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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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Logging in my prediction:

I think the "secret" that Mr. Hyde exchanged for transport to Storybrooke is telling Rumple how to make Dr. Jeckyll's potion. Rumple is going to use it to split himself so that "good Rumple" can wake Belle with true love's kiss. But the spell will go awry, and we'll end up with Regina, Dr. Jeckyll, and good Rumple all facing off against their bad doppelgangers. We'll also likely have to revisit the "Rumple without his dark powers is a coward" storyline yet again, in spite of the developments of 6A.

ETA: Also a good set-up for Lilith to return, as the embodiment of Emma's badness.

Edited by LaChavalina
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Not counting the multitude of characters who have simply disappeared out of the story but are supposed to still be in Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest, do we have any characters who have canonically disappeared? It would be cool if it turned out they had accidentally fallen into the Land of Untold Stories, which seems to me to be more like the Land of Lost Characters. They could have done this with Red instead of having her take a random bean to the EF. I suppose Anastasia kind of fits going by whatever was happening with Will last season. I could easily see Wonderland having some sort of backwards door that she fell into and it took her to Untold Stories world. 

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Three quarters of the characters brought onto this show over its course have an untold story, a story A&E has intentionally ignored.  So it's rich of them to create a land of Untold Stories.  More like a Land of Stories We Feel Like Telling Because We're Bored of The Old Characters.  Or Land of Not Committing To A Single Story So We Can Do Whatever.

Edited by Camera One
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I really don't like the name Land of Untold Stories, especially since I am sure most of the stories they will cover have been told, just not by A&E. It would be better to call it the Realm of Forgotten Stories or Land of Lost Legends or something similar. 

BTW, why did they put out a casting call for the Frontiersman who just turned out to be an extra? Was his role cut? They probably filmed 3 hours of material and had to edit it down to 1 hour and 20 minutes. 

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16 hours ago, Souris said:

And I agree that their planned ending is Regina saying "My gift to you is this happy day" at the CS wedding, but meaning it happily this time instead of a curse. But I have doubts the show will make it there.

While I fear that you are correct, I really hope that this doesn't happen.  It would be incredibly arrogant of Regina to interrupt Emma and Killian's wedding with a "My gift to you is this happy day" blessing.  Really?  Cause it wasn't already a happy day since they were getting married?  Not to mention, I don't know of any bride who thinks someone interrupting her wedding - unless it's maybe to give them a few million dollars - is a blessing.  This isn't like the fairies in Sleeping Beauty bestowing their blessings on Aurora.  Emma has light magic.  She doesn't need Regina's blessing.  And if Regina truly is 'redeemed' by then, I would hope she would not behave in such an insensitive, pompous manner.  Because by interrupting the wedding, Regina would be making the day all about her, when it is supposed to be about the bride and groom.

And yes, now that I wrote that, it will most definitely happen, because A&E won't be able to resist making Snow White and Charming's daughter's wedding all about the Evil Queen Redeemed.  

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Regina forgets to get Killian and Emma a gift for their wedding, and also it looks like rain and the wedding is supposed to take place outdoors! Regina researches a super complicated spell to get the sun shining, and figures it out just as the wedding is starting. She RUNS! to the wedding while they're about to start it anyway even with a bit of a drizzle, says "Wait a second!", casts the spell and the sun is out! "My gift to you is this happy day - also, I'm gonna get you some bath towels next week!"

Hire me, Adam and Eddy.

Edited by Serena
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I liked the idea that Rumple might take the Jekyll Juice, hoping that his "good" half will be able to TLK Belle awake. But it still wont work, becasue Belle loves the "dark side" of Rumple too. Hyde told Gold he knew where he could go to wake Belle up from the Sleeping Curse. So it seems like Rumple will be off having adventures of his own in the beginning of S6. 

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Bringing this over from the episode thread, because I belatedly realized it's more spec than commentary:

I just watched it, and I'm kind of loving Hyde, gross bloodshot eyes and all. I'm hoping he turns out to be the good guy, and Jekyll the bad guy. Maybe he wants Storybrook because he's actually trying to help the people from the Land of Untold Stories finish their stories and find their happy endings, while Jekyll wanted to come to Storybrook to be all eeeeevil and such?

One way or another, I'm pegging Hyde for Regina's new love interest. I don't think you hire Sam Witwer just to talk in a really low voice and rock Victorian outfits.

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33 minutes ago, oliverwendell said:

One way or another, I'm pegging Hyde for Regina's new love interest. I don't think you hire Sam Witwer just to talk in a really low voice and rock Victorian outfits.

I think it's possible we may see a twisted romance between Hyde and EQ-Regina in 5A. Whether it last long-term depends on how the writers plan to end the Jekyll/Hyde arc. I don't see any potential chemistry between Regina and the Jekyll character. If the arc ends with Jekyll/Hyde becoming one person again, I could see them settle for Hyde being the final body of choice. They could invent some reason as to why Jekyll's body is no longer usable. With Regina, I'm sure the arc will end with the Regina and EQ-halves coming back together. So, the new Hyde could stick around for S6B, with a potential healthy relationship developing in 6B over their shared experiences. 

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Apparently it was mentioned at the ABC Upfronts that the Evil Queen is going to be featured heavily in Season 6. If that means the Evil Queen replaces most of Regina's screen time, then cool. But if Regina and the Evil Queen get double-duty in screen time...I don't even know if alcohol and this forum can get me through a season of that. San Diego Comic Con has to give me some amazing spoilers to get me excited about this show again.

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I know that's probably what they intend to do, but they're at their mini-camp planning stage, right?  Some of how much Regina/Evil Regina we see is surely going to depend on how the double episode was received.

Also, how much they get inspired/obsessed with other characters--quite a bit of what they've planned before never materialized.

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A&E don't seem the kind to pay attention to episode reception. They do what they want, unless pressured by higher-ups on abc. And like Mari said, it also depends on which new "toys" they want to play with.

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It's weird that the only characters the writers set up for any drama next season is Regina and Rumple. Last year, Emma was turned into a Dark One which impacted her entire family. She explicitly told her parents to find a way to save her (even though the writers totally dropped the ball on that), so we could at least speculate about how Snow and Charming would do that. Hook's character was directly impacted because he arguably has the most history with the Dark One, and the juxtaposition of his True Love being the thing he hates most in the world was fun to speculate about. Regina feeling guilt over Emma sacrificing herself to save her from the black goop spurred speculation about how Regina would deal with that. Rumple had an interesting story trajectory about being completely void of darkness inside him.

But this year? Hook and Emma weren't given anything beyond a simple "I love you," so we can't speculate about engagements or moving-in plans. Snow and Charming are completely irrelevant. Robin is dead. Rumple has his drama with Pandora's Box and Regina's alter ego is out there somewhere, so they're really the only two characters the writers gave any thought into setting up plots for next season. 

Edited by Curio
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Someone on my tumblr dashboard was saying how subdued the reaction seemed to be after the finale, unlike other seasons. The storylines with Regina is a retread. "Will Regina become evil again?" has been explored for the past 4 seasons. Rumple is vaguely off being shady somewhere. While the Untold Stories part sounds interesting, they're not regular characters, and we don't even know who they will be, unlike with characters like Elsa or King Arthur. So, there's really nothing much to speculate about. 

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I want to do a better rewatch and pay good attention in the Steampunk world to the background characters. They might mean nothing they might mean a lot. I do want to catalog all those I can recognize.

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Usually at this point, my brain is running overtime with mental fanfic. I can't abide an incomplete story, so I can't help but try to complete it in my head, and during the summer I work out all kinds of permutations. I'm not doing that now because I don't feel like I have anything to work with. There's nothing I feel the need to complete, no thread I want to pick up and play with.

As for other characters who might split, I have this crazy idea that Hook wouldn't split into a good one and a bad one. He's so well integrated that even when he was at his worst he still had good instincts, and even at his best he still has a temper. He's never considered his bad self to have been a separate person or something he even wants to get rid of. He deliberately reminds himself of his past bad deeds. So he certainly wouldn't choose to take the potion, and if he did, I could imagine basically just getting two Hooks, with one slightly darker and one slightly lighter, but mostly more or less the same.

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I don't think they pay much attention to whether the reaction is good or bad--at times, it seems as though they go with the "No attention is bad attention."  But, if the reaction has been pretty "Meh.  Yawn." across the board, with only a small group of fans pleased, and no one angry?

That subdued reaction might be something they care about.  

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41 minutes ago, Curio said:

Hook and Emma weren't given anything beyond a simple "I love you," so we can't speculate about engagements or moving-in plans. Snow and Charming are completely irrelevant. Robin is dead. Rumple has his drama with Pandora's Box and Regina's alter ego is out there somewhere, so they're really the only two characters the writers gave any thought into setting up plots for next season.

This is why I have so little interest in this show at the moment. The Evil Queen isn't particularly interesting in and of herself because we've seen her for five seasons now. She's a very known quantity. It may have been the excessive amount of rum I'd had, but I have zero clue what Rumpel is up to, so speculation about him is pointless. I'd take a season of him crossing realm after realm chasing after Belle in a Box if I could have that.

Everyone else is just there I guess. I wish they'd made Jeckyll/Hyde a bit more connected to the characters or at least had one of these Untold Stories characters tie in to someone else so that at least there would be something new to speculate about. I suppose they didn't want to tie themselves into a particular story, but there definitely needed to be something else to drive interest in the story other than double Regina/Evil Queen.

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18 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Someone on my tumblr dashboard was saying how subdued the reaction seemed to be after the finale, unlike other seasons.

Adam & Eddy not giving any post-episode interviews doesn't help either. Even though they're usually vague as hell, they usually give enough hints about the upcoming season to make the summer hiatus interesting. Right now, it's all just very meh.

13 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

As for other characters who might split, I have this crazy idea that Hook wouldn't split into a good one and a bad one. He's so well integrated that even when he was at his worst he still had good instincts, and even at his best he still has a temper. He's never considered his bad self to have been a separate person or something he even wants to get rid of. He deliberately reminds himself of his past bad deeds. So he certainly wouldn't choose to take the potion, and if he did, I could imagine basically just getting two Hooks, with one slightly darker and one slightly lighter, but mostly more or less the same.

This is also the only thing I can speculate about at the moment. I'm not at all interested in speculating about the Evil Queen because she's a two-dimensional caricature, so there isn't any real substance there to create a mental fanfic. Heck, Snow splitting into Bandit Snow and Mary Margaret has more characterization potential than Regina vs. The Evil Queen.

Killian is an interesting example because, like you said, he's already embraced his darker side and accepts he was a villain and accepts whatever torture Hades gives him. Even when Killian was a young teen on Silver's ship, he showed equal parts bravery and temper, but neither was so extreme that it tainted him. The only way I could see Killian taking Jekyll Juice in Season 6 is: A) There's a Shattered Sight Spell episode where everyone in Storybrooke is forced to split into their darker egos, or B) The heroes are in a pinch and need an extra person to go on a dangerous side quest. Emma comes up with the idea where she and Killian take the Jekyll Juice so that they have two extra bodies to battle bad guys, but that also requires having to baby sit their worst versions of themselves. That wouldn't be too difficult for those two though because they've already dealt with the worst versions of themselves in the past. Emma already dealt with Villainous Captain Hook in Season 2 (which is probably what Hook's "Hyde" would look like), and Hook already dealt with Emma when her walls were sky high and she didn't trust him on the beanstalk. And of course, we'd need a scene where current Hook is jealous of his Hyde alter ego getting to go on a side quest with current Emma, because every timeline of Hook gets jealous of himself with Emma.

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I was thinking Hyde or the Evil Queen would forcibly give someone the potion. I don't see anyone willingly taking it. 

Also, someone's other self could look nothing like their normal self. Jekyll said it's probably different for everyone and he certainly is nothing like Hyde on the outside. Maybe Hook's version is a meek, less devilishly handsome man or an aggressive bunny rabbit. They could even use another actress as Snow to give GG some maternity leave, although they'll probably just choose to limit her screentime.  

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I think that we're likely gonna see Hook and Emma get Jekyll juiced even though they have no conflicts like Regina and don't think there past evil deeds is some separate entity bullshit. At least they own their darkness.

I honestly expect that EQ will have a whirlwind romance with Hyde cause she'll find him and his evilness attractive.

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3 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

Someone on my tumblr dashboard was saying how subdued the reaction seemed to be after the finale, unlike other seasons. The storylines with Regina is a retread. "Will Regina become evil again?" has been explored for the past 4 seasons. Rumple is vaguely off being shady somewhere. While the Untold Stories part sounds interesting, they're not regular characters, and we don't even know who they will be, unlike with characters like Elsa or King Arthur. So, there's really nothing much to speculate about. 

I think the finale was a miscalculation on A&E's part, and the lack of post-finale interviews is a proof that they have realised of it. Regina's fans are so noisy that they overestimated the real interest there is for her and the EQ, probably because it coincides with their own love for her. They didn't give anything for the fans of the other characters to look forward to. As a fan of Hook, I don't have anything to look forward. I just hope he is not too sidelined, but I'm not holding my breath. Even many of Regina's fans are unhappy.  

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On Friday, May 13, 2016 at 8:55 PM, PixiePaws1 said:

You forgot one:


Emma and Killian get 1 26 second scene at the beginning and a 30 second scene in the second half in which they kiss and smile at each other and all the deep and meaningful dialog happens off screen...*wink*

I  wasn't far off .....!

Edited by PixiePaws1
fingers not cooperating
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27 minutes ago, PixiePaws1 said:

Emma and Killian get 1 26 second scene at the beginning and a 30 second scene in the second half in which they kiss and smile at each other and all the deep and meaningful dialog happens off screen...

I was going to like your post @PixiePaws1 for being so accurate, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because, no, I do not like this outcome at all.

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23 minutes ago, Curio said:

I was going to like your post @PixiePaws1 for being so accurate, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because, no, I do not like this outcome at all.

But, it was so predictable! I agree, there's nothing to look forward to as far as the other main characters are concerned. We're going to get a bunch of new characters and the EQ taking up a lot of screen time, it would seem. The heroes will react to that....with bad planning and execution.  Regina will save the day (again) by defeating the EQ in some way....probably by reabsorbing her as has been speculated. Hook will claim that Emma did it.  As the Author, Henry may be kept pretty busy with these untold stories.

We can speculate about splitting personalities, but we've already gotten Dark Hook and Emma.  But you know, I would really love to see Villain Hook's reaction to Deckhand Hook.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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14 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

But you know, I would really love to see Villain Hook's reaction to Deckhand Hook.

Deckhand Hook wasn't a totally accurate representation of Killian's real personality, though. It would probably be more like Villainous Captain Hook reacting to Skinny-Jeans-Wearing-and-Devoted-Boyfriend-to-the-Savior Killian. "You've gone soft, mate." "Aye, but you see that blonde lass over there? I get to wake up next to her every morning. When's the last decade you've been laid?" "...Touché." 

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11 hours ago, Curio said:

Apparently it was mentioned at the ABC Upfronts that the Evil Queen is going to be featured heavily in Season 6. If that means the Evil Queen replaces most of Regina's screen time, then cool. But if Regina and the Evil Queen get double-duty in screen time...I don't even know if alcohol and this forum can get me through a season of that. San Diego Comic Con has to give me some amazing spoilers to get me excited about this show again.

I came this close to dropping the show in 4B because I couldn't take it anymore, season 6 might do me in.

I think an interesting idea with the EQ is that she comes to town, kidnaps Regina, and starts posing as Mayor Mills from season 1. She's all great when the heroes are looking, but messing up stuff when they're not. They scapegoat Hyde for it, but he has nothing to do with it.

This might actually make things interesting. Everyone can chalk up Regina's behavior as missing Robin, and struggling with the loss when she's really the Evil Queen instead. Otherwise, Regina and EQ running around will make me quit the show.

8 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

I was thinking Hyde or the Evil Queen would forcibly give someone the potion. I don't see anyone willingly taking it. 

Also, someone's other self could look nothing like their normal self. Jekyll said it's probably different for everyone and he certainly is nothing like Hyde on the outside. Maybe Hook's version is a meek, less devilishly handsome man or an aggressive bunny rabbit. They could even use another actress as Snow to give GG some maternity leave, although they'll probably just choose to limit her screentime.  

When Snow gave the needle to Regina, she told her Jekyll said there was just enough for one dose. He took half, and Regina got the rest of the serum.

I know something like that never stopped the writers before. 

About Rumple, I wonder if they left his story up in the air because Bobby is making a movie right now. I don't know when they are supposed to wrap up, but it just seemed to be very delibirate to me. They sent the character to a far off land. I could see it as a set up for later in the season. 

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3 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think an interesting idea with the EQ is that she comes to town, kidnaps Regina, and starts posing as Mayor Mills from season 1. She's all great when the heroes are looking, but messing up stuff when they're not. They scapegoat Hyde for it, but he has nothing to do with it.

This might actually make things interesting. Everyone can chalk up Regina's behavior as missing Robin, and struggling with the loss when she's really the Evil Queen instead. Otherwise, Regina and EQ running around will make me quit the show.

That might actually make me quit the show even more, because I could totally see this scenario turning into another 2B situation where the good guys blame Regina for something that the Evil Queen did, but Regina will eventually come out from hiding and be like, "I can't believe you thought I would actually do something so evil! I thought you all believed in me! Liars!" "We're so sorry Regina! We'll never doubt your amazing redemption ever again! But in our defense, the Evil Queen is technically still you..." "No she's not! I'm not responsible for anything she does!" "Then who IS responsible for her...you...her?" "We're two separate characters, except when we're not. How difficult of a concept is that for you guys to understand?"

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2 hours ago, Curio said:

Deckhand Hook wasn't a totally accurate representation of Killian's real personality, though. It would probably be more like Villainous Captain Hook reacting to Skinny-Jeans-Wearing-and-Devoted-Boyfriend-to-the-Savior Killian. "You've gone soft, mate." "Aye, but you see that blonde lass over there? I get to wake up next to her every morning. When's the last decade you've been laid?" "...Touché." 

I can't see Villainous Captain Hook going that long without pulling, what with all the bar wenches. Based on what we've seen thus far, he would probably see a lot more action than Devoted Boyfriend Killian. Their interaction could be really good, though, and I bet VCH would still have a thing for Emma.  

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9 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

I was thinking Hyde or the Evil Queen would forcibly give someone the potion. I don't see anyone willingly taking it. 

I'm not sure why Hyde or EQ would make someone else take the JJ?  Wouldn't more evil halves just be more competition?  Unless they thought they could all work together toward some evil goal.  (Queens of Darkness, anyone?)  'Cause that always works out so well.

7 minutes ago, profdanglais said:

Their interaction could be really good, though, and I bet VCH would still have a thing for Emma.  

Of course he would!  Past!Pirate Hook definitely had a thing for Emma in Back to the FutureEnchanted Forest.

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32 minutes ago, Curio said:

That might actually make me quit the show even more, because I could totally see this scenario turning into another 2B situation where the good guys blame Regina for something that the Evil Queen did, but Regina will eventually come out from hiding and be like, "I can't believe you thought I would actually do something so evil! I thought you all believed in me! Liars!" "We're so sorry Regina! We'll never doubt your amazing redemption ever again! But in our defense, the Evil Queen is technically still you..." "No she's not! I'm not responsible for anything she does!" "Then who IS responsible for her...you...her?" "We're two separate characters, except when we're not. How difficult of a concept is that for you guys to understand?"

Or the novel idea would be that Regina realizes that the EQ is not some other person living inside of her, and that she has done so much harm in the past that it's easy for everyone to think the worst. You know, actual character growth, which I know is a difficult concept for these writers when it comes to Regina. 

And maybe they'll stop giving us EQ flashbacks that mean nothing, do nothing, and make most of us scratch our heads.

The heroes even though they are stupid 90% of the time can figure out that there's something really wrong, and realize that the EQ is actually in Storybrooke, and play along until they find Regina.

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23 minutes ago, profdanglais said:

I can't see Villainous Captain Hook going that long without pulling, what with all the bar wenches. Based on what we've seen thus far, he would probably see a lot more action than Devoted Boyfriend Killian.

I guess it depends on how evil you think Pan was during those Neverland centuries. We've only ever seen Hook go on a cake run for Pan one time, so who knows how often Pan let Hook off the island. Pan seems like the type who wouldn't want to let his prey escape often. I could easily see Pan being a little shit and saying, "Thanks for the cakes, Captain. I'll let you do another errand for me in...twenty years." And who knows how many decades it took for Hook to finally catch up with Tinkerbelle. (Writers, this is when flashbacks are actually appropriate to fill in these missing links.)


Their interaction could be really good, though, and I bet VCH would still have a thing for Emma.

It would be great if we got a sequel to the Season 3 double Hook scene and Emma had to work with normal Killian and Villainous Captain Hook for an episode. 

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After their stints as Dark Ones, wouldn't it be hilarious if both Emma and Killian saw their "monster" side as... Imp!Rumple? If Gold takes the Jekyll Juice as well, there will be three Rumplestiltskins running around Storybrooke. "He's my alter-ego!" "No, he's mine!" "I invented him, Dearies!"

ETA: To make it slightly more interesting/disturbing, Hook!Rumple  is attracted to Emma, while Emma!Rumple makes doey eyes at Hook. Rumple!Rumple and Gold compete for Belle's attention, with the former sabotaging the other at every turn. Belle is so seriously disturbed by all this that she runs away from Storybrooke.

Edited by Rumsy4
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What will happen:

- in the first episode, the EQ tricks our heroes into letting her into Storybrooke.  EQ teams up with Hyde.

- Rumple and The Box are on some random side plot which will only become important leading into 6B.

- Regina talks to a gravestone and fondles the feathers from Robin's arrows... very cathartic for OQ fans

- our heroes realize that the only way to defeat Hyde is if they help the residents of the Land of Untold Stories tell their stories.  

- of course, this will ultimately become pointless because Hyde will ultimately be defeated by Jekyll or Rumple when he comes back

- They find out Hyde could become redeemed if they got him Very Magical Eyedrops from Oz.  Zelena travels to Oz, where we get to see a happy Ruby Slippers, and Dorothy and the Scarecrow forgive Zelena, who solves a problem and gains The Love of The People.

- Regina offers to sacrifice herself to get rid of The Evil Queen but Snow and Emma realize they are also to blame and must suffer the same fate.  

Edited by Camera One
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I'll add to that list, @Camera One...

  • Somehow, Neal's name (Adult Neal, not baby Neal) is awkwardly shoehorned in to an episode.
  • Every episode will focus on a different "untold story." Week One: Jekyll and Hyde. Week Two: Paul Bunyan. Week Three: Don Quixote. Week Four: Captain Nemo. Etc.
  • Emma, Hook, Charming, and Snow will be pushed off to the sidelines.
  • Belle will stay in the box until 6B.
  • Our heroes will do nothing productive until the final two episodes of the arc. 
  • We will get approximately one minute of happy times in the premiere before things go to shit. The writers will claim the show is about hope but will continue to devote 98% of the time to needless angst.
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33 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Rumple and The Box are on some random side plot which will only become important leading into 6B.

I like this new character, The Box.  It sounds interesting already!  So mysterious!  Can we make it a series regular?  


ETA: please save the rest of your post for posterity and dig it back out at the end of 6A.  I have a feeling you're spot on.

Edited by RulerofallIsurvey
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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

About Rumple, I wonder if they left his story up in the air because Bobby is making a movie right now. I don't know when they are supposed to wrap up, but it just seemed to be very delibirate to me. They sent the character to a far off land. I could see it as a set up for later in the season. 

They seem to be planing for the case that filming to run long on his movie and are leaving things open just in case. They may also be setting up a story with Rumple going under cover or traveling incognito to explain the change in Robert's appearance. His hair is too short for extensions now and I doubt he will want to wear a wig all the time.

I think Belle will stay in the box for a long time. Emilie may not want to come back or they may bump her to occasional recurring character for budget reasons.

Edited by orza
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Is it bad that I don't mind Belle staying in the box until the series finale? It seems to me that they're setting Rumple up to go through all these various failed attempts at waking Belle, and he won't fully redeem himself until the series finale when he finally is able to wake Belle and strip himself of the Dark Curse for good. Until then, Rumple is much more entertaining on his own and doing shady things without Belle holding him back.

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But we wouldn't have to waste story time on Belle waffling back and forth, and blaming everyone but Rumple, and Rumple monologuing to Belle's sleeping/cursed unresponsive body.  

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5 hours ago, Curio said:

Deckhand Hook wasn't a totally accurate representation of Killian's real personality, though. 

I've always thought that Deckhand Hook was Rumple's view of Captain Hook but his real personality came through after interacting with Emma and Henry. 

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I'm really hoping Belle stays in the box until the series finale, or if she comes out earlier it will be to die tragically in childbirth. That would be the best solution. Rumple can have the child he wants and viewers don't have to watch any more uncomfortable scenes between them.

Edited by orza
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I think The Box should have its own adventures.  You know, one day it's out on the table, communing with the silverware and the next scene it's in the cabinet with Chip.  It could also sneak about the Jolly Roger and check out Hook's books.

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I'm actually pretty excited about some of the "untold" stories they hinted at, but I'm lowering my expectations a ton because the Evil Queen is most likely going to be shoved in our faces most of the time.

So are we all in agreement that the Evil Queen is going to put Emma under a sleeping curse in Season 6? We have the foreshadowing with Regina feuding with Hook in Season 5 and her jealousy over his resurrection, Emma made the comment about sleeping for weeks, and then Regina sarcastically commented about putting Emma under a sleeping curse and leaving her on the bus bench in Boston. That can't be all for nothing, right?

Edited by Curio
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