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Season 6: Speculation

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I don't know either what the outcome will be, and although as primarily a show-watcher I was "huh?" when I realized that people shipped them


I was a book reader and I had the same reaction. I've never felt like it was something you should root for. But then, there are people who shipped Dany and Drogo which was outright rape on the show and very very dubcon in the books. I guess I'm happy they've done away with Sandor/Sansa in the show completely (although I'd take it over Sansa marrying Ramsay any day).


I guess I don't want to see any romance in ASOIAF/GOT at all, because if it happens, it's bound to end badly. It's just not a story about happy couples. Even Cat and Ned were tainted by the presence of Jon, and they were probably the happiest couple in the story.


I don't think Sansa could be pregnant by Ramsay because TBH, I don't think he himself is that important for the major plot. I'm pretty sure he'll die by her or maybe Roose's hand by the end of season 6. I guess the baby could be important for Sansa's own storyline somehow but it still doesn't really work for me. 

I'd love it if she turned out to be taking the herbal contraceptive in secret all this time, but it's very unlikely she could find the way to do it.

  • Love 4

Considering Jaime's mooning over an island for no good goddamn reason and Brienne gripping that sword he gave her like a lifeline, it seems that Jaime and Brienne are the long-term romance, at least for the show. And yeah, at least one of them (Jaime) is going to die a big hero's death while the other one (Brienne) soldiers on stoically caring for their love child.

  • Love 7

In the books, Sansa misremembers that Sandor kissed her, so I see a little bit of romance / romanticizing fantasy there, but in the show their interactions always came across to me as him trying to protect her.  That was driven home in Season 4 when he actually became a guardian / protector / father-figure for her sister.


Regarding Sansa being pregnant with Ramsey's devil child:  I think it's inevitable, and I think it'll be another opportunity for the writers to regress her character even further back to being a passive pawn used by other people.

Considering Jaime's mooning over an island for no good goddamn reason and Brienne gripping that sword he gave her like a lifeline, it seems that Jaime and Brienne are the long-term romance, at least for the show. And yeah, at least one of them (Jaime) is going to die a big hero's death while the other one (Brienne) soldiers on stoically caring for their love child.

Don't tease me, Blackberry. The only thing that would make this better would be book Cersei finding out that Jaime was in love with another woman. Show Cersei at least suspects that something happened between them to the point where she openly questions Brienne's feelings for Jaime but it would be great if she could also realize that Jaime prefers Brienne to her.

  • Love 5
Considering Jaime's mooning over an island for no good goddamn reason and Brienne gripping that sword he gave her like a lifeline, it seems that Jaime and Brienne are the long-term romance, at least for the show. And yeah, at least one of them (Jaime) is going to die a big hero's death while the other one (Brienne) soldiers on stoically caring for their love child.


If I had to guess, it would be the other way around, with Brienne dying first and then maybe Jaime after, since I think Jaime might be more important to the long-term plot than Brienne... but obviously the show is trying to prove me wrong on that front (hi Jon Snow).


The island-staring could be for plot later on, and I don't buy the love child thing, but someone has evidently been directing Nikolaj Coster-Waldau to look at Brienne like he's tearing his own beating heart out and handing it to her on a platter, because that's how it has been coming across since the bathtub scene. This could mean they will eventually go somewhere with it (probably to a tragic end), or their arc is over and was very bittersweet while it lasted, or simply that NCW just really, really likes Gwendoline Christie.

Edited by Audreythe2nd
  • Love 6

I kinda liked Jaime and Brienne way more in the books than in the show. I don't really know why, I guess it's more because of me changing my taste more than anything (and show Cersei being more relatable/likable so I don't really want to see her being dealt yet another blow. I mean jeez, she didn't even sleep with half of King's Landing). Plus, the show really dropped the ball with Jaime, who's one of my three favorite book characters.


I still think he'll die after killing his sister though, but hey, maybe he doesn't at least in one medium. The one good thing about different endings is that we'll get to pick and choose which parts we prefer.

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 4

Honestly, I kind of want Sansa and Tyrion to reunite and for her to now appreciate all that he was that she took for granted and that she will grow into a woman who can look past his face and appreciate his mind and his heart.  But yea, talk about a beauty and the beast trope there so that probably won't happen!

Considering GRRM's history with Beauty and the Beast...maybe it can.

But anyway, I don't think that Sansa will meet anyone who isn't currently in the North during S6. Unless the pace of the show accelerates - I would welcome it, though.


Part of me has always thought (feared) that Cersei being responsible for Brienne's death would push Jaime over the edge re: the Valonqar. Whether his feelings for Brienne are romantic or not (they kill me, those two, the bath scene sucked me out of casual viewing) I think he cares deeply for her; she's imo the one individual that he admires, and the one who got through his jaded self. Considering his reaction when Tyrion was prisoner, I could see him turn berserk and kill Cersei because of Brienne.

If Cersei's demise is for this season, though, maybe my fear won't realize. Of course, with those pesky jetpacks, you never know who is going to be where.


One thing that I wonder about season 6 is: quid of the warging for the other Stark kids? I came to think that only Bran would be a warg, since no hints were included with Jon and Arya, but imo Arya's blindness was mostly about her warg abilities. And they included the blindness. So, wolf dreams are coming?

And since Jojen appeared in Bran's dream...I kind of begin to hope that Jon, Arya and Bran could see each other in a dream, around the beginning of the season.

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 2

I've worried before about Cersei possibly being the cause of Brienne's death too. With the show having Littlefinger and Brienne cross paths this past season I wonder if Sansa and Brienne won't briefly hook up next season only to meet with Littlefinger and the soldiers of the Vale. They take Brienne back to King's Landing under Littlefinger's orders and this new darker version of Cersei immediately wants her killed for supposedly harboring Sansa and Gregorstein does the deed. 


I mostly think that Brienne is destined to go further north though. Why have her character in possession of Oathkeeper if it isn't going to be for something big? 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 3

I was a book reader and I had the same reaction. I've never felt like it was something you should root for. But then, there are people who shipped Dany and Drogo which was outright rape on the show and very very dubcon in the books. I guess I'm happy they've done away with Sandor/Sansa in the show completely (although I'd take it over Sansa marrying Ramsay any day).



If we're going to get a Beauty and the Beast style story in this series, I'd much rather it be Jaime and Brienne than Sansa and either of her potential suitors.

  • Love 2

One thing that I wonder about season 6 is: quid of the warging for the other Stark kids? I came to think that only Bran would be a warg, since no hints were included with Jon and Arya, but imo Arya's blindness was mostly about her warg abilities. And they included the blindness. So, wolf dreams are coming?

And since Jojen appeared in Bran's dream...I kind of begin to hope that Jon, Arya and Bran could see each other in a dream, around the beginning of the season.

Given the writers' preference for introducing things only shortly before they have major plot relevance, it may be that Arya's warging will come up now, given that it's probably not long before she should (presumably) meet up with Nymeria again.


I've worried before about Cersei possibly being the cause of Brienne's death too. With the show having Littlefinger and Brienne cross paths this past season I wonder if Sansa and Brienne won't briefly hook up next season only to meet with Littlefinger and the soldiers of the Vale. They take Brienne back to King's Landing under Littlefinger's orders and this new darker version of Cersei immediately wants her killed for supposedly harboring Sansa and Gregorstein does the deed. 

I don't see how that could ever possibly happen.  If Sansa and Brienne are together, there's no way Littlefinger could expect to get away with that, given that, among other things, he needs Sansa's continued cooperation for a whole bunch of reasons; and he couldn't send Brienne to Cersei, seeing as Brienne would tell Cersei that Littlefinger was the one who had possession of Sansa when she first found her (how much she'd be believed is an open question, but Cersei is paranoid).

Given the writers' preference for introducing things only shortly before they have major plot relevance, it may be that Arya's warging will come up now, given that it's probably not long before she should (presumably) meet up with Nymeria again.


I don't see how that could ever possibly happen.  If Sansa and Brienne are together, there's no way Littlefinger could expect to get away with that, given that, among other things, he needs Sansa's continued cooperation for a whole bunch of reasons; and he couldn't send Brienne to Cersei, seeing as Brienne would tell Cersei that Littlefinger was the one who had possession of Sansa when she first found her (how much she'd be believed is an open question, but Cersei is paranoid).


I want to see Ayra warg so bad that I would take it even this late in the game.


I can't remember - has Jon ever been shown to be a warg on the show?  I know in the books, the wildlings told him what he was, but I can't remember if they kept that in the show. 

  • Love 1

I think that Rhaegar and Lyanna being reintroduced in S5 means that R+L=J is true, and I've seen some people regret/complain that it wasn't foreshadowed enough in the earlier seasons. But in the perspective of what I said above I think that D&D were right not to: it will be more climatic for the Unsullied imo, and after all as showrunners, those viewers are their priority.

Between the R+L mentions and the Arthur Dayne-like casting call for S6, I think that Jon's parentage will be solved this season.


I think it will be a bit anticlimatic though because they've barely mentioned either on the show. The way've they've set it up, it's gonna seem like these two random people who they mentioned way back in season 1 are Jon's parents. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe it won't seem that way.


Which is why I didn't mind the anvilicious way they mentioned Lyanna this season, it was way past time to bring her up again.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

The Jaime and Brienne romance is so anvilly it's a GH-level Stanvil and anything that gets more Brienne on the screen is good with me. Snarky Jaime is pretty fab as well, and that new outfit of his was schmokin' hot.


The show is pretty obvious in it's edits and I think even McLaren, who directed Oathkeeper, said in her commentaries that Jaime and Brienne were romantic and I think she said they were in love and didn't know if they were ever going to see each other again. (Riiiiiiight...) 


Coster-Waldau and Christie have amazing on screen chem and even GRRM noted it in S3, but I'm pretty sure they are directing CW to look as if he's, to quote Audreythe2nd, "he's tearing his own beating heart out and handing it to her on a platter."  CW is reportedly totally into his wife, or so blind gossip says about him turning down a casting couch to remain faithful, and GC is dating a fashion designer who looks, but isn't, twice her age. So they aren't a thing. I think Jaime and Brienne are the long term tragic romance but that we will end with at least one "happy" couple. Don't let it be Dany/Jon. Don't let it be Dany/Jon. I'd prefer...almost anything to that.


I agree that the casting of Rory really hampers any Sansa/Sandor romance and it's not really been shown on the show. In all of S4, Sansa didn't even think about Sandor, did she? And he was just roading it up with Arya. I wouldn't mind a return of Gendry just briefly to reunite with Arya and I think that's still a possibility.


I think they series will end with some level of hope, some positive parts, even though so so so many people are going to die. Next season, I'm speccing that Jorah, Margaery, Theon, Tommen and possibly Cersei die, along with a host of other side characters, but Davos, Jaime, Brienne, and at least two Starks, make it into S7.





Before they die too. 




  • Love 1

I think the happy ending will be for Tyrion - if Dany doesn't tear down the whole system of government that currently exists - I think he will be her Hand, Warden of the West, and married to a nice lady.  I don't think he will end up married to Dany, but I still see a reunion with Sansa as a real possibility.


If Dany and Jon both live at the end, I think they could end up together, but my gut says that Jon is going to die to save the realm.  It really depends on who the song of fire and ice refers to.....if its Lyanna and Rheagar then the whole series is about Jon. If Jon is ice and Dany is fire - then the whole series is about them.  But I don't know if I see them falling in love and living happily ever after as much as I could see them forming a union full of admiration for each other.  But I still think they are a bad match as they are both so serious and they need someone who can make them laugh in a partner. 


I would admire the hell out of GRRM is he leaves Dany unmarried but practically speaking, she needs an heir so he would have to address that.  Conversely, he could leave Sansa widowed to guide Rickon as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.  But the more I think about Tyrion and Sansa being beauty and the beast, the more I like it so I think I might end up with that being my fantasy end pairing until the show/series proves me wrong.

  • Love 3

Considering Jaime's mooning over an island for no good goddamn reason and Brienne gripping that sword he gave her like a lifeline, it seems that Jaime and Brienne are the long-term romance, at least for the show. And yeah, at least one of them (Jaime) is going to die a big hero's death while the other one (Brienne) soldiers on stoically caring for their love child.

That would be nice. I doubt that's going to happen. Sigh. I really would like for Jaime to have sex with somebody not his sister before he dies.

  • Love 8

I just realized that, if Jon is brought back to life (and I'm more and more sure it's going to happen), he won't die in the end, because I don't think GRRM or even D&D would repeat the same, pivotal plot twice. Yes, someone could be probably willing to sacrifice himself/herself for the greater good, but I doubt it will be Jon because, basically, he already did. It could still be Danearys, of course.

I also feel like there will be a few happy endings (yes, I'm paying attention LOL!), not many, it's still GRRM we are talking about, but a few. It doesn't necessarily mean that they'll all include being romantically involved/married with someone (for instance, I don't see characters like Arya or Bran finding their happy endings in a relationships), however, IMHO the fact most of the couples we've seen so far have been doomed doesn't mean romance in GoT has to be doomed, either, or as a general rule.

I agree that a lot will depend on who ASOIAF refers to. In any case, I'd dare to say one of the happy endings will be Jon. As far as I am concerned, the idea of Jon and Dany ending up together is growing on me and I am (apparently) one of the few who think they would be a great match. I've seen many times people stating that they're too serious to compensate each other but, honestly, it's not like they had lots of reasons to laugh or have fun so far, quite the opposite, and I do think they're capable of some sense of humor, at least that's the impression I had when (in show) they've been shown in more relaxed contexts. Granted, though, they've been so infrequent that I can see why people think they're too serious. :D

They could both end up alone, though.


As for Sansa, I like the idea of her reunion with Tyrion. I always wondered why GRRM let them getting married in the first place, because (again, I'm not a book reader) it looked like an important plot and it didn't pay out so far. I mean, I know it exacerbated Tyrion's relationship with Shae and her subsequent betrayl, but the result could've been easily similar without adding Sansa to the mix. The fact they didn't consummate the marriage even made it invalid, hence I can't really see the purpose... unless it will turn out to be important later on.


I see I'm not alone with Jamie and Brienne! :) Love them! Unfortunately, I don't see them living happily ever after :( , but I'd love to be proven wrong.


Ok, let's change topic, now.


Am I the only one who think the show will have an 8th season? I don't really think TPTB will be able to wrap all things up in 20 episodes only, unless there's a time jump.


I agree that s6 will possibly begin with Bran, although I confess I didn't really miss him this season. And then nothing really new, I guess the whole s06e01 will be about the aftermaths of all the seson 5 finale events, mostly the Wildlings/Melisandre/Davos reaction to Jon's murder (I'll doubt he'll be revived early on in the season but, hopefully, not beyond the middle), Jamie dealing with Myrcella's death, Tyrion as a ruler in Mereen, Dany's whereabouts and Sansa & Theon running far, far away from the Boltons. I can see Arya be postponed to episode #2 (I really hope so, I didn't dislike her s5 SL but found it quite boring at the same time). I don't know about Cersei.

  • Love 1

If they are planning to wrap it up in 20 episodes, that's only going to happen if some of these disparate plotlines start to either converge or wrap up.


I see the prospect for that in the North pretty quickly if they can get Sansa/Theon, Brienne/Pod and Jon/Davos (with or without Mel) into the same group working to take back Winterfell. I could see them banded together early next season. Wipe out the Boltons and have the Walkers bring down the Wall/slaughter the Watch and then just about everything in the North is on the same page.


Where it still seems disparate as ever though is King's Landing (the whole point of which might just be that its fiddling while the world freezes and is ultimately unimportant) and the myriad of Essos plots (Arya and Dany each on her own, Jorah/Dario on a search Tyrion/Varys) which feel unlikely to converge until the end of next season at the earliest.

  • Love 2

Regarding Jon dying in the end - which I honestly do believe is going to happen (although maybe this is just because I dare not hope he gets a happy ending) - I don't think it is the same plot point. Jon being betrayed and stabbed to death by his sworn brothers isn't the same as him willingly engaging in a battle that could claim his life.  Jon is exactly the kind of character who dies the big heroic death and is cried over as he is reunited with his loved ones on the other side.  He is the kind of character who returns from death to fulfill one mission and once that's done - he has to move on.  Grant it, there is nothing trope breaking about this idea, but neither is his returning and getting a happy ending.  Both plots have been done before and frankly, I find it too much to hope for too many happy endings in GRRM's world.

As for Sansa, I like the idea of her reunion with Tyrion. I always wondered why GRRM let them getting married in the first place, because (again, I'm not a book reader) it looked like an important plot and it didn't pay out so far. I mean, I know it exacerbated Tyrion's relationship with Shae and her subsequent betrayl, but the result could've been easily similar without adding Sansa to the mix. The fact they didn't consummate the marriage even made it invalid, hence I can't really see the purpose... unless it will turn out to be important later on.

In the books, the marriage has a number of plot point functions that the show did away with, and was a significant bit of characterization for Sansa and Tyrion in terms of their attitudes toward relationships, etc.

I just realized that, if Jon is brought back to life (and I'm more and more sure it's going to happen), he won't die in the end, because I don't think GRRM or even D&D would repeat the same, pivotal plot twice. Yes, someone could be probably willing to sacrifice himself/herself for the greater good, but I doubt it will be Jon because, basically, he already did. It could still be Danearys, of course.

I also feel like there will be a few happy endings (yes, I'm paying attention LOL!), not many, it's still GRRM we are talking about, but a few. It doesn't necessarily mean that they'll all include being romantically involved/married with someone (for instance, I don't see characters like Arya or Bran finding their happy endings in a relationships), however, IMHO the fact most of the couples we've seen so far have been doomed doesn't mean romance in GoT has to be doomed, either, or as a general rule.

I agree that a lot will depend on who ASOIAF refers to. In any case, I'd dare to say one of the happy endings will be Jon. As far as I am concerned, the idea of Jon and Dany ending up together is growing on me and I am (apparently) one of the few who think they would be a great match. I've seen many times people stating that they're too serious to compensate each other but, honestly, it's not like they had lots of reasons to laugh or have fun so far, quite the opposite, and I do think they're capable of some sense of humor, at least that's the impression I had when (in show) they've been shown in more relaxed contexts. Granted, though, they've been so infrequent that I can see why people think they're too serious. :D

They could both end up alone, though.


As for Sansa, I like the idea of her reunion with Tyrion. I always wondered why GRRM let them getting married in the first place, because (again, I'm not a book reader) it looked like an important plot and it didn't pay out so far. I mean, I know it exacerbated Tyrion's relationship with Shae and her subsequent betrayl, but the result could've been easily similar without adding Sansa to the mix. The fact they didn't consummate the marriage even made it invalid, hence I can't really see the purpose... unless it will turn out to be important later on.


I see I'm not alone with Jamie and Brienne! :) Love them! Unfortunately, I don't see them living happily ever after :( , but I'd love to be proven wrong.


Ok, let's change topic, now.


Am I the only one who think the show will have an 8th season? I don't really think TPTB will be able to wrap all things up in 20 episodes only, unless there's a time jump.


I agree that s6 will possibly begin with Bran, although I confess I didn't really miss him this season. And then nothing really new, I guess the whole s06e01 will be about the aftermaths of all the seson 5 finale events, mostly the Wildlings/Melisandre/Davos reaction to Jon's murder (I'll doubt he'll be revived early on in the season but, hopefully, not beyond the middle), Jamie dealing with Myrcella's death, Tyrion as a ruler in Mereen, Dany's whereabouts and Sansa & Theon running far, far away from the Boltons. I can see Arya be postponed to episode #2 (I really hope so, I didn't dislike her s5 SL but found it quite boring at the same time). I don't know about Cersei.

I think there will be an eighth season. Either that or season 7A and 7B be situation. No way is it wrapping up in 20 episodes though. I'd be willing to bet on that. 


I think Tyrion has a chance with Dany. Not a huge one but I don't think it's off of the table the way that I once did. 


At the same time, on the show at least, I really only see one interpretation of Dany's vision of the House of the Undying and that's that her heart's greatest desire is on the Wall. I didn't feel that it was as straight forward in the books but on the show I basically felt like an announcement had been made with a megaphone.


Whatever happens with Jaime and Brienne I know better than to hope for a happily ever after. I'll consider myself lucky if they have sex once without anything terrible happening immediately afterward. Brienne living though and having Jaime's son would be the bittersweet sort of ending that I'd expect for her character if she's allowed to live after all is said and done. 


I think Jon will survive the series. It's Dany who seems like she's living on borrowed time. I still haven't decided if she'll have a child or not. I feel like it's possible that Dany will have a child and then die and in a sense will be reunited with Drogo and maybe that makes what MMD said still true. When Dany bears a living child she'll die and see Drogo.


I think Jon, Sansa, and Rickon probably have the best chance for happy endings. I think Tyrion will live but whatever happens there will also be bittersweet. I can see him watching over any child of Dany's for sure and maybe closing out the series as Hand again with Jon as King.   

  • Love 5

I think it will be a bit anticlimatic though because they've [Lyanna and Rhaegar] barely mentioned either on the show. The way've they've set it up, it's gonna seem like these two random people who they mentioned way back in season 1 are Jon's parents. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe it won't seem that way.


Which is why I didn't mind the anvilicious way they mentioned Lyanna this season, it was way past time to bring her up again.


I think they've done a decent job dropping some hints without being too obvious about it.  At least, enough clues dropped earlier that it won't look like a complete retcon:



1. We get the official story of Rhaegar kidnapping and raping Lyanna from Robert.

2.  Ned tells Jon that the next time he sees him, he'll tell Jon all about his mother.

3.  Ned refuses to give any details about Jon's mother to Robert when they're reminiscing about the Rebellion


S2-S3:  None that I can think of but there might be some I'm not remembering.



1.  Oberyn describes the situation differently to Tyrion.  From his perspective, Rhaegar "ran off" with Lyanna.



1.  Littlefinger recaps the events of the Tournament at Harrenhall.  Sansa finishes it off with the official kidnap-and-rape story, and the look he gave her behind her back reeked of "oh, that's what you think happened?  I know something you don't know."

2.  The rather ham-handed visual when Aemon was bemoaning the fact that Dany is the last Targaryen in the world and the camera rack-focused to Jon as he walked in.


I'm sure I've missed a few, but at least they'll be able to point back at these instances and justify the reveal as not coming completely out of left field.

  • Love 5

At this point the only thing I INSIST happen in the end is that DAVOS LIVES. Literally every other chip can fall where it may, but DAVOS gets to be happy and reunited with his wife/children. Now I think the avenue to that will be his aligning himself with resurrected Jon (I've always thought it was interesting, that Davos knows the power of Magic and still thinks Melisandre is full of shit, so I would love him to be the first to recognize and embrace Jon as the REAL Azor Ahai).


And I'm also a die hard Gendry/Arya shipper, while I think her story is about how she'll always be Arya Stark, at the same time she never really wanted to be Lady Arya Stark, and I can't imagine that will be her future or ending. I see her heading up the Brotherhood of Banners, and living out her life as an adventurer with Gendry, but it's GRRM and I've no delusions I will get any such bit of happiness for them. At the very least I do hope they are reunited on the show, and that he gets her back to her family at least.

  • Love 7
At the same time, on the show at least, I really only see one interpretation of Dany's vision of the House of the Undying and that's that her heart's greatest desire is on the Wall. I didn't feel that it was as straight forward in the books but on the show I basically felt like an announcement had been made with a megaphone.


Really? I just thought it meant that her heart's greatest desire is the throne and her birthright... but winter and white walkers and coming and she's going to have to hurry her ass up if she wants to rule over anything. Because basically there isn't going to be anything left to rule over.


At this point the only thing I INSIST happen in the end is that DAVOS LIVES. Literally every other chip can fall where it may, but DAVOS gets to be happy and reunited with his wife/children. Now I think the avenue to that will be his aligning himself with resurrected Jon (I've always thought it was interesting, that Davos knows the power of Magic and still thinks Melisandre is full of shit, so I would love him to be the first to recognize and embrace Jon as the REAL Azor Ahai).


And think about the nearly perfect parallel scenario that could be set up here between Dany/Jon re: the "miracle" of Dany's dragon birthing. We have a dead body and a potential flaming funeral pyre, we have the death of a child of noble blood (Shireen, parallels the loss of Dany's baby), a sorceress (who, if we're lucky, is going to be tied to the goddamned funeral pyre herself), a huge band of people looking for a leader (wildlings/Dothraki), and a wise and just right hand man with a great face (Davos/Jorah) who becomes a true believer in the face of a goddamned miracle.


Seriously. If this isn't what George RR Martin has planned, Benioff and Weiss should just say "screw it" and do it anyway, because it's too good to pass up. The set-up is all there.

  • Love 7

Agreed about Davos finding something to really believe in via Jon. That would be fantastic, especially now that Sam is off on his own adventure.

As much as I'd LOVE to see Mel thrown into the fire as well, I think her vision of being at Winterfell after the defeat of the Boltons is accurate (it was the details like who would donthe conquering) and so she can't die until then. Honestly, if she's forced to eat humble pie because she wants to be attached to the real Azor Ahori and Jon won't put up with her sacrifice/king's blood nonsense and Davis gets to make snarky remarks at her expense I'd be okay with her surviving for a bit longer (until Davis finds out what she REALLY did to poor Shireen and Jon lends him Longclaw to administer justice).

As to Jon living or dying at the end, I'm putting my money on live. While I may not be 100% sold on Jon/Sansa, I do agree with that essay's point that the narrative demands Jon get everything he wanted at the start of the story, but in the worst possible way. I think he has to live and find something resembling happiness and family... just not how or with whom he could have imagined and his ambitions are rather tame. He wants a loving family, but not with whom or how he ever expected. As part of that I think that while he does not want it, I think he almost HAS to become King because he's the best shot at actually uniting the seven kingdoms and the only one truly worthy of it.

On the other hand I could see Dany could end up dying in a bittersweet manner because main thing she wanted was to restore the Targaryan dynasty and the image of the blue flower on the Wall was a vision of how that goal is achieved... by supporting her nephew, the true and rightful king... even to the point of death. It would be everything she wanted to achieve in the worst possible way (a Targ sits upon the thrown, bit its not her).

  • Love 6
Coster-Waldau and Christie have amazing on screen chem and even GRRM noted it in S3, but I'm pretty sure they are directing CW to look as if he's, to quote Audreythe2nd, "he's tearing his own beating heart out and handing it to her on a platter."  CW is reportedly totally into his wife, or so blind gossip says about him turning down a casting couch to remain faithful, and GC is dating a fashion designer who looks, but isn't, twice her age. So they aren't a thing.

Slightly OTT, but Coster-Waldau has been married to Nukâka since 1998, and they are one of those celebrity couples that actually manages to stay out of the press - at least in Denmark. She's an actress and a singer in her own right, and quite, quite lovely too #gossip over

  • Love 4

Jonsa is a ship that needs shot up with cannon asap. He's not going to have the experience to know how to deal with someone as traumatized as Sansa, and she was never on Team Jon to begin with. I cannot imagine this being a happy match for either.

I've heard about early drafts re: Jon & Arya and Imo, they could be each others' saviors, or each others' doom. Could you imagine what might transpire if the Faceless Men agreed to take a hit on Jon?

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Regarding Jon dying in the end - which I honestly do believe is going to happen (although maybe this is just because I dare not hope he gets a happy ending) - I don't think it is the same plot point. Jon being betrayed and stabbed to death by his sworn brothers isn't the same as him willingly engaging in a battle that could claim his life.  Jon is exactly the kind of character who dies the big heroic death and is cried over as he is reunited with his loved ones on the other side.  He is the kind of character who returns from death to fulfill one mission and once that's done - he has to move on.  Grant it, there is nothing trope breaking about this idea, but neither is his returning and getting a happy ending.  Both plots have been done before and frankly, I find it too much to hope for too many happy endings in GRRM's world.


My bad, I didn't explain what I meant by saying that Jon dying in the end is basically the same plot point. While I agree that the circumstances would be different, the result will be the same. Yes, at the end of s5, Jon has been betrayed and stabbed to death, while him dying in the end would probably be in the biggest battle Westeros has even seen or something along those lines. However, Jon betrayed and stabbed is a consequence of his attempt to save and, at the same time, have more people when the time of the Big Battle will come. He went to Hardhome in order to achieve that, he wasn't sure he would've managed to come back and he was right, because he almost died there. Again, he was ready to die for a greater good. He was successful in his attempt, but then he's been killed anyway as a consequence of him thinking about the greater good, which of course the NightWatchers were too stupid to understand. I'd say that "Jon being ready to die for the greater good" is one of his main trait and that's why I think that, in the end, he'll survive. That's what I meant when I said that he already sacrificed himself, even though, you're right, not in the way he expected and not willingly.

Finally, IMHO, letting the same character die twice would not have a huge impact.

Of course, this is only my view on this.


I think there will be an eighth season. Either that or season 7A and 7B be situation. No way is it wrapping up in 20 episodes though. I'd be willing to bet on that. 


I think Tyrion has a chance with Dany. Not a huge one but I don't think it's off of the table the way that I once did. 


At the same time, on the show at least, I really only see one interpretation of Dany's vision of the House of the Undying and that's that her heart's greatest desire is on the Wall. I didn't feel that it was as straight forward in the books but on the show I basically felt like an announcement had been made with a megaphone.


Whatever happens with Jaime and Brienne I know better than to hope for a happily ever after. I'll consider myself lucky if they have sex once without anything terrible happening immediately afterward. Brienne living though and having Jaime's son would be the bittersweet sort of ending that I'd expect for her character if she's allowed to live after all is said and done. 


I think Jon will survive the series. It's Dany who seems like she's living on borrowed time. I still haven't decided if she'll have a child or not. I feel like it's possible that Dany will have a child and then die and in a sense will be reunited with Drogo and maybe that makes what MMD said still true. When Dany bears a living child she'll die and see Drogo.


I think Jon, Sansa, and Rickon probably have the best chance for happy endings. I think Tyrion will live but whatever happens there will also be bittersweet. I can see him watching over any child of Dany's for sure and maybe closing out the series as Hand again with Jon as King.   


I like your take on this. :)


In the books, the marriage has a number of plot point functions that the show did away with, and was a significant bit of characterization for Sansa and Tyrion in terms of their attitudes toward relationships, etc.


Thank you, I didn't know that.  :)

  • Love 2

I also think an 8th season will be announced. With HBO Go and HBO Now, HBO is making sooo much more money than before. GoT is very popular on Go and Now. It's the reason many have signed up for the services (and stopped illegally downloading them).

Jon Snow dies in the end of the series. He's brought back to life after his recent stabbing, he'll go on to fulfill his destiny-saving the world and then he'll sacrifice himself for a loved one. We all cry because it will be grand and epic.

The series will end with an old Sansa telling a group of children about the "Song of Ice and Fire", the oral history of Jon Snow and how he defeated the White Walkers. One of the children in the group will be a dwarf.

Nearly no one else survives.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 2

At the same time, on the show at least, I really only see one interpretation of Dany's vision of the House of the Undying and that's that her heart's greatest desire is on the Wall. I didn't feel that it was as straight forward in the books but on the show I basically felt like an announcement had been made with a megaphone.


I tend to agree with the theory of her dream representing the three heads of the dragon: The wall (Jon),  the tent (Dany) and the iron throne (Tyrion?)


I think that Jon's ending will be at the wall protecting westeros from the walkers. It seems like that's where he's meant to be.


As for Sansa, I like the idea of her reunion with Tyrion. I always wondered why GRRM let them getting married in the first place, because (again, I'm not a book reader) it looked like an important plot and it didn't pay out so far. I mean, I know it exacerbated Tyrion's relationship with Shae and her subsequent betrayl, but the result could've been easily similar without adding Sansa to the mix. The fact they didn't consummate the marriage even made it invalid, hence I can't really see the purpose... unless it will turn out to be important later on.


If you just reference the book, it seems that the Purple wedding is the end of their relationship but for some reason the show is obsessed with foreshadowing the fact that there's something more to it.

Having their wedding be the most focused upon wedding in the show

Those rom com scenes in the episode before the wedding where both Tyrion and Sansa lament their wedding while their "friends" encourage them to take a chance.

The closeup on their hands, the two times they held hands.

"Not until you want me to."

There's other stuff but I'm too lazy to look.

It's weird because at the moment, they don't even seem like they're in each other's orbit physically or mentally.


Also I'm still struggling to connect Arya to the bigger picture. My best guess, she becomes a nobody and assassinates  important villains in a sort of deus ex machine type of way.


So per the writer's words, we know that the march from Mereen to Westeros finally begins next season likely with the dothraki, Trystanne's life just got a lot shorter, Cersei will hate Tyrion even more for causing her daughter's death ( if she only knew Pycelle's unwitting role in that, lol),there will be a war between Dorne and the Lannisters.

Edited by Oscirus

Do you all believe the Stark children (including Jon) will be reunited (briefly?) in the series?

Given what the show has given us, I think Sansa and Rickon will almost certainly meet again and will probably both survive the series - Rickon as Lord of Winterfell and Sansa in some other capacity (I still like her resuming her role as Tyrion's wife). 


I have no idea how GRRM will wrap Arya back into the plot, but I would be sad if she didn't see her family again and I really don't like the idea of her fully becoming a Faceless Man.  She is Arya Stark and I want her to never forget that.  I don't think she will marry or become a lady or anything like that, but I can see her staying at Winterfell and protecting Rickon (though she might do well if she married a Wildling lol).


It's hard to imagine how Bran will return to the rest of the story, but I'm sure he will be in communication with them.  It would be nice to see him return to Winterfell and rule instead of Rickon, but that just doesn't seem to be what the story has in store for him.


And Jon - the easiest reunion for him would seemingly be Sansa and Rickon if he is resurrected, but I do hope he gets a vision from Bran and see Ayra again.  I really cannot allow myself to believe he will survive the story so I just hope he gets a few moments of happiness before he dies.

  • Love 1

Given what the show has given us, I think Sansa and Rickon will almost certainly meet again and will probably both survive the series - Rickon as Lord of Winterfell and Sansa in some other capacity (I still like her resuming her role as Tyrion's wife). 


I have no idea how GRRM will wrap Arya back into the plot, but I would be sad if she didn't see her family again and I really don't like the idea of her fully becoming a Faceless Man.  She is Arya Stark and I want her to never forget that.  I don't think she will marry or become a lady or anything like that, but I can see her staying at Winterfell and protecting Rickon (though she might do well if she married a Wildling lol).


It's hard to imagine how Bran will return to the rest of the story, but I'm sure he will be in communication with them.  It would be nice to see him return to Winterfell and rule instead of Rickon, but that just doesn't seem to be what the story has in store for him.


And Jon - the easiest reunion for him would seemingly be Sansa and Rickon if he is resurrected, but I do hope he gets a vision from Bran and see Ayra again.  I really cannot allow myself to believe he will survive the story so I just hope he gets a few moments of happiness before he dies.


I agree, I think Rickon and Sansa are the Starks most likely to survive and reunite. Given their current locations, I don't think Arya and Bran will ever see their family again. Although, like you said, Bran has/will have a way to communicate with them. As for Jon, I waffle between him dying in the final battle against the WW or him surviving and sitting on the Iron Throne. I think I'd be okay with either outcome, as long as Dany is on the IT if Jon dies. As long as it's not the fucking Lannisters.


I hope the show stops with the near-misses next season and at the very least has Jon reunite with Sansa, even if it is only briefly. If he's resurrected, there should be no reason for him to remain at Castle Black. And if Sansa survives the jump, she should head towards the Wall. Where else would she go? And why have Ramsay tell her that Jon is now LC of the NW? Those two crossing paths as he heads south and she heads north should be probable. I mean, 20 episodes left, time to give the Starks tiny scraps of joy.

Edited by bunnyblue
  • Love 3

I think that when D&D glossed over the annulment from Tyrion and Sansa by Sansa marrying Ramsay, It puts an end to the idea that Tyrion and Sansa will remain married.  I think that they will meet again and probably still be fond of eachother in the show.  Not married though.


This is just speculation but do you think that this season might be the last for Cersei? I'm guessing that it's gonna be the end for Boltons and Littlefinger, hopefully.

I also think an 8th season will be announced. With HBO Go and HBO Now, HBO is making sooo much more money than before. GoT is very popular on Go and Now. It's the reason many have signed up for the services (and stopped illegally downloading them).

Jon Snow dies in the end of the series. He's brought back to life after his recent stabbing, he'll go on to fulfill his destiny-saving the world and then he'll sacrifice himself for a loved one. We all cry because it will be grand and epic.

The series will end with an old Sansa telling a group of children about the "Song of Ice and Fire", the oral history of Jon Snow and how he defeated the White Walkers. One of the children in the group will be a dwarf.

Nearly no one else survives.

I think Bran will get the last chapter in the books. Maybe not the epilogue but the last POV. If the epilogue isn't Bran then my guess is that it will be of Dany's only child.

The reason I think Jon will survive the series is becausewe've already experienced his death so I don't think we'll go through that twice.

I can see Jon and Sansa not only being the end game but Sansa possibly even being in a position where she'll end up being the stepmother to the heir to the throne (Dany's child) as her mother sort of was.

That's not good.

Hecate7, do you think Arya will try to kill Sansa? I've always thought that Arya would end up killing Lady Stoneheart but I can see Arya maybe almost killing Sansa but ultimately not being able to go through with it. I feel positive that Arya would have a total meltdown if Jon and Sansa ever hooked up.

This is just speculation but do you think that this season might be the last for Cersei? I'm guessing that it's gonna be the end for Boltons and Littlefinger, hopefully.

I think Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Dany, and the remaining Starks are in it until the final season.

As for Stark reunions--

I think Jon will have them next season with Bran just not in person. Sansa I'm hoping he'll see by the penultimate.

I don't see Arya meeting up with any family member in the next book. I can see a book scenario though where Ghost and Nymeria mate in order to get the next generation of direwolves. I think it's significant that Nymeria currently kills any wolf who tries to mount her.

  • Love 1

I think that when D&D glossed over the annulment from Tyrion and Sansa by Sansa marrying Ramsay, It puts an end to the idea that Tyrion and Sansa will remain married.  I think that they will meet again and probably still be fond of eachother in the show.  Not married though.


This is just speculation but do you think that this season might be the last for Cersei? I'm guessing that it's gonna be the end for Boltons and Littlefinger, hopefully.


It depends on how many seasons they're planning. If season six is the second to last then expect a bloodbath. We're getting a Snow versus Snow duel I'm sure of it. Cersei won't die until Tommen does and maybe hearing or seeing of Tyrion being in service to Dany. Jaime is who I'm most curious about, his arc is so different from the books I have no idea what the hell is going to happen.

  • Love 2

I want a Jon/Arya reunion more than I want anything else in the whole series. My greatest fear though is that if Jon is Azor Ahai, Arya will somehow end up being his Nissa Nissa.


I also really, really want to see an Arya/Sansa reunion, just because I'd be fascinated to see how they'd react to each other now, after everything each of them have been through.

  • Love 3

Hecate7, do you think Arya will try to kill Sansa? I've always thought that Arya would end up killing Lady Stoneheart but I can see Arya maybe almost killing Sansa but ultimately not being able to go through with it. I feel positive that Arya would have a total meltdown if Jon and Sansa ever hooked up.


I cannot think of a single other reason to bring Arya and Sansa together, other than for Arya to kill Sansa by mistake. Arya never thinks about Sansa. Sansa is not even on the list of things Arya is concerned with. They have, if possible, even less in common than they did when they started out, and if they met again they might not even recognize each other.


I could see Arya being sent by the FM to dispatch Baelish and his daughter, infiltrating the kitchen, and poisoning them both, and trying afterwards to remember who it was she used to know who liked lemon cakes so much. Watching Alayne Stone die and trying to remember who it was Baelish's daughter reminded her of. Or putting an arrow through her throat from a long ways off, then turning around, never having gotten close enough to see any resemblance to Cat at all. Arya is in the business of killing people. I cannot see her pulling off a rescue of any kind for anyone, nor guarding anything, nor fighting for anyone. She's an assassin--small, stealthy, and good at defending herself long enough to get away.


I can't imagine what other use she'd ever have for Sansa. And the fate of their direwolves foreshadows that Sansa will die for Arya, either by choice or by mistake. I can't imagine a conversation between them of any kind. What would they say?


Jealousy over Jon Snow isn't something I ever contemplated. I suppose it's possible, but I can't picture Arya wanting to marry Jon Snow or anyone else. I don't think she'd kill Sansa over it, unless a whole lot of other things happen to make it make sense.

  • Love 1

The series will end with an old Sansa telling a group of children about the "Song of Ice and Fire", the oral history of Jon Snow and how he defeated the White Walkers. One of the children in the group will be a dwarf.


I wouldn't mind seeing this. If Jon must die, let it be as the Hero who saved the Seven Kingdoms (even though those ingrates probably don't deserve it), and let stories and songs be written about him the way they are about Aegon the Conqueror. I don't want Jon Snow to be forgotten. It would tug at my heartstrings even more if it was his long-lost sister/cousin cultivating his legend.


Man, I should stop reading everyone's awesome speculations because it will all probably end in tears instead. All Starks & their direwolves dead. Daenarys & her dragons dead. Tyrion dead. Cersei will smirk her way to old age with Jaime as her lap dog. And the Boltons will sit on the Iron Throne.

  • Love 2

I cannot think of a single other reason to bring Arya and Sansa together, other than for Arya to kill Sansa by mistake. Arya never thinks about Sansa. Sansa is not even on the list of things Arya is concerned with. They have, if possible, even less in common than they did when they started out, and if they met again they might not even recognize each other.


I could see Arya being sent by the FM to dispatch Baelish and his daughter, infiltrating the kitchen, and poisoning them both, and trying afterwards to remember who it was she used to know who liked lemon cakes so much. Watching Alayne Stone die and trying to remember who it was Baelish's daughter reminded her of. Or putting an arrow through her throat from a long ways off, then turning around, never having gotten close enough to see any resemblance to Cat at all. Arya is in the business of killing people. I cannot see her pulling off a rescue of any kind for anyone, nor guarding anything, nor fighting for anyone. She's an assassin--small, stealthy, and good at defending herself long enough to get away.


I can't imagine what other use she'd ever have for Sansa. And the fate of their direwolves foreshadows that Sansa will die for Arya, either by choice or by mistake. I can't imagine a conversation between them of any kind. What would they say?


Jealousy over Jon Snow isn't something I ever contemplated. I suppose it's possible, but I can't picture Arya wanting to marry Jon Snow or anyone else. I don't think she'd kill Sansa over it, unless a whole lot of other things happen to make it make sense.

 Considering LF is Lord Protector of the Vale wouldn't that cost an unbelievable amount of money that only a few people could even afford? And why would the FM send a very new Arya on one of their biggest hits ever?

I cannot think of a single other reason to bring Arya and Sansa together, other than for Arya to kill Sansa by mistake. Arya never thinks about Sansa. Sansa is not even on the list of things Arya is concerned with. They have, if possible, even less in common than they did when they started out, and if they met again they might not even recognize each other.


I could see Arya being sent by the FM to dispatch Baelish and his daughter, infiltrating the kitchen, and poisoning them both, and trying afterwards to remember who it was she used to know who liked lemon cakes so much. Watching Alayne Stone die and trying to remember who it was Baelish's daughter reminded her of. Or putting an arrow through her throat from a long ways off, then turning around, never having gotten close enough to see any resemblance to Cat at all. Arya is in the business of killing people. I cannot see her pulling off a rescue of any kind for anyone, nor guarding anything, nor fighting for anyone. She's an assassin--small, stealthy, and good at defending herself long enough to get away.


I can't imagine what other use she'd ever have for Sansa. And the fate of their direwolves foreshadows that Sansa will die for Arya, either by choice or by mistake. I can't imagine a conversation between them of any kind. What would they say?


Jealousy over Jon Snow isn't something I ever contemplated. I suppose it's possible, but I can't picture Arya wanting to marry Jon Snow or anyone else. I don't think she'd kill Sansa over it, unless a whole lot of other things happen to make it make sense.

You've jogged my memory that this is kind of a pet theory of yours IIRC, right?


It isn't that I can't see a scenario where Arya might end up being a threat to Sansa but I can't get behind the idea that it'll be because she fails to recognize her sister. I get that people can fail to recognize relatives and loved ones in real life but I think Arya's training has made it so that she'd be one of the least likely characters to have that sort of experience. 


As for what the sisters would have to say to each other--I feel like it would be awkward at first, sure, but I certainly think that they'd eventually have plenty to say. Honestly, I'm imagining rivers of tears since we know how much the Starks enjoy having a good cry. I also think Sansa might even feel apologetic. 


I don't even think that Arya's feelings for Jon necessarily have to be romantic in order for her to be all kinds of pissed and resentful of "stupid" and "perfect" Sansa being with Arya's favorite person in the world.


Even though I lean towards Jon/Sansa and/or Jon/Dany, I think there is a pretty strong argument for Jon/Arya even though it isn't my preference. Stuff like Jon thinking "What do you know of my heart? What do you know of my sister?" I can totally see how it can be read another way. Jon and Arya think about each other as much as Jaime and Brienne do probably more. Then there's the whole thing with the original outline. 

  • Love 2

It also presumes that Arya will actually complete her Faceless Man training instead of ultimately reclaiming her identify as Arya Stark. What was the point of hiding Needle away instead of disgarding it with everything else, if not to one day reclaim it and her identity.

Realistically for Arya, I think she'll overcome her blindness right about the time Dany's forces marshal at Braavos (probably at the end of s6) to head for Westeros and something, perhaps a message from one of Varys' sparrows that she overhears will let her know her family (or at least Jon, Sansa and possibly Rickon) is actually still alive and has retaken Winterfell... giving her the incentive to reclaim Needle/her identity and sign on with Dany's forces and make her way back to her family.

As to her ending point, perhaps King Jon Targaryan, First of His Name can appoint Arya to his Kingsguard so she never has to has to marry and her whole job is just training to fight and killing people who try to hurt those she's sworn to defend (yeah, she's not a man, but who's going to argue with the perogatives of the King who saved the world?).

I don't think Sansa's dead direwolf means anything other than that her fate is not connected to the North (which the dire wolves represent). I'm wondering a bit if Ghost won't end up being killed to resurrect Jon because that would symbolize him being free of his ties to the North and more specifically to the Wall so that he can embrace the mantle of Jon Targarian and rule all the Seven kingdoms and not just be a presence in the North.

Perhaps Jon as King? Sansa as Lady of the Riverlands (i.e. pay off all the comments about resembling her mother so much... ie. a Tully)?

  • Love 1

It also presumes that Arya will actually complete her Faceless Man training instead of ultimately reclaiming her identify as Arya Stark. What was the point of hiding Needle away instead of disgarding it with everything else, if not to one day reclaim it and her identity.

Realistically for Arya, I think she'll overcome her blindness right about the time Dany's forces marshal at Braavos (probably at the end of s6) to head for Westeros and something, perhaps a message from one of Varys' sparrows that she overhears will let her know her family (or at least Jon, Sansa and possibly Rickon) is actually still alive and has retaken Winterfell... giving her the incentive to reclaim Needle/her identity and sign on with Dany's forces and make her way back to her family.

As to her ending point, perhaps King Jon Targaryan, First of His Name can appoint Arya to his Kingsguard so she never has to has to marry and her whole job is just training to fight and killing people who try to hurt those she's sworn to defend (yeah, she's not a man, but who's going to argue with the perogatives of the King who saved the world?).

I don't think Sansa's dead direwolf means anything other than that her fate is not connected to the North (which the dire wolves represent). I'm wondering a bit if Ghost won't end up being killed to resurrect Jon because that would symbolize him being free of his ties to the North and more specifically to the Wall so that he can embrace the mantle of Jon Targarian and rule all the Seven kingdoms and not just be a presence in the North.

Perhaps Jon as King? Sansa as Lady of the Riverlands (i.e. pay off all the comments about resembling her mother so much... ie. a Tully)?

I love the idea of Arya having a spot on Jon's Kingsguard.

I was going to add my thoughts on who I'd like Jon's Kingsguard to be made up of in the end and I feel like the pickings are pretty slim. Even with Arya the idea is that she'll be fierce one day but she's not ready yet. Brienne is the only one who seems ready to go. Edric Storm could be an interesting future possibility but there's no reason to think this would happen. It's more that I like the idea of Jon giving a position of honor like that to a bastard.

I don't think the death of Lady means that Sansa is going to have a premature death.

I agree with those who think that Jon having a direwolf and a dragon at the same time might feel like a bit much and this is the other reason I lean towards Ghost possibly being killed in order to make Lightbringer. (Assuming that Lightbringer needs to be reforged.)

I agree that Arya won't complete her training with the Faceless Men. There isn't nearly enough time.

There are times I really am annoyed that we didn't get the five year gap.

Avaleigh, I've also considered the idea of Arya killing Lady Stoneheart.  While Arya would like the whole "hang them all" approach, I think she would be horrified to see what happened to her mother.  Maybe it might help to snap her out of her ruthless killing.


I always thought though that Arya would be sent to kill Dany.  Dany has a weakness for children and that's why I thought the FM would send Arya to do the job.


If Arya survives, I kind of see her becoming a wandering King's Justice, traveling Westeros and Essos handing out justice to those who deserve it.

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