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I believe Dorinda is truly bewildered by the group's dynamic-especially on vacation.  People yell, scream, argue, cry, walk off, dump water on another's head from a story above and then rally round to continue filming. 


These women obviously eat during filming how is it they can get so ripped during filming?  This is not a case of a drink on an empty stomach-are they serving 151 rum?

This was the thing that made her blog so strange. She talked about how excited she was to see the women who were in the other car, as if it had been months since she had last seen them. How long could the drive have been on that small island? 30 minutes would have been a long drive. At the same time, in her TH's, all she talks about is how exhausting it is to be with all of them. If it's so exhausting, why be so anxious to see the other women? Why say that it could have been such a "happy" night for you? She is just making zero sense at this point and time. I think the deal is that she was a little drunk and tired. The thing is, she knows that next week we are going to see her really hammered, and I don't think she wants to admit that she was drunk twice. Not with all the talk about Sonja and her drinking. She looks like she is trying to pick sides. She was actually one of the voices of reason during her dinner at the Berkshires. She said that Heather's intentions were "so good". She said she was a fixer and that she just wanted to fix Heather. On the other hand when she got on Twitter she had nothing good to say about Heather at the dinner at all. She is clearly Team Lu.  

  • Love 4

The funny thing about this ep is it sounds like it is going to go from Kumbaya to Defcon 4 (tm H. Dubrow) in 60 seconds. 


I wonder what Class With The Countess says about having the best sex of your life 3 days before you hook up on vacation with a different person? That must be right after the chapter that you don't get introduced to the chauffer w/your first name. That's what kills me about the Countess- I bet she holds Victoria to one standard, but Mumsy has quite another. Do as I say not as I screw! 

  • Love 6

Really?   Haven't you ever make breakfast, lunch or dinner wearing a tank top?


I have and never considered my "bare armpits" a health hazard.   If I did, I wouldn't be able to go to many BBQs.    LOL

I used to waitress when I was in college and I got sent home one day because I came into work with a sleeveless shirt.  The owner said no armpits allowed, lol!  I didn't get it then and I don't get it now.

  • Love 4

I used to waitress when I was in college and I got sent home one day because I came into work with a sleeveless shirt.  The owner said no armpits allowed, lol!  I didn't get it then and I don't get it now.

The idea is essentially if you happen to perspire and say you are leaning over food the perspiration will get in the food.  Same thing with Band Aids on the hands-if you have one on most chef's will require food prep people to wear gloves.  No one wants the salad with someone's Band-aid in it.  Not front of the house people just back of the house. 

This was the thing that made her blog so strange. She talked about how excited she was to see the women who were in the other car, as if it had been months since she had last seen them. How long could the drive have been on that small island? 30 minutes would have been a long drive. At the same time, in her TH's, all she talks about is how exhausting it is to be with all of them. If it's so exhausting, why be so anxious to see the other women? Why say that it could have been such a "happy" night for you? She is just making zero sense at this point and time. I think the deal is that she was a little drunk and tired. The thing is, she knows that next week we are going to see her really hammered, and I don't think she wants to admit that she was drunk twice. Not with all the talk about Sonja and her drinking. She looks like she is trying to pick sides. She was actually one of the voices of reason during her dinner at the Berkshires. She said that Heather's intentions were "so good". She said she was a fixer and that she just wanted to fix Heather. On the other hand when she got on Twitter she had nothing good to say about Heather at the dinner at all. She is clearly Team Lu.  

Dorinda said she was not drinking before she went to the restaurant.  It appears when she drinks it shows from the clips and she should not allow herself to be "over served"..  I think I am over Kristen, Heather, Carole, Ramona and LuAnn talking about others' drinking.  New subject ladies.  There must be some bizarre pecking order about filming that goes right over my head-these women are brutal with their who will film with who attitude.  I believe it began this year with Bethenny taking on Ramona.


There is something odd about this mix of women, way too many women willing to overshare about the others' private business.  I get it is a reality show and at some point there should be some transparencies with their lives but ever since Carole implied she watched Sonja having anal sex I just think it has been a downhill slide.  This would be the same Carole who wants us to know that her late husband's family has been the target of so many stories and she puts something like that out there about a quasi-friend, co-worker.  I feel for Heather and Kristen because they are married and being around six single women they are not the norm.  (Kristen incorrectly said six divorcees in her blog-two are widows, four are divorced).  So I can see the discomfort level and maybe instead the shotgun start for the rooms the pros and cons of room assignments should have been discussed.  It would seem that three of the six are downstairs and would not intrude on the others' privacy.  I would hope Bethenny, Dorinda, and Carole would be respectful of the married ladies space. Apparently the downstairs suites have their own bathrooms and the upstairs have shared baths.

Re Bethenny cooking in a bikini. I'd worry more about spittle than sweat or armpit hair. Talking is not unusual when cooking, but Bethenny yaps all! the! time!





This was my favorite clip preseason and I still find it funny but instead of laughing with Luann, I am laughing at her.


The worst thing about being pretentious is being Sonja level of classless. Looking at you "Countess"

  • Love 4

Dorinda said she was not drinking before she went to the restaurant.  It appears when she drinks it shows from the clips and she should not allow herself to be "over served"..  I think I am over Kristen, Heather, Carole, Ramona and LuAnn talking about others' drinking.  New subject ladies.  There must be some bizarre pecking order about filming that goes right over my head-these women are brutal with their who will film with who attitude.  I believe it began this year with Bethenny taking on Ramona.


There is something odd about this mix of women, way too many women willing to overshare about the others' private business.  I get it is a reality show and at some point there should be some transparencies with their lives but ever since Carole implied she watched Sonja having anal sex I just think it has been a downhill slide.  This would be the same Carole who wants us to know that her late husband's family has been the target of so many stories and she puts something like that out there about a quasi-friend, co-worker.  I feel for Heather and Kristen because they are married and being around six single women they are not the norm.  (Kristen incorrectly said six divorcees in her blog-two are widows, four are divorced).  So I can see the discomfort level and maybe instead the shotgun start for the rooms the pros and cons of room assignments should have been discussed.  It would seem that three of the six are downstairs and would not intrude on the others' privacy.  I would hope Bethenny, Dorinda, and Carole would be respectful of the married ladies space. Apparently the downstairs suites have their own bathrooms and the upstairs have shared baths.

Kristen said in her TH on the preview that this was not the first time Dorinda drank to much, Luann/Dorinda verses Heather fight, and even though Dorinda denies drinking before the restaurant entry spat, that does not mean she is being truthful, in fact IMO, had she been drinking it would have made more sense and be easily forgiven. If she was sober/alcohol free, then her outburst is even more crazy/OTT than I first believed and shows a very nasty, judgmental mind set than the persona she is trying to get us to buy into.


I think them talking about Sonja's drinking/behavior is not just about what we have seen on the show but includes her drunken behavior off camera as well and it reflects what viewers have been pointing out as well. Sonja is/was in a downward spiral and that, IMO, most people in her life would be concerned about her.  


I also don't think that bringing a strange man into the house overnight without letting the others know is very nice and IMO, it is dangerous. Who knows what could happen or who the guy really is if he gets mad, drunk or is just plain nuts to begin with. No one has the right to jeopardize the others safety for a "quickie", that is more akin to Brandi behavior than any of the NY HWs IMO. I don't think either LuAnn or Sonja think about anyone's "space" or safety outside their own carnal needs/wants. LOL

  • Love 4



There is something odd about this mix of women, way too many women willing to overshare about the others' private business.  I get it is a reality show and at some point there should be some transparencies with their lives but ever since Carole implied she watched Sonja having anal sex I just think it has been a downhill slide.  This would be the same Carole who wants us to know that her late husband's family has been the target of so many stories and she puts something like that out there about a quasi-friend, co-worker.  I feel for Heather and Kristen because they are married and being around six single women they are not the norm.  (Kristen incorrectly said six divorcees in her blog-two are widows, four are divorced).  So I can see the discomfort level and maybe instead the shotgun start for the rooms the pros and cons of room assignments should have been discussed.  It would seem that three of the six are downstairs and would not intrude on the others' privacy.  I would hope Bethenny, Dorinda, and Carole would be respectful of the married ladies space. Apparently the downstairs suites have their own bathrooms and the upstairs have shared baths.

I don't have a problem with the stuff that happens while they are filming being discussed. If Sonja doesn't want the world to know she had anal sex than she shouldn't be having it with a film crew around. The cameras might not always be on, but they are there to film a Reality TV show, and all of the girls are going to be asked about things that happen. It was clear that this was being discussed (Sonja was the one saying she had her face in the dirt), so I didn't have an issue with Carole talking about it. Same with Heather and Carole talking about Lu and her Pirate. They had zero idea what was on camera and what wasn't. What they all knew was that Lu and Sonja apparently didn't care enough about discretion to keep their sexual urges under control for the 4 days they had cameras following them around. Learn some self control girls if you don't want people to chat about you. 


I do have a question about the particulars of Lu and anyone else bringing guys back to the house to sleep over. My question is, what means slut shaming? I honestly never know, but understand that I don't want to slut shame anyone ever. Would it be considered slut shamming Lu to be upset because she brought a dude they didn't know back to the house? Is it ok if they are concerned about safety, but not ok if they just think it is a little unseemly? 


I've traveled with my girlfriends before, but have never had anyone bring a guy back to our shared space (outside of college - where it was somewhat routine). I just don't think that I would be a big fan of it.  

  • Love 5

The idea is essentially if you happen to perspire and say you are leaning over food the perspiration will get in the food.  Same thing with Band Aids on the hands-if you have one on most chef's will require food prep people to wear gloves.  No one wants the salad with someone's Band-aid in it.  Not front of the house people just back of the house. 


Ha ha!! This reminds me of a day many years ago when I was a salad and sandwich preparer at a fine restaurant as my summer job. I had just finished mixing up a huge vat of chicken salad when I realized the ring I had been wearing was no longer on my hand. Luckily, I found it after manhandling that chicken salad within an inch of its life. And as one who spent a total of 8 summers in that very kitchen, I can attest to the fact that a lot can go on in the back of the house, let me tell you : )

Edited by Lastwaltz
  • Love 4

Heather is obnoxious, Bethenny is a twice as obnoxious as her. During Ramona's book title discussion, not only would Bethenny not STFU for a nano second to allow others their opinions. Her opinion was the only ones that are valid. AND she puts down any of the suggestions made.


I agree with this but I do think Bethanny had a great point at the top of the conversation when she mentioned that Ramona should put off thinking about a title until she at least had written a greater part of the book or at least 'knew how it ended.' That way she would have a better idea of what the book was really about and give it a more unique and fitting title.  "Work in Progress" came about because Ramona was throwing out everything and the kitchen sink and saying she doesn't know how it ends. I don't think it is the best title and probably not all that unique as Heather mentioned. 


Plus, I think B ought to be better at the game than this. She should know damn good not to get heated over this Ramona stunt queening. B should know good and well that this was just the start of Ramona's pimp game. She just wanted to introduce her new idea and money making scheme on camera to the world. Ramona would never use any of those ideas because she wouldn't want anyone taking credit for it.

  • Love 2

To be fair, we don't know if Sonja had anal sex or they were just doing it doggy style

My point is that Carole walked in on someone having sex and decided that wasn't a juicy enough story she added the anal angle.  She doesn't need to be so visual and she whines about how the Kennedys are pursued by the press.  Well I think Carole needs to learn some discretion.  Closed doors are closed doors and maybe she should learn to knock.

I don't have a problem with the stuff that happens while they are filming being discussed. If Sonja doesn't want the world to know she had anal sex than she shouldn't be having it with a film crew around. The cameras might not always be on, but they are there to film a Reality TV show, and all of the girls are going to be asked about things that happen. It was clear that this was being discussed (Sonja was the one saying she had her face in the dirt), so I didn't have an issue with Carole talking about it. Same with Heather and Carole talking about Lu and her Pirate. They had zero idea what was on camera and what wasn't. What they all knew was that Lu and Sonja apparently didn't care enough about discretion to keep their sexual urges under control for the 4 days they had cameras following them around. Learn some self control girls if you don't want people to chat about you. 


I do have a question about the particulars of Lu and anyone else bringing guys back to the house to sleep over. My question is, what means slut shaming? I honestly never know, but understand that I don't want to slut shame anyone ever. Would it be considered slut shamming Lu to be upset because she brought a dude they didn't know back to the house? Is it ok if they are concerned about safety, but not ok if they just think it is a little unseemly? 


I've traveled with my girlfriends before, but have never had anyone bring a guy back to our shared space (outside of college - where it was somewhat routine). I just don't think that I would be a big fan of it.  

I don't think the guys are coming over to sleep. :)

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1


Have not read any of Guillermo Del Toro Del Wormo books nor have I seen the series.  Now that you have

mentioned worms, in AnnA's great photo post I see that poor lil carby morsel as a worm now  lol


OK, a HW fight it is.  We will need some stuff though.  A location.  A restaurant sounds good, most of the good fights are at dinner/restaurants.  I will need hair and makeup people and some extensions. I am going for the Gina RHOMelbourne look.   I  need spackle, opps, I mean fillers, everywhere!  I can borrow one of Ramoaners old shiny Ramoaner blue one- shoulder dresses.  Some really high heels ( I like to wobble).  Gonna need some room so I can flail my arms around and, possibly flip the table.  Extra room for everyone so they can back that sh!t up! I reserve the right to say 'How DARE you'  (tm Elaine).  Lotsa booze!  Mostly for drinking, some for throwing.  Wine glasses for smashing.  Camera and sound people, one producer and a lawyer so I can sue everyone. 

This dang worm is a lotta trouble.

Who am I kidding.  Like stalking, fighting is just too much work. 




Did I hear Uncle?  You know David is an uncle, oh, David, David, where are you.....

I am changing our S word for shrieking

ROFS & SOL (That will be the both of us)


I need to prepare my windmill slappy hands. I would also like to request, Skinny Girl Margarita and Ramona Pinot Grigio for throwing not drinking. I will wear one of Luanne's outfits from the Countess Collection, but I won't wear any of her statement necklaces as that will give you the advantage. I'm gonna borrow Carole's lucite heels cause just for an hour I'd like to walk like Mrs Whiggins. I reserve the right to say, "Who does that?!?!?!?" in my talking head shot


Maybe we should sword fight using Ramona Floaty Noodles...a la Star Wars.


Pickles,...Pickles...quickly jump in the pool and gather those 8 broken floaty noodles...here's the glue gun...take the middle of #1, attach to the end of #3 and twist together #6..now make another one and we'll be set....Pickles??? Pickles?!!!


What do you mean Pickles is in a hotel room with David? David, David, David?

  • Love 3

Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."

Edited by AnnA

Wasn't sure where to post this...as this is more of a Look Back


Berkshire Dinner - Carole Luanne discover the Peter connection to Mario's mistress. Heather interrogates Peter at dinner but that info doesn't come out.


Does anyone else find it unusual that this has not been brought back up to RAMONA?


If Bravo filmed such a conversation, I don't see Bravo having a problem airing it. So what if it embarrasses Ramona...they don't have a problem airing dirty laundry. Even a conversation amongst the other ladies. Or a conversation with Ramona one on one asking her what was up with that. Yes Ramona is one of the OGs but she does not have that much power with Andy & Bravo.


Heather & Luanne would have a reason to bring it up. Carole now has one when Ramona slams her for dating a younger man.




Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."

Zap2it lists a total of 17 episodes, which would mean there are two more after the "don't be all uncool" episode. They do not list any description for them. My thoughts are that after they get back from T&C we will still have to see Dorinda and Carole go to London to get Anthony's ashes, and the Season Finale, which I believe is Sonja's Fashion Show. The early press was that Ramona and Beth have a very heated argument at the Fashion Show. 

Zap2it lists a total of 17 episodes, which would mean there are two more after the "don't be all uncool" episode. They do not list any description for them. My thoughts are that after they get back from T&C we will still have to see Dorinda and Carole go to London to get Anthony's ashes, and the Season Finale, which I believe is Sonja's Fashion Show. The early press was that Ramona and Beth have a very heated argument at the Fashion Show. 


Thanks.   I thought I read (somewhere??)  that the final four episodes were in the Turks and Caicos.

Thanks.   I thought I read (somewhere??)  that the final four episodes were in the Turks and Caicos.

The only thing i heard about T&C was that Bravo spread it out amongst 4 episodes.

So far we've seen 2 episodes with T&C - Lord Of The Manor & Sonja Island.

Tomorrow's episode is called Conch Block...and according to First Look - there are clips shown still in T&C.

Don't be surprised if the 4th episode of T&C just covers the first 15 minutes and then they are all back in NY


I never heard that the 4 episodes of T&C were the final four eps

  • Love 1

Thanks.   I thought I read (somewhere??)  that the final four episodes were in the Turks and Caicos.

I read that somewhere as well. I assumed it had to be wrong because they will absolutely have a Finale Party. They made such a big deal in the previews about Carole and the deal about Anthony's ashes that I assume that is coming up as well, but I have honestly wondered if they might cut that out. Dorinda's plea to Bravo on Twitter today to "do it justice" made me wonder. 

  • Love 2

Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."


Well, this is actually what I thought happened, although I didn't know that Ramona was part of it.  Some things that are interesting...


The quote we heard, from Heather, on the "this season on" trailer was "It SCARED me, Luanne!" So I always figured that was the core of the fight - not that Luanne brought a man home, but that Heather ended up "exposed" to a naked stranger and doesn't take it well.


I guess I should withhold judgment until seeing the episode.  I do think Dorinda is laying the groundwork in her blog this week when she says:



Heather Thomson has cornered the market on overreacting, and just watch—she will continue to do so for the rest of the season. And not just with me, but with everyone. In her mind, her opinion is the final word and the only “word” that makes sense. Quite frankly, it’s gotten tiresome. No, exhausting.


So I guess the Luann/Dorinda/Sonja camp says that it's "overreacting" to be upset by finding a naked stranger in your house.  Hm.


Heather also said on her twitter feed that she tried to make up with Luann, and in fact they made up multiple times on camera and off, but Luann chose to keep the fight going, to preserve her apple.


I find it interesting that Ramona has been so silent this whole season - not many media interviews, hardly any blogs, hardly anything on her twitter feed.  I wonder if Ramona was really embarrassed to be caught out on camera, and instead of running with it (as Luanne clearly is), she's biding her time to see how the public responds.


I just wrote a bunch of stuff about my opinion in terms of where people draw boundaries in terms of safety, but I'll save that for when we see the episode. 

  • Love 7

My point is that Carole walked in on someone having sex and decided that wasn't a juicy enough story she added the anal angle.  She doesn't need to be so visual and she whines about how the Kennedys are pursued by the press.  Well I think Carole needs to learn some discretion.  Closed doors are closed doors and maybe she should learn to knock.

I don't think the guys are coming over to sleep. :)

I am not sure that Carole "catches" LuAnn doing anything but that said, according to Carole, LuAnn has walked into her bedroom late at night on trips several times without knocking first. I don't think Carole did anything wrong, it was a "girls trip" not a "hook up for a quickie with a stranger trip" and I am not sure how anyone could possibly predict that LuAnn had a strange/unknown man in her room in a house........OH WAIT, this is LuAnn we are talking about, they should just assume she has a guy in her bed, in her closet, under the bed and glued to the ceiling! LOL Seriously, couldn't LuAnn control her "needs" for 4 days? LOL

  • Love 4

Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."

Now, does Ramona just side with LuAnn or did she too have a stranger encounter/quickie at the house as well? Which leads to my next question.........If Ramona hooks up with a guy and brings him back for the night, where did Sonja sleep? Was it a threesome? EEEEEKKKKKKK  LOL

  • Love 1

My point is that Carole walked in on someone having sex and decided that wasn't a juicy enough story she added the anal angle.  She doesn't need to be so visual and she whines about how the Kennedys are pursued by the press.  Well I think Carole needs to learn some discretion.  Closed doors are closed doors and maybe she should learn to knock.

I don't think the guys are coming over to sleep. :)

I agree with you, but wasn't classy Lady Morgan getting busy out in the yard? I remember her making a crack about her face in the bushes, or something similar.
  • Love 2

I might be mistaken, but it sure seemed like a scene was edited differently in the first look. When Bethenny is tirading against Ramona, I swear Ramona just shrugs when Beth says, "your logo should be true me" in last week's episode, but in the first look, she shrugs when Beth says, "me is your favorite word". The difference is negligible, but why manipulate something so minor?

  • Love 2

Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."


Isn't the room attached to hers...Bethenny's room?

I thought Carole and Heather shared a suite and Bethenny was in the room next to theirs sharing closet space and the bathroom.

So does NekkidDudeGate happen after Bethenny leaves T&C?

  • Love 1

You know that's what I though to.. I'm assuming B moved when they realized it was a jack and jill.  I mean one shower and three women at the beach?  Plus once Ramona and Sonja took the maids quarters the room Sonja was sitting in opened up.


I guess we'll find out tomorrow if Bethenny is still there when this all goes down.

Is Ramona really involved?

The night Luanne debuted her song on WWHL...Sonja and Dorinda were there.....no Ramona

  • Love 2

I might be mistaken, but it sure seemed like a scene was edited differently in the first look. When Bethenny is tirading against Ramona, I swear Ramona just shrugs when Beth says, "your logo should be true me" in last week's episode, but in the first look, she shrugs when Beth says, "me is your favorite word". The difference is negligible, but why manipulate something so minor?

First Bethenny said that "me is your favorite word" then a few seconds later she followed up with the "true me" comment. LOL


You know that's what I though to.. I'm assuming B moved when they realized it was a jack and jill.  I mean one shower and three women at the beach?  Plus once Ramona and Sonja took the maids quarters the room Sonja was sitting in opened up.

LuAnn took the upstairs room that Sonja wanted, it has its own bathroom. Maybe LuAnn was in the bathroom herself and the guy had to go so he was out in the hall looking for a bathroom and tried to walk into their, Carole/Heather, bedroom?

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

I've seen some shitty hair in my time, but that mop on top of Ramona's head during the lunch (when she was talking about her book) was horrendous. It looked like she hadn't tended to her roots in months, and it is so dry and brittle looking. I know that she struggles with her hair (I do with mine as well), but would think with all of her money she could have a different result.

  • Love 5

My point is that Carole walked in on someone having sex and decided that wasn't a juicy enough story she added the anal angle. She doesn't need to be so visual and she whines about how the Kennedys are pursued by the press. Well I think Carole needs to learn some discretion. Closed doors are closed doors and maybe she should learn to knock.

I don't think the guys are coming over to sleep. :)

Except, as others have said, they're on a reality show and this happened during filminh

Does anyone know how many episodes are left this season?  My cable guide shows tomorrow's episode and another one next Tuesday.  Next Tuesday (July 14, 2015) should be a hoot.  It's the "Cool - Uncool" episode.  My cable guide only goes as far as July 16th so I don't know if that's the last episode of the season or not.


Here's the description they have:


"The profanity-filled dinner at the Gansevoort continues; Dorinda storms off; Heather rebukes Luann and Ramona for their late-night antics after waking up to find a naked man in the room attached to hers; Kristen hosts a dinner party."


It doesn't make sense that the naked man us upstairs if he's with Luann. Luann had a room with a private bath downstairs. So does that mean that it was either Sonja or Ramoana that took the man upstairs? I'm thinking Luann's don't be uncool thing is about a different man.

Wasn't sure where to post this...as this is more of a Look Back


Berkshire Dinner - Carole Luanne discover the Peter connection to Mario's mistress. Heather interrogates Peter at dinner but that info doesn't come out.


Does anyone else find it unusual that this has not been brought back up to RAMONA?


If Bravo filmed such a conversation, I don't see Bravo having a problem airing it. So what if it embarrasses Ramona...they don't have a problem airing dirty laundry. Even a conversation amongst the other ladies. Or a conversation with Ramona one on one asking her what was up with that. Yes Ramona is one of the OGs but she does not have that much power with Andy & Bravo.


Heather & Luanne would have a reason to bring it up. Carole now has one when Ramona slams her for dating a younger man.

It is odd that we never saw more about Peter and Mario's skank. That whole thing felt producer created and you'd think they would have followed through.


First Bethenny said that "me is your favorite word" then a few seconds later she followed up with the "true me" comment. LOL


LuAnn took the upstairs room that Sonja wanted, it has its own bathroom. Maybe LuAnn was in the bathroom herself and the guy had to go so he was out in the hall looking for a bathroom and tried to walk into their, Carole/Heather, bedroom?

Luann's room was downstairs.
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It doesn't make sense that the naked man us upstairs if he's with Luann. Luann had a room with a private bath downstairs. So does that mean that it was either Sonja or Ramoana that took the man upstairs? I'm thinking Luann's don't be uncool thing is about a different man.

It is odd that we never saw more about Peter and Mario's skank. That whole thing felt producer created and you'd think they would have followed through.

   Luann's room was downstairs.


I can understand Dorinda and Sonja not bringing it up.

Luanne, however, who was filled with glee to inform Ramona that Mario was trolling some dating site...I don't see how she let it go.

Kristen, after Ramona yelled at her at Luanne's event..could have thrown that at her.


If Bravo had it on film...even if Ramona BEGGED them not to air it...I don't think the Noodle has that much pull.

When Ramona was telling Avery that Mario was pursuing her...I could see Bravo juxtaposing the Peter + Skank article in an image within image shot. SOL

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This is how the rooms are divided up, according to Heather's blog. Unless something changed, I wouldn't see how Lu and Heather had adjoining rooms. It seemed like from the previews that Heather was upset because she woke up in the middle of the night and heard an unfamiliar male voice. I think that's when she asked Lu if she would be concerned in the same situation, and Lu said "not really". The funniest thing about all of this is that one entire bedroom was left empty. So strange to me that Sonja and Ramona would prefer to share than to have their own rooms.

"Turks and Caicos is already off to a crazy start with Ramona and Sonja manically choosing rooms. The house was beautiful and featured seven bedrooms--two two-bedroom connected suites upstairs and three individual rooms on the main floor. No need for room-gate! We eventually figured it out. Radz, Bethenny, and I shared a suite upstairs on one side, and Dorinda and Kristen upstairs on the other. Sonja, Ramona and Luann ended up downstairs on the main floor, and one room remained empty. After all of the eeny, meeny, miny, mo-ing, I’ll take any drink! It’s always so interesting to see what’s covered on the show, because while you might get to see one thing going on, something else you might not see is always happening at the same time. I was much more interested in my conversation with Bethenny. We’re finally talking normally--hooray!"

ETA: I just realized that Heather and Carole are sharing one bedroom of their suite, and that Beth has the second bedroom. What if when Beth leaves (which is before the whole cool/uncool deal happens) he ends up in that bedroom with either Ramona or Lu? I would assume Ramona since she doesn't have a room of her own. That would make sense.

Edited by motorcitymom65
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This is how the rooms are divided up, according to Heather's blog. Unless something changed, I wouldn't see how Lu and Heather had adjoining rooms. It seemed like from the previews that Heather was upset because she woke up in the middle of the night and heard an unfamiliar male voice. I think that's when she asked Lu if she would be concerned in the same situation, and Lu said "not really". The funniest thing about all of this is that one entire bedroom was left empty. So strange to me that Sonja and Ramona would prefer to share than to have their own rooms.

"Turks and Caicos is already off to a crazy start with Ramona and Sonja manically choosing rooms. The house was beautiful and featured seven bedrooms--two two-bedroom connected suites upstairs and three individual rooms on the main floor. No need for room-gate! We eventually figured it out. Radz, Bethenny, and I shared a suite upstairs on one side, and Dorinda and Kristen upstairs on the other. Sonja, Ramona and Luann ended up downstairs on the main floor, and one room remained empty. After all of the eeny, meeny, miny, mo-ing, I’ll take any drink! It’s always so interesting to see what’s covered on the show, because while you might get to see one thing going on, something else you might not see is always happening at the same time. I was much more interested in my conversation with Bethenny. We’re finally talking normally--hooray!"

ETA: I just realized that Heather and Carole are sharing one bedroom of their suite, and that Beth has the second bedroom. What if when Beth leaves (which is before the whole cool/uncool deal happens) he ends up in that bedroom with either Ramona or Lu? I would assume Ramona since she doesn't have a room of her own. That would make sense.


You mean Ramona plays with a Noodle not the floaty kind?


Bunny cries.....my eyes my eyes!!!!!

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They are! From Andy's twitter..........Andy Cohen ‏@Andy  · now2 hours ago 

Long-ass day!  #RHONYReunion https://instagram.com/p/42MgCynwZr

So the big episode happens with Heather being the center of the attention and they tape the Reunion before viewers can see it?  Wow, maybe Andy et al, need to plan their vacation schedules differently.  First the rush show on during the airing of RHOBH and now no viewer response before the Reunion. 

  • Love 2

So the big episode happens with Heather being the center of the attention and they tape the Reunion before viewers can see it?  Wow, maybe Andy et al, need to plan their vacation schedules differently.  First the rush show on during the airing of RHOBH and now no viewer response before the Reunion.

True, but the real action always happens on vacation at the end of the season so there are never any viewer questions about it.

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So the big episode happens with Heather being the center of the attention and they tape the Reunion before viewers can see it?  Wow, maybe Andy et al, need to plan their vacation schedules differently.  First the rush show on during the airing of RHOBH and now no viewer response before the Reunion. 

I really think Andy fears viewer reactions towards Bethenny and possibly now Dorinda. I also question them shooting more TH segments recently as well, it is a very calculated move to discredit 1 or more of the HWs IMO and I suspect that Heather will be 1 of the targets here as well. JMO

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