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Season 6: Speculation

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13 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

Seven episodes is a long time to leave that TOJ flashback hanging.  I'm hoping they don't drag it out that long, if for no other reason than their failure to close that loop will overshadow some of the things they do show in between.

The TOJ is probably going to be resolved in either episode 5 or 6. Both Dan Sackheim (director for episodes 3 and 4) and Jack Bender (director for episodes 5 and 6) were seen on the set, which suggests the TOJ scenes happen in episodes with both those directors. Plus, with reports that Bran leaves the cave by the end of the season it seems likely he won't have time to have visions at that point in the season.

Edited by glowbug
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5 hours ago, ElizaD said:

Could Qyburn (commanded by Cersei) and not Varys be behind the massacre committed by the little birds? That would help keep Show Varys as basically a good guy on Dany's side, but then he'd need some other reason for his reported departure from Meereen.

Yeah, I think Cersei is going to order Qyburn to send the little birds to kill everyone on the small council in a fit of  pique.  Although I loved in the book that it was Varys sowing chaos to unnerve Cersei, having Cersei continue to blunder and self destruct is pretty satisfying too.


If Cersei demands her trial by combat and uses Gregor, what if the Church then names Tommen as their combatant?

Interesting, but I still think it will be Lancel.  Maybe that's when Jaime finally learns about Cersei's infidelity.

Edited by Haleth
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Yeah, they've been making Lancel into more of a fighter and once he lost his mind and started mutilating his forehead I was pretty sure that there'd be some kind of pay off and it's likely that he'll fight for the Faith. My guess is that he'll fight Loras first and will win and that will amp up the stakes for when he ends up fighting Clegane. (I like that he's still Gregor Clegane and that they aren't trying to fool anyone.) I won't be surprised if the Lancel/Gregor fight goes past what happened with Oberyn in terms of brutality. 

43 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

Yeah, they've been making Lancel into more of a fighter and once he lost his mind and started mutilating his forehead I was pretty sure that there'd be some kind of pay off and it's likely that he'll fight for the Faith. My guess is that he'll fight Loras first and will win and that will amp up the stakes for when he ends up fighting Clegane. (I like that he's still Gregor Clegane and that they aren't trying to fool anyone.) I won't be surprised if the Lancel/Gregor fight goes past what happened with Oberyn in terms of brutality. 

Lancel seems to be leading that group of Faith Militant guys in the confrontation with Cersei in the trailer ("I choose violence."), so I don't think that fits with him being in the trial by combat.

OK, so per the promo for 4 we see Sansa,Brienne and Pod at CB?, we know two clans supposing backing Bolton and a rumoured 3rd, we know

Theon tells Stannis of the Karstark's treason in the books

in the #4 promo we hear Baleish tell Robin Arryn that Sansa has escaped the Boltons at Winterfell; in the

in a feast for crows Sansa figured out Lynn Cobray works for LF and in excerpt Allayne by GRRM she deduced that he may be doing a double dealing against LF

so how does LF know Sansa escaped did Ramsey send raven mail, or is someone in Ramsey's employ spying for LF?

The Maester perhaps?

And Lord Royce don't look pleased.

About the rumored KL massacre, I think it's too soon for Cersei to die and even if Varys returns to KL he's another character I don't see as having finished his story yet. Kevan and Pycelle die in the books, that's two. Characters who could be in KL: Gregor, the High Sparrow, Lancel, Loras, Mace, Margaery, Nymeria, Obara, Olenna, Qyburn, Tommen. And maybe Sandor if Cleganebowl is true, but he feels like someone who's being brought back as setup for season 7.

I think Kevan has to be dead by the time that the lannister/tyrell army attacks the Sparrows. I just don't see Kevan standing by while Cersei pulls something like that.

So for some Mereen spec. I assume that by the end of this season that Dany will install Grey Worm and Missandei as the new heads of Mereen before she heads off to Kings Landing with Tyrion and Co.  Season ends with Dany finally starting her voyage home.

4 hours ago, Oscirus said:

I think Kevan has to be dead by the time that the lannister/tyrell army attacks the Sparrows. I just don't see Kevan standing by while Cersei pulls something like that.

So for some Mereen spec. I assume that by the end of this season that Dany will install Grey Worm and Missandei as the new heads of Mereen before she heads off to Kings Landing with Tyrion and Co.  Season ends with Dany finally starting her voyage home.

Interesting idea re: Dany.  I could see that happening.

However, I don't think Kevan would necessarily be opposed to an attack on the Sparrows.  Wouldn't it be the Tyrells pushing for that (as opposed to Cersei who's happy to have Margery rot in a cell)?  Kevan needs the Tyrell's military and financial support, and probably recognizes that the Crown can't credibly stand by while the Queen is essentially held hostage by anyone.  

I agree that Kevan probably bites it before the end of the season.  But I don't think it'll be to clear the way for an attack on the Sept.

4 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

An interesting twist (which I realize would never happen, but what the hell) would be the High Sparrow convincing Tommen to order Jaime to champion the Sept in the Trial by Combat against Gregor.  

Even then, it's a bad choice, Jamie can't truly fight with his left hand and by proxy would lose.

Also no way is Jamie pious enough for them, they need a follower, a Joan of Arc type, that's not Jamie; they want to prove faith wins over evil politics.

Just now, GrailKing said:

Even then, it's a bad choice, Jamie can't truly fight with his left hand and by proxy would lose.

Also no way is Jamie pious enough for them, they need a follower, a Joan of Arc type, that's not Jamie; they want to prove faith wins over evil politics.

True, but is has the whole son-unknowingly-sending-his-father-to-his-death-to-save-his-mother angle.  Oedipus on steroids.


I keep coming back to that prophecy Cersei goes on about. I'm convinced that she will ultimately be responsible for the death of Tommen-- perhaps sending Mountainstein to kill as many sparrows as he can, and Tommen is taken out by accident.

So all three of her kids will be killed because of her horrible parenting. (Joffrey was raised an entitled sociopath, Myrcella was sent off really because of KL powerplay shenanigans and Tyrion wanted to stick it to Cersei, and finally Tommen was killed because she ordered Gregor to take out the religious nuts she helped rise to power)


added bonus that there are no more Baratheons (or false Baratheons) and the Iron Throne is truly up for grabs.

Edited by sacrebleu
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21 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

Yeah, they've been making Lancel into more of a fighter and once he lost his mind and started mutilating his forehead I was pretty sure that there'd be some kind of pay off and it's likely that he'll fight for the Faith. My guess is that he'll fight Loras first and will win and that will amp up the stakes for when he ends up fighting Clegane. (I like that he's still Gregor Clegane and that they aren't trying to fool anyone.) I won't be surprised if the Lancel/Gregor fight goes past what happened with Oberyn in terms of brutality. 

Ugh. I swear, I try not to be a book purist and complain about every little change, but the idea of showLoras going out by losing a Trial By Combat to Lancel fucking Lannister* would really be one final indignity done to his character.

Edited by AshleyN
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59 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

added bonus that there are no more Baratheons (or false Baratheons) and the Iron Throne is truly up for grabs.

I'm not sure what's going to happen if Tommen is killed before the end of this season as some have speculated, especially if Dany's nowhere near taking her leave of Essos for good. 

4 minutes ago, AshleyN said:

Ugh. I swear, I try not to be a book purist and complain about every little change, but the idea of Loras going out by losing a Trial By Combat to Lancel fucking Lannister* would really by the final indignity done to his character.

It's a safe bet that Loras has been starved and kept in a cell for weeks on end (maybe months, depending on the show's chronology). He may have been subjected to other forms of torture as well, given that he's crying when Margaery makes it to his cell in the scene from the trailer. I don't see how it would be an indignity to Loras' swordsmanship if he loses to Lancel under those conditions; even Arthur Dayne couldn't defeat Lancel under those conditions.

Loras is one of the safer bets for dying this season, although I base that off Finn Jones getting the lead in Iron Fist more than anything else.

Edited by Eyes High
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added bonus that there are no more Baratheons (or false Baratheons) and the Iron Throne is truly up for grabs.

I'm not sure what's going to happen if Tommen is killed before the end of this season as some have speculated, especially if Dany's nowhere near taking her leave of Essos for good. 


Yeah.  If only one of Robert Baratheon's brothers hadn't burned the last fucking Baratheon alive, Stannis!!!!

13 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

Yeah.  If only one of Robert Baratheon's brothers hadn't burned the last fucking Baratheon alive, Stannis!!!!

All that needs to happen is for Arya to bring up Gendry to King Jon Stargaryan and he can just legitimize him as Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End so that he can be a proper lord for Arya to marry.

Hah hah... just kidding. Gendry will only be back to officially kill him off and Arya will end up sacrificing herself in the final episodes of the series to save her family. A happy ending? What the heck show do you think you're watching?

Edited by Chris24601
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3 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

It's a safe bet that Loras has been starved and kept in a cell for weeks on end (maybe months, depending on the show's chronology). He may have been subjected to other forms of torture as well, given that he's crying when Margaery makes it to his cell in the scene from the trailer. I don't see how it would be an indignity to Loras' swordsmanship if he loses to Lancel under those conditions; even Arthur Dayne couldn't defeat Lancel under those conditions.

Loras is one of the safer bets for dying this season, although I base that off Finn Jones getting the lead in Iron Fist more than anything else.


Lancel killing a seriously weakened Loras is the kind of thing that can make sense in isolation, but it would look bad after three seasons of Loras being used pretty much solely for jokes/sex scenes (the only time he got to be the one who's not left looking ridiculous was the Jaime burn during the Purple Wedding). He's gone from a talented knight who happens to be gay to the gay guy who's only a step above Mace. I agree Loras is doomed, I just hope it's due to the little birds massacre or Gregor, which would be a little more dignified than jobbing to Lancel Lannister.

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48 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

It's a safe bet that Loras has been starved and kept in a cell for weeks on end (maybe months, depending on the show's chronology). He may have been subjected to other forms of torture as well. I don't see how it would be an indignity to Loras' swordsmanship if he loses to Lancel under those conditions; even Arthur Dayne couldn't defeat Lancel under those conditions.

True enough, and if it wasn't for my disappointment in how the character has been handled up to this point, I might concede the point. But I just really dislike the fact that a character who was a pretty interesting flip on gender and sexuality expectations* in the books has been reduced to being "the gay one" and generally treated as a joke. And I don't know that the whole weakened and starved thing would even register that much as a deciding factor since his fighting skills aren't really brought up on the show and I'm not sure that the non-readers even realize that he's supposed to be one of the better knights in Westeros. I can't actually remember it being mentioned since the tourney way back in season 1 (and even then the focus was mostly on his trick with using the mare in heat so it doesn't even really come across how good he's meant to be). Contrast that with the books, where the first time his name is even mentioned is in the context of him having beaten Jaime, who we already know is one of the best knights in the realm, in a previous tourney.

*I always found it interesting that he's not just gay in the books, but is also repeatedly described in very feminine terms, and yet in the books he's defined far more by his skills as a knight than either of those things (and of course is a far better fighter than his seemingly more masculine boyfriend). On a reread I even noticed a neat little scene where Robert, who's basically the embodiment of traditional notions of masculinity, expresses his jealousy of Mace and wishes that he could have had a son like him. And this isn't even a case of having to cut corners on minor characters due to time, since if anything, book Loras has even less "screen time" (so to speak) than the show version, but comes across as far more of an actual character, rather than a one-note stereotype.

So yeah, if you were to take all of that and add on a final note of him dying by being defeated in combat by a guy he should be able to beat with one hand tied behind his back it would be...disappointing, to say the least.

Edited by AshleyN
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27 minutes ago, AshleyN said:

True enough, and if it wasn't for my disappointment in how the character has been handled up to this point, I might concede the point. But I just really dislike the fact that a character who was a pretty interesting flip on gender and sexuality expectations* in the books has been reduced to being "the gay one" and generally treated as a joke. And I don't know that the whole weakened and starved thing would even register that much as a deciding factor since his fighting skills aren't really brought up on the show and I'm not sure that the non-readers even realize that he's supposed to be one of the better knights in Westeros. I can't actually remember it being mentioned since the tourney way back in season 1 (and even then the focus was mostly on his trick with using the mare in heat so it doesn't even really come across how good he's meant to be). Contrast that with the books, where the first time his name is even mentioned is in the context of him having beaten Jaime, who we already know is one of the best knights in the realm, in a previous tourney.

*I always found it interesting that he's not just gay in the books, but is also repeatedly described in very feminine terms, and yet in the books he's defined far more by his skills as a knight than either of those things (and of course is a far better fighter than his seemingly more masculine boyfriend). On a reread I even noticed a neat little scene where Robert, who's basically the embodiment of traditional notions of masculinity, expresses his jealousy of Mace and wishes that he could have had a son like him. And this isn't even a case of having to cut corners on minor characters due to time, since if anything, book Loras has even less "screen time" (so to speak) than the show version, but comes across as far more of an actual character, rather than a one-note stereotype.

So yeah, if you were to take all of that and add on a final note of him dying by being defeated in combat by a guy he should be able to beat with one hand tied behind his back it would be...disappointing, to say the least.

I'm not going to give GRRM any cookies for non-stereotypical depictions of gay guys when he named the gay king's kingsguard the Rainbow Guard (I suppose it's better than Pink Triangle Posse, but still). He was pretty shit when it came to lesbians, too...tons of bisexual women in ASOIAF but no lesbians? You have dragons flying around and armies of ice zombies, but no ladies uninterested in dick?

There's been a lot of outrage about how Yara, unlike Asha of the books, likes the ladies judging from the trailer, but it will be a vast improvement on the books, where GRRM tripped over himself whenever one of the female POVs dabbles in same-sex experimentation to assure the readers that they're Not Really Into It and how women are a poor substitute for the dick they crave. GRRM's pretty shit at LGBT stuff; it's pretty convenient how gay guys like Loras and Jon Con only have dead lovers/crushes so GRRM doesn't have to deal with the business of representing guy/guy romance. At least TV Loras got to have a sex life represented on screen, which was more than Book Loras ever got in the books. Nope, no cookies from me.

Edited by Eyes High
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On May 9, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Umbelina said:

True, but if he is seduced into the faith, he might.  I just thought it was an interesting thought, and also, I'm still not devoted enough to remember the rules of refusal.  Ha.

I don't think Tommen would volunteer to fight because he's not trained. However, I could see him somehow getting between Gregor and Margaery or someone else who would try to hurt Margaery (maybe on his mother's orders) and end up getting killed. 

3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I'm not going to give GRRM any cookies for non-stereotypical depictions of gay guys when he named the gay king's kingsguard the Rainbow Guard (I suppose it's better than Pink Triangle Posse, but still). He was pretty shit when it came to lesbians, too...tons of bisexual women in ASOIAF but no lesbians? You have dragons flying around and armies of ice zombies, but no ladies uninterested in dick?

To be fair the lack of lesbians is probably more due to lack of power to refuse being married off to make babies. If a lesbian is forced to have sex with a man that doesn't make her bi-sexual in orientation.

For that matter, the expectation to produce an heir also affects gay men as well. Historically many men we'd classify as gay were married and had children because it was expected of them, not because they had a sexual interest in women. Similarly, Renly in the books would have been expected to have sex with his wife to produce an heir regardless of whether he was interested or not ("Lie back and think of Westeros").

The main difference is that some gay men in the books were in a position to avoid marriage via taking vows in certain orders that still let them be involved the story (ex. the various Kings' Guards and the Night's Watch) while there is no corresponding organization for lesbians (there's the Silent Sisters, but they're basically cloistered nuns and so wouldn't be involved in the story the way a Kingsguard could be).

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15 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I'm not going to give GRRM any cookies for non-stereotypical depictions of gay guys when he named the gay king's kingsguard the Rainbow Guard (I suppose it's better than Pink Triangle Posse, but still). He was pretty shit when it came to lesbians, too...tons of bisexual women in ASOIAF but no lesbians? You have dragons flying around and armies of ice zombies, but no ladies uninterested in dick?

I had an impression Taena Merryweather (sp?) was hinted to be a lesbian with her and her husband being each other's beards. But I may be confusing it with a simple theory.

But I totally agree on bisexual (or, rather, otherwise heterosexual women having completely gratuitous and non-relevant sex with women) female characters. I can't believe D&D, with all their flaws, actually removed that stuff.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, FurryFury said:

I had an impression Taena Merryweather (sp?) was hinted to be a lesbian with her and her husband being each other's beards. But I may be confusing it with a simple theory.

But I totally agree on bisexual (or, rather, otherwise heterosexual women having completely gratuitous and non-relevant sex with women) female characters. I can't believe D&D, with all their flaws, actually removed that stuff.

well, Asha/Yara is getting some this year, and what about Oberyn and Elaria Sands.

19 hours ago, Eyes High said:

I'm not going to give GRRM any cookies for non-stereotypical depictions of gay guys when he named the gay king's kingsguard the Rainbow Guard (I suppose it's better than Pink Triangle Posse, but still). He was pretty shit when it came to lesbians, too...tons of bisexual women in ASOIAF but no lesbians? You have dragons flying around and armies of ice zombies, but no ladies uninterested in dick?

There's been a lot of outrage about how Yara, unlike Asha of the books, likes the ladies judging from the trailer, but it will be a vast improvement on the books, where GRRM tripped over himself whenever one of the female POVs dabbles in same-sex experimentation to assure the readers that they're Not Really Into It and how women are a poor substitute for the dick they crave. GRRM's pretty shit at LGBT stuff; it's pretty convenient how gay guys like Loras and Jon Con only have dead lovers/crushes so GRRM doesn't have to deal with the business of representing guy/guy romance. At least TV Loras got to have a sex life represented on screen, which was more than Book Loras ever got in the books. Nope, no cookies from me.

In the books, it's made clear that Cersei, although she has sex with lots of people, only craves Jaime. "It's only ever been good with Jaime," she reflects


after her lesbian encounter. Her partner in that encounter, however, was more than into it. It's too bad that Taena Merryweather isn't a viewpoint character, although if she were it might give away too much of where the plot's really going.

I do agree that it's annoying that there are no actual lesbians. Loras in the books is given some dignity, as is Renly. I hope that the show will eventually restore some of that character's gravitas.

The Info thread had a reference to a spoiler that says a main character dies unexpectedly. If that's not about Rickon, I agree with the comment that it might be a shocking Margaery death. Dormer is the only non-Stark/Targ/Lannister actor in the group of people getting paid the most per episode, so Margaery could count as a main character: all the others, with the possible exception of Cersei (self-destruction if Tommen dies) or Jaime (Red Wedding 2.0), still feel like they have far too much story left.

1 hour ago, Hecate7 said:

In the books, it's made clear that Cersei, although she has sex with lots of people, only craves Jaime. "It's only ever been good with Jaime," she reflects

  Reveal hidden contents

after her lesbian encounter. Her partner in that encounter, however, was more than into it. It's too bad that Taena Merryweather isn't a viewpoint character, although if she were it might give away too much of where the plot's really going.

I do agree that it's annoying that there are no actual lesbians. Loras in the books is given some dignity, as is Renly. I hope that the show will eventually restore some of that character's gravitas.

I think GRRM has made it vague that Dorne females specially  Arienne and Oberyns' lover indulge in lesbian relationships. 

6 hours ago, Jazzy24 said:

I think GRRM has made it vague that Dorne females specially  Arienne and Oberyns' lover indulge in lesbian relationships. 


6 hours ago, Jazzy24 said:

I think GRRM has made it vague that Dorne females specially  Arienne and Oberyns' lover indulge in lesbian relationships. 

Yes, but it's what I call "ornamental lesbianism." It's got nothing to do with the actual sexual preferences of the women involved. It's just for decoration, to entertain male readers, or even occasionally male characters. I got the impression that Ellaria was more interested in the way it titillated Oberyn to share a woman with her, than in any of the actual women they shared.

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On 5/10/2016 at 3:13 AM, ElizaD said:

About the rumored KL massacre, I think it's too soon for Cersei to die and even if Varys returns to KL he's another character I don't see as having finished his story yet. Kevan and Pycelle die in the books, that's two. Characters who could be in KL: Gregor, the High Sparrow, Lancel, Loras, Mace, Margaery, Nymeria, Obara, Olenna, Qyburn, Tommen. And maybe Sandor if Cleganebowl is true, but he feels like someone who's being brought back as setup for season 7.

Randyll Tarley, anyone?

On 5/10/2016 at 2:13 AM, ElizaD said:

About the rumored KL massacre, I think it's too soon for Cersei to die and even if Varys returns to KL he's another character I don't see as having finished his story yet. Kevan and Pycelle die in the books, that's two. Characters who could be in KL: Gregor, the High Sparrow, Lancel, Loras, Mace, Margaery, Nymeria, Obara, Olenna, Qyburn, Tommen. And maybe Sandor if Cleganebowl is true, but he feels like someone who's being brought back as setup for season 7.

A spoiler source who claims to have worked on Season 6 and who's been leaking BOTB details that are looking more and more likely to be accurate said the following on the subject:


Loras and Margaery (for sure), and Mace, Tommen and the High Sparrow (the source believes), die in the Season 6 finale. Tommen may die earlier, but in any events "lots of significant characters aren't making it past the finale."

When it comes to KL deaths, I'd expect Lancel to die at Gregor's hands when Gregor is dismembering those Faith Militant members. Cersei would relish the chance for revenge against the person who ratted her out, I'm guessing, kin or not (especially since kinslaying in the show isn't the huge deal it is in the books).

Edited by Eyes High

It's kind of hilarious that House Arryn is looking much healthier than Baratheon (already done), Martell (heading to ruin with 100% villainous Sand Snakes in charge) and Tyrell (will grandma be the only one to survive the season or is even Olenna doomed?). I wonder if they'll bother to give Storm's End to anyone on the show; maybe they'll think it's enough to say who gets the throne/Winterfell/Casterly Rock and ignore the consequences of the less central houses getting wiped out.

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6 hours ago, ElizaD said:

It's kind of hilarious that House Arryn is looking much healthier than Baratheon (already done), Martell (heading to ruin with 100% villainous Sand Snakes in charge) and Tyrell (will grandma be the only one to survive the season or is even Olenna doomed?). I wonder if they'll bother to give Storm's End to anyone on the show; maybe they'll think it's enough to say who gets the throne/Winterfell/Casterly Rock and ignore the consequences of the less central houses getting wiped out.

TV Robin seems a lot safer than in the books; TV Robin's not epileptic and he seems perfectly healthy if inept as a swordsman. More importantly, TV Littlefinger has no motivation to get rid of him. I do think TV Robin is a sufficiently minor character that his fate in the show and the books could differ.

I kind of wonder what's going to happen with House Martell, given that the only named characters in the Dornish storyline left are the ones who executed the coup. Is the show going to introduce new Dornish characters to dispose of them? Or will they just get killed off and that will be that?

10 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I kind of wonder what's going to happen with House Martell, given that the only named characters in the Dornish storyline left are the ones who executed the coup. Is the show going to introduce new Dornish characters to dispose of them? Or will they just get killed off and that will be that?

Since there are no rival houses in Show Dorne or the Stormlands, I can see the show killing off the Martells like the Baratheons and just not talking about who the next ruler will be, hoping the viewers will focus on the main characters' fates and titles. I think the introduction of the Tarlys means there's a show alternative to the Tyrells, but it's perfectly possible that Loras/Margaery/Mace get killed and no cares about what it means for Highgarden; or, if Olenna lives and ends up making a deal with Varys/Dany, maybe she can have a line about offscreen "cousin Willas" being the new heir.

I would like to see season 8 scenes where the survivors are rewarded, though. Ever since reading how the Lannisters and Tyrells celebrated their victory by giving castles and titles to their allies, I've hoped that the final book would have similar scenes where places like the Twins and the Dreadfort get new lords.

30 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

Since there are no rival houses in Show Dorne or the Stormlands, I can see the show killing off the Martells like the Baratheons and just not talking about who the next ruler will be, hoping the viewers will focus on the main characters' fates and titles. I think the introduction of the Tarlys means there's a show alternative to the Tyrells, but it's perfectly possible that Loras/Margaery/Mace get killed and no cares about what it means for Highgarden; or, if Olenna lives and ends up making a deal with Varys/Dany, maybe she can have a line about offscreen "cousin Willas" being the new heir.

I would like to see season 8 scenes where the survivors are rewarded, though. Ever since reading how the Lannisters and Tyrells celebrated their victory by giving castles and titles to their allies, I've hoped that the final book would have similar scenes where places like the Twins and the Dreadfort get new lords.


It would be pretty heartwrenching if Olenna's off in Dorne with Varys making a deal to ensure the survival of her family while back in KL they're all being wiped out. Seems almost biblical, I dunno: "I only am escaped alone to tell thee."

...On the plus side, Diana Rigg is a boss actress. I'd love to see her do something other than sling bitchy one liners.

I would think that if KL was indeed supposed to be burned in Season 6, we would have heard something about it from someone, but I guess most of that could be done on indoor sets in Ireland and through VFX. I do think it's likely that KL will be burned, it's just that Season 6 seems early.

The end of GOT could be like an Oprah episode. "You get a castle and you get a castle and you get a castle....! EVERYBODY GETS A CASTLE!"

Edited by Eyes High
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