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Love (2016) - General Discussion

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I thought Gus and Randy were both going to get sick after getting into that nasty pool!

One thing I noticed was that they mentioned the house was in Hemet, which is the location of a major Scientology base, and I kept thinking some mention would be made of it or that the party they crash would end up being a bunch of Scientologists.

I was impressed with Mickey in this episode. She went along with an annoying situation, genuinely tried to help everyone make the best of it, and really only lost it a little when Bertie and Randy start arguing and put her into an uncomfortable position.

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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

At first I thought that the tour bus guide was Gary Sinese (from a distance).

 That was sweet of Gus to get her supplies to make her feel better when she was sick. Sadly Gus caught the bug. What was lime green that he ate? His puke was an unusual color. I related to him not wanting her help/to see him being sick. I get uncomfortable with that too. 

Was that really the actor who played Mike Meyers? Like Randy I don’t do horror movies. 

Nope. I'm not a horror movie person either but for some reason Halloween has a special place in my heart. His character on this episode of Love was pretty funny though.

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I quite enjoyed this episode.  Bertie is my favorite of the characters, even though she more than a tad unrealistic.

The thing that threw me (and this is completely on me) that I kept forgetting that only a few months have passed in "show time."  With 3 seasons, I feel like 3 years have passed on the show and then they mention it has been less than a year.

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I think it was more about one more person treating him like he was small, and didn't matter - didn't even exist. That was the wrong button to push with him, considering what he was dealing with at work.

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Gus had to wear a new hat in this episode. He can be a director or a friend but can’t be both and get the job done that he wants. I’m glad he spoke to Mickey and she encouraged him to step up and get what he needed to complete the film. 

People who have dealt with someone who isn’t sober sometimes has trouble adjusting to their new soberness, if they can adjust at all. Some friends outgrow each other. 

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Mickey did look pretty at the wedding. 

It can be uncomfortable to run into an ex and it couldn’t have been much worse. There’s always that one person at a party sometimes (well, especially when we were young) who had a bit too much and you cringe for them. Gus tried to be a good guy but he should never have laid down on the bed with her. YMMV

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Yea! I like that Bertie and Chris hooked up. Randy was a sad sight in his sweats sleeping in his car. Good for her. She’s spunky, cute, keeps a job and deserved better. Poor Mickey. It’s ok for me to think that but seeing herself think that isn’t so nice. Lol’d at the kid vaping in class. 

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I thought that the military jacket said ‘trying too hard’ for Gus to wear but I did like the mom jeans on Mickey. 

Smokiing in the yard of the open house I can forgive because I got to admire the lemon tree. I’m jealous. 

Re: Gus to Chris...(paraphrasing) At the kitchen table playing scrabble. One minute she’s playing and the next she’s biting a bat’s head off. Who did that IRL? Ozzy or Alice Cooper? 

Mickey stealing the guys cigarettes...way to work the steps and program girl. 

The band scenes left a lot to be desired on the lip syncing and editing so I suspended my expectations. 

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I was sad to see Gus’s dream of a movie going down the drain unlike the one that wasn’t working for Bertie back their house. 

When Gus’s parents were discussing Father Thomas and how cute he was his Mom said “It’s not like he’s Dean Smith”. Do we have a Tarheel fan in S.D.? I went back and listened twice and I’m pretty sure that’s what she said but someone please correct me if I’m wrong. 

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I loved this episode! I felt that Gus and Mickey both grew in their own ways. Gus stepped up and learned how to be the boss. And Mickey asking Bertie in a sincere way what Bertie gets out of their friendship was an unexpectedly self-aware moment for her.

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5 minutes ago, auntiemel said:

I'm loving how so many of the episodes this season seem like self-contained short stories. This one was great.

What’s the word for that? Vinettes? 

Yes, I’m working through this more slowly than I’d usually binge and enjoying it because it’s the last I’m going to see of these characters. 

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14 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

What’s the word for that? Vinettes? 

Yes, I’m working through this more slowly than I’d usually binge and enjoying it because it’s the last I’m going to see of these characters. 



I'm liking it too.  I was afraid that this show would run out of story before the end of the series, but this season's format is actually working better for me than the previous 2 seasons.

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21 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Great episode. Watching Sarah was so cringe-y.  I did think Gus was kind of an ass at the end with his “I’m giving her a ride home with or without you.”  

I would have chosen to go with. Especially since we saw what happened when he went without. 

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I thought the purpose of the band was to write songs for movies that didn’t already have theme songs? Then wth was with that terrible “Footlooose” song? 

I admit I liked the “Chocolate” song! 

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I felt like the ending was sort of perfect for Micky and Gus. Not that I thought it was a good idea, but these two have both been so consistently immature and narcissistic that of course they would take going a week without a fight as a reason to get married. 

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Yes. I hate when parents (usually moms) or older relatives put young couples on the spot with major life decisions. Ugh, I cringed. They haven't even been dating that long.

I kind of have a problem with Mickey going on and on about Gus not being honest when she slept with her ex-boyfriend* and is keeping it from Gus. She can decide to not tell him, that's fine, but don't be so judgemental when you find out something about Gus that you didn't know because he didn't tell you.

*My husband thought they were broken up or on a break or something when that happened. He was away for that move gig but they were still together right? I might be remembering that wrong.

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11 minutes ago, kimbrchick said:

Yes. I hate when parents (usually moms) or older relatives put young couples on the spot with major life decisions. Ugh, I cringed. They haven't even been dating that long.

I kind of have a problem with Mickey going on and on about Gus not being honest when she slept with her ex-boyfriend* and is keeping it from Gus. She can decide to not tell him, that's fine, but don't be so judgemental when you find out something about Gus that you didn't know because he didn't tell you.

*My husband thought they were broken up or on a break or something when that happened. He was away for that move gig but they were still together right? I might be remembering that wrong.

Per your asterisks, Gus and Mickey were apparently not exclusive when Mickey took up with her ex while Gus was away.  At the end of last season, when Gus came back (and the ex was in his apartment), she told Gus she wanted to be exclusive with him.  Of course, I got the impression that Gus thought they were already exclusive (ha ha on you, Gus), but that seemed to be what was going on.  So, while Gus would consider it cheating if he had known, Mickey does not.  And she apparently doesn't feel bad about not telling Gus about it either. Yeah, that bugged me, too.

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The more I've thought about the ending of this series over the past couple of days, the more I wish that Gus' relationship with Arya had been a little more resolved. Gus was not a great teacher. Not at all. (I say that as a former teacher). But he was the only adult in her life that gave a shit about her. He was selfish, too. He tried to use her for his own ends just like her parents - he maneuvered to keep his job into the Liberty Down shoot, he attempted to get her in his movie. But when push came to shove, he was the only adult that was willing to sacrifice to stand up for her, and take care of her. He was the only one who advocated for her leaving the business when she wanted to, even though that would have meant losing his own job. He expressed concern for her emotional well-being to Susan (his boss, as well as Arya's) even when he knew it would likely piss Susan off and tarnish his future chances of advancement in her organization.

The last time we ever see Arya, she's not even talking to Gus, she's getting frustrated at seeing the conversation with Gus and her father. That just feels like a weird place to leave that relationship forever.

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On 3/13/2018 at 3:53 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Smokiing in the yard of the open house I can forgive because I got to admire the lemon tree. I’m jealous. 


If it makes you feel better, lemon trees have giant thorns and will attract fruit rats to your yard.

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3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

If it makes you feel better, lemon trees have giant thorns and will attract fruit rats to your yard.

I didn’t know that! I was thinking about putting a lemon tree in my yard this year because I’m always craving lemons but that gives me pause. Thanks for that tidbit. 

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On 3/12/2018 at 5:52 PM, Mindthinkr said:

At first I thought that the tour bus guide was Gary Sinese (from a distance).

 That was sweet of Gus to get her supplies to make her feel better when she was sick. Sadly Gus caught the bug. What was lime green that he ate? His puke was an unusual color.

It was from drinking the blue Gatorade.

I wish movies and TV shows would just cut away when characters vomit, because spitting out a mouthful of liquid doesn't look like real vomiting. (And sorry Mickey, but blue is hardly the worst-tasting Gatorade flavor. Not when there's green and purple around.)

Were we supposed to think that Gus contracted Mickey's illness within a few hours? That seems unlikely. Germ-and-illness-obsessed Gus would know that getting sick doesn't usually work that way.

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I can't help it. Any time Gus tries to be "cool" in any way - particularly when he tries out some "cool" lingo - I just mute the screen.

This is a very cringey show by nature, but Gus's affectations are just over the top unbearable for me to watch.

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I guess maybe it depends on where you are.  I'm in LA and fruit rats/roof rats are a problem in California.  Everyone I know with a citrus tree has a problem with rats eating the fruit.  The thorns are less bad than bougainvillea thorns, but still suck.   

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10 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Were we supposed to think that Gus contracted Mickey's illness within a few hours? That seems unlikely. Germ-and-illness-obsessed Gus would know that getting sick doesn't usually work that way.

I can kind of believe it when it comes to stomach viruses, they can be incredibly contagious. Maybe not the same day, but I've caught them from my husband and kids within 12 hours. I actually kind of loved the way Mickey thought it was just food poisoning and it turned out to be contagious, and how Gus went off on her for being irresponsible and not caring about quarantining herself or dousing in Purell. Such a true-to-life storyline. 

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Earlier this season, when Mickey's married friend (Shaun?) confronted her about sleeping with Dustin while she was dating Gus, Mickey certainly seemed to acknowledge that she had cheated. Her response wasn't, "Gus and I weren't exclusive yet," it was, "Yeah, I fucked up, but I'm trying to get better."

At the time, the "let's be exclusive" thing was almost a joke. They were serious, and just because they'd never used the word "exclusive" doesn't mean that there wasn't a presumption that they were supposed be faithful.

Anyway, even if Mickey hadn't effectively cheated and kept it a secret, she still would have annoyed me a lot in this episode. She has no business telling Gus that he's wrong about his family, and that after a day of knowing them she's certain that they're just awesome.

Also, we all have certain things that we keep from our family members. That doesn't make us inherently phony people. I can't imagine Mickey tells her family about all of the crazy things she's done.

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I kind of hate that they ended the series on a note of "Maybe they're acting crazy, or maybe this is really sweet! Probably both! Such is the nature of love!" Blech.

There were only two things about this series that really appealed to me: 1) Bertie, and 2) the way the writers appeared to be applying romantic comedy tropes to a couple that truly didn't belong together. I was very curious to see where they were going with it.

I was hoping for an ending where they go their separate ways, with both of them at least trying to accept that they don't need romance to be happy.

I can't fathom that Gus and Mickey could actually make a relationship work. Their relationship has been a ridiculous roller coaster, and it's just in its first year. Mickey is newly sober, prone to self-sabotage, and goes back and forth on what she wants.  I can't imagine her making things work with anyone - let alone someone who will probably prove to be really boring.

Maybe that's the point, and the ending is meant to be cynical. But it felt to me like they were trying to have it both ways.

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1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

I can't fathom that Gus and Mickey could actually make a relationship work. Their relationship has been a ridiculous roller coaster, and it's just in its first year. Mickey is newly sober, prone to self-sabotage, and goes back and forth on what she wants.  I can't imagine her making things work with anyone - let alone someone who will probably prove to be really boring.

While I enjoyed the ending and completely bought that these two would end up married, I also believe that 2 weeks past the show, the two would be living separate lives and screaming at each other.  There really wasn't that much growth during the series with these two characters--maybe some by Mickey, but any growth from Gus was crammed into this last season.  So, while I thought it was a sweet ending, I still see a doomed relationship.

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I actually liked this season, and am happy (to intuit from the comments here that) this was the final season.  It ended on a nice note, and while there are little things resolved, eh, that's life.  To me, the bathroom/sickness fight scene a few episodes prior was the real key moment: when they both realized they loved each other, and that's why they fight- the insecurity, the group dynamics, the fear of being rejected first by someone who only lashes out because they fear being rejected first.  Realizing that made them stronger, as we saw when they worked out their problems in South Dakota more like actual adults, and I think we are supposed to imagine- especially with their wedding being held without the spectacle of the "wacky sitcom friends group"- these two will finally make it work.  To @auntiemel's point about Arya, while I'd have liked more recognition from almost anyone on "Witchita" that Gus was a good person (if awkward), the Arya subplot if nothing else showed him being a good parent instinctively, and that his own reservations about having kids have passed.

I think what I liked about this show- when I liked it and wasn't frustrated by it- is how the characters are not only their sitcom-esque archetypes but also tinged with humanity.  They joke, but they have feelings and hurt as well, even/especially when the other person is just "playing their part" as per normal TV/sitcom rules.

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I was kind of bothered that Gus walked away from Witchita with a golden opportunity from Susan. Not that long ago, the only reason he wasn't fired was because Arya threatened to walk off the set. It's hard to imagine that Susan's feelings would turn around that quickly. Powerful people really don't like it when someone forces their hand - especially when it's a bratty kid.

Also, his "erotic" short film really didn't seem like anything special.

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Here's an interesting piece of trivia I just realized about this episode. I live in Burbank, so I recognize filming locations in lots of shows and movies. Sometimes it takes me out of the story a little bit, because I'll recognize a place and then they'll say, "Let's go across the street to this other place," and I'll also recognize that place and know that it's miles away from the first location. Obviously, that's just to be expected when securing filming permits and considering the aesthetics of various spaces and such, and it affects such a tiny amount of people watching the story that it's not even a consideration.

But, in this episode, the restaurant where Gus and Mickey went for brunch after he showed up at her work is, in fact, right across the street from where they film Mickey's workplace - at least the exteriors. Kinda cool! :D

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Awww I love the ending. I’m a romantic so I hope this is the turning point for both of them to keep their shit together and mature. - who am I kidding. Realistically in about a month it will be “what the fuck did we do?”

Edited by Readalot
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I was really surprised to see that there were no ramifications from Gus’s “I’m taking her home, with or without you.” I wasn’t expecting them to wake up together the next no without mentioning it.

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