vancouver. GA's new sleeveless suit is a good idea "in theory" and "optically" but not a good idea in Vancouver in November.  If you take a close look at his arms this season, you'll notice they'll look a little purple.
-- In response to a female fan asking if he thinks Oliver will never have a romantic relationship with Laurel or Sara again, SA said that on a show where people come back to life, you wouldn't be that smart to use the word "never". But that being said, SA thinks it's important "that we establish relationships for Oliver, specifically relationships with female characters that don't involve him sleeping with them. Right? Because there are real relationships in the world where men and women can work together without going home together, or having sex on the floor of the Arrowcave.... I don't know. I doubt it, but I will never say never. Plus I don't write the show."
-- SA has not been in the new Arrowcave yet. He was surprised when they put out the pic of the new Arrowcave.  They've been working in the temporary Arrowcave, which is "small and dingy and dark - and actually very reminiscent of the early parts of season one before Felicity came in and installed lights (laughs) and uh... looking at Diggle and Oliver, 'what are you guys even doing down here?' - I was surprised when they put that picture out. Apparently it's a gigantic set, the biggest set piece that we've ever had... That's really important for the show because from a logistical standpoint, we do so many big action pieces and sequences, and those take so long that the only way that we're going to be able to make the show over nine shooting days is if we're able to take a significant chunk of the script and bang it out in the Arrowcave. And we usually do that on a Friday - we used to call them Foundry Fridays because we're having like 13, 14 pages of dialogue, which for the uninitiated, is an insane amount to film in one day."
-- Asked by a female fan if he sings, SA said "occasionally" but not necessarily well.  He said to "youtube Stephen Amell Little Mermaid and all of your dreams will come true."
-- SA talked about some JB pranks.
-- Young male fan dressed in red Arsenal/Speedy suit asked if EBR is single because he has a crush on her. SA replied, "I'm not sure. I think so. But who knows? When we did an Arrow and Flash crossover episode screening in Los Angeles last November, December, that was a guy's question. He got up - Emily was there - he said 'hey, are you single? would you like to do something afterwards?' Okay - which is a pretty bold thing to say when you're asking a question on a microphone and you've never met the person before. So we at the panel assumed that it was a joke. And the guy's standing there (SA stands up) and he's just asked the question, and we all laugh, and he goes like this (turns head down and walks away). He didn't just walk back to his seat, he walked out of the auditorium. Poor guy. He's still walking. (SA sits down and points to fan) You'd have to ask Emily yourself."
-- Female fan said that he says Felicity's name a lot on the show and asked if that was scripted. SA said that it's scripted and that he actually cuts out the number of times they write him saying her name by about 50% - so it's half-scripted. He "tries to interject little pieces of dialogue into a basic conversation because that's the way we speak, we don't speak in speeches, we speak in fragments."  He does say Felicity a lot. He says Diggle a lot, more John than Diggle this season.
-- SA was coy about Diggle's code name. Diggle has a costume and mask, which are very cool and "very Diggle".
-- Young male fan said that he "is so awesome" because he went from killing Ra's al Ghul to getting "a very pretty lady".
-- Female fan asked who is his fave actor or actress from Arrow and The Flash. SA wouldn't answer that question.  But he said that the person he wants to work with the most, that he hasn't had the opportunity to work with yet, is Victor Garber.
-- Young male fan asked what his chances were of getting a date with Felicity. SA said "they're slim" only because fan is in Rosemont, IL, and she's probably in Vancouver. However, referencing SumerSlam, he tells fan to "follow your dreams, young man, follow your dreams."
-- Male fan asked who he would choose to be Arrow's girlfriend - Felicity, Laurel or Sara. SA said that "Oliver and Felicity are fully together this year. (audience screams) It's good.... So often on the show we've had the dynamics of either a new relationship or a burgeoning relationship or a relationship that you think is gonna happen and doesn't. We've never really had a - aside from Diggle and Lyla - we've never really had an established relationship where we see two people interact as a team, and I feel like we're doing a good job of that this year without being cheesy."
-- Host asked if he's looking forward to the "positive famiy unit." SA: "Season 4 has been extremely refreshing for me personally because things are really bad for Oliver, save for one episode, for the course of almost a season and a half. From the point that Slade Wilson shows up in the Queen Mansion to essentially - with the exception of episode 301 - until the end of season 3, things are really bad for him, really, really bad. And it's been so fun to play a more grown-up, relaxed, happy, easygoing, and yet still steely and determined  version of Oliver this year. It's been really, really fun. And I think you guys are really going to like it."
-- SA's favorite beer is Rogue Dead Guy Ale out of Portland, OR. 
-- Male fan said that Arrow followed the comic book's Green Arrow Year 1 almost consistently and then for some reason it turned into a Batman story. He asked if they will at some point meet one of the heavyweights from Gotham like Bruce Wayne, Damien Wayne or Dick Grayson. SA said again "never say never".  He had a conversation with Diane Nelson who runs DC. They talked a lot about them wanting exclusivity in the universes and wanting separation in the universes. Her explanation revolved around wanting the best version of each thing and not forcing crossovers just for the sake of forcing them. So when they get into the "heavyhitters of the DC Universe" (essentially all the superheroes in Batman v Superman), it's going to be tough to bring them into the show. In the same way that Ezra Miller is playing The Flash in the cinematic universe, SA thinks there's no reason why they can't have their own version of Bruce Wayne. But that's his opinion and may not be DC's opinion, and they're the bosses.
-- SA's been filming all weekend with Matt Ryan. He's "a treat and a trip".
-- SA's fave flashback scenes were in ep 119 (first big island-centric episode, first adventures of Oliver and Slade on the island, first time Oliver stood up for himself) and way back flashback with Moira and Oliver (re Oliver's baby mama, last batch of scenes with ST, what ended up on the screen was very different from what was on the page).
-- SA would want to bring Bruce Wayne into the Arrowverse as rivals or teammates because they are very similar and have similar experiences.
-- Young male fan said that at SDCC, SA said that Felicity was the only girl in Oliver's life in season 3. SA said "that's not true in season 4." (audience makes disturbed noises)
-- SA talked about filming TMNT 2.
-- SA did a lot of martial arts training, but it's training for on-screen combat.
-- Male fan asked if he felt the chemistry with EBR immediately or whether it took a little time. SA said "that's a good question... You know, we shot episode 3 several months before the show even premiered. So the only people who are seeing it are the people that are in it and the executive team. And sort of across the board there was a feeling, all the way up to Peter Roth, who's the president of Warner Bros. Television - he watched the third episode and he gives notes, especially in the early portion of a season, and he just says 'umm, the blonde computer girl, eh, more - more please - more.'"

Edited by tv echo
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-- Young male fan said that at SDCC, SA said that Felicity was the only girl in Oliver's life in season 3. SA said "that's not true in season 4." (audience makes disturbed noises)

The poor dude who asked the question, the looked SO DISTRESSED. I really hope someone told him

the other woman is in the flashbacks


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I just can't pay any money for the WWE and I can't even watch this live stream - it's just too painful. I will wear Arrow inspired shirts and vote in E polls that take over my life --and I've even given in completely to fan fiction-- but this is where I apparently have drawn the line in the sand with my Amell/Arrow obsession. I am curious if he wins I guess, though my second-hand embarrassment is so strong I'm not even sure I can watch recap clips. All that aside, I just can't quit you, so I'll look forward to any posts this evening.

And because it can't be said enough, tv echo you're the best with all your summaries! Thanks so much!

Edited by WaitandHope
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Poor guy.

Will never get over all the male fans (young and older) asking all the Felicity/Olicity questions. I'm pretty sure they ask more questions then the fangirls at Cons.

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I was impressed by Amell.  I figured he wouldn't do much, but he hit a few moves including an enzugari, even getting his ass kicked more than expected, and did a top rope dive to the outside.  Also considering it was in Brooklyn, a crowd that won't hesitate to crap on something if they don't like that, it was great that they didn't crap on him.  Hell there were a couple "Let's go Arrow" chants.

Edited by Jediknight
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Whereas I CANNOT wait for the plethora of gifs that will be flooding my dash. Hell, I even bought the t-shirt. I wasn't going to, but then I made the "mistake" of going to the Emily's House website and they can take all my money.

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When Stardust called him Ollie, I was waiting for "My NAME is Stephen Amell!" Frankly, I liked the first one better. I thought it looked more realistic. But never let it be said that Stephen Amell isn't a talented athlete. Some gorgeous jumps and kicks from that man. It's different seeing it in a live event.

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I was impressed by Amell. I figured he wouldn't do much, but he hit a few moves including an enzugari, even getting his ass kicked more than expected, and did a top rope dive to the outside. Also considering it was in Brooklyn, a crowd that won't hesitate to crap on something if they don't like that, it was great that they didn't crap on him. Hell there were a couple "Let's go Arrow" chants.

That is impressive.
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Holy crap I just saw the GIF of him diving from the top rope! Guggenheim must be crapping his pants about now. "Thank goodness it didn't go terribly wrong".  Also.  SA is ripped.  Holy moly

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