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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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It seems to me from listening to these feeds that Austin, Liz, and Julia are poised for a final 3. This show never fails to disappoint. I am always angry on finale night. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Yes Crissytd, I forgot about Liz letting us know that. Oh well, some things just don't make sense. Who KNOWS! Maybe they'll end up getting married and having a couple sets of little Austwins lol.I just haven't been paying much attention.

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I think this is a very dangerous week for Vanessa. If she gets through this one, it's harder for everyone to ignore the threesome next week. These HGs will probably be so concerned about losing three jury votes though that they won't target them until it's too late.

I still don't think Vanessa will survive without a POV or HOH win, but there's more wiggle room.

I wouldn't mind John leaving this week. Loved him the first few weeks, but his strategy now seems to be sticking with one person, hoping things go his way, moping if they don't. It's an effective strategy since it's low risk, but it's also boring.

Edited by mooses
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Vanessa yes got out of the mess of last week still in the house. But I think it was more James just being more scared of Shelli then of Vanessa. He knows they both need to go. But for him Shelli was gunning for him right now. Whereas Vanessa wasn't (at the moment anyway). She fed his paranoia and used the right angle.

Becky telling the AusTwins that Vanessa was in on the James throwing the BOB plan is about a week too late. Beckys problem last week was she was complacent with the 4 votes she had and herself being the tiebreaker (which I think she wanted to be the one to be I GLADLY vote to evict Vanessa to her face). She should of been on the AusTwins using this info instead of being like whatever I have the votes. If I were the AusTwins I would be like why didn't you say this last week? So is it actually true? But they also believe what the last person tells them.

Meg said this last night "We're starting to figure out the game." Ummm.. It's Day 57. I have no sympathy for them The Goblins have no one to blame but themselves.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Okay, so I've pretty much been away from the computer since Saturdayish. Last night I tried to catch up on all the live-feed goings-on, and this morning I watched Wednesday and Thursday's episodes. But I'm super confused. I know that Becky wanted Vanessa out, but on the show she seemed really mean-girlish about it. I'll be honest, whenever I've watched the feeds, I tend to turn it off from Becky because she annoys me, but I never got the feeling there was any major personal beef between them. But, in Wednesday's episode she was just....gleeful in her hatred of Vanessa, and I thought Vanessa had a good point when Becky walked away from their conversation pissed off. Why was Becky pissed, when Vanessa was the one on the block?

Anyway, as usual, I feel like the episode had to have left something out, and I'll admit, I only browsed through the postings here from the past week because there was a lot happening. Can anyone help me out about where this major Vanessa hatred from Becky came from? And I mean, beyond the game. Two weeks ago, Becky was all The Generals with Vanessa, and now she hates her.

Also, just sayin, I said this as soon as Becky won HOH and said her plan was to put up Steve and Shelli, with a BD Vanessa plan: she is an idiot for not putting up the Austwins threesome, and pretty much only 1 or 2 people here agreed with me because their hatred for Vanessa outweighed everything. And now everyone here is aghast that Liz/Julia/Austin have a clear shot at Final 3 because no one is targeting them and they have a block vote, and I'm over here like, doi I've been saying this the whole time. So, I kinda hope there's a Twins Final 2, just because they deserve it since no one in the house is smart enough to target them.

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Meg said this last night "We're starting to figure out the game." Ummm.. It's Day 57. I have no sympathy for them The Goblins have no one to blame but themselves.


The funny thing is she still hasn't figured out shit. Meg thinks she's at summer camp and cannot fathom why Steve would put up two people who have paid him zero attention. It's really hard to put into words how bad she is at BB. 

Edited by Cutty
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The funny thing is she still hasn't figured out shit. Meg thinks she's at summer camp and cannot fathom why Steve would put up two people who have paid him zero attention. It's really hard to put into words how bad she is at BB.

I laughed so hard last night after Meg, James & Becky kept going on and on about how the Twins think they are at summer camp and how the next HOH is going to be John, Becky, James & Meg v Vanessa & Austin and how the Twins have no chance. Feeds come back from HOH comp, Liz the one who is at summer camp apparently has won and they are all sulking in the HN room.

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Becky telling the AusTwins that Vanessa was in on the James throwing the BOB plan is about a week too late.


I'm curious to watch the feeds today/tonight because didn't Julia know the whole plan about James throwing the comp so that Jackie would be HOH and she could put up Austin and get him out?  I know Austin/Liz didn't know and it seems as though Julia didn't tell Liz the whole plan.

Edited by pennben
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Anyway, as usual, I feel like the episode had to have left something out, and I'll admit, I only browsed through the postings here from the past week because there was a lot happening. Can anyone help me out about where this major Vanessa hatred from Becky came from? And I mean, beyond the game. Two weeks ago, Becky was all The Generals with Vanessa, and now she hates her.


I believe the catalyst was the 8 person meeting in the HOH room and Vanessa pointing at each one to give their word. Becky did not like that at ALL. It also helped that two of Becky's closest allies in the game, Jackie and John, don't like her either and the consistent topic of conversation over and over with them has been Vanessa bashing. When that is all you focus on, it snowballs and festers into this big ball of hate. It's basically the only thing I ever hear Becky talking about.


Still maintain that Becky was stupid to so blatantly display it directly to Vanessa's face. She handled it poorly.   

Edited by Laika
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I'm curious to watch the feeds today/tonight because didn't Julia know the whole plan about James throwing the comp so that Jackie would be HOH and she could put up Austin and get him out?  I know Austin/Liz didn't know and it seems as though Julia didn't tell Liz the whole plan.


That's what I thought. Either Julia didn't know James was throwing it or she's playing dumb to Austin and her sister. Should be interesting to see if Vanessa gets wind of this distrust. 


Here's a good recap of what spurred Austin and the twins turning on Vanessa.

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Thanks for that recap.  I learned this past week it is so much easier to appreciate Austin's game when you don't have to actually watch him to understand what is going on!

Edited by pennben
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That's what I thought. Either Julia didn't know James was throwing it or she's playing dumb to Austin and her sister. Should be interesting to see if Vanessa gets wind of this distrust.

Here's a good recap of what spurred Austin and the twins turning on Vanessa.

Julia knew the plan. Maybe not the throwing the BoB part. But she knew the plan. So I think the information Becky gave her wasn't anything new. I think she is playing up her Vanessa distrust in front of Austin & Liz. She 100% has NO trust in Austin.

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I'm curious to watch the feeds today/tonight because didn't Julia know the whole plan about James throwing the comp so that Jackie would be HOH and she could put up Austin and get him out? I know Austin/Liz didn't know and it seems as though Julia didn't tell Liz the whole plan.

That's what I don't get. The backdoor plan isn't a secret at all. Do Austin and Liz not know it was a plan from the beginning?

I gotta say, ADC is doing a good job of putting lots of doubt in Austwins head about Vanessa. I actually don't think she had any intention of directly betraying 6S - particularly Shelli and the twins - unless it came down to her or them. She had some side stuff, but I don't think it was to betray her alliance and it wasn't any more than Clelli or Austin had going on.

She just seems SO much more shady because her social game is horrendous, so she speaks in straight up deals instead of building relationships. The latter is much less obvious and harder to pinpoint.

ETA: I'm not counting BDing Austin as betraying the alliance because the rest of 6S were involved, not just Vanessa.

Edited by mooses
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When that is all you focus on, it snowballs and festers into this big ball of hate. It's basically the only thing I ever hear Becky talking about.

Yeah. I think that's part of the reason I can't fully get on board with that alliance (aside from them just not being that great, strategically), because they tend to do things and play on a more personal level than the 6S/F&G. Other than smoking and sleeping, all Jason did the week he was on the block was bash Clelli and Liz. Jackie and Meg have been stuck on "why did Dark Moon faaail" for weeks, instead of moving on from it. Becky is Becky, and I always pegged her as being a bit vapid and mean-girly. The 6S were/are arrogant and entitled and infuriating at times, but they mostly kept their conversations about targets as game moves and future setups. Clay is the only one I can think of who would try to get snotty about people on a personal level, and Shelli would have to bring it back to the game. Austin/Liz were on the Bash Jason train for a bit during his week on the block, but they sort of moved away from it.

But now, since James/Meg/Becky/Jackie were so intent on getting out Shelli and Vanessa because Vanessa picked a fight and Shelli lied to them about Jason, the Austwins are going to blaze their way to the Final 3, without anyone even thinking of targeting them until it's way way too late.


I actually don't think she had any intention of directly betraying 6S - particularly Shelli and the twins - unless it came down to her or them. She had some side stuff, but I don't think it was to betray her alliance and it wasn't any more than Clelli or Austin had going on.

I don't either. Vanessa has talked about "tiers of loyalty" before, and I think she really believed in it. I think Vanessa straight up has a big image of her tiers of loyalty, and I think Shelli was probably right at the top. I'm just not sure where Steve and the Austwins fall along the way. But, Vanessa would never put any of them up IMO, unless she's completely out of options.

Edited by Ceeg
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I don't either. Vanessa has talked about "tiers of loyalty" before, and I think she really believed in it. I think Vanessa straight up has a big image of her tiers of loyalty, and I think Shelli was probably right at the top. I'm just not sure where Steve and the Austwins fall along the way. But, Vanessa would never put any of them up IMO, unless she's completely out of options.


I think Vanessa wanted to keep Shelli around so she would split up Austin and the twins for her. Now she's trying to cultivate these relationships with JMac and James for the same purpose. There's not a chance she wants F4 with Austin and the two twins. Little does she know basically everyone not named Steve want her gone before the Austwins. 


This is where I have to give Austin props. He's played a much better social game than people give him credit for. Then again, it's not hard to be more likable than Vanessa.  

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I think Vanessa wanted to keep Shelli around so she would split up Austin and the twins for her. Now she's trying to cultivate these relationships with JMac and James for the same purpose. There's not a chance she wants F4 with Austin and the two twins. Little does she know basically everyone not named Steve want her gone before the Austwins. 

Hmm. To me, it seems like she's trying to get in with JMac and James because she knows they have a really great chance at winning HOH and she doesn't want her ass targeted. I view it as less about wanting the Austwins broken up and more about self-preservation. 

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I don't either. Vanessa has talked about "tiers of loyalty" before, and I think she really believed in it. I think Vanessa straight up has a big image of her tiers of loyalty, and I think Shelli was probably right at the top. I'm just not sure where Steve and the Austwins fall along the way. But, Vanessa would never put any of them up IMO, unless she's completely out of options.

I agree. That's not to say she's blameless for her position, I just think it has more to do with her lack of social skills than being any shadier or more selfish than the rest of her alliance.

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I think Vanessa wanted to keep Shelli around so she would split up Austin and the twins for her. Now she's trying to cultivate these relationships with JMac and James for the same purpose. There's not a chance she wants F4 with Austin and the two twins. Little does she know basically everyone not named Steve want her gone before the Austwins.

This is where I have to give Austin props. He's played a much better social game than people give him credit for. Then again, it's not hard to be more likable than Vanessa.

I agree. I think she wanted Shelli around because she had more loyalty to her than the Austwins, and she wants John and Steve because she's fourth wheel in her alliance. But I don't think that's any more self serving than the Austwins wanting James and Meg on their side so they'll target Vanessa first.

ADC has been able to convince the Austwins she's been plotting against her alliance this whole time. But I think she's just super controlling where she thinks she's always right, not super manipulative for backstabbing her alliance purposes. Which is her fault for not taking more input so Austwins will believe it.

If she was more socially aware and just stroked Austin's ego a bit more he'd feel more like an equal than a subordinate.

Edited by mooses
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I agree. That's not to say she's blameless for her position, I just think it has more to do with her lack of social skills than being any shadier or more selfish than the rest of her alliance.


She's definitely shadier. Who the hell goes to a useless pawn like Meg and asks for a deal when everyone knows damn well she's staying? Austin brought up that she was cutting deals five minutes after the DE with JMac. Call that smart gameplay if you want but the notion that she isn't a sketchball is just not accurate. 

Edited by Cutty
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Austin told the twins last night that he thinks Vanessa is a millionaire no way she isn't because you have to have money to play the poker she had played (Had because she has told them she doesn't play anymore which we know isn't true). I'm assuming he's known this from the beginning. It's surprising he hasn't said anything about it to them until now.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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She's definitely shadier. Who the hell goes to a useless pawn like Meg and asks for a deal when everyone knows damn well she's staying? Austin brought up that she was cutting deals five minutes after the DE with JMac. Call that smart gameplay if you want but the notion that she isn't a sketchball is just not accurate.

That's what I mean - it's not smart. Austwins built trust and a relationship, but Vanessa didn't develop relationships, just deals. Austwins have a deal with Meg too, it just doesn't seem as shady or as obvious because they know how to speak to people like humans not chess pieces. Everyone can say Vanessa made a deal because she literally uses those words out of nowhere. Austwins and Clelli were smart enough to make it a gradual thing so they don't need last minute deals and people can't say "We know you made a deal with so and so before the vote." All 6S had their side pieces, Vanessa was just the worst at hiding it.

ETA: I'm strictly speaking about the Austwins turning on her because they think she's shady and betraying them, not ADC who of course need her gone because she's sketch to them.

Edited by mooses
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After last night's episode, I'm officially a Becky fan. Seeing her get up and walk away from Vanessa mid-conversation made me literally LOL. Vanessa has proven to every single remaining HG that she doesn't deserve to be listened to under any circumstances, so to watch someone react to her in such a wholly appropriate manner was glorious. Becky FTW. Hope she survives this week!

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Also, just sayin, I said this as soon as Becky won HOH and said her plan was to put up Steve and Shelli, with a BD Vanessa plan: she is an idiot for not putting up the Austwins threesome, and pretty much only 1 or 2 people here agreed with me because their hatred for Vanessa outweighed everything. And now everyone here is aghast that Liz/Julia/Austin have a clear shot at Final 3 because no one is targeting them and they have a block vote, and I'm over here like, doi I've been saying this the whole time. So, I kinda hope there's a Twins Final 2, just because they deserve it since no one in the house is smart enough to target them.

I say this often enough that my daughter hates watching with me when I talk to those morons from my couch. WHY don't they see that alliance?? They're quick to break up a "power couple" but no matter who is gunning for whom, keeping a three person alliance is lunacy. I can buy the Six Sense premise (though I didn't agree with it) but as soon as a non SS member got HOH they should have quickly voted out one of the twins pronto- specifically Liz, because she's half of Austin. I think they could have appealed to Jmac or Vanessa to accomplish that. Frankly, they never should have allowed the other twin in, but it took too long to confirm it and the SS thought they needed her.

Colossally stupid people are in that house.

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Actually, I thought Vanessa was BSing when she said she saw herself in Steve but now I get it. To a lesser degree, she can't read people or social cues and has trouble creating personal relationships, like real friendships. I could see how she related to Steve's early struggles in the house.

Edited by mooses
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Austin growing very weary of Vanessa is refreshing to see. He sees all the deals she is making. He says JMac needs to go if Becky wins veto. Earlier Vanessa wanted James as the replacement.


IMHO Austin is halfway to being an idiot.

In terms of pure strategy, evicting JMac would be an empty-headed waste of an HoH. JMac has two strong bonds in the House (Becky and Steve) and one sunshine alliance (Vanessa) - in other words, nowhere near strong enough of a coalition base to seriously threaten the Austwins. Whereas the ADC, although it took a hit losing Jackie in the DE, is still a viable direct threat to Austwins if ADC can pick up the next HoH and put two Austwins OTB - plus, I'd give Jackie better-than-even odds at present getting back into the House, which would be another number for ADC.

Strategically speaking, better to finish what's been started and continue chopping down ADC to the point it can't grow back and present a viable menace. Or, if you're really THAT fed up with Vanessa, BD her. V has so many cross-deals going, her eviction would subtract a potential player from virtually every alliance in the House - so her exit, while not necessarily a positive, would at least be a neutral.

Who the hell goes to a useless pawn like Meg and asks for a deal when everyone knows damn well she's staying? Austin brought up that she was cutting deals five minutes after the DE with JMac. Call that smart gameplay if you want but the notion that she isn't a sketchball is just not accurate.

Actually... in a sense, I think that would be the perfect time to hit someone up with a deal - when they're in no real danger, but for whatever reason scared enough to affect their judgment and make them malleable to favorable (to you) terms and conditions. Look what you get for your effort - an advantageous deal with someone who is guaranteed to be sticking around in the House long enough to have to honor it. :)

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I can't stand Steve. I thought it was sickening that he was asking Becky and Meg for hugs after he screwed them over. Why should they be forced to comfort him? They were the ones who were hurt, not him. He is disgusting. I don't know how they were able to suck it up and hug him.


It is funny but anytime I watch either Big Brother with my father he goes off when they hug each other after having just voted the person out.  What season did this start?  I do not really remember it happening a lot in the earlier seasons where they hug each other after every eviction. 


Today on the live feeds... Vanessa makes a final 85 deal with the ants! 


In the words of Kenny Bania from Seinfeld, "That gold Jerry!"  No word of a lie, I laughed for a solid minute over that joke.


I just cannot fathom why Vanessa thinks it's smart to make bullshit deals with literally everyone in the house every single week. Does she really believe people are still buying this crap? "Oh no, I can't go back on my word to Vanessa. She never breaks her word!" This is why I have a hard time giving her gameplay much credit. That is not how you play this game. She's just an overplaying emotional mess wrapped in a big old blanket of paranoia. I haven't heard her have a non-game talk with anyone in weeks. 


It has been a few years since I saw season two but wasn't that what sunk Hardy's game in season two.  All of the deals he made with everyone.  You would think people would learn from that.

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Austwins are eating up what ADC and Becky are selling. This could be the week an alliance gets out one of their own. The Austwins are pretty screwed if that happens because they will be the next obvious targets.

And the funny thing is, they talked themselves into it - everyone else pretty much thought they were done for!

ETA: I can't believe everyone believes Steve was manipulated during his short HOH. I guess they don't want to admit Steve has been playing them.

Edited by mooses
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Austwins are eating up what ADC and Becky are selling. This could be the week an alliance gets out one of their own. The Austwins are pretty screwed if that happens because they will be the next obvious targets.

And the funny thing is, they talked themselves into it - everyone else pretty much thought they were done for!


They're not going to target Vanessa this week. They want to keep Becky because they know she's going after Vanessa. If John wins veto they'll probably scrap it and send Becky or James home.


ETA: Or not. Austin tells Liz that he could see Vanessa pulling an Audrey in the next couple of days. Says they could backdoor her if she freaks out.

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They're not going to target Vanessa this week. They want to keep Becky because they know she's going after Vanessa. If John wins veto they'll probably scrap it and send Becky or James home.

ETA: Or not. Austin tells Liz that he could see Vanessa pulling an Audrey in the next couple of days. Says they could backdoor her if she freaks out.

That's what I figured, but Austin really wants it now and it's basically his HOH. Lost respect for Liz because she needs him there to speak to people.

I can't see Julia being happy they're getting rid of her number two (next to Liz), but I think they can convince her Vanessa is playing her.

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JMac might self evict having to deal with Vanessa interrogating him all week in the HN room. She's currently trying to tell him he didn't hear about the 8 person deal from her. He's adamant he did.


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JMac might self evict having to deal with Vanessa interrogating him all week in the HN room. She's currently trying to tell him he didn't hear about the 8 person deal from her. He's adamant he did.



We doubted her, but she's trying her hardest to get herself evicted this week. She's going with the crazy strategy again even though it hasn't worked for the past 8 weeks!

Edited by mooses
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I concede, she's toast. I still love her, but she is determined to put herself on the block. I'm at the point in the game now where I kind of hope she gets evicted, just so I can watch the rest of these idiots turn on each other.


Jmac is handling her pretty well. I assume he'll win veto, and then who goes up?


Sigh. It's hard out here for a Van fan. James still FTW! Or anyone but Becky, basically.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I concede, she's toast. I still love her, but she is determined to put herself on the block. I'm at the point in the game now where I kind of hope she gets evicted, just so I can watch the rest of these idiots turn on each other.


Jmac is handling her pretty well. I assume he'll win veto, and then who goes up?


Meg was the plan, but it'll probably be Vanessa. I want her to stay because I'd like Austin to go at her hand. Begging Austin makes for a happy mooses. He's just so blergh - the way people feel about Vanessa getting her way is the way I feel about Austin getting what he wants.

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I like how BB waited for the nomination ceremony until the Vanessa/Johnny Mac conversation was done in the hammock room. It was practically a script, you could almost hear the "aaaand... scene!" as she walked out of the room. I did like him telling her that he doesn't like how she cries and yells at people. That seemed to shut her down a little, although she claimed she didn't like it when she cries either (which is why she does it a handful of times a week?). 


Poor Johnny Mac looked so over that conversation. I don't blame him. I came into it five minutes before Jeff highlights started and even I was over it by then.

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JMac might self evict having to deal with Vanessa interrogating him all week in the HN room. She's currently trying to tell him he didn't hear about the 8 person deal from her. He's adamant he did.CMZT-tXWgAInDwy.png

I wonder how much a tattoo of this image would cost...?

ETA: BTW - who let Audrey back in the House?

Edited by Nashville
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Hey, I thought that conversation between Johnny Mac and Vanessa in the hammock (?) room had the potential to be really sweet - a coming together of the minds, an understanding.

Alas, the divide was too far.  Johnny Mac is not a talker and Vanessa is. 

When Johnny Mac feels threatened, he becomes a statue.  When Vanessa feels threatened she becomes even more animated.

In the end, Johnny tried to give her his truth and she got frustrated/angry. 


Unfortunately, Vanessa has missed a lot of opportunities to have good conversations with people - the kind that open doors.

I still want her to win, but I'd rather she wins by finesse than aggression.


I'm also a bit curious who would get the blame if Vanessa wasn't around anymore.  I think 'they' spend way too much time discussing how horrible Vanessa is and not enough time thinking about their own issues with the game.  Sheesh - the way they describe it, they have no power at all to discern and judge.

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Hey, I thought that conversation between Johnny Mac and Vanessa in the hammock (?) room had the potential to be really sweet - a coming together of the minds, an understanding.


The parlour was the hammock room originally. In the beginning of the season, there was a giant hammock in the middle of the room. The HGs complained that it was uncomfortable, so we got the seating we have now. At least they can have actual conversations in there with the new seating. The hammock was just bad. But the name stuck. 

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Vanessa just has no chill in her game. Just typical overplaying. Making a big deal about something so minor. 


Also, her tone is all wrong. She talks so condescendingly to people. Like, OK.. I'm so smart I'm gonna tell you what you heard and where you heard it from. Totally ridiculous. I'm glad he pushed back.

Edited by Cutty
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Julia knows that getting out Johnny Mac is a mistake but she cannot seem to get her sister alone without Austin. She even asked her for some one on one time, and then he comes strolling in. He keeps saying "we"', "our" HOH. I would knock him out if I was her sister lol.

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Liz: "Austin is perfect because he does all the talking and gets all the blood on his hands. Everyone can think that he's making all the decisions, but they can because we obviously want the same things."

...Do any of these HGs actually want to win Big Brother or just come in second place?


And she wants John out bad. "You can't walk around this house moping around and expecting people to save you by the grace of God."

And they think Vanessa is trash talking them to him. They won't touch Steve.


ETA: These sisters are so confusing. They agree with everything and then say something totally different to each other - and then agree with each other but then do the opposite.

Edited by mooses
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Feeds back. JMac and Becky are nominated, as expected.

Go Johnny Mac!!! I want him around, if for no other reason than his placid demeanor coupled with his refusal to yes-man Lady MacV will drive her up the motherlovin' walls.

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Finally solo twins:

Julia is doing a good job talking Liz down from Austin's influence just a bit. But then: "We are having twin time and you're already thinking about him!"


I just love 'em for the Austin quotes.

Julia: "I know at the end of the day you're always going to choose me because he's just a guy that you met and don't even really like that much..."

"He has to cut it, he looks like a girl from the back. And that ponytail beard with the white. But he needs the beard because just the face..."


And Julia said Vanessa has to stay. So far. But they don't trust her at all. Using Liz as a pawn did come back to bite Vanessa.


ETA: Liz is mad because Vanessa isn't up there consoling her even though they just said she better not come up because they don't to give her wine! They're so confusing!

Edited by mooses
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If I wasn't rooting for Johnny Mac to survive this week before, I'm 100% rooting for him now, due to "reasons". Basically, the fact that he took Vanessa calling him a liar about a conversation he was not lying about (at least according to Jokers), and his version sounds credible, of walking into a room hearing Vanessa telling Shelli/Clay about the infamous 8 person plan. He had to listen to her condescendingly ask him if he wanted her to tell him how to play the game better. He had to hear all the ways he could've handled that ridiculous Clay/James/Vanessa fight nonsense differently. He was lectured, guilt tripped, lied to, and he just sat there like a stone, because what else do you do with Vanessa when she's in this mode? Then he finally got enough backbone to tell her he hated it when she cried and yelled at people, only for her to walk out in a huff, and immediately nominations.

I want him to win veto. I want the Austwins to have to sweat a re-nom. If Becky goes, that sucks for me as my sole wish list at this point is to get Vanessa off my live feeds, but I want him to stay. I don't want him to win the game, and he won't, but I like him, and I want to give him a big hug and tell him the mean lady will stop bothering him. But that's my personal issue :)

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Vanessa can't figure out why Johnny Mac and Becky aren't her #1 fans. She's a nice person! She doesn't get it! She's not mean!


ETA: Ah. Vanessa thinks Johnny Mac has a "mood disorder" now. As well as being Clay's gay lover cousin brother person. LOL

Edited by Callaphera
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