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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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In all seriousness, out of all the casting sides released, I can see him as Septon Meribald/Elder Brother the best in my mind's eye. He would give such a gravitas to that monologue.

With that being said, the amount of secrecy surrounding his role is palpable, so I almost think he's playing a part that hasn't been seen in the books or just been mentioned - someone said Marwyn, which, if they go that route, I can see. Someone else mentioned Howland Reed. Eh, maybe? And someone else mentioned Rickard Stark in a flashback.


I just keep coming back to the fact that it's a cameo - Howland Reed would be a bigger part, no? Besides, while it's easy to pad someone to look bigger than they are (look at pictures of McShane in Pillars of the Earth), the "little crannogman" is way more difficult (I've always thought of the crannogmen as lithe).


Both Rikard Stark and Septon Meribald/Elder Brother is definite possibilities - I just thought that with all the sighing last season on the lack of Manderly, Frey pies and the North Remembers, Ian McShane as Manderly would more than make up for it. And with the casting of another Frey, I think (hope hope hope) we'll get some more North stuff.


Yay! for Max von Sydow!


Edit: Because spelling is important

Edited by feverfew
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I seriously hope this casting means they want Bran's scenes to be so epic that people will end up celebrating his return.


I don't think McShane is Rickard. He's too old (he could play Bean's father right now, but not in a flashback 20 years ago or with the child actors likely being cast as pre-teen Ned and friends) and Rickard won't get to do anything of key importance. A maester from Sam's storyline sounds like another possibility. If he plays a new character, I wonder how/if we'll find out whether he's from TWOW or show-only.

"I have my own ghosts. A brother I loved, a brother I hated, a woman I desired. In my dreams I see them still, but no word of mine has ever reached them."


 I can hear Von Sydow saying that line in my head. Hopefully they remember to give him only one eye this season.


Since they cast such a well known actor I wonder if they're going to bring in the Blackfyres/ Great Bastards or just make him being a bastard. Could be interesting if they use him as a vehicle for the Jon Snow reveal. Not the visions but how much they share in common.



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According to reliable sources, the part of young Ned Stark in Game of Thrones season 6 has been cast. Stepping into the role made famous on the show by Sean Bean will be 13-year-old English actor Sebastian Croft.


According to the CV of actor Fergus Leathem, he’s appearing in season 6 of Game of Thrones in an “undisclosed” role.

I thought Robert and Ned were close in age with one another.  These two actors look to be about 5-10 years apart in age.

Yes, and he also has the wrong eyes. Mark Addy and Joe Dempsie are both blue-eyed, aren't they? They went to the trouble of finding the right coloring for young Ned, so I hope the show wouldn't pull some Lily Potter shit with Robert.


If this Fergus guy is in a flashback, he could also be Brandon, since the casting calls listed two Northern boys, I believe. Or he could be uninvolved in any flashbacks and his casting is just an unrelated piece of news. 

Edited by Lady S.
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Yes, and he also has the wrong eyes. Mark Addy and Joe Dempsie are both blue-eyed, aren't they? They went to the trouble of finding the right coloring for young Ned, so I hope the show wouldn't pull some Lily Potter shit with Robert.


If this Fergus guy is in a flashback, he could also be Brandon, since the casting calls listed two Northern boys, I believe. Or he could be uninvolved in any flashbacks and his casting is just an unrelated piece of news.

It kind of warms my heart to read some grumbling about this even years later. It was too lazy and stupid. Usually I try not to get fussed over stuff like eye color but damn, a little consistency especially when it turns out to be a significant plot point would have been nice. My feelings about Shireen's hair are similar.

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The casting calls for the flashback with Ned called for two other boys of similar age, so this guy has nothing to do with it.


It seems to me they are doing not one but two flashbacks next season.  One for young Ned and young Robert, and one for the Tower of Joy (as per that location selected for next season).  If so, we are going to need older versions of Ned and Robert, because I doubt that kid playing Ned could take out Arthur Dane.  So, I was thinking this other guy could be an older Robert, not a contemporary of the kid playing Ned.  Sorry if I wasn't clear.


Now that I think about it, he could just be an older Ned, maybe they'll put a wig on him, or something.  But he still gives me Robert vibes.

Edited by WearyTraveler

Robert wasn't at the Tower of Joy.

Regardless, Isaac said Bran was going to have several flashbacks/visions this year, from what I recall.


I know that Robert wasn't at the Tower of Joy, but I doubt one could get into the whole "rescue Lyanna" plot without a young Robert proposing it, which would then lead to other flashbacks of relevant events during Robert's rebellion and eventually to the Tower of Joy.   My point was that the flashbacks would cover at least two different time periods in the series: Young Ned and Robert being fostered at the Eyrie and Robert's Rebellion.

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It's highly unlikely the flashbacks are going to be that elaborate. You don't need a scene with Robert to set up the Tower. Dialogue between Ned and Dayne can cover any necessary exposition.


True, which is why I said:


Now that I think about it, he could just be an older Ned, maybe they'll put a wig on him, or something.


We don't need too much elaboration, anyway.  It could be a minute of Ned and Robert as boys, then a minute or two on Robert and Ned discussing declaring war, then a minute devoted to Robert slaying Rhaegar in the Trident, and then Ned at the ToJ.


If it's all in BranVision, the flashbacks could be quite quick.


I'm not ruling anything out, specially now that they have announced an 8th season.

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I have to admit, the conspiracy theorist in me has been wondered a bit if they may be subtlety encouraging this whole Kit Harington circus in an attempt to distract from a Sean Bean return for the Tower of Joy.

I know a lot of people want that, but unless the show is going to spend a ton of money on Ant-Man-quality effects, Bean is a 56-year-old man, and while he still looks good, he looks his age.  He cannot plausibly play the young Ned at this point.

I can fanwank Shireen's hair because Stannis married a Florent, and in the book Ned was reading, he traced back all the Lannister-Baratheon unions; I don't recall if he ever looked at Baratheon-Other Houses marriages.  But, yeah, it's flimsy.


Sorry but there were no other Lannister-Baratheon unions. He looked through 400+ years of Baratheon unions and every single time the son and heir had black hair.

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Sorry but there were no other Lannister-Baratheon unions. He looked through 400+ years of Baratheon unions and every single time the son and heir had black hair.


Nope, he specifically looked at Lannister-Baratheon unions.  From AGOT (bold is mine for emphasis):


The seed is strong, Jon Arryn had cried on his deathbed, and so it was. All those bastards, all with hair as black as night. Grand Maester Malleon recorded the last mating between stag and lion, some ninety years ago, when Tya Lannister wed Gowen Baratheon, third son of the reigning lord. Their only issue, an unnamed boy described in Malleon’s tome as a large and lusty lad born with a full head of black hair, died in infancy. Thirty years before that a male Lannister had taken a Baratheon maid to wife. She had given him three daughters and a son, each black-haired. No matter how far back Ned searched in the brittle yellowed pages, always he found the gold yielding before the coal.


It's clear from the context and the fact that the preceding sentences talk only of Lannister-Baratheon unions that


​gold​ = Lannister (as it so often does in the books, particularly the first one)

coal ​=​ Baratheon

Edited by WearyTraveler
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In the books, correct. The show changed it to all Baratheons, period; and then introduced a blonde Baratheon.


Ah! Then I got nothing to fanwank Shireen's hair color on the show, but in my OP I admitted it was flimsy anyway.


Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what's in the show vs. the books, which is why I stick mostly to Book Talk threads (I don't want to inadvertently spill the beans for the unsullied).  I can't keep it all straight, so, my head cannon is book cannon.  I don't even remember the particulars of Ned's research on the show, so, I'll take your word for it.


I remember Bean and a very large, ancient looking book.  The visuals do stay with me, at least more than the dialog.

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Filming of the Tower of Joy has been confirmed in Spain.


Oh. My. Gawd. It's really happening!! So we've got confirmation of the TOJ and Ser Arthur Dayne. I assume this TOJ scene will be part of Bran's visions/flashbacks. Even if it is only a minute or so in length, I figure they still need to cast a younger Ned (not the 13 year old) and Howland Reed if it's the fight scene outside the TOJ. Or if it's an indoor scene, I would assume they'd have to cast Lyanna and/or Rhaegar for Dayne to interact with. But there haven't been an casting calls matching any of those 4 characters. I mean, what other purpose is there for the inclusion of the TOJ and Dayne if not for the main event that people have been waiting for for years?? I hope I'm not setting myself up for major disappointment.  :-(

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Filming of the Tower of Joy has been confirmed in Spain.

Oooh, now this is exciting.


And so no, Jon Snow is not dead, Kit Harrington is not just filming funeral scenes or whatever, because there is no reason for the Tower of Joy to be important other than revealing Jon's parentage.


If they don't change things up and put Rhaegar at the Tower of Joy, maybe they'll do another flashback to Robert and Rhaegar at the Trident. They have to show Jon's dad somewhere, right? We can have a whole season of flashbacks. One episode at the ToJ, one episode at the Trident, one episode at Harrenhal (probably a pipe dream, I know). I just love the way GRRM writes those scenes in the past, all shrouded in mystery. And Rhaegar and Lyanna are really romantic/tragic figures and I think it would be a huge loss if we didn't see them onscreen.

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They could use Maisie for the role of Lyanna


You know, I could get behind that idea. Put a wig on her, a dress, apply some makeup to make her look a bit different from Arya and...voile! Lyanna Stark! I know in the book GRRM goes on and on about how Arya looks like Lyanna and Jon looks like Arya, but in the show they've never made mention of it. A Lyanna that looks almost identical to her niece would be a nice reward to book readers and a WTF moment for Unsullied. 


I've no doubt Maisie would kick butt in the "Promise me, Ned" scene. Of course they would definitely have to cast a young Ned because as great as Sean Bean is, there's no way I could buy him being the slightly older brother of Maisie's Lyanna.

Edited by bunnyblue
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I went to the original source of the ToJ news, a Spanish site called Los Siete Reinos (linked in the artile above), which translates to "The Seven Kingdoms".  I read the report and some of the comment.  One person asked the writer of the article how sure they were of this news, and if there was any possi bility it could be wrong. The author replied that the only way the news would be wrong is that someone deeply placed inside production was lied to.  So, yes, ToJ is confirmed (SO excited!!!).


Also they don't confirm Arthur Dayne 100%, they just say that based on all the other info they have, they believe the casting call could not be from anyboy else but Arthur Dayne.  I agree.  You have the ToJ, then a casting call for the best sword wilder in Europe.  2+2=4

Something occured to me. It's widely assumed that the ToJ scene will be a vision Bran has, but how can he witness "promise me, Ned" in a castle tower, far from the nearest weirwood tree?


Bloodraven says: "Nor will your sight be limited to your godswood. The singers carved eyes into their heart trees to awaken them, and those are the first eyes a new greenseer learns to use … but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves." I expect that Bran will start by seeing stuff that takes place in a godswood, as he did in ADWD, and then learn how to see other things as well.

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