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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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If Arya is still in Braavos in episode 7/8, she probably won't have time for more than one Frey kill in the Riverlands in 9/10.




Grand Theatre Actor/Manager (55 – 70) The larger-than-life leader of a troupe of actors. He specializes in portraying drunken aristocrats. He is a huge presence on stage and rather nasty to his company when off-stage. They’re searching for a character actor with great comedy skills. He appears in three episodes, and is shooting this week in Spain, and the week of November 6th in Northern Ireland.

    Leading Theatre Character Actor. The leading actor in a theatrical company, around 50 years old. He participates in a play using a pronounced Northern accent, and we see him behind the scenes in seedy touring dressing rooms.  He’s a flamboyant caricaturist. He appears in three episodes and he also films this week in Spain and again around November 6th in N. Ireland.

    Young Blond Juvenile Lead. Aged 18 – 25. A handsome blond juvenile lead in a theatrical group. He is sweet and noble, but his stage acting probably isn’t very good. We’ll see him playing a heroic young lead on stage, and then also see all the offstage politics between the actors in the dressing room. He has the same shooting dates as the above two actors.

    Smart Male Theatregoer, in his 40’s or 50’s. They’re looking for a smart, posh-looking man to play a well-to-do audience member in a theatre. He has one line and is filming in Spain this week.

    Young Stunner. Aged 18 – 20. A stunner of a brunette. She has a couple of scenes, and a great final scene where there is a major twist.  This role shot the week of August 5th in Belfast.

    Sublime courtesan. Aged 20 – 25. This beautiful courtesan appears at a party where a high-born woman has employed her services. Shoots around the week of September 15th.

    Long-haired warrior. Aged 30s – 40s. The show is looking for a non-white, tall muscular actor with long dark hair, a man with a powerful, warrior’s physique, intimidating presence and charisma. It’s noted that he’ll be learning lines in a fictional language learned phonetically, so we can safely assume this character is a Dothraki. The character has a lot to say in one big set-piece scene, in season 6. His shooting dates are currently set for the first two weeks of November.


Could the first three be Tyrion (drunk), Ned (Northern accent) and Joffrey in a play? Young Stunner made me think of Lyanna. Maybe the courtesan is for Ellaria or one of the Sand Snakes?

Yeah, it looks like Arya's return is more in the coda to the season.


Could the first three be Tyrion (drunk), Ned (Northern accent) and Joffrey in a play? 

I think the first is more likely King Robert, since it's not a dwarf role (unlike the actor who played Tyrion in "Mercy").  The others are definitely Ned and Joffrey.

I am loving all these casting calls and filming spoilers.




Young Blond Juvenile Lead. Aged 18 – 25. A handsome blond juvenile lead in a theatrical group. He is sweet and noble, but his stage acting probably isn’t very good. We’ll see him playing a heroic young lead on stage,


That bolded bit about the young blond lead doesn't sound like Joffrey, though. If the play is a send up of Westeros, would Joffrey be portrayed as 'heroic'? Could it be Rhaegar??



Young Stunner. Aged 18 – 20. A stunner of a brunette. She has a couple of scenes, and a great final scene where there is a major twist.


And this one, as someone else said, could it be Lyanna? Would it be too much of a stretch for an Essos traveling troupe to include her in their play?


It's amazing how ridiculously excited I am about S6. Hurry up and get here, April 2016.


Edited: Wait, I see I misread the call for the 'young stunner'. She's not a part of the theater troupe since she'll be filming in Belfast. Hmmm, but she could still be Lyanna in a flashback. And the 'major twist' could certainly be the baby Snow/promise me/dying scene. Even better!

Edited by bunnyblue
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I am loving all these casting calls and filming spoilers.




That bolded bit about the young blond lead doesn't sound like Joffrey, though. If the play is a send up of Westeros, would Joffrey be portrayed as 'heroic'? Could it be Rhaegar??


Sounds like the Joffrey I remember, "the most noble child the gods ever put on this good earth". (The play in Arya's Mercy chapter was put on for the Lannister envoy to the Iron Bank and was not the most accurate depiction of King's Landing. It was basically a take-off on Shakespeare's Richard III. It appears the show is only going to chance the play's villain-protagonst, the titular Bloody Hand from Tyrion to Ned.)

It's going to be tough to watch Ned slandered onstage while Joffrey continues to triumph even in death.


If Young Stunner is Lyanna, the show wanted someone aged 18-20 and she appears in more than one scene. If they just did the Tower of Joy (the final scene with a major twist) I could see them bringing back Sean Bean, but if Lyanna has multiple scenes and is being cast as someone who should still look like a teenager, they probably need to cast a third Ned aged 20-25. The multiple scenes also make it possible that there will be a new Robert in a pre-rebellion scene with Ned and Lyanna.




Los Siente Reinos shared a photo of two rows of soldiers whose shields, onlookers claim, bear the golden rose of House Tyrell. L7R’s sources report that Natalie Dormer may also be in Girona.



DeObia Oparei talks to Zap2It in a new interview about season 6, confirming he’ll be filming this year but will again have a limited role.

   "Though he hadn’t read the scripts yet so he doesn’t know exactly how much he’ll appear in Season 6, Oparei believes his late call to set — shooting began in July — is “indicative of how much I’m going to be in this season.”


Richard E. Grant joins the cast:


Assuming the CV listing is accurate, who is Richard E. Grant playing? There are many roles left unfilled at this point, as HBO has not been hugely forthcoming about season 6 casting. We still don’t know who is playing Randyll Tarly, Aeron Greyjoy, the actors of the theatre troupe (from our casting breakdown list today),  Lord Karstark or Smalljon Umber, and several more characters.

If the character casting descriptions are interpreted broadly as the show sometimes does, Grant could be any of the remaining roles. (Except Smalljon, and the Dothraki roles.)


Maybe this is a guest role like his Downton Abbey visit last season (he was in 4 episodes). I could see him as a cunning Karstark or a maester in Sam's storyline.


Edit: Another update:


We’ve learned that Mace Tyrell will be headed home to Westeros. He won’t receive a warm welcome from his mother, though. Olenna Tyrell will be angry with Mace over Loras and Margaery’s imprisonment, shouting at him for doing nothing about it.  We don’t know yet if it’s the Queen of Thorns or a regretful Mace who orders those soldiers into King’s Landing.

Another exciting bit of news: A very reliable source confirms for us that we’ll be seeing a Stark family flashback, complete with the origin of Hodor. We’ve already uncovered the casting of young Ned; Ned’s younger siblings will be present too.

And as for Ian McShane–  we’ve been told that he is not Randyll Tarly or Aeron Greyjoy. McShane plays a character who has a scene with the outlaw band mentioned in the 2nd casting call, who filmed last month. It sounds like McShane’s role has minimal screen time like they said when he was cast, basically, though they did also refer to his “key importance.” We’ll keep looking to find out more info on this one.


So does Hodor have a depressing accident when playing with the Stark kids that makes them look like callous assholes? Or maybe Bran somehow damages Hodor's brain when he has the vision. Of all the things to include in flashbacks, they chose the origin of Hodor.


Sounds like McShane might get the septon's speech.

Edited by ElizaD

These spoilers have me basically giddy. It's the most excited I've been for the show in a long time. Although "complete with the origin of Hodor" is not exactly how I wanted that Stark family flashback to go. Oh, well. STARKS. 


Please tell me this means Rhaegar and Lyanna and the birth of Jon Snow and PROMISE ME, NED.



  • Love 5

We ought t have t-shirts made with those words: "Promise, Ned". Then we could take pictures of ourselves wearing the t-shirts and upload them to social media using the hashtag #MakeithappenGOT

As it so happens, our wonderful site admin also happens to make tshirts...

I may be able to make this happen if we have a guarantee of some people purchasing them.

I was thinking the words with a blue rose under it.

  • Love 7

Sounds like McShane might get the septon's speech.



I mean, it'd be cool to have him in a bigger role, but if that is what they're using him for it could be amazing -- McShane is a wizard with monologues and that's a killer one. And it makes sense to cast an actor like him for a role like that: someone who one needs to deliver some major emotional heft with only a short amount of screentime.

Edited by AshleyN
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Meh.  I've just never been able to connect with the more mystical elements of ASOIAF.  So I likely would have been the only person in the world not crying, if Jon Snow's story had come to a close.    I'll probably be more detached from his character then ever, once a magic wand equivalent is waived.


What is interesting is that all these extras are needed for this battle that involves just about every Great House in the North.   Umbers AND Boltons and Wildlings.  Hmmmm.  I'd be interested (as much as Jon Snow can interest me) in seeing how Jon and Ramsay interact since they are bookends to each other in a sense.

I have said for awhile that once they resurrect Jon, I expect him to lead an army of Wildlings (and if that is the case, I think we just might get some vengeance on the NW this season as well) and it looks one of two things could happen.....


They resurrect Jon and once he learns of Stannis' defeat and Sansa being missing, he goes to her (and probably Rickon) and he leads the fight against the Boltons.  OR (and this would definitely be my preference) Jon is resurrected and Mel realizes who he is and his story most of the season is dealing with the NW betrayers and banding the Wildlings together under his command to defend the Wall.  Simultaneously, Sansa is rallying the North to go take Winterfell for Rickon and avenge Robb.  Then when the great Northern houses engage the Boltons maybe things start to go badly, but at the last moment Jon arrives with Wildlings and together his forces plus Sansa's defeat the Boltons and then they all reunite in episode 10.  Bonus points if someone gets freaking crowned King of the North again lol.

Edited by nksarmi
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Is there any way that Robb's will might come up again on the show? Who would know about it or have it? Or did we not get the mention of the will in the show? 


IIRC there was no mention of it. The showrunners probably thought Jon's leadership/battle prowess/Stark blood would be enough to explain why the Northerners end up following him.

  • Love 2

As it so happens, our wonderful site admin also happens to make tshirts...

I may be able to make this happen if we have a guarantee of some people purchasing them.

I was thinking the words with a blue rose under it.


Sign me up!!! (Do you deliver to Spain?)


Kit onset for ep 9 Northern battle (scroll down past the theater troop stuff)


I'm dancing! Literally!  I haven't been this excited about a TV show in a long, long time!


I would totally buy a "Promise me, Ned" shirt with a blue rose on it. 


And then you have to upload the picture and use the hashtag #MakeithappenGOT


(we could start this for all sorts of other things like dragons in Westeros, a Stark reunion, Clegane Bowl, Nymeria and Arya reuniting.... the possibilities are endless!)

Today is KL spoilers, for those not interested in the Starks:

Last week, we reported that the steps to Girona Cathedral had been booked for filming from September 11th through September 16th. We knew that it would be a big scene with 500 extras taking part, and would involve one major character riding on horseback. Thanks to our friends at Los Siete Reinos, we now have more concrete information on that scene.

At some stage in the season, there will be an interesting public confrontation in King’s Landing. A mounted Jaime Lannister, leading a troop of Tyrell soldiers in a demonstration of force, will march on the Sept of Baelor (presumably to demand Margaery’s release). At the steps leading to the sept, they will come to a halt. Surprisingly the Sparrows submit easily, and release Margaery, who appears to have become a devotee to the Seven and an instrument of the Faith. It’s not known if Margaery’s conversion is genuine or a ploy to get released.

This scene would seem to occur before Jaime heads off for the Riverlands. Note that the character motivations etc. behind the scene are unknown, but I think we can safely assume some things. What do you think?

Tyrell soldiers being called in was spoiled earlier. as ElizaD reported above. Here's a shot of the extras with their shields. Jaime leading the effort for Margy's release is a very interesting surprise. I'm guessing/hoping Tommen had something to do with this, his only scene with Uncle Daddy was just before Septgate, so they're past due for bonding before Tommen dies horribly to join his brother and sister. I also think it likely Jaime will not be trying to rescue Cersei after learning of her affair with Lancel, and their rift will no longer be so one-sided. I'm not so surprised by Marg getting out like she did in the book, but I wonder what's happening with Loras.


ETA: Oh, and Richard E. Grant is with the theater troupe and looks to be playing Tywin. (Having only seen him in Downton Abbey and Posh Nosh, I had a hard time picturing in any of the other open roles as Randyll Tarly or a northern lord or some such.)

Edited by Lady S.
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Per WOTW, we have our Euron.  The part goes to a Danish actor named Pilou Asbæk, who I've never seen in anything, but he certainly looks like he could be related to Alfie Allen (a little on the young side for the part).


He was in A Hijacking, where he played a very different sort of character - a hapless cook whose ship got hijacked. It'll be interesting seeing him going from a character that was very empathetic to one so evil. I thought he was really good in A Hijacking, so looking forward to his portrayal of Euron.

He was in A Hijacking, where he played a very different sort of character - a hapless cook whose ship got hijacked. It'll be interesting seeing him going from a character that was very empathetic to one so evil. I thought he was really good in A Hijacking, so looking forward to his portrayal of Euron.

If you get the chance, watch him in Fasandræberne, where he plays an absolute chilling psycopath. Trust me, he can play insanely clever, or cleverly insane quite well.. ;)

Edited by feverfew

Per this set report, the big scene with Jaime and the Tyrell soldiers (apparently 200 extras for that group, which should look pretty impressive) is in episode 606.  Between this and the news about Arya, it seems like the Riverlands are only going to feature fairly late in the season.


And Sophie is back in Belfast after spending the better part of a month in England (London & Leamington), Canada, and Croatia.

  • Love 1

If you mean "Vale" as in the physical location, I think pretty clearly not; the Vale is coming to her, when Littlefinger invades.


I don't think much can be deduced from her filming schedule, other than that she's not likely at "Snowbowl" -- but I don't know why anyone would have expected her to be.  She isn't a combatant.  She was filming at the old Winterfell set in Moneyglass in July, around the same time that Aidan Gillen was rumoured to be there, but that's the only actual filming information we have for her.

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Cool - one of the things I wondered was if they were going to turn Sansa south and have her pick up where she is in the books making fans even more infuriated that they married her to Ramsey to begin with.  But if she stays in the North and is involved in that story (maybe - hopefully - even finding Rickon) then at least their choice to put her in that story has some payoff.


So is LF definitely going North for filming?  I wondered how in the world they were going to get him out of KL in any believable sort of way after his last convo with Olenna. 


I am looking forward to Jamie and Arya in the Riverlands even if it is only a couple of episodes (maybe it continues into season seven?).  I hope it's not disappointing.

Why would Littlefinger's last scene with Olenna keep him in King's Landing?


The evidence for him filming at the Winterfell set is not incontrovertible (IrishThrones reported on Twitter that they saw his trailer there), but it fits with what I think is reasonable to expect.  Littlefinger is probably the main antagonist in Sansa's book story, and after the Jeyne Poole detour it makes sense to bring them back into the same plot again.  And getting permission to invade the North was seemingly the whole point of his plan last season.

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Honestly I felt like after the last scene we saw with LF and Cersei that the next time we saw him, it would be with a Vale Army headed north.  But that odd scene with Olenna seemed to imply that he needed to stick around and make sure Marg/Loras were freed and maybe even help reign in the Faith Militant.  And then when we didn't see him again, I thought perhaps he would spend much of season six in KL before bugging out.  Which I suppose still could happen.  But since the descriptions of the big battle scene mentions Northern lords, wildlings, and the Boltons - that doesn't seem to indicate to me that LF is headed north with the force of the Vale. 


Additionally, I have to believe that Cersei has been weakened with the Walk of Shame.  To me, realistically, she can no longer control her son and her uncle is in charge until he meets with his book fate.  There seems to be a bit of chaos in KL that clearly Jamie will some part in (maybe he makes it better - maybe he doesn't). But LF does seem the type to stick around and see if he can win some influence with Tommen.  Since in the books, LF's story is neither in the North or KL - they can put him anywhere they want him and to me, his type of character seems to fit better in KL than in the Northern story. 


With Varys away and Tyrion in Meereen, it seems like KL is lacking that scheming "game playing" character for season six.  Kevan doesn't qualify to me, Cersei should be out of the loop and well on her way to madness if Myrcella is indeed dead (and they aren't going to pull a "fooled you" on us with that one), Jamie doesn't fit that role to me, and while I'm sure Marg will do some scheming to get out of danger - she doesn't fit that role to me either.  So I guess I could just see them keeping LF in KL for a long time before they send him North (if they even intend to do so - I do wonder what he would make of a resurrected Jon with a wildling and Northern army behind him though).

I guess Pycelle could be one of the manipulators in KL.  He seemed set up for it at the end of last season.  I'm remembering that deleted scene of Pycelle and Tywin where Pycelle drops his weak, old-man mask and admits to Tywin that he's just pretending.


But LF staying in KL for a while makes sense too.  If the huge North battle is happening in episode 9 and the Vale armies are not there, then we have at least two possibilities:


- LF and the Vale show up at the end of the battle, giving the Stark loyalists the edge

- LF and the Vale show up in KL in support of the Tyrells.  Since it seems they are scrapping the Aegon plot, perhaps they still need an army to threaten the Lannister rule in KL and the Vale will be it.

  • Love 1

The other possibility is that they're in the North, but doing something else.  The battle with Jon isn't stated to be at Winterfell, for instance, and (at least it appears) Baelish was filming there.


Since in the books, LF's story is neither in the North or KL - they can put him anywhere they want him and to me, his type of character seems to fit better in KL than in the Northern story. 

But in the books, his story is with Sansa -- who is in the North, the region he evidently spent all last season orchestrating some big plan in relation to.  That, to me, is the paramount consideration.

  • Love 1

I guess Pycelle could be one of the manipulators in KL.  He seemed set up for it at the end of last season.  I'm remembering that deleted scene of Pycelle and Tywin where Pycelle drops his weak, old-man mask and admits to Tywin that he's just pretending.


But LF staying in KL for a while makes sense too.  If the huge North battle is happening in episode 9 and the Vale armies are not there, then we have at least two possibilities:


- LF and the Vale show up at the end of the battle, giving the Stark loyalists the edge

- LF and the Vale show up in KL in support of the Tyrells.  Since it seems they are scrapping the Aegon plot, perhaps they still need an army to threaten the Lannister rule in KL and the Vale will be it.

Oh my word - I would have loved a scene where Pycelle admitted to Tywin it was all an act - that would make that whole scene with the girl early on make more sense.  But I digress....

The other possibility is that they're in the North, but doing something else.  The battle with Jon isn't stated to be at Winterfell, for instance, and (at least it appears) Baelish was filming there.


But in the books, his story is with Sansa -- who is in the North, the region he evidently spent all last season orchestrating some big plan in relation to.  That, to me, is the paramount consideration.

I agree for the most part.  I do partially wonder though how much - if anything - got reworked when they found out they were definitely getting eight seasons instead of seven.  It seems like LF needs to reunite with Sansa at some point - but I personally hope they don't face off again until she has gained other allies - hopefully other Northern allies.


But I suffer from really hating LF and wanting him to be brought down a peg.  Since I think the writers will delay that as long as they can (because characters like him ARE really useful even if despicable) - I'd prefer he be in KL than in the North with characters I really like. 


Finally, if Mel's vision of seeing Bolton banners burning and herself walking in Winterfell is supposed to come true this season with Jon - it seems to me that puts him at odds with LF whose plans was clearly to take the North for himself.  It also puts him at odds with Sansa who I hope (because really why else reveal this to her) will try to find Rickon next season.  And Rickon would also be a problem for LF if he has his sights set on becoming Warden of the North. 


So if they want to delay exposing LF as an enemy of the Starks, it might actually benefit them to keep him in KL suring up his alliance with Olenna while covering his tracks and then sending him to the North when he can conveniently look like an ally to the Starks brining them possible news of a Lannister downfall in KL (if we get that far this season).

- LF and the Vale show up at the end of the battle, giving the Stark loyalists the edge


This seems less likely. In season 5, LF was waiting for the Boltons and Stannis to fight, and then ally or go to war against whomever came out victorious. Repeating this again for his season 6 story line makes no sense. It becomes repetitive at this point. And what are they going to do till episode 9?  And from the info we got, the Vale army seems to be missing from the big episode 9 battle.


I also don't see why the Stark loyalists would get a edge if LF showed up considering he was allied with the Boltons and Sansa is married to Ramsay.


Theon will move into TWOW territory by meeting up with the Iron Born. It's Brienne who is the puzzle to me at this stage. I think she will also head to the Riverlands and meet up with Jaime. Arya will head there towards the end of the season, starting her TWOW arc.


My speculation is that LF meets up with the Boltons early in season 6 and since Sansa is missing makes his way back to the Vale. On the way back he runs into Sansa and they both rejoin their book 4 Vale plot line. Just like Jaime will be rejoining his book 4 Riverlands plot line after his sojourn in Dorne.


After all SweetRobin is still there, and should not the Vale plot in the book have some little bit of significance? If not then why is GRRM and the reader wasting their time writing and reading through Sansa's 'pride and prejudice' adventures with Harry the heir and Myranda and Shadrich and lemon cakes and tourneys and all that boring nonsense.

Per this set report, the big scene with Jaime and the Tyrell soldiers (apparently 200 extras for that group, which should look pretty impressive) is in episode 606.  Between this and the news about Arya, it seems like the Riverlands are only going to feature fairly late in the season.


Now I really wonder what the outlaws and Septon McShane will be doing. Jaime is still in KL in 6x06, Arya is in Braavos in 6x07 or 6x08. I don't think three episodes will be enough for Jaime to meet both the outlaws and Walder; it's more likely he just meets Walder, IMO. I guess Sansa could send Brienne to look for Arya in the Riverlands since she actually saw her in 4x10. but I'm not fond of the idea since Brienne's wanderings and Stark girl failures (rejected! rejected! sits around while Sansa is raped and goes to pursue personal revenge just when she manages to signal her for help!) already feel ridiculous.

  • Love 1

I also don't see why the Stark loyalists would get a edge if LF showed up considering he was allied with the Boltons and Sansa is married to Ramsay.

Er, because Littlefinger isn't actually allied with the Boltons.  He's planning to attack them.


My speculation is that LF meets up with the Boltons early in season 6 and since Sansa is missing makes his way back to the Vale. On the way back he runs into Sansa and they both rejoin their book 4 Vale plot line. Just like Jaime will be rejoining his book 4 Riverlands plot line after his sojourn in Dorne.

Why would Littlefinger go back to the Vale because Sansa is missing?  He's planning to attack the Boltons, and if Sansa was missing he'd stay and look for her.  And there's no way they're going back to the Vale; the events of the previous two seasons have rendered the whole book Vale plot irrelevant, since it's all about gaining control of the Vale and Littlefinger and Sansa have already done that in the show.


After all SweetRobin is still there, and should not the Vale plot in the book have some little bit of significance? If not then why is GRRM and the reader wasting their time writing and reading through Sansa's 'pride and prejudice' adventures with Harry the heir and Myranda and Shadrich and lemon cakes and tourneys and all that boring nonsense.

The plot in the Vale is about Sansa's character development, and the struggle for power in one of the remaining uncommitted political powers -- the show has skipped over the former, and is massively condensing the politics of the series, so the latter was dealt within in one episode.

Edited by SeanC
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Everything SeanC said in regards to them NOT going back to the Vale.  Additionally, they seem to want to keep their number of locations to a minimum and I believe we have confirmation that we are getting Old Town and some other new location this year right?  So, I think the Vale is probably off the table in terms of location - particularly if they are going back to the Riverlands at some point.


Plus, I don't really know if "why are readers wasting their time with plot A, B, C, or D" is a valid reason to believe they will do something in the show.  I think Aegon is a great example. Some people think he's a fake.  But real or fake, I have to believe his story is going to be significant in the books and we haven't seen a peep of him in the show.  I think it's pretty clear that the writers have decided to skip over things that might be major in the books as long as they can still get to the end point.

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