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S07.E04: Prince of Nucleotides

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Calling it now: Evan and Paige will adopt the baby and then find out they are pregnant by the end of the season. Or for some reason the adoption will be called off and then they will discover Paige is pregnant. I totally get Evan's hesitation over Paige's eagerness to adopt, but I liked in the end he acknowledged that either way, it's ok with him.


Of course the prince is attracted to Divya-- who didn't see that coming after he presented her with the earrings a couple of episodes ago? I am actually liking Divya and Raj reconnecting and potentially moving their relationship forward and I'm almost 100% certain that Divya is not going to leave Royal Pains to become a queen somewhere.


Loved Evan and Sacani(!!) manipulating Hank to be auctioned off. That was pretty great.


I was really hoping Sacani's college roommate wasn't working him to get some money out of him and the center, but... damnit. Poor Sacani.Yes, he should have checked on things, but Sacani is always willing to believe the best in people and it was heart breaking to see him used like that. The phone call to Divya has me really worried for him.

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I liked the trans story, too.  I was devastated when she was shut out of hormone therapy--too cruel.  Thanks for softening that blow a bit.


I didn't find it at all believable that the girl would have picked Evan as an ideal, or even suitable, person to raise her baby.  Yeesh. 

Ditto that the $100k donation woman was surprised Hank expected to have a date when she really just "needed an excuse to write a check."  Mm-hmm.


I don't give Royal Pains my full and serious attention.  Is the man helping Divya the same man her parents had arranged for her to marry, a thousand years ago? 


And this incident where Jeremiah got ripped off by his old college frenemy?  Sadly, that shit happens sometimes.  And money is the main thing that's not in short supply for these people, in this place.  Why was J. all "abandon hope ye who enter here"?

Edited by candall
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I would really like Vanessa Williams to become Hank's love interest.  I unashamedly love her.  My heart breaks for Jeremiah, but hasn't it been established that he's wealthy?  I know in real life it would be different, but on the show, he could just pay back what he lost.  I think thee show will have him really regress.  I hope he doesn't consider suicide or anything.  I really like him.

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I can buy Jeremiah's distress being less about the money (though certainly you don't want to go frittering your donations away) and more about the fact that he gave his trust to someone (Jimbo) and was totally scammed. And it was a truly douche move by Jimbo-- I feel like even though the money is gone right now, if they could find Jimbo, they would have some sort of legal recourse. But that doesn't really take away Jeremiah's embarrassment about being scammed. I think it's telling he called Divya rather than Evan-- to me that says it's less about the money and more about the personal/emotional toll it took.


A new sequencing machine released last year lowered the cost of whole genome sequencing to $1000/patient (down from ~5K) but the machines involved cost ~10 million. So it's totally feasible that Jeremiah lost well over a million dollars. Yikes. However, given that they would probably only buying ONE machine, I would venture to guess that it's only several hundreds of thousands of dollars (still a lot).


I'm pretty sure Vanessa Williams' character is going to have some sort of mystery aliment that Hank will need to save her from (in addition to being a love interest). The need for sleeping pills, whatever she claims, seem like a red flag to me. But I like her and she seems different from a lot of the other love interests Hank has had so I'm down if they go that route.

Edited by catray
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I am tired of television programs reaching for the 'headline of the day' for a storyline.  I did not like the transgender element.  Now before you all hop on me and call me a bigot or some such thing, let me say that I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak one must go through being in a male body if one feels and believes oneself to be female (and vice versa).  It must be agony.  My objection is that the writers are lazy.  Come up with something more original.  Just because Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner has been in the news for the past year...As for the 'adoption', let me say that there are MANY things that can be done to improve fertility (I know because I've been through it).  Why would a young couple hop right on the adoption bandwagon without trying SOMETHING first?  They succeeded once without help.  With some medical intervention they could succeed again. 


As for Jeremiah, I feel so sorry for him.  He always believes the best in people.  Hope Jimbo gets his come-uppance!  Boris maybe?  Go Raj and Divya!

Edited by Ilovemylabs
I am tired of television programs reaching for the 'headline of the day' for a storyline.  I did not like the transgender element.  Now before you all hop on me and call me a bigot or some such thing, let me say that I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak one must go through being in a male body if one feels and believes oneself to be female (and vice versa).  It must be agony.  My objection is that the writers are lazy.  Come up with something more original.  Just because Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner has been in the news for the past year



I agree. How about an unconventional disease, such as they one I suffer from, trigeminal neuralgia. It typically takes 7-8 doctors and at least as many years to diagnose. It can't be fixed with a quick procedure. It can be managed with anti-seizure meds and if you are type 1, eventually, you can have brain surgery. Type 2, no such luck.  However, it's not a quick 1 hour episode disease so it will never be touched in prime time medical shows. It took 21 years and multiple docs to figure me out. But, a good doc like Hank could be that one who knows and who could diagnose someone and get the patient some relief. 


Not sure how I feel about the adoption route. Typically, shows bring in kids when they are stagnant. They already have Sasha, why do we need a second baby right now? 


I don't understand why Hank didn't probe more into Vanessa Williams' sleeplessness, except that he was sent to be a quick fix. I hope she'll be back. However, her IMDB doesn't even show this episode of Royal Pains. 


Royal Pains is still my favorite guilty pleasure for the summer.

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I agree the baby plot is moving rather fast. Do they need a child that bad?


Evan and Jeremiah were entertaining together. Although it was fairly predictable that he would get scammed. I would think Boris could deal with this situation easily. 


I'm over Divya and playing both guys at once. You knew the prince was asking you out on a date. Don't be disingenuous.


I don't have a problem with a trans plot. There was a time not long ago where people were eyerolling over gay characters on tv.



I am tired of television programs reaching for the 'headline of the day' for a storyline.  I did not like the transgender element.

I absolutely hated it.   It felt like a Very Special Episode to teach us all a lesson.  No thanks.  Seriously, just let me have light summer entertainment without this being crammed into my face every 3 seconds.  

Edited by Suzysite
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The transgender storyline was realistic because I've seen the depression that comes with it in teens and it's so frustrating.

Divya is an idiot. Is she going to screw over Raj yet again?

I'm sure the adoption storyline will go along the NCIS Palmer storyline where the mom opts out of the adoption and soon enough, Paige is pregnant.

Poor Jeremiah. I agree that it's not about the money but more about him trusting his old roommate. I hope he finds that douchebag and punches him in the face.

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I really liked the case of the week and I have no problem with the show (and others I watched this month I think, even if I can't remember which) shoving it in people throats. I say that as a woman for all my life life who had never known any transgender ever (I think). I was aware of them of course but never had to think too hard about it because I've never had an issue with sexuality, gender, religion or color of people so I'm always surprised when I'm made aware of hatred*.

The Jenner story, with all the comments on this forum about THE interview, made me painfully comprehend things and the extend of their suffering and the bigotry they face. Some posters here talked about their experiences with transgenders and it was really insightful.

So now, I'm all for awareness of what we, as a society, inflict to people who just have the bad luck to be born in the wrong body. It's like for America to have a black president. Movies and TV also made it possible, prepared the field, putting into people subconscious the idea of it.


So, what I mean is: if TV imprint on the mind of people like me, not hostile but not really aware, maybe we would more likely begin to speak up a little bit more when people are trashed verbally or worse for their gender, sexuality, color or religion, we would more likely fight a little more for them to have the same rights as "conventional" people or just not stand in their way when they fight for said rights? Of course, TV will never change the mind of the extremists everywhere, but maybe it'll sway over people on the fence or people who just don't care. If it could sparks something, why not try to do it also with a fluffy summer show? The inspiration and the timing of the episode is obviously to surf on the Jenner story but does it matter really?

Royal Pains did it in a thoughtful and heart wrenching way imho. It wasn't trashy, it wasn't exploitative. The parents weren't caricature I felt, they just struggled. The girl was super courageous and her suffering didn't make her whiny. She was just a medical case, treated like it and her sexual identity was relevant to it. 


* Sidenote: I'm french (that explain my level in english, sorry for that!). We have gay marriage since two years I think now. There was a disgusting load of street protests against it before and right after the law was adopted, which liberated the hateful words of intolerants everywhere in my country to an extant I had to realize that more than 50% of my fellow french, and some of them were people I liked, were awful retrograde or ignorant people.

Those fights are thankfully over because people saw giving the same right to all citizens wasn't the end of marriage, christianity or family after all (and the most watched french television for women under 40 had a gay wedding for one beloved character so there's maybe that too!).



As for the 'adoption', let me say that there are MANY things that can be done to improve fertility (I know because I've been through it).  Why would a young couple hop right on the adoption bandwagon without trying SOMETHING first?


There is an estimate 13 millions orphans in the world, 120 000 children enter the Foster care system each year in America (thank you google), so why not adopt one before having a child of "their own" later if that fits them better for now? Adoption is a generous act, Paige is coming from a good place!

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  On 6/25/2015 at 1:44 PM, ddanne said:

Seriously?! They DID use a transgender actor to play the role of Anna! Nicole Maines is transgender. Before she started living as Nicole, she was Wyatt; she has an identical twin brother Jonas.

Did not know that. Pretty great of the casting staff to find an actress who was transgendered for this role.

I forgot to comment on how great it was to see Vanessa Williams on my screen. I saw chemistry with Hank and wouldn't mind seeing them date.

Edited by twoods
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Do any writers have any experience in business WHATSOEVER?  If not, can't they ask someone ... Jeremiah's deal could not have happened.  Companies and hospitals have processes and internal controls for buying things and paying the bills.  Sheesh.  But yes, poor Jeremiah.  I love him so much.  Also, would you really eat Chinese takeout in a lab like that?  (And always with chopsticks on TV.  Never with a fork.)


Love how the prince called Divya out on not telling him about her relationship until AFTER he kissed her.  Busted!  How hard would it have been to say during the first conversation, "I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend!" or "I just started seeing someone."  The actress is pregnant correct (off to research now ...)?  When a woman who normally wears form-fitting clothes is now all flowy and holding her purse in front of her torso, you know something is going on.


Who are the other little kids with Raj?  I'm so confused.


How totally gorgeous is Paige (Brooke D'Orsay)?  And her clothes on the show ... wow.  I know there are websites that give you the info on clothes seen on TV.  I'm sure hers are ridiculously expensive.


Vanessa Williams ... didn't look that great at the fundraiser, but was beautiful in her next scene, when she was working out.  Hank should totally spend some time with her ... to help her sleep.  :-) 

Given the rampant bullying, depression, and suicide of lgbt teens that one can find in the news, I hardly think the show was 'ripping from the headlines.' I live in a liberal area, so the SPL people hang around the shops on the weekends to sign people up for donations, have very alarming statistics. It happens literally every day. I'm sure the actor had to live through that in real life. Good for her for taking part in the show and good for the show for hiring her for the role. 

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I don't know who Jimbo the Ginormous Douchecanoe should fear more: the Wrath of Boris, the Wrath of Divya, or the Wrath of Viewers Incensed that He Made Jeremiah Cry.

Absolutely!  i was annoyed that Jimbo completely screwed Jeremiah.  Unacceptable!  This is one storyline that I hope we see again.  I want resolution and payback for Jeremiah.  Boris opening a can of Rich Man's Whoop Ass would work for me.  Do not mess with Jeremiah!

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  On 6/24/2015 at 5:23 AM, catray said:



I was really hoping Sacani's college roommate wasn't working him to get some money out of him and the center, but... damnit. Poor Sacani.Yes, he should have checked on things, but Sacani is always willing to believe the best in people and it was heart breaking to see him used like that. The phone call to Divya has me really worried for him.



  On 6/24/2015 at 3:15 PM, seacliffsal said:

I would really like Vanessa Williams to become Hank's love interest.  I unashamedly love her.  My heart breaks for Jeremiah, but hasn't it been established that he's wealthy?  I know in real life it would be different, but on the show, he could just pay back what he lost.  I think thee show will have him really regress.  I hope he doesn't consider suicide or anything.  I really like him.

I was so so devastated for Jeremiah. And he dialed Divya and barely got a word out before having to hang up in anguish. I *did like that he called Divya - his closest friend - instead of no one. When we first met Jeremiah he wouldn't have had anyone to call (or so they led us to believe.) I expected all along that jimbo was scamming him but was hoping against hope i was wrong. Boo.


I like Vanessa Williams and Hank! But am also surprised he didn't delve more into her sleeping pill need.

  On 6/24/2015 at 11:25 PM, ganesh said:

I'm over Divya and playing both guys at once. You knew the prince was asking you out on a date. Don't be disingenuous.



  On 6/25/2015 at 4:04 AM, twoods said:

Divya is an idiot. Is she going to screw over Raj yet again?


  On 6/25/2015 at 6:11 AM, jzygayle said:

I don't know who Jimbo the Ginormous Douchecanoe should fear more: the Wrath of Boris, the Wrath of Divya, or the Wrath of Viewers Incensed that He Made Jeremiah Cry.


I think my money might actually be on Evan R. Lawson for the smack down.


And seriously, Divya, are you REALLY going to fuck over Raj AGAIN????

THIS! SECONDED! I'm going to ask the same question I asked last week - Has Divya had a stroke?? Been hit in the head?? Has she completely lost her mind? And no mention or call back to threatening Rafa with withholding his child.


Her behavior just seems so out of character for Divya. And where is she living? Is she back in the mold-apartment? (Or whatever it was that forced her to move in with Jeremiah?)


I used to love Divya. Her beauty, her accent, her clothes, her handling of herself, her standing up for herself (finally) with her parents... Now i don't know who she is.

I hope they remember that Evan was scammed by his father so that when Jeremiah explains what happened no one gets upset at him.  No need to see Jimbo again; just have Boris mention that it's been taken care of and I can use my imagination to decide whether that means jail or an unidentified body floating somewhere.


Divya was all over the place.  I was actually uncomfortable because it felt like she didn't tell the prince no at first because he was talking about the gala and she wanted him to donate money.  I'm getting to like Raj, and the prince thing is so odd.  Do they really think the king who wanted to arrange the marriage will suddenly be okay with a foreigner who is also an unwed mother showing up as queen?  Makes no sense.


I like Hank and Olivia and hope Vanessa is a multi-episode arc this season.

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  On 6/28/2015 at 12:49 AM, ganesh said:

In hindsight, I think it's better if Boris doesn't get involved and Evan and Jeremiah handle it quietly by themselves.


Nah...I still want Boris to be involved, but it would be cool if he told Evan "Mr. Lawson, my resources are at your disposal to handle this situation," and Evan does some kind of business maneuver.  I like that Boris seems to appreciate Evan's business sense.


No joke.  My mother is not a regular viewer of Royal Pains.  She'll watch it mainly for the House Porn and the Ocean Porn.  She happened to see this episode, and she specifically said to me.  "I did not like what happened to that doctor (Jeremiah).  If I watch next week, are they going to do something about that?"   Now, I don't know if Mom's "they" is the writers or the characters, but I set her DVR to record the next episode.  The treatment of Jeremiah isn't even going over well with the casual viewer!


Divya: I don't like how she's now got this parade of rich men who all want or have wanted her...Raffa, Raj, and now the prince.  I wouldn't mind the story of Raj and Divya's lives circling around and them actually falling in love, but with Divya's history with Raffa and now she's not telling the prince no...golddigger is not the right word, but Divya seems to be developing a taste. I wonder if the taste is for the actual man or a taste for his money?  I do think that Jeremiah and Divya are genuine friends, but he's not poor either.

Edited by Ohmo
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