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Heather makes me think of a "Mommy Makeover" at the plastic surgeon's office because she has a flat tummy but is larger everywhere else.


I agree they all looked good though but am extra impressed with the work Ramona has put in at the gym since she's pushing 60.

Heather, even according to Sonja, had lost some weight. She was training for a mountain climb in Utah, which she did this past week, and she most likely was in tip top shape from that, no because she had PS done.


Ramona has had a lot of PS over the years and although she does look good, it is not from working out! LOL



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I guess some of the 'many' who are 'anxious' to give Bethenny an ED are reacting to her openly discussing her disordered eating, the anorexic-approved strategies she wrote about in her first book (discussed in her thread), the fact that she latched onto 'skinny' as a modifier for her brand, and have their own, legitimate (if 'sad') opinions about her appearance.  It's opinion, which are like...ya know!



And the pajamas. Don't forget the pajamas. Total "thinspiration."


I could count Bethenny's ribs when she strutted outside to "light it up" with Heather (and quickly fizzle), but she's got a lot of muscle too. Can you really get that from yoga twice a week, because I want those calves.


All these women look absolutely amazing, IMO, and I'd be more than happy to skin and wear any of them.

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Profanity is an art form in Europe, especially the UK.. I have no clue what Lu is talking about.

Now I admittedly am a Lulu apologist, but, I think the point she was making was that she doesn't want her kid over in Europe with her father running around swearing. I have always had the impression that the hoity-toity countess crap was coming directly from the Count Chocula himself (not that she wasn't enjoying it, just that it wasn't really how she wanted to be ALL the time). Because after the divorce, the real down to earth Luann seemed to appear. So I am assuming the kids have to give off the hoity-toity royal family appearance when they are with daddy as well. And if they did act out that would be a direct reflection on her since they spend most of their time with her.

So did I miss the discussion about Sonja's comments about asking John (aka "Old Man Morgan") to "let her go" when they met in court over yet another financial settlement on the Colorado house? When she and Luann were having their private chat, Sonja went into this talk about how "he had tears in his eyes" when she made this request of him so that she could move on -- financially, not emotionally -- and, apparently, date age-appropriate men. She was all "I need to not be in debt to anyone" and stuff like that. Which just makes me think that she asked him for more money, and she was trying to make it appear that he doesn't want to settle these financial things with her because it's his way of keeping their connection and seeing her from time to time. Yet I recall some time ago she told about getting all dressed up and made up to see him in court -- and basically admitting she hoped to hook him back in again.

I say bullshit and think it's totally her way of trying to get more cash out of him (i.e., "please clear my huge debts") so she can return to her previous fabulous lifestyle full of air conditioning, hot water, new swimsuits and purses, and yacht parties with John-John and Madonna.


.....and a working elevator.

OMG! Sonja posted a blog! And OMG, it is as confusing as all out, just like the always are! LOL She puts all the blame of the others talking about her drinking on Heather right off the bat!

"Everyone has a breaking point, and I hit mine during the trip to Turks and Caicos. The emotions you saw in this last episode had been building up inside me for the entire season. Hearing that my “good friends” Ramona and Bethenny had been talking about me behind my back added fuel to the bullsh-- fire started by Heather. This was the last straw for the straw that stirs the drink. Add that to that the hypocrisy of it all and you get an upset Sonja freaking out on the beaches of Jerks and Chaos. I really pride my self in not lowering my standard by screaming like the girls, or slinging mud but enough is enough."


  She takes no responsibility for her drinking to the point of blacking out, non whatsoever! She also goes in on Bethenny/Ramona in her blog, over and over again because they talked about her. She praises Dorinda without acknowledging that Dorinda also contributed to the Sonja/drunk/questionable behavior as well on a cople of occasions.


OMG, she posted a blog! LOL

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OMG! Sonja posted a blog! And OMG, it is as confusing as all out, just like the always are! LOL She puts all the blame of the others talking about her drinking on Heather right off the bat!

"Everyone has a breaking point, and I hit mine during the trip to Turks and Caicos. The emotions you saw in this last episode had been building up inside me for the entire season. Hearing that my “good friends” Ramona and Bethenny had been talking about me behind my back added fuel to the bullsh-- fire started by Heather.

Next on RHONY: Heather responsible for global warming, Greek debt crisis.

  • Love 9

Next on RHONY: Heather responsible for global warming, Greek debt crisis.

AND that Heather is the cause of Sonja's BK and her trying to rip off a movie studio! She already tried to blame Heather for the never was toaster oven from making it into stores! LOL


Next we will hear that it is Heathers fault that strange guys were brought back to the house late at night, that 2 of the HWs hooked up with them and that 1 left him in a bedroom connected with Heather/Carole's bedroom......Its ALL Heather's FAULT! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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OMG! Sonja posted a blog! And OMG, it is as confusing as all out, just like the always are! LOL She puts all the blame of the others talking about her drinking on Heather right off the bat!

"Everyone has a breaking point, and I hit mine during the trip to Turks and Caicos. The emotions you saw in this last episode had been building up inside me for the entire season. Hearing that my “good friends” Ramona and Bethenny had been talking about me behind my back added fuel to the bullsh-- fire started by Heather. This was the last straw for the straw that stirs the drink. Add that to that the hypocrisy of it all and you get an upset Sonja freaking out on the beaches of Jerks and Chaos. I really pride my self in not lowering my standard by screaming like the girls, or slinging mud but enough is enough."


  She takes no responsibility for her drinking to the point of blacking out, non whatsoever! She also goes in on Bethenny/Ramona in her blog, over and over again because they talked about her. She praises Dorinda without acknowledging that Dorinda also contributed to the Sonja/drunk/questionable behavior as well on a cople of occasions.


OMG, she posted a blog! LOL

How did Heather start the conversation about her drinking, and why is she being blamed for it? I do like that in another part of the blog she hit Ramona pretty hard for being such a shitty, disloyal friend.
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How did Heather start the conversation about her drinking, and why is she being blamed for it? I do like that in another part of the blog she hit Ramona pretty hard for being such a shitty, disloyal friend.


The only thing I can think of is going back to the Atlantic City trip.

After Sonja refused to let them past the foyer or Grey Gardens...Heather did say in her TH that she has had to carry Sonja up the stairs of the townhouse and put her to bed when Sonja has been shit faced.


So Sonja is gonna twist it as Heather started talking about her "drinking" issues first...of things that happenned when no cameras were around...so it's not Girl Code but in Sonja's eyes, Heather is breaking Reality TV Code

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How did Heather start the conversation about her drinking, and why is she being blamed for it? I do like that in another part of the blog she hit Ramona pretty hard for being such a shitty, disloyal friend.

That Heather had the audacity to mention she was such a good friend to Sonja that she carried her up to her bed when she, Sonja, was so drunk she could not walk.  How DARE Heather do that to her, how DARE Heather mention it. Next time, Heather and the rest of the cast, except Dorinda, need to let her sleep where she passes out or let Dorinda figure out how to get her home. If memory serves me well tonight, Dorinda was not all that pleased to "take care" of Sonja in AC! LOL

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The only thing I can think of is going back to the Atlantic City trip.

After Sonja refused to let them past the foyer or Grey Gardens...Heather did say in her TH that she has had to carry Sonja up the stairs of the townhouse and put her to bed when Sonja has been shit faced.

So Sonja is gonna twist it as Heather started talking about her "drinking" issues first...of things that happenned when no cameras were around...so it's not Girl Code but in Sonja's eyes, Heather is breaking Reality TV Code

Ramona did mention during the Italian dinner when they are discussing Sonja's drinking that Heather had given her something about AA. Maybe Heather was just the first to broach the subject of alcoholism in reference to Sonja. Edited by shoegal

Ramona did mention during the Italian dinner when they are discussing Sonja's drinking that Heather had given her something about AA. Maybe Heather was just the first to broach the subject of alcoholism in reference to Sonja.

From what they all said at that dinner, R/M/L/D, Sonja's drinking has been discussed by all of them. I doubt that Heather started anything. If anyone started the conversation about Sonja's drinking "problem" it was Aviva last season with the Anna Nicole comparison.

Edited by WireWrap
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"Thanks, Heather!" is the new "Thanks, Obama!"


This is OT but is this meant to be an anti-Obama saying?  I've heard a younger person say it at the office and it really disturbed me b/c it sounded ugly.  If so, please be mindful that you can dredge up strong feelings about people's politics with seemingly offhanded comments-- which is something I'm sure we don't want to get into on this board!  


... and yes, it makes me feel old that I have to ask!  

Edited by OhGromit

This is OT but is this meant to be an anti-Obama saying?  I've heard a younger person say it at the office and it really disturbed me b/c it sounded ugly.  If so, please be mindful that you can dredge up strong feelings about people's politics with seemingly offhanded comments-- which is something I'm sure we don't want to get into on this board!  


... and yes, it makes me feel old that I have to ask!  

Sarcasm. I usually see it said jokingly by people who like Obama and see him constantly being blamed for things.

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Sonja's bullshit (blaming Heather?) almost sounds like she is siding with the Luann/Dorinda/Ramona group. Otherwise she would be blaming Luann. This kind of mean girl bullshit is what keeps anyone wanting to be actual friends with her. She cannot be genuine, she is a conniving calculating piece of work. I don't care who apologises... the viewers see what they see and that is the Hot Trainwreck Sonja Morgan is when she goes out. She is not just over-served, she is practically two steps from the drunk tank. If I were Heather, I'd stop trying to protect these people from themselves- take pics with your phone instead and tweet them to the general public with lots of 4 letter words.

Edited by Lucelu
  • Love 1

Sonja's bullshit (blaming Heather?) almost sounds like she is siding with the Luann/Dorinda/Ramona group. Otherwise she would be blaming Luann. This kind of mean girl bullshit is what keeps anyone wanting to be actual friends with her. She cannot be genuine, she is a conniving calculating piece of work. I don't care who apologises... the viewers see what they see and that is the Hot Trainwreck Sonja Morgan is when she goes out. She is not just over-served, she is practically two steps from the drunk tank. If I were Heather, I'd stop trying to protect these people from themselves- take pics with your phone instead and tweet them to the general public with lots of 4 letter words.


Sonja can't go after Luann.  Who would be her snatch-guard the next time she rolls around on an Atlantic City floor exposing herself to television cameras?

  • Love 2

Sonja's bullshit (blaming Heather?) almost sounds like she is siding with the Luann/Dorinda/Ramona group. Otherwise she would be blaming Luann. This kind of mean girl bullshit is what keeps anyone wanting to be actual friends with her. She cannot be genuine, she is a conniving calculating piece of work. I don't care who apologises... the viewers see what they see and that is the Hot Trainwreck Sonja Morgan is when she goes out. She is not just over-served, she is practically two steps from the drunk tank. If I were Heather, I'd stop trying to protect these people from themselves- take pics with your phone instead and tweet them to the general public with lots of 4 letter words.


Sonja is a conniving, calculating, bitchy discarded concubine.  Bitter, mean, aware despite her need to get fucked up on the regular that time waits for no (wo)man who has earned her keep strictly through strategic fucking and pregnancy, despite pretending she fed Churchill's descendants a toaster oven meal and they loved it.

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I liked Kristen grabbing the bottle of wine and pretending she needed to drink it all during the "F"fight.



Eh, that struck me as a little self-conscious and playing to the camera.  I thought Sonja's "How did we get here?" seemed more organic and was funnier.  And I don't even like Sonja.


I was surprised Heather didn't point out how sexist it was that they were talking about not raising their daughters to use the F-bomb but left their sons out of it.

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Dorinda's appearing and disappearing piece of rice/crumb on her lip was hilarious. At first I thought she had a stud in her lip that I hadn't noticed before. So f'ing perfect as she berates Heather for her lack of class. I also find it funny that Dorinda has apparently raised a lazy, unmotivated, self absorbed daughter who controls her mother's love life. But she doesn't say the "F" word, so all is good. (Though I would imagine Dorinda's daughter swears just as much as her mother drinks).


I thought the funniest scene in the whole episode was Kristin showing the ladies her "Pop of Color" nailpolish line, and Betthany and Lu agreeing that the colour they liked the most was black.

I thought the funniest scene in the whole episode was Kristin showing the ladies her "Pop of Color" nailpolish line, and Betthany and Lu agreeing that the colour they liked the most was black.


I actually thought that when they said they liked black better, they were talking about the print of the labeling/logo on the bottle of polish.  She was showing them one printed in white and one in black and asking which they preferred.

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