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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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Considering the "One hand and a sword" comment, Hook's going to be the one that pulls Excaliber out, isn't he?  One more reason for Regina to shut up, even if her intention was actually good, there.


If Emma's on one half, and Killian's connected to the other, what happens when you put them together?  (The sword halves, not the people.  That I've probably got figured out.  :) )

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I am really curious to see who the masked dark one was and who Merlin's love interest was? I am stupid in hoping for Morgana,it would be a nice new and interesting was to bring her in. 


I am hoping this was the right place to put this,I have been lurking for a bit and just decided to post. :) 

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I am really curious to see who the masked dark one was and who Merlin's love interest was? I am stupid in hoping for Morgana, it would be a nice new and interesting was to bring her in. 


I am hoping this was the right place to put this, I have been lurking for a bit and just decided to post. :) 


Yep, you're in the right place. Welcome aboard!


I'm curious about the masked Dark One, too. (How awesome was that mask by the way? I want to steal it for Halloween.) I'm assuming Merlin's love interest and the Golden Masked Dark One are the same thing. Merlin couldn't go through with killing the Dark One and had a look on his face like he knew who was under the mask, so he probably knows it's his loved one behind the disguise.

Edited by Curio
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I'm not.  It'll probably be a walking typewriter with "I know you're Baelfire".

I think it's pretty freaking obvious they're pulling a Darth Vader with "You took my first love!" It's definitely Merlin's girlfriend gone evil.


No Merlin... I AM your First Love!

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“All a man needs is a sword and one good hand--now pick it up!” Huh. Is that foreshadowing something about Hook, or am I giving the writing team too much credit?


Considering this writing team graduated from the Acme School of Dropping Anvils, I'd say that was intentional.

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True, but this is also the writing team that highlights things, and then they're never seen again. In any other show, I'd know they were doing giant letter foreshadowing. This show? Someone might just forgotten that a major character has only one hand. :)

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True, but this is also the writing team that highlights things, and then they're never seen again. In any other show, I'd know they were doing giant letter foreshadowing. This show? Someone might just forgotten that a major character has only one hand. :)

Doubtful. I laughed when I heard the line, with a "they can't be serious!"


This is the show that had Hook wondering what would happen if Marian got pregnant and gave birth to a mass murderer. I laughed at that. I'm not laughing anymore.

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There was also the really clunky part where Emma was like, "Wow, Cora did that to Daniel? I couldn't ever imagine a mother doing that to their child." That was like a neon flashing sign that Emma was totally going to take Violet's heart. This show is many things, but subtle isn't one of them.

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I knew Henry and Violet were going to be manipulated from the beginning. Right after Regina and Emma say they need the tear, the scene immediately switches to Henry. I just didn't know Regina wasn't going to be involved...


(She would totally partake in it.)

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Just saw the episode title for tonight and I'm really NOT excited.  I wonder if the super low expectations will be a good thing... or not.  Who knew Merida would be such a dead weight.  Frankly, I'd rather see a backstory about Rapunzel.

Edited by Camera One
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BTW, for those who are spoiler free, and don't venture in other threads, a quick heads up to let you know that November 15th is 2 hours of Once. They're airing episodes 5x08 & 5x09 the same night.


Camera One, you're not the only one who feels that way about Merida. I cannot being myself to care. I guess the silver lining is that they haven't shoved her down our throats thus far, but her story seems to be so separate from everyone else.


Since Arthur is such a bad guy, I'm assuming he murdered her father, and kidnapped her brothers, just because.

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Merida seems so tangential to the main arc. I'm not sure how they can integrate her better at this point. Is her only point to help make Rumple "brave" or whatever? It's as though A&E didn't want to let Merida overtake the arc (like Frozen did 4A), but weren't able to resist throwing in another recent disney/pixar character into the mix. 

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If we go by what she said in 5x05, her point is to make Rumple brave, then turn him loose on Emma. I'm not adverse to seeing her heart get crushed. Maybe then she'll just go away.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Why would Merlin even create the Dark Curse in the first place? That makes no sense to me. A lot of things Merlin has done don't make sense to me.


I know Merlin is supposed to be a force for good, but I really wonder if he doesn't have his own end game in all of this.

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Why would Merlin even create the Dark Curse in the first place? That makes no sense to me. A lot of things Merlin has done don't make sense to me.


I know Merlin is supposed to be a force for good, but I really wonder if he doesn't have his own end game in all of this.

He's shady.  He's hot. Hope he sticks around.  Emma said something interesting to Zelena, "You're the only one around who has wielded Merlin's magic and lived to tell about it."

Was she just puffing her up so she could be more amenable to working with her? Because Regina used Merlin's wand on Emma's baby blanket and she's still alive.  

Anyone who uses Merlin's magic has something bad happen to them?  He probably puts curses on the magical objects he creates.  That's my speculation.  

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Anyone who uses Merlin's magic has something bad happen to them?  He probably puts curses on the magical objects he creates.  That's my speculation.


I guess we can look at it as a "curse".


I mean Gwen used Merlin's gauntlet. Nothing happened to her physically, but she also traded it in for the sands of Avalon, and that basically ended her marriage.


Rumple used to hat, and lost his marriage in the process, even if it's for 10 minutes. Belle kicked him out of town.


At this point, I'm not even sure Merlin is the one who forged Excalibur even that's what they said in 3x02.

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I'm saying that Emma chose to become the dark one because that was the only way to fix something - or Merlin tricked her into it


Well, one thing I keep coming back to is that Emma released Merlin from the tree with both light and dark magic. So maybe that was the whole idea of having Emma be the Dark One. Maybe there was no other way to get him out of the tree than that?


They talked about using the secret ingredient with the tear, but Emma's magic since she became the Dark One has been gold. She healed Robin with magic that was gold, and nearly incinerated Hook with gold looking magic, the magic used on the dreamcatcher was the same color.


But Merlin? Both light and dark magic. 


I'm not entirely convinced that he doesn't have his own agenda in all of this.

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The actor playing Merlin is giving an ambiguous quality to him.  He could be a good guy, but there are moments when he seems like a total creep and I can see him being a villain as well.

He's definitely got that "Jacob" quality to him.

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So far, Snow, David, and Regina haven't done anything particularly obnoxious or controlling in order to have earned Dark Swan's special, pointed wrath comments at the beginning of the arc. They've not been working particularly hard to deDark One her--balls, learning to dance, and hanging around with their old friend Lancelot are important, after all--but haven't done anything too serious.


So, here are our current choices:

  • A&E just threw the original Dark Swan attitude toward Regina and the Charmings for spooky effect and had no intention of addressing it.
  • A&E sort of forgot they did that and went another direction.
  • Something's coming up that will be responsible for that.


Any ideas which one?  And if it's option 3, any ideas what they are?

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Or another option, misdirect for the lame-o "shocking" twist. After last episode I think it just laid out why Emma turned dark. Someone she loves "died" and she took someone else's life, just like Nimue. I put died in quotes cause all seems to be accounted for in present day. That also explains her plan with Excalibur. She wants to tether the "dead" person to it so that they'd be immortal too, again in the same vein as Merlin and Nimue.

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Or another option, misdirect for the lame-o "shocking" twist. After last episode I think it just laid out why Emma turned dark. Someone she loves "died" and she took someone else's life, just like Nimue. I put died in quotes cause all seems to be accounted for in present day. That also explains her plan with Excalibur. She wants to tether the "dead" person to it so that they'd be immortal too, again in the same vein as Merlin and Nimue.

My money would be on Hook then.

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Do I see the word "bear" in the episode title for next week? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just the second part. The part is called "Birth".


I didn't remember Not!Rumple saying it, but in the recap at the beginning of tonight's episode he says he wants Excalibur whole to destroy light magic once and for all. I may have heard some dialogue tonight about Nimue being the beginning of dark magic. So if the heroes win, dark magic would be eliminated? That would be some crazy world shifting if Regina, Zelena and Rumple all became magic-less. I'm still not sure how the sword achieves this.


A little off-topic, but what exactly was the point of Emma saying the Storybrookers needed to be "punished"? She hasn't done anything just to spite them except turn Sneezy to stone. Everything else has been necessary to her plan.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I'm not sure they meant that Nimue was the beginning of all dark magic, just the beginning of her particular strain of dark magic, that became the Dark One. At least that was my take-away.


And, anyway, Regina is Light Magic now, doncha know?

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And, anyway, Regina is Light Magic now, doncha know?

And yet she resorted to fireballs when she was about to have it out with Zelena. So smart.


(Couldn't they just use an immobilize spell or something?)

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Do I see the word "bear" in the episode title for next week?



Oh yes, prepare yourself for the continuing adventures of Merida and her new friends, Mulan Rouge. This is what happens when extra episodes are inserted in mid story. I laughed when the promo focused entirely on the "Birth" episode and ignored the Bear one.



what exactly was the point of Emma saying the Storybrookers needed to be "punished"? She hasn't done anything just to spite them except turn Sneezy to stone.


It's possible that now she's got Excalibur remade, she's going to dole out some punishment for whatever idiotic thing they did that ended up with her going dark after she had beaten it. You'd think she'd at least have made a play to hurt Arthur by now though. Mostly though, I think the punishment line was just there to make it seem ominous or something. No one seems very concerned about it. They did have that street fair and the party at Granny's.

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If Emma had the spark and was able to reforge Excalibur, what does she need with Merlin's wand? Clearly, there's a bit more to this than just the sword and snuffing the dark/light.


And that helm melting potion is totally coming back to melt Excalibur down isn't it?

Edited by KAOS Agent
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Hopefully there's more than just the sword and snuffing, but with this show?  They are absolutely dedicated to their villains having overly complicated plans with extraneous items/goals.  

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I always feel bad talking about the promos, because I know some people don't want watch them because they don't wanna be spoiled, but the spoiler thread is closed. 


So Merlin

has Regina, Robin and Hook tied to trees in the promo. I'm guessing Merlin is being controlled by Arthur to get the dagger back from Emma because I'm guessing she still has it, and is threatening her loves ones to get her to do this. I guess they're giving Emma an out in this one if she does end up killing Merlin. They're making her somewhat justified since an act of evil might also turn him into a brand new Dark One.

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Based on this episode, it seems like Emma embraced to the darkness to battle Arthur who has Merlin's under his control.  I think that was the source of that vague reference Emma made to Regina early in the season about some big bad who was out there.


Its still a toss up on who poofed everyone to Storybrooke without memories.  Although I noticed that Arthur was to vague last night when he had them sent away.  Could be its already done for Snowing, Outlaw Queen and Hook and someone takes care of everyone else once Emma find out.

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I really am not liking the whole Zelena pregnant with Robin's kid via rape and Regina going to take the kid away storyline. Writers really screwed that one up. There isn't any other way that it could be worked out where it's not Robin's and Zelena just takes off to Oz with baby to never be seen again?

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I really am not liking the whole Zelena pregnant with Robin's kid via rape and Regina going to take the kid away storyline. Writers really screwed that one up. There isn't any other way that it could be worked out where it's not Robin's and Zelena just takes off to Oz with baby to never be seen again?


Once it becomes known that Zelena is a fan favorite, she will probably become a main character and be paired with Aladdin after Jasmine dies or something.

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I know they've presented Merlin as pure as the driven snow, but after this episode, it seems likely that he could have ultimately engineered and messed around with the lives of everyone on the show, all the way from the Dark Curse, Rumple, Regina, Snowing, Eggbaby, August and then Emma.  As we saw in this episode, the current Dark One needed to grab the ember from Dark Nimue and resist the Darkness.  Could Rumple have done that?  No freak'in way.  Could most people?  No.  As we saw with the Apprentice, most people can't even survive having the Darkness fly into them.  So it HAD to be some hyper strong magical person who was LIGHT, and that was what Emma became BECAUSE of all the crap she has been through.  So for the whole reforging the sword thing to even work, Merlin would need someone like Emma.  I'm just wondering how they could reveal this while not making Merlin seem like a total tool.  And how they will one-up that and show the TRUE man behind the Curtain manipulating Merlin... next season.


So did Merlin give Peter Pan a picture of Henry before he was even born so he would kidnap Baelfire?  Did he create Neverland and the giant Hourglass, so Peter Pan would have the motivation to find the heart of the truest believer?  

Edited by Camera One
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Merlin sent Ingrid to the Land without Magic, her job was to find Emma. But things went sour, because Ingrid was in too much of a rush. He gave Ingrid a way to get inside Storybrooke.


When he got his hat back from Ingrid, he effectively saved Hook's life. Hook was back from Neverland, and he and Rumple were staying out of each others' way, we know that from the season 3 finale. 


Merlin might be a force for good, but I'm pretty sure he messed with a few lives real good.

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Merlin sent Ingrid to the Land without Magic, her job was to find Emma. But things went sour, because Ingrid was in too much of a rush. He gave Ingrid a way to get inside Storybrooke.

He sent her soon after she froze all of Arendelle and trapped Elsa in an urn. Quite the judge of character, no? I can believe he was just desperate to get the hat back much easier.

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He sent her soon after she froze all of Arendelle and trapped Elsa in an urn. Quite the judge of character, no? I can believe he was just desperate to get the hat back much easier.


And that's the bottom line, isn't it? Ingrid was about to hand the hat over to Rumple. And it would've been a matter of time before Rumple figured out the final thing he needed to cleave himself from the dagger, Hook's heart. Hook was back from Neverland.


If Rumple had managed to do that, it means he would've gone to the Land without Magic with unchecked magic.

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