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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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For an actor, he really is terribly bad at masking his true feelings.  I'm forever laughing at his facial expressions when asked about "Raylicity," or even SA's face in that BR butter coffee photo on BR's twitter page.  Everything is written all. over. his. face.


I also am unable to keep my emotions off my face, so I can relate. My friends and coworkers always know exactly what I'm thinking, especially when I'm incredulous or irritated. However, I am not an actor who needs to sell my show. I love it about him, though. It's hilarious.

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The more they promote this season with the costumes, the more I want to stick my fingers in my ears and go 'la la la la la, not listening.' This is a big reason why s3 sucks. 


Also still bitter that there's no Diggle or Felicity. SMH.

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I can't understand why they promote a character who's leaving the show (already left, even!) over core characters who've been much more important, not to mention more popular. It just doesn't make sense to me. At least with Ray and random villains like Captain Cold, they need to sell the spin-off, but what's the point of Roy over Diggle and Felicity?

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That Arrow/The Flash - Full Superhero Fight Club Key Art poster was posted on CW Arrow's twitter and facebook pages, accompanied by this message and link to the fight club video...

Arrow @CW_Arrow  ·  3h 3 hours ago
The face of justice...and evil. Get ready for tomorrow's NEW #Arrow w/Superhero Fight Club: http://bit.ly/SuperheroClub 



Maybe they're hoping to sell a lot of these posters to fans to pay for the video.

Edited by tv echo
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What an ugly looking poster that is. Can anyone tell me why we aren't getting any real group photos anymore? As far as I am aware, all actors were on location at the same time for this photoshoot. How hard can it be to have them all pose at once in front of the camera? Even if you have to take a couple more shots, at least you would get a much better looking end result than this poorly photoshopped mess.

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I think the superhero fight club video and related posters are not aimed at existing viewers of Arrow/Flash, but at attracting new viewers - part of The CW's efforts to rebrand itself as a network that appeals to both sexes.  Remember our previous discussions of CW Pres. Mark Pedowitz's comments about targeting the male demo with Arrow/Flash?  That's why no Diggle & Felicity - or any other non-costumed character for that matter.


Their message seems to be - 'The CW is no longer just the network for The Vampire Diaries and teen soap dramas.  We're now the place to go to watch comics superheroes and villains fight each other, cool stunts, and action sequences (and a badass blonde in tight black leather).'

Edited by tv echo
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Their message seems to be - 'The CW is no longer just the network for The Vampire Diaries and teen soap dramas.  We're now the place to go to watch comics superheroes and villains fight each other, cool stunts, and action sequences (and a badass blonde in tight black leather)."


At least teen soap dramas/romances have SOME substance. Superhero/villains fighting each other seems like mindless television and superficial/shallow. 

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I'm just speculating as to what the CW's motivation might be... I could be totally wrong.  Maybe someone just threw the fight club video and poster art pieces at some CW PR underling and said, 'Do something with this.'

Edited by tv echo
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Funnily, there are no teen soaps on The CW anymore. The closest is The Vampire Diaries, and they are all out of high school anyway (at least I think so) and the show's probably going to be over next year. 

(Well, The 100 is about teenagers, too, but it's most definitely not a soap).

Edited by FurryFury
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I'm continually baffled by this "there's no Felicity" claim. 

We're baffled that Diggle, Felicity, Cisco, and Caitlin aren't there. Why? Because arguably they're the ones who put their lives on the line as well and the ones who help make the heroes extraordinary and not dead. Not just Felicity. I'm kind of surprised you aren't more upset that Diggle nor Caitlin aren't getting more promotion for their roles in the show tbqh. 


They're promoting the show as if it's all about the masks and that they're the most important, when even in the shows emphasize how they aren't the only ones who are important. Equal representation/promotion is what people want. There's nothing wrong with that. 

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I'm continually baffled by this "there's no Felicity" claim. 


I actually included Diggle in that claim too. Why is it baffling? Along with Diggle, Felicity is a major part of the team and show and without her, they wouldn't have half their success. 


I'm continually baffled by the need to lessen Felicity's importance/position on the team.

Edited by Guest
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In a sense, it's like the show itself.  We see the actors on screen but we don't see the writers, director, stunt people identified, lighting, sound, costumes, set decoration... all the support people behind the "stars".  The ones who are necessary to make the magic happen.


In the Fight Club promo, it's the same. They show the costumed characters but not the people who enable them to be there fighting -- Diggle's backup and overwatch, Felicity working comms to make sure they're okay and to find out where the bad guys are, Cisco's gizmos and Caitlyn's medical expertise.  Without them, the masks and costumes wouldn't be able to do what they do.


I find the non-costumed, like Diggle, Felicity, Cisco and Caitlyn, more interesting than many of the characters in that fight club promo especially marginal characters like Firestorm or MM, and I resent that they are not there cheering their hero on.  How hard would it have been to rent that boxing ring they used for Ted Grant and get DR, EBR, CV and DP there eating popcorn and rooting for their guys?

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I'm sorry...I didn't know we were just talking about the promo. 

But I still don't get it. Well no..I get it with Diggle but the rest? Wouldn't fit in a fight club just for "on the field" heroes. 

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I'm sorry...I didn't know we were just talking about the promo. 

But I still don't get it. Well no..I get it with Diggle but the rest? Wouldn't fit in a fight club just for "on the field" heroes.

Felicity, Caitlin, and Cisco all fight but not with their fists etc. It takes all facets of Team Arrow and Team Flash to fight crime. Diggle absence is really grating because he IS just as competent a fighter. It's some bullshit IMO.

I mean how funny would it have been to have the non-masked fighters be in the corners like trainers or cut doctors to tend to masked fighters or show them fighting with tablets or something.

The other thing that irks me as that BC is in the center. Why her and not Arrow and The Flash. BC should be on the side with all the others. They are not equal at all. And I would say the same thing if it was Sara and not Laurel.

Edited by catrox14
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I'm sorry...I didn't know we were just talking about the promo. 

But I still don't get it. Well no..I get it with Diggle but the rest? Wouldn't fit in a fight club just for "on the field" heroes. 


The "in the field" heroes would've been the ones fighting. The support people could've been there for, you know, support. Especially since they had people keeping score and ringing the bell and whatnot. It would've been nice to have everyone included since they only left out a total of two people from The Flash and two from Arrow who could've easily been put in.

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The "in the field" heroes would've been the ones fighting. The support people could've been there for, you know, support. Especially since they had people keeping score and ringing the bell and whatnot. It would've been nice to have everyone included since they only left out a total of two people from The Flash and two from Arrow who could've easily been put in.

I would have loved to watch Arrow win a ring, have a bell ring and see Felicity turn a score card in Oliver's favour.

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I would have loved to watch Arrow win a ring, have a bell ring and see Felicity turn a score card in Oliver's favour.

So long as they didn't put her in a ring girl's outfit!

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What's most annoying to me is they do this every time. And every time, they get backlash. I don't know who needs to catch a clue - marketing, the EPs, or the CW as a whole, but get on it. 

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There's actually very little backlash from what I've seen. This is the only place where it's received criticism. 


Perhaps I'm incorrect for this one particular picture and campaign, but I know there was upset over the poster released for this season and for the makeup of the TCA panel. It's disingenuous to plaster TA all over social media when the CW wants buzz but not use them for official photos. Well, disingenuous isn't the right word; it's flat out weird. 

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I saw a few negative comments about this poster here and there but at this point I think fans expect Diggle and Felicity to be missing. Sadly.


However, I'm going to assume that others thought it was Bad FanArt as well. 'Cause it's really awful looking. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I haven't seen any backlash about these posters at all re: F&D because I don't think anyone expected them to be on the posters since they weren't in the promo. There were people asking about Diggle and Felicity when the promo released (and Cisco and Caitlyn too).

Edited by apinknightmare
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There's actually very little backlash from what I've seen. This is the only place where it's received criticism.

Ive seen plenty of criticism on Tumblr, Twitter and FB.

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The posters didn't get as much criticism as the TCAs did. People were questioning where D/F/C/C were in the promo but I think more people thought it was cool and funny so they let it slide. The posters aren't different. I think people expected it because those were the characters in the promo which is why they didn't receive as much backlash. 

Surprisingly, the BC poster got the most retweets and favorites on twitter! Even though I personally hated it, good for Laurel. I wish I were one of those people enjoying her arcs tbqh. 

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For what it's worth, Cisco and Joe were both out in the field in tonight's episode of Flash, as was, kinda, Eddie, even if they don't wear masks. Given that Cisco and Eddie may very well end up wearing masks, I don't think it's a stretch to expect to see them in a promo - especially since Cisco turned out to be a fan favorite over on Flash.  And when the promo was filmed, Maseo already had a costume, and the showrunners probably knew that Thea would be in costume, it would have been great to have her there so that Laurel wasn't the only woman in the group.  Same with Tatsu and (maybe) Caitlin. 


Which is to say, the issue here isn't really Felicity missing: it's Diggle, Cisco, Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Eddie, Thea, Tatsu, Maseo AND Felicity missing.  Notably, with the exception of Eddie, none of the missing characters are white men, and I think that's where some of this reaction is coming from.  I'm actually glad Laurel's in the group so it's not just men, but I'd be happier if she'd been joined by other women - Thea and Tatsu as the fighting choices.

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And Nyssa. Because she'd wipe the floor on that ring.

The promo and the posters as they stand still look like the Very Very White Justice League of America with the one Token White Chick.

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I don't think anything from the show trended in the US. I kept looking. The last couple of weeks it trended after the show was over, but I didn't see anything tonight.


ETA: It's trending now for the West Coast viewing.

Edited by AnyoneButYou
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Which is to say, the issue here isn't really Felicity missing: it's Diggle, Cisco, Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Eddie, Thea, Tatsu, Maseo AND Felicity missing.


If you add Lyla and Nyssa, that makes the non-costumed list of characters twelve; as it was the promo highlighted eleven characters in three minutes. Iif you did throw everyone in the mix, in that 3 minute timeframe, that is roughly 23 characters with 7.83 seconds for each. 


It played on part of the "Fight Club" premise: To beat the living snot out of each other.   I personally am not interested in watching Caitlin face down Heatwave, or Eddie taking on Reverse Flash in this environment. Same with Diggle. I have no interest in seeing him try to actually have a go at Ra's in this environment.  Now Tatsu? Hell yes,but? She hadn't been introduced as Katana until tonight, a couple of weeks after the spot aired. 


Maybe the promo got enough positive response that TPTB will be willing to do a couple of installments next season. Then we might get Tatsu, Thea and Nyssa  added in. Cisco could take over for Dr. Stein at the scoreboard, so he can merge with Ronnie. Lisa Snart, Captain Cold's sister, could also show up.  Or do an all ladies' version with Kool and the Gang playing over the rounds and Iris is at the scoreboard. Felicity and Bug-Eyed Bandit go for their round 2. 


Even with all the problems I have had with the shows' writing this season, I'm not seeing some big FU to the non-costumed folks. Sometimes silly, fluffy things are just silly, fluffy things.

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I'm sorry...I didn't know we were just talking about the promo. 

But I still don't get it. Well no..I get it with Diggle but the rest? Wouldn't fit in a fight club just for "on the field" heroes. 


Absolutely agree. Makes zero sense. It's a fight club, Diggle doesn't have a superhero alias so that's understandable but I certainly give zero fucks about seeing the support team supporting the superheroes in a fight club-esque promo. I'm also baffled by the notion that Felicity isn't getting her due, she's practically the matriarch of the show at this point and many people give her more leeway than the character the show is named after.

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If Ra's was there, I think Nyssa should've been there too she's got a costume. And it wouldn't have been such a sausage fest with one woman. 

Edited by Sakura12
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If Ra's was there, I think Nyssa should've been there too she's got a costume. And it wouldn't have been such a sausage fest with one woman.


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