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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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Lol 5'5 is nice. I feel statuesque or petite depending on who I'm hanging out with that day. Wouldn't mind finding out how I feel hanging out around Stephen or David.. :-)


Anyway, there is a rumor SA may make an appearance at the Fandom Awards. That would be nice if true.

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Getting away from the whole height thing (I'm 5'5 and quite happy with that thank you very much), where is Stephen's right arm? It looks like it has to be at an awkward angle but I can't figure it out.


It's a guessing game on Twitter, too. I'm thinking, after long minutes of staring, that Stephen's arm is actually on top of that low divider behind them. That, or he's got it on Willa's shoulder. Emily is pretty much under the arm.

Lol 5'5 is nice. I feel statuesque or petite depending on who I'm hanging out with that day. Wouldn't mind finding out how I feel hanging out around Stephen or David.. :-)


Anyway, there is a rumor SA may make an appearance at the Fandom Awards. That would be nice if true.


When is the Fandom Awards? Saturday, too, right? I hope Emily and Stephen both show up, even if they don't win.

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When is the Fandom Awards? Saturday, too, right? I hope Emily and Stephen both show up, even if they don't win.


The Fandom Awards is taping right now and airing on MTV on Sunday. 

Edited by DrSpaceman10
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It is hard..they both seem to have their legs bent slightly. Maybe google knows the answer. 

Says they're the same height. 


Or what you said below. 

Edited by wingster55
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Google says 5'5" for both of them. 


Maybe Felicity just has taller heels usually?  That and I'm sure they stick her on a box during some of her scenes with the ever so tall ones (including Ray)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Paul is 6'4? I wouldn't have guessed that.  wow.

Honestly, it's kind of messing with my head.  Is that really right???


And now I just want to see QL and Donna Smoak together even more.  The height difference would be hilarious.  (Charlotte Ross 5'3")

Edited by BkWurm1
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Jared Padalecki is 6'4". I can't picture Paul being as tall as him.


Okay IMDB says he's 6'31/2"  That 1/2 inch changes ERRRYTHING.  LOL

Edited by catrox14
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I remember Paul's height coming up when he was cast in The Dresden Files. People compained that he wasn't tall enough (I think Harry Dresden is supposed to be 6'8" or something insane).

I thought Hollywood liked their leading men to be tall, but not too tall, and the ladies short, but not too short, so she doesn't havd to stand on a box during kissing scenes...

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I thought Hollywood liked their leading men to be tall, but not too tall, and the ladies short, but not too short, so she doesn't havd to stand on a box during kissing scenes...


There are enough short male leads that they NEED the very short ladies to make even the somewhat short men look tall. 

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That's actually a pretty funny commercial if you know EBR/Felicity.  From what CL has said at Cons and on Twitter and from what EBR has said about herself she's technologically impaired.  That has some nice meta to it.

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Slightly OT, but all this talk of height leaves me wondering if anyone here listens to The Mystery Show podcast.  The most recent episode was all about this - sorta. They were trying to find out how tall Jake Gyllenhaal actually is versus his stated height and actually tracked him down in person (and didn't get the answer) but he did call in and eventually reveal all. It's amazing how closely guarded some actors can be about their actual height and how they "officially" lie about it in bios, etc., if they don't fit the classic 6-foot-whatever ideal. I'm a 5ft shorty, so the entire concept of being that neurotic about how tall you are seems a bit bizarre, and the podcast sort of illuminated how ridiculous and hilarious it all is. It was pretty entertaining and The Mystery Show is a great podcast. (for anyone interested http://gimletmedia.com/episode/case-5-source-code/ )

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Katrina Law (KL) was interviewed on the Frank DeCaro Show - listen to audio here:


Starting at around 14:50, KL responds to question about whether there's heat developing between Nyssa and Laurel.  KL says that Nyssa appreciates Laurel and has developed a growing respect for her, and that she is starting to see some of the same qualities in Laurel that she fell in love with in regards to Sara.  When Nyssa first met Laurel, she saw her as this "weak, yappy thing that just had this kinda yap, but no bite", but now she's seeing that "she actually has something to back it up."  KL would personally like to see Nyssa's friendship with Laurel grow and just have it be a legitimate friendship.  She personally is not into the 'sister-sharing thing' and thinks it would be 'weird'.  However, that's not to say that her character, Nyssa, wouldn't be and, if that happens, she'll find justification.

Edited by tv echo
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Based on Emily's hair cut, I wonder if they would ditch her ponytail.

I don't see them going romantic with Nyssa/Laurel but it wouldn't surprise me if they tease it. Curious to see how much Nyssa is in S4.

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I'm rather attached to Felicity's glasses. Maybe because I wear glasses, maybe because Oliver took her glasses off in The Fallen and it was perfect, idk. lol


I'm open to a new hairstyle. Something a little closer to upfront Emily would work for me.


Orlando Jones seems like such a cool guy. He isn't ashamed to be one of the fans and that's so nice to see. I'm serious about needing a photo.

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Oh. I really shouldn't post before coffee. That's for sure. My bad.

A Poem for Mornings:


Coffee, Coffee, Coffee


Coffee, Coffee,

Everyone Shut Up


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A Poem for Mornings:

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee


Coffee, Coffee,

Everyone Shut Up


I was a supervisor at a certain unnamed coffee conglomerate until last year and let me make it known that you really don't appreciate all the free caffeine in its various forms (tea included) until you don't have it. I went through some serious withdrawal.

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Can anyone translate what she says at the end? I would say that one made slightly better sense than KCs. It could be because it didn't require wearing a mask at the end.

The last three characters translate to "can't do it." No idea what the first two are supposed to mean.

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I thought that was just an assumption people were making.  I don't remember anything official.  I have been known to be wrong though.


I could have sworn I read it somewhere. I remember thinking Grant wasn't charismatic enough to co-host with Stephen & that Grant would be over shadowed. But now I can't find the article anywhere, so maybe my mind made it up. lol

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Regarding the photo of Willa, Emily, Stephen, and David, I wish they wouldn't have let EBR cut her hair...I preferred the long locks.  I'm one of those that doesn't get the love of the height difference thing...but when you're tall, you'd sometimes happily settle for someone roughly the same height or taller.  And actually, at 6'1", I don't find SA to be all that tall.  Lots of folks that size here in the Corn Belt, but that's probably considered above average for Hollywood, I guess.


I think that I've missed something about Ian Somerhalder, maybe?  He's always seemed like a very down-to-earth guy, and I love that he's all about animals and protecting them.  I don't follow his social media, so maybe he posts gross stuff on there?  I don't know...?

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I think that I've missed something about Ian Somerhalder, maybe?  He's always seemed like a very down-to-earth guy, and I love that he's all about animals and protecting them.  I don't follow his social media, so maybe he posts gross stuff on there?  I don't know...?

That makes two of us, i don't follow him but I have a friend who does and she always shares stuff he posts about his animals, he does quite alot of fostering! which as a fellow foster home for animals tells me that at the very least he is a good, big hearted guy. Now we just need to clone him.

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Ian can kind of dominate in panels, yeah, and I think he's used to being the center of his own, so I am curious as to how this will go. But if I had to bet, I'd say he'll end up being kind of a non-presence, because each show has its own panel host/moderator, so I don't really understand what his function will be. Maybe he's just doing an intro at the beginning or introducing each segment?

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Isn't that what happened when SA and GG 'hosted.' They basically did an intro and then took a sit for the moderator. If that's what they are planning on doing with Ian, I just don't see the point of him.

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All I'll say about Ian is that he dominated the one Vampire Diaries panel I went to a few years ago, egging on the catcalls and generally mugging, delaying his costars and producers answers to the point that the fan Q&A was only a few minutes rather than the typical 15-20. He may be a great moderator/host but the various concerns are likely about his panel antics and very valid IMO.

I saw a picture a few pages back of the Arrow costumes on display. Did the posters mention where they are in the Exhibit Hall? I can't find them and they aren't by the Warner Bros booth.

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